Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church Bellevue, WA 98007 425-746-2529


Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church Bellevue, WA 98007 425-746-2529
Weekly Announcements October 12, 2014 – October 19, 2014
Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church
Bellevue, WA 98007
Weekly Announcements for October 12– October 19, 2014
Sunday Worship
Worship Service with Holy Communion, 8:30 am and 11:00 am
Education Hour, 9:45 am
WELCOME to Saint Andrew’s!
EQUAL EXCHANGE FAIRLY TRADED COFFEE AND MORE: Support our Global Outreach by purchasing fairly
traded coffee, tea, hot cocoa, and chocolate bars (in the Narthex between services). By purchasing these items, you help the
coffee and cocoa bean farmers in impoverished countries receive more money for their crops by eliminating the middle man’s
APPLES! Saint Andrew’s members Vince and Doris Visaya have brought a trailer-load of apples to our parking lot! Take as
many apples as you wish and leave a donation which will go to Youth and Family Ministries.
FLU SHOTS: Flu Shots are being given TODAY, October 12, in Room 212 (Library) between 8:00 am and 11:00 am. Bring
your insurance card (the cost is $28 if you do not have insurance coverage.) There are two versions of the flu shot: preservativefree for those with allergies and the 3-strain flu shot (regular flu shot.) Shots are administered by a Seattle Visiting Nurse. You
are welcome to come for a flu shot even if you did not sign up.
LOVE TREE COFFEE TALK! Come for coffee and fancy treats! Learn about the Love Tree! Today, October 12, at 10:00
am in
322/Conference Room. Contact Joyce Arnold for more information.
HEALING PRAYERS are offered during the distribution of Holy Communion on the third Sunday of each month. Trained
healing ministers will receive your requests before or after receiving the Eucharist. It can be especially meaningful to have a
laying on of hands and an anointing of oil, if desired. It is appropriate to bring ANY request or concern that you may have for
yourself or someone else. These may be prayers for emotional, spiritual, or physical healing. It can be a peace that brings
wholeness, according to God’s will, in a number of ways. If you are unable to walk to the kneelers, please ask an usher to assist
or move to the bottom of the stairs on the East side of the sanctuary (near the pulpit) and the Healing Minister will come to you.
WORSHIP SERVICE CAPTIONING: Next Sunday, real-time captioning of the 11:00 am worship service is available,
making our worship service accessible to those who are hard-of-hearing or cannot be at church. You can use your smartphone,
PC, or tablet to access the captioning (the sanctuary has a WiFi connection.) Go to: (If you see a login page, the captioning is not yet active. Refresh your
browser near the beginning of the worship service.)
The website displays real-time captions of what is being spoken in the service, similar to closed captioning on television.
Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA
Weekly Announcements October 12, 2014 – October 19, 2014
The Staff Transitions Task Force (STTF) visited with individuals at several churches in the Seattle area to learn how they are
“doing” Christian Education. We are now analyzing all the information we have gathered from them, as well as from our own
staff, lay leadership, committees and the congregation. We are in the process of determining staffing needs for Saint Andrew’s,
and will be working with the Human Resources Committee. We continue to welcome hearing from members of our
congregation. Members of the Task Force are Claudia Browers, Dave Holmes, Delores Johnson, Lois Nelson (Council Liaison),
Jean Wahlstrom, and Lynn Mack, chair.
SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL (SCS): All children ages 2 through Grade 5 are invited to join our Sunday Church
School classes every Sunday morning at 9:45 am. The 2- and 3-year-olds meet in 210/Nursery; all other classes are
downstairs in the Education Wing. 2-year-olds through Kindergarten begin each Sunday with Music in Room 106.
AFFIRMATION OF BAPTISM/CONFIRMATION: Classes for those in grades 6-8 meet in the Education Wing on
Sunday mornings at 9:45 am. Those students new to our congregation are asked to contact Pastor McEachran, Pastor
Telyea, or Nona Gram, Interim Coordinator of Christian Education.
CROSSWALK (grades 9-12): Join us every Sunday morning at 9:45 am on the couch side of the Youth Room. This year
we are using Augsburg’s “Animate” to explore topics on the Bible, Faith, and Faith Practices.
MENTOR/MENTEE LUNCH: To all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders and their adult mentors: please join us TODAY, October
12, from 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm for our annual lunch. Find out what everyone has been doing over the summer, build
sandwiches, and play a game or two. Looking forward to seeing you there!
YOUTH REGISTRATION: We have one registration form that includes medical information and permissions, and is used
for all Education, Youth, and other activities at Saint Andrew’s for 2014-2015. Complete one form per family. There is space
for up to four children and it covers all youth from age 2 through Grade 12.
The form is an interactive PDF form and is ONLINE at You can open it and fill in the applicable
fields. After completing the form, SAVE it to your computer. Then either email the form to or print and
return the form to Saint Andrew’s in person or by mail. For more information, contact Interim Coordinator of Christian
Education Nona Gram, 425-746-2529 or
Each class to have 100% registrations returned by Sunday, October 12, will get a doughnut party!
KIDS COMMUNION CLASS: The Apostle Paul reminds Christians of the importance of knowing what we receive in
Holy Communion in 1 Corinthians 11:28, “Examine yourselves, and only then eat of the bread and drink of the cup.” Kids
Communion aims to instruct kids, and others, of the meaning of the Sacrament. If your child has not received communion
instruction from either Pastor this class is perfect for you. Join Pastor Telyea as he teaches the meaning of the Sacrament,
and bakes communion bread on Saturday, October 25, at 9:00 am. To sign up, email Pastor Telyea,
through October 26, 7:15 am
Facilitators: Jean Wahlstrom and Marvin Kananen
322/Conference Room
Jean Wahlstrom and Marvin Kananen are leading a study of Paul’s Letter to the Colossians at 7:15 am (coffee and goodies
provided) for six Sundays. Come and be enriched, studying the Word in a small group format. It’s a great way to start your day!
Bring your Bible and an open heart and mind.
Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA
Weekly Announcements October 12, 2014 – October 19, 2014
October 12
Presenters: Lola Deane and Anne Gintz
301/Fellowship Hall North
Holden Village is a Lutheran Ministry located in the North Cascades above Lake Chelan and has been a destination for renewal
for more than 50 years. Holden has been in a time of renewal with remediation of environmental scars left from mining many
years ago and renewal its infrastructure and facilities. Lola Deane, a member of the Holden Village Board of Directors and the
Fundraising Chair, and Anne Gintz, Development Coordinator, will share updates on the Village Renewal projects, the future,
and the overall Holden experience
October 19 and 26
Presenter: Vicar William Cheung
301/Fellowship Hall North
Everything has a beginning. New Fruit Fellowship is no different. Come join Vicar Cheung to learn about how New Fruit began
only as a hang out place for high school students and how it turned into a site for mission development.
October 19
Facilitator: Dianne Chong
The KnitWits (Knitting as Witnesses) are a fellowship group whose primary mission is to provide items of comfort that are knit
or crocheted. The items they are currently making are prayer shawls, baby caps, scarves, and baptismal blankets. All are
October 19
STEPPING INTO ADULTHOOD (Faith Stepping Stones for Parents of High School Seniors)
Facilitators: Lois Nelson and Kari Henderson
Sessions focus on post-high school plans and expectations. Ideas and insights are shared about next steps in the young adult’s
faith journey. Special gifts from families are presented to the youth in June.
October 26 and November 2
STEPPING INTO THE STORIES (Faith Stepping Stones for Parents of Kindergarteners)
Facilitators: Lois Nelson and Kari Henderson
Questions are answered regarding social, academic, emotional, and faith development. Children are presented with a Story
Bible. Parents and children are led through finding stories in their new Bibles, as well as decorating prayer boxes.
Facilitator: Dave Marcrander
6:30 am, Room 212
TMM is spending several weeks engaging The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw. We think it is a fitting salute to the D-Day
70th anniversary. Please join us at 6:30 am.
Presenter: Pastor McEachran
9:30 am, 322/Conference Room
“On your Mark. Get ready, Grow!” We are studying the Gospel of Mark. We continue this Tuesday with Mark 3:7-6:6a –
Parables and Miracles. An adventure with new insights into how the earliest Church began to form the mission we share at
Saint Andrew’s in the 21st Century. Bring your favorite translation and a friend.
W.E.B.S. (Women’s Evening Book Study):
Facilitators: Cheryl Jurrus and Vickie Kirn
Wednesdays, 7:00 pm, 322/Conference Room
All women are welcome to W.E.B.S. (Women’s Evening Book Study)!
Our fall book is Breathing Space: A Spiritual Journey in South Bronx by Heidi Neumark. Contact Cheryl Jurrus or Vickie Kirn
for more information about W.E.B.S.
Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA
Weekly Announcements October 12, 2014 – October 19, 2014
 SUMMER 2015 ELCA YOUTH GATHERING INFORMATION MEETING: All students in grades 8-12 and parents are
invited to a meeting TODAY, October 12, at 9:45 am OR at 12:15 pm in 319/Youth Room. We’ll discuss the summer trip to
Detroit for the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering. This will be an informative meeting where you will meet the leadership team for
the trip which includes Claudia Browers, Dave Holzboog, and Emily Harrow.
 FIRE FORCE (youth in grades 6-8):
 Sunday Night Fire Force: Bring a friend or two and join us every Sunday night from
4:00 pm-6:00 pm. We are using the Re:Form curriculum to explore the Bible and will end each night playing a variety
of games.
 Fall Retreat: We will enjoy a beautiful fall weekend at Warm Beach in Stanwood
October 17-19. We will spend time getting to know one another and learning about prayer. Cost is $50; financial
assistance is available for anyone. Sign up in the Narthex or contact Emily,
 SHEEP AND SHEPHERDS (families with children age birth through grade 5):
 Servant Event: Bring the whole family to Saint Andrew’s on Saturday, October 25,
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm, to serve the church by sprucing up the youth room and Sunday Church School classrooms. At 5:00
pm, we will gather for a meal and celebration. You may sign up through email or in the Narthex.
PERSONAL CARE KIT ITEMS: Health and Wholeness Ministry will assemble and ship Personal Care Kits to Lutheran
World Relief the last week in October. They welcome donations of the following to help them reach their goal of
100 kits!
 Bath Towels: dark color, lightweight, 27” x 52” maximum size (40 are needed!)
 Bath-sized bars of soap, 4-5 ounces (40 are needed!)
 Large, sturdy combs (40 are needed!)
EMERGENCY FEEDING PROGRAM (EFP): Our focus is to FILL our Corner of Blessing each month with one muchneeded food item. For October, let’s bring in canned soup (low sodium and vegan preferred.) Our goal is 400 cans! For more
information, contact EFP, 206-329-0300, or visit
IMAGINE HOUSING VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Imagine Housing is seeking volunteer(s) to be Grocery Deliverers,
picking up pre-made grocery bags from the Issaquah food bank and deliver them to residents at several Imagine Housing
properties in Issaquah. The person in this position needs to be flexible and willing to interact and build healthy relationships
with residents. At this time they have about 10 residents enrolled in the program. The commitment is Wednesday mornings
from 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Training and ongoing support is provided. Contact Lindley King,, for
more information.
MEALS FOR CONGREGATIONS FOR THE HOMELESS (CFH): Thank you to all who have served a meal for the men
in the CFH shelter.
MAASAE GIRLS SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS: Operation Bootstrap Africa (OBA) is now seeking sponsors for the 50 new
Form One students who begin at MaaSAE Girls Lutheran Secondary School (MGLSS) in Tanzania in January 2015. Their
PreForm One program on the MGLSS campus will start in October after taking their Primary School national exams. Full
scholarships are $900 each; half sponsorships are $450. If you can help sponsor a student, contact Jean Wahlstrom. Check out
the MGLSS video on Youtube (go to and search for “OBA MaaSAE Girls School.”
COLLECTIONS: Dorcas Circle, Health and Wholeness Ministry, and Outreach and Servant Ministries welcome your
contributions for the following ministries. Place donations in the baskets near the elevator in the narthex.
 Sewing kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR): fabric (three yards or more per piece), thread
 Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR): bath-size towels (dark color, lightweight, 27”x52” maximum
size), bath soap (4 to 5 ounce, in original wrapping), large sturdy combs, nail clippers (metal, attached file optional),
adult-size toothbrushes
 Supplies for Compass Housing Alliance: travel-sized soaps, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion, toothbrushes and
toothpaste, razors and shaving cream, Q-tips, feminine hygiene products, new/never used combs and brushes,
new/never used nail files, new/never used nail clippers, new and gently used towels, pillows and pillow cases, twin
sheets, adult-size, new, white crew socks
 Supplies for the Sophia Way women’s shelter: fragrance free laundry detergent and dryer sheets, disinfectant wipes,
paper towels, paper napkins, foil, plastic wrap, and facial tissue
Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA
Weekly Announcements October 12, 2014 – October 19, 2014
DINNER WITH YOUNG ADULTS: Join us for dinner on Wednesday, October 22, at 6:30 pm. RSVP to Emily, or 425-746-2529.
O.W.L.S. (Older Wiser Lutheran Saints) is a fellowship of members and friends of the congregation who meet on the third
Tuesday of every month for friendship and an awesome potluck. Newcomers are always welcome! Please join us on October
21 at 11:45 am; Beverley Watt and Lydia Folsom will be our hosts.
WORSHIP AND LITURGICAL ARTS OPEN HOUSE! The Worship and Liturgical Arts minstry appreciates your support
and would like to say thank you and invite you to an open house on Sunday, October 19, between 9:45 am and
10:30 am. You are invited to come to 215/Music Room where we will have several people to show you where the choirs and
handbells rehearse, the bells are stored, and the choral and handbell scores are filed and stored.
There will also be an organ and harpsichord demonstration and showing by Dr. Simpson in the Sanctuary. If you have ever
wondered how an organ or harpsichord work, and would like to see the inside of the pipe organ, please come and join in the fun!
ORCHESTRA: The Saint Andrew’s Orchestra will play during both worship services on Sunday, November 2. Rehearsal is
Saturday, November 1, at 10:00 am. To participate or for more information, contact Dr. Will Simpson, or
SUNDAY SERVERS: Each week a team of members provide support for our worship services. For over 12 years, Lucy
Sannes has served as Sunday Servers Coordinator. If you sense a calling to be a Greeter, Lector, Usher, or Coffee Host, contact
Lucy. Our greatest need as fall unfolds are ushers for the 11:00 am worship service. Training is provided in every area.
COMMUNION BREAD BAKERS NEEDED: We are in need of more Communion bread bakers. Please consider signing up
to bake Communion bread and supporting this rewarding ministry we share at the Lord’s Table. The recipe and time to make it
is easy yet the meal is precious. If you have any questions, please contact Jill Nichols-Hicks or sign up in the Narthex on the
bulletin board under Altar Guild.
Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA
Weekly Announcements October 12, 2014 – October 19, 2014
Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA