Document 6561903


Document 6561903
Iran, China keen to consolidate all-out ties
TEHRAN - Iran's new Ambassador to China Ali Asqar Khaji said Tehran
and Beijing share the common view that enhancing their ties would result in a
much better outlook for both nations, and called on relevant officials and bodies
to pave the ground for optimum utilization of the existing opportunities.
Addressing a gathering in Iran's embassy in Beijing on Sunday, Khaji said
that fortunately there are good potentials for cooperation between the two countries which enjoy historical background too.
He went on to say that presence of Iranians in different fields of science,
culture, and economy in China is significant, and vowed to do his best to help
the country's tradesmen expand business with their Chinese counterparts.
Trade between Iran and China in the past year was estimated at $45bln.
The Only International Persian Daily Newspaper
Iran scientist wins Golden Neuron Award
TEHRAN - The world renowned Iranian scientist in neurological surgery
Professor Majid Samii has garnered the 2014 Golden Neuron Award.
The award was announced during a ceremony held at the biannual meeting
of the World Academy of Neurological Surgery in Vienna on October 11.
Many leading scientists and neurological surgery scholars have flocked
to the biannual meeting that kicked off on October 9 and will run until
October 12.
Iranian neurosurgeon and medical scientist, Professor Samii, had earlier received the 2014 Leibniz Ring Prize in Berlin.
Prof. Samii is renowned worldwide for his life trajectory and especially for
his work in the Project Africa 100.
ISSN : 1353 8838 No. 4710, WEDNESDAY, Oct 15 , 2014
President Rohani:
Iran, Sextet will ‘certainly’ reach deal
TEHRAN - President Hassan Rohani says Tehran and
the Sextet of world powers
will “certainly” reach a deal
on Iran’s nuclear power as
the group has come to recognize the country’s nuclear
The Iranian president
made the remarks during a
TV interview aired on Iran’s
IRIB on Monday night.
“Anyway, we will find a
solution to the nuclear subject and we believe that the
two sides will certainly reach
a win-win agreement,” Rohani noted.
Iran and the six powers are
in talks to work out a final
agreement aimed at ending
the longstanding dispute over
Tehran’s civilian nuclear energy program.
World countries have accepted that Iran should have
access to nuclear technology
and that this issue should be
resolved through negotiations, the president said.
He voiced optimism about
reaching a comprehensive
agreement before the November 24th deadline, saying “good steps” had been
taken to resolve the issue.
Elsewhere, the president
made comments on Iran’s
economy, saying the country
had nearly $50 billion worth
of non-oil exports and imports in the first six months
of the Iranian calendar year
(started on March 21).
The rate of increase in Iran’s
inflation has dropped to about
one percent a month, he stated,
noting that the country’s inflation will fall below 20 percent up to the end of this year
(March 20, 2015).
Rohani called the decline
in the inflation and the country’s move out of the recession a great victory for the
Iranian nation. Hundreds of
the world’s great companies
are waiting for a comprehensive deal between Tehran and
Iran slams Riyadh’s stance on Tehran
TEHRAN - Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for
Arab and African Affairs
Hossein Amir-Abdollahian
has strongly responded to
remarks by Saudi Foreign
Minister Saud al-Faisal, saying they are “at odds with the
atmosphere of the diplomatic
negotiations between the two
On Monday, the high-ranking Foreign Ministry official
called on Riyadh to watch out
for plots hatched by regional
enemies and to make sure it
is not distracted from playing
a positive role in the region,
Fars News Agency reported.
Faisal claimed earlier in
the day that Iran was “part of
the problem, not the solution"
in the Middle East, alleging
that Tehran “cannot play any and Syria in fighting terrorrole in the region” if its poli- ism within the framework of
international rights.”
cies remain unchanged.
The Saudi foreign minWhile Riyadh and other
ister also accused Iran of Persian Gulf kingdoms are
having “occupying forces” widely suspected of being
in Syria despite the fact that
the major sponsors of TakIran has firmly dismissed
firi terrorist groups, includreports about its military ing the ISIL and al-Nusra
involvement in Syria and
Front, Saudi Arabia, along
Iraq, stressing that Tehran’s with Qatar, Bahrain and the
support for the two Arab
United Arab Emirates, has
nations is in the form of hu- now joined Washington’s somanitarian aid and military called coalition against the
ISIL Takfiri terrorists.
Faisal made the comments
The Iranian official further
at a joint press conference
referred to Bahrain, saying
with his German counterpart, that if Saudis ended their milFrank-Walter Steinmeier, in
itary presence in the country,
the Saudi city of Jeddah.
a “national dialogue” would
Amir-Abdollahian noted
come about along with an
that “Tehran helps the gov- “end to the crackdown on
ernments and nations of Iraq
IKCO produces TU3
Peugeot 206
TEHRAN - The largest car manufacturing company in the
Middle-East, Iran-Khodro Company (IKCO), has started mass
production of TU3 engines for its Peugeot 206 type 2 cars, the
company said. During a ceremony held in the presence of high
ranking officials from the Parliament and the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Commerce, the domestically-made Peugeot
206 type 2 was unveiled.
"According to the plan, IKCO will develop a totally new car
and a facelift every six months and a new engine every three
years, starting next October," IKCO CEO and president Hashem Yekehzare said, addressing the ceremony.
"The production of a platform based on IKCO engines is
on our agenda, thereby a new platform that will suit C and D
segment cars will be introduced in two years from now," he
continued. Referring to the investment jump in auto part making industries and the boost in employment in IKCO's 800 auto
part makers as a result of the current accelerated production, the
CEO claimed, "We are no more concerned about volume and
we will be focused on quality, export, after-sales service and car
development this year."
"IKCO has experienced a boom in production since last
October in a way that last year's second half production was
two times the first half," he recalled, and added, "This year's
production target is 600,000 sets of car and we are already 2%
ahead of the planning, while we've been emphasizing our domestic capabilities regardless of foreign sanctions."
Iranian films honored in
Beirut Filmfest
TEHRAN - Several Iranian screen productions have picked
up awards in various categories of the 2014 Beirut International
Film Festival. Iranian filmmaker Salem Salavati’s Kurdishlanguage drama The Last Winter took home both the best feature and best director award, Press TV reported.
The 77-minute film is an allegory in which the depicted
family represents those ones who are unable to change their
resigned way of life. The Last Winter is an expanded version
of Salavati’s previous short Snowy Dreams with the same picturesque winter scenery, calm, realistic life style and culture of
Iran’s Kurdistan.
The film was screened at the 2013 Golden Apricot Yerevan
Film Festival as well as at the Focus on Kurdish Film Section
in the 2013 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in Czech
The movie garnered the Best Director Award at the 2014
Kazan International Muslim Film Festival.
The year’s Beirut festival’s Best short film went to Iran’s Ali
Asgari’s More Than Two Hours, while Karim Rahbani’s With
Thy Spirit took the jury prize for shorts.
Iranian actor Homayoun Ershadi along with other jurors
including the Protagonist Pictures CEO Mike Goodrich, former Sundance Institute director Alesia Weston, and The Attack
screenwriter Joelle Touma served at the festival’s jury panel
headed by the French actress and director Julie Gayet.
The 14th edition of Beirut International Film Festival took
place from October 1 through 9, 2014.
the P5+1 countries to rush for
investment in Iran.
He said in the first six months
of the current year (started
March 21) imports amounted
to $26 billion and exports to
$23 billion making a total of
about $50 billion of export and
import of non-oil products. He
expressed hope that the figure
will increase to about $100 billion by the yearend.
“In the past six months
liquidity has moved in a
right direction, first towards
Stock Exchange and then to
the banks. Today, banks can
more freely grant facilities
so that facilities in the first
five months of the current
year increased by 40.5% as
compared to the same period
last year and the main part of
the facilities were granted as
working capital."
President Rohani maintained that the economy
would improve when private and cooperative sectors
are given the opportunity
and space in managing the
“We welcome criticism and
expert views; however, nobody would cast doubt on our
figures and statistics,” Rohani said, urging the public to
be satisfied with the progress
made toward prosperity.
President Rohani also said
that the environment has a
top priority for his government, because it is directly
related to the people’s health.
The president reiterated that
problems requires planning.
He referred to water shortage as a major challenge of
the country and called for
preservation of Urumiyeh
Lake and Zayanderud which
are drying up.
“The people now feel that
the era of high turbulence in
their foreign relations is over,
and that is while the nuclear
negotiations is a part of our
foreign relations,” said President Rohani.
He added that the big world
powers are now volunteers
for talks with high-ranking
Iranian officials and the
country’s foreign policy has
taken a long stride forward.
Iran urges joint effort
against terrorism
TEHRAN - Iran’s Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani has underscored the need for a comprehensive campaign against terrorist
groups across the Middle East.
At a Monday meeting with Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim
al-Jabouri on the sidelines of the 131st Assembly of the InterParliamentary Union (IPU) in Geneva, Larijani called for TehranBaghdad cooperation to counter terrorism, Press TV reported.The
two sides also discussed the situation across the Middle East and
the atrocities committed by terrorists in Iraq and Syria.
ISIL Takfiri terrorists, who currently control parts of Syria
and Iraq, have committed widespread acts of violence, including mass executions, abductions, torture and forcing women
into slavery in the areas they have seized in the two countries.
They have threatened all communities, including Shias,
Sunnis, Kurds, Christians and Izadi Kurds, as they continue
their atrocities in the two neighboring Arab states.
Larijani and Jabouri also reviewed bilateral parliamentary
relations and ways of promoting the two countries’ ties.
Earlier in the day, Larijani met the parliament speakers of
Syria, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Serbia and President of the International Committee of the Red Cross Peter Maurer.
Iranian movie wins at Busan Filmfest
Iran negotiating team heads
to Vienna
TEHRAN - The Iranian negotiating team
The two sides are currently working to
led by Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad
Zarif has left for the Austrian capital of Vienna for a fresh round of talks with the P5+1
group over Tehran’s nuclear energy program.
Zarif is scheduled to sit down with EU
foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who
leads the team from the P5+1 countries, at a
dinner banquet later on Tuesday to discuss
the progress of the nuclear talks and the
agenda for the negotiations.
The Iranian foreign minister is then set to
attend a trilateral meeting with US Secretary
of State John Kerry and Ashton on Wednesday, Press TV reported.
This round of talks is the eighth this year
between Iran and the six countries of Russia, China, France, Britain, the US and Germany.
Tehran and the P5+1 group wrapped up
their latest round of nuclear talks in New
York late last month.
Foreign minister:
Iran to keep enrichment within int’l law
TEHRAN - Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad
Javad Zarif says the Islamic
Republic will keep on exercising its nuclear enrichment right.
“The Islamic Republic of
Iran will continue its nuclear
enrichment within the framework of international regulations,” the Iranian foreign
minister said in a meeting
Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc
in the Iranian capital, Tehran,
on Monday.
Zarif further assessed ties
between Tehran and Hanoi
as positive, expressing hope
for the expansion of relations
between the two countries
especially in economic fields,
Press TV reported.
There are good grounds
for upgrading cooperation
among the two country’s private companies, the Iranian
foreign minister added.
The Vietnamese deputy
prime minister, for his part,
endorsed Iran’s right to the
TEHRAN - A top Iranian
diplomat has called for a
global campaign against narcotics trafficking, describing
drug trade as the world’s most
lucrative and widespread organized crime.
Iran's Deputy Ambassador
to the United Nations Gholam Hossein Dehqani made
the remarks in a session of
the United Nations General
Assembly's Third Committee on Tuesday, Press TV
The Islamic Republic of
Iran has been playing an
important role in countering drugs smuggling from
Iran to hold Cultural Week in Tunisia
TEHRAN - Iran has
planned to hold the country’s
Cultural Week in Tunisia to
introduce the Persian culture
and various arts to the nation.
Iran's Minister of Culture
Ali Jannati and several other
officials are slated to attend
the event.
A delegation of 30 artists
selected from among a number of Iranian experts in various arts will also participate
in the festival that will be held
in Tunisian several cities.
Screening Iranian cinematic productions, exhibiting Persian works of art such
as paintings, calligraphy, illumination, traditional and
regional Persian costumes
and performing traditional
music are among the programs of the event.
emphasized the need for the
two Persian Gulf nations to
utilize their entire capacities
to consolidate their economic
cooperation, FNA reported.
"Deepening and widening
of the relations with Islamic
countries, particularly the
neighboring ones, has always
been a main priority of Iran's
foreign policy," Tayyebnia
underlined.Yet, he stressed
that restoration of sustainable
security and stability to the re-
gion is a necessary condition
for economic progress.
The Kuwaiti minister, for
his part, called for broadening ties and cooperation, and
asked for activating the IranKuwait joint economic cooperation committee.
The 2014 Annual Meetings of the IMF and the World
Bank Group start work in
Washington, D.C. on October 10, and will end up later
Iran urges int'l anti-drugs
Ali Mosaffa and Leila Hatami in a scene from ‘What's the Time in Your World’
The ‘A Window to Asian Cinema’ section
of the festival, presented 58 titles from 28
countries, of which 7 titles were from Iran. A
Few Cubic Meters of Love by Jamshid Mahmoudi, Tales by Rakhshan Bani-Etemad and
Sun Station by Saman Salour were among the
selected movies.
We Have a Guest by Mohammad Mehdi Asgarpour, Track 143 by Narges Abyar,
Daughter…Mother…Daughter by Panahbar-Khoda Rezaei, and Sensitive Floor by Kamal Tabrizi also represented Iranian cinema at
the festival.
Short films Two Halves of True by Neda
Asef and The Old Tree by Farnoush Abedi
were screened at the Asian Short Film section. About 313 films from 79 countries were
displayed at this year’s edition of the festival.
The 2014 Busan International Film Festival
took place from October 2 to 11.
peaceful nuclear energy, say- the progress of the ongoing
ing, “We support Iran’s right
nuclear negotiations beto use peaceful nuclear ener- tween Tehran and the P5+1
gy and believe that Iran plays group of world powers.
a major role in establishing
Tehran and the P5+1 group
regional peace and security.” – Russia, China, France, BritHe also underscored the
ain, the US and Germany –
expansion of cooperation wrapped up their latest round
between Iran and Vietnam in
of nuclear talks in New York
economic and technological last month.
The two sides are currentZarif is set to meet with ly working to reach a final
the EU foreign policy chief, agreement aimed at ending
Catherine Ashton, and US the longstanding dispute
Secretary of State John Kerry over Tehran’s civilian nuclein the Austrian capital, Vien- ar work as the November 24
na, on October 15, to discuss
deadline approaches.
Iran, Kuwait discuss expansion
of economic ties
TEHRAN - Iranian Economy Minister Ali Tayyebnia
and his Kuwaiti counterpart
Anas Khalid Al Saleh explored new avenues for widening and deepening bilateral
Speaking in a meeting
held on the sidelines of the
2014 annual meeting of
the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) and the World
Bank Group in Washington
on Sunday, the two ministers
TEHRAN - Iranian filmmaker Safi Yazdanian’s debut feature film What's the Time in
Your World? has been named winner at the
19th Busan International Film Festival in
South Korea.
The movie was awarded the prize of Critics International Federation (Federation Internationale de la Press Cinematographique)
FIPRESCI. What's the Time in Your World?
is also scheduled to compete at the 2014 Mumbai Film Festival and the 38th Sao Paulo International Film Festival (Mostra Internacional
de Sao Paulo) in late October.
Iranian drama Thirteen (13) directed by
Houman Seyedi along with a Korean cinematic production jointly garnered the New
Currents Award of the year’s Busan festival.
Some 11 film titles from Iran took part at
the 19th Busan International Film Festival in
South Korea.
reach a final agreement aimed at ending the
longstanding dispute over Tehran’s civilian
nuclear work as a November 24 deadline approaches.
On Monday night, Iranian President
Hassan Rohani said that Tehran and the
Sextet of world powers will “certainly”
reach an understanding on Iran’s nuclear
“On the nuclear issue the two sides will
certainly reach an understanding and this
understanding will be based on the win-win
principle” Rohani said during a TV televised interview.
World countries have accepted that Iran
should have access to nuclear technology
and that this issue should be resolved through
negotiations, the president said.Iran and the
six countries sealed an interim deal in Geneva, Switzerland, on November 23, 2013,
for a six-month period. The deal, which took
effect on January 20, expired on July 20.
Different cultural panels
will be also held on the sidelines of the event with participation of Tunisian cultural
officials and artists.
The first Iranian film week
was held in the capital city of
Tunis in 2011, while the first
Tunisia Cultural Week was
presented in the Iranian capital city of Tehran in 2012.
Iran’s second Cultural
Week is scheduled to kick
off on October 14 and will
be continued until October
19, 2014.
its eastern borders with Afghanistan, the world’s largest
opium producer, he said.
He pointed to the casualties
that Iran has sustained during the war against drugs and
added that Iran spends millions of dollars each year to
control its borders and build
barriers along the border with
Pakistan and Afghanistan to
prevent drugs smuggling.
Iran has been cooperating
with Afghanistan and Pakistan to counter drugs smuggled via sea routes, Dehqani
said, adding that the Islamic
Republic has confiscated
more than 7.5 tons of illicit
drugs through exchanging
intelligence with its neighbors.
Iran shares a long border
with Afghanistan, the supplier of about 90 percent of
the world's opium.
Over the past three decades,
Iran has spent billions of dollars to seal its borders and prevent the transit of narcotics
destined for European, Arab
and Central Asian countries.
The war on drug trade, a
profitable business originating in Afghanistan, has also
claimed the lives of nearly
4,000 Iranian police officers
and soldiers.
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