We encourage you to fill out the 2014 Application for... form online. It is quicker and easier than printing it...
We encourage you to fill out the 2014 Application for... form online. It is quicker and easier than printing it...
We encourage you to fill out the 2014 Application for Admission form online. It is quicker and easier than printing it first and filling it in by hand. To complete the form online you will need Adobe Reader Version 8 or above. You can fill in this form online by typing directly into the highlighted fields. However, we require your signature so you must print and sign it before sending it to UTAS. The online form prompts you with details where required. If you print the form to complete offline then follow the guidelines below to complete sections which may have multiple answers. Section A: Personal Details If applicable, note your University of Tasmania Student ID Number. Complete the relevant contact details, including any previous names (you must submit certified evidence of name change with this application) and your emergency contact details. Section B: Citizenship Details You need to tell us your citizenship status. Australian citizen New Zealand citizen (attach a certified copy of your New Zealand passport, or New Zealand Citizenship Certificate) Australian Permanent Resident (attach a certified copy of your Visa and indicate the date of permanent status) Australian Permanent Humanitarian Visa holder (attach a certified copy of your Visa and indicate the date of permanent status) If you were born outside Australia, please enter the name of the country in which you were born and the date (dd/mm/yy) you first arrived in Australia. Do you speak a language other than English at home? If yes, enter the name of the non-English language that is spoken most often. If you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin indicate which one applies to you. If you are of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin simply write 'BOTH'. Section C: Course Preferences Not all courses are available for mid-year entry and you need to check the Course List for availability. If the course is not listed then it is not available for mid-year entry. You can choose up to four course preferences. Enter the course code and title, which are shown on the Course list and your preferred semester start. Some course have specialisations. If it is shown on the Course List, select the appropriate specialisations, otherwise leave this field blank. Select the campus you will be studying through. University of Tasmania Admissions Office Private Bag 45 Hobart Tasmania 7001 Australia T +61 1300 361 928 F +61 3 6226 2087 Admissions@utas.edu.au www.utas.edu.au/admissions ABN 30 764 374 782 / CRICOS 00586B Section D: Secondary Educational Qualifications Enter the details of any secondary education by completing the year you studied, your School/College name and the state where you attended, and/or post-secondary education by writing in the year from/to, name of the institution you attended, title of your award and your student number. You also need to tell us if your courses are complete. If not, please advise which courses are incomplete. If you are currently studying you need to tell us if you have exams or results pending and whether you are completing the course in 2014. You also need to tell us about any exclusions. You may apply for Credit (Advanced Standing) for any relevant study. If you are apply for credit you need to complete the Credit Form and attach it to this application. Section E: Education Level of Parents or Guardians These questions are about the highest level of education completed by your parents or guardians. The Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) requires this information to be collected for statistical purposes. You can indicate information for up to two parent/guardian(s). Parent/Guardian - indicate whether male or female. Leave blank if there is no parent/guardian. In the second box write in the highest level of education from the following list: Postgraduate qualification (e.g. graduate diploma, master’s degree, PhD) Bachelor degree Other post-school qualification (e.g. associate degree, diploma, advanced diploma, completed apprenticeship, VET/TAFE certificate) Completed Year 12 schooling* Completed Year 10 schooling*, continued at school, but didn’t complete Year 12 schooling* Completed Year 10 schooling* Didn’t complete Year 10 schooling* Don’t know * Or equivalent Section F: Student Declaration and Signature You must read and sign the declaration before sending it to UTAS. Applications with unsigned declarations cannot be processed. Section G: Final Check Completed all relevant questions on the application form Indicated your citizenship status Listed your course preference information Attached any documentation required (eg. visas, supporting statements, transcripts) Signed and dated the declaration Your application cannot be processed if this information is not complete. 2014 Application for Admission and Enrolment Applications for 2015 are not accepted on this form. 2015 Applications open online in August at www.utas.edu.au/apply CRICOS Provider Code 00586B Section A: Personal Details If you have previously applied or enrolled at UTAS, what is your Student ID Number Title: Gender First Name/s Last Name Previous Name Male/Female Date of Birth Address Suburb State Phone (home) Postcode Country Phone (mobile) Phone (work) Email Section B: Citizenship Details What is your citizenship status? Australian Citizen New Zealand Citizen Permanent Resident Status Permanent Humanitarian Visa International Student Country of birth if not Australia Date of entry to Australia Language spoken at home Date of Permanent Status Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent? Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander No Both If you were born outside of Australia, your application will not be valid without certified copies of your citizenship or visa documents Section C: Course Preferences Course Code Course Title – Enter a valid course from Course List Semester Specialisation Section D: Secondary Educational Qualifications Year of Completion Grade/ Year 10 School/ College State Grade/ Year 11 School/ College State Grade/ Year 12 School/ College State Campus Post Secondary Educational Qualifications (this means TAFE and all tertiary studies, including previous studies at UTAS) Year From Year To Name of Institution Are all your post-secondary studies listed above complete? Title of Award Yes Do you have any current examinations or results pending? Yes No If No, please provide the details below Are you completing your current course this year? Yes Have you ever been excluded from any course? Yes No No Student Number No Do you wish to apply for credit (Advanced Standing)? Yes No Section E: Education Level of your Parents or Guardians These questions are about the highest level of education completed by your parents or guardians and is a requirement of The Australian Government Department of Employment, Education and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). It is not used by the University of Tasmania. Please answer about the people (up to two) who, during all (or most) of your school years, were your parents or guardians. If you have more than two, answer about those you have spent the most time with. What is the highest level of education completed by: Parent/ guardian 1 Male Female Parent/ guardian 2 Male Female Education level Postgraduate qualification (e.g. graduate diploma, masters degree, PhD) Bachelor Degree Other post-school qualification (e.g. associate degree, diploma, advanced diploma) Don’t know Didn’t complete Year 12 schooling (or equivalent) Completed Year 12 schooling (or equivalent) Didn’t complete Year 10 schooling (or equivalent) Completed Year 10 schooling (or equivalent) Education level Postgraduate qualification (e.g. graduate diploma, masters degree, PhD) Bachelor Degree Other post-school qualification (e.g. associate degree, diploma, advanced diploma) Don’t know Didn’t complete Year 12 schooling (or equivalent) Completed Year 12 schooling (or equivalent) Didn’t complete Year 10 schooling (or equivalent) Completed Year 10 schooling (or equivalent) Section F: Student Declaration and Signature The University of Tasmania collects, stores and uses personal information, including student images, for the purpose of: Admission assessment and university entry; Administration of the student’s enrolment and progress in their study; The provision of other services to the student by the University; and To comply with the Higher Education Support Act 2003, the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007. All information and images are collected and stored on a secure server; only accessed by University staff for the purposes for which they have been collected; and will only be used or disclosed in accordance within the University of Tasmania Privacy Policy at http://www.utas.edu.au/policy. I understand that I have the right to access my personal information held by the University in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009 (Tas); It is my responsibility to ensure that my enrolment is correct; I agree to pay all fees, levies and charges within the specified timelines; I will received information and notices in relation to my course of study or general information via my University e-mail account; I am required to abide by the University Ordinances, Rules, Policies and procedures; I am aware of the conditions under which I can use the University’s Information technology facilities and I accept responsibility to obtain and read the relevant documents; I consent to the provision of my personal details as required by law to government departments, statutory bodies and other institutions involved in the delivery of my course of study; I authorise UTAS to obtain official records from any educational institution I have attended to enable my application to be considered. Where necessary QualSearch will be engaged to access this academic information. I understand that UTAS is not responsible if any educational body/ institution does not supply these records. I understand that the results of the search will be made available to me on request and that an audit of this authority may also be undertaken; and I acknowledge I have read and understood the University’s Privacy Policy. Applicable to Seafaring applications only: I agree to authorise AMC/UTAS to release my details to MAST and/or AMSA and potential sponsors. I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief the information given in this form is correct and complete in every detail. Signature* Date* * This form must be printed, signed and dated prior to sending to the Admissions Office. Section G: Final Check I confirm I have answered all questions and signed the declaration. I have attached certified citizenship or permanent resident documents (if required). I have attached a supporting statement and/or certified academic transcripts (if required). I have attached an Application for Credit (Advanced Standing) (if required). Please return this form and all relevant documents to: Or email a signed scanned copy to: UTAS Admissions Office Private Bag 45 Hobart TAS 7001 Admissions@utas.edu.au
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