Document 6562159
Document 6562159
Sky Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(8), pp. 083 - 090, October, 2014 Available online ISSN 2315-8794© 2014 Sky Journals Full Length Research Paper Relative erodibilities of some soils from Anambra basin A. C. C. Ezeabasili1*, B. U. Okoro2 and E. J. Emengini3 1 School of Built Environment, University of Salford, Manchester, England, UK. Department of Civil Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria. 3 Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria. 2 Accepted 9 September, 2014 Some properties of soils relevant to their erodibilities was studied in twelve locations where severe gully erosion were observed. These properties were used in the calculation of some indices of erodibility such as clay ratio, and dispersion ratio. Dispersion ratios ranged from 0.16 to 0.18 while the remaining index, clay ratio, ranged from 0.21 to 24.64. Wischmeier’s erodibility equation was also applied to calculate soil erodibilities from these properties. Low soil erodibility factors K, were obtained generally and ranged from 0.05 to 0.15. The indices are major factors in predicting soil erosion and in land use planning and are being introduced in the area. Key words: Soil erosion, soil erodibility, erodibility indices, Anambra. INTRODUCTION Soil erodibility is the susceptibility of soil to erosion and it depends on various soil properties such as textures, soil aggregation, shear strength, infiltration capacity, permeability, organic content, chemical content, soil profile, surface stoniness, detaching/ transportation force, etc. Soil erodibility can be determined by using simple, measurable, independent variables based on soil characteristics of high correlation to erodibility (Wischmeier et al., 1976). Deivid et al. (2003) noted that soils erosion amounting to reduction of soil quality and fertility among other problems are linked to agents of denudation. Water erosion is a complicated process involving impacts from precipitation, detachment and subsequent transportation of the detached soil. Water erosion generally depends on erodibility of soil surface and deposition, and the kinetic energy of water flow over land surface. This implies that soils prone to detachment and overland transportation can be eroded with ease. Important soil properties and their corresponding qualities with respect to erodibility have been outlined by Edward (1961) as follows; texture: permeability, nature of clay: *Corresponding author. E-mail: infiltration, consistency: water holding capacity, structure of soil: detachability, coarse fragment (organic matter content): ease with which particles are moved, thickness of significant layers (degree of consolidation/ cementation of soil particles impacts on erodibility status of soil, loose particle aggregate will be prone to detachment and transportation by agents of denudation): ease with which excess water can leave the soil. These factors influence soil susceptibility to erosion. Study conducted by Salako et al. (1999) showed that soil varied with season for the coarse – textured soils of south-western Nigeria. The maximum wet density (MWD) was higher in the dry season (January) than the wet season (July and September) due to closer association of the soil particles in the dry season and their dispersion in the wet seasons had similar MWD to both seasons. Salako (2003) in his work observed that researches conducted in Nigeria (Aina, 1980; Obi and Salako, 1989), agreed that rainfall erosivity in the tropics, can be linked to intensity, amount and sizes of drop. Bryan (1969) reviewed the use of indices of soil erodibility stating their limitations. In 1968, he showed that more indices fail to predict erodibility of soil with marked differences from the ones for which the index was developed. This conclusion among others was that 84 Sky. J. Soil. Sci. Environ. Manage. percentage weight of water stable aggregate greater than 3 mm is reliable as universal indicator for predicting erodibility. However, he noted that since these aggregates can also be eroded no standard diameter for water stable aggregate should be devised. It was noted that the dispersion ratio is based on the assumption that only dispersed materials are eroded. No provision was made for contribution of high velocity raindrops to dispersal of stable materials. He further suggested a minimum of 10% clay for any meaningful interpretation and in laboratory tests found the index to be about equivalent to the dispersion ratio. Bouyoucos (1935), considered clay ratio as being a measure of the binding ability of clay fraction to form soil aggregates (Equation 3). The advantage lies in the fact that it requires only basic texture data but a setback this index has is that, the ratio may become meaningless in soils with low clay content. Another major drawback of the Bouyoucos ratio is that it does not take into account some of the most important factors affecting soil erodibility, especially organic matter. Wischmeier and Mannering (1969) found that soil loss on field plots is dependent on the inverse of the clay ratio. Middleton (1930) also considered the colloid content/moisture equivalent to be an index of water transmissibility. The infiltration capacity of a soil is considered in expressing its tendency towards water erosion since erosion is caused by runoff. The value obtained when the ratio was divided by dispersion ratio is called erosion ratio. Erodibility (K) as defined in the universal soil loss equation is computed by the ratio of annual soil loss in tons per acre to El30 computed in imperial units. The soil loss is monitored on a unit plot that is 22 m long, on a 9% slope in continuous fallow and is tilled up and down the slope (Wischmeier and Smith, 1978). Continuous fallows mean land, which has been tilled and kept free of vegetation for at least two (2) consecutive years. During the period of soil loss measurement, the plot is ploughed and placed in conventional corn seeded condition each spring and tilted as needed to prevent vegetative growth and severe surface crusting. When all these conditions are met then slope length (L), slope gradient (S), crop factor (C), and conservation practices (P) each equal unity and Direct measurement of erodibility (K) as described above represents the combined effects of all soil properties that significantly influence the ease with which a particular soil is eroded by rainfall and runoff, if not protected. Because of the high cost of field installations and time involved, direct measurements of erodibility have been made on only a few bench-mark soils. Wischmeier and Mannering (1969) proposed an erodibility equation utilizing 15 soil properties and their interactions (Equation 4). In subsequent studies the soil properties were reduced to four, namely texture, organic matter, structure and permeability. Furthermore, Wischmeier and Smith (1978) found that very fine sand (VFS) is comparable in erodibility to silt sized particles. Hence, (VFS) was transferred to silt fractions to describe a particle size parameter designated ‘M’). The United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) erodibility monograph solves this equation when appropriate data are entered in a proper sequence. However, Wischmeier et al. (1971), Obi et al. (1989), Vaneslande et al. (1984), noted that the monograph is mainly adapted to soils from the temperate region and has been found to be of limited application in tropical soils. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study area o 1 o 1 Where; The study area lies between 5 40 N Lat. 6 35 E and o 1 o 1 7 05 N Lat. 8 30 E. The vegetation of the area consists mainly of derived savanna, mostly grasses. Sparse vegetations with mainly shrubs were found in the southern areas because of human influence mainly agricultural. The vegetation and trees originally covering the soils were either cut down or burnt. In terms of climate, the area lies in a transition belt between the humid coastal region and the drier interior area of the country. A marked dry season (December – March), long rainy season (April to November) with double maxima generally in June and September and a high annual rainfall which averages 2000 – 2500 mm throughout the state is normally recorded. The intensity and duration of rainfall here is very significant. As rainfall intensifies, it takes the form of short violet storms; although rains may continue for many hours, it is observed that the intensity for the first one hour or there about is normally very high. Also early rains which fall in February – March – April – May have been found to be damaging. K= Site selection and sample collection K= A = Soil loss in t/acre El = (1) Twelve sites showing moderate to catastrophic erosion problems were selected for field and laboratory analysis. Samples were taken from the twelve area and at three different depths. These areas include; Ngwo, Ekwegbe, Ezeabasili et al. Ebe, Udi, Awka, Nsukka, Nnaka, Agulu, ababete, Ideani, Ihiala and Nnobi. The depths are 0 – 30 cm, 30 – 60 cm and 60 – 90 cm respectively. Laboratory analysis of soil samples Laboratory analysis of soil samples were conducted in the Agricultural Laboratory of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. Standard laboratory procedures were followed throughout the research period. Indices of Erodibility: Erodibility indices were obtained using equation (2) – (4). i. Dispersion ratio = (2) Where D, depict the dispersed silt + clay after 1kg of oven dry soil in a litre of distilled water is shaken 20 times; T, is total silt + clay determined by the standard sedimentation method in non dispersed state. This index has been shown to be accurate only for soils high in silt and clay and hence does not reflect accurately the erodibility of soils with a high sand content. This ratio also indicates a sharp boundary between erodible and non erodible soils, since dispersion ratio values greater than 10 indicates erodible soils and values less than 10 indicate non-erodible soils. ii. Clay ratio = iii. M = (% Silt + VFS) (100 - % clay) (3) (4) When the silt fraction does not exceed 70%, it was described by the following equation; K=M The prediction accuracy, however, was improved by including information on organic (matter, soil structure and permeability as expressed below: Where; K = erodibility M = (% Silt — VFS) (100- % Clay) A = % organic matter content B = Soil structured code C = permeability class. Statistical analysis of erodibility indices Descriptive analysis was carried out on Silt/Clay ratio, clay ratio, dispersion ratio and the erodibility factor to ascertain variation in sampled soils. 85 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The results of mechanical analysis in all soils studied show a high dominance of sand fraction in the top layers of all the soils tested. In almost all cases percentage sand decreased with depth. This was not the case with clay which in almost all the sites, increased with depth. This might be attributed to clay eluviations from the surface horizon. On the other hand, silt content was almost evenly distributed in two lower layers. Higher sand content in the top layer is associated with the preferential removal of clay and silt by erosion. Also transportability of sand fractions is lower compared to liner soil fractions. Keniper and Noonan (1970) concluded from the laboratory soil erosion study that sandy soils with contents greater than 80%, if subjected to raindrop action have high infiltration rates and low runoff. Most soils studied fall under this description. Silt/clay ratio The variations of the silt/clay ratio are shown (Figures 1 2) and the degree of weathering as reflected by this variation shows that in most cases, the values decreased in depth with little variation. This may be as a result of clay eluviations from the top soil. The maximum value of silt/clay ratio was observed as 4.5 in Ihiala top soil (Figure 3) and the minimum was 0.10 at a depth of 30 – 60 cm in Nsukka (Figure 3). The decrease in silt/clay ratio with depth and the variation in all the twelve sites in question is in close agreement with an earlier study by Lal (2000) that silt/clay ratio for a majority of tropical soils decline with depth and that the ratio may range widely from soil to soil even within the same toposequence. Changes in the silt/clay ration with depth were the least in the soil of Awka indicating that the soil was perhaps at a more advanced stage of weathering than others. However, it was noticed that silt/clay ratio were high for soils of Ihiala, Ebe, Nnobi at the uppermost layers and for Nanka between 30 – 60 cm (Figures 1 and 3). This might be attributed to transportation of silt and clay particles down the profile by percolating water. Percentage clay was also found to be an appreciably lower than that of silt. This index had apparently failed to allow any important deductions on its relationship to erosion. Dispersion ratio Udi has the highest value of the dispersion ration with 81% at the topmost layer while Nsukka has the least with 16% (Figures 5 and 6). For erodible soils, the ratio is normally found to be above 15% (Middleton, 1930). All the soils under study (Figures 4 - 6) were therefore depicted as erodible by this index. Average values for 86 Sky. J. Soil. Sci. Environ. Manage. Figure 1. Silt/ Clay ratio for samples from Ngwo, Ebe, Nnobi and Ekwegbe. Figure 2. Silt/ Clay ratio for samples from Agulu, Udi, Ideani, Abatete. Figure 3. Silt/ Clay ratio for samples from Ihiala, Nanka, Awka, Nsukka. Ezeabasili et al. Figure 4. Dispersion ratio for samples from Ngwo, Ebe, Nnobi and Ekwegbe. Figure 5. Dispersion ratio for samples from Agulu, Udi, Ideani, Abatete. Figure 6. Dispersion ratio for samples from Ihiala, Nanka, Awka, Nsukka. 87 88 Sky. J. Soil. Sci. Environ. Manage. Figure 7. Clay ratio for samples from Ngwo, Ebe, Nnobi and Ekwegbe. Figure 8. Clay ratio for samples from Agulu, Udi, Ideani, Abatete. different sites show that vulnerability of some of the soils to erosion is in following descending order: Udi, Ngwo, Awka, Nanka, Ideani and Agulu. Clay ratio The clay ratio proposed by Bouyoucos (1935) is a measure of the amount binding due to clay. As shown in figures, clay ratio decreases with increase in depth. This may be interpreted to mean that the binding influence of clay and hence the resistance of these soils to erosion increased with increase in depth. Higher clay ratio here indicates lower binding influence due to clay and therefore greater susceptibility to erosion. Based on this, the relative resistance of these soils to erosion was found to be in the following descending order using the result of the first 0 – 30 cm depth; Nsukka, Ekwgbe, Awka, Abalete Agulu Nanka, Ideani, Nnobi, Ebe, Ihiala, Udi and Ngwo (Figures 7 - 9). However, Bryan (1969) cautioned that the minimum of 10% clay is required for any meaningful interpretation. Therefore, Ngwo, Ebe, Nnobi Udi, Ideani, Ihiala that possess less than 10% clay may not pass the test as set by ratio. However, as the depth increases percentage clay increases and the clay ratio becomes more reliable. Wischmeier and Mannering (1969) used the binding influence of clay as reflected by inverse of clay ratio for soil toss in field plots. Predicted erodibility factor (K) Values of K predicted by Wischmeier equation are presented in Table 1; generally, K values obtained were low. The result reported here are in close agreement will those of Amon (1984) and Obi et al. (1989) on soils of South-Eastern. Generally, in the soils under study higher K values were recorded on soils with higher slit content. Furthermore, coefficient of variation (CV%) in silt/ clay ratio, clay ratio, dispersion ratio and the erodibility factor of the sampled soils are depicted in Table 1. Awka soil had the least variation in silt/clay ratio. It had a coefficient of variation of 5.556%, this agrees with previously observed fact that soil in Awka may be in an advanced stage of weathering than others. Soil with moderate Ezeabasili et al. Figure 9. Clay ratio for samples from Ihiala, Nanka, Awka, Nsukka. Table 1. Descriptive analysis of Silt, Clay, Dispersion Ratio and Erodibility factor (K) for eroded soils of Anambra state Ngwo Ebe Nnobi Ekwegbe Agulu Udi Ideani Abatete Ihiala Nanka Awka Nsukka 1.170 0.551 0.303 47.055 1.030 0.494 0.244 47.987 0.573 0.153 0.023 26.643 0.533 0.136 0.018 25.457 0.793 0.180 0.032 22.701 0.560 0.218 0.048 38.919 0.550 0.320 0.103 58.267 1.873 2.276 5.181 121.504 0.660 0.488 0.238 73.964 0.360 0.020 0.000 5.556 0.213 0.127 0.016 59.354 8.770 2.005 4.021 22.864 7.677 2.248 5.054 29.285 4.823 0.404 0.163 8.379 4.720 2.382 5.673 50.460 14.830 8.570 73.443 57.787 3.857 5.432 29.510 140.855 4.417 2.584 6.677 58.506 8.073 8.797 77.387 108.963 7.497 2.522 6.359 33.638 6.073 0.574 0.329 9.451 5.457 1.590 2.527 29.130 0.337 0.006 0.000 1.715 0.460 0.087 0.008 18.827 0.203 0.006 0.000 2.839 0.283 0.064 0.004 22.691 3.543 5.085 25.853 143.498 0.347 0.198 0.039 56.991 0.207 0.040 0.002 19.555 0.267 0.176 0.031 66.061 0.300 0.070 0.005 23.333 0.343 0.006 0.000 1.682 0.217 0.098 0.010 45.300 0.113 0.035 0.001 0.110 0.036 0.001 0.090 0.026 0.001 0.080 0.000 0.000 0.083 0.006 0.000 0.360 0.450 0.203 0.097 0.006 0.000 0.137 0.047 0.002 0.080 0.026 0.001 0.080 0.010 0.000 0.073 0.012 0.000 Silt/ clay ratio Mean 0.440 Standard Deviation 0.190 Sample Variance 0.036 coefficient of variation 43.182 Clay ratio Mean 16.377 Standard Deviation 7.468 Sample Variance 55.770 coefficient of variation 45.601 DISPERSION RATIO Mean 0.533 Standard Deviation 0.064 Sample Variance 0.004 coefficient of variation 12.055 ERODIBILITY FACTOR (K) Mean 0.073 Standard Deviation 0.021 Sample Variance 0.000 89 90 Sky. J. Soil. Sci. Environ. Manage. Minimum Maximum coefficient of variation 0.050 0.090 28.386 0.080 0.150 30.987 0.080 0.150 32.778 variation are soils of Ekwegbe, Agulu, Udi, Ideani, Ngwo, Ebe and Nnobi; soil of Abatete, Nanka and Nsukka had high silt/ clay ratio high, while Ihiala soil had the highest silt/ clay ratio. CV% of clay ratio ranges from 8.379 to 140.855 with lowest value in soil of Ekwegbe and highest in soil of Ideani. The difference in variation amongst sampled soils further reflects the susceptibility and relative resistance to erosion. Variation in dispersion ratio of sampled soils shows that vulnerability to dispersion of soil will be of the form, least vulnerable (Ebe, Ekwegbe, Awka, Ngwo, Nnobi), vulnerable (Agulu, Abatete, Nanka) and most vulnerable (Ideani, Ihiala, Nsukka and Udi). Sampled soils with highest values shows that they will be easily dispersed compared to others with low variation. Differences in variation in depth may be due to the varied cementation and aggregate consolidation; this does impact on the dispersion ratio. Erodibility factor (k) for sampled soils shows that Agulu soil has uniform variability, other soils have erodibility factor varying slightly to moderately while only Ideani soil has a high variation in erodibility factor. Conclusion The soils of Anambra basin are predominantly sandy. They are characterized by low silt, low clay, low organic matter and very high permeability. Values of soil erodibility factor (K) estimated by Wischmeier equation were generally low. Although erodibility values were low, the Table 1 cont. 0.070 0.120 29.397 0.080 0.080 0.000 0.080 0.090 6.928 0.090 0.880 125.123 0.090 0.100 5.973 potential soil loss, the product of erosivity and erodibility is high, annual seasonal rainfall reaches about 200 mm in most parts and with very high intensities. One is therefore left with the conclusion that erosivity more than erodibility contributes to the severity of erosion in the area. High dispersion and clay ratio were recorded and were very useful as indices. They were close to research results of others who worked on similar areas. Generally, they decreased with depth. The high sand content and the high dispersion ratios inferred that most of the soils are highly detachable. However, with remarkably good properties exhibited by a majority of these soils, particularly the high infiltration rate, it can be concluded that adequate vegetative cover and higher organic matter are the main characteristics the soil should possess to resist erosion among others properties earlier mentioned. REFERENCES Aina PO (1980). Drop characteristics and erosivity of rainfall in southwestern Nigeria. Ife J. of Agric., 2: 35-43. Amon MN (1984). Soil erosion and degradation in South Eastern Nigeria in relation to biophysical and socioeconomic factor. 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