Document 6561748
Document 6561748
GOLD CANYON A.D.O.B .E. October 2014 L L E E D D G G E E R R Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 2 Artists of the SSuperst uperst u persttititi itions open thei itions eirir doors November 1 & 2, 2 2014. 2014 The Annual Artists of the Superstitions’ selfguided studio tour will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. November 1st & 2nd. This tour has become an anticipated event for art lovers since it began in 2007. This free, self-guided tour allows you to visit many of the artists’ studios, which are close to each other scattered in front of the awesome Superstition Mountains. The juried artists offer their creativity in Clay, Glass, Gourds, Jewelry, Painting, Photography, Pottery, Sculpture, Wood, and more. This gives you a wonderful time to just relax and spend the weekend in the Gold Canyon/Apache Junction area, driving roads less traveled, visiting studios, meeting with the artists, and watching them demonstrate their creativity. While visiting each studio, take some time to really see the art works these artists create, and you might find a special piece that speaks to you. This year there will be 56 artists at 20 studios in and around Apache Junction /Gold Canyon. Maps will be available mid-October from the AOTS website: The map includes the addresses of each studio on the tour, the names of the artists, and each studio’s special medium. White & Gold Lariat by Laura Brian More detailed information may be found at the Artists of the Supersitions website, , or email your questions to: For information, please contact Julie Hathaway,, 480-288-6022 IIndian di Chief Chi f by b Susie S i Smith S ith BANG-UP WELCOME BACK CELEBRATION for Mojave Muleskinners on Oct. 18th Almost every weekend time period performed for during the winter season at the audiences all over the Superstition Mountain MuSouthwest bring alive the seum, the Mojave Muleskindays of the Old West ners perform Old West when times were a little reenactments and gunfights wilder. that delight and entertain visiThe group, whose tors. There will be a special members hail from sevcelebration to welcome back eral states and three counthe Mojave Muleskinners on tries, has received many Saturday, Oct. 18, at the muawards for their authentic seum. dress and character porThe Muleskinners will pertrayal. Each member form at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1 adopts “a persona” and p.m. There will be demonstrastays in character while in tions and photo opportunities costume. Talking and inall day. teracting with these colorThe Mojave Muleskinners ful characters makes The Th T he M he Mo ojjav ja av a ve Mule ule e eski ski ski sk kin nne nn ne n ers rs w wil iill retu re etu tu turrn n to o the th he h e Su Super persti p stttiitio s ion io members have been featured people feel like they have Mounta Mou nta nt ain n Mus Mu M use us eu eum um m fo for the he upc up pc p co om omi miing m ng se sea sea e s son o on no on n Oct. Oc O ct. t. 18. 18. 18 8 in magazines, videos, movies stepped into another time and televisionn productions. and era. era They are a veryy special group The Superstition andd to kee eepi ping ng ali l ve thhee sppiiri ritt off the he era 1860 860 to Mo 86 of history loveers who are de dedi dica cate tedd to the h liv ves an Moun unta un tain ta in Mus useu eeuum is is loc ocat ated ed at 408 ed 40087 87 N. Apachhe 1890 990 0. Th he re reen een enacctm t en nts of ep epis isod is odes od odes es fro rom that that Tr and times of thee men and ndd wom men e of th he Olld We West st 18 Trai aill (S (SR8 R88)), Ap Apaacchhee Jun unct ctio tio on, AZ. Z. Gol G ol old d Ca any nyon on Ledger Led L ed e dger ge ge err • O Oct Oc ct ctobe ob ber 2014 14 4•3 A.D.O.B.E. Newsletter From Association for the Development Of a Better Environment The Voice of Gold Canyon A.D.O.B.E. Mission Statement: The purpose of A.D.O.B.E. is to gather aand disseminate to its membership information pertaining to any public, private government commercial or developmental activities that may affect the present or future vate, government, character or environment of the community, and to serve as a conduit between these entities and the membership. The Gold Canyon Ledger is published by A.D.O.B.E. Hello everyone, have you noticed the beautiful white fluffy cloud formations throughout September? I absolutely love them! We didn’t get any high temperatures like 108 to 110 degrees where we live in Kings Ranch. I just looked at the outside thermometer and its only 90 degrees today! Ah – thank heaven! Remember, I must remind you of the A.D.O.B.E. election in January. We have two positions open. A position on the Board would require a monthly Board meeting and a monthly membership meeting at the Hotel. If you are interested, please call Marta at 480-982-1690. Are you ready for another year of our monthly meetings? We have tried to make them interesting and worthwhile. Our October meeting will be especially worth while because representatives of the Resolution Mining Co., Vicky Peacey, Senior Manager and Engineer plus her associates will be giving us much needed information about the project. The second part of the program will be Roy Chavez, Chairperson of the Concerned Citizen and Retired Miner Coalition, a non profit organization. This is a very important meeting for us to gain information that we have not heard before. There will be no questions from the members during the meeting due to time limits. Our Dinosaur Park, behind the Elementary School Building, looks great after all the rain. Be sure to take the time to visit it and the beautiful Butterfly Garden. I know you will enjoy it. Our A.D.O.B.E. Highway clean-up that we do twice a year, is scheduled for November 8th at 7:30 am at the Baptist Church. Mark your calendars! We really appreciate your help. We will see you at our A.D.O.B.E. Membership meeting on October 16th at 6:30 pm for coffee and cookies at the Best Western Hotel and 7:00 for the meeting. This is an important meeting; please make an effort to be with us. Looking forward to seeing all of you! Genevieve Bricker r, President A.D.O.B.E. Board THE GOLD CANYON LEDGER Volume XXXIV, Number 10, October 2014 Published Monthly by A.D.O.B.E. Association for the Development of a Better Environment serving the community of Gold Canyon, Arizona. ISSN 1941-3114 (Print) ISSN 1941-3122 (Online) NEW ARTICLE & PHOTO SUBMISSION PROCEDURE EMAIL your info to Articles and stories around 500 words with photo are solicited through E-mail. Any photos submitted must be attachments and not embedded into the email. Email subject line should contain story name and date. Columns of approximately 350 words are solicited with a head/shoulder photo of the author. Submissions are subject to editing for content, accuracy and length, and space availability. No fees are paid. Byline and photo credits are given. DEADLINE: Deadline for submissions is noon on the 10th of each month. No submissions will be accepted after deadline. LEDGER Staff Ray Soden, Advertising Manager ____982-3087 Editorial Staff Genevieve Bricker and Becky Roth A.D.O.B.E. Committee Chairpersons GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Sandie Smith ____________________528-9747 HISTORIAN Jane Krajeck MEETING PROGRAMS Genevieve Bricker ________________983-1415 MONTHLY CALENDAR ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY John Amato _____________________288-1201 Opinions expressed in articles and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the views of A.D.O.B.E. or the editorial staff of The Gold Canyon Ledger. A.D.O.B.E. makes every effort to ensure accuracy prior to publication. No liability can be accepted for any errors, omissions in either editorial or advertisement copy. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial we believe is incompatible with our mission. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we deem contrary to the best interests of the community. ADVERTISING DEADLINE is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Artwork, copy and payment must be in at that time. If your payment is not received by the deadline, your ad will not run. (Art and copy assistance provided at advertiser’s request.) Genevieve Bricker Rick Hardina Vice President LuAnn Oakley President 982-1015 Secretary 983-1415 Bob Harris Treasurer 855-4325 Pam Burks Sandie Smith Membership Chairman Gov’t Affairs 214-5555 528-9747 TO PLACE AN AD Call Ray’s Printing at 480-982-3087. 386 S. Ironwood Dr. Apache Jct. or Email: © Copyright 2014 ON THE Bob Benjamin Bob and Carolin Benjamin love to watch the Hummingbirds in their yard … Anna’s, Costa’s, Rufous and more. But in late August this interloper appeared and Bob ran for his camera. In more than 10 years we’d never seen a Hummingbird Moth … which is actually a White-line Sphynx Moth. Bob and Carolin are residents of Gold Canyon. Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 4 Desert D ertt Survival S i l and d Dutch D t h Oven O Cooking Coo C kii Classes Back at Museum Not only can one learn to survive in the desert, but attendees at classes this winter at the Superstition Mountain Museum can learn to eat well while in the great outdoors, too. Desert Safety and Survival and Dutch Oven Cooking JJ P JJay Peletier, l ti a fformer G Green Beret, B t tteaches h the Desert Safety and Survival class. classes will be offered once again this fall and winter, due to popular demand. The Desert Safety class is taught by Jean (JJay) Robert Pelletier, a former Green Beret Survival Instructor, world traveler, and an active outdoorsman. In this class, JJay teaches students important tips about surviving in just about any situation. There is a $25 fee for this course that includes a special survival kit for backpacks and a survival booklet. Classes are 9 a.m. to noon on Saturdays, Oct. 11, Nov. 15, Jan. 10, Feb. 7 and Mar. 7. Attendees at the Dutch Oven Cooking Classes taught by “Mountain Man” Dave Kresky, “Raven” Robin Kresky, and “Trapper “ Howie Gregg will be instructed in the techniques and recipes to make cowboy and mountain man recipes over an open fire. Learn the basics to create main dishes, breads, cobblers and other food. The grand finale of each class is a lunch made during class. Cost for the three-hour class that runs from 9 a.m. to noon is $10 per class. The first class is Saturday, Oct. 11, followed by Saturday classes on Nov. 15, Jan. 10, Feb. 7 and Mar. 7. Pre-register for these classes by calling the museum at 480-983-4888 or stopping by the museum gift shop to sign up. The museum is located at 4087 N. Apache Trail (Highway 88), just 3 miles northeast of Apache Junction and is open daily from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. WELCOME TO “ART IN THE OLIVE GROVE” H i “T Howie “Trapper” ” Gregg G ((pictured i t d above), b ) Robin “Raven” Kresky and Dave “Mountain Man” Kresky will be the instructors for the Dutch Oven Cooking classes. GOLD CANYON GARDEN CLUB PLANT SALE-SATURDAY 10/18/14 Artists of the Superstitions invite you to mark your calendar for Sunday, October 19, 2014, 10am to 3pm for a day of Fine Art, Entertainment, and Wine Tasting in the park-like setting of the Queen Creek Olive Mill. The Olive Mill is located at 25062 S. Meridian Rd. in Queen Creek (off Combs Rd). Visitors will have the opportunity to view and purchase Fine Art from over 25 members of the Artists of the Superstitions displaying their painting, photography, jewelry, woodworking and gourd creations. The Artists of the Superstitions is a juried art group of award winning artists from Apache Junction and Gold Canyon and was formed in 2007. AOTS sponsors five fine art shows every year, including the popular Studio Art Tour in November. The Queen Creek Olive Mill has local finely crafted olive oil for sale in their gift shop plus, coffee, pizza and sandwiches. You can take a tour ur of th the Ol Oliv ive Mi Mill ll forr a fee ee.. Jo J in us for a beautifful day inn a beeau uti tiffu ful lo ful loca cati atiion on. on. Admission to the sho how ho w is is FRE REE to to thhee puubbli liicc. c. The Gold Canyon Garden Club will hold its annual plant sale on Saturday October 18th from 8:00 am until 12:00 noon. The sale will take place in the parking lot of the Methodist Church ( across from the former Red Sage ) on King's Ranch Rd. Gardeners will be available to help you choose appropriate plants, and to answer questions regarding planting methods and maintenance. This sale will provide the Club with funds needed to maintain its community Butterfly garden, and to continue its charity work. Please remember that October is the prime planting time in our magnificent Sonoran Desert! The plants you buy will be of the highest q ality at the most reasonable prices. Your purchases will qu l sup uppo p rt the con po o tiinu nued ed beaut utif ifii ccaati tion o of ou on o r wo wonddeerrfu wond f l co omm mmun unit un unit ityy off Gol old ld Cany Cany Ca nyon on/A on / ppaach /A chee Junc Juunccti tion oonn. Th T Thos hos ose se wi with h que uest sttions stio ions io ns may ay coonnta t ctt San ndy dy at 44880 28888-0556688 or Lo L rr rrai aiinee at 48 aine 480 671480 67711 57 5784 784 84. 4. Go Gol Gold o d Ca any nyon yon nL Led edge ed ger err • O e Oct Oc ccttobe b r 2014 ber 01 14 • 5 INSIDE THE LEDGER COLUMNS Tips p & Hints on Landscaping p g Financial Focus Real Estate For You FEATURES 9 16 18 Artists off the Superstitions p open p their doors 3 Bang-Up g p Welcome Back 3 Desert Survival and Dutch Oven Cooking g Classes Back at Museum5 “ART IN THE OLIVE GROVE” 5 GOLD CANYON GARDEN CLUB PLANT SALE-SATURDAY 5 Autumn Classes at Smiling g Dog g 9 Do Your See Change on The Horizon 10 Free Harvest Festival at GC United Methodist Church 11 CAAFA HOSTS ANNUAL DISCO FEVER FUNDRAISER 12 Meet Artist Deborah Lee at Superstition p Mountain Museum 11 EVENTS, HIKES, PROGRAMS AT LOST DUTCHMAN STATE PARK OCTOBER 2014 12 Flintknapping Class Scheduled at Superstition p Mountain Museum 13 A New Partnership p is Formed 14 LORI BLANK & ASSOCIATES, LLC ANNOUNCES THE TEAM OF MILLER KLOSINSKI 15 Recent Hype in Hypertension Guidelines 17 Jaime Jorge, Christian Concert Violinist, Performs at Gold Canyon United Methodist Church 19 It’s Fall! Come One, Come All! 20 “Rock Art off the Southwest” With Native American Naturalist 21 FONSECA & BLANK RECEIVE NEW “MASTER CERTIFIED NEGOTIATION EXPERT 22 Superstition Mtn Astronomical League g Public Schedule 23 SOMETHING NEW THIS YEAR FOR LOCAL GARDENERS 24 The 50th Anniversary off John Calvin Presbyterian y Church 25 ‘Wings off the Superstitions’ Dedication, Fundraiser 26 SAYLER AND NYE RECEIVES NEW “MASTER CERTIFIED NEGOTIATION EXPERT 28 What we can learn ffrom our dogs g 29 DEPARTMENTS News From ADOBE 4 On The Cover 4 Calendar off Events 6 Monthlyy Meetinsg/Classes g 8 Join ADOBE 8 Wild Life f Around Gold Canyon y 30 Business Directoryy 33 October 2014 Gold Canyon Community Calendar Submissions deadline - the 10th of prior month Fax (480) 983-3325 or e-mail The complete calendar may also be viewed at Events at Boyce Thompson Arboretum, For Hours and classes, check the complete event pages on their website at Recorded information (hours, directions, events, etc): (520) 689-2811 or contact the Business Off: (520) 689-2723. You may also Email: Events and classes at Smiling Dog Learning Center throughout this month. Call Kathy at (480) 288-8749 or email to view the complete calendar of classes and fun activities. Exciting activities year round at the Superstition Mountain Museum. Call (480) 983-4888 or visit for schedule of classes and events. Sunday, October 12th, Jaime Jorge in Concert, 3:00 p.m., Listen to the beautiful sounds of a christian concert violinist at Gold Canyon United Methodist Church. Everyone is asked to bring a nonperishable food item for the Gold Canyon Food Bank. Contact (480) 982-3776 for information. Friday, October 17th, Pinal Partnership Breakfast Roundtable, 7:30 a.m., Be sure to mark your calendar for the Pinal Partnership breakfast roundtable with hard hitting political consultants from both sides of the aisle. They will be sizing up the various races heating up across Pinal County and Arizona! The location will be Dolce Vita, 3301 S. Goldfield Rd., Apache Junction, AZ 85119. Cost is $20 for members and $30 for non members. Register now to guarantee a seat at this Pinal Partnership Breakfast. If paying by check, send to P.O. Box 904 Florence, AZ 85132. Questions? Call (480) 528-9747 or email Wednesday October 22nd, The Rotary Club of Superstition Mountain Proudly Announces Guest Speaker Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S., Representing the Fourth Congressional District of Arizona, 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m., Rotary meets every Wednesday at The Gold Canyon Golf Resort – 6100 Kings Ranch Road – Gold Canyon – For this event seating g is limited to 127 - please contact Rotarian Walter “Harvey” Clark at or 203.841.7666 to place your reservation request. This is a regular scheduled luncheon meeting for Rotary members - non-Rotarian meal cost is $12 per person. A short meet and greet is planned p prior to the meeting starting at 11:15. Saturday, October 25th, ‘Star Party’, 7:00-9:00 p.m., The Superstition Mountain Astronomical League is hosting an Open House Public Astronomical Observing Session at the Lost Dutchman State Park, Weather Permitting g. This is free to the public but a $7 per vehicle park entrance will be assessed to enter the park. Members of the League will provide the community with telescopic views of celestial objects and will be available to answer questions. For more information email Sunday October 26th, Harvest Festival, 2:00-5:00 p.m., Gold Canyon United Methodist Church at 6640 S Kings Ranch Road is hosting a free Harvest Festival followed by a Country Western worship service with music by The Houser Gang. There will be craft vendors with items for sale, an apple pie bake-off, entertainment, a hay ride, a donkey wagon ride, games and activities for the children along with a costume parade with candy treats at 3:00 pm. And, you won’t go away hungry as food will be available at no charge. Although donations of any amount will be graciously accepted, there is no charge for this event. Contact (480) 982-3776 for more information. Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 6 ENTRADA DEL ORO Beautiful home located on large view w lot o ! Fresh s ly sh l paintted with updated flooring, kitchen so much more - MUST SEE! 2296 sq.ft. 4 bed 2.5 2 baths. Offered at $209,0000. PERALTA TRAILS Stunning home locatedd inn a gat ated community on corner vie ieew lot. BRAND NEW W rem mod odleed baathhs, kitch ittch chen henn witth slab granite, plantation sh shutteers & MORE! 2626 sq.ft. 4 beedss, 3 bathhs & 3 ca car ga g rage g . ge Offfe fere red re d at a $339,9000 MOUNTAINBROOK VILLAGE Highly upgraded home located on hillside view lot, located in Active Adu dultt Community. Nothing to do but move in. 1444 sq.ft. 2 beds 2 bathss. Offered at $279,5000 QUAIL CANYON This custom beauty located in Gated Quail Canyon is situated on .39 acre lot with mountain and golf course views will take your breath away. EXCLUSIVE LISTING - Offered at $779,000 LISA FONSECA, ABR, SRES, ASP, CDPE, MCNE, RSPS, Realtor ® Accredited Staging Professional, Short Sale Specialist Direct: 480.437.4379 Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 7 MONTHLY MEETINGS and CLASSES Gold Canyon Soroptimists, Contact Cathi Kniola 480 694-3816. Golf Clinics or Lessons, Mountain Brook Golf Club, Contact Curt Miles (480) 671-1000 or email A.D.O.B.E., Contact Genevieve Bricker (480) 983-1415. Al-Anon Meetings, Contact Office (480) 969-6144 or Alcoholics Anonymous, Contact Blair (480) 288-3671 or cell (480) 245-8300. Alzheimer’s Support Group - Superstition Foothills Baptist Church, Contact (480) 983-9025. Chanting Montras, for schedule email Clasina at Classes at Smiling Dog Learning Center, Call Kathy at (480) 288-8749 or email Visit to view the complete calendar. Clogging with Ann Mills for schedule, or (480) 278-0871. GriefShare - Superstition Foothills Baptist Church, Contact Ina (480) 982-3426. Jane Jones Pinal Co. Benefits Coordinator - Superstition Foothills Baptist Church, (480) 983-9025. Ladies Bible Study - Superstition Foothills Baptist Church, Contact (480) 983-9025. Men’s Breakfast - Superstition Foothills Baptist Church, Contact (480) 983-9025. Mind Menders Support Grp p, Call Jeanette Lunstead (480) 671-9888 or Nancy Bilensky (480) 982-3686. Paladin Social Club, Contact Sue Birmingham (480) 288-0022. Community Alliance Against Family Abuse, Support Group, childcare. Call (480) 982-0196. Pet Services of Gold Canyon Obedience & Agility Classes, Contact Kathy at (480) 652-4900 or email Conversation Café, Contact Christine Smith at christine-smith@talk- Reiki Masters, for schedule email Clasina at or call (480) 288-8969. Couples Patterned Dancing, for more info email Dance with Dee Dee. com for details contact (480) 510-3318. Edible Gardening Grp, Contact Jean Buckborough (480) 982-6020 or Pioneer Club (1st (480) 982-3776. - 6th grades), contact Katharine Keller at S.A.N.D. Meeting, Northeastern Pinal County Economic Dev. Group. Call Stacy (602) 684-4444. Smiling Dog Learning Center, Contact Kathy (480) 288-8749 or G.C.B.A. Networking, Contact Jean Buckborough (480) 982-6020 or Superstition Mountain Republican Club, Contact Steven Boyd (480) 510-6791 or Gold Canyon Business Assoc., Contact Chris Bukovac (480) 474-8037 or visit Superstition Mountain Rotary Club, Contact Jay Jones (480) 983-4450. Gold Canyon Democrats Club, Contact Carolyn Gordon (480) 671-8570. Superstition Network and Referral Group (SNRG), Contact Sharon Stover (480) 226-4121. Gold Canyon Garden Club, Contact Pam Ingram (480) 982-5213. Weight Watchers - Superstition Foothills Baptist Church, Contact (480) 983-9025. Gold Canyon Lions Club, Contact Bob Lembke at (480) 474-9109. Gold Canyon Republicans, Contact Pam Burks (480) 214-5555. Women of Wisdom - Contact Renee’ Spears (480) 215-8328 Don’tt miss out on this opportunity to have your photo printed Th The he No N veemb mber er iss er ssuee of th he G Goold ld Can anyo yonn Le L dg dger is faastt app ppro roac achi hiing ng. We W feaatu uree all ll Veetter e an ns in thi h s is issu sue. If yoou w wooul uld ld li like ke you ourr photo in inccl cludded inn th this is issue sssue ple leasee em maaiil it to or or briinngg it in in to Ra Ray’ y s Pr y’ Prin nting ngg 386 86 S. Ir Iroonnwo Iron nwo wooodd Drive wood ve. Yo Y um maay al also maill it to ma to PO B Boox 54 5400 5400 00, Appacche h Juunnct ctio iio on, n, AZ 85517 1 88.. Thheeree is a sm smal alll fe f e of of $5. 5 00 00.. Don’ Don t ffo Do org org rget e to add et ad dd yo your ur nam me an and bran bran br nch ch of seerrvi v ce c . We mus We ust ha have ve all ll piicctu ture r s inn by O Occtto obe b r 15 15th th,, 20 01144 for o thhee Novem ov vembe em mbeer pprrin nti tingg of ou ourr V Veete t rans rans edi diti tion ti on n. A Anny quueessti t on onss pl plea ease s conntac se act Raay’ ysP Prrin inti ting ti ngg 480 80-9 -99822-3 30887. 7. JOIN A.D.O.B.E. ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A BETTER ENVIRONMENT Membership Includes: Membership Directory, Monthly Meetings with Guest Speaker, Christmas Party, Annual Picnic, Voting Privileges I (we) wish to become member(s) of A.D.O.B.E.: ________$20 Annual Dues: Individual/Family ________$25 Annual Dues: Business Organization or Corporate DATE:________________ NAME(S)__________________________________________________________________ PHONE________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________ FAX_____________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP_____________________________________________________________ E-MAIL______________________________________________ (for notification of monthly meetings) MAIL APPLICATION TO: ADOBE 6499 S. Kings Ranch Rd. STE 6, Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 Email: Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 8 Creosote, The Medicine Chest of the Desert Growing up in the Midwest, the earthworms that littered the sideby Tom McDonald walks after a owner of Smiling Dog Landscapes, Inc. good heavy thunderstorm scented the air with an earthy musk. After our recent September monsoon rains, I couldn’t find an earthworm but the air was fragrant with the oily, pungent smell of Creosote, sometimes called Greasewood or Little Stinker! Not to be confused with the pine tar substance used to treat lumber, Creosote is thought to be the oldest living plant in the desert. One specimen in California was carbon dated to 13,000 years old. This hardy plant is not often used in backyard landscaping but is quite plentiful in our desert, opportunistically bursting with tiny green leaves and yellow blooms after a good rain no matter the season. Ancient desert tribes believed Creosote brought one into harmony with the sun. In fact, I know a few people today who do a final rinse with a Creosote wash after their daily shower in lieu of sunscreen. When you come upon Creosote along a desert trail, you might notice that it usually stands alone. This self-survivor emits an oily germicide that prevents seeds, even its own, from germinating nearby, thereby eliminating competition for precious water. It is this antibacterial, antifungal, germicidal oil that has earned Creosote another nickname: the medicine chest of the desert. Native Americans massaged creosote salve into their skin to soothe dryness, abrasions, ease allergies and joint pain. If you harvest Creosote leaves and blooms, you should dry them first, and then grind the material up before cre- Tips p & Hints on Landscaping ating your salve. A word of caution: creosote will leave an impossible to remove residue and smell on your blender, utensils, or other item used in preparation. 'K>EzKEWh>/Z/K/^EKt KEd,/Z Auttumn Classes at Smiling Dog g Smiling Dog Learning Center launches its 2014-2015 season in October with two of our mostt popular events listed below. • Free Garden Walk on Wednesday October 8th from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. led by Tom McDonald. • Free Irrigation Class on Tuesday October 21st from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. led by Tom McDonald and Bill Roe. For more information, check out our website at There is no charge for either of these two events but space is limited. Call 480 288 8749 or email to reserve your spot today! Smiling Dog Landscapes is located in Gold Canyon, AZ. Directions to our location will be given upon class registration. ^hWWKZdz>K>>/^dEZ^E >K>h^/E^^^/E'K>EzKE͘ KEdKE>/Ed͗ ŐŽůĚĐĂŶLJŽŶƉƵďůŝĐƌĂĚŝŽ͘ŽƌŐ dKDZ<dzKhZh^/E^^ KEd,/Z>>͗ϰϴϬ-Ϯϴϴ-ϱϴϬϬ DKEz-&Z/zWZK'ZDD/E'͗ ϲ͗ϬϬĂ͘ŵ͘ƚŽEŽŽŶ ĂƐLJ>ŝƐƚĞŶŝŶŐ^ŚŽǁ EŽŽŶƚŽϯ͗ϬϬƉ͘ŵ͘^ŽůŝĚ'ŽůĚKůĚŝĞƐ^ŚŽǁ ϯ͗ϬϬƉ͘ŵ͘ƚŽϳ͗ϬϬƉ͘ŵ͘^ŵŽŽƚŚ:Ănjnj^ŚŽǁ ϳ͗ϬϬƉ͘ŵ͘ƚŽDŝĚŶŝŐŚƚĞƐĞƌƚEŝŐŚƚƐ^ŚŽǁ &KZKDW>dWZK'ZD^,h>W>^s/^/dKhZt^/d Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 9 d,E<zKh&KZzKhZ^hWWKZd Do Your See Change on The Horizon By Caleb Huftalin, CFP® Gold Canyon residents see an abundance of change. For some, it's coming back into town for the irresistible weather of the upcoming season. For others, it's a drastic life transition such as moving across the country, selling a business, retiring from a life-long career or experiencing a windfall of income, property or assets. These transitions trigger emotions previously unfelt, and they are a unique pivot point for countless decisions. Do you see change on the horizon? Read on for two questions you can ask yourself to recalibrate before it's too late and how we applied these to our recent move across the country. 1. If you could develop, improve or change anything about your lifestyle or current situation, what would that be (and what makes you so sure)? 2. What do you want to teach your children about the value of money? This summer, my wife, our two boys and I Free Harvest Festival at GC United Methodist Church Gold Canyon United Methodist Church is hosting a free Harvest Festival followed by a Country Western worship service with music by The Houser Gang. There will be craft vendors with items for sale, an apple pie bake-off, entertainment, a hay ride, donkey wagon ride for children, games and activities for the children along with a costume parade with candy treats at 3:00 pm. And, you won’t go away hungry as food will be available at no charge. Although donations of any amount will be graciously accepted, there is no charge for this event. The afternoon activities promise fun and enjoyment for the whole family! When: Sunday, October 26, 2014 ~ 2:00 to 5:00 pm Where: Gold Canyon United Methodist Church campus 6640 S Kings Ranch Road Gold Canyon, AZ 480-982-3776 So, gather the kids, your neighbors and friends and join us for a fun filled afternoon. moved from just north of Atlanta and purchased a home in the Gold Canyon area. We have family living in Tempe, Mesa, Apache Junction and Gold Canyon, and raising our boys near family was important enough for us to pull up our roots and make the jump. Fortunately, the area we "landed" is a premier community, so we're beyond grateful! Here’s how we made the biggest change of our life based on the questions I posed earlier. 1. We pretty much had it all--and we were grateful! We were highly involved at our vibrant local church. We had built a great business and created a work-life balance that favored flexibility. Our home was in a beautiful community filled with others in our life stage. And so much more. The one thing we wanted to change about our situation was seeing our boys grow up near some family, such as Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts and Cousins. We were so sure because we talked about it often. Afternoon hikes or evening strolls almost always included a mention of living near family. 2. This clarifying question alone can surface some of your most important values. We want our kids to grow up knowing that money is a tool to be used, not a goal to pursue. Money and wealth is neutral. It can be used to bring about incredible change, progress and joy in relationships. But viewed incorrectly, it can also provide false self-confidence, materialism and a bottomless desire for more. Moving to Arizona meant a slower pace of "material" growth (at least initially) as we would lose the business momentum in Georgia. But hopefully our kids will recognize through this sacrifice that money in and of itself isn't the highest priority. Here's the kicker. I didn't create these questions (and so many more). Intelligent people around us did. The questions themselves may be more powerful than the answers, because without the questions, we wouldn't have ultimate clarity or confidence. And we'd still be living in Georgia. Who's asking you great questions? CARPET & TILE SPECIALS CARPET CLEANING Car arrpet a petss clea leaned ned fo forr only nlly n ly $2 $ 29. 9.99 99 pper er ro oo om m 3 rro oom oom m minim nim mum. um Comb om omb m o rooms count count as 2 room rooms. ooms. Stai air iirrs count as 1 room.. Furni u ture ur mo ng not movi mo not iinclu ncluded/ ded/Pet P or R Pet Red ed stain ta s extra. tai ext Customer to pre preree-vacu e v um rooms. TILE CLEANING WITH GROUT COLOR SEALING TILE & GROUT CLEANING Up to 500 50 00 sq quar uare e fe ee et on nlyy Up to 500 sq qua uar are feet f on nly ly Inc IInclud nccllud n udes des es our our sp peci e iallly form ec ormula l ted d pre p re espr ssp pray & hot p ot wat ater er extractio tion. n. Savings of $100.23 Call for or mor mo ore d or deta etttails eta ills. $424 $4 $ 424 24.9 99 Inc nclud ludes es cle cleani l ani aning ng all ng all titile le and gro rout utt and a ourr spec spec p cial pe ial a lyy for ormul mu ate ated d colo colorr sseal eal ea e aler. er. Savings of $200.01 C l for Cal Ca for mor m e deta d t ils ils. Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 10 $124 $1 124 24.99 .9 99 CAAFA HOSTS ANNUAL DISCO FEVER FUNDRAISER Help Us Support Victims of Domestic Abuse and Get Your Groove On Meet Artist Deborah Lee at Superstition Mountain Museum The Community Alliance Against Family Abuse (CAAFA), the non-profit domestic violence service provider serving Northern Pinal and far Eastern Maricopa Counties, will be holding their Annual Disco Fever: Dancing Against Community Alliance Against Family Abuse Domestic Violence event, Saturday, October 25th. The groove-a-thon begins at 6PM and will take place at the Dolce Empowering individuals, families and communities affected by domestic abuse. Vida Resort in Apache Junction, 3301 S. Goldfield Rd. “Disco Fever is one of our most exciting events,” said CAAFA Executive Director, Elizabeth Ditlevson Garman. “It is the perfect opportunity for us to let our hair down and work to help victims of domestic violence and sexual assault at the same time! We couldn’t do it without the amazing support of so many community members and organizations who always strive to help us improve the lives of the people we serve.” Tickets to this funkalicious event will include dinner and drinks, awards for Best Dressed and, of course, a full night of getting’ jiggy on the dance floor! Tickets are $25 if purchased before October 1st and $30 anytime after. If you’ve got a lot friends ready to get down, purchase nine tickets and get your tenth ticket free. Tickets can be purchased online at or at CAAFA’s office at 185 N. Apache Trail, Suite 1. CAAFA provides a toll-free 24 hour crisis line, empowerment sessions, legal advocacy, support groups, emergency shelter services, advocacy, and community education and outreach, which touch thousands of community members and domestic and sexual violence victims each year. Disco Fever: Dancing Against Domestic Violence helps to ensure that CAAFA can continue to maintain and grow their services, all of which are available free of charge. CAAFA WELCOME HOME The “Simply Irresistible Watercolors” of Gold Canyon artist Deborah A. Lee will be featured when the Superstition Mountain Museum hosts a special Meet the Artist event on Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014. Hours will be 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Debby will be on hand to personalize and sign her work. With any 15 Seer or higher unit.* Call Now (480) 983-3012 or Bob’s Cell (480) 584-2679 Serving the area for over 30 years. FREE FR EE EST EST TIIM IMA MATE TES ES No extra charge for evening & weekend service Licensed • Bonded • Insured • AZ LIC C-39R ROC 057841 We Look Forward To Serving Your Heating & Air Conditioning Home Comfort Needs! Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 11 EVENTS, HIKES, PROGRAMS AT LOST DUTCHMAN STATE PARK OCTOBER 2014 Please join us for exciting interpretive ranger and volunteer naturalist guided hikes and family-oriented programs, weather permitting, at Lost Dutchman State Park. Fees for guided hikes and programs are included in the park entry fee of $7 per vehicle or with your annual pass. Reservations are not required unless specified in the program description. 6109 N Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ 480-982-4485. d 12: Family Saturday, October 11 and Camp Out The Arizona Family Campout Program (FCP) designed for families that have litttle or no camping experience will be held at LD DSP. Registration fee is $85 for up to family off 4 (children 5 yrs and younger or pets cannot atteend this program). Tents, sleeping matss, chairs, lanterns, lunch, dinner, breakffast and campfire treats provided. Activitties include hikes, archery, mountain bik ke clinic, geocaching and campfire sto-ries. Limited spaces. Register on line at Louie Juers, Camp Coordinator. Saturday, October 11: Amazing Night Under the Skies, 7-9 p.m. Join Dr. Sky, a radio/TV journalist based in Phoenix, for An Amazing Night Under the Skies. What planets will we see in the dark desert sky? Dress warmly and be prepared to be amazed at the sightings. Palo Verde Day Use area (weather permitting). Wednesday, October 15: Getting to Know the Birds Around You, 8 a.m. Meeting in the Saguaro Day Use area, there will be a brief discussion about how to tell one bird from another; then we’ll be looking for resident birds (from hawks to hummingbirds) and for any late migrants stopping by on their way south. After birding the Saguaro Day use area, we’ll look for birds as we walk up toward Jacob’s Crosscut Trail. We’ll make the short loop around and back to Saguaro Day Use lot, birding as we go. This is more of an “amble” than a hike as we let the birds come to us. Bring binoculars, water and wear sturdy trail shoes. No dogs, please. Led by volunteer Birder Babs. Wednesday, October 22: Sunset Hike, 4:15 p.m. Following the Treasure Loop trail to Jacobs Cross Cut and intersecting with Siphon Draw Trail will find hikers marveling at the mountain and the sky full of color, especially when there a few clouds. Elevation change is 102 ft. on very well maintained trails. Easy, 2 hour hike. Bring a flashlight for return to parking lot. Meet at Saguaro Day Use area. Led by volunteer hiking leader Nancy. Friday, October 24: Star Talk, 7:30 p.m. Learn about the night sky, constellations and planets with local astronomer Bill Dellinges. Parking and seating at campground amphitheater. Saturday, y October 25: Beginners Mountain Bike Clinic, 9 a.m m. The parkk recently completed 4 m miles of a singletrack M Mountain Bike Traill. To kick off the Fall ridiing season, Amy Reegann from Arizona M ntain Moun Biking ( MB) will be (AzM hosting a Beginners Moountain Bike Clinic. C Bring yyour bike, riding gear: helmet, snacks, and at least 70 oz of water. Cost for the program is $85.00. Register for the event on Amy’s Meetup page: AZ Mountain Biking was founded in December, 2009 by former pro rider and endurance world record holder Amy Regan. Amy has been organizing rides and teaching skills clinics since 1996 and holds certifications in training, teaching and emergency care. In her mountain biking Meetup group, Amy has lead over 700 guided rides in a little over three years. She is a member of the Mountain Bike Patrol for the McDowell Sonoran Preserve, and this year Amy was elected to the Board of Directors for the MBAA (Mountain Bike Association of Arizona) as Recreational Director. Optional Group Camp: Expand your fun and arrive on Friday and camp in the Parks’ Group Camping Area for the weekend. Camping Fee of $15.00 per night can be paid upon entering the Park and is not included in the Mountain Bike Clinic fee. You can ride the trail or hike the trails on Sunday! Saturday, October 25: Star Party, 7 p.m. Members of the Superstition Astronomical League will provide telescopic views of the night sky and will answer questions about astronomy and astronomical equipment. In short, this is an opportunity to see the moon, planets, star clusters, galaxies and other astronomical phenomena using a sophisticated telescope and also talk with very knowledgeable and experienced local astronomers! What will be in the sky tonight? Saguaro Day Use area. Wednesday, October 30: Treasure the Hike! 9 a.m. This hike along the Treasure Loop Trail offers the hiker opportunities to stretch the legs as the elevation changes approximately 500’ within the first mile, with views of the Four Peaks and downtown Phoenix (on a clear day), rock formations, and a gentle decline on the return of the loop trail. Considered a moderate hike due to elevation change and length of hike (2.5 mi.), the average hiker will find it a most enjoyable hike. Meet at Cholla Day Use area. Led by volunteer hiking leader Barb.;; Gold Canyon AgencyTM Auto • Home • Commercial • Life DAVE BURDEN 480-636-6848 • 6589 S. Kings Ranch Rd. Ste. 102A • Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 Next door to the Wells Fargo Bank Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 12 Flintknapping Class Scheduled at Superstition Mountain Museum An all-day class on Flintknapping has been scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014 at the Superstition Mountain Museum. Class instructor will be Jon Boyd, a semiretired teacher and author who is an expert on flintknapping and teaches stone tool making at Pima Community College in Tucson. Cost of the class is $25 per person and class registration is required. Flintknapping or knapping is the shaping of flint, obsidian or some other high silica stones through a controlled process of lithic reduction to make stone tools, sharp projecFlintknapped points come in all sizes, shapes and color. tile points like arrowheads or spearheads, flat-faced stones to for building strikers or décor, or, in modern times, even creating art. The original Germanic term “knopp” meant strike or shape. Flintknapper Jon Boyd demonstrates the technique. The Native Americans produced some of the finest projectile points and blades in the world. In today’s world, flintkapping is often learned by outdoorsmen for survival reasons. However, there were others who created objects far beyond their utilitarian purpose, producing diversity in shape and color. These ancient artists are the inspiration for some modern “knappers.” The class will run from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. It consists of an hour’s morning lecture and a video on the history of flintknapping, the concepts behind how it works, and use of the materials involved. After a one-hour lunch break, there is an afternoon session devoted to working hands-on with stone and flintknapping tools. Students should be sure to dress for spending time outdoors, wear eye protection and gloves (glasses or sunglasses are OK, or safety glasses will be provided), and should not wear shorts or open-toed shoes. This activity generates very sharp edges, and exposed flesh can receive a cut. Registration can be accomplished filling out a form available in the museum gift shop located at 4087 N. Apache Trail (SR88) in Apache Junction, AZ. Payment is due at registration. For more information on this class or about the museum, go to, or call 480-983-4888. Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 13 A NEW PARTNERSHIP IS FORMED By Lion Terry Storbakken & Lion Bonnie Weaver, Publicity Chairperson On August 16, 2014 a new fundraising event took place between the Kings Ranch Road and Highway 60 Walgreens and the Lions of Gold Canyon. The two partnered to sponsor the first Annual Gold Canyon Golf Resort Golf Tournament. Lion Pam Burks worked with Walgreens manager Robin Whittaker to initiate this new fundraising event. Fifty-eight golfers hit the links, supported by Kings Ranch Walgreen’s employee volunteers and several Gold Canyon Lions members as a supporting cast to make sure things ran smoothly. Eighteen holes of golf, a great lunch, with an abundance of prizes came together for a very successful first year event. Benefits will go to the Gold Canyon Lions fundraising efforts going directly towards the club’s annual project fund and its many local and international charities. Gold Canyon Lion Debbie Jusko formed a committee to be sure the event pulled together in successful fashion. In the process, an information table was available about the Gold Canyon Lions and highlighted their fundraising efforts that benefit many local organizations. Lion Debbie and her committee of Lions Norb Okoniewski, Rip Sartell, Marian Kern, new club members Dan and Julie Minnick manned the promotions table. Lion Bonnie Weaver photographed the event. Gold Pawss 4 Liffe Fall Harvvest Celebrration Dinn ner e , Music,, Raf affl f es, 50/5 50, 0 guestt sp s eakers, an nd much mor ore Ticketts: $20 per per erso s n, with haalf of so t e ti th ticcket sales goi oing ng to supportt Paws w 4 Life Beve Be veera rage ges wiill ge ll be sold soold d sep epar araately, and d haalf lf of th theiir co ostts wiilll go to o a charity. Wh W herre: Apa pach he Junc Ju un nccti tioon on Greeyh yhound Pa P ark 2200 S. Deela lawa w re Dr. wa Ap A pache hee Ju un ncti ccttio ion, AZ 8551 5120 20 When Wh en n: O Occtobe tto obe ber er 1188, 20014 14 Time Ti me: 6: 6:3300 pm – 11:0 11:0 11 00 p pm m T purrch To chas a e ti as t ck cket e s an nd R. R.S S..V. V.P P. pleea pl plea ase se cal all 48 800--28 28888-5174 51744 or 48 51 48000--2662 5479 5479 or 480 or 80-5 -5 550 50-1 -194 -1 9446 946 Tiicket Tick cket e salles endd 10/ 0/16 16/1 /144 – So gat athe her he her your yo ur fri rien e ds en ds andd Neeiigh g bboors ors and nd cal all ll t da to d y! Pllea ease se bri ringg onnee ite tem m off non on-p -pper eris isshis hhab ble l food oood fo forr th he fo food od ban od ankk oorr one ne item teem off eittheer do dog/ g/ca g/ /ca catt fo food od for the ani n maal fo food odd baank nk, k, Wh W is iske kers ke rss, W Waags g , aan nndd Wh Whin inny in ny’s ny ’s. Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 14 Canyon Lions Jim Rutkowski, Leon Kern and Rip Sartell manned their golf clubs and tackled the Sidewinder Championship Golf course. Thanks to the Lions of Gold Canyon and Kings Ranch Road Walgreens staff for helping make this first annual event a successful one. We look forward LORI BLANK & ASSOCIATES, LLC ANNOUNCES THE TEAM OF FRANCES MILLER & RICK KLOSINSKI FRANCIS MILLER started working in the Real Estate industry in 1976 in California. Frances started as an Appraiser eventually owning and operating her own Appraisal company. Although she spent numerous years in the resale market, just before moving to Arizona (6 1/2 years ago) she was in the new home business. Real Estate has always been her career path. She has over 38 consecutive years in the industry. Her attention to detail and staying on I AM HAPPY AND PROUD TO WELCOME THE TEAM OF FRANCES MILLER AND top of the market and conditions makes her an invaluable asset. Frances has a long list of clients who are now friends, no better referral than a past client. Her enthusiasm for Real Estate is remarkable and catching. Frances owns a home in Gold Canyon and takes care of her mother, Leora. RICK KLOSINKSI grew up in the Los Angeles suburb of Downey California. He served in the United States Air Force for 20 years. His path kept him in the legal field where he again retired. Rick moved to Arizona in 1999 and loves to tell you about everything that Gold Canyon and the State has to offer. He has been as active agent since 2010. Rick has an extensive knowledge of Gold Canyon and the East Valley as his job took him to every nook and cranny in the East Valley. He is a natural researcher, negotiator and communicator providing his clients with up to date information ensuring you the best results. Frances and Rick attribute their success to building a lasting rapport with their clients, integrity, ethics, listening to what you have to say whether buying or selling, providing sound advice, thorough attention to detail, in depth market analysis for both buyers and sellers, strong negotiating skills, knowledge of the area, constant communication, follow through and professionalism to all parties. Both Frances and Rick live in Gold Canyon full time and you can see them almost everyday hiking and mountain biking. Reach Frances at: 480-433-1522 or Rick Klosinski 480-570-8047 Celebration of Veterans Scheduled Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 3:00 p.m., the entire community is invited to attend the 9th Annual Celebration of Veterans at the Gold Canyon United Methodist Church. Please mark your calendars to be there to honor veterans of all military service, past and present. Prepare to be touched by music, personal stories, combined church choirs, and a retirement of flag ceremony performed by the Girl Scouts. Refreshments will follow the program. For additional information, contact the church office at 480-982-3776 Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 15 Protect Your Retirement against Market Volatility Financial Focus Matt Ruppert As an investor, you’re well aware that, over the short term, the financial markets always move up and down. During your working years, you may feel that you have time to overcome this volatility. And you’d be basing these feelings on actual evidence: the longer the investment period, the greater the tendency of the markets to “smooth out” their performance. But what happens when you retire? Won’t you be more susceptible to market movements? You may not be as vulnerable as you might think. In the first place, given our growing awareness of healthier lifestyles, you could easily spend two, or even three, decades in retirement — so your investment time frame isn’t necessarily going to be that compressed. Nonetheless, it’s still true that time may well be a more important consideration to you during your retirement years, so you may want to be particularly vigilant about taking steps to help smooth out the effects of market volatility. Toward that end, here are a few suggestions: • Allocate your investments among a variety of asset classes. Of course, proper asset allocation is a good investment move at any age, but when you’re retired, you want to be especially careful that you don’t “over-concentrate” your investment dollars among just a few assets. Spreading your money among a range of vehicles — stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, government securities and so on —can help you avoid taking the full brunt of a downturn that may primarily hit just one type of investment. (Keep in mind, though, that while diversification can help reduce the effects of volatility, it can’t assure a profit or protect against loss.) • Choose investments that have demonstrated solid performance across many market cycles. As you’ve probably heard, “past performance is no guarantee of future results,” and this is true. Nonetheless, you can help improve your outlook by owning quality investments. So when investing n stocks, choose those that have actual earnings and a track record of earnings growth. If you invest in fixed-income vehicles, pick those that are considered “investment grade.” • Don’t make emotional decisions. At various times during your retirement, you will, in all likelihood, witness some sharp drops in the market. Try to avoid overreacting to these downturns, which will probably just be normal market “corrections.” If you can keep your emotions out of investing, you will be less likely to make moves such as selling quality investments merely because their price is temporarily down. • Don’t try to “time” the market. You may be tempted to “take advantage” of volatility by looking for opportunities to “buy low and sell high.” In theory, this is a fine idea — but, unfortunately, no one can really predict market highs or lows. You’ll probably be better off by consis- tently investing the same amount of money into the same investments. Over time, this method of investing may result in lower per-share costs. However, as is the case with diversification, this type of “systematic” investing won’t guarantee a profit or protect against loss, and you’ll need to be willing to keep investing when share prices are declining. It’s probably natural to get somewhat more apprehensive about market volatility during your retirement years. But taking the steps described above can help you navigate the sometimes-choppy waters of the financial world. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Matt Ruppert is a Financial Advisor for Edward Jones. He can be reached at 480-288-9341. Introducing Halo™, the New, Made for iPhone® Hearing Aid Halo™, from Starkey, was engineered from the ground up to make hearing more enjoyable by truly personalizing your hearing life. Call today for details and to schedule your free demonstration! “Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone”, and “Made for iPad” mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPod, iPhone or iPad, respectively, and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Halo and TruLink are compatible with iPhones 5, 5s, 5c, and 4s. For a complete list of compatible products, please contact our office. IN BA SH PLAZ AS’ A GOLD CANYON HEARING Lisa M. Marshall Owner & Licensed Hearing Care Practitioner 5331 S. Superstition Mtn. Dr. Suite C-107 Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 16 480-983-4000 Recent Hype in Hypertension Guidelines By Helena Haynes, DNP, FNP-BC Deseret Family Medicine New hypertension (high blood pressure) guidelines have led to several questions I am hearing recently related to what the goal blood pressure should be. First lets discuss why blood pressure matters. The numbers recorded when obtaining a blood pressure reading are an evaluation of how hard the heart is working and the pressure put on the arteries, or blood vessels. Over time, an elevated blood pressure can place strain on the arteries making them weak and more likely to rupture (in the case of aneurysm or some types of stroke). In addition they can develop small tears which can catch cholesterol leading to plaque build up or clot formation. This can progress to tissue and organ damage. Some individuals will often say, "this is my normal," when referring to elevated blood pressure readings. The challenge is, the damage is still occurring and goals to regulate blood pressure are still important to overall health. The truth is there is still a great deal of controversy in the literature about when it is acceptable to aim for higher blood pressure goals. We are used to hearing a goal of less than 140/90 mmHg is ideal in most patients, and less than 130/80 mm/Hg in patients with kidney disease or diabetes. The Joint National Committee on detection, evaluation, and management of high blood pressure has suggested that a goal of less than 150/90 mmHg for patients without diabetes or kidney disease or older than 80 years of age is considered controlled especially if there are concerns related to tolerability or side effects of medications. For individuals under age 60 the goal is still less than 140/90, or those at greatest risk for cardiovascular disease such as heart attack or stroke. Hopefully I haven't confused the issue more. The bottom line is to discuss with your healthcare provider what ideal blood pressure goals are for you. Strategies to help manage blood pressure include lifestyle modifications such as diet, exercise, stress reduction and tobacco cessation. At times a medication may still be necessary to achieve optimal control. Limiting salt and processed food in the diet is a great starting point. As far as exercise goes, start slow and build up your routine over time. Even a weight loss of five to ten pounds can lead to improvement in blood pressure readings. Deseret Family Medicine in Gold Canyon is now offering screening tools such as imaging of the carotid arteries, abdominal aorta, and echocardiograms along with arterial brachial index testing to further evaluate cardiovascular risks. Schedule an appointment with our office to discuss if you have any questions or concerns, each of our providers would be more than happy to take the time to discuss blood pressure management and cardiovascular health with you. 8617 E SAGUARO BLOSSOM RD • GOLD CANYON $240,000 Adult Community at the base of the Superstition and Dinosaur Mountains. Highly upgraded home with neutral 2-tone paint throughout. Kitchen has granite counter tops, new light fixtures, updated faucets and tile flooring. Spacious master bedroom with bay window. Master bath has dual sinks, new high vanity with granite, new faucets, new light, side cabinet and mirror. Guest room has great mountain views and large closet. Guest bath has new vanity, mirror, granite counters and lighting. Laundry room has built-in cabinets & desk area, tile flooring, sink and full house water filtering system, New Amana A/C, 2.5 Car garage extended (2 car + golf cart) and epoxy flooring. Front patio has fabulous views of the Superstition and Dinosaur Mountains. Extended rear patio with 2 shade screens. • w w w. r e a l e s t a t e w i t h j o d y. c o m Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 17 It’s Not Just Car Storage: How to Transform Your Garage into a Brand New, Highly Usable Space Real Estate For You Lori Blank Broker/Owner Lori Blank & Associates, LLC In some homes, garages are used only for car storage. They may appear to be bare and without real functional use for homeowners. However, other garages may be an envy of the neighborhood – they may have floor to ceiling shelving systems, and they may be the picture-perfect image of organization. With a bit of planning and creativity, you can turn your garage into a much more functional space. Here’s how you can make your garage the most useful space in the house. Determine What You Need To Store One of the most important steps to take when improving the functionality of your garage is to determine which items you need to store. The last thing you want is to invest in a shelving system or cabinets for your garage only to later realize that your belongings do not fit in the features you have purchased. Take an inventory of the items you want to put in the space as well as their sizes and dimensions, and then take stock of the space available to store these items. storage solutions can turn your garage into a major selling point and a great multi-use space. For more great home renovation ideas, or to find Invest In Storage Features There are numerous types of storage features that you may choose to invest in for your garage, such as cabinets, drawers, wall pegs, shelves, overhead storage features, and bins. The best storage features for your garage are those that take into account your accessibility needs. For example, seasonal items that you may rarely need access to may be placed in overhead storage features that hang over the cars. On the other hand, screwdrivers and other tools that you may need to use more frequently should be placed in a more accessible area. Consider The Look Of The Garage Some homeowners truly do not care what their garage looks like, but you should keep in mind that this is a room that is revealed to the outside world each time your garage doors are raised. This can indeed affect curb appeal and others’ impressions of you. Therefore, think about investing in a full garage storage system rather than piecing together different items. If your garage looks like a war zone, you are wasting valuable storage space and compromising your property value. Investing in aesthetically pleasing and highly functional Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 18 your next home in a community that suits you. Call Lori Blank 480-221-7922 for more information. Jaime Jorge, Christian Concert Violinist, Performs at Gold Canyon United Methodist Church Jaime Jorge will be performing and speaking on Sunday, October 12, in the Sanctuary for the 8:00 & 9:30 am Traditional Services, including playing with the Chancel Choir, and then for the 10:50 am Praise Service in the Koinonia Room in the Education Building. At 3:00 pm, Jaime will be featured in concert playing a variety of music on violin. medical school and a promising medical career to devote himself to full-time music ministry. Jaime began playing the violin at the age of five. Born and raised in communist Cuba, he was given many opportunities - including offers to study in Moscow with some of the greatest musicians of our time - if only he and his family would renounce their belief in God. They refused. When Jaime was ten, he and his family were miraculously given the opportunity to leave the country. The afternoon concert is open to the public at no charge as a free will offering will be received. Everyone is asked to please bring at least one non-perishable food item per person for the Gold Canyon United Methodist Food Bank. The church is located at 6640 S Kings Ranch Rd, one block north of Hwy 60 (Walgreens on the corner) in Gold Canyon. Director of Music Ministries, Doug Benton, says, "Bring your family, friends and neighbors to hear some great violin music and great words of encouragement from this great Christian musician!" For more information, call the church at 480-982-3776. Since 1988 he has traveled over 6 million air miles and has played in North, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa - 40 countries in 6 continents! He has recorded and released 17 albums. They came to the United States, where Jaime received a Christian education and violin lessons with eminent violinist Cyrus Forough. But Jaime dreamed of being a missionary doctor, and in 1994, was accepted by University of Illinois School of Medicine. In 1996, he left Don’tt miss out on this opportunity to have your photo printed Th T hhee N Noove vemb vemb mber er iss ssue ssue ue of the th he G Goold ld Canyo yonn Le Ledg d er is fa f st st appro pproa pp ro oachi h ng n . Wee fea eattu turee alll Vetteran erans in er i thi h s is i suue. If you wo wouulld lliike ke you ourr pho hoto t to in ncllud uded ed d in this iss iss s ue ple leas asse em maaiil itt to oorr bri ring ng it in n to Ra Ray’ y s Pr Prin i ti in ting ngg 38866 S. Ir Iron onnwo onwo wood od Dri rive. Yo You m maay al a so so mai aill it to PO Box 5400, PO 0 Apaach chee Juunc n ti tion on, AZ Z 8551178 78. Th T er ere is is a smaallll fee of $55.0 .00. 000.. Doonn’tt for orge gett to o addd youur nnaame me and nd bra ranch ranc nch off seerrvi nc vice c . We W mu must s have alll pic ha ictu tuures res in re in by O Occto cto obe b r 15 1 th th, h, 2001144 for thee Nov ovem mbeer prrin nting ting ti n of ou our V Veete t raans n edi d ttiion on. An A y qu ques esti es sti tion onss pl on plea ease se con onta taactt Ray y’s P Prrin inti nti t ng 4 048 0-98 9 22-3087 3087. 7. Canyon Lands Insurance AUTO • HOME • LIFE Paying Too Much? Call us! We will find the insurance company that is right for you! Jerry Carter 480.288.5922 Representing Hartford, Metlife, Travelers, and others 6268 S. Kings Ranch Rd - Suite #8 • Gold Canyon, AZ Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 19 Blooming Cactus by Damian Fleming It’s Fall! It’s Fall! Come One, Come All! by Tess McDonald Hello Fall! While the crisp mornings & milder temperatures arrive with great anticipation, our little community experienced a fantastic monsoon season this past summer. Cerulean skies giving way to great, white cathedral thunderheads from the south, soon to be followed by low reverberations of promising drama. Then all at once, the wind commences to whip like an angry cat’s tail and KA-BOOM! The rain, lightening & explosions are all around us. These theatrics rewarded us with something like 75% of our yearly rainfall to date. Superb! So, what else did we do during our “summer vacation?” At the Gold Canyon Hacienda, the new outdoor Ramada was completed. Residents & visitors may now take pleasure in unknotting their bones around the resplendent fountain, domed ceiling, and hanging chandelier. Ample wicker furniture and huge pots of flowers complete this peaceful retreat. Then, on July 24th, 2014, a 100th birthday bash was given for a very grand dame, Lucy Richardson. Lucy Jane McNew, was born in 1914 in the coal mining country of Carrier Mills, Illinois. One of Lucy’s earliest memories is that of going to the train station with her mother to wave goodbye to the departing soldiers of WWI…WOW! Lucy went on to do her part for the World War II by working at the Champion Spark Plug Factory in Detroit, while the boys went off to war. Dubbed “One Hundred Years Ago Today,” Lucy’s birthday included cowboy ballads provided by her guitar-pickin’-harmonicaplayin’ son, Bruce. True to form, a sumptuous meal was served by owner/ manager, Phyllis Rowe. Following toasts, gifts, balloons & bouquets, the crowd was treated to a 20-minute video montage of Lucy’s life. Not a dry eye in the room. Cheers, Lucy... an amazing lady, whom age holds no significance. Come check out the new Ramada, wish Lucy another 100 years, take a tour of Gold Canyon’s one-and-only assisted living home and enjoy some pie & cider compliments of the house. The date is SUNDAY, Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 20 OCTOBER 12th from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. You’ll be glad you came! “Rock Art of the Southwest” With Native American Naturalist David Morris by David Ochs Hosted by the Superstition Area Land Trust Thursday, October 16 At Central Arizona College - Superstition Mountain Campus 805 South Idaho Road – Room F129 Apache Junction, AZ 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. The Superstition Area Land Trust (SALT) is pleased to kick-off the 2014-2015 educational series of programs with “Rock Art of the Southwest” with Native American Naturalist, David Morris. This program will examine the early cultures of the southwest and the rock art they left behind. Cultures such as the Hohokam, Patayan and the Ancestral Pueblos will be compared and theories about their development and disappearance will be explored. Attendees can view some examples of the rock art (pictographs and petroglyphs) of these cultures and discuss possible interpretations of these ancient designs. David Morris, a member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, has been a resident of Central Arizona for over 40 years. Originally from the Kansas-Oklahoma area he received a degree in Plant Science from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff and is currently a Museum Aide for the Pueblo Grande Museum in Phoenix. David works with other organizations such as Arizona Site Stewards, Friends of the Sonoran Desert National Monument and Boyce Thompson Arboretum to offer programs about the desert environment, archaeology and native cultures of the Southwest. David also participates in many area Indian art markets with his modern recreations of rock art and hand painted gourds. The SALT Speakers series is a nocost program supporting SALT’s mission to educate the community about the fragile Sonoran Desert. No registration is necessary; however, space will be limited to the number of seats available in this classroom. The second in our Speakers series of programs is “The Peralta Stones” presented by Phil Reinhardt, on Thursday, November 13. Phil’s interests in mining and mineral development brought him to Wickenburg, Arizona more than 35 years ago. He is currently a Lecturer, Board Member of the Superstition Mountain Historical Society, author of “In Search of the Heart - Decoding the Peralta Stones,” and “Straight to the Heart Follow the Map, Find the Gold.” SALT is a 501(c)3 nonprofit land trust. “Keep It Wild Forever” LOOKING FOR A GREAT BUY? 279,90 0 $ 293,50 0 279,90 0 $ $ 329,90 0 $ AR A RR RO OYO YO VIS ISTA IST TA II AR A RR RO OYO YO VIIS ST TA A IIIII TH HE EE ES STA STA TATE TE ES S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! SHOWS LIKE A MODEL! UPDATED – LIKE NEW! QUALITY, VALUE & VIEWS! f t floor fl plan, l 3c 3 gar, g & Approx prox 2400 sq ft! Most house hous Not in MLS yet 00 f 3cGar, 3 G greatt room, A perfect y – be first to see 22000sf, for your y moneyy & super close to t this fabulous fab home. Priced to sell nnew ggranite, new tile, new private, park-like backyard w/mtn Heated ated community pool & spa! p ppaint inside & out and more! views near community pool! & furnishings available! Call! 179,5 00 $ Call for Open House Schedule COM SOOINNG ! 284,9 00 $ OPEN HOUSE 480-225-7445 SU S UPERS PER PE RS ST TIITI TION TION ON VIL LLA LA INVESTORS WANTED! IInterested t t d iin cashh flflow?? Check out this easy to own local one level 4plex. Call today for CAP RATE! AR A RR RO OYO YO VIS IS STA TA I TA SO AFFORDABLE! A rare find! fi d! 1490 sq ft plan, l culdesac lot near pool & newlyy updated w/granite g & stainless, 2.5cgar & more! DE D ES ES SE ERT RT TR RA AIL IL S I BIG MOUNTAIN VIEW! 2170sf, 3cGar, gorgeous g g ggranite counters kit&bths, lrgg expanded flagstone g patio & raised garden! CALL NOW! Do you like to keep up with the real estate market? TEXT "kwi8481p" to 87778 NOW to receive our easy FREE HOME SEARCH APP! G OLD C ANYON R EALTY L ADY.COM Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 21 LISA FONSECA & LORI BLANK RECEIVE NEW “MASTER CERTIFIED NEGOTIATION EXPERT (MCNE)” DESIGNATION Negotiation skills are the most important skills for helping home buyers and sellers reach their goals and dreams. Lisa Fonseca and Lori Blank of Lori Blank & Associates, LLC have been awarded the Master Certified Negotiation Expert (MCNE) designation by the Real Estate Negotiation Institute (RENI). The Master Certified Negotiation Expert (MCNE) program consists of six days of professional negotiation theory and techniques, as well as practical application to real estate negotiation situations. The MCNE program is the premier and most comprehensive negotiationtraining program in real estate. Agents who receive this designation are in the top .1% of all agents nationally in negotiation skill training. No real estate professional can guarantee specific outcomes or results for a real estate transaction. Home Buyers and Sellers can be sure that their MCNE agent/broker will conduct the real estate negotiations professionally, skillfully, and with confidence on the client’s behalf. The re- sults achieved by the client and his/her MCNE agent/broker will likely be among the best possible for the specific situation. (Negotiation Expertise, LLC, and the Real Estate Negotiation Institute do not warrant or guarantee any specific results when hiring a MCNE agent.) The Real Estate Negotiation Institute (RENI) is the leading negotiation training company in the real estate industry. RENI is an international negotiation training company with over 30 instructors who have a combined experience of over 600 years. RENI is also a member of the Harvard Program on Negotiation. For more information visit After the rain by Cindy Wendler Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 22 Superstition Mountain Astronomical League Public Schedule By William Shaheen The Superstition Mountain Astronomical League is pleased to submit to the community its public schedule for the 2014-2015 astronomical observing season. Again this year most events will be held on Saturdays, just to keep things simple and make it convenient for everyone. We will alternate, pretty much, between Peralta Trail Elementary School and Lost Dutchman State Park with an added event at Central Arizona College, Superstition Mountain Campus for their Astronomy and Science Night. All events are open to the public but note the Lost Dutchman State Park has a per vehicle entrance fee, unless you have a park pass. During the course of the year, if any special event should present itself, such as an errant comet (Comet ISON notwithstanding), a Special Notice will be sent. To be informed of any schedule changes, please join our notification list by emailing 2014 Sat. Oct 25 – Lost Dutchman State Park, 7 – 9pm Sat. Nov 22 – Lost Dutchman State Park, 7 – 9pm by Kanisha Walker 2015 Sat. Jan 17 – Peralta Trail Elementary School, 7 – 9pm Sat. Feb 14 – Lost Dutchman State Park, 7 – 9pm Sat. Mar 21 – Peralta Trail Elementary School, 7 – 9pm Sat. Apr 18 – Lost Dutchman State Park Family Campout, 7 – 9pm Fri. Apr 24 – Central Arizona College Science Night, 6 – 9pm Sat. May 16 – Peralta Trail Elementary School, 8 – 10pm If you have any questions or would like directions, or more information about the Superstition Mountain Astronomical League, please email We hope to see you under the stars. Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 23 by Kanisha Walker SOMETHING NEW THIS YEAR FOR LOCAL GARDENERS It doesn't matter if you live on an acre, an average lot, a condominium or an RV, a container garden can work for you! Learn how to select, plant and grow herbs, annuals, succulents and cacti in containers. Learn how to grow beautiful cacti like this in containers in a free class offered by the Master Gardeners at the Superstition Mountain Museum this fall. Here is something new, fun and free for desert gardeners this season at the Superstition Mountain Museum. Superstition Mountain Master Gardeners University of Arizona, Pinal County present Free Gardening Classes Saturday, Oct. 25, & Saturday, Nov. 22, 2014 - 11 a.m. Container Gardening Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 24 Location: Superstition Mountain Museum, 4087 N. Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ 85119. Call 480-983-4888 for info. The 50th Anniversary of John Calvin Presbyterian Church The Rev. Calvin Hill was the founding pastor and conducted the first services on February 2, 1964 at Gibbons Desert View Chapel. Soon a restaurant building on Broadway Avenue was 2 purchased; and the church received its charter on October 25, 1964 with 71 charter members. The church began as a community serving congregation. It supported the school lunch program, Boys Ranch in Queen Creek, the Presbyterian Mission in Guadalupe, provided a chaplain for the American Legion, and encouraged members to serve on the Search and Rescue Team. Carol Hill served on the Apache Junction Library Board. In 1971, a 40 foot high Bell Tower and carillon was built. In 1973, 70-140 youth participated in Saturday night youth activities. At this time the church building was the largest facility in Apache Junction and hosted many community meetings and gatherings. In February 1978, a new sanctuary was dedicated with over 700 people in attendance. The Fellowship Hall was struck by lightning in September 1992 and was destroyed. A new hall was built and dedicated in November 1994. An outstanding feature of the sanctuary are the 17 murals Pat AuBuchon painted depicting the life of Christ. Today the church supports over twenty 1964 mission projects. John Calvin Presbyterian Church, 1130 E. Broadway Ave, Apache Junction, AZ 85119, is planning a two day celebration of the 50th Anniversary on October 25-26, 2014. On the 25th from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm Fun Bus from AJ library, Classic Cars, Balloon art, face painting, music, and much more. 2014 Estate Planning · Wills · Trusts · Family Limited Partnerships · Family LLC’s · Charitable Giving FREE Initial Consultation Home Visits 25 Years Experience 480.6 6 68. 7 60 0 Michael 30 3035 035 3 S Ellllssw wor orth t , Su th Suit ite e 14 144 4 • Me M sa AZ 85 8 21 2 2 Sheridan Probate · Trust Administration · Trust/Will Litigation · Conservatorship and Guardianship · Asset Protection Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 25 ‘Wings of the Superstitions’ Dedication, Fundraiser is Nov. 23, 2014 at Superstition Mountain Museum “Wings of the Superstitions” is the name that has been given to the Memorial Bench dedication and Wings of Life fundraiser that the Superstition Mountain Museum will host on Sunday, Nov. 23, 2014. Plans are still being finalized, but the day will include a dedication ceremony of the memorial bench that was generously donated by Superstition Mountain Historical Society board member Greg Coury of Mountain View Memorial Gardens in East Mesa. The beautifully inscribed, black granite Memorial Bench commemorates the lives of the many peopl lost their lives in the Supe Mountains over the years, inc ing the Perry children and the father whose airplane crashed into the face of the mountain three years ago on Thanksgiving eve, 2011. The ceremony will begin at 2 p.m. Gold Canyon residen Karen Perry, the mother of t children who died, with the port of the Gold Canyon Com Church, has initiated a non-p ble foundation she has named “Wings of Life.” The foundation is dedicated to helping children throughout the East Valley by supplying food, clothing, household items, activities and general aid to children. Karen will be the day’s keynote speaker. Renderings will be shared of a metal sculpture commemorating the Perry children, created from salvaged pieces of the aircraft, and proposed for a location on museum grounds just north east of the bench. The Wings of Life foundation volun- tion of the proceeds going to the creation and installation of the Memorial Sculpture. Donation opportunities will be also provided at the event for those interested in contributing to Wings of Life or the costs of the Memorial Sculpture. There will also be a silent auction, food and music. running an activ ity-filled afternoon with food, music, fun and children’s games with an eye toward fundraising for the foundation. Butterfly gem pendants will be on sale at the museum Gift Shop with a por- Chris Locke (16) at the Great Wall of China this past July. The miracle isn't that The Gold Canyon Ledger is at the Great Wall of China; the miracle is that a teenager, away from home on his own for the very first time, would agree to have this picture taken to fulfill his parents' request. Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 26 Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 27 JODY SAYLER AND BOB NYE RECEIVES NEW “MASTER CERTIFIED NEGOTIATION EXPERT (MCNE)” DESIGNATION Negotiation skills are the most important skills for helping home buyers and sellers reach their goals and dreams. Jody Sayler and Bob Nye have been awarded the Master Certified Negotiation Expert (MCNE) designation by the Real Estate Negotiation Institute (RENI). The Master Certified Negotiation Expert (MCNE) program consists of six days of professional negotiation theory and techniques, as well as practical application to real estate negotiation situations. The MCNE program is the premier and most comprehensive negotiation-training program in real estate. Agents who receive this designation are in the top 1% of all agents nationally in negotiation skill training. No real estate professional can guarantee specific outcomes or results for a real estate transaction. Home Buyers and Sellers can be sure that their MCNE agent/broker will conduct the when hiring a MCNE agent.) The Real Estate Negotiation Institute (RENI) is the leading negotiation training company in the real estate industry. RENI is an international negotiation training company with over 30 instructors who have a combined experience of over 600 years. RENI is also a member of the Harvard Program on Negotiation. real estate negotiations professionally, skillfully, and with confidence on the client’s behalf. The results achieved by the client and his/her MCNE agent/broker will likely be among the best possible for the specific situation. (Negotiation Expertise, LLC, and the Real Estate Negotiation Institute do not warrant or guarantee any specific results Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 28 What we can learn from our dogs I recently had a birthday . I received a card from one of my dearest friends and in it was this little poem titled, If a dog were your teacher, you’d learn stuff like: It didn’t have an author, so I researched online and each time I found it, the poem was signed, by: Author Unknown. Hope you enjoy it . . . . .. How much better we could be if we followed some of the life lessons our dogs do. Kathy Fabish, 480.652.4900, If a dog were your teacher, you’d learn stuff like: *When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. *When it’s in your best interest practice obedience. *Let others know when they’ve invaded your territory. *Take naps. *Stretch before rising. *Run, romp and play daily. *Avoid biting when a simple growl will do. *On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree. *When happy, dance around and wag your entire body. *Delight in the simple joy of a long walk. *Eat with enthusiasm. *Stop when you have had enough. *Be loyal. *Never pretend to be someone you’re not. *When someone is having a bad day be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently. Happy Halloween In Gold Canyon We're not #1, OUR CLIENTS ARE! SEARCH FO R HOUSES the way Realtor's do using our website: Serving Gold Canyon and surrounding communities Since 1959. Lake Realty 6268 S. Kings Ranch Road, Suite 12 Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 480-982-7370 • 888-299-6792 Fax: 480-982-7584 Independently Owned and Operated Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 29 Wildlife Around Gold Canyon We want to highlight YOUR WILDLIFE Photos! Email us at Colorful lizzard on the Hieroglyphic Trail by Ricardo Gonsalves Diamondback Rattlesnake by Edd Lopez Fred by Vicki Boman Harris Hawk by Roy Fuerherm Gopher Snake by Jerry Jordan Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 30 Yellow Warbler at water feature by Mark Ochs Nesting in a safe place by John Velez Rufous Hummingbird by Mark Ochs Taking a break by John Velez Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 31 Tarantula by Roy Fuerherm Wildlife Around Gold Canyon We want to highlight YOUR WILDLIFE Photos! Email us at Woodpecker by Jerry Jordan Just having lunch by John Velez Meet Calvin our patio snake by Cindy Wendler Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 32 Owl by Steve Sova Business Directory ACCOUNTING AC & HEATING CHIROPRACTIC Superstition Chiropractic ....(480) 983-2249 CHURCH ASSISTED LIVING AC & HEATING Degree AC ..........................(480) 983-3012 COMPUTER REPAIR ATTORNEYS Sheridan & Larson ..............(480) 668-7600 CARPET CLEANING Noah’s Restoration............(480) 671-NOAH Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 33 COMPUTER REPAIR ELECTRICIAN GOLF CARTS & MAINTENANCE EYE CARE CONCRETE COATINGS Gold Canyon Eye Care ......(480) 474-2020 HANDYMAN FITNESS Southwest Fitness ..............(480) 982-0604 GARAGE CABINETS A “Handyman” to Have Around Bathro Bath room om & Kit itch chen en Rem emod odel els s Tile Ti le Wor ork k • La Lami mina nate te Flo loor orin ing g Circ Ci rcul ulat atin ing g Wa Wate terr Pu Pump mps s • Do Dogg ggie ie Doo oors rs Wate Wa terr So Soft ftne ners rs & Wat ater er Hea eate ters rs • Ga Garb rbag age e Di Disp spos osal als s • Gr Grililll Sy Syst stem ems s Elec El ectr tric ic • Cei eililing ng Fan ans s • AN AND D MU MUCH CH MOR ORE! E! JERR ERRY Y AND AND JAN s 35 Yeanr ce! ie r e Exp CONSTRUCTION HARDWARE STORE GARAGE DOORS GOLD CANYON HARDWARE STORE • Material Sales • Tool Rental • We Deliver 10422 E. Agua Vista Way Kings Ranch / Agua Vista 480-239-5046 HEALTH & WELL BEING GARAGE FLOORING DENTISTRY Superstition Mountain Dental ..(480) 671-7777 Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 34 HOUSE CLEANING LANDSCAPING NURSERY PAINTING INSURANCE PEST CONTROL State Farm - Tim Byke ........(480) 983-0418 Bug Off Pest Control............(480) 370-5075 Canyon Lands Ins. ..............(480) 288-5922 PET SITTING Dave Burden - Farmers Ins. (480) 636-6848 INTERIOR DECORATING MEDICAL INVESTMENTS Edward Jones......................(480) 983-7932 LANDSCAPING Bug Off ..............................(480) 370-5075 Smiling Dog Landscapes ....(480) 288-8749 Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 35 PET SITTING PLUMBING REAL ESTATE Danny Baker, Realtor® 480.239.5046 Office (480) 776-0001 Gold Canyon Realtors & Residents Since 2000. Experience Counts! PLUMBING BARB & GARY HUMPHRIES Your Neighborhood Realtors We know Your Market! Buying or Selling? Call us Anytime A+ Gold Canyon Plumbing DBA COPPER TOP PLUMBING, LLC Residential • Commercial Full Service Plumbing 480-215-8798 480-497-1110 EMAIL • Water Heaters • Toilets • Faucets • Disposals • Water Softeners • R.O. Systems • Water Line Replacement • Gas Lines • Slab Leaks Licensed •Bonded •Insured GRI • Copper Repipes • Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Electronic Leak & Sewer • Locating Video Inspection • Serving the Valley 25 Years 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE ROC269970 REMODELING POOL SERVICE ROOFING Do you Need Plumbing Help? Call Us First! •Up fr front pricing - no surprises! • Free Estimates • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed $10 off your first service call with this ad J & B Home Maintenance (480) 982-8242 Lic# ROC127626 • Bonded • Insured RADIO STATION The Oasis 99.3 ....................(480) 288-5800 REAL ESTATE Jill Gilbo/Realty Executives ..(602) 527-5884 JILL McFadden/US Preferred Realty ............................................(480) 244-6172 Jody Sayler/Just Selling AZ (480) 983-3606 Lisa Fonseca/Lori Blank & Associates ............................................(480) 437-4379 Lori Blank & Associates ......(480) 983-8383 Weichert Realtors/Lake Realty ............................................(480) 982-7370 Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 36 ROOFING TILE AND GROUT CLEANING WINDOW WASHING Desert Tile & Grout Care ......(480) 288-4475 TRAVEL Terra Travel ........................(480) 820-0701 TREE SERVICES SHIRTS/SCREENPRINTING/EMBROIDERY Ray’s Printing ......................(480) 982-3087 STORAGE WATER CORRECTION WILLS & TRUST Jacobson Crandall ..............(480) 588-5088 Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 37 Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 38 Gold Canyon Ledger • October 2014 • 39 JILL is Your #1 Choice in 2014! JILL was #1 in sales out of 500 US Preferred Realty Agents in 2013!! LUXURY 2007 CUSTOM ENTERTAINER’S PARADISE! PANORAMIC ELEVATED VIEWS FROM 26,136 S.F. HOMESITE! Elevated views, custom curb appeal & no HOA! This 3800 VIEW sf 4 bedroom 3 bath, luxury custom home offers spectacular Superstition Mountain, city light, & fairway views from the premium 26,136 sf lot location! Ultra privacy for your guests: first floor offers 2 bedrooms, bath, game room, wine room & laundry room. Panoramic views from dining,living,master suite. Very custom ceiling detail throughout! Gourmet kitchen boasts granite, travertine, custom cabinetry, Viking appliances & huge island! Rich wood flooring in master suite plus custom inlaid tile in spacious bath, private patio entrance & tremendous views=your dream retreat! Entertainer's paradise awaits in well appointed outdoor kitchen, sparkling 2013 pool with custom water feature & stunning Superstition Mountain views! Extended height/length 4 car garage sports epoxy & separate storage rm! Luxury, privacy & no HOA! Close to 5 Gold Canyon golf courses, only 35 min from Phoenix Sky Harbor! Offered at $874,900 JILL listed & sold 40% JILL listed & sold 20% of homes sold last season in GOLD CANYON EAST! of homes sold last season in SUPERSTITION FOOTHILLS! NG! PENDI VIEW GOLD CANYON EAST! CUSTOM BUILT 2008 TERRITORIAL W/MTN & GOLF VIEWS! 4 BDRM, 2.5 BATH, EXTENDED HEIGHT & LENGTH 3 CAR GARAGE! Offered at $495,000 GOLD CANYON EAST! DUAL DINOSAUR & SUPERSTITION MTN VIEWS! 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, SOARING LIVING ROOM CEILING, PAVERED PATIO! Offered at $204,500 Ask Jill About: Highest Quality Marketing AND More $ in Your Pocket! SUPERSTITION FOOTHILLS GORGEOUS GOLF COURSE & SUPERSTITION MOUNTAIN VIEWS! POOL & SPA! 2004 UPGRADED TOLL BRO. 4 BD, 3.5 BA, 3 CAR GARAGE! Offered at $487,900 SUPERSTITION FOOTHILLS SOLD TERRIFIC TURN-KEYSINGLE LEVEL W/POOL! GRANITE, TILE, CHERRY CABINETS, 3 CAR GARAGE!! Offered at $304,900 Visit FOR SINGLE CLICK SUBDIVISION SEARCHES JILL McFadden Call JILL at 480-244-6172 today! Working 4 Buyers & Sellers: Condos to Castles Direct: 480-244-6172 Gold Canyon Resident Address: 2512 S. Tonto View Gold Canyon AZ 85118 Email: Web: ADOBE 6499 Kings Ranch Rd. STE 6 Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 Ledger POSTAL PATRON Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Apache Junction, AZ Permit No. 5400