THE ANNUAL EVENTS OF WORLD PEACE PUJA PERFORMANCES at Mahabodhi (Mahavihara) Temple, Bodhgaya, Bihar, India scheduled from October 2014 to February 2015 Sl.No. Name of Puja 1. Maha Kathina Civara Dana Ceremony 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Organisors Dates / Venue Mahabodhi Mahavihara 12th Oct. 2014 Bodhgaya (Temple west side) Director of the Historic Kathina Civra at Veluvana Celebration at Kathina Civara at Veluvana Mahavihara, Bodhgaya India Dzongsar Khyentse Dzongsar Prayer Chokyi Lodro Institute, Ceremony Himachal Pradesh Maha Bodhi Society of Kathina Puja (Robe India, Buddhagaya offering) Sakya Dolma Sakya Prayer Phodrang, Dehradun Ceremony Mahabodhi Chinese International WaterTemple Land Buddhist Ceremony Indosan Nipponji Japanese Puja Japanese Temple, Bodhgaya Manang Social Vajra Satu Dungyur Services Committee, recitation Puja Nepal International Tipitaka 10th International Chanting Council Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony Kagyu Monlam Kagyu Monlam Organizing Committee, Chenmo Karma Temple nd Kagyupa International 32 Annual Monlam Trust, Sujata International Kagyu By Pass Road, Bodhgaya Monlam Chenmo th All India Mahayana 4 International Mani Dungyur Monlam 2014 Buddhist Mhanipa Association, Jalpaiguri th Jonang Monlam 13 Jonang Monlam Chenmo Committee, Chenmo Shimla, H.P. Dudjom Krodikali Krodikali Puja Association, Bhutan (Dudjom Throemai Tshogbum Chenmo) H.H. Late Jigme 12th DechodMonlam Phuntsok Jungne Organising Committee Remarks. Contact:Ph.06312200735 (Bhikkhu Chalinda) 19th – 21st Oct. 2014 West side Ms. Rojana Vanich (email : roj.vanich@gmail.com 22nd Oct. to 31st Oct. 2014 (Temple west side) 2nd-3rd Nov. 2014 (west side) 8th to 10th Nov. 2014 (west side) 11th to 28th Nov. 2014 (Temple west side) Contact : Mob. 09816761188 (Khenpo Choying Dorjee) 21st November 2014 (south side of Temple) 29th Nov. to 11th Dec. 2014 (Temple south side) infront lamp house 2nd Dec. to 12th Dec. 2014 (All sides of Temple) Contact : Mob. 9934686946 (Lobsang) 14th to 22th Dec. 2014 (All sides of Temple) 28th Dec. 2014 to 4th Jan. 2015 (All sides of Temple) 31st Dec. 2014 to 4th Jan. 2015 (South side lawn) 6th to 12th Jan. 2015 (south side) K.T. Dhondup thekagyumonlam@gm ail.com 2200795, 2200103 No. : 8002729440 (Lama Chodrak) email : executive@ kagyumonlam.org Mob. : 9470852255 (Ajay Subba) 9733303658 (Jangbir Lama) 7th to 10st Jan. 2015 (Temple west side) Mob. : +97517162939 (Deky Chhoendorn) 14th to 19th January 2015. West side Mob. : 09933444999 (Khyentse Tulku) 0631-2200742 e-mail : sakyadolmaphodrang@g mail.com 01352734081 (Khondung Ratna) Contact : Mob. 09431888888, 2200769 (Shi Ri Zhao) Mob. : 07070175143 (Tshering Chiring) 09851061368 (Nepal) Contact : 9958373642 www.tipitakachantingc ouncil.org 16. 26th Nyingma Monlam Chenmo (Prayer for World Peace) 17. Manushri-NamaSamgati prayers Nyingma Monlam Chenmo International Foundation, Karnataka 20st Jan. to 30th Jan. 2015 (All sides of Temple) (Project Offfice-Bodhgaya) 1st to 7th Feb. 2015 Druk Ngawang Thubten Choling Mob. : 9431224815 (Bhu Tsering Ganpa) 9431224815, 9006168525 (karnataka) Tel. : 2200653, 2201987 th (updated as on 08 October 2014) (Bhikkhu Chalinda) Chief Monk (Nangzey Dorjee) Secretary, BTMC