
Legal notices
Legal notices
For legal notices, see
Last updated 10/9/2014
Chapter 1: Introducing Adobe Scene7
What’s new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
System requirements
.................................................................................................. 1
Adobe Scene7 Publishing System desktop applications
Using Help
................................................................. 2
............................................................................................................ 2
............................................................................................................... 2
Help for Scene7 Media Portal
Adobe Training Services
Developer resources
.......................................................................................... 4
............................................................................................... 4
................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2: Getting started
Adobe Scene7 platform overview
...................................................................................... 7
Using Scene7 Publishing System desktop version
Media Portal
...................................................................... 9
.......................................................................................................... 9
Signing in and out
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Navigation basics
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Setup basics
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
About rich media
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Chapter 3: Setup
Personal Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Application Setup
Publish Setup
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Video SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Administration Setup
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Chapter 4: Media Portal
System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Quick Start: Media Portal administration
Media Portal user roles
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Creating and managing Media Portal groups
Adding and managing Media Portal users
Managing FTP accounts
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Specifying export options available to Media Portal users
Creating and enabling Image Presets
Making more efficient use of metadata
Customizing the Media Portal screen
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Chapter 5: Upload and publish assets
Uploading files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Publishing files
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Testing assets before making them public
Checking job files
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
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Chapter 6: Managing assets
Working with asset folders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Viewing assets in the Browse Panel
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Selecting assets in the Browse Panel
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Searching assets
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Previewing an asset
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Moving, renaming, and deleting assets
Working in Detail view
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Viewing, adding, and exporting metadata
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Exporting assets from Scene7 Publishing System
Sharing asset changes with peers in real time
Printing assets
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Managing the Trash folder
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Organizing your work with Projects
Chapter 7: Image Sizing
Quick Start: Image Sizing
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Uploading master images
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Setting up Image Presets
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Publishing master images
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Linking URLs to your web application
Chapter 8: Zoom
Quick Start: Zoom
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Uploading zoom images
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Creating zoom targets for Guided Zoom
Setting up Zoom Viewer Presets
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Previewing image assets with different Zoom Viewers
Publishing zoom images
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Linking Zoom viewers to your web pages
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Chapter 9: eCatalogs
Quick Start: eCatalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Uploading the PDF files
Creating an eCatalog
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Creating eCatalog Image Maps
Managing Info Panel content
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Setting up eCatalog Viewer Presets
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Previewing eCatalogs in the eCatalog Viewer
Publishing eCatalogs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Linking an eCatalog to a web page
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Chapter 10: Image Sets
Quick Start: Image Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Preparing Image Set assets for upload
Creating an Image Set
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Including zoom targets and Image Maps in Image Sets
Managing info panel content
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
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Viewing Image Sets
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Automated Image Set generation
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Linking an Image Set to a web page
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Chapter 11: Swatch Sets
Quick Start: Swatch Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Preparing Swatch Set assets for upload
Creating a Swatch Set
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Including zoom targets and Image Maps in Swatch Sets
Viewing Swatch Sets
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Linking a Swatch Set to a web page
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Chapter 12: Spin Sets
Quick Start: Spin Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Creating a Spin Set
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Setting up Spin Set Viewer Presets
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Previewing a Spin Set
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Publishing a Spin Set
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Linking a Spin Set to a web page
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Chapter 13: Template Basics
Quick Start: Template Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Uploading template files
Creating a template
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Creating template parameters
Publishing templates
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Linking a template to a web page
Managing content variations
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Chapter 14: Template Publishing
Quick Start: Template Publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Create the initial template in Illustrator
Upload files for Template Publishing
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Defining variability: Parameterization versus DOM manipulation
Parameterizing a template in Scene7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Preview and update template attributes
DOM manipulation
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Linking an FXG template to a web page
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Creating a PDF document
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Chapter 15: Video
Working with HTML5 video
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Best practice: Using the HTML5 Video viewer
Quick Start: Video
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Uploading and encoding videos
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Previewing videos in a video viewer
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Deploying video to your websites and mobile sites
Adding captions to video
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
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Adding chapter markers to video
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Exporting source and encoded videos
Using the Universal URL
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Chapter 16: Video Recuts
Quick Start: Video Recuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Video Presets
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Uploading and transcoding video for Video Recuts
Thumbnails for Video Recuts
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Setting up Viewer Presets for Video Recuts
Creating Video Recuts
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Create a Video Recut Template
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Creating information panels for Video Recuts
Previewing Video Recuts in a Viewer
Publishing a Video Recut
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Deploying a Video Recut on your web site
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Chapter 17: Mixed Media Sets
Quick Start: Mixed Media Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Creating a Mixed Media Set
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Setting up a Mixed Media Set Viewer Preset
Publishing a Mixed Media Set
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Linking a Mixed Media Set to a web page
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Chapter 18: Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit
Enabling Adobe Analytics Video Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Quick Start: Integrating Scene7 and Adobe Analytics
Log in to Adobe Analytics
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Configuring Adobe Analytics reports
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Publishing Adobe Analytics configuration information
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Instrumenting a viewer using the Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit
Testing the integration by viewing an Adobe Analytics report
Disabling Adobe Analytics tracking
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Chapter 19: Test&Target integration
Quick Start: Test&Target integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Integrating Scene7 with Test&Target
Creating an offer set
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Pushing offer sets to Test&Target
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Chapter 20: User-generated content
Uploading an image asset or a vector asset
Deleting an uploaded asset
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Getting disk usage information
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Chapter 21: Master files
Best practices for optimizing the quality of your images
Editing images
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
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Creating Image Maps
Cropping an image
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Sharpening an image
Adjusting an image
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Image editing options at upload
Working with PDFs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Working with PSD files
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Working with PostScript and Illustrator files
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Working with vignette, window covering, and cabinet files
Working with Viewer SWF files
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Chapter 22: Support files
Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
ICC profiles
XML files
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
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Chapter 1: Introducing Adobe Scene7
Welcome to Adobe® Scene7®, the leading on-demand cross-media publishing system for uploading, managing,
enhancing, and publishing dynamic rich content to all devices and screens. Adobe Scene7 solutions include the
• Dynamic Imaging: Real-time editing, formatting and sizing, interactive zoom and pan; color swatching and texture
swatching; 360-degree spin; image templates; multimedia viewers.
• eCatalogs: Author, hotspot linking, publish and deliver dynamically served online catalogs into configurable
• Media Portal: Self-serve environment providing portal users with administrator-controlled “views” into Scene7
assets for easy access to upload, browse, search, preview, and export of assets.
• eVideo: Upload final videos in any format, automatically transcode and standardize to Flash formats, manage, edit,
create hot spots and video templates, publish and stream into configurable video viewers
• Visual Configurators: Real-time rendering technology to enable online visual configuration for personalization and
customization effects such as real-time rendering of colors textures, surfaces, patterns, monograms, and engravings
into product images or scenes.
• Web-to-Print: Real-time composition technology and framework to enable custom web-to-print solutions for
creating customized and personalized documents.
• Target email and print: Deliver visually targeted, personalized email campaigns tied to customer profile, product,
and channel databases.
What’s new
To review the latest Adobe Scene7 release information, including new features, enhancements, and fixes, see the
Scene7 Release Notes.
System requirements
For the best experience using Scene7 Publishing System, make sure that your system meets the following system
requirements and recommendations:
• Microsoft® Windows® 7 or later or Mac OS X 10.6 or higher Macintosh® Intel processor required.
• 3 GB RAM or higher required (4 GB or higher recommended).
• Color monitor.
• Video card supporting True Color at 1280x1024 resolution or higher.
• JAVA-enabled browser, Flash 11 or higher.
• Windows-supported browsers: Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher; Firefox 23 or higher.
• Macintosh-supported browsers: Safari 6.0 or higher, Firefox™ 23 or higher.
Note: If your browser does not have Flash Player version 11, you can download it from Adobe at
Last updated 10/9/2014
Introducing Adobe Scene7
Adobe Scene7 Publishing System desktop applications
The Adobe Scene7 Publishing System desktop application is an Adobe AIR® application that lets you run SPS and
Media Portal from your desktop without a web browser. You can use the SPS desktop application to upload files and
folders from your desktop.
Using Help
Adobe Scene7 offers the Help program and onscreen Help.
Help program
The Scene7 Help system is designed to direct you to information for completing all tasks. To access Help in the Scene7
Publishing System, choose Help > Help on This Topic. The Help system opens to a page that explains the Scene7 screen
you are currently viewing. Choose Help > Help Contents to open the Help program to its table of contents.
To use the Help program:
Contents search Click the Plus icon next to content titles and subtitles to find information. You can click the Minus
icon to collapse subtitles.
Search by keyword Enter a search term in the Search box. You see a list of pages from the Help system with the word
you entered. Select a page to open it.
Hypertext link cross-references Throughout the Help system are many hypertext link cross-references. Select a
hypertext link to open the Help program to a page with more information or background information about the task
you want to do.
For information about getting technical support from Scene7, choose Help > Support.
Onscreen Help
Scene7 offers onscreen Help:
Tool tips You see a tool tip when you move the cursor over buttons, menus, and navigation links. Tool tips tell you the
names of these onscreen items so you can identify them quickly.
Onscreen instructions Some screens present getting-started instructions in the form of a text overlay that explains how
to accomplish a task. In addition, some screens also offer these icons:
• Instructions icon Click the Info Tip icon
icon to read brief task instructions.
• Question Mark icon Click the Question Mark icon
next to specific buttons or controls to get an explanation of
a button or control.
Technical support offerings are designed to meet the needs of any size company. This table describes Scene7 tech
support offerings:
Last updated 10/9/2014
Introducing Adobe Scene7
Trial version
Case limit
2 per month
Response time
2 business days
4 business hours
Free live web training and
video tutorials
E-mail support
Live telephone support
Not available
(800) 898-9743 or (408) 454-5910, Monday-Friday,
06:00-18:00 (PT)
+81-3-6743-9632, Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
(Standard hours)
+44 (0)20 35641782, Monday-Friday, 09:00-18:00
+49 (0)69 51709005, Monday-Friday, 10:00-19:00
+33 157324085, Monday-Friday, 10:00-19:00 (CET)
+31 (0)20 2035138, Monday-Friday, 10:00-19:00 (CET)
When reporting issues to Technical Support, include this information:
• Company name
• Your name, phone number, and e-mail address
• Scene7 application, platform, and version
• Issue description and the steps necessary to reproduce the problem
• Error message (if any)
• Browser type and version (if applicable)
• Adobe® Flash® Player version (if applicable)
Last updated 10/9/2014
Introducing Adobe Scene7
Help for Scene7 Media Portal
The following Help document is also available from Scene7:
Using Scene7 Media Portal Adobe Scene7 Media Portal is a browser-based environment providing portal users easy
access to upload, browse, search, preview, and export assets in corporate-approved formats. See
Adobe Training Services
Scene7 offers training in the form of video tutorials, instructor-led workshops and web sessions, and demos.
Adobe Training Services
Adobe Training Services provides in-depth, customized classroom training designed for your organization. Training
can take the form of regional university-style classes, web-based sessions, or custom onsite workshops. Regional classes
are open to all customers and held periodically at various locations across North America and EMEA. Custom sessions
can be tailored for beginning to advanced users, end users, administrators, and IT staff.
See Adobe Training Services.
Quick Start Video Tutorials
Learn about Media Portal, dynamic imaging, eCatalogs, eVideos, Web to Print, and many other subjects pertaining to
understanding and using Scene7 Publishing System.
See Quick Start Video Tutorials.
Watch demonstrations of Scene7 features.
See Demos.
Getting Started chapter of Help
The Getting Started section of the Help system presents instructions for users who are new to Scene7. It explains the
basics of the platform, navigation, setup, asset management, and building rich media.
See “Getting started” on page 7.
Developer resources
Scene7 provides documentation for the latest major version of each Scene7 software module. Module documents are
available for Scene7 Image Authoring, the Scene7 Publishing System, Image Server, Render Server, Viewers, and Webto-Print.
Release notes are also available for some modules. Release notes provide details on the release, including
enhancements, new functionality, tips, troubleshooting advice, and known outstanding issues. Release notes also offer
interactive examples of rich-media features and how to activate them. In addition, Release Notes offer installation and
configuration instructions for clients with licensed software.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Introducing Adobe Scene7
Reference Guides to the Image Server, Render Server, and Viewers describe the http protocols for these server
modules. Web site developers who want to further customize and leverage Scene7 rich media for a web site or custom
application can use these guides. Scene7 assumes that the reader is familiar with the Scene7 system, general http
protocol standards and conventions, and basic imaging terminology.
Scene7 Publishing System API
Web address
API Reference Guide
Contact Scene7 technical support for documentation.
Image Authoring
Web address
User Guide
Contact Scene7 technical support for this documentation.
Release Notes
Contact Scene7 technical support for this documentation.
Image Serving and Image Rendering
Web address
API Reference Guide
Web address
Viewers Reference Guide and
Release Notes
Viewer Library Examples
Adobe Scene7 Viewer SDK for Adobe
Adobe Scene7 HTML5 Viewer SDK
Web address
Reference Guide
Solution Accelerator SDK
Accessing SDKs through Adobe Developer Connection
To download and install the SDKs, you must register with Adobe Developer Connection.
1 In your Web browser, go to Adobe Developer Connection at
2 On the Developer Connection Home page, near the upper-right corner, click Register.
3 In the Register dialog box, enter your username, email address, and then agree to the Terms and Conditions.
4 Click Create New Account.
You are sent a Welcome email.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Introducing Adobe Scene7
5 To activate your account and set your password, in the email, click Click to change password.
6 Set your password, and then click Save.
7 In the upper-right corner of the Developer Connection page, click Dev Center.
8 In the left navigation area, click Scene7.
9 Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the SDK that you want.
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Chapter 2: Getting started
Adobe® Scene7® lets you upload media assets to the Scene7 Publishing System (SPS), build rich media, and publish your
work to Scene7 Image Servers. You can upload many different types of assets such as images, PDFs, PSD files, videos,
graphics, and fonts. As part of the publishing process, Scene7 generates the URLs you need for your web sites, mobile
devices, and applications.
Rich media tools include image sizing, eCatalogs, Image Sets, Spin Sets, Swatch Sets, Mixed Media Sets, basic
Templates, FXG Templates, and Video Recuts.
Adobe Scene7 platform overview
Scene7 is an integrated, rich media management, publishing, and serving environment. Rich media can be delivered
to all marketing and selling channels, including the web, print material, e-mail campaigns, web portals, desktops, and
Workflow process
The key Scene7 workflow steps are:
Upload and manage your assets Upload your media assets to SPS. You can organize, browse, and search for assets on
the system. You can also apply metadata to assets. If you install Adobe Scene7 Publishing System desktop application,
you can upload files and folders by dragging them from your desktop to an upload folder.
Create rich media Create different configurations of your assets such as eCatalogs, Image Sets, Spin Sets, Swatch Sets,
Mixed Media Sets, basic Templates, FXG Templates, and Video Recuts. For more information, see “About rich media”
on page 13.
Publish and administer Publish assets to the Scene7 Saas network, as well as monitor the status of assets when they are
published, administer user rights, and maintain security.
Serve Deliver media from Scene7 SaaS network to web pages, applications, and mobile devices; the media are
performance-optimized and are delivered with CDN caching. Scene7 provides you with a URL for each asset. After
you publish the asset, the URL becomes active.
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Getting started
Master Assets
(Images, Videos, Audio)
Scene7 Publishing System
Adobe Creative Suite
(Graphics, Layouts, Skins, PDFs, etc.)
Dynamic Imaging
Media Portal
Dynamic Banners
Email & Print
Visual Configurators
MS Office
Servers (IS, RS, FMS, TS, IDS)
(Fonts, ICC, XML, Scene7 VNT, FXG, Zip)
SaaS Infrastructure
(Storage, Bandwidth, CDN, Analytics)
The Scene7 workflow process.
Single master images and single URL calls
Scene7 is fundamentally different from other systems because you can use Scene7 to deliver media dynamically from
single master assets and URL calls.
The URL strings you generate with Scene7 include instructions that tell the server how to display the asset when it is
delivered. For example, the same master image can be delivered in different sizes, formats, weights, colors, and zoom
views. As part of building and publishing media assets with Scene7, you visually configure the effects. In so doing, you
create the URL calls that correctly tell the server how to present your master asset to applications.
Scene7 can deliver the same master image to different mediums in different sizes and formats.
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Getting started
Content caching
The images that Scene7 generates dynamically are cache-friendly; in most cases, they are JPEG images with unique
URL calls that identify them. The images are delivered on the content delivery network (CDN), a system of servers that
are networked together on the Internet to deliver content faster. The images are distributed from servers located
globally, and then to computers. When implementing a caching mechanism using any CDN vendor, you simply
change the server name to point to the CDN-enabled Scene7 Image Server. All Scene7 editions include bundled CDN
Using Scene7 Publishing System desktop version
Scene7 Publishing System is available in a desktop application to streamline the uploading of assets into the web-based
Scene7 Publishing platform. The desktop version includes all of the features in the web version. It also includes the
ability to upload files and folders by dragging them directly from the desktop.
System requirements
For the best experience using Scene7 desktop, make sure that your system meets the following system requirements
and recommendations:
• Microsoft® Windows® 7 or later; Mac OS X 10.6 or higher with Macintosh® Intel processor required.
• 3 GB RAM or higher required ( 4 GB or higher recommended).
• Minimum Resolution 1000 X 640 – (1024 X 768 or higher recommended.)
• Adobe AIR 15.0 or higher required.
Installing Scene7 Publishing System desktop version
1 In Scene7 Publishing System, click Setup > Personal Setup.
2 On the Personal Setup page, under Desktop Version, do one of the following: or
• Click Install Now.
• If you have previously installed the desktop version, click Reinstall Now
Media Portal
Adobe Media Portal provides companies with the ability to easily acquire, control, and distribute approved creative
assets to external partners and channels, as well as internal business users. This browser-based, “self-serve”
environment provides portal users with administrator-controlled “views” into Scene7 assets for easy access to upload,
browse, search, preview, and export assets in corporate-approved formats.
For more information about Media Portal including system requirements, see
For information about administering Media Portal, see “Quick Start: Media Portal administration” on page 68.
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Getting started
Signing in and out
Upload, building, and publishing with the Scene7 Publishing System requires meeting certain user prerequisites and
system requirements. You identify yourself to SPS by signing in. When you have finished using Scene7, sign out.
Make sure that you have the following before using Scene7:
Setup You must have been set up to use Scene7 by your administrator.
URL You must have the URL location for accessing Scene7. You get this URL via the “Welcome” e-mail or from your
Scene7 administrator.
Login name You use your e-mail address as your login name.
Password You obtain your temporary password in a “Welcome” e-mail from Scene7 or from your Scene7
administrator. The first time you sign in, you are prompted to change this temporary password.
Sign in
The Welcome e-mail you received from your administrator provides you with the sign-in URL, your username, and a
temporary password.
1 Start your web browser.
2 Go to the Scene7 sign-in URL (from the Welcome e-mail). Alternatively, you can sign in from the Scene7 web site
( by selecting the Client Login button.
3 Enter your e-mail address in the User Name box.
4 Enter your password in the Password box.
5 Optionally, you can make your computer remember your e-mail address by selecting the Remember My User
Name option.
6 Click Sign In.
More Help topics
“Personal Setup” on page 15
Sign out
• Click Sign Out, located on the right side of the Global Navigation bar.
• Exit your browser.
Important: Because SPS is web-based, going to a different web site exits the system. For example, if you click the Back
button in your browser window, you exit Scene7.
Navigation basics
The Scene7 Publishing System screen includes three major areas: Global Navigation bar, Asset Library, and Browse
Panel/Build Panel.
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Getting started
Main Scene7 areas.
A. Global Navigation bar B. Asset Library C. Filters tab D. Browse Panel E. Media Cart (Media Portal only)
Global Navigation bar
The Global Navigation bar, located along the top of the screen, offers buttons for performing different tasks:
Select Company Choose the company you want to access from the menu. This button isn’t available if you’re working
with one company.
Upload Opens the Upload screen so you can upload files from your computer or network to SPS. You can upload files
from your desktop or via FTP. See “Uploading files” on page 79.
Build Choose a Build task from the menu. The Build panel opens so you can create an asset type.
Publish Opens the Publish screen so you can publish rich media assets to Scene7 Image Servers and the rest of the
Scene7 SAAS Infrastructure. See “Publishing files” on page 87.
Jobs Opens the Jobs screen so you can examine records of upload and publish jobs.
Recent Opens the Recent Activity screen so you can view the names of recently modified assets and recent upload and
publish jobs.
Setup Opens the Setup screen so you can choose setup or administration options for optimizing your use of Scene7.
See “Setup” on page 15.
Help Choose a Help option:
• Help > Help On This Topic Opens the Help system to a page with information about the task you are currently
• Help > Video Tutorial Accesses videos on specific topics to demonstrate how to get started with each rich media
publishing workflow.
• Help > Help Contents Opens the Help system to the Introduction page. You can click through the Table of
Contents to find and view different topics.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Getting started
• Help > About Tells you which version of Scene7 you are running.
• Help > Support Tells you how to get technical support from Scene7.
Sign Out Exits the Scene7 Publishing System.
Asset Library
Use the Asset Library to organize the assets you are working with. You can create folders and subfolders for organizing
your assets in the Asset Library.
At the top of the Asset Library panel are commands for locating assets. You can search for assets and filter to locate
assets. Click the Trash icon at the bottom of the Asset Library to examine assets you deleted.
You can click Asset Library controls to open or close the Asset Library and get more room to work onscreen. Select the
Expand/Collapse control to expand or close the panel. These controls are located on the left side of the panel.
More Help topics
“Managing assets” on page 97
Browse Panel/Build Panel
The Browse/Build Panel is where you do much of your work. What appears in this panel depends on whether you are
working in Browse mode or Build mode:
Browse mode Select a folder in the Asset Library to view and work with its contents in the Browse Panel. This panel
offers the File, Preview, Select All, Select None, and Sort menus for working with assets. You can also view assets in
, List View
, or Detail View
different ways by moving the slider or selecting the Grid View
Selecting the Detail View button or double-clicking an asset opens the asset in Detail view, where you can perform
asset-dependent file operations.
Build mode Click the Build button and choose an option to start building an eCatalog, Image Set, Spin Set, or one of
several other available items on the Build menu. The Build screen opens. You can select the assets you want to work
with before or after you enter Build mode.
More Help topics
“Managing assets” on page 97
“Viewing assets in the Browse Panel” on page 98
“Selecting assets in the Browse Panel” on page 98
“Searching assets” on page 99
Setup basics
Use the Scene7 Publishing System Setup screen to enter your personal settings. If you are an administrator, set up your
company settings. To open a Setup screen, click the Setup button on the Global Navigation bar.
The settings available to you on this screen depend on your status as a user or administrator:
• Users can only access Personal settings and the accounts of companies of which they are a member; they cannot
perform any administrative tasks.
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Getting started
• Administrators can access Personal settings, as well as view and administer their own company accounts. They can
also perform all application setup functions, and all administration functions, including adding administrators and
Administrators can also set up Image Presets and Viewer Presets in the Setup screen:
Image Presets Image Presets are saved formats for displaying master images at different sizes and formats.
Viewer Presets Viewer Presets determine how you see your rich media when you see it in a viewer.
More Help topics
“Setup” on page 15
“User Administration” on page 62
“Image Presets” on page 23
“Viewer Presets” on page 32
About rich media
Scene7 offers many tools for creating rich media. You create these rich media types:
eCatalogs Present an interactive web version of your catalog or other print material. Create clickable areas (called
Image Maps) that show rollover content and allow customers to turn pages, zoom, pan, and attach sticky notes to
pages. See “Quick Start: eCatalog” on page 136.
eVideo Delivery high-quality video experiences to multiple screens, including desktops, mobile devices, and tablets.
Use predefined Scene7 encoding presets or customize encoding to control the quality and size of video. Organize,
browse, and search video with full metadata support for efficient management of video assets. See “Quick Start: Video”
on page 209.
Image Maps Dynamically serve images at any size and format throughout your web site. Instead of manually creating
many images at different sizes, you only use one master image. As Scene7 delivers the requested image, it optimizes
the image for highest-quality results in size, format, weight, quality, and sharpening. See “Quick Start: Image Sizing”
on page 119.
Image Sets Deliver an interactive shopping experience in which users can view products in multiple views. You can
combine zoom, multiple views, and color swatches for an integrated viewing experience. See “Quick Start: Image Sets”
on page 151.
Mixed Media Sets Provide a mix of image sets, spin sets, swatch sets, zoom targets, video, and audio in one
presentation. You can set up Mixed Media sets with tabs to separate video from images. You can also specify where
and how to display swatches and zoom targets and give users a full multimedia view of your products or services. See
“Quick Start: Mixed Media Sets” on page 255.
Spin Sets Sequence images to spin them horizontally. Spin Sets allow visitors to your web site to turn products and
view them from different sides. You can create one-dimensional and two-dimensional Spin Sets. See “Quick Start: Spin
Sets” on page 167.
Swatch Sets Deliver an interactive shopping experience in which users can view products in different colors and
patterns. You can combine zoom, multiple views, and color swatches for an integrated viewing experience. See “Swatch
Sets” on page 160.
Template Basics Create data-driven templates that combine fonts, images, and graphics for monogramming, online
personalization, and promotions. For example, layer sale or other promotional graphics onto product images or place
Last updated 10/9/2014
Getting started
the names of customers on T-shirts or coffee mugs. Customers can see their names in e-mail messages or print
brochures you send to them. See “Quick Start: Template Basics” on page 175.
Template Publishing Create professionally branded print content that is easy for your customers, clients, and staff to
customize and personalize. You can maintain corporate content and brand identity throughout the publishing
process. End users can customize the print content — but only the part of the content that you allow them to
customize. Personalized stationary, business cards, posters, greeting cards, labels, checks, gifts, clothing, calendars,
scrapbooks, and photo albums are examples of customized print products that you can deliver. Corporations can
maintain a common brand identity in their signage that can be customized for different regions, franchises, stores, and
branch offices. See “Quick Start: Template Publishing” on page 188.
Video Recuts Combine video clips, audio, photos, graphics, text, and transitions in the easy-to-use Video Recut
window. Create Video Recuts to easily enhance your video to highlight features and targeted promotions. See “Quick
Start: Video Recuts” on page 234.
Zoom Targets Allow customers to zoom in, zoom out, and pan images using the configurable viewers that come with
Scene7. Customers can quickly and interactively view high-resolution product details. See “Quick Start: Zoom” on
page 126.
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Chapter 3: Setup
Adobe® Scene7 offers the Setup screens so you can customize Scene7 for your company and administer users:
• Open the Personal Setup screen to change personal settings, such as your Browse Panel settings and your password.
See “Personal Setup” on page 15.
• Open the Application Setup screens to enter general application settings, create Image Presets, Video Presets,
Viewer Presets, and define metadata.
See “Application Setup” on page 20.
• Open the Administration Setup screens to administer users and access usage reports.
See “Administration Setup” on page 62.
• Open the Media Portal screens to administer Media Portal.
See “Media Portal” on page 68.
To open the Setup screens, on the Global Navigation bar, click Setup, and then choose the type of settings you want.
In the Setup screen, you can display different Setup options by clicking the expand/collapse controls.
Important: All users can change settings on the Personal Setup screen, but the Application Setup and Administration
Setup screens are reserved for administrators.
Personal Setup
All users can change settings on the Personal Setup screen. To open the Personal Setup screen, click Setup > Personal
Note: The Personal Setup screen lists which user role you have in the Scene7 Publishing System: Company Administrator,
Administrator, or User.
The Personal Setup settings control the default behavior of the Browse Panel, how you receive e-mail, and password
settings. Remember to click Save after you change these settings.
My Account Information
Identifies your account name, name, user name (e-mail address), and assigned user role.
Desktop Version
Click Install Now to install the desktop version of Scene7 Publishing System on your local hard drive. Or, click
Reinstall Now to install the desktop version again.
Illustator Plug-in for Web-to-Print
On computers running Windows 7 or 8, you must have administrator privileges and log on as an administrator in
Windows to install the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in for Web-to-Print. After you install the plug-in, it is available in Adobe
The plug-in is supported for the following Adobe Illustrator versions:
• Adobe Illustrator 18 in Adobe Creative Cloud 2014.
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• Adobe Illustrator 17 in Adobe Creative Cloud.
• Adobe Illustrator 16 in Adobe Creative Suite 6.
Supported Adobe Illustrator platforms include the following:
• Apple Mac OS X 10.7 or greater.
• Windows 8, 32-bit and 64-bit.
• Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit.
• Windows XP, 32-bit and 64-bit (for Adobe Illustrator 16 in Adobe Creative Suite 6 only).
See also “Template Publishing” on page 188.
To install the plug-in on your local hard drive
1 On the Personal Setup page in Scene7 Publishing System, under Illustrator Plug-in for Web-to-Print, click
Download Now to download the Illustrator Plug-in for file.
2 Uncompress the ZIP file to a temporary folder.
A readme file is included at the root of the unzipped file to provide you with additional information about the plug-in.
3 Depending on your installed operating system, do one of the following:
• Windows
Last updated 10/9/2014
If you are
Do this
Adobe Illustrator
18 in Adobe
Creative Cloud
1 From the root of the unzipped folder, click CC-2014.
2 Depending on the bit version of Adobe Illustrator that you are using,
click win32 or win64.
3 Click libraries > flame, and then copy aflame.dll to Adobe Illustrator's
executable folder. For example, C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe
Illustrator CC 2014\Support Files\Contents\Windows.
Note: This example path is for the 64-bit location; the 32-bit location may
fall under Program Files (x86) instead.
4 Return to the same libraries folder, click flamingo, and then copy
aflamingo.dll to the same Adobe Illustrator executable folder that you
used in the previous step.
5 Return to the win32 or win64 folder that you selected in step 2, and then
copy AdobeS7FXGFileFormat.aip to Adobe Illustrator's plug-ins folder.
For example, C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC
2014\Plug-ins\Illustrator Formats.
Note: This example path is for the 64-bit location; the 32-bit location may
fall under Program Files (x86) instead.
Adobe Illustrator
17 in Adobe
Creative Cloud
1 From the root of the unzipped folder, click CC.
2 Depending on the bit version of Adobe Illustrator that you are using,
click win32 or win64.
3 Copy AdobeS7FXGFileFormat.aip to Adobe Illustrator's plug-ins
folder. For example, C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC
(64 Bit)\Plug-ins\Illustrator Formats.
Note: This example path is for the 64-bit location; the 32-bit location may
fall under Program Files (x86) instead.
Adobe Illustrator
16 in Adobe
Creative Suite 6
1 From the root of the unzipped folder, click 6.0.
2 Depending on the bit version of Adobe Illustrator that you are using,
click win32 or win64.
3 Copy AdobeS7FXGFileFormat.aip to Adobe Illustrator's plug-ins
folder. For example, C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6
(64 Bit)\Plug-ins\Illustrator Formats.
Note: This example path is for the 64-bit location; the 32-bit location may
fall under Program Files (x86) instead.
• Mac
Last updated 10/9/2014
If you are running
Do this
Adobe Illustrator 18 in
Adobe Creative Cloud 2014
1 From the root of the unzipped folder, click CC-2014 >
2 Click libraries > flame, and then copy the
aflame.framework folder to Adobe Illustrator package
contents folder. For example, /Applications/Adobe
Illustrator CC 2014/
(To open Adobe Illustrator’s package contents folder,
right-click on the Adobe illustrator CC 2014 icon and
click Show Package Contents from context menu)..
3 Return to the same libraries folder, click flamingo,
and then copy the aflamingo.framework folder to the
same Adobe Illustrator package contents folder that
you used in the previous step.
4 Return to the mac64 folder that you selected in step 1,
and then copy the AdobeS7FXGFileFormat.aip folder
to Adobe Illustrator’s plug-in folder. For example,
/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CC 2014/Plugins/Illustrator Formats/.
Adobe Illustrator 17 in
Adobe Creative Cloud
1 From the root of the unzipped folder, click CC >
2 Copy the AdobeS7FXGFileFormat.aip folder to Adobe
Illustrator’s plug-in folder. For example,
/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CC/Plugins/Illustrator Formats/.
Adobe Illustrator 16 in
Adobe Creative Suite 6
1 From the root of the unzipped folder, click 6.0 >
2 Copy the AdobeS7FXGFileFormat.aip folder to Adobe
Illustrator’s plug-in folder. For example,
/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS6/Plugins/Illustrator Formats/.
The plug-in is now available for you to use in Adobe Illustrator.
Thumbnail Size Determines the default size of thumbnail images in Grid view in the Browse Panel.
Default Asset Library View Determines whether the assets in the Asset Library for build sets appear as thumbnails or
by name. If you are working with large quantities of assets in the Asset Library, you can view the assets by name. For
example, if you are building a large eCatalog with many PDF files, you can view the assets by name to make the list
Default Browse Sort Order Determines the order in which assets appear by default in the Browse Panel. Choose a sort
criterion on the menu and whether you want an ascending or descending sort.
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Default Browse Location Lets you set the browse location to the default, the last folder browsed, or to a specific
location that you navigate to and identify. You can also set the browse location to sort the files and folders in ascending
or descending order.
Default Browse View Determines whether Grid view or List view is the default view you see when you first open the
Browse Panel.
Splash Screen Display Determines whether you see any splash screens, including the Welcome splash screen.
Show ToolTips Determines whether tool tips appear when you move the pointer over buttons, menus, and navigation
links. Tool tips describe on-screen items.
Checkerboard Background Displays a checkerboard layer behind images, letting you easily see the transparent areas
of an image that has an alpha channel.
Show File Size Displays the file size of an asset when you are browsing.
Confirm When Leaving SPS Displays a confirmation window before you exit Scene7 Publishing System.
Include UDFs in Search Deselected (default) to improve system performance for most metadata searches that you run.
If most of your metadata searches benefit from including user-defined fields, you can select this option to turn it on.
As an alternative, use Advanced Search to give you a more directed and faster search experience than including userdefined fields.
See “Conducting an advanced search” on page 99.
See also “User-Defined Fields” on page 49.
Basic Search Type Choose a default search type, Contains or Starts With.
Show Media Portal Features Select this option to access Media Portal features, such as Media Cart.
Show Command Feedback Show command requests to the server.
Show Dialog During Export Displays a dialog box when you perform an export. If you deselect this option, you can still
go to the Jobs page to retrieve the results of your export.
Email Options Choose how you want Scene7 to inform you by e-mail when upload and publish jobs are completed.
You can receive job completion notices only if warnings or errors occurred.
Email Scope Determines whether you receive all job e-mail for your company or only e-mail about upload and publish
jobs you initiate.
Email Types Determines whether you are informed when upload jobs and publish jobs are completed.
Preferred Language Determines the language for the interface.
New Password Enter a new password (it must be at least six characters long).
Re-Type Password Re-enter the new password to confirm that you are entering it correctly.
Password Expiration Determines whether your password expires after 72 days as a security measure. If you select Yes,
you are asked to create a new password after 72 days.
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Application Setup
You can use the Application Setup pages to enter general settings, create image presets, video encoding presets, viewer
presets, or to define universal viewers, default viewers, and metadata. You can also setup batch set presets to automate
the generation of 2D spin sets (for example), publishing settings, and video SEO settings.
Important: Only Scene7 Publishing System administrators can change settings on the Application Setup pages.
General Settings
To open the Application General Settings page, on the Global Navigation bar, click Setup > Application Setup >
General Settings.
On account creation, Scene7 automatically provides the assigned servers for your company. These servers are used to
construct URL strings for your web site and applications. These URL calls are specific to your account.
See also “Testing the Secure Testing service” on page 92.
Published Server Name This server is the live CDN server used in all system-generated URL calls specific to your
account. Do not change this server name unless you are instructed to do so by a Scene7 support technician.
Origin Server Name This server is used for quality assurance testing only. Do not change this server name unless
instructed to do so by a Scene7 support technician.
AGM Server Name This server is used for Web-to-Print templates. This server is set on a company-wide basis. Do not
change this server name unless instructed to do so by a Scene7 support technician.
Test&Target Server Name Your Test&Target URL, up to and including .com. For instructions about obtaining this
URL, see “Integrating Scene7 with Test&Target” on page 273.
iOS Streaming Server Name The URL to your Scene7 iOS streaming server. This server delivers streaming video to
iOS-based devices using HTTP protocol.
RTMP Streaming Server Name The URL to your Scene7 RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) streaming server. This
server delivers streaming video using RTMP protocol and Flash Media Server.
Progressive Video Server Name The URL to your Scene7 progressive video server. This server delivers progressive
video using HTTP protocol.
Show URL for Unpublished Assets Select this option if you want Scene7 to display a URL when previewing any asset,
whether it is published or not. If the asset is not published, the URL does not work. However, you can use the URL for
planning or organizational purposes.
Allow AIR Install Select this option to allow users to download Scene7 Publishing System desktop version to their local
hard drives. Users install the application from the Desktop Version area of the Personal Setup screen.
AIR users must manually uninstall their existing app and reinstall from the web version of Scene7 Publishing System
(in Personal Settings). After this one-time reinstallation, you are prompted to upgrade whenever the server has a newer
version of Scene7 Publishing System AIR. Scene7 Publishing System is integrated with the Application Update
Framework which streamlines the upgrade process.
CDN Invalidation Template Specifies the template that is used for invalidating the CDN (Content Delivery Network)
For example, suppose you enter an image URL (including image presets or modifiers) referencing <ID>, instead of a
specific image ID as in the following example:
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If the Template just contains <ID>, then SPS fills in the http://<server>/is/image, where <server> is the Publish
Server Name that is defined in General Settings.
Setting the CDN Invalidate Template, selecting an image named Backpack_B, and then clicking File > Invalidate
CDN results in the following generated URL in the CDN Invalidate interface:$s7product$
In the URL list box, click Continue to clear the cache for that specific image URL call. Note that you can also add URLs
by typing or pasting them into the URL list box; you do not need to set the Template beforehand.
After you have selected your CDN Invalidation Template, and made an Invalidate CDN request, an indicator will pop
up in the user interface that gives you an estimate of how long it will take to clear the cache.
Similarly, if multiple images are selected within SPS when you click File > Invalidate CDN, each image is referenced
in the saved Template URL. Therefore, you can define a CDN Invalidate Template referencing each URL that is
referenced on your Web site (such as product detail, search results, and so forth). Then, when you select one or images
for invalidation from cache, the URLs automatically populate the interface.
See “Content caching” on page 9.
See “Republished assets and CDN delays” on page 90.
Show Projects Determines whether Projects are available as a means of organizing your Scene7 assets. See “Organizing
your work with Projects” on page 117.
Show Sample eVideo Content Provides sample content for Video Recuts in the eVideo Recuts screen. The sample
content — audio, background, borders, captions, effects, graphics, transitions, and video — appears in the Sample
eVideo Content panel.
Show Generated Content In folders, shows content generated from an asset. For example, when a PDF file is rasterized
as it is uploaded, Scene7 creates one image for each page in the original PDF. If Show Generated Content is selected,
each image generated when the original PDF was uploaded appears along with the PDF in the folder to which the PDF
was uploaded.
Show Encoded Videos Deselected (off) by default.
To quickly search and browse for videos in Scene7 Publishing System without having to navigate through numerous
encoded derivatives of the same video, leave this option deselected (default). Only the Master Video thumbnail, which
is the source video you uploaded and used to create all the derivatives, and only the “parent” Adaptive Video Set
thumbnail, which contains all the “child” derivatives of the encoded video set, are displayed in the user interface.
You can, however, still access individual encoded videos from the Master Video or the Adaptive Video Set. To do so,
double-click the video thumbnail image to open Detail View. Then click Encoded Videos in the right panel to access
all the “child” videos.
You can also use File > Reprocess to create more encoded “child” videos directly from an Adaptive Video Set. Scene7
Publishing System automatically finds the “parent” Master Video of the Adaptive Video Set and uses that as the source
video for transcoding. When you save the new individual encoded videos, however, they are not seen when you search
or browse. However, they are still accessible from the Encoded Videos tab in Detail View.
See “Uploading and encoding videos” on page 211.
To continue the ability to access all your encoded video derivatives when you search and browse, select Show Encoded
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There are certain actions on the Build menu that only work, or optionally work, with individual videos. This
functionality makes it necessary to show all the encoded video derivatives that you can select from, regardless of how
you set Show Encoded Videos. The Build actions that over-ride the Show Encoded Videos setting include Adaptive
Video Sets, eCatalogs, and Video Recuts.
Note: If you did not use Scene7 Publishing System to upload and encode your video assets, Scene7 shows all your
individual encoded videos, even is this option is deselected.
Scene7 FTP Account
Server Lists your FTP account server.
User Name Lists your FTP account user name.
Upload to Application
Overwrite Images Scene7 does not allow two files to have the same name. Each item's Scene7 Publishing System ID
(the image name minus the filename extension) must be unique. Because of this rule, the Upload dialog box has an
Overwrite option. The exact effect of this option depends on the specified Overwrite Images option. These options
specify how replacement images are uploaded: whether they replace the original images, or become duplicate images.
Duplicate images are renamed with a “-1” (for example, chair.tif is renamed chair-1.tif). These options affect images
uploaded to a different folder than the original or images with a different filename extension from the original (such
as JPG, TIF, or PNG). (See “Using the Overwrite Images option” on page 23.)
• Overwrite in current folder, same base image name/extension This option is the strictest rule for replacement. It
requires that you upload the replacement image to the same folder as the original, and that the replacement image has
the same filename extension as the original. If these requirements are not met, a duplicate is created.
• Overwrite in current folder, same base asset name regardless of extension Requires that you upload the
replacement image to the same folder as the original, however the filename extension can be different from the
original. For example, chair.tif replaces chair.jpg.
• Overwrite in any folder, same base asset name/extension Requires that the replacement image has the same
filename extension as the original image (for example, chair.jpg must replace chair.jpg, not chair.tif). However, you
can upload the replacement image to a different folder than the original. The updated image resides in the new folder;
the file can no longer be found in its original location
• Overwrite in any folder, same base asset name regardless of extension This option is the most inclusive
replacement rule. You can upload a replacement image to a different folder than the original, upload a file with a
different filename extension, and replace the original file. If the original file is in a different folder, the replacement
image resides in the new folder to which it was uploaded.
Retain Publish Specifies whether a replacement image uploaded to Scene7 retains the Ready to Publish setting of the
image it is replacing, or the setting is specified on upload.
Default Color Profiles Specifies the color profiles applied as part of Default Color Profile Options when adding CMYK
Default Upload Options Opens the Upload Job Options dialog box, where you can specify default upload options. For
information about these options, see “Upload options” on page 84.
Image Map Editor, to Application
Default Image Mapping HREF Defines the default URL used for the image mapping href column. This URL is the
default URL you see when you create new Image Maps.
Default Image Mapping Template Defines the default Javascript for the image mapping href template. You can set
custom code here to be executed whenever you click an image map.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Other Settings, to Application
Trash Can Clean Up Warnings Assets in the Trash are automatically removed within seven days. Select “Send emails
before trash items are automatically deleted” if you want notifications sent to company administrators when assets that
are in the Trash are four days away from being permanently deleted. See “Managing the Trash folder” on page 116.
Using the Overwrite Images option
Scene7 does not allow two files to have the same name. Each item's Scene7 Publishing System ID (the image name
minus the filename extension) must be unique. Because of this rule, the Upload dialog box includes Overwrite Images
options. The exact effect of this option depends on a setting for each company's Scene7 Publishing System Internal
If you previously uploaded images and then changed the original files (or replaced them), the chosen Overwrite option
specifies how Scene7 replaces the images. No information about the image changes, but the new image replaces the old
one. If the folder also contains images that are not already in Scene7, these images are added.
Use this option if images you have uploaded have changed in some way (image has been altered) but the reference to
the image remains the same. Overwrite is also helpful when uploading and ripping Adobe® PDFs. To fine-tune how
Scene7 rips the image, adjust the ICC color profile options in the Upload dialog box and re-upload using the Overwrite
The Scene7 IDs that are used to access images from the production servers are derived from the image filenames. The
use of uppercase and lowercase characters in the filename is important, both in the replacement of existing files and
for the Scene7 IDs used to access the image. Be sure the use of uppercase and lowercase characters in filenames is
correct before uploading into Scene7 to avoid Scene7 IDs that differ only in case for the same image.
If you deselect this option, all images with the same filenames as existing images are treated as duplicates and are not
Image Presets
The Image Presets screen is for creating and editing Image Presets. Image Presets enable Scene7 to deliver images
dynamically at different sizes from the same master image. Each Image Preset represents a predefined collection of
sizing and formatting commands for displaying images. When you create an Image Preset, you choose a size for image
delivery. You also choose formatting commands so that the appearance of the image is optimized when the image is
delivered for viewing.
Administrators can create presets for exporting assets. Users can choose a preset when they export images, which also
reformats images to the specifications that the administrator specifies.
To open the Image Preset screen, on the Global Navigation bar, click Setup > Image Presets.
More Help topics
“Setting up Image Presets” on page 121
Creating and editing Image Presets
1 Click Setup > Image Presets.
2 Create a new preset or start from an existing one:
Creating an Image Preset Click Add.
Creating an Image Preset from an existing preset Select the Image Preset that is most like the one you want to
create, and then click Edit.
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3 On the Add (or Edit) Preset screen, enter a name for the preset.
4 Set the Preset options that you want.
See “Image Preset options” on page 24.
5 Click Save, or if you started from an existing preset, click Save As.
6 To preview the preset with your own image, click Browse and then select an image. To preview with the default
image, click Reset.
You can edit an Image Preset by selecting its name on the Image Presets screen and then clicking Edit. To delete an
Image Preset, select it, and then click Delete.
Image Preset options
The Add Preset and Edit Preset screens offers these options for creating and editing Image Presets:
Preset Name Enter a descriptive name without any blank spaces. Include the image-size specification in the name to
help users identify this Image Preset.
Width and Height Enter in pixels the size at which the image is delivered.
Format Choose a format from the menu. Choosing the GIF, JPEG, PDF, or TIFF format brings up additional options:
• GIF Color Quantization Options
• Type Choose Adaptive (the default), Web, or Macintosh. If you choose GIF With Alpha, the Macintosh® option
is not available.
• Dither Choose Diffuse or Off.
• Number Of Colors Drag the slider to enter 2–255.
• Color List Enter a comma-separated list. For example, for white, gray, and black, enter 000000,888888,ffffff.
• JPEG Options
• Quality Controls the JPEG compression level. This setting affects both file size and image quality. The JPEG
quality scale is 1–100.
• Enable JPG Chrominance Downsampling Because the eye is less sensitive to high-frequency color information
than high-frequency luminance, JPEG images divide image information into luminance and color components.
When a JPEG image is compressed, the luminance component is left at full resolution, while the color components
are downsampled by averaging together groups of pixels. Downsampling reduces the data volume by one half or
one third with almost no impact on perceived quality. Downsampling is not applicable to grayscale images. This
technique reduces the amount of compression useful for images with high contrast (for example, images with
overlaid text).
• PDF and TIFF options
• Compression Choose a compression algorithm.
Colorspace Choose a color space.
Sharpening Select the Enable Simple Sharpening option to apply a basic sharpening filter to the image after all scaling
takes place. Sharpening can help compensate for blurriness that can result when you display an image at a different
For more information about sharpening, resample modes, and unsharp masking, see “Sharpening an image” on
page 300.
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Resample Mode Choose a Resampling mode option. These options sharpen the image when it is downsampled:
• B-Linear The fastest resampling method; some aliasing artifacts are noticeable.
• Bi-Cubic Increases CPU usage on the Image Server, but yields sharper images with less noticeable aliasing artifacts.
• Sharp2 Can produce slightly sharper results than the Bi-Cubic option, but at even higher CPU cost on the Image
• Tri-Linear Uses both higher and lower resolutions, if available; recommended only when aliasing is an issue. This
method reduces JPEG size due to reduced high-frequency data.
Unsharp Masking Choose these options to fine-tune sharpening:
• Amount Controls the amount of contrast applied to edge pixels. The default is 1.0. For high-resolution images, you
can increase it to as high as 5.0. Think of Amount as a measure of filter intensity.
• Radius Determines the number of pixels surrounding the edge pixels that affect the sharpening. For highresolution images, enter from 1 through 2. A low value sharpens only the edge pixels; a high value sharpens a wider
band of pixels. The correct value depends on the size of the image.
• Threshold Determines the range of contrast to ignore when the unsharp mask filter is applied. In other words, this
option determines how different the sharpened pixels must be from the surrounding area before they are considered
edge pixels and are sharpened. To avoid introducing noise, experiment with values between .02 and 0.2. The default
value of 6 sharpens all pixels in the image.
• Color Space Determines whether the image uses the space in which the image was created, usually RGB (Original)
or a luminance space (Intensity).
Color Choose these options:
• Output Color Profile Select Use Default or one of the ICC color profiles available on the Scene7 Publishing System.
See also “ICC profiles” on page 315.
• Rendering Intent Select an option if you want to override the default rendering intent of the color profile. Use this
option when one of the default ICC profiles is the target color space of a color conversion, an output device (printer
or monitor) is characterized by this profile, and the specified rendering intent is valid for this profile.
• Embed Profile Select this option so that, if you open this image in Adobe® Photoshop®, it uses this profile.
Print Resolution Choose a resolution for printing this image; 72 pixels is the default.
URL Modifiers If you prefer to specify the URL modifiers that define your Image Preset, rather than the settings, enter
the modifiers here.
Sample Image URL Lists the “raw” URL string that the Scene7 Image Server uses to deliver images with the Image
Preset you are adding or editing. This URL string encodes all the format settings you select in the Add Preset or Edit
Preset screen.
Editing, removing, or deactivating an image preset
1 Click Setup > Image Presets.
2 In the Image Presets screen, select a preset in the table, and then do one of the following:
• Click Edit and then specify new options in the Edit Preset dialog box.
• Click Delete to remove the preset from the list.
• Deselect the Active check box next to a preset name to remove it from the entire Scene7 Publishing System user
interface for MediaPortal users.
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Activating or deactivating adaptive video presets
Scene7 offers Adaptive Video encoding presets. It is a master list of presets that combines both 16:9 Adaptive Video
presets and 4:3 Adaptive Video presets into one group. These predefined presets reflect the most common encoding
settings and are optimized for playback on target mobile devices, tablets, and desktops.
Only “Adaptive Video” encoding presets are activated (enabled or “turned on”) by default. You can deactivate it, if
desired. Inactive Adaptive Video presets do not appear as a selectable option in the eVideo section of the Upload Job
Options dialog box.
See “Uploading and encoding videos” on page 211.
To activate or deactivate adaptive video presets
1 Near the upper-right corner of Scene7 Publishing System, click Setup > Application Setup > Video Presets >
Adaptive Video Presets.
2 On the Adaptive Video Presets page, deselect the check box next to a preset name to remove the preset from the
eVideo Options list in the Upload Job Options dialog box.
3 Click Close.
Video presets for encoding video files
To choose an encoding preset, in the lower-right corner of the Upload page, click Job Options. In the Upload Job
Options dialog box, expand eVideo Options and choose the video encoding presets you want.
Note: With the exception of “Adaptive Video”, which is enabled by default, you may not see all of the other adaptive video
or single video encoding presets in the Upload Job Options dialog box. Scene7 Administrators determine which video
encoding presets are visible in the Upload Job Options dialog box.
• Choose from the following adaptive video encoding or single encoding presets:
16:9 Adaptive Video Create 16:9 aspect ratio videos for delivery to desktops (compatible with Flash 9), mobile
(iPhone, iPad, Android), and tablets (iPad, Android), optimized with the resolution and bit rate that best matches
the viewer's connection speed.
4:3 Adaptive Video Create 4:3 aspect ratio videos for delivery to desktops (compatible with Flash 9), mobile
(iPhone, iPad, Android), and tablets (iPad, Android), optimized with the resolution and bit rate that best matches
the viewer's connection speed.
Adaptive Video A single encoding preset that works with any aspect ratio to create videos for delivery to mobile,
tablet, and desktop. Uploaded source videos that are encoded with this preset are set with a fixed height. However,
the width automatically scales to preserve the video’s aspect ratio.
This flexibility of having an “Auto-scale” is also available by default when you create your own custom video
encoding preset.
See “Adding or editing a video encoding preset” on page 220.
Adaptive Video Encoding (16:9 or 4:3) Create both 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratio videos for delivery to desktops
(compatible with Flash 9), mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android), and tablets (iPad, Android), optimized with the
resolution and bit rate that best matches the viewer's connection speed.
See “Adaptive Video Encoding (16:9 or 4:3) video presets” on page 28.
Single Encoding Presets •Desktop (compatible with Flash 9 and with HTML5 OGG) Create an MP4 file for
delivering a streaming or progressive eVideo experience to desktop computers.
See “Desktop video encoding presets” on page 29.
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• Mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android) Create an MP4 file for delivery on iPhones, iPads, and Androids.
See “Mobile video encoding presets” on page 30.
• Tablet (iPad, Android) Create an MP4 file for delivery on iPads and Androids.
Or, create an OGV file for delivering a progressive eVideo experience to desktop computers using the browser’s
HTML5 video player.
See “Tablet video encoding presets” on page 31.
Note: To deliver video to iPads, you can choose a Mobile encoding preset or a Tablet encoding preset. Tablet presets
are designed especially for the iPad, typically with higher resolution and quality to take advantage of the larger screen
size and bandwidth connection. Delivering video files encoded with a Tablet preset requires you to include devicedetection code on your mobile site or application. This code switches between an iPhone or iPad video experience,
depending on the playback device. Choosing a Mobile preset for delivering video files to the iPad is a more simplified
workflow. The reason is because you can use the same video file for both iPhones and iPads. However, the quality is
standardized to the lower resolution iPhone experience.
• Under the Encoding Presets group, in the Sort Encoding Presets drop-down list, select Name or Size to sort presets
by name or resolution size.
• Choose an encoding preset based on the resolution size and bandwidth with which you plan to play the video.
• You can select Adaptive Video Encoding and one or more encoding preset per video. For example, you can encode
a file for both desktop and mobile in one upload job.
After you click Start Upload, the original master video file is uploaded and encoded files are generated from the master file.
About encoding preset options
Parameters of the encoding preset options are the following:
Target connection speed The Internet connection speed of the targeted end user.
Encoded file suffix The suffix that is attached to the encoded video file for identification purposes.
Video bit rate (data rate) The amount of data that is encoded to make up a single second of video playback (in kilobits
per second).
Pixel Width/Height The width dimension of the screen image, in pixels; the height dimension of the screen image (in
Frame per second (fps) The number of frames, or still images, for each second of video. In the United States and Japan,
most video is shot at 29.97 fps; in Europe and Asia (excluding Japan), most video is shot at 25 fps. Film is shot at 24 fps.
Audio bit rate The amount of data that is encoded to make up a single second of audio playback, in kilobits per second.
The following tables show you recommended best practices for selecting video presets and the naming conventions
that are used to designate encoded files.
Adaptive Video (default)
An encoding preset that works with any aspect ratio to let you create videos for delivery to mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Uploaded source videos that are encoded using this preset (the default and a best practice) are set to a fixed height while
the width automatically scales to preserve the video’s aspect ratio.
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Adaptive Video (default)
Encoding Preset
Name/Tooltip Text
Encoded file suffix
data rate
Width/Height Fps
Audio bit
Auto x360, 800 Kbps
For mobile (iPhone, iPad,
Auto x 480, 1400 Kbps
For tablet (iPad, Android)
Auto x 720, 2600 Kbps
_Flash9_Autox720p_ 2600
For desktop (compatible
with Flash 9)
Adaptive Video Encoding (16:9 or 4:3) video presets
These adaptive video encoding presets combine a series of individual encode presets that are automatically selected for
you based on the aspect ratio of the video that you uploaded. For example, if you upload a 4:3 video, it is automatically
encoded using all five 4:3 presets found within the master preset list in the Adaptive Video Encoding (16:9 or 4:3)
For information about encoding options parameters, see “About encoding preset options” on page 27.
Adaptive Video Encoding (16:9 or 4:3) presets
Encoding Preset
Name/Tooltip Text
Encoded file suffix
n speed
data rate
Width/Height Fps
Audio bit
16:9, 512x288, Mobile
(iPhone, iPad, Android),
(400 Kbps)
Low resolution, 3G
4:3, 384x288px, Mobile
(iPhone, iPad, Android),
(400 Kbps)
Low resolution, 3G
16:9, 512x288, Mobile
(iPhone, iPad, Android),
(600 Kbps)
Medium resolution, 3G
4:3, 384x288, Mobile
(iPhone, iPad, Android),
(600 Kbps)
Medium resolution, 3G
16:9, 640x360, Tablet
(iPad, Android), (800
_iPad_640x360_800K 800
Medium resolution, WiFi
4:3, 640x480, Tablet
(iPad, Android), (800
_iPad_640x480_800K 800
Medium resolution, WiFi
16:9, 768x432, Tablet
(iPad, Android), (1200
1.5 Mbps
_iPad_768x432_1200 1200
High resolution, WiFi
Last updated 10/9/2014
Encoding Preset
Name/Tooltip Text
Encoded file suffix
n speed
4:3, 768x576, Tablet
(iPad, Android), (1200
1.5 Mbps
16:9, 1280x720, Desktop
(Compatible with Flash
9), (2000 Kbps)
4:3, 1280x960, Desktop
(Compatible with Flash
9), (2000 Kbps)
data rate
Width/Height Fps
Audio bit
_iPad_768x576_1200 1200
High resolution, WiFi
3.0 Mbps
3.0 Mbps
2000 Kbps 1280x960
Desktop video encoding presets
Video encoding presets for MP4 and OGV on desktop computers.
For information about encoding options parameters, see “About encoding preset options” on page 27.
H264 Main 3.2 - Audio AAC, MP4 file extension
Encoding Preset
Name/Tooltip Text
Encoded file suffix
n speed
data rate
Width/Height Fps
Audio bit
16:9, 480x270 (400 Kbps) 500
Low widescreen
16:9, 640x360 (800 Kbps) 900
Medium widescreen
16:9, 800x450 (1200
1.5 Mbps
Medium-high resolution
16:9, 1280x720 (2000
3.0 Mbps
4:3, 320x240 (400 Kbps)
Low resolution
4:3, 480x360 (800 Kbps)
Medium resolution
4:3, 640x480 (1200 Kbps) 1.5 Mbps
Medium-high resolution
4:3, 1280x960 (2000
3.0 Mbps
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OGG Theora Vorbis - OGV file extension
Encoding Preset
Name/Tooltip Text
Encoded file suffix
n speed
data rate
Width/Height Fps
Audio bit
16:9, 480x270 (400 Kbps), 500
Low widescreen
16:9, 640x360 (800 Kbps), 900
Medium widescreen
16:9, 800x450 (1200
Kbps), OGG
1.5 Mbps
Medium-high resolution
16:9, 1280x720 (2000
Kbps), OGG
3.0 Mbps
4:3, 320x240 (400 Kbps),
Low resolution
4:3, 480x360 (800 Kbps),
Medium resolution
4:3, 640x480 (1200 Kbps), 1.5 Mbps
Medium-high resolution
4:3, 1280x960 (2000
Kbps), OGG
3.0 Mbps
Mobile video encoding presets
Same as source fps. Video encoding presets for iPhone, iPad, and Android mobile devices.
For information about encoding options parameters, see “About encoding preset options” on page 27.
H264 Baseline 2.1 - Audio AAC, MP4 file extension
Encoding Preset
Name/Tooltip Text Connection
Encoded file suffix
Video bit Pixel
bit rate
16:9, 512x288,
Mobile (400 Kbps)
Same as
Low resolution, 3G
16:9, 512x288,
Mobile (600 Kbps)
Same as
Medium resolution, 3G
16:9, 512x288,
Mobile (800 Kbps)
Same as
Medium resolution, WiFi
16:9, 512x288,
Mobile (1000 Kbps)
1.2 Mbps
_Mobile_512x288_1000K 1000
Same as
High resolution, Wi-Fi
16:9, 512x288,
Mobile (1200 Kbps)
1.5 Mbps
_Mobile_512x288_1200K 1200
Same as
High resolution, Wi-Fi
Last updated 10/9/2014
Encoding Preset
Name/Tooltip Text Connection
Encoded file suffix
Video bit Pixel
bit rate
4:3, 384x288, Mobile 500
(400 Kbps)
Same as
Low resolution, 3G
4:3, 384x288, Mobile 700
(600 Kbps)
Same as
Medium resolution, 3G
4:3, 448x336, Mobile 900
(800 Kbps)
Same as
Medium resolution, WiFi
4:3, 448x336, Mobile 1.2 Mbps
(1000 Kbps)
_Mobile_448x336_1000K 1000
Same as
High resolution, Wi-Fi
10 4:3, 448x336, Mobile 1.5 Mbps
(1200 Kbps)
_Mobile_448x336_1200K 1200
Same as
High resolution, Wi-Fi
Tablet video encoding presets
Same as source fps. Video encoding presets for iPad, and Android tablet devices.
For information about encoding options parameters, see “About encoding preset options” on page 27
H264 Main 3.1 - Audio HE-AACv1, MP4 file extension
Encoding Preset
Name/Tooltip Text
Encoded file suffix
Video bit
16:9, 512x288, iPad
(400 Kbps)
Same as 64
Low resolution, 3G
16:9, 512x288, iPad
(600 Kbps)
Same as 64
Medium resolution, 3G
16:9, 640x360, iPad
(800 Kbps)
Same as 80
Medium resolution, Wi-Fi
16:9, 640x360, iPad
(1000 Kbps)
1.2 Mbps
Same as 80
High resolution, Wi-Fi
16:9, 768x432, iPad
(1200 Kbps)
1.5 Mbps
Same as 96
High resolution, Wi-Fi
4:3, 384x288, iPad (400
Same as 64
Low resolution, 3G
4:3, 512x384, iPad (600
Same as 64
Medium resolution, 3G
4:3, 640x480, iPad (800
Same as 80
Medium resolution, Wi-Fi
4:3, 640x480, iPad
(1000 Kbps)
1.2 Mbps
Same as 80
High resolution, Wi-Fi
10 4:3, 768x576, iPad
(1200 Kbps)
1.5 Mbps
Same as 96
High resolution, Wi-Fi
Last updated 10/9/2014
bit rate
Viewer Presets
A Viewer Preset is a collection of settings that determine how users view rich-media assets on their computer screens
and mobile devices. As an administrator, you can create Viewer Presets. Settings are available for an array of viewer
configuration options. For example, you can change the viewer display size, zoom behavior, color schemes, borders,
and fonts.
As a best practice, use Scene7 HTML5 Video viewers. The presets used in HTML5 Video viewers are robust video
players. By combining into a single player the ability to design the playback components using HTML5 and CSS, have
embedded playback, and use adaptive and progressive streaming depending on the browser’s capability, you extend
the reach of your rich media content to desktop, tablet, and mobile users, and ensure a streamlined video experience.
See About HTML5 Viewers in the Adobe Scene7 Viewers Reference Guide.
See “Scene7 Viewer Preset compatibility matrix” on page 33.
See “Best practice: Using the HTML5 Video viewer” on page 207.
Depending on the viewer, you can add community features. Community features include an Embed button, E-mail
button, Link button, and Visit Site button. These buttons let people using the viewers share the viewer with others or
open the Scene7 web site.
See also Scene7 Viewers Reference Library Examples.
Viewer support for responsive designed web pages
Different web pages have different needs. Sometimes you will want a web page that provides a link that opens the
HTML5 Viewer in a separate browser window. In other cases, it may be necessary to embed the HTML5 Viewer
directly on the hosting page. In the latter case, the web page may have a static layout. Or, it may be "responsive" and
display differently on different devices or for different browser window sizes. To accommodate these needs, the
HTML5 Viewers that come with Scene7 support both static web pages and responsive designed web pages.
See Responsive Static Image libraryin the Scene7 Image Serving API Help for more information on how to embed
responsive viewers onto your web pages.
Viewer Preset types
Administrators can create and customize the following types of Viewer Presets:
eCatalog Viewer Simulates the experience of reading a printed catalog. You can move from page to page, zoom in and
out of items on a page, and use image maps to see more information about items on the page. You can also include an
Info Panel to display detailed information and an image-mapped item if the map area has a valid rollover_key
attribute. To include an Info Panel, specify an Information Server URL in the Info Panel Settings panel of the eCatalog
Viewer Preset window.
Swatch Set Viewer Displays an image in a different color, material, texture, finish, or fabric. Users click a thumbnail
to see the variations in the image.
Mixed Media Set Viewer Displays different types of media in one viewer. You can include Swatch Sets, Spin Sets,
images, and videos. You can set up tabs to contain different types of content, such as a tab for image sets and a tab for
videos. Videos played back from a Mixed Media Set use a standard video viewer with a timeline and video controls,
such as Stop, Pause, Rewind, and Play. When you set up a Mixed Media Set Viewer preset, you specify which viewers
you want to use for the different types of assets in your Mixed Media Set. You can also use the Grid Viewer or Carousel
Viewer to view a Mixed Media Set.
Spin Set Viewer Provides multiple views of an image so users can turn the object to examine the different sides and
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Video Viewer Displays videos using the resolution dimensions of the source file or a custom size. Scene7 comes with
many predefined Viewer Presets for playing video, and if you are an administrator, you can create custom Video
Viewer presets. There are more than a dozen different settings for configuring the Video Viewer. You can configure
its size, foreground and background color, video and audio controls, progress bar, user-interface skin, social features,
and Help.
Video Recut Viewer For creating Video Recuts, provides sample audio, backgrounds, borders, captions, effects,
graphics, transitions, and video. This content appears in the Sample eVideo Content panel in the Video Recut screen.
Zoom Viewers Offers a choice of three types of zoom viewer:
• Zoom Viewer Lets users zoom into the area by clicking it. They can click controls to zoom in, zoom out, and reset
the image to its default size.
• Zoom Viewer: Fly-out Displays a second image of the zoomed area next to the original image. There are no controls
to use, users simply move the selection over the area they want to view.
When determining the complete bandwidth usage for this viewer, consider that both the main image and the flyout
image are served in the viewer. The main image size (Stage Width and Height) and the Zoom Factor determine the
flyout image size. To keep the flyout file size from becoming too large, balance these two values: if you have a large
main image size, lower the Zoom Factor value. (The Flyout Width and Flyout Height determine the size of the flyout
window, but not the size of the flyout image that is served into the viewer.)
For example, if your main image size is 350 by 350 pixels, with a Zoom Factor of 3, the resulting flyout image is 1050
by 1050 pixels. If your main image size is 300 by 300 pixels, with a Zoom Factor of 4, the flyout image is 1200 by 1200
pixels. Depending on the JPEG quality setting (recommended settings are between 80-90), you can decrease the file
size significantly. Recommended zoom factors are 2.5 to 4, depending on the size of your main image.
Scene7 Viewer Preset compatibility matrix
The following table identifies the currently available Scene7 Viewer Presets. The table also specifies the viewer’s
compatibility with desktop and mobile devices, and the technology that is used for each given viewer.
See also Scene7 Viewers Reference Library Examples.
For information about supported web browser and operating system versions for Viewers, you can review the Viewers
Release Notes.
See Scene7 Viewers Reference Release Notes.
Smartphone Tablet
Universal_HTML5_Zoom_inli HTML5
Flash AS3
Zoom Viewers
Last updated 10/9/2014
Smartphone Tablet
Flash AS3
Flash AS2
Flash AS3
Apple iPad Android
Flash AS3
Flash AS3
Flash AS3
Flash AS3
Flash AS2
Apple iPad Android
Universal_HTML5_SwatchSet HTML5
Universal_HTML5_SwatchSet HTML5
Flash AS3
Flash AS3
Flash AS3
Flash AS3
Image Set Viewers
Swatch Set Viewers
Last updated 10/9/2014
Apple iPad Android
Flash AS3
Flash AS3
Flash AS2
Apple iPad Android
Universal_HTML5_SpinSet_d HTML5
Flash AS3
Flash AS3
Flash AS3
eCatalog Viewers
Universal_HTML5_eCatalog_ HTML5
(Includes support for social
(Includes support for social
Spin Viewers
Last updated 10/9/2014
Blackber Windows
eVideo Viewers
Scene7 supports mobile video playback for MP4 H.264 video. You can find Blackberry devices that support this video format at the
Supported video formats on Blackberry
You can also find Windows devices that support this video format at the following:
Supported video formats on Windows Phone
Flash AS3
Flash AS3
Flash AS3
(Includes support for closed
See “Best practice: Using
the HTML5 Video viewer”
on page 207.
(Includes support for closed
captioning and social
Apple iPad Android
Flash AS3
Apple iPad Android
Flash AS3
Flash AS3
Video Recut Viewer
Mixed Media Set Viewers
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Supported Mobile Viewers Gestures matrix
The following table identifies the mobile viewer gestures that are supported on iOS, Android 2.x, and Android 3.x
Flyout Zoom
Shows flyout window Shows or hides the user Shows or hides the
user interface
Shows or hides the user
Does not apply
Zooms in or resets
Zooms in or resets
Zooms in or resets
Pinch open
Does not apply
Zooms in (iOS and
Android 3x only)
Zooms in (iOS and
Android 3x only)
Zooms in (iOS and
Android 3x only)
Pinch close
Does not apply
Zooms out (iOS and
Android 3x only)
Zooms out (iOS and
Android 3x only)
Zooms out (iOS and
Android 3x only)
Scrolls swatch bar
Scrolls images
Scrolls pages
Scrolls swatch bar
Scrolls images
Scrolls pages
About the Viewer Preset screen
Create and manage Viewer Presets on the Viewer Presets screen. To open this screen, click Setup > Viewer Presets.
The Viewer Presets screen offers tools for doing these tasks:
Adding a preset Click Add and make choices in the Add Viewer Preset dialog box.
See “Adding and editing Viewer presets” on page 38.
Editing a preset Select a preset, and then click Edit.
See “Adding and editing Viewer presets” on page 38.
Deleting a preset Select a preset, and then click Delete.
Adding localization support to a preset Add locale map string values to Image Server under Publish Setup, then edit a
Flash AS3 Viewer preset, and add localized tool tip text.
See “Adding localization support to a Flash AS3 Viewer preset” on page 39.
Exporting a preset Select an HTML5 or Flash AS3 viewer preset, and then click Export to download the viewer skin
so that you can use it as the basis for creating and adding a new viewer preset.
See “Exporting an HTML5 or a Flash AS3 Viewer Preset” on page 40.
Filtering the Viewer Preset list Use these tools to filter the list:
• Open the Active/Inactive drop-down list and choose an option to show active presets, inactive presets, or all
• Open the Platform drop-down list choose to show only viewers for the Flash AS3 platform.
• Open the Viewer drop-down list and choose an option to see only viewers of a certain kind. Choose All Viewers
to see all viewers.
Sorting presets Click a column heading (Active, Universal, Type, Preset, or Platform) to sort the list on a column.
Click a column heading a second time to sort the list in descending (or ascending) order.
See “About Universal Viewers” on page 42.
Activating and deactivating presets Select a preset and click its Active option to activate or deactivate it.
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See “Activating or deactivating Viewer presets” on page 41.
Click Preview on the right side of the Viewer Presets screen to see what an asset looks like in the Viewer Preset you
selected. To see a different asset, you can click Browse in the Viewer Presets screen and select a different asset in the
Select Asset Preview dialog box.
Adding and editing Viewer presets
Besides adding viewer presets using Add in the user interface, you can also use Export to add a viewer preset. You
simply export an existing viewer preset for Flash AS3 or HTML5, and then use that as the basis for the new preset.
See “Exporting an HTML5 or a Flash AS3 Viewer Preset” on page 40.
To add and edit Viewer presets
1 Near the upper-right corner of Scene7 Publishing System, click Setup > Viewer Presets.
You can filter on the list of presets. For example, to see only presets for Video Viewers, select Video Viewer from
the Viewers drop-down menu on the toolbar directly above the table.
2 In the Viewer Presets screen, add or edit the Viewer Preset on the Viewer Presets screen.
Adding Click Add on the toolbar. In the Add Viewer Preset dialog box, choose a platform, and choose a rich-media
asset type.
Click Save As when you have finished creating the Viewer Preset.
Adding by starting from an existing Viewer Preset In the table, select a Video Viewer Preset, and then click Edit on
the toolbar.
After you reconfigure the Video Viewer, click Save As to save the preset using a different name in the Preset Name
text field.
Editing Select an existing Viewer Preset, and then click Edit.
3 In the Configure Viewer screen, in the Preset Name field, enter or edit the preset name.
4 Set the remaining options that you want.
Note: Choose Same As Source to automatically size the Video Viewer to the resolution size of the encoded video itself.
If you choose this option, you cannot enter the Stage Width and Stage Height. Instead, these options come from the
video itself. If you choose Same As Source, set the Margin Size option to reflect the skin dimensions outside the video
playback area. This margin size is the pixel height and width of the video controls. You can use the following
illustration to help you determine the margin sizes that you want to use.
The stage height and width and the margin height and width of a Video Viewer.
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5 Do one of the following:
• Click Save As if you added a Viewer preset by starting from an existing preset.
• Click Save if you added or edited a Viewer preset.
Adding localization support to a Flash AS3 Viewer preset
You can add localized tool tip text to a Flash AS3 Viewer.
To accomplish this functionality you first define a locale map string on the Image Server. Then you edit the tool tip
text of a Flash AS3 Viewer preset.
See “Considerations when setting up localization of assets” on page 56.
Be aware Scene7 Publishing System does not include fonts for Eastern languages such as Japanese, Chinese, or Korean.
Such languages typically require UTF-8 or a different character set. Therefore, to use these languages for tool tip text
you can log on to Scene7 from that locale and type the tool tip values that you want. Or, the tool tip text as UTF-8; that
is, cut and paste the text from a word processor that runs the desired Eastern language.
Besides the ability to use localized tool tips in a Viewer by following the steps below, there is an alternate method you
can use. You can add localized tool tips and even localized graphics to a Viewer directly in the Viewer SDK. For
instructions, see the Localization chapter in the Adobe Scene7 Viewer SDK for Adobe Flash PDF guide, available as part
of the Adobe Scene7 Viewer SDK download from Adobe Developer Connection.
Note: To setup Localization Support options, contact Adobe Scene7 Technical Support or send an email to requesting setup help.
To add localization support to a Flash AS3 Viewer Preset
1 Click Setup > Application Setup > Publish Setup > Image Server.
2 In the Image Server Publish panel, scroll down to the Localization Support section.
Note: To setup Localization Support options, contact Adobe Scene7 Technical Support or send an email to requesting setup.
3 In the Locale Map String text field, specify the languages that you want to support.
For example, if you want to support English, Spanish, and Japanese in a Viewer, the proper syntax of the map string
is en,en,|es,es,|ja,ja,. The parameter is LocaleStrMap.
For each pair of two letter languages, the first two letter code is the name of the language. You could also spell out
the name of the language instead of using a two letter code (as in English, en,). Regardless of the method you
use, the list of languages you specify here also populates the list of languages that appear in the Locale drop-down
list when you edit a Viewer Preset. It is also used when requesting a localized viewer by way of
viewerURL&locale=en in the viewer URL.
4 Click Save, and then click OK.
5 In the left panel of the Setup screen, under Application Setup, click Viewers > Viewer Presets.
6 In the All Platforms drop-down list on the Setup toolbar, select Flash AS3.
7 Select an active Viewer Preset, and then on the Setup toolbar, click Edit.
8 In the Configure Viewer screen, from the Locale drop-down list, select a language whose tool tips you want to
appear localized in the Viewer.
9 In the left panel of the Configure Viewer screen, click a component name, such as Pause Play Button or Full Screen
10 In the component’s tool tip text field, type the value for the language that you selected.
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11 When you have finished entering tool tip values for the various components that make up a Viewer Preset, in the
lower-right corner of the Configure Viewer screen, click Save As.
12 Repeat steps 8-10 if you are supporting additional languages.
13 In the Save As New Preset Name dialog box, type the new name of the Viewer Preset, and then click Save.
Exporting an HTML5 or a Flash AS3 Viewer Preset
You can export an existing HTML5 or Flash AS3 Viewer Preset to use as the basis for creating a new HTML5 or Flash
AS3 Viewer Preset. This export option is useful because you do not have to create the viewer from scratch. Instead, you
export a preset that looks and behaves close to what you want, then you can use that as a starting point to make design
If you are exporting an HTML5 Viewer Preset, be sure that you have the HTML5 Viewer SDK installed so that you can
edit the exported CSS and related Javascript. Likewise, if you are exporting a Flash AS3 Viewer Preset, be sure that you
have the Flash Viewer SDK installed on Adobe Flash Professional so that you can edit the exported FLA file.
See “Developer resources” on page 4.
To export an HTML5 or a Flash AS3 Viewer Preset
1 Click Setup > Viewer Presets.
2 On the Viewer Presets toolbar, in the second drop-down list from the left, select HTML5 or Flash AS3.
3 In the third drop-down list from the left, select All Viewers.
4 Select the viewer preset that you want to use as the basis for a new HTML5 or Flash AS3 Viewer Preset.
5 In the toolbar, click Export.
6 In the Export Selected Assets dialog box, click Submit Export.
Following export, you get a zipped FLA file if you exported a Flash AS3 viewer. Or, if you exported an HTML5
viewer, you get a CSS file. Download and unzip the file.
7 Do one of the following depending on the viewer preset you exported:
• Open the FLA file in Adobe Flash Professional and make your changes. Be sure that you have the Scene7 Viewer
Flash SDK installed before you edit the file.
Export the FLA file as a movie and save the resulting SWF file.
• Open the CSS file in a CSS editor, make your changes, and then save the file.
8 Upload the SWF file or the CSS file to Scene7 Publishing System.
See “Uploading files” on page 79.
9 Publish the SWF file or the CSS file to the Scene7 Image Server.
See “Publishing files” on page 87.
10 Add the new viewer preset as usual. Depending on the viewer that you exported, select the viewer SWF or the viewer
CSS file that you uploaded.
See “Adding and editing Viewer presets” on page 38.
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Activating or deactivating Viewer presets
To create a URL for showing assets, users open the Presets drop-down list in the Preview dialog box, select a Viewer
Preset, and click Copy URL (see “Copying the URL of a Viewer preset” on page 41). This Presets list offers Viewer
Presets that administrators add and manage on the Viewer Presets screen. For example, all active eCatalog Viewer
presets appear on the Presets drop-down list in the Preview dialog box when a user previews an eCatalog.
Unless you deactivate Viewer Presets on the Viewer Presets screen, the Presets drop-down list in the Preview dialog
box can get crowded.
To activate or deactivate Viewer Presets
1 Choose Setup > Viewer Presets to open the Viewer Presets screen.
2 Select or deselect Active options to activate or deactivate Viewer Presets.
More Help topics
“About the Viewer Preset screen” on page 37
“About Universal Viewers” on page 42
Copying the URL of a Viewer preset
After you publish an asset, you can copy a URL for displaying the asset with the settings from a Viewer Preset.
The URL is copied to the Clipboard. You can use it as necessary in the HTML code of your web page, mobile device,
or application.
To copy the URL of a Viewer preset
1 Select the asset in the Browse Panel.
2 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
and Embed Code panel on the right, click Copy URL to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
Copying the embed code of a Viewer preset
Using the Embed Code feature lets you review the viewer code for the selected Viewer Preset. You can also copy the
code to the clipboard so you can paste it in your web pages for deployment of the viewer.
Editing of the code is not permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
To copy the embed code of a Viewer preset
1 Select the asset in the Asset Browse Panel.
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2 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
panel on the right, click Embed Code.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
3 In the Embed Code dialog box, click Copy to Clipboard.
4 Click Close.
About Universal Viewers
Note: Using Universal Viewers is not a best practice and, therefore, not recommended-they are intended for legacy use
only. As a best practice use the HTML5 viewers that come with Scene7 Publishing System.
See “Best practice: Using the HTML5 Video viewer” on page 207.
See also “Scene7 Viewer Preset compatibility matrix” on page 33.
You can use Universal Viewers to publish videos and images to multiple screens such as desktop, smartphones, and
tablets, all from a single URL.
In the past, because different platforms supported different technologies like Flash or HTML5, you had to create your
own viewers. Then, you had to write your own device detection to be able to switch between those different experiences.
Overall, the entire process required much more development work and also the maintenance of multiple URLs.
When you set up Universal Viewers, Scene7 provides you with a single universal URL that you can deploy and
integrate into your websites, mobile sites, and mobile apps. In addition, Scene7 Publishing System automatically does
the device detection, and serves your customers the right content, in the right viewer, to the right device.
The actual setup of Universal Viewers is done under Application Setup. The viewer types that you can set up include
Zoom, Image Set, Swatch Set, Spin, eCatalog, Video.
You can also use an existing Universal Viewer preset as the basis for creating own named, Universal Viewer profiles.
For example, you may decide to create different viewers of the same type for localization purposes, for different
business units within the same company, for product categories, or for each season (such as a Spring eCatalog
Universal Viewer and a Summer eCatalog Universal Viewer).
For each viewer type, such as Zoom, its targeted platforms and associated viewers are displayed, such as HTML-based
Viewers or viewers based on Flash technology. For each different targeted platform, you drag-and-drop the viewer that
you want to use with a particular device such as smartphone, tablet, or desktop.
For handheld smartphones, Android-based and Apple-based smartphones are supported. For tablets, Android-based
and Apple-based tablets are supported. For desktops, Flash Player is supported.
To edit the setup of Universal Viewers later on, be sure that you publish a job to Scene7 Image Server so that your
changes take effect.
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See also Scene7 Viewer Library Examples.
Setting up Universal Viewers
Note: Using Universal Viewers is not a best practice and, therefore, not recommended-they are intended for legacy use
only. As a best practice use the HTML5 viewers that come with Scene7 Publishing System.
See “Best practice: Using the HTML5 Video viewer” on page 207.
See also “Scene7 Viewer Preset compatibility matrix” on page 33.
The viewers that are available for setup in Universal Viewers are a combination of all pre-defined Viewer Presets that
came with Scene7, and any custom viewers that you have added. It excludes any kind of custom viewers that you have
implemented but have not yet uploaded into Scene7 Publishing System.
You can see what viewers are exposed and selectable in Universal Viewers by looking at the viewers that are listed in
Viewer Presets.
See “Viewer Presets” on page 32.
If you are editing an existing Universal Viewer setup, be sure that you publish a job to Scene7 Image Server so that your
changes take effect.
To set up Universal Viewers
1 On the Setup menu, click Application Setup.
2 In the left panel, in the Application Setup tree, click Viewers > Universal Viewers.
3 Near the upper-left side of the Universal Viewers page, click a viewer type tab, or click the New Profile tab, and
then do one of the following:
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If the viewer
type tab you
clicked is
Do the following:
Zoom, Image
Set, Swatch
Set, Spin, or
In the HTML-based Viewers group box or the Viewers for Adobe Flash group box, drag the viewer
that you want to use and drop it onto a device’s screen.
To use the universal URL for video, you must group videos that are encoded at different bit rates into
an Adaptive Video Set. The reason for this is because you should not use the same video for playback
across different screens. For example, mobile devices typically require video at a lower bit rate,
however, desktop screens can accommodate a higher bit rate.
When you hover your pointer on a viewer, the device screens that are compatible with the viewer are
highlighted in the user interface; incompatible device screens are dimmed (not available).
In the video viewers group box, drag the viewer that you want to use and drop it onto the screen
for Desktop.
If you intend to support adaptive streaming on desktop computers, use the AS3
"Video" viewer.
In the Smart Phone text field or the Tablet text field, enter a target bit rate for playback on each
device. These fields apply only when there is no adaptive streaming. Adaptive streaming is
supported on Apple iOS devices for customers with the eVideo streaming license. In such case, the
video bit rate is automatically picked based on the detect bandwidth. Otherwise, Scene7 picks the
video in the Adaptive Video Set that has the closest bit rate to your target without going over and
plays that video by way of progressive download. Mobile devices have native, built-in video
players and, therefore, do not have viewers.
The bit rate is a measure of the video’s quality level. In other words, the higher the bit rate, the better
the video quality. Conversely, the lower the bit rate the lower the video quality. For example, you can
enter a lower target Kbps rate for smartphones because they are often used on a lower bandwidth
connection. Whereas, for higher bandwidth connections, you can enter a higher bit rate for a tablet
because your customers are likely using a Wi-Fi connection. It is recommended that you set the
target bit rate of "500" in the Smartphone category and "1000" in the Tablet category.
See “Best practices for video encoding” on page 215.
New Profile
In the drop-down list on the New Profile tab, select a viewer preset on which to base your new
Universal Viewer.
In the HTML-based Viewers group box or the Viewers for Adobe Flash group box, drag the viewer
that you want to use and drop it onto a device’s screen.
When you hover your pointer on a viewer, the device screens that are
compatible with the viewer are highlighted in the user interface; incompatible
device screens are dimmed (not available).
Double-click the New Profile tab, and then type the name of the new Universal Viewer in the text
4 (Optional) On the Select image preset fallback drop-down list, select the name of the image preset that you want
to use.
If Scene7 encounters an unsupported device or screen, a static image is displayed using the preset settings that you
select from the drop-down list. The list is based on Image Presets that you have created and added in Scene7
Publishing System.
See “Creating and editing Image Presets” on page 23.
5 In the lower-right of the Universal Viewer page, click Save.
6 Click Close to return to the Browse page.
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Previewing Universal Viewers
Note: Using Universal Viewers is not a best practice and, therefore, not recommended-they are intended for legacy use
only. As a best practice use the HTML5 viewers that come with Scene7 Publishing System.
See “Best practice: Using the HTML5 Video viewer” on page 207.
See also “Scene7 Viewer Preset compatibility matrix” on page 33.
You can preview the Universal Viewers that you have set to ensure that you have selected the right viewer for the right
If you need to make any changes to the setup of Universal Viewers, be sure that you publish a job to Scene7 Image
Server so that your changes take effect.
See also Scene7 Viewers Reference Library Examples.
To preview Universal Viewers
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the Asset folder that contains the asset that you want to
preview with a viewer.
2 Above the Assets Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, click Grid View, List View, or Detail View.
3 Depending on the View you are using, do one of the following:
• In the Asset Browse panel of the Grid View or List View, select a single asset. In the Preview drop-down list near
the thumbnail image, select Viewer List.
• In the toolbar above the Assets window of the Grid View, List View, or Detail View, in the Preview drop-down
list, click Viewer List.
4 Do one of the following:
• In the Viewer List table, click the column heading Platform Type to sort the column by ascending or descending
In the Platform Type column, locate the names of viewers whose platform type is Universal, and then click
Preview in the row whose viewer you want to see.
• Near the upper-right corner of the Viewer List table, in the Platform drop-down list, select Universal to filter
the table on the Universal platform type.
Click Preview in the row whose Universal Viewer you want to see.
5 Close the displayed viewer in the browser pop-up window to return to the Viewer List screen.
6 In the lower-right corner of the screen, click Close to return to the Assets window.
Copying a Universal Viewer URL
Note: Using Universal Viewers is not a best practice and, therefore, not recommended-they are intended for legacy use
only. As a best practice use the HTML5 viewers that come with Scene7 Publishing System.
See “Best practice: Using the HTML5 Video viewer” on page 207.
See also “Scene7 Viewer Preset compatibility matrix” on page 33.
You can copy a universal URL either from within the Viewer List window or the Detail View window.
To copy a Universal Viewer URL
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the Asset folder that contains the asset whose URL you want
to copy.
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2 Do the following:
To copy the Universal URL by way of
Do one of the following:
Viewer List
Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar,
click Grid View. In the Asset window, below a thumbnail
image of an asset, click Preview > Viewer List.
Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar,
click List View. In the Asset window, select an asset, and
then to the right of the thumbnail image, click Preview >
Viewer List.
Above the assets window, on the right side of the toolbar,
click Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview >
Viewer List.
Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar,
click Grid View. In the Asset window, double-click the
thumbnail image of a single asset to open it in Detail View.
Detail View
3 (This step is optional for Grid View or List View; it does not apply if you are in Detail View) In the Viewer List
window, in the URL Encoding for Copy URL Generation drop-down list near the lower-left corner, select the URL
encoding that you want applied to the asset’s URL when it is copied.
4 Do one of the following:
• If you are accessing by way of the Viewer List window, click Copy URL in the row that has Universal as the
Platform type.
• If you are accessing by way of Detail View, in the URLs panel, under the Universal Presets heading, click Copy URL.
Copying the embed code of a Universal Viewer
Note: Using Universal Viewers is not a best practice and, therefore, not recommended-they are intended for legacy use
only. As a best practice use the HTML5 viewers that come with Scene7 Publishing System.
See “Best practice: Using the HTML5 Video viewer” on page 207.
See also “Scene7 Viewer Preset compatibility matrix” on page 33.
Using the Embed Code feature lets you review the viewer code for the selected Universal viewer. You can also copy the
code to the clipboard so you can paste it in your web pages for deployment of the viewer. Editing of the code is not
permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
To copy the embed code of a Universal Viewer
1 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to an asset folder that contains an asset whose Universal viewer
embed code you want to copy.
2 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs and
Embed Code panel on the right, under Universal Presets, click Embed Code to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code to the right of a viewer whose
platform type is Universal.
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• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code to the right of a viewer whose
platform type is Universal.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code to the right of a viewer whose
platform type is Universal.
3 In the Embed Code dialog box, in the text field, specify a target DIV layer name for the Universal viewer embed code.
You can specify any name you want. The name simply helps you to keep DIV layers organized and is used in the
setTargetDiv tag of the embed code.
4 Click Get Embed Code.
Editing the code is not permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
5 Click Copy to Clipboard.
6 Click Close.
Configuring Default Viewers
You can use Default Viewers to configure the default viewer that is associated with an asset when you use Preview in
Scene7 Publishing System. You can set up the default preview experience for the following asset types:
• Image
• Video
• SpinSet
• Catalog
• ImageSet
• SwatchSet
• MediaSet
• Video Recut
“Previewing an asset” on page 102
To configure default viewers
1 In the Setup drop-down list, click Application Setup.
2 In the Setup window, in the left pane, expand Application Setup > Viewers
3 Click Default Viewers.
4 In the Default Viewers window, in the drop-down list for each asset type, select the viewer that you want to associate
with the asset’s preview.
5 In the lower-right corner of the Default Viewers window, click Save Settings.
6 In the lower-right corner of the Setup window, click Close to return to the Asset window.
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Metadata Views
Metadata is standardized information about an asset. You can use metadata to streamline your workflow, organize
your assets, and improve searching. Scene7 supports the IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council)
standard and the XMP (extensible metadata platform) standard. Before users view or enter metadata about an asset in
Detail view, they can open the Metadata Views menu and choose the set of metadata fields that they want to view or
use to describe the asset.
Scene7 comes with pre-defined Metadata Views, and administrators can create their own Metadata Views for users to
choose when they enter metadata.
More Help topics
“Viewing, adding, and exporting metadata” on page 108
Creating a Metadata View
1 Choose Setup > Application Setup > Metadata Views.
2 Click Add.
3 Enter a name for the view in the Preset Name field.
4 (Optional) Check Make Default to make this view the one that users see when they open the Metadata panel in
Detail View.
5 (Optional) Select Include UDF to include user-defined fields in the view. User-defined fields appear at the top of
the Metadata panel in Detail View.
6 Select the fields you want for the view (click Select All to select all the fields).
7 Click Save.
The selected categories and fields for the view appear in the Preview panel.
Managing Metadata Views
1 Choose Setup > Application Setup > Metadata Views.
2 Do any of the following:
• To preview a view, select it. The fields in the view appear in the Preview panel.
• To edit a view, select it and click Edit. Then select or deselect field names on the Preview panel, and select or
deselect the Include UDF option.
• To delete a view, select it and click Delete
• To make a view the default, select it and click Make Default. The default view is the one that users see when they
open an asset in Detail view and go to the Metadata panel.
Metadata Presets
Metadata Presets give administrators a way to control and regulate metadata that is assigned to assets. In Detail view,
a user can enter metadata about an asset in fields provided for that purpose. For example, a user can enter an owner
name, copyright description, and address. To ensure that users enter this information accurately and completely, you
can create Metadata Presets. Choosing a Metadata Preset in Detail view populates metadata fields with pre-defined
values. For example, an owner name, copyright description, and address are entered automatically.
Create a Metadata Preset for each set of metadata values you want users to be able to enter automatically in Detail view
to describe an asset.
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More Help topics
“Viewing, adding, and exporting metadata” on page 108
“User-Defined Fields” on page 49
Creating or editing a Metadata Preset
1 Choose Setup > Application Setup > Metadata Presets.
2 In the Metadata Presets screen, do one of the following:
• To create a preset, click Add. Type a name for the preset in the Metadata Template Name field and then click
Metadata Views and choose a view on the drop-down list (see “Metadata Views” on page 48).
• To edit an existing preset, select the preset from the Metadata Presets list and click Edit.
3 Expand headings you want to include in the preset and enter values in the different fields you want to include in
the preset.
4 Click Save.
The selected categories and fields for the preset appear in the Preview panel.
Managing Metadata Presets
1 Choose Setup > Application Setup > Metadata Presets.
2 Do any of the following:
• To preview a preset, select the preset you want to preview. The preset information (categories and fields) appears
in the Preview screen.
• To delete a preset, select the preset and click Delete.
User-Defined Fields
A Media Portal Administrator or a Company Administrator can create custom, user-defined metadata fields. Custom
field help you organize assets in the Scene7 Publishing System. The fields can also be marked as Active, as necessary.
When activated, the names of these custom metadata fields appear in the Metadata panel in Detail view. Users can
enter information in user-defined metadata fields to describe assets. Users can also make a user-defined metadata field
a criterion in searches.
One effective use of user-defined metadata fields is to delay the activation time of an asset for a specific launch or sale.
You define an “activation” and a “deactivation” field, both based on the type Date. Then, using the Metadata panel in
Detail view or File > Edit Info, you can specify when the asset is activated and when it is deactivated. Scene7
Publishing System checks the publish status of an asset, and the publish history. If it is not within the activation time,
the publish status will show as “Not Published”.
Note: To make user-defined fields appear in the Metadata panel in Detail view, include user-defined fields in Metadata
Views. On the Metadata Views screen, select the Include UDF (user-defined fields) option. For more information, see
“Metadata Views” on page 48.
Important: To search for assets using custom, user-defined fields, click Setup > Personal Setup, and then select Include
UDFs in Search. See “Personal Setup” on page 15.
Creating a user-defined metadata field
1 Click Setup > Application Setup > Metadata > User-Defined Fields.
2 Click Add
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3 In the Custom Field dialog box, set the options you want.
Name Enter a name for the metadata field.
Type Choose an option that defines the type of information that users can enter in the metadata field:
• String A text string.
• Int An integer.
• Float A floating-point number.
• Yes/No A yes/no Boolean value.
• Date A date. The MM/DD/YYYY format is accepted.
• Filename The name of a file.
• Color The name of a color.
• Dimension The width and height of the asset.
• Untyped For backwards-compatibility. Do not select this option.
Default Value Optionally, enter the value users are most likely to enter in the field. The value you enter becomes
the default value for the field you create.
Applies To Optionally, choose an asset type if you want the metadata field to apply only to a specific type of asset.
Important: Choose an Applies To option carefully because you cannot change the Applies To option after you create
a user-defined field. Scene7 lets you edit the name, type, and default value of a user-defined field, but not the Applies
To setting.
4 Click Save when you finish creating the metadata field.
Manage user-defined fields
The User-Defined Fields screen offers commands for managing custom, user-defined metadata fields.
Only a Media Portal Administrator or a Company Administrator can manage user-defined fields.
To open this screen, click Setup > Application Setup > Metadata > User-Defined Fields.
Editing a field Select the field, and then click Edit.
Deleting a field Select the field, and then click Delete.
Activating and deactivating fields Click to select or deselect the Active option next to the name of a field. If you are in
a company administration role, this option may not be shown. Because this option is related to MediaPortal, you must
select (turn on) Show MediaPortal Features in Personal Setup to see the activating and deactivating fields.
Optimize Files
As you upload files to the Scene7 Publishing System, the system optimizes them for storage and publishing. If the
upload process is interrupted, however, some images cannot be optimized. In this case, you see the “Image not yet
optimized” message. You can, however, optimize these files if you are an administrator.
Scene7 Publishing System searches through your files and optimizes only those images that were not fully optimized
1 Choose Setup > Application Setup, and then select Optimize Files.
2 Enter information for the optimization job and click Submit.
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If you are working with more than one company, optimize files belonging to different companies separately.
More Help topics
“Checking job files” on page 93
Batch Set Presets
Use the batch set presets to automatically create image sets or spin sets while a job is running to upload assets to the
Scene7 Publishing System.
Company administrators first define naming conventions for the assets that they want to group together in a set. You
can then create abatch set preset to reference these images. Each preset is a uniquely named, self-contained set of
instructions that defines how to construct the set using images that match the defined naming conventions in the
preset recipe.
All active batch set presets for a company are listed on the Upload Job Option dialog box, so you can specify which
preset you want applied during each upload session. Company administrators see all active and inactive batch set
presets. When you upload files, Scene7 automatically creates a set with all files that match the defined naming
convention in the active presets.
Default Naming
The company administrator creates a default naming convention that is used in any batch set preset recipe. The default
naming convention selected in the batch set preset definition may be all your company needs to batch-generate sets
for all websites. A batch set preset is created to use the default naming convention you define. You are able to create as
many Batch Set presets with alternate, custom naming conventions needed for a particular set of content in cases
where there is an exception to the company-defined default naming.
While setting up a default naming convention is not required to use batch set preset functionality, best practice
recommends that you use the default naming convention to define as many elements of your naming convention that
you want grouped in a set in order to streamline batch set creation.
1 Click Setup > Application Setup > Batch Set Presets > Default Naming.
2 Select View Form or View Code to specify how you want to view and enter information about each element.
You can select the View Code check box to view the regular expression value building alongside your form
selections. You are able to enter or alter these values to help define the elements of the naming convention, if the
form view limits you for any reason. If your values are unable to be parsed in the form view, the form fields will
become inactive.
Note: De-activated form fields do not indicate invalid regular expression. There is no validation that your regular
expressions are correct. You will see results of the regular expression you are building for each element after the Result
line. The complete regular expression is visible at the bottom of the page.
3 Expand each element as necessary and enter the naming conventions you want to use.
4 As necessary, click Add to add another naming convention for an element. Or click Remove to delete a naming
convention for an element.
5 Click Save As and type a name for the preset. Or click Save if you are editing an existing preset.
Alternately, you can use View Code with no form fields available. In this view you create your naming convention
definitions entirely using regular expressions.
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Two elements are available for definition, Match and Base Name. These fields let you define all elements of a naming
convention and identify the part of the convention used to name the set in which they are contained. A company’s
individual naming convention may make use of one or more lines of definition for each of these elements. You can use
as many lines for your unique definition and group them into distinct elements, such as for Main Image, Color
element, Alternate View element, and Swatch element.
Creating a batch set preset
Scene7 uses batch set presets to organize assets that share some common information or content into sets of images
for display in viewers. The batch set preset recipes automatically run alongside the asset import jobs you schedule in
Use Batch Set Preset to create, edit, and manage your batch set presets. You can create as many batch set presets as
necessary to cover all asset ingest jobs you require. There are two forms of batch set preset definitions: one for a default
naming convention that you might have set up, and one for custom naming conventions that you create on the fly.
You can use the either the form field method to define a batch set preset or the code method, which lets you use regular
expressions. As in Default Naming, you can choose Code View at the same time you are defining in the Form View
and use of regular expressions to build your definitions. Alternately, you can uncheck either view to use one or the
other exclusively.
See also “Creating a batch set preset for the auto generation of a 2D Spin Set” on page 53.
To create a batch set preset
1 Click Setup > Application Setup > Batch Set Presets > Batch Set Preset. View Form, as set in the upper-right
corner of the Details page, is the default view.
2 In the Preset List panel, click Add to activate the definition fields in the Details panel on the right hand side of the
3 In the Details panel, in the Preset Name field, type a name for the preset.
4 In the Batch Set Type drop-down menu, select a preset type.
To autogenerate a 2D Spin Set, select Multi-Axis Spin Set from the Batch Set Type drop-down list.
5 Do one of the following:
• If you are using a default naming convention that you previously set up under Application Setup > Batch Set
Presets > Default Naming, expand Asset Naming Conventions, and then in the File Naming drop-down list,
click Default.
• To define a naming convention as you set up the preset, expand Asset Naming Conventions, and then in the
File Naming drop-down list, click Custom.
6 For Sequence order, define the order for the images after the set is grouped together in Scene7. By default, your
assets are ordered alphanumerically. However, you can use a comma-separated list of regular expressions to define
the order.
7 For Set Naming and Creation Convention, specify the suffix or prefix to the base name you defined in the Asset
Naming Convention. Also define where the image set will be created within the Scene7 folder structure.
If you define large numbers of image sets, you may prefer to keep these separate from the folders that contain the
assets themselves. Many customers create an Image Sets folder and redirect the application to place batch set
generated sets here.
8 Click Save in the Details Panel.
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Creating a batch set preset for the auto generation of a 2D Spin Set
You can use the Batch Set Type Multi-Axis Spin Set to create a “recipe” that automates the generation of 2D Spin Sets.
The grouping of images uses Row and Column regular expressions so that the image assets are properly aligned in the
corresponding location in the multi-dimensional array.
See also “Creating a batch set preset” on page 52.
There is no minimum or maximum number of rows or columns that you must have in a multi-axis spin set.
As an example, suppose you want to create a multi-axis spin set named spin-2dspin. You have a set of spin set images
that contain three rows, with 12 images per row. The images are named as follows:
With this information, your Batch Set Type recipe might be created as follows:
Batch Set Type recipe for a 2D Spin Set.
Grouping for the shared asset name part of the spinset is added to the Match field (as highlighted). The variable part
of the asset name containing the row and column is added to the Row and Column fields, respectively.
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When the Spin Set is uploaded and published, you would activate the name of the 2D Spin Set recipe that is listed under
Batch Set Presets in the Upload Job Options dialog box.
To create a batch set preset for the auto generation of a 2D Spin Set
1 Choose Setup > Application Setup > Batch Set Presets > Batch Set Preset. View Form, as set in the upper-right
corner of the Details page, is the default view.
2 In the Preset List panel, click Add to activate the definition fields in the Details panel on the right hand side of the
3 In the Details panel, in the Preset Name field, type a name for the preset.
4 In the Batch Set Type drop-down menu, select Asset Set.
5 In the Sub Type drop-down list, select Multi-Axis Spin Set.
6 Expand Asset Naming Conventions, and then in the File Naming drop-down list, click Custom.
7 Use the Match and, optionally, Base Name attributes to define a regular expression for the naming of image assets
that make up the grouping.
For example, your literal Match regular expression might look like the following:
8 Expand Row Column Position, and then define the name format for the position of the image asset within the 2D
Spin Set array.
Use the parenthesis to embrace the row or column position in the file name.
For example, for your row regular expression, it might look like the following:
For your column regular expression, it might look like the following:
Remember that these are only examples. You can create your regular expression however you want to suit your
Note: If the combination of row and column regular expressions is unable to determine the position of the asset within
the multi-dimensional spinset array, then that asset is not added to the set and an error is logged.
9 For Set Naming and Creation Convention, specify the suffix or prefix to the base name you defined in the Asset
Naming Convention. Also define where the image set will be created within the Scene7 folder structure.
If you define large numbers of image sets, you may prefer to keep these separate from the folders that contain the
assets themselves. Many customers create an Image Sets folder and redirect the application to place batch set
generated sets here.
10 Click Save in the Details Panel.
11 Upload and publish your Spin Set as usual making sure you activate the name of your 2D Spin Set in the Job Load
Options dialog box, under Batch Set Presets.
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See “Upload and publish assets” on page 79.
Publish Setup
The Publish Setup screen settings determine how assets are delivered by default from Scene7 servers to web sites or
applications. If no setting is specified, the Scene7 server delivers an asset according to a default setting on a Publish
Setup screen. For example, a request to deliver an image that does not include a resolution attribute yields an image
with the Default Object Resolution setting on the Image Server screen.
Administrators can change the default settings on the Image Server, Image Renderer, and Vignette screens to establish
default settings for delivering assets from servers.
To open the Publish Setup screens, click Setup > Application Setup > Publish Setup.
Important: The Publish Setup screens are for use by experienced web site developers and programmers. Scene7 assumes
that users who change settings on these screens are familiar with the Scene7 Publishing System, HTTP protocol standards
and conventions, and basic imaging technology.
Image Server
The Image Server screen establishes default settings for delivering images from image servers. Settings are available in
these five categories (see the Image Server screen itself for detailed descriptions of the settings).
Change these settings only with the assistance of a Scene7 support person.
Catalog Management These settings determine how Scene7 Publishing System and the catalog interact. Unlike most
web servers, Scene7 Image Server URL calls go to a manifest, or catalog, file rather than an image file proper. The
catalog file (not to be confused with an eCatalog) contains a list of all content published to the image server along with
the path to each image. If you have a Digimarc ID, enter your user information in the Digimarc User Info section.
Request Attributes These settings impose limits on images that can be delivered from the server.
Default Request Attributes These settings pertain to the default appearance of images.
Common Thumbnail Attributes These settings pertain to the default appearance and alignment of thumbnail images.
Defaults for Catalog Fields These settings pertain to the resolution and default thumbnail type of images.
Color Management Attributes These settings determine which ICC color profiles are used.
Compatibility Attributes This setting enables leading and trailing paragraphs in text layers to be treated as they were
in version 3.6 for backwards compatibility.
Localization Support These settings let you manage multiple locale attributes. It also lets you specify a locale map
string so you can define which languages you want to support for the various tooltips in Viewers.
For example, if you are a multi-national brand that sells in different countries, you can ensure that each country has
their own locale-specific Viewer. To accomplish this functionality, you specify a locale map string. Then you edit the
tooltip text in a Viewer’s preset by adding the translated text strings for the language you want.
Note: To set up Localization Support options, contact Adobe Scene7 Technical Support or send an email to requesting setup help.
For more information about setting up Localization Support, see “Considerations when setting up localization of
assets” on page 56.
See also “Adding localization support to a Flash AS3 Viewer preset” on page 39.
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Considerations when setting up localization of assets
Note: If you want to set up Localization Support options in Scene7 Publishing System, such as the Locale Map field,
contact Adobe Scene7 Technical Support. Or, send an email to requesting setup help.
A common way to use the Scene7 Publishing System (SPS) is to manage the product imagery on e-Commerce websites.
International businesses face the challenge that assets for similar products look different from country to country.
Usually the differences are for a very few part of the overall media. Addressing such differences by copying all assets
for each of the countries and over-write just the differences is a tremendous effort and contradicts the single master
asset metaphor. Such differences for assets can endure, from country-specific videos with different audio tracks, to
subtle but important differences in a power cord that is used with the product. S7 uses a basic lookup mechanism. You
define an order of asset suffixes in which the Image Server is looking, starting from the required locale.
How assets are localized
The locale for an IS (Image Serving) request is identified with the following IS/IR (Image Rendering) command:
This command accepts a locale id (locId) string which is not case-sensitive. The locale id is typically a 2-6 character
string composed of letters and “_”.
IS supports arbitrary printable ASCII strings.The locale= command has a global scope, meaning that it is applied to
the entire request, including all nested IS and IR requests, referenced templates, and image layers. Multiple locales per
request, such as a different locale for each layer, is not supported. However, it is conceivable to allow explicit overrides
in nested requests.
If locale= is not specified, attribute::DefaultLocale is passed to the translation engines. Limited input
validation is applied to the locale= value. Empty locale= values are permitted. Because locale= has a global scope,
attribute::DefaultLocale is provided by the main catalog for the entire request.
Some of the benefits of using locale= and attribute::DefaultLocale include the following:
• Share contents for multiple locales.
• Access locale-specific contents using generic ids.
• Allow flexibility around naming conventions and the management of locale-specific contents, such as locale prefix
versus suffix, or locale-specific contents in a separate catalog.
• Support direct access to locale-specific versions.
• Aggregate objects, such as image sets, may contain generic references to potentially locale-specific contents.
• Supports all contents managed by catalogs that may need localization, including images, image sets, vignettes,
materials, and viewer configuration records.
• Minimize changes to the IPS database and IS manifest mechanisms.
• Support for static contents such as videos and skins will be added when RFC IS-63 is implemented.
• The default locale is configurable.
Application scenarios
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Viewer localization
After static content catalogs are implemented, localization is controlled entirely with
the locale= parameter, appended to all requests that are made to IS. Configuration
records, skins, splash screens, and so on, can have locale-specific variants or not. The
correct contents is provided by IS without the viewer needing to know which contents
is localized and what its IDs are.
Images and video
Multi-national companies often have a mix of generic and locale-specific contents. With
this mechanism, a reference to an image or video can be generic, and IS serves up the
locale-specific contents if it is available.
Image sets and Media sets The entire image set can be different for some locales--such as when a eCatalog is
completely different--with the translation from a generic to a locale-specific image set
handled by the viewer.
More commonly, individual IDs in a generic set may refer to localized contents. For
example, most photos of an appliance can be the same in all languages, except the
photo of the control panel. IS automatically translate IDs, so there is no need to
generate locale-specific image sets.
Implementing asset localization
Scene7 Publishing and Image Serving have an interface that allows for the localizations of images and static content.
Without localization, an Image Server URL looks like the following:
With localization, an Image Server URL adds the locale= parameter to the path, as in the following:
On receipt of the http call by the Image Server, the locale= parameter is parsed through the localeMap field found in
Setup > Application Setup > Publish Setup > Image Server > Localization Support group.
The Locale Map field contains a list of entries that are separated using the pipe symbol (|).
Each entry consists of a comma-separated list of values. The first value is the search value that is passed by the locale=
parameter. The remaining values are suffix/replacement values that are subsequently tried until one results in an
existing image.
Whether a suffix value or a replacement value is applied depends on the Global Locale setting in Setup > Application
Setup > Publish Setup > Image Server > Localization Support group.
Note: The Global Locale setting is currently only possible when you set it through the API, not within the Scene7
Publishing System interface.
Suffix example
localeMap IDs
Notice that there is no GlobalLocale
defined. The locale parameter de_DE is
matched against the first entry in the
localeMap. The first corresponding value
_DE is added as a suffix to the asset
image_DE and an attempt is made to find
it on the Image Server. If it is found on the
server, it is returned. Otherwise, the second
value “” is used as a suffix, resulting in the
image itself being returned.
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Replacement example
GlobalLocale and localeMap IDs
In the replacement example above,
GlobalLocale is set to main. The locale
parameter de_DE is matched against the
first entry in the localeMap. The
GlobalLocale substring is found and
replaced with the first corresponding value
de in the localeMap: image-de-01. If it is
found on the Image Server, it is returned. If
not, the second value is replaced, resulting
in image-main-01.
http://server/is/ima GlobalLocale=main
ge/company/imagemain-01?locale=de_DE localeMap de_DE,de,main|fr_FR,fr,main
If no locale is defined in the URL, the Image Server takes the DefaultLocale, if it is defined, and applies it to the URL.
If an unknown or empty locale parameter is supplied with locale=, then the localeMap is scanned for the empty value
“starting with,”. It is important to configure this to have a default locale applied for unknown locales.
About the defaultImage
The Image Server tries the options for the requested locale, one after the other. If no match is found, the locale options
are applied to the defaultImage, and the matching version is returned. Therefore, either each locale should include an
option for the image without localization, or localized defaultImage versions should be made available in Scene7
Publishing System.
Scenarios for finding the localeMap
Suppose you want to support the following locales:
en, en_us, en_uk, de, de_at, de_de, fr
You map these locales to the suffixes _E, _G, and _F, for English, German, and French, respectively. For all examples,
the generic input image ID is myImg.
Standard behavior for finding the localeMap
The locale IDs are mapped to their corresponding suffixes. If no locale-specific ID is found in the catalog, the generic
ID is tried. Note the empty locSuffix values which map to the generic ID.
Output IDs to search
en,en_us, en_uk
myImg_E, myImg
myImg_D, myImg
myImg_F, myImg
All others
Finding the localeMap when the locale is unknown
You can map unknown locales to specific IDs or to generic IDs. For our example, you can map unknown locales to the
English IDs, or if they do not exist, to the generic IDs.
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Output IDs to search
All others
You could also have a dedicated locSuffix, such as U, just for unknown locales, and force to the default image if no _U
exists, as in the following:
Or, you can map directly to the generic ID, as in the following:
Finding the localeMap using a multi-tiered lookup
It is often desirable to group locales, such as European, Middle Eastern, and North American, to address regional
standards, such as skin exposure. You can achieve this effect using a multi-tiered lookup.
For this example, suppose you want to support collections for Western and Middle Eastern use. Both collections are
based on the generic image collection, and both add or modify some images. Both collections are then further refined
for specific locales, such as m1, m2 for two middle-eastern variants, and w1, w2, and w3 for three Western locales,
except that images are shared for w1 and w3. Unknown locales are mapped only to the generic collection and do not
have access to locale-specific images. The following is what the map would look like:
Output IDs to search
w1, w3
myImg-W, myImg
myImg-W2, myImg-W, myImg
myImg-M1, myImg-M, myImg
myImg-M2, myImg-M, myImg
All others
Finding the localeMap by searching for specific IDs
Some image naming conventions may not support generic image IDs. The generic IDs from the request must be
mapped to a specific ID in the catalog. However, there may be instances where the exact specific ID is not known.
Using the first example as a basis, images for all languages may have the suffixes _1, _2, or _3. Images that are specific
to French locales may have the suffixes _22 or _23 suffix. And images that are specific to German locales may have the
suffixes _470 or _480.
Output IDs to search
myImg_22, myImg_23, myImg_1, myImg_2, myImg_3
de, de_at, de_de
myImg_470, myImg_480, myImg_1, myImg_2,myImg_3
All others
myImg_1, myImg_2, myImg_3
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Important considerations when implementing localization support
• Localization is limited to ID-based asset calls and cannot be used on path-based asset calls. Therefore, when calling
videos with locale, it must be called as company/assetID; no full path to the video. This means that you cannot use
rtmp with localization because that method is for use with path-based video calls only.
• You cannot use a Mixed Media Set that contains a single video when localeMap is active, otherwise the call to the
contents of the set fails. To work around this issue you can add a single video to an Adaptive Video Set. Then, add
the Adaptive Video Set to a Mixed Media Set.
• Certain requests are not localized, such as requests for the contents of an Adaptive Video Set. Therefore, if you
intend to use Adaptive Video Sets with localization, you should place the Adaptive Video Set within a Mixed Media
Set. Then, call the set into a Mixed Media viewer with the locale= parameter.
Image Renderer
The Image Renderer screen establishes default settings for delivering Image Sets from image rendering servers.
Settings are available in these five categories (see the Image Server screen itself for detailed descriptions of the settings):
Catalog Management These settings determine how Scene7 Publishing System and the catalog file interact. Scene7
Render Server URL calls are made to the catalog, which in turn calls to deliver images from the server. Change these
settings only with the assistance of a Scene7 support person.
Session Attributes These settings establish error parameters, the URL for relative image URLs, and whether object
overlapping is permitted.
Default Material Attributes These settings establish default resolution and sharpening settings for images.
Response Image Attributes These settings pertain to the default appearance of images.
Color Management Attributes These settings pertain to the default color settings of images.
The Vignette screen offers settings for establishing the default appearance of vignettes (see the screen itself for detailed
descriptions of options).
Video SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEO is the process of improving the volume of traffic to a Web site from search engines. While search engines excel at
gathering information about text-based content, they cannot adequately acquire information about video unless this
information is provided to them.
Using Scene7 Video SEO, you can leverage video metadata to provide search engines with descriptions of your videos.
Scene7 provides the ability to create Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds. These are standard XML files for submitting
video information to search engines:
Video Sitemap Informs Google exactly where and what the video content is on a site. Consequently, videos are fully
searchable on Google. For example, a Video Sitemap can specify the running time and categories of videos. For
information about video Sitemaps, see
mRSS (Media Really Simple Syndication) feed Used by content publishers to feed media files into Yahoo! Video
Search. For information about mRSS feeds, see
Note: Google supports both the Video Sitemap and mRSS feed protocol for submitting information to search engines.
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Scene7 can generate Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds from metadata that is stored with each video. When you create
Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds, you decide which metadata fields from video files to include. In this way, you describe
your videos to search engines so that search engines can more accurately direct traffic to videos on your web site
Important: Before creating a Video Sitemap or mRSS feed, find out which fields the search engine requires in the XML
file and how to structure these fields. To create a successful Video Sitemap or mRSS feed, it must satisfy the requirements
of the search engine.
Scene7 creates reports about Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds after you generate them. These reports are available on
the Video SEO Report screen.
Important: For the Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds, Scene7 captures metadata only from videos that are marked for
publish. Mark videos for publish to include their metadata in Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds.
Choosing Video SEO settings
Choose Video SEO settings for Video Sitemaps and mRSS feeds on the Video Search Engine Optimization Settings
screen. To open this screen, choose Setup > Application Setup > Video SEO > Settings.
In the General Setting area, choose whether to generate Video Sitemaps, mRSS feeds, or both. In the Generation
Settings area, map metadata fields to input fields.
After you choose settings, click Generate (or Save & Generate) to create the Video Sitemap, mRSS feeds, or both.
Choosing General Settings
On the Generation Mode drop-down list, choose a report mode:
Video Sitemap Create a Video Sitemap.
mRSS Feed Create a Media RSS (mRSS) feed.
Both Create both types of XML files.
Off Choose this option to stop generating Video Sitemaps and a Media RSS (mRSS) feeds.
On the Automatic/Manual Mode drop-down list, choose whether to generate automatically or manually:
Automatic Mode Scene7 automatically generates one Video Sitemap, Media RSS (mRSS) feed, or both, each day.
Choose the Mark for Publish option to automatically mark for publish the XML file that Scene7 generates.
Manual Mode Scene7 generates the Video Sitemap, Media RSS (mRSS) feed, or both, when you click Generate or Save
& Generate in the Video Search Optimization Settings screen. Choose these options as well:
• No Further Settings Doesn't mark for publish the XML file that is generated.
• Mark for Publish Marks for publish the XML file that is generated.
• Allow Partial Generation Search engines may reject an XML file if it doesn’t contain complete metadata
information for all videos. This option generates the XML file even if metadata isn’t available for some videos. A
warning is registered on the Report screen. Choose this option if you intend to export the XML file and process the
missing information manually.
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Choosing Generation Settings
The Generation Settings area lists input fields for the Video Sitemap and/or mRSS feed, and in the Metadata panel, the
names of metadata fields. Use the General Settings area to map input fields to metadata fields. By doing so, you tell
Scene7 where to obtain metadata for the Video Sitemap and/or mRSS feed.
1 On the Metadata Views menu, choose a metadata view. After you choose a view, the names of metadata fields
appear in the Metadata panel. (For information about metadata views, see “Metadata Views” on page 48.)
2 Drag metadata field names from the Metadata panel to the Landing Page, Title, Description, Tags, and Category
input fields. The Landing Page, Title, and Description fields are required.
Note: You can also manually enter data in input fields.
3 Click Save (to save your settings without generating the XML file), Generate (to generate the XML file), or Save &
Generate (to save and generate the file).
The XML file is generated and recorded in the Job log. Video Sitemap (video-sitemap) and a Media RSS (mRSS)
feed (mrss-feed) files are stored in the root folder of your company.
Note: You must publish the Video Sitemap or mRSS feed before you can submit it to search engines. Video Sitemap and
Media RSS (mRSS) feed files are stored in the root folder of the company. Mark these XML files for publish, if necessary,
and click Publish.
Submitting Video Sitemap and mRSS-Feed files to search engines
Video Sitemap and Media RSS (mRSS) feed files are stored in the root folder of the company:
• http://{publish-server}/is/content/{companyname}/mrss-feed.xml
• http://{publish-server}/is/content/{companyname}/video-sitemap.xml
Copy one of these URLs into the search engine’s webmaster tools to submit your Video Sitemap or Media RSS (mRSS)
feed file to search engines.
Viewing Video SEO reports
View Video SEO reports on the Video Search Engine Optimization Report screen. To open this screen, choose Setup
> Application Setup > Video SEO > Reports.
If errors occurred when a report was generated, they are listed on the Report screen.
Administration Setup
The Administration Setup screens are for administering Scene7 Publishing System users. Use these screens to enable
users to work in the Scene7 Publishing System and to communicate by e-mail with users.
❖ To access Administration Setup options, click Setup > Personal Setup. Expand Administration Setup.
User Administration
All Scene7 users are assigned a role that determines their privileges and access rights to features in Scene7 Publishing
System. Administrators determine the different roles and responsibilities for the companies to which they are assigned.
Typically, Scene7 configures the first set of companies and assigns a company administrator. The company
administrator then sets up and administers Scene7 Publishing System users.
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Scene7 Publishing System supports three user roles. All three roles can access companies set up for the Scene7
Publishing System:
SPS Administrator Can view and administer all features in Scene7 Publishing System, as well as set up companies and
add administrators and users.
Company Administrator Can view and administer only their own companies. A Company Administrator can also
perform all administration functions, including adding administrators and users. A Company Administrator can add
a user to the SPS company admin accounts. (This role is the default user role.)
SPS User Can access companies to which they have been assigned; cannot perform any administrative duties.
After you add a user, Scene7 Publishing System sends the user a Welcome e-mail message. The message includes a
password and the Scene7 Publishing System URL.
Adding a user or administrator
1 Click Setup > Application Setup > Administration Setup >User Administration.
2 Click Add.
3 Enter the name and email address of the user or administrator that you want to add, then click Next.
Note: The apostrophe character (‘) is not allowed in email addresses.
4 Choose a Role option to assign a role to the user.
See “User Administration” on page 62.
5 Select a company name to add a user to a company.
6 If you want to add the user to a group (if you are adding a Media Portal user or contributor), click Next and add the user.
7 Click Save to complete the user setup.
After saving, a prompt asks if you want to add a user to another company. Click Add if you want to add the user to
a company.
All new users are given a randomly generated password; users are required to change passwords the first time they
log in to Scene7 Publishing System.
New users are sent a Welcome e-mail after you add them. The e-mail provides a temporary password and explains
how to log on to the Scene 7 Publishing System.
If the user does not receive the welcome email, have them go the SPS login page (, and
click Forgot My Password. The password is reset and a new email is sent. If the user does not receive the email and
it is not in their Junk folder, contact Technical Support.
When adding new Media Portal users, you can also go to Setup > Application Setup > User Administration, then
click Upload User List and select a .csv file containing no more than 500 users.
Deleting a user
You can delete users from Scene7 Publishing System by making them invalid. Invalid users are removed from the
system and all accounts.
1 Click Setup > Application Setup > Administration Setup > User Administration.
2 Select a user from the list, and then click Edit.
3 Deselect Valid.
4 Click Save.
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Activating or deactivating users
Users who have been deactivated no longer have permission to enter the account listed at the top of the Select Accounts
To Access menu.
1 Click Setup > Application Setup > Administration Setup > User Administration.
2 In the user list, select or deselect the Active option next to the name of the user.
Editing user information
The user information that you can edit depends on your role as an administrator and the assigned role of the user
whose information you want to edit. Options that are dimmed (unavailable) are not editable.
1 Go to Setup > Application Setup > Administration Setup > User Administration.
2 Select the user and click Edit.
3 Select the entry in the table that shows the company you are trying to modify permissions or access for, then click
the Manage Company link.
4 Select the user role.
5 If you want to change the user’s group membership (if you are editing or adding a Media Portal user or
contributor), click Next and edit the group membership.
6 Click Save.
Filtering and sorting the user list
You can filter and sort the user list to locate users. All users in all accounts you administer appear in the Users list,
regardless of the account selected in the Select Account To Access menu.
You can use the following user list filtering techniques:
Filter by group Select the By Group menu and choose an option to narrow the list to users in a group.
Filter by user role Select the By User Role menu and choose an option to narrow the list to users or administrators of
different types.
Filter by field name Select the Enable Filter By Field option. Then select the By Field Name menu, choose a column
for filtering the list, and select the Filter Character menu and choose a letter. The list is filtered on one of the columns
by the letter you chose. Deselect the Enable Filter By Field option to see the full list.
Filter out invalid users Deselect the Include Invalid option. The search results display only users who are in the system.
Invalid users have been deleted from the system and the accounts you administer.
Sort by column heading Click a heading to sort all users by their status, alphabetically by first name, last name, or
email, by user role, or by valid/invalid status.
If you have many users, you can limit the size of the list by selecting the Max List Size menu and choosing a number.
Bandwidth & Storage
SPS Administrators can generate bandwidth, storage, and other types of reports for the companies they administer.
These reports are available on the Bandwidth & Storage screen.
To open this screen, click Setup > Personal Setup. Expand Administration Setup, and then click Bandwidth & Storage.
Types of reports
The following table describes reports that you can generate from the Bandwidth & Storage screen:
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Bandwidth use by company
Track bandwidth usage by company over specific date ranges
to determine traffic patterns.
Storage usage
Track the amount of data uploaded by company.
Image Content
The number of image requests by type
Track the number of requests and volume for different image
The number of URL requests by domain
Track image usage based on the domain of the image request
for a specific company. (Scene7 can provide more than one
domain per account. For more information, contact Technical
Video Streaming
Bandwidth usage for streaming video
Track streaming video usage by company over specific date
ranges to determine traffic patterns.
Video Content
Playing time of different videos
Determine which are the most viewed and least viewed videos.
The Image Content report provides information about requests for the following image types:
Image Request Requests for images.
Thumbnail Request Requests for swatch or alternate images in viewers.
Mask Request Requests to images returning gray-scale masks.
Viewer Tile Request Image requests loaded by a viewer.
Vnt Object Request Image rendering requests that return an image with specified objects in the requested vignettes.
Vnt Info Request Image rendering requests that return information concerning the requested vignettes.
Note: The Video Streaming report applies to streaming videos only. It doesn’t track the viewing of progressive videos.
Generating a report
To generate a bandwidth, storage, image content, domain, video streaming, or video content report:
1 Choose Setup > Personal Setup.
2 Expand Administration Setup, and then click Bandwidth & Storage.
3 Click a tab: Bandwidth, Storage, Image Content, Domain, Video Streaming, or Video Content.
See “Types of reports” on page 64.
Viewing data in different ways
After you generate a report on the Bandwidth & Storage page, you can choose options for viewing information. You
can choose how information is presented, view information in a chart or data grid, and specify a time period for
capturing information. In Data view, you can also sort information and rearrange columns.
Viewing data in a chart or data grid Click the Chart View option to view data in a chart; click the Data View option to
view data in a data grid.
Choosing a report presentation type On the Report Type menu, choose Summary, Daily, or monthly to organize data
in summary form, by day, or by month. Not all reports provide this option.
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Specifying a time period Choose options to define a time period for your report, and then click Update after you
define a time period:
• Pre-defined time period On the Pre-defined Report menu, choose an option. For example, choose Last Month to
capture data from the previous month.
• Custom time period On the Pre-defined Report menu, choose Custom. Then choose a date on the Start Month (or
Start Date) menu and a date on the # of Months (or # or Days) menu. For Domain and Video Content Reports, you
can choose a specific start and end date for capturing report information.
Sorting data (Data view only) To sort information on a column, click the column’s heading. Click again to sort in
descending order.
Rearranging columns (Data view only) To move a column to a different location on the data grid, drag its heading.
Exporting and printing reports
After you generate a report, you can export its data for use in spreadsheets and other applications. You can also print
Exporting report data In Data view, sort and arrange the data as necessary. Then open the Export menu and choose a
format: Tab Delimited, Comma Separated, or HTML Formatted. The data is copied to the Clipboard in the format you
chose. You can now paste the data into a spreadsheet or application.
Printing a report Click Print, choose the options you want in the Print dialog box, and then click OK.
More Help topics
“Image Errors” on page 66
Image Errors
SPS Administrators can generate Image Error reports. An Image Error report provides a list of the 20 most frequent
image errors, for the past 24 hours, for the company you are currently logged in to. Follow these steps to generate an
Image Error report:
1 Click Setup > Personal Setup.
2 Expand Administration Setup, and then click Image Errors.
3 (Optional) Do any of the following:
• Click a heading to sort errors by the heading information. By default, errors are sorted by number of
occurrences, highest to lowest.
• Move the cursor over the Response field for an error to see the specific error message.
• Move the cursor over the URL field or the Referrer field to see the link to the image or referrer web page.
• Click URL Copy URL to copy the link to the actual image. You can paste this link in a browser window to go to
the image and investigate the error.
• Click Referrer Copy URL to copy the link to the referrer web page.
Errors displayed are for the company you are currently logged in to. Each error includes the following information:
Image ID ID for the offending image.
Time The time range of the first time the error was reported to the last time the error was reported, within the last 24
Count The number of errors reported on the image.
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Response The specific error message. Errors are either 4xx or 5xx.
URLs Lists the URL to the image on Scene 7.
Referrer Specifies the URL for the web site where the initial request came from. The referrer can be any web site that
has a link to the image.
The URL and Referrer columns have Copy URL associated with them to simplify testing.
More Help topics
“Bandwidth & Storage” on page 64
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Chapter 4: Media Portal
Adobe® Scene7® Media Portal allows companies to easily acquire, control, and distribute approved creative assets to
external partners and channels, and internal business users. This browser-based, “self-serve” environment provides
Media Portal users with administrator-controlled “views” into Scene7 assets for easy access to , browse, search,
preview, and export assets in corporate-approved formats.
As an administrator, you control how users view, access, and use assets in Media Portal. Moreover, you can customize
the Media Portal interface to match your web site and brand. You can specify font, font color, and font size, as well as
incorporate branding elements such as logos in the Media Portal interface.
System requirements
For the best experience using Scene7 Media Portal, make sure that your system meets the following system
requirements and recommendations:
• Microsoft® Windows® 7 or later or Mac OS X 10.6 or higher Macintosh® Intel processor required.
• 3 GB RAM or higher required (4 GB or higher recommended).
• Color monitor.
• Video card supporting True Color at 1280x1024 resolution or higher.
• JAVA-enabled browser, Flash 11 or higher.
• Windows-supported browsers: Internet Explorer 9 or higher; Firefox 23.0 or higher.
• Macintosh-supported browsers: Safari 6.0 or higher, Firefox™ 23 or higher.
Note: If your browser does not have Flash Player version 11, you can download it from Adobe at
Quick Start: Media Portal administration
This Quick Start is designed to get you up and running quickly with Media Portal administration. At the end of each
step is a cross-reference to a topic where you can get more information.
1. Understand Media Portal user roles
Media Portal users fall in three roles — user, contributor, and user-contributor. Each role can perform a different set
of tasks. For example, a contributor can rename and delete files and folders, but a user cannot do those tasks.
Understand the different roles so that when you add users, you understand what responsibilities you give them.
See “Media Portal user roles” on page 70.
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Media Portal
2. Create groups for managing users
Groups determine the folders and files to which a user has access, what users can do in those folders and files, and
which Image Presets are available. As an administrator, your first task is to create groups. For each group, decide which
folders, files, and Image Presets group members can access. As well, grant read, write, and delete permissions to the
group members. These permissions determine whether members can browse, edit, rename, and delete the folders and
files to which they have access.
See “Creating and managing Media Portal groups” on page 71.
3. Add users
When you add a user, you assign the user a role (user, contributor, or user-contributor). You also assign the user to
one or more groups. To speed the process of adding users, you can upload a user list in the form of a CSV file. New
users are sent a Welcome e-mail message and instructions for logging on to Media Portal.
See “Adding and managing Media Portal users” on page 73.
4. Manage FTP accounts
You can have separate FTP accounts that are associated with Media Portal and mapped to a specific folder in your
Scene7 Publishing System account. This kind of functionality means you can allow users to upload digital assets into
your account using separate FTP accounts.
See “Managing FTP accounts” on page 75.
Note: Only Media Portal Administrators can administer these FTP accounts . In addition, only users with the role of
Media Portal Contributor-User or Media Portal Contributor can upload files.
See “Media Portal user roles” on page 70.
5. Specify export options
Media Portal users, when they export files, can reformat the files and export original master files — if you give them
permission to do that. As an administrator, you decide how users export files.
See “Specifying export options available to Media Portal users” on page 76.
6. Create Image Presets
An Image Preset is a collection of pre-defined settings that change the size, image quality, format, resolution, and other
aspects of an image’s appearance when it is exported. You can create Image Presets to control how images are
reformatted when users export them.
See “Creating and enabling Image Presets” on page 77.
7. Create metadata presets and user-defined metadata fields
Metadata describes and identifies a file; it is used for searching for and organizing assets. To make sure that metadata
is entered correctly and that metadata fields that require data are filled in, you can create metadata presets. A metadata
preset is a pre-defined set of metadata entries. You can also create metadata fields that uniquely describe the files you
work with.
See “Making more efficient use of metadata” on page 77.
8. Customize the Media Portal screen
Media Portal style settings allow you to brand the Media Portal screen with your company logo and colors. Use the
style settings to put your company stamp on Media Portal.
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Media Portal
See “Customizing the Media Portal screen” on page 78.
Media Portal user roles
Media Portal provides the following roles, each with different access rights and permissions. When you sign up a user,
you assign the user one of the following roles:
Media Portal Administrator Can add and remove administrators, contributors, and users. The administrator can also
set group access rights, manage FTP accounts, assign corporate-approved conversion formats (presets), send e-mail to
Media Portal users, and view portal usage and storage reporting.
Media Portal User Has access to folders and files. A user can only browse, preview, and download files. This role is
suitable for channel or service partners that need access to your corporate-approved assets.
Media Portal Contributor Can upload, preview, and browse files and metadata in areas to which an administrator has
granted permissions. A contributor cannot download files. Contributors can edit metadata, change the names of files,
move files to different folders, and delete files.
Media Portal Contributor-User Has access to folders and files. A contributor-user can browse, preview, download, and
upload images and metadata. Contributor-users can change the names of files, move files to different folders, and
delete files.
This table describes the tasks that users with different roles can do. Administrators and contributor-users can do all
the tasks listed in this table:
Browse folders and files
Browse metadata
Preview files
Search for files
Upload files to Scene7 Publishing System
Edit and import asset metadata
Create, rename, and delete folders
Export asset metadata
Change file names
Move files to different folders
Rename files
Delete files
Export (download) files from SPS
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Media Portal
Creating and managing Media Portal groups
Groups are designed to help you administer Media Portal users. To access an asset, a user must be a member of at least
one group that has permission to access that asset. When you add a user, you assign the user to one or more groups.
In so doing, you grant the user access to folders to which the group has been assigned. You can also choose which
Image Presets are available to a group.
Using groups to restrict access to folders, assets, and Image Presets
To grant access permission at different levels, you create groups. For each group, you assign read, write, and delete
permissions to different folders and assets in folders. As well, you decide which Image Presets are available to the
group. You then assign users to groups. A user can be a member of more than one group. The group concept gives you
the flexibility to assign access to limited sets of the total content.
If you don’t specifically grant a group permission to an asset or folder, that asset or folder inherits the permissions you
assigned to its parent folder (the folder above it in the folder hierarchy). Grant permissions to a parent folder if you
want to make sure that all its child folders inherit the same permissions.
Note: Users can belong to more than one group. When a user belongs to two groups with different access permissions to
a folder, the user is granted the highest access.
Adding a group
1 Click Setup > Media Portal Setup > Groups.
2 Click Add.
3 In the Add Group dialog box, enter a name for the group in the Group Name box, and then click Add Group.
4 If you want, you can select the boxes next to the names of users to add users to the new group.
5 If you want to specify access permissions at this time, click the Asset Access Permissions tab, and then specify the
options you want.
See “Establishing asset access permissions for a group” on page 71.
6 If you want to choose which Image Presets are available to the group, click the Image Preset Access Permissions
tab, and select Image Presets that the group can use.
See “Choosing Image Preset access permissions for a group” on page 72.
7 Click Close.
Establishing asset access permissions for a group
1 Click Setup > Media Portal Setup > Groups.
2 On the Groups list page, do one of the following:
• To add a group and specify permissions, click Add. In the Add Group dialog box, enter a name for the group,
click Add Group, and add users to the group.
• To edit a group’s permissions, select the group, and then click Edit.
3 In the Add Group or Edit group dialog box, click the Asset Access Permissions tab. The right side of the tab offers
boxes for establishing read, write, and delete permissions for folders and assets. You can expand and collapse
folders and subfolders in the left pane.
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Media Portal
4 To assign rights to folders or individual assets, select the folder in the left pane. The folder contents appear in the right
pane. Then assign rights for the group by selecting the boxes for the corresponding files or folders in the right pane.
This table maps different tasks to read, write, and delete permissions.
Browse folders and files
Edit files (crop, sharpen, adjust)
Change filenames
Move files to different folders
Rename files
Delete files
5 Click Close.
Important: Access rights are established when you select a box. When you assign rights to a folder, its subfolders and all
files within it are given the same rights as the parent folder. However, you can specify different rights for individual
subfolders and asset files.
Choosing Image Preset access permissions for a group
Choose Image Preset access permissions for a group if you want to specify which Image Presets are available to group
members when they export assets with Media Portal.
See also “Specifying export options available to Media Portal users” on page 76.
1 Click Setup > Media Portal Setup > Groups.
2 On the Groups list page, do one of the following:
• To add a group and specify which Image Presets are available to it, click Add. In the Add Group dialog box, enter
a name for the group, click Add Group, and add users to the group.
• To edit a group’s Image Preset options, select the group, and then click Edit.
3 In the Add Group or Edit group dialog box, click the Image Preset Access Permissions tab.
4 Select or deselect Image Presets to specify which presets are available to Media Portal users when they export assets.
5 Click Close.
Edit and delete groups
1 Click Setup > Media Portal Setup > Groups.
2 On the Group List page, select a group and edit or delete it.
Editing a group Click Edit, and then choose options in the Edit Group dialog box.
Deleting a group Click Delete.
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Media Portal
Adding and managing Media Portal users
As an administrator, you can add and manage users, decide whether they can change passwords, edit user information,
and upload user lists. These tasks are accomplished on the User Administration screen. To access this screen, click
Setup > Application Setup > Administration Setup > User Administration.
Important: Before you add users, set up groups for administering them. Media Portal does not let you add a user without
assigning the user to one or more groups. For more information, see “Creating and managing Media Portal groups” on
page 71.
Handling Media Portal passwords
Media Portal users, contributors, and contributor-users are sent a Welcome e-mail message with a password when you
sign them up. Administrators can decide whether Media Portal users can change this password.
1 Click Setup > Media Portal Setup > General Settings.
2 On the General Settings page, select or deselect Allow Media Portal user to change Password.
3 Click Save.
Note: Media Portal users who are allowed to change passwords can do so by clicking Setup > Personal Setup and
changing passwords on the Personal Setup screen.
Adding a Media Portal user
1 Click Setup > Application Setup > Administration Setup > User Administation.
2 On the User Administration page, click Add.
3 In the Add User dialog box, in the User Info panel, enter the First Name, Last Name, and Email address of the user,
and then click Next.
4 In the Company/Role panel, in the Companies drop-down list, select a company or companies for the user.
5 In the Role list, select a Media Portal role, and then click Next.
See “Media Portal user roles” on page 70.
6 In the Access Groups panel, select one or more groups.
See “Creating and managing Media Portal groups” on page 71.
7 (Optional) Click Email Settings to choose e-mail settings different from the default settings.
See “Setting up the Welcome e-mail message for Media Portal users” on page 75.
8 Click Add User.
After you add a user, Media Portal sends the user a Welcome e-mail message. The message includes a temporary
password and the Media Portal URL.
Uploading a Media Portal user list
If you have numerous users to add, you can upload a user list. The users are added automatically to the currently
selected account.
Create the user list as a CSV (comma-separated values) file containing the user information. After the list is uploaded,
the users in the list are automatically added to the account with their specified group assignments. A Welcome e-mail
is sent to each new user, including a link to Media Portal and a temporary password.
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Media Portal
Creating the CSV file
Create a CSV file (filename.csv) that conforms to the following format and fields. The first row of the file must contain
the column headings listed in this table; you can order these columns as desired. All columns are required.
Column name
First Name
The first name.
Last Name
The last name.
A valid e-mail address.
A case-sensitive password string.
User Role
List of one or more account group assignments for each user, separated by
commas. You specify the group by prefixing the account name, separated by
forward slash (/). For example, PortalCo/IT, where PortalCo is the account and IT
is the group within the PortalCo account.
The following sample spreadsheet demonstrates how to lay out a CSV file:
First Name
Last Name
User Role
Uploading the CSV file
1 Open the User Administration Setup screen.
2 Click Upload User List.
3 In the Select File to Upload dialog box, select the CSV file, and then click Open.
Each user in the list is automatically added to the groups specified. A Welcome e-mail message is sent to each.
Note: If the CSV file was not formatted correctly, the following error message appears: “An error occurred while processing
the uploaded CSV file. Check the file contents for valid data.” In addition, if the CSV contains an existing IP or IPS user,
the user is not added to the User List.
Generating a selectable list of Media Portal users
You can display the names and e-mail addresses of Media Portal users in a pop-up window. This list is useful if you
want to cut and paste user names and addresses for use outside Media Portal.
1 Click Setup > Application Setup > Administration Setup > User Administration.
2 In the By User Role drop-down list, choose the name of a Media Portal user role, and click Refresh to display the
names of one class of Media Portal user.
3 Click Popup List to open the pop-up window. You can copy and paste this list.
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Media Portal
Setting up the Welcome e-mail message for Media Portal users
You can send a Welcome e-mail when you add new Media Portal users, contributors, and contributor-users. You can
configure this e-mail message or tell Scene7 not to send it.
1 Choose Setup > Application Setup > Administration Setup > User Administration.
2 In the User Administration Setup screen, click Email Settings button.
3 In the Email Settings dialog box, specify any of the following settings:
Send Email Deselect this option if you don’t want to inform new users by e-mail that you have signed them up.
Default Password Enter a temporary password for new users, or leave the field empty to have Scene7 generate
random passwords. Users are asked to change passwords the first time they log in.
Replacement URL Enter a URL different from the default if your users access Scene7 through a different URL.
Other user management tasks
Starting on the User Administration Setup screen, you can also do these tasks:
Filter and sort the user list Filter the list of Media Portal users to locate users.
See “Filtering and sorting the user list” on page 64.
Delete users Delete a user from the list.
See “Deleting a user” on page 63.
Activate and deactivate users Suspend a user from accessing folders.
See “Activating or deactivating users” on page 64.
Edit user information Enter up-to-date information about a user.
See “Editing user information” on page 64.
Create user-defined fields Create custom, user-defined metadata fields to help organize assets in the Scene7
Publishing System. The fields can also be activated or deactivated, as necessary.
See “User-Defined Fields” on page 49.
Managing FTP accounts
Only Media Portal Administrators can administer and manage FTP accounts. In addition, only users with the role of
Media Portal Contributor-User or Media Portal Contributor can upload digital assets.
Remember that you can activate or deactivate existing Media Portal users by way of the User Administration page in
Administration Setup.
See “Activating or deactivating users” on page 64.
1 Click Setup > Media Portal > FTP Accounts.
2 On the Add FTP Account page, in the FTP Accounts Username drop-list, select a user.
If a user is not listed, you may need to first add them as a Media Portal Admin, a Media Portal Contributor-User,
or a Media Portal Contributor by way of Administration Setup. After you add the user with the proper role, their
user name is available from the drop-down list.
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Media Portal
See “Adding a Media Portal user” on page 73.
3 In the Password and Confirm fields, type the password to the FTP account.
4 Click Save to add the account to the Existing Accounts table.
To upload media assets, you need the FTP Account Username that is listed in the Existing Accounts table, and the
password that is assigned to the account.
See “Uploading files” on page 79.
Deleting an existing FTP account
1 Click Setup > Media Portal > FTP Accounts.
2 On the Add FTP Account page, in the Existing Accounts table, select the FTP account that you want to remove.
3 Click Delete.
Specifying export options available to Media Portal
If the administrator gives them permission, Media Portal users can reformat images as they export them. For example,
they can change the size, file format, and image quality. Automatically reformatting images as they are exported saves
time by not having to reformat images separately. Moreover, administrators can create a preset —a pre-established
selection of image format settings. You can use a preset when exporting images to reformat them to the specifications
of your company.
The following two restrictions apply if you export image assets by way of a user-defined conversion or if you export
original master images:
• The compressed Zip export file has a maximum file size of 1 GB for the export job.
• You can have a maximum of 500 total assets per export job.
See also “Exporting assets from Scene7 Publishing System” on page 113.
To specify export options available to Media Portal users
1 Click Setup > Image Presets.
2 In the Image Presets window, select any of the following:
Enable User-Defined Conversion When selected, this option lets users choose other from the Size drop-down list
in the Export Selected Assets window. Users can then choose a unit of measure such as pixels or centimeters, and
then specify the desired width and height. When they export or download these files, the image files are
When pixels are chosen from the Size drop-down list, the resulting image width x height cannot exceed 100 million
pixels. This size equates to 10,000 x 10,000 pixels for a square image, or roughly 8,000 x 12,000 pixels for a 2x3
aspect ratio image. This size limitation does not apply if you export original master images.
Deselect this option if you want users to download files without reformatting them as they are downloaded.
Enable Export Original Lets you export original master images. In the Export Selected Assets panel, users can open
the Conversion drop-down menu and choose Export Original to export original files. Deselect this option if you
want to force users to choose an Image Preset or choose conversion options when they export images.
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Media Portal
More Help topics
“Image Presets” on page 23
“Choosing Image Preset access permissions for a group” on page 72
Creating and enabling Image Presets
When users export image assets using Media Portal, they can choose an Image Preset in the Export Selected Assets
dialog box. An Image Preset is a collection of pre-defined settings that change the size, image quality, format,
resolution, and other aspects of an image’s appearance when it is exported.
Media Portal administrators can create Image Presets to control how images are reformatted when they are exported.
Image Presets reformat images to the specifications of your company when users export images from the Scene7
Publishing System. Rather than reformatting images on their own, users export them to the precise specifications of
an Image Preset.
The following restrictions apply when you export image assets:
• The width x height must be less than or equal to 100 MB per image. For example, the image cannot exceed 10K x
10K, or any aspect variation below, such as 8K x 12K.
• There is a maximum of 1 GB total file size per export job.
• You can have a maximum of 500 total assets per export job.
Note: These restrictions apply only to the exporting of derived image assets, not the exporting of master files.
To create Image Presets, see “Image Presets” on page 23.
To enable users to choose Image Presets when they export files, see “Specifying export options available to Media
Portal users” on page 76.
To choose which Image Presets are available to the members of a group, see “Choosing Image Preset access
permissions for a group” on page 72.
Making more efficient use of metadata
All files on the Scene7 Publishing System contain metadata. Metadata describes and identifies a file; it is used for
searching for and organizing assets. To view an asset’s metadata, open it in Detail view and examine the Metadata
panel. The metadata fields on this panel provide descriptive information about the asset.
Metadata is not useful in searches and asset organization unless it is entered correctly in metadata fields. To enter
metadata correctly and to make sure that all the right metadata fields contain metadata, you can create metadata
presets. A metadata preset is a pre-defined set of metadata entries. Rather than enter metadata themselves, users can,
in Detail view, choose a metadata preset to fill metadata fields with predefined information.
To create metadata presets, see “Metadata Presets” on page 48.
To create metadata fields that uniquely describe the assets you work with, see “User-Defined Fields” on page 49.
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Media Portal
Customizing the Media Portal screen
The Media Portal style settings allow you to brand the Media Portal screen with your company logo and colors. Use
the style settings to put your company stamp on Media Portal.
To access the style settings, choose Setup > Media Portal Setup > Style Settings. Be sure you click Save to save your
settings after you make them. You can click Restore to bring back the default settings. As you make your choices, the
Preview panel shows you what your choices look like.
Logo Click Browse and choose a graphic in the Select Logo Image window.
Application Create a gradient color blend by making choices on the Background Gradient Colors menus.
Tree Choose a rollover color (the color that appears when you move the pointer over an item) and selection color (the
color that appears when you select an item).
Accordion Choose background colors, a border style, and rollover and selected colors for the accordion that appears
on the right side of the screen in Details view.
Accordion Header Choose whether to make text in the accordion header boldface.
Datagrid Choose colors for the header row in data grids.
Alert Choose a background color for alert message boxes.
Progress Bar Choose a color for the bar that indicates the progress of uploads and downloads.
For Media Portal users to see the style settings you choose, they must append ?company=(company name) to the URL
with which they access Media Portal. For example, to see style settings, Media Portal users who access the PortalCo
company at the following:
would use the following URL instead:
Including the company name in the URL enables Media Portal to recognize which company a user wants to access and
apply the company’s style settings accordingly.
You can learn more about communicating URL changes to Media Portal users, and setting up a Welcome e-mail
message so new users receive the correct Media Portal URL.
See Email Communications and “Setting up the Welcome e-mail message for Media Portal users” on page 75.
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Chapter 5: Upload and publish assets
Your work in Scene7 falls in three basic areas:
• Uploading file assets to the Scene7 Publishing System.
• Managing your files so you can use them to build rich-media assets.
• Publishing your asset files to a Scene7 server so that they are available for delivery to your website and application.
When you upload asset files to SPS and when you publish asset files to Scene7 servers, the system records these file
transfers on the Jobs page. You can go to this page to track and monitor your upload and publishing activities.
Important: When you upload a file, Scene7 generates the URL for the file. This URL is not active until you publish the file.
Note: A new Instant Publish feature was made available shortly after the release of SPS 6.0. This feature, which publishes
assets immediately with one step, is being rolled out gradually, replacing the “Mark for Publish” functionality. Some users
will continue to see the current interface and functionality for a while, until they are included in the rollout. In addition,
some assets will continue to use the “Mark for Publish” process for a while after the rollout.
Uploading files
Before you upload assets files to the Scene7 Publishing System, make sure that the asset files are named correctly, and
that your folder structure is set up and organized the way you want. You can upload files from a Scene7-provided FTP
site or directly from your computer or network. Scene7 offers options for optimizing files as you upload them. If you
installed Adobe Scene7 Publishing System desktop application, you can upload files and folders by dragging them
directly from your desktop. (See “General Settings” on page 20.)
Preparing your assets and folders for uploading
Before uploading assets to the Scene7 Publishing System, make sure that they are in the right format and size. You also
have to observe the Scene7 rules for naming assets. By setting up a folder organization and structure for the files, you
make sure you can locate and work with files easily.
Supported asset file formats
This table lists the asset file formats that the Scene7 Publishing System supports. For information on supported
Camera Raw files, see
Asset file formats
Cascading Style Sheet
Color profiles
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Upload and publish assets
Asset file formats
MS Office
PSD, FXG, and Camera Raw
Scene7 Image Authoring
TAR and ZIP upload support includes a check box to select if you want to unpack the files.
Asset types
To achieve optimal results with the Scene7 platform, be sure to use the recommended file formats and sizes. This table
lists asset types, some with recommended formats and file sizes for commonly used assets.
Asset type
Input audio asset formats include AAC, HE-AAC, AC3, WAV, WMA, AIFF, MP3. You can transcode audio
to the following formats: MP3, AAC, and HE-AAC.
Images (for Image Sizing, Zoom,
Image Sets, Spin Sets)
Images have to be at least 2000 pixels at the longest dimension; typical image sizes range from 1500
to 2500 pixels in the longest dimension. Lossless image formats, including TIFF and PNG files, are
recommended. If you use a JPEG image, use the highest-quality settings. Animate GIF files are handled
like other static content, such as SWF animations.
Use high-resolution PDF files created in Adobe® Acrobat® or a Creative Suite application saved as
“press-ready.” PDFs include all needed fonts, images, masks, and referenced graphical elements, either
as single-pages, double-page spreads, or in a multi-page format. Order your pages by naming the files
in alphanumeric order. Place all PDFs for your eCatalog in a single folder for ease of uploading. You can
select cropping options on upload to remove the trim area from PDFs, including crop marks,
registration targets, or color bars. Most press-ready PDF files are in the CMYK color space, so it is
important to obtain the CMYK ICC color profile used with your PDF files.
Layered image or layout design that can include text, images, and layers. Image layers, text strings, and
attributes, such as color and size, can be parameterized so that variable data can be customized. Image
requirements for use in templates are the same as other images. Prepare your graphics in Photoshop
or another image-editing program. Save each graphic as a flattened transparent file in TIFF or PNG
format. Ensure that the image resolution is appropriate for expected use. Images for print should be
300 ppi.
Scene7 supports video files saved in the FLV, F4V, OGV, and MP4 format. You can transcode files to
MP4 format at upload.
See “Supported asset file formats” on page 79.
Uploaded TrueType, Type1 (Windows Only), OpenType fonts, and PhotoFonts
Images and layered image files.
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Upload and publish assets
Asset type
Image Sets and Swatch Sets
A set of related images that can be displayed in a viewer.
ICC profiles
A color profile you can use to convert an uploaded image from its source color space into a different
color space.
Viewer SWFs
Custom-designed FLA files you can use as "skins" for various Scene7 viewers.
Images authored with the Image Authoring program, as well as related files.
Content files
Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, or Photoshop content files.
FXG files
Resolution-independent graphic format files that you can use to create customizable templates for
output to print, web, email, desktop, and devices.
SVG files
Scalable vector graphic files that Image Serving servers can render.
XML files
Files that define pre-processing rules that are used to modify the path and query portions of requests.
Cascading Style Sheet files.
Upload CSS skins for customization of HTML5 viewers. This is similar to uploading viewer skins (SWFs)
for Flash viewers.
JavaScript files
Javascript files are used for viewer instrumentation to hold account information. Adobe Security
recommends this only for client accounts that have a separate domain in use for delivery (to avoid
cross site scripting).
Note: When you upload image files and PDFs to SPS, the system converts these source files to P-TIFF (Pyramid TIFF)
files. These P-TIFFs are the files that are later published to Scene7 Image Servers. Scene7 uses the Pyramid Tiff file format
because it contains various zoom ratios that allow for fast zooming when viewed with a Scene7 Zoom Viewer.
Supported Static File Formats
Scene7 supports several static file formats. Static content is any asset that is published "as-is," such as XML, PDF, SWF,
CSS, and so on.
The following file types can be published:
• Flash video
• Viewer SWF
• PDF (when PDF is specifically marked for publish after upload, to avoid delivery of all PDFs for existing
eCatalog/PDF workflow)
• PrX video
• Master video
• Animated GIF
• JavaScript (when the company is configured with its own domain)
• Audio files
Scene7 does not provide the option to generate a preview URL of static content.
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Upload and publish assets
Filename requirements
Because filename extensions are stripped from filenames during the upload process, the system does not allow files to
have the same root name. In the Scene7 system, the asset filename minus the filename extension becomes the asset ID
for the asset. For this reason, no two assets can have the same name.
Make sure that all users in your company understand these file naming rules:
• Asset IDs with the same exact name are not allowed in the system.
• Asset ID names are case sensitive.
• As a best practice, make sure that asset IDs do not contain blank spaces (for example, black jacket.tif and blue
jacket.jpg). Scene7 ASCII-encodes blank spaces in asset names when it uses asset names to construct URL strings.
These ASCII codes are hard to read, which can make reading URLs more difficult.
• Language-specific characters are permitted in filenames. However, the following characters are not permitted in
If a filename contains one or more of the above characters, the characters are removed from the filename on upload.
In most cases, an asset filename can be the same as its item number, product SKU, or other name as in the following:
Asset ID
Folder organization and structure
Organize and structure folders and subfolders for your content in the Scene7 Publishing System before you upload
your content to the system. Planning ahead this way has two major advantages:
• When you upload your content to SPS via FTP, you can tell the system to replicate your folder structure during the
upload. This way, your content is organized in the same folders and subfolders in SPS as it is on your computer or
network. (To replicate your folder structure in SPS, select the Include Subfolders option when you upload assets via FTP.)
• Reorganizing folders inside the system after files are uploaded is much more difficult than starting with a carefully
considered folder structure.
The folder-naming approach and structure you choose for storing your content on the Scene7 Publishing System
depends on the needs of your organization. Here are some sample folder structures:
SKU-based Folders are named according to SKUs or item numbers. For example, separate folders are created for all
0-, 20-, 30- number series.
Brand-based For manufacturers with multiple brand lines and retailers who market other brands from other
companies, separate files into product folders named for different brands.
Project-based Folders are organized according to rollout/drop date or project name. Clients who primarily produce
eCatalogs favor this approach.
Mirror of web site folder hierarchy This folder structure mirrors the folder structure of the website, with the folders
named, for example, for product categories.
More Help topics
“Working with asset folders” on page 97
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Upload and publish assets
Uploading your files
You can upload individual files from the desktop or upload folders via FTP. If you want to upload more than 100 MB
of files or upload entire folders and subfolders, select Via FTP.
If you’ve installed the Scene7 Publishing System desktop application, you can drag files and folders directly from your
desktop to the destination upload folder.
The Scene7 Publishing System sends you an email message to confirm when your upload job begins and ends, and to
notify you of any problems.
During (or immediately after) a large upload job, some new items may display the “Image not yet optimized” message.
This message appears because the files have not been fully processed and added to SPS. You can optimize these files
later. (See “Optimize Files” on page 50.)
More Help topics
“Handling recurring upload and publish jobs” on page 94
“Using an upload or publish job as a trigger” on page 96
Upload files from the desktop using Scene7
1 On the Global Navigation bar, click Upload.
2 On the Upload page, click From Desktop.
3 Click Browse.
4 In the Select files to Upload dialog box, select the files you want to upload, and then click Open (Windows®) or
Select (Mac OS®).
Note: After you select files, Scene7 lists their names on the Filenames list. You can remove a file by selecting it and
selecting the Delete button.
5 In the Choose Folder Destination group box, select a destination folder for the uploaded files.
6 Near the lower-right corner of the Upload page, click Job Options, and then specify the options you want.
See “Upload options” on page 84.
Note: Two upload options, Publish After Uploading and Overwrite in Any Folder, are available on the Upload Job
Options dialog box. Other options might be available, depending on the settings in Applications Setup > General
Settings > Upload to Applications > Overwrite Images. You can access other upload job options by clicking the Job
Options button. For information about all the upload options, see “Upload options” on page 84.
7 Click Save.
8 Click Submit Upload.
To see the progress of the upload, click Jobs on the Global Navigation Bar. You can continue working in Scene7
Publishing System and return to the Jobs page at any time to review an in-progress job.
To cancel an upload job in progress, select Cancel next to the Duration time.
More Help topics
“Handling recurring upload and publish jobs” on page 94
“Using an upload or publish job as a trigger” on page 96
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Upload and publish assets
Upload files using SPS Desktop application
The Scene7 Publishing System Desktop application lets you upload files and folders by dragging.
1 In the Scene7 Publishing System Desktop application, on the Global Navigation bar, click Upload. The Desktop
File System dialog box opens
2 In the Desktop File System dialog box, in the bottom half, select the destination folder for the uploaded files or
3 Drag one or more files or folders from list of files and folders on your computer or network (on the top half of the
dialog box) to the bottom half of the dialog box.
4 Click Job Options, and then specify the options you want.
See “Upload options” on page 84.
5 Click Upload Now.
To cancel an upload job in progress, click Jobs, and then click Cancel.
Upload files using Via FTP
1 Log in to the Scene7 FTP site that is specific to your particular region. Use the FTP user name and password that
you received from your administrator.
2 In Scene7, on the Global Navigation bar, click Upload.
3 On the Upload page, click Via FTP.
4 Choose an FTP folder to upload files from, and then choose a destination folder in the Scene7 Publishing System.
5 Click Job Options and specify the options you want.
See “Upload options” on page 84.
Note: Two upload options, Publish After Uploading and Overwrite in Any Folder, are available on the Upload page.
You can access other upload job options by clicking Job Options. For information about all the upload options, see
“Upload options” on page 84.
6 Click Submit Upload.
To see the progress of the upload, on the Global Navigation Bar, click Jobs. The Jobs page shows you the progress
of the upload. You can continue working in Scene7 Publishing System and return to the Jobs page at any time to
review an in-progress job.
To cancel an upload job in progress, click Cancel next to the Duration time.
More Help topics
“Handling recurring upload and publish jobs” on page 94
“Using an upload or publish job as a trigger” on page 96
Upload options
When uploading files, you can choose from the following options:
Job Name Enter a name for this upload job. The job and other upload and publishing jobs are recorded on the Jobs
page, where you can check the status of jobs.
See “Checking job files” on page 93.
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Upload and publish assets
Publish After Upload Select this option to automatically publish the assets that you upload. When you publish files,
files are sent to live servers. URLs for these files can then be used on external websites and applications. This option is
also available on the Upload page.
See also Instant Publish Notice PDF.
Overwrite in any folder, same base asset name regardless of extension Select this option if you want the files you
upload to replace existing files with the same names. The name of this option could be different, depending on the
settings in Application Setup > General Settings > Upload to Application > Overwrite Images.
Job Options Click Job Options to open the Upload Job Options dialog box and choose options that affect the entire
upload job. These options are the same for all file types.
Note: You can choose default options for uploading files starting on the Application General Settings page. To open this page,
choose Setup > Application Setup. Click the Default Upload Options button to open the Upload Job Options dialog box.
• When (Via FTP uploads only) Select One-Time or Recurring. To set a recurring job, choose a Repeat option—Daily,
Weekly, Monthly, or Custom—to specify when you want the publishing job to recur. Then specify the scheduling
options as necessary.
• Overwrite in any folder, same base asset name regardless of extension Select this option if you want the files you
upload to replace existing files with the same names. This option is also available on the Upload page. The name of this
option could be different, depending on the settings in Application Setup > General Settings > Upload to Application
> Overwrite Images.
• Include subfolders (Via FTP uploads only) Select this option if you want to upload subfolders of the folder you
intend to upload. The names of the folder and its subfolders you upload are entered automatically in SPS.
• Process metadata files (Via FTP uploads only) Select this option if you want to upload a tab-delimited or XML file
to add metadata to multiple assets.
See “Import metadata (via FTP)” on page 110.
• Crop Options To automatically crop white-space pixels from an image, open the Crop menu, choose Manual, and
enter pixel measurements in the Top, Right, Bottom, and Left fields to crop from the sides. You can also choose Trim
on the Crop menu and choose these options:
Trim Away Based On
Choose whether to crop based on color or transparency:
• Color: Choose the Color option. Then select the Corner menu and choose the corner of the image with the color
that best represents the white-space color you want to crop.
• Transparency: Choose the Transparency option.
Drag the slider to specify a tolerance from 0 through 1:
• Trimming based on color: Specify 0 to crop pixels only if they exactly match the color you selected in the corner of
the image. Numbers closer to 1 allow for more color difference.
• Trimming based on transparency: Specify 0 to crop pixels only if they are totally transparent; numbers closer to 1
allow for more transparency.
• Color Profile Options Choose a color conversion when you create optimized files that are used for Scene7 dynamic
Default Color Preservation
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Upload and publish assets
Maintains the source image colors whenever the images contain color space information; there is no color conversion.
Nearly all images today have the appropriate color profile already embedded. However, if a CMYK source image does
not contain an embedded color profile, the colors are converted to sRGB (standard Red Green Blue) color space. sRGB
is the recommended color space for displaying images on web pages.
Keep Original Color Space
Retains the original colors without any color conversion at the point of ingestion into Scene7 Publishing System. For
images without an embedded color profile, any required color conversion to process requests for the image are done
using the default color profiles as configured in the Publish settings. These color profiles may not align with the color
in the files created with this option. Therefore, you are encouraged to use the option Default Color Preservation.
Custom From > To
Opens menus so you can choose a Convert From and Convert To color space. This advanced option overrides any
color information that is embedded in the source file. You should only select this option when all the images that you
are submitting contain incorrect or missing color profile data.
• Image Editing Options You can preserve the clipping masks in images, and choose a color profile.
See “Image editing options at upload” on page 305.
• PostScript Options You can rasterize PostScript® files, crop files, maintain transparent backgrounds, choose a
resolution, and choose a color space.
See “Working with PostScript and Illustrator files” on page 312.
• Photoshop Options You can create templates from Adobe® Photoshop® files, maintain layers, specify how layers are
named, extract text, and specify how images are anchored into templates.
See “PSD upload options” on page 310.
• PDF Options You can rasterize the files, extract search words and links, auto-generate an eCatalog, set the
resolution, and choose a color space.
See “PDF upload options” on page 308.
• Illustrator Options You can rasterize Adobe Illustrator® files, maintain transparent backgrounds, choose a
resolution, and choose a color space.
See “Working with PostScript and Illustrator files” on page 312.
• eVideo Options You can transcode a video file by choosing a Video Preset.
See “Working with video encoding presets” on page 219.
• Additional Metadata Options Enter keywords that describe the files you will upload. Separate keywords by comma.
Keywords make searching for assets easier.
See “Conducting an advanced search” on page 99.
• Batch Set Presets If you want to create an Image Set, multi-axis Spin Set, or Swatch Set from the uploaded files,
click the Active column for the preset you want to use. You can select more than one preset. You create the presets in
the Application Setup/Batch Set Presets page.
See “Batch Set Presets” on page 51.
Follow an upload with another job
When you upload items using FTP, you can schedule a subsequent job to begin as soon as the upload is complete. (If
other jobs are scheduled to begin at that time, the job you schedule here will be queued after them.)
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Upload and publish assets
The new job sends a notification to the address you specify so that the code at that location can be triggered. This
follow-on publishing job uses the same name as the upload job, but with the text Pub_ added to the beginning.
To follow an upload with another job
1 Click Upload, and click the VIA FTP tab.
2 In the Advanced section, choose one of the following from the Follow Upload With Another Job option:
• HTTP Request
• Image Serving Publish
• Image Rendering Publish
• Video Publish
3 Specify the HTTP address.
4 Specify if you want to execute only if files were uploaded.
5 Indicate whether you want to run this request every time this job completes, or only when files were published.
Note: Regularly scheduled jobs may not result in any files being published.
Publishing files
You publish your assets to Scene7 Image Servers. You can publish assets on a one-time basis or arrange for Scene7 to
publish assets on a recurring schedule. After your assets are published, they are available to you for delivery. You can
copy the URL calls from the Scene7 Publishing System and add them to your website or application.
Publish After Uploading
Assets either in a published or unpublished state. By default, any assets that you upload into Scene7 are automatically
marked for publishing.
For more information, see the Instant Publish Notice PDF.
Use these techniques to mark assets for publish:
Publish After Uploading On the Upload page, near the bottom, select Publish After Uploading. The default is a
selected state.
Publish After Uploading In the Job Options dialog box, select Publish After Uploading. The default is a selected state.
Some "child" assets are automatically marked for publish when their parents are marked for publish. This table lists
child assets that are marked for publish automatically.
Parent (group) item
Child (member) items
Image sets
Images within the set.
Swatch sets
Swatches within the set.
Spin sets
Images within the set.
Template files, pages, and images.
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Upload and publish assets
Derived images are also automatically marked for publish when their parent images are being published. Derived
images include images you adjusted with image-editing options. You can see these derived images in Detail view under
Built & Derivatives.
Creating a publish job
Create a publish job to publish assets you have uploaded to Scene7 servers but chose not to automatically published
them yet. You can perform a one-time publish job or schedule jobs to recur on a regular basis. Scene7 offers advanced
publishing options for publishing to specific servers and options for republishing assets that have already been
To create a publish job
1 On the Global Navigation bar, click Publish.
2 In the Publish dialog box, choose whether you want a one-time or recurring publish job.
See “Creating a one-time publish job” on page 88and “Creating a recurring publish job” on page 88.
3 Enter a job name.
4 Optionally, display the Advanced options and choose these options.
See “Advanced publish options” on page 89.
5 Click Submit Publish.
SPS tracks publish jobs on the Jobs page. You can review publish jobs on that page.
Important: Assets you republish (you have published them before) do not appear immediately on your website because
of the web caching mechanism on the content delivery network (CDN). See “Republished assets and CDN delays” on
page 90.
More Help topics
“Canceling a publish job” on page 89
“Checking job files” on page 93
“Editing, deleting, pausing, and resuming recurring jobs” on page 94
Creating a one-time publish job
Create a one-time publish job by selecting the One-Time option on the Publish page.
If you want the publish job to occur at a later date, select the When menu, and choose Schedule For Later. Then use
the Calendar and Time slider to select a day and time to execute the publish job.
Creating a recurring publish job
Create a recurring publish job by selecting the Recurring option on the Publish page.
Then choose a Repeat option—Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Custom—to declare when you want the publishing job to
recur. Scene7 presents calendar tools for scheduling the recurring publish job. You can choose the Custom option and
enter a rule in the Rule box to describe a custom job interval.
See “Creating a custom upload or publish job time interval” on page 95.
Note: Recurring publish (and upload) jobs are listed on the Jobs page. You can edit or delete a scheduled job by going to
the Scheduled tab of the Jobs page.
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Upload and publish assets
Advanced publish options
You can display the Advanced options on the Publish page and choose these options for handling a publish job:
Publish To Choose a server type to publish assets only to a specific server, not to all servers.
Publish By default, SPS publishes only assets that are new and have not been published before (the New Since Last
Publish option). However, you can choose Full Publish to also publish assets that have been updated or changed since
they were last published. Choose Full w/ Search Data if you are publishing an eCatalog and you want readers to be able
to search it by keyword.
Run Job As Choose a user name from the list. You can sort jobs by user name on the Jobs page. By choosing a name,
you associate a publish job with a user.
HTTP Notification Enter a URL to trigger subsequent publish jobs.
See “Using an upload or publish job as a trigger” on page 96.)
Canceling a publish job
You can cancel an in-progress publish job. Moreover, if you are an administrator, you can cancel an in-progress
publishing job from the company Jobs page.
To cancel a publishing job, go to the Jobs page and click Cancel. On the Scheduled tab of the Jobs page, you can pause
or resume a job by deselecting or selecting the check box in the job’s Active column.
Note: After you cancel a publish job, its status changes to “stopping” until the job reaches a point where it can stop safely.
Stopping a publish job can take some time if the job is in the process of getting data from the database.
Manually publishing assets
You can publish individual assets manually instead of creating a publishing job. When you publish sets, such as an
Image Set or an Adaptive Video Set, the set (or “parent”) and all members (or “children”) within that set get published.
Unpublished assets are indicated in the user interface by a grey, round icon with a slash through it (unpublished state),
to the left of the asset’s name. After an asset is published, the icon turns green and has a white check mark in the center
(published state).
To manually publish assets
❖ Do one of the following:
In the Grid View, List View, or Details View, use standard file selection methods to select one or more
unpublished assets.
On the Global Navigation Bar, click File > Publish.
• In the Grid View, List View, or Details View, click the grey, round icon with a slash through it, to the left of the
asset’s name.
Manually unpublishing assets
You can unpublish individual assets manually. When you unpublish sets, such as a Swatch Set or an eCatalog, the set
(or “parent”) itself goes into an unpublished state. However, the members (or “children”) within that set are not
affected; instead, they each retain their existing published or unpublished state.
Published assets are indicated in the user interface by a round, green icon with a white check mark in the center
(published state), to the left of the asset’s name. After an asset is unpublished, the icon turns grey with a slash through
it (unpublished state),
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Upload and publish assets
To manually unpublish assets
❖ Do one of the following:
In the Grid View, List View, or Details View, select one or more pubished assets.
On the Global Navigation Bar, click File > Unpublish.
• In the Grid View, List View, or Details View, click the round, green check mark icon to the left of the asset’s name.
Getting an asset’s publish history
The last date an asset was published is shown in Detail view at the top of the panel. You can get more details about the
publishing history by opening the History & Published Servers panel in Detail view. From there, you can see when the
asset was published and to which servers it was published.
More Help topics
“Checking job files” on page 93
Republished assets and CDN delays
Scene7 assets are distributed on the content delivery network (CDN). CDN is a system of computer servers networked
together that cooperate transparently to deliver content, especially large media content, to end users. In the CDN
system, web content is stored in web caches across the Internet (called the edge cache network). Web content is
delivered from these web caches to end users to make for faster deliveries.
The first time someone downloads a web page, the assets are delivered to a CDN web cache server. They are stored on
this server so that the next time someone in the same area accesses the web page, the same cached content can be
delivered faster. The content is delivered faster because it is located closer to the end user. CDN makes for faster web
page displays. It decreases bandwidth demands on the central server because content is delivered from the edge cache
network, not from a central server in every instance.
Newly published Scene7 content is available immediately to the end user and quickly populates the edge cache
network. However, newly republished content—images that have the exact same names as images previously
published to an image server—is not updated on CDN for up to ten hours. Instead, end users see what is in a web cache
on the CDN network. For this reason, your Scene7 republished assets may not appear to end users for ten hours.
If you want your newly republished image assets to be available sooner than the ten-hour delay, you can flush web
caches on CDN. Flushing these web caches removes old content from CDN web caches and replaces it with your most
recently published assets.
To flush the cache, click File > Invalidate CDN. All selected files are removed from the cache. If there are no
publishable assets, or if you are not a company admin, the Remove from CDN option is not available.
Testing assets before making them public
Secure Testing helps you define a secure test environment and build a robust B2B solution, based upon a configurable
set of IP address and ranges. This functionality lets you match your Scene7 deployments with the architecture of your
content management and commerce platform.
With Secure Testing, you can preview the staging version of the website with unpublished content.
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Upload and publish assets
You might prefer to create a staging environment rather than making assets publicly available for the following
• Preview websites before public launch (staging website).
• Serve assets that require restricted access, such as eCatalogs that show prices in a B2B web application.
• Use assets behind a firewall as part of product information management system, customer service application,
training site, and so on.
Note: Secure Testing does not affect access to the Scene7 Publishing System. SPS security remains consistent and requires
the usual credentials for access to SPS and related web services.
How Secure Testing works
Most corporations run their Internet behind a firewall. Access to the Internet is possible through certain routes and
typically through a limited range of public IP addresses.
From your corporate network, you can figure out your public IP address using websites like or
request this information from your corporate IT organization.
With the Secure Testing, Scene7 establishes a dedicated Image Server for staging environments or internal
applications. Any request to this server checks the origin IP address. If the incoming request is not within the approved
list of IP addresses, a failure response is returned. The Scene7 Company Administrator configures the approved list of
IP addresses for their company’s Secure Testing environment.
Because the location of the original request must be confirmed, the traffic of the Secure Testing service is not routed
through a content distribution network like public Scene7 Image Server traffic. Requests to the Secure Testing service
might have a slightly higher latency compared to the public Scene7 Image Servers.
Unpublished assets are immediately available from the Secure Testing services, without the need to publish. This
allows you to run a preview before assets are published to their public facing image server.
Note: Secure Testing services leverage the Catalog Server that is configured with an internal publish context. Therefore,
if your company is configured to publish to Secure Testing, be aware that any uploaded assets in Scene7 Publishing System
immediately become available on Secure Testing services. This functionality is true regardless of whether or not the assets
are marked for publish on upload.
The Secure Testing service currently supports the following asset types:
• Images.
• Vignettes (Render Server requests).
• Sets, including image sets, eCatalog, render sets, and media sets.
• Standard Scene7 rich media viewers.
• Scene7 OnDemand JSP pages.
• Static content, such as PDF files and progressively served videos.
• HTTP video streaming.
• Progressive video streaming.
The following asset types and functionalities are currently not supported:
• RTMP video streaming
• Render Server requests
• UGC services
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Upload and publish assets
• Web-to-print
• Scene7 Info or eCatalog search
Testing the Secure Testing service
You should test the Secure Testing service to make sure it works as expected.
Prepare your account
1 Contact Technical Support and request that Secure Testing be enabled on your account.
2 In Scene7 Publishing System, click Setup > Publish Setup > Image Server.
3 On the Image Server Publish page, in the Publish Context drop-down list, select Test Image Serving.
4 For the Client Address Filter, click Add.
5 Select the check box to enable (turn on) the address, and then type an IP address and net mask in the respective text
6 Repeat the previous two steps to add more IP addresses. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
7 At the lower-left of the Image Server Publish page, click Save
8 Upload the desired images to your Scene7 Publishing System account.
See “Uploading files” on page 79.
9 Make sure some of the images are marked for publish and others are unmarked, and then submit the publish job.
See “Publishing files” on page 87.
10 Determine the name of your Secure Testing service by clicking Setup > Application Setup > General Settings.
11 On the Application General Settings page, under the Servers group, find the name to the right of Test Publish
Context Server Name.
Contact Technical Support if the server name is missing or URLs to the server do not work.
Prepare website variations
You need two variations of a website that links the published and unpublished assets:
• Public version: Link assets using your traditional Scene7 URL syntax
• Staging version: Link assets using the same syntax but with the Secure Testing site name
Run the tests
Perform the following tests:
1 Check whether assets are visible from within your corporate network.
From within the corporate network identified by the previously defined IP address range, the staging version of the
website should display all images, whether marked for publish or not. This allows you to test without accidentally
making images available before preview approval or product launch.
Confirm that the public version of your site shows published assets as previously experienced with Scene7.
2 From outside your corporate network, verify that nonpublished assets (that is, unmarked for publish) are protected
from third-party access.
Access your network from outside (such as, from your home computer or over a 3G connection), then verify that
the public version of the site shows all published assets but none of the unpublished content.
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Upload and publish assets
Confirm that the staging version does not show any asset because you are accessing the Secure Testing service from
an unapproved IP address.
Checking job files
To monitor file uploads to the Scene7 Publishing System and files you publish to Scene7 servers, SPS offers the Jobs
page. You can review upload and publish jobs on the Jobs page, check the status of jobs, and cancel publishing jobs
from this page. You can also schedule upload and publishing jobs.
When you upload assets, a spinning icon appears next to the Jobs menu, indicating a job is in progress, and the number
of files in progress. You can click the icon to see more information about the active job.
Note: A list of your recently published jobs is also available on the Recent Activity page. Click Recent on the Global
Navigation bar to open this page.
About the Jobs page
Select the Jobs button on the Global Navigation bar to open the Jobs page. By default, jobs are listed starting with the
most recent.
Jobs are listed in these categories on the History tab of the Jobs page:
Job Type An icon indicates the job type: Upload and Publish are the most common job types.
Job Name The name of the job. The name includes the user-entered portion of the name and the date-and-time stamp.
Started When the job started.
Total The number of files transferred.
W (warnings) The number of warnings in the job (if any). Warnings indicate problems with the job that did not affect
overall job completion. These warnings can usually be ignored because they report on hidden files. For example,
.DS_store files (Macintosh) and Thumbs.db files (Windows) contain information about how to display image files to
users. Warning entries regarding these files, however, can be ignored because they don’t pertain to how these files are
used in Scene7. You can double-click a job name to get detailed information about warnings.
E (errors) Lists the number of errors in the job (if any). You can double-click a job name to get detailed information
about errors.
Duration How long it took to complete the job.
Status Shows the status of the job.
Destination For upload jobs, the company name and folder to which the files were uploaded. This category doesn’t
apply to publish jobs.
Submitted By Lists who uploaded the assets.
Note: You can cancel in-progress publish and upload jobs by clicking the Cancel button next to the progress bar.
More Help topics
“Changing views on the Jobs page” on page 94
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Upload and publish assets
Changing views on the Jobs page
Use these techniques to sort jobs or change your view of the History tab of the Jobs page:
Sorting Select a column name to sort the list by a particular column. You can select the switch beside the column name
to sort in descending or ascending order.
Date Range Select the Date Range menu and choose an option to narrow the list of jobs to the current date, the
previous week, or the previous month. Choose Custom Date Range to enter a specific date range.
Job Type Select the Job Type menu and choose Publish or Upload to narrow the list to publish jobs or upload jobs.
Choose All to see both types of jobs.
Show Choose Show > My Jobs or Show > All Jobs to narrow the list to jobs you ordered or jobs that people in your
company ordered.
More Help topics
“About the Jobs page” on page 93
“Viewing, copying, or printing a Job Details report” on page 94
Viewing, copying, or printing a Job Details report
Double-click the name of a report on the Jobs page to open the Job Details page. This page provides a summary report
about the files in the job. Click View Detail to see an entry’s SPS ID, destination path, and status information. If you
uploaded a PDF or PostScript file that requires fonts that are not available in SPS, the report lists the missing fonts.
You can copy this information to the Clipboard.
1 Double-click the name of a report on the Jobs page to open the Job Details page.
2 Click View Detail to get a detailed report about an entry.
3 Click Copy to Clipboard.
More Help topics
“About the Jobs page” on page 93
Handling recurring upload and publish jobs
Recurring upload and publish jobs that you create on the Upload and Publish pages are listed on the Scheduled tab of
the Jobs page. You can edit and delete recurring jobs on the Scheduled tab.
Select the Jobs button on the Global Navigation bar and, on the Jobs page, select the Scheduled tab to edit and delete
recurring jobs.
Note: You can filter the job list on the Scheduled tab with the Job Type and Show menus. Choose a Job Type to narrow
the list to publish jobs of a specific kind. Choose a Show option to display jobs you created or jobs created by everyone in
your company.
Editing, deleting, pausing, and resuming recurring jobs
Select a recurring job on the Jobs page and follow these instructions to edit or delete it:
Editing a recurring job Select the Edit button and enter schedule information in the Edit Scheduled Job dialog box. If
you want the job to recur at an interval of your choice, choose Repeat > Custom.
See “Creating a custom upload or publish job time interval” on page 95.
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Upload and publish assets
Deleting a recurring job Select the Delete button.
Pausing (and resuming) a recurring job In the Active column, deselect a check box to pause a job; select a check box to
resume a job that was paused.
Creating a custom upload or publish job time interval
To create a custom time interval for an upload (via FTP) or a publish job, choose Repeat > Custom on the Upload or
Publish page. Then enter numbers and wildcards in the Rule box to describe a time interval for the upload or publish
jobs to recur.
The syntax for describing custom upload and publish time intervals in the Rule box is:
[seconds] [minutes] [hour of day] [day of month] [month] [day of week]
For example, 0 15 10 * * ? schedules a job at 10:15.00 every day.
The following tables and list explain how to describe a time interval in the Rule box.
This table shows the time increments, their allowed values, and the wildcards they support:
Time increments
Values allowed
Wildcards supported
Note the use of a 24-hour clock.
Day of the month
You cannot specify a numeric value for both , - * / ? L C
“day of the month” and “day of the week.”
One of these fields must use a ? wildcard
1–12 or Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,
May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec
Values are case sensitive.
Day of the week
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat,
Values are case sensitive. You cannot specify , - * / ? L C #
a numeric value for both “day of the month”
and “day of the week.” One of these fields
must use a ? wildcard character.
Year (optional)
Empty or 1970–2099
This table describes the wildcard characters that are allowed in the Rule box and how to use them:
Wildcard character
What it describes
All values (for example, “every minute”).
Question mark
No specific value (for example, “any minute within the specified hour”).
Additional values (for example, “Monday and Wednesday”).
Range of values (for example, “Monday through Friday”).
Forward slash
Increments (for example, “every 15 minutes”).
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Upload and publish assets
Wildcard character
What it describes
Capital L
Last “day of the month” or “day of the week” (available for these fields only).
For example, if the month is January, an L value for the “day of the month”
field schedules the job for January 31.
For the “day of the week” field, you can enter this character alone to schedule
the job on Saturday. You can use it with a number (for example, 6L) to specify
the last Friday of the month.
Do not specify L with the comma or hyphen wildcards.
Number sign
“Nth” weekday of the month (available for the “day of the week” field only).
For example, 6#3 in the “day of the week” field specifies the third Friday of the
month. The 6 denotes “Friday” (the sixth day of the week) and the 3 denotes
the third occurrence in the month.
# Capital C
First calendar “day of the month” or “day of the week” (available for these
fields only). For example, specifying a value of 1C for “day of the month”
schedules the first day in the calendar that occurs on or after the fifth.
For the “day of the week” field, specifying 1C schedules the first day in the
calendar that occurs on or after Sunday
This list gives examples of describing time intervals in the Rule box:
• 0 0 12 * * ?: Noon every day
• 0 15 10 ? * *: 10:15 am every day
• 0 0/5 14 * * ?: Every 5 minutes between 2:00 and 2:55 pm every day
• 0 0/5 14,18 * * ?: Every 5 minutes between 2:00 and 2:55 pm every day and every 5 minutes between 6:00 and 6:55
pm every day
• 0 10,44 14 ? 3: Wed at 2:10 pm and 2:44 pm every Wednesday in March
• 0 15 10 ? *: Mon–Fri at 10:15 am every weekday
• 0 15 10 20 * ?: At 10:15 am on the 20th day of every month
• 0 15 10 L * ?: At 10:15 am on the last day of every month
• 0 15 10 ? * 6L: At 10:15 am on the last Friday of every month
• 0 15 10 * * 6#3: At 10:15 am on the third Friday of every month
Using an upload or publish job as a trigger
When you upload assets via FTP or run a publish job, you can schedule a subsequent job to begin as soon as the upload
is complete. (If other jobs are scheduled to begin at that time, the job you schedule here is queued behind them.) The
new job sends a notification to the address you specify so that code at that location can be triggered. This follow-on
upload job is given the same name as the current upload job, but with the prefix _Pub.
To make one upload or publish job trigger another job, select Advanced on the Upload or Publish page. Then enter
the URL in the HTTP Notification text field.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Chapter 6: Managing assets
Scene7 offers the Asset Library for managing assets. The Asset Library holds the folders where you store your asset
files. Selecting a folder in the Asset Library displays the contents of the folder in the Browse Panel. You can view items
in the Browse Panel in Grid, List, or Detail view. When you want to focus on a single asset, double-click it in the Browse
Panel to display it in Detail view.
The Browse Panel offers tools for viewing, selecting, locating, previewing, moving, renaming, and deleting assets.
Assets that you delete are placed in the Trash folder; you can recover assets from this folder.
When you want to examine or work with an asset, open it in Detail view. You can record metadata in Detail view to
make locating and working with an asset easier.
Working with asset folders
File assets in the Scene7 Publishing System are kept in folders. These folders are listed in alphabetical order in the Asset
Library Panel. Before you upload files from your computer or network to Scene7 Publishing System, you are asked to
name a folder for storing the files. Create these folders before uploading any files.
Be sure to establish a folder structure and organization for storing your files on Scene7 Publishing System before you
upload files.
Displaying, moving, hiding, and opening folders
The Asset Library displays files in a folder tree. When you select a folder in the Asset Library, its contents appear in the
Browse Panel. Use these techniques to locate folders in the folder tree:
Displaying subfolders Select the Expand Folder icon to display the subfolders in a folder. This icon is located to the
left of folder names.
Moving a folder You can move a folder by dragging it and dropping it in its new location, or by selecting File >Move
Hiding folders Select the Collapse Folder icon to collapse subfolders. This icon is located to the left of folder names.
Opening a folder Select a folder to display its contents in the Browse Panel.
You can hide or display the Asset Library by clicking the Expand/Collapse control on its left side. Collapse the Asset
Library panel when you need more room to work in the Browse Panel.
Creating folders
Follow these steps to create a folder:
1 In the Asset Library, select the folder you want to create a folder in.
2 Select the Add Folder button
. This icon is located at the top of the folder list.
3 Enter a descriptive name for your new folder or subfolder by typing it into the field next to the folder icon.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Managing assets
You can also create folders in Scene7 Publishing System when you upload files via FTP. Selecting the Include
Subfolders option when you upload via FTP replicates the folder structure on your computer in the system. Files
and subfolders on your computer or network are replicated in the Asset Library, and the assets you upload are placed
in these folders.
Deleting and renaming folders
Select a folder and use these techniques to delete or rename it:
Deleting Select the Remove Folder button
. Assets in a deleted folder are placed in the Trash folder. You can
recover them from there.
Renaming Double-click the name and enter a new name.
Important: You cannot copy folders or assets because doing so would create duplicate folders and assets on Scene7
Publishing System, and duplicates are not allowed on the system.
Viewing assets in the Browse Panel
You can change your view of assets in the Browse Panel by selecting a View button:
Grid view Select the Grid View button
to see assets in thumbnail form in a grid. In Grid view, you can drag the
Thumbnail slider to change the size of the thumbnail images.
List view Select the List View button
to see assets in a list. The list tells you the name, type, creation date, and lastmodification date of each asset. Depending on the type of asset you are working with, you get other information as
well. For example, you can see the dimensions and file size of an image.
Detail view Select an asset, and then select the Detail View button
to examine the asset in Detail view. You can
also double-click an asset or select it and choose File > Details to see it in Detail view. If your administrator has
specified the Show URL preference, URLs appear for all assets in Detail view; however, the URLs are only active once
the asset has been published.
You can select a default view for the Browse Panel and make the panel work to your specifications. See “Personal
Setup” on page 15.
Selecting assets in the Browse Panel
Select an asset in the Browse Panel to work with it. Use these techniques to select assets:
A single asset Click the asset (double-clicking opens the asset in Detail view).
Several assets Ctrl+click (Windows) or Command+click (Macintosh) assets to select assets in different places on the
Browse Panel. Shift+click (click one asset, and then Shift+click another) to select adjacent assets.
All assets in the Browse Panel Choose Select > All.
No assets Choose Select > None.
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Managing assets
Searching assets
To locate file assets in Scene7 Publishing System, you can view assets by type, sort assets in the Browse Panel, conduct
a simple search, conduct an advanced search, and filter for assets.
The Personal Setup screen offers options for choosing how you want to conduct searches. For example, you can choose
a default search type and choose whether to include user-defined fields in searches. For more information, see
“Personal Setup” on page 15.
More Help topics
“Navigation basics” on page 10
Viewing assets by type
To see only files of a certain type as you browse, open the Show drop-down menu in the Asset Library, and then choose
a file type. Only assets of the type you chose appear in the Asset Library.
Sorting files in the Browse Panel
To sort the contents of a folder or search results in the Browse Panel, select the Sort menu and choose an option. The
options are Name, Size, Type, Date Created, and Last Modified.
You can choose Ascending or Descending to sort assets in ascending or descending order by the criteria you choose.
In List View, you can sort by clicking a column name.
Conducting a simple search
Use the Search field to conduct simple searches. You can search for items by name or search for items whose metadata
contains a keyword.
To conduct a simple search:
1 Select the folder in the Asset Library to search in a particular folder and its subfolders
2 Click
in the Asset Library and choose an option that describes how narrow or broad you want the search to
be. You can choose Within All Files & Folders, Within Selected Folder, or Within Selected Folder & Subfolders.
3 Enter a search term.
4 Click Go or press Enter.
The results of your search appear in the Browse Panel.
Scene7 tracks searches. To run a search a second time, select the Search button and choose the name of a search at the
bottom of the Search menu.
Conducting an advanced search
Click Advanced Search in the Asset Library to search using many criteria, including values in metadata fields.
Specify any of the following criteria in your search:
Filter By Asset Type Narrow your search to one asset type only by choosing an asset type on the menu.
Files and Folders Choose where you want to search: Within All Files & Folders, Within Selected Folder, or Within
Selected Folder & Subfolders.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Managing assets
All Publish States Search for files that are marked ready for publish, are not marked ready for publish, or all files.
Conditions If you specify metadata criteria for searching, select whether the search must match all conditions (an ALL
search) or any condition (an OR search).
Specify Metadata Search Criteria Create one or more search fields for searching metadata. To create search fields:
1 Open the Metadata View list (to the left of the Add a Field menu) and choose a Metadata View. You can choose
compact View, IPTC, XMP, or a view your administrator set up.
2 Select the Add a Field menu and choose a field name on the drop-down list.
3 Choose a Contains option (Contains, Does Not Contain, Begins With, Ends With, or Equals).
4 For numeric fields, choose a value or enter a custom date range.
5 (Optional) Repeat steps 1–4 to create more search fields.
You can click the Remove Search Field button to remove a search field.
Click Search to begin your search. The results of the search appear in the Browse Panel. You can change any search
condition and click Search to run the search again.
Click Clear to clear search criteria and start a new search. Click Close when you finish searching to close the Search
More Help topics
“Viewing, adding, and exporting metadata” on page 108
Filter assets using metadata
Filter assets in the Filters tab of the Asset Library. To filter assets, you use metadata values as the criteria. After you
choose a metadata field you want to use for filtering, the Filters tab lists all metadata values that were entered in the
field you chose and the number of assets that were assigned each value. For example, in a filter operation on the Creator
metadata field, the Filters tab lists all names that were entered in the Creator metadata field for different assets, and for
each name, the number of assets assigned the name. You then click a metadata value to see all assets that were assigned
that value. In the example, you click the Jimmy metadata value to see all assets in which the name Jimmy was entered
in the Creator metadata field. You can filter using more than one metadata field as a filtering criterion.
You can save filter operations in order to run them many times.
Note: Only metadata fields in the default Metadata View can be used for filter operations. The Metadata Views screen
shows the name of the default Metadata View.
See “Metadata Views” on page 48.
More Help topics
“Viewing, adding, and exporting metadata” on page 108
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Managing assets
Running a filter operation
Follow these steps to locate assets by filtering with their metadata values:
1 Click the Filters tab in the Asset Library.
The criteria of your previous filter operation appear in the Filters pane. The Filters pane is divided into panels, with
each panel representing a metadata field. Use the panels to choose which metadata fields to filter with, and within
each field, to choose a metadata value for the filter operation.
To run a filter operation you created and saved, click the Select Preset button and choose the operation’s name on
the menu.
See “Saving, repeating, and deleting filter operations” on page 101.
2 Clicking the Field button
on a panel, follow these instructions to display the filtering menu and construct the
filter operation:
Choosing a metadata field Select the name of the field on the filtering menu.
Note: Only the names of metadata fields in the default Metadata View appear on the filtering menu.
See “Metadata Views” on page 48.
Adding a metadata field Choose Add a Panel. After the panel appears on the Filters pane, click its Field button and
choose the name of a metadata field on the filtering menu.
Removing a metadata field Choose Remove This Panel on the filtering menu.
When you choose a metadata field, its panel lists:
• All metadata values entered in the field.
• For each metadata value, the number of assets given the value.
3 Repeat Step 2 as many times as necessary to list all metadata fields for the filter operation on panels.
4 In each panel, select a metadata value to filter on. You can’t select more than one metadata value in each panel.
Assets that match all the values you selected appear in the Browse panel.
To temporarily remove a field from the filter operation, click Deselect All. This option is located at the top of each
panel, above metadata values.
5 (Optional) To save the filter operation and be able to run it later, click the Select Preset button, choose Save Current
As New Presets, and enter a name in the Save dialog box.
Saving, repeating, and deleting filter operations
Follow these instructions on the Filters tab to save, repeat, and delete filter operations:
Saving a filter operation Click the Select Preset button, choose Save Current As New Presets, and enter a name in the
Save dialog box.
Repeating a filter operation Click the Select Preset button and choose the name of a filter operation on the menu. The
menu lists filter operations that you saved.
Deleting a filter operation from the Select Preset menu Run the filter operation. Then click the Select Preset button
and choose Delete Preset on the menu.
Using the metadata server
The metadata server is a public API that you can use to search for assets by metadata via http requests.
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Managing assets
To configure the metadata server, click Setup > Application Setup > Publish Setup >Metadata Server.
The Metadata Server Publish screen opens. This screen lets you set the following options:
Instant Publish Automatically pushes any metadata changes when they are made, including new assets, keyword
changes, and so on.
XMP Packet Publishes the XMP Packet. This packet is not used for searching, but provides the most up-to-date XMP/
Keywords Publishes your keywords to the metadata server for use in searches.
Metadata Server Publish Fields Select the fields to include in the metadata. This enables you to determine how much
information about your assets is available to the public. These fields are also displayed in Metadata Views, but can only
be changed in the metadata server.
Click Publish Now to start the job. A confirmation appears, telling you the job has started.
Previewing an asset
You can use Preview to see how a digital asset will look when viewed by a customer. The Preview uses the default viewer
that is assigned to the asset. Default viewers are configured in Application Setup.
See “Configuring Default Viewers” on page 47.
If you are previewing a template asset with parameter layers, you can make changes to the parameters or change the
image preset. Because your changes are made inline, you can view the results immediately from the same Preview
See also Scene7 Viewer Library Examples.
To preview an asset
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the Asset folders that contains the asset you want to preview.
2 Do any one of the following:
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Grid View.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click List View.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Detail View.
3 Depending on the View you are using, do one of the following:
• In the Asset window of the Grid View or List View, select a single asset, and then click Preview near the
thumbnail image.
• On the toolbar above the Assets window of the Grid View, List View, or Detail View, click Preview.
Previewing an asset based on viewer platform type
You can use Viewer List to preview how an asset appears on particular viewer platform type such as HTML5.
Depending on the asset type and the associated viewer that you have selected to preview, not all platforms are available
in Viewer List.
You can also use Viewer List to copy a viewer’s URL or view and copy the viewer code for embedding in your web
For a given viewer platform, the Viewer List window lets you visually see what devices, such as tablets and
Smartphones, thate viewer is available for use.
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Managing assets
To preview an asset based on viewer platform type
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the Asset folders that contains the asset you want to preview.
2 Do any one of the following:
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Grid View. In the Asset window, select a single
asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click Preview > Viewer List.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click List View. In the Asset window, select a single
asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image, click Preview > Viewer List.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview
> Viewer List.
3 (Optional) In the Viewer List window, click the column heading Name or Platform type to sort the column by
ascending or descending order.
4 In the Viewer List window, under the Actions column of the table, click Preview to see how the asset appears for a
selected viewer and platform type.
Close the displayed preview to return to the Viewer List window.
5 (Optional) In the Viewer List window, in the URL Encoding for Copy URL Generation drop-down list at the
bottom, select the URL encoding that you want applied to the asset’s URL when it is copied.
6 (Optional) Do any of the following:
• In the Viewer List window, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL for a selected viewer and
platform type.
When you click Copy URL, its associated URL is automatically copied to the clipboard.
• In the Viewer List window, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
When you click Embed Code, the Embed Code window is opened where you can review the viewer code. Editing
of the code is not permitted in the window. You can also copy the code to the clipboard so you can paste it in
your web pages.
Close the displayed preview to return to the Viewer List window.
• In the upper-right corner of the Viewer List window, click Universal URL to copy the unpublished URL to the
See “About Universal Viewers” on page 42.
7 In the lower-right corner of the Viewer List window, click Close to return to the Assets screen.
Previewing an image asset based on its Image Preset
You can preview an image asset based on its Image Preset to find out what your image looks like when it is delivered
dynamically to your web site or application at different sizes.
An Image Preset is a collection of pre-defined settings that change the size, image quality, format, resolution, and other
aspects of an image’s appearance when it is exported.
See “Setting up Image Presets” on page 121.
See “Creating and enabling Image Presets” on page 77.
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Managing assets
To preview an image asset based on its Image Preset
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the Asset folders that contains the image asset you want to
2 Do any one of the following:
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Grid View. In the Asset window, select a single
image asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click Preview > Image Preset List.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click List View. In the Asset window, select a single
image asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image, click Preview > Image Preset List.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview
> Image Preset List.
3 In the Image Preset List window, in the table, select the name of a preset type whose image asset you want to preview
inline in the right pane.
4 (Optional) In the Image Preset List window, in the URL Encoding for Copy URL Generation drop-down list at the
bottom, select the URL encoding that you want applied to the image asset’s URL when it is copied.
5 (Optional) In the Image Preset List window, in the upper-right area of the preview pane, click Copy URL for the
selected preset type.
When you click Copy URL, its associated URL is automatically copied to the clipboard.
6 In the lower-right corner of the Image Preset List window, click Close to return to the Assets screen.
Moving, renaming, and deleting assets
You can move, rename, and delete assets from the Browse Panel. As well, you can delete many assets simultaneously
with a text file.
More Help topics
“Selecting assets in the Browse Panel” on page 98
“Preparing your assets and folders for uploading” on page 79
“Restoring assets from the Trash folder” on page 116
Move assets
You can move assets to different folders in the Browse Panel.
❖ Select the asset or assets in the Browse Panel, and do one of the following:
• Display the folder you want to move the assets to in the Asset Library and drag the assets to the folder.
• Choose File > Move, select a folder in the Move Assets window, and select Move.
Rename assets
To rename an asset:
❖ Select the asset in the Browse Panel, and do one of the following:
• Select the name, type in a new name, and press Enter or click away from the name.
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Managing assets
• Choose File > Rename. The name of the asset is highlighted. Enter a new name and press Enter.
Be sure that you do not to enter the name of an existing Scene7 Publishing System asset.
Delete assets
You can delete selected assets in the Browse Panel as well as delete entire folders. Deleted assets and folders are moved
to the Trash folder, where they remain for seven days before being permanently deleted.
When you delete an asset, all assets derived from it are deleted as well. For example, deleting an image for which you
created zoom targets deletes the zoom targets along with the image.
Important: Zoom targets, image attributes, and history entries are permanently deleted when you delete the assets from
which they derive. They are not moved along with the asset to the Trash folder; they cannot be restored from the Trash.
❖ Do any of the following:
• To delete one or more assets, select the assets in the Browse Panel, and press Delete or choose File > Delete.
• To delete a folder, select the folder in the Asset Library, and click Remove Folder
Deleting a folder deletes the folder, all the assets in the folder, as well as all assets in its subfolders.
Important: Scene7 recommends overwriting asset files rather than deleting them if your reason for deleting an asset file
is to replace it with another by the same name.
Delete multiple assets with a text file
To delete many assets at once throughout the Asset Library, you can list the assets you want to delete in a text file and
submit the list to Scene7.
Create the list of Scene7 Publishing System IDs and save it as a text (.txt) file. Each Scene7 Publishing System ID must
be on its own line (followed by a hard return).
After you create the list, follow these steps to use it to delete assets:
1 Choose File > Delete Asset List.
2 In the Delete Asset list dialog box, browse or type the path to the text file with the list of assets you want to delete.
3 Click the Delete button.
When you delete assets with a text file, if any Scene7 Publishing System ID is not on the list, a message is displayed
letting you know that Scene7 is “Unable to validate these entries in your list:” along with the list of entries. However,
Scene7 will not generate an error on the Job screen.
Working in Detail view
You can work with and learn about an asset by opening it in Detail view. In Detail view, you see the asset size,
attributes, derivatives, and metadata. You also see whether and when the asset was published and obtain the URL of
published assets. Depending on the asset type, you can preview it at different sizes, zoom in on it, and perform
sharpening, cropping, and other formatting operations.
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Managing assets
An asset in Detail view.
To open the folder where the asset is stored, you can click the folder path at the top of the Information panel.
Open an asset in Detail view
To closely examine, preview, or work on an asset, you can display it in Detail view.
❖ In the Browse Panel, do one of the following:
• Double-click the asset.
• Select the asset and then select the Detail View button
• Select the asset, and choose File > Details.
You can page from asset to asset in the same folder in Detail view by selecting the Previous Asset or Next Asset button.
These buttons are located in the upper-right corner in Detail view.
Getting information in Detail view
Detail view provides information about an asset or file. It shows this information about an item: the folder where it is
stored, its filename, the date the item was uploaded to Scene7 Publishing System, and its publishing history. You can
also view and edit metadata and add keywords for an asset in Detail view.
You can obtain an asset URL in Detail view; however, the URL is not active until you publish the asset. For images,
Detail view also provides a list of build and derived assets and metadata, such as zoom targets and Image Sets.
More Help topics
“Viewing, adding, and exporting metadata” on page 108
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Managing assets
Working with assets in Detail view
Detail view offers tools for working with the asset you opened. Which tools are available depends on the type of asset
you are working with, but Detail view always offers these functions:
items for publish Click the Publish icon to the left of the name, or click File > Publish or File > Unpublish.
Renaming the asset Select the name and enter a new name.
Editing and adding metadata Select the Metadata panel and make changes as desired. See “Viewing, adding, and
exporting metadata” on page 108.
Editing and adding keywords Select Keywords and add or remove them as desired. See “Add or edit keywords” on
page 109.
Deleting the asset Click File > Delete.
For discrete files—images, Image Sets, and fonts, for example—you can view the publishing and editing history, and
check job details, in Detail view.
This table shows which additional options are available with different types of assets in Detail view.
Asset type
Add Image Maps
Yes; Zoom and Image Presets.
Add zoom targets
Create adjusted views
Cabinet and window covering
Yes. Info Panel also available.
Flash source files
Edit font information
FXG files
ICC profiles
Edit profile information
Illustrator Files
No (unless converted to FXG)
Image Sets
InDesign files
No (unless converted to FXG)
PDF files
PSD files
Yes for individual layers
Yes for individual layers.
Spin sets
SVG files
Viewer SWF files
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Managing assets
Asset type
Vignettes and rendered vignettes
Image is shown. You can view the contents and structure of the
renderable elements of the vignette in XML format.
XML files
Contents are shown.
ZIP files
Contents are not shown.
Viewing, adding, and exporting metadata
You can store information specific to the files you work with in the Scene7 Publishing System; this information is
called metadata. You can use metadata in Scene7 for organizing, searching, filtering, and sorting your assets.
Metadata appears in Detail view along with Scene7-generated information, such as the file creation date, publishing
date, and keywords. To view metadata, open the asset in Detail view and select the Metadata panel. You can enter and
edit metadata in Detail view.
Some metadata is embedded directly into a file. If a file contains this metadata, Scene7 automatically uploads it with
the file. You can embed metadata into source assets in Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and other applications;
Scene7 recognizes this metadata. You can also add metadata to individual files in the Metadata panel in Detail view.
To ensure consistency across assets, company administrators create Metadata templates that provide the metadata
fields that can be filled in.
For more information about embedded metadata, see
More Help topics
“Viewer Presets” on page 32
“Metadata Presets” on page 48
View metadata
To view an asset’s metadata, open the asset in Detail view, and click the Metadata panel. Then choose an option on the
Metadata View menu to select a set of metadata fields. Scene7 offers these Metadata Views:
Compact View A basic list of values.
IPTC Values as defined by the International Press Telecommunications Council.
XMP Values as defined by the extensible metadata platform.
Administrators can create Metadata Views. These views also appear on the Metadata Views menu. For information
about creating Metadata Views, see “Metadata Views” on page 48.
Manually enter metadata for an asset
1 Open the asset in Detail view.
2 Open the Metadata panel and do one or both of the following:
• Choose a Metadata View to determine which metadata fields appear in the panel.
• Choose a Preset Value and click Apply to populate metadata fields with preset values. Company administrators
create these preset values.
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Managing assets
3 Enter values in the Metadata panel.
To edit the metadata of several assets at once, select the assets and choose File > Edit Info. Edits you make to metadata
in the Edit Info window apply to all the assets you selected.
Add or edit keywords
In addition to metadata, you can use keywords to assist in searching and managing your assets.
If you’ve added keywords to other files during this session, or if you’ve removed keywords from your list, they appear
in the Keyword Suggestions table.
1 Open the file in Detail View.
2 Click Keywords.
3 To add keywords, do any of the following:
• Type a keyword in the text box and click Add.
• Click a keyword in the Keyword Suggestions table.
4 To remove a keyword, select it and click Remove. It moves to the Keyword Suggestions table.
Note: You can add keywords to files as you upload them to Scene7. In the Upload Job Options dialog box, choose
Additional Metadata and enter keywords. See “Upload options” on page 84.
Import metadata
Rather than manually enter metadata one asset at a time, you can import metadata for many different assets from a
tab-delimited or XML file. Entering the metadata in a tab-delimited or XML file and importing the file is less timeconsuming than entering metadata in individual assets. In the first row of the tab-delimited file, enter the ID and the
names of fields for which you want to record metadata. In each subsequent row, enter an asset ID name followed by
metadata values. Fields that are not included in the tab-delimited or XML file are not modified. To import metadata
from an XML file, make sure that you conform to the DTD.
Note: You can create a template for entering metadata so that it can be properly imported to Scene7 Publishing System.
After you create the template, you can use it to enter the metadata. See “Create a template for entering metadata to
upload” on page 111.
You can find more information about standardized properties at:
1 In the Browse Panel, select the images to which you want to add metadata from the tab-delimited or XML file.
2 Click File > Import Metadata.
3 In the Upload Metadata dialog box, click Browse.
4 In the Select files to upload dialog box, select the tab-delimited or XML file with the metadata.
5 Enter a job name.
6 Click Upload.
Identifying different metadata types in the import
Keep the following in mind when identifying different metadata types to import:
• User Defined Fields are identified by their name as created in Setup > Application Setup > Metadata > User-Defined
fields. Use the Generate file functionality to get a list of all defined UDFs in the correct import format.
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Managing assets
• XMP Metadata properties must have the related XMP-prefix before the (property-) name. A colon separates the
prefix and name. The XMP prefix can be found in Setup > Application Setup > Metadata > Metadata Schema editor.
The technical names can be found in documentation of related XMP schema. Note that XMP properties names do
not appear in the Generate file feature.
• Metadata Schema properties must have the related prefix before the (property-) name. A colon separates the prefix
and name. The prefix and the property names are defined in the Metadata Schema editor. Note that Metadata
Schema properties names do not appear in the Generate file feature.
For example: The XMP property for keywords is the XMP schema "Dublin Core" with the prefix "dc" and “subject” is
the technical XMP name. The prefix and technical XMP name are combined into the "dc:subject" full property name.
In the XML metadata import format, "dc.subject" must be the property name. In the tab-delimited import format it
must be the column-header.
Import Keywords
Keywords can be imported as comma separated list. If a comma appears in any of the individual values, it needs to be
escaped by a backslash (\). A literal backslash is the usual double-backslash (\\).
For example, a metadata import file containing the value "Hello\, World!,back\\slash,foo" for "dc:subject" sets three
XMP keywords on the asset: "Hello, World!," "back\slash," and "foo."
Import XMP and Metadata Schema metadata XMP files
The XML import accepts only valid XML. When importing XMP or Metadata Schema fields the namespace prefix is
added and behaves here like a XMP-namespace. This namespace must be declare e.g. in the top-level tag.
For example:
<ips xmlns:dc="">
<ghw_object vc_objectname="img_001" dc:subject="word1,word2"
Import XMP and Metadata Schema metadata Tab Delimited files
The prefix must be added to the related column header of the import field.
Import metadata (via FTP)
You can import metadata for multiple files by entering the metadata in a tab-delimited or XML file and selecting the
Process metadata files option on the Upload (Via FTP) screen.
Make sure the data in the tab-delimited or XML file is in the correct format. In the first row, enter the ID field followed
by the names of metadata fields to be modified. In each subsequent row, enter an asset ID name followed by metadata
values. Fields that are not included in the tab-delimited or XML file are not modified.
Click the Upload button on the Global Navigation Bar, and on the Jobs screen, select the Via FTP tab to import the
metadata. Then click Job Options. In the Upload Job Options dialog box, Choose Process metadata files.
Batch rename IDs using metadata
Using metadata imported from a tab-delimited file or XML file, you can rename Scene7 Publishing System IDs. The
imported metadata is applied only to the images specified in the metadata file itself. It doesn't matter whether images
are selected on the Browse Panel.
To rename an image’s Scene7 Publishing System ID, add a column labeled newipsid to the tab-delimited file, or add a
field called new_vc_objectname to the XML data.
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Managing assets
For example:
The job log for the Metadata job will show which IDs were successfully renamed and which ones were not.
Create a template for entering metadata to upload
Scene7 offers a command for creating a template for recording metadata. Using the template ensures that the metadata
is entered in the right format so it can be uploaded correctly to Scene7 Publishing System. Follow these steps to create
a template for use in recording and importing metadata to Scene7 Publishing System:
1 Select image assets with metadata fields you want for your template.
2 Choose File > Import Metadata.
3 Select Image for the Asset Properties Type.
4 From the Generate File menu, select Tab Delimited Template, Asset's XML Metadata, or XML DTD.
5 Click Generate.
6 In the dialog box that appears, copy the data. Use this data to construct the template.
More Help topics
“Import metadata” on page 109
Working with Metadata Schemas
A company administrator can view a list of all available schemas. Open Application Setup -> Metadata -> Metadata
Initially, the list of global standard schemas like XMP are hidden. They can be shown using the checkbox at the bottom
of the list.
The company administrator can create a new custom schema, or edit an existing custom schema.
You can use the Metadata Schema Editor to perform the following actions:
Adds a new property to the schema. A modal dialog collects the information: ID,
Label, Structure and Data Type.
Add Choice Value
Adds a new selectable choice to a property with structure Open Choice or Closed
Choice. All choice values have the same type. You must select the property itself to
enable the button.
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Managing assets
Edit the Label of a property or choice value. You can only change the Label, ID, and
type information is immutable.
Move Up / Move Down
The order in the schema is reflected in the UI. To change the order, select a
property or choice value and move it with the buttons. Drag & drop is not
supported at this time.
Deletes a property or choice value from the schema. This does not delete values
from the XMP block or the Database. The property is no longer available for
Metadata Views and is removed from the Asset Detail View.If the property was
published to the Metadata Server, perform a force publish to remove the data from
the public-facing Metadata Server.
The system automatically generates a custom schema for User-defined fields with the prefix "s7udf". These are the
existing User-defined Fields and are edited in their own Setup section.
Note: Changes to the schema never change the asset metadata itself. However, they are not visible for all SPS and
Metadata Server functionality and can't be accessed after being changed. Likewise, if metadata for an asset exists, the
creation of the matching schema makes the metadata usable in SPS and the Metadata Server.
The Metadata Schema Editor offers a graphical way to add or edit a custom company schema inside SPS. A schema is
defined by a prefix, a namespace, and a list of properties.
• Name
UI-Name for the schema. Used to identify the properties in Metadata Views and Advanced Search. Similar to XMP
Sections like Basic, IPTC, PDF.
• Prefix
Technical unique identifier for the schema. Restricted to the letters a-z and A-Z. The prefix is not visible in the SPS
UI, but used, when metadata for an asset is stored in the XMP block and our database. The prefix is used, to
uniquely identify metadata fields in metadata search queries on the Metadata Server or import.
• Namespace
Technical unique identifier for the schema, typically a URL in the form
See the list of standard schemas for examples. The namespace is not visible in the SPS UI, but is used to store
metadata in the XMP block.
• Description
Free form description of the schema.
Note: The prefix and namespace cannot be edited. To change these properties, you must delete and re-create the schema.
Properties describe the metadata that can be stored with this schema in the XMP block. A property consists of:
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Managing assets
Technical identifier for this property. The ID is not visible in SPS UI, but used, when
metadata for an asset is stored in the XMP block and our database. The ID is used,
to create search queries on the Metadata Server. The ID has some restrictions such
No spaces
No ".", ":", "$"
No number as first character
Best practice is to use a-z or A-Z as first character
Once created, the ID cannot be changed.
UI-Name for this property.
Determines the type of the property together with Data Type. Structure can be one
Data Type
Simple Type: single value of data type
Sequence: a list of values of the same data type
Open Choice: select one item from a list of predefined values, or enter free text.
Can be only of data type String or Integer
Closed Choice: select one item from a list of predefined values (a popup or
Select from these available types:
Yes/No (Boolean)
When the property has the structure Open Choice or Closed Choice, you must provide at least one Choice Value. Open
Choice can be changed. Closed Choice cannot be changed. All Choice Values have the data type of the property.
Technical identifier for this value. The ID is not visible in the SPS UI, but is used
when metadata for an asset is stored in the XMP block and the database. The ID is
used in search queries on the Metadata Server. The ID cannot contain any spaces.
Once created, the ID cannot be changed.
UI-Name for this value.
Exporting assets from Scene7 Publishing System
You can save assets you edited in Scene7 Publishing System to a local network drive. Exported assets are bundled in a
ZIP file for downloading or sending by e-mail.
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Managing assets
The compressed Zip file has a maximum file size of 1 GB for the export job. Also, be aware that you are allowed a
maximum of 500 total assets per export job.
Scene7 keeps a record of export jobs in the Jobs screen.
To export assets from Scene7 Publishing System
1 Select the assets you want to export, and then click File > Export.
2 In the Export Selected Assets window, click Image Options, and then specify any of the following options
(administrators determine which options are available to their users):
Presets Optionally, choose an Image Preset to format the asset when you export it. If you choose an Image Preset,
the other formatting options are not available, as the asset adopts the formats defined by the Image Preset.
Conversion Convert the asset file or the original image.
Size You can select a standard size. Or, you can click Other from the Size drop-down list, choose the desired unit
of measure, and then specify the width and height.
See also “Specifying export options available to Media Portal users” on page 76.
Format Choose an image format.
Color Choose RGB, CMYK, or Gray.
Resolution Choose 72, 150, or 300 ppi.
Job Name You can assign a job name to the export.
Send Email To Optionally, enter an e-mail address to send the assets by e-mail. The e-mail message lists the URL
where the recipient can go to download the assets.
3 Click Export.
Three basic export actions are supported:
• Original File (export the original file for the asset)
• Convert Using Preset (use an image preset to format the asset)
• Convert Without Preset (use the export dialog to specify image modifiers)
The following asset types cannot be exported. All others should generate an export.
• Image Sets
• Render Sets
• Spin Sets
• Media Sets
• Multi-bitrate Sets
• eCatalogs
In addition, templates cannot be exported as an “original file.”
You can use conversion to export the following asset types:
• Images
• Templates
• Adjusted Images
• PDF (will generate converted pages)
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Managing assets
• Postscript
The following behavior results when a large selection of various asset types are fed into the exporter:
• All asset types which cannot be exported are removed from the list before job submittal
• If a conversion is requested, all types which can be converted are, and all others are exported as original
Sharing asset changes with peers in real time
With multiple copies of Scene7 running on one or more computers in the same company, the following actions from
any Scene7 client are updated in real-time with all peer clients:
• Edit an asset (builder, image editor, etc.)
• Rename an asset
• Delete an asset
• Move an asset
• Upload one or more assets (both desktop and FTP)
• Create, delete, or rename a folder
After a change is made in the originating client, all peer clients logged into the same company are updated with the
change. Changes are made to peers without notification, unless the peer is editing a changing asset in any of the image
editors or builders.
When you log in, Flash Player prompts you to allow or deny peer updates. You can "remember" the choice so you are
only prompted once. To clear your choice, delete the appropriate site from the Peer Assisted Networking panel in
Global Settings.
If you are editing an asset that is changed by a peer, you are prompted to ingest the change into the builder or editor.
If you choose Yes, then the builder or editor discards any changes made to the asset and imports the updated asset. If
you choose No, the asset is unchanged in the builder or editor and any changes you’ve made persist in that session.
When you save the asset, you are notified that a newer version exists and asked if you want to overwrite the asset with
your changes.
Printing assets
Follow these steps to print an asset:
1 In the Browse Panel, select the asset or assets you want to print.
2 Choose File > Print or press Ctrl+P (Windows) or Command+P (Macintosh).
3 In the Print dialog box, choose how many copies to print and then select the Print button.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Managing assets
Managing the Trash folder
Items that you delete from the Scene7 Publishing System are moved to the Trash folder. They remain for seven days
in this folder until they are restored or permanently deleted. You can examine deleted items by selecting the Trash
icon located at the bottom of the Asset Library and viewing items in the Trash folder.
All users can restore items in the Trash folder to the folders from which they were deleted. All users can also empty the
Trash folder of all its contents.
Deleting items from the Trash folder permanently deletes items from Scene7 Publishing System; items deleted from
the Trash folder can no longer be restored. For information on setting up notifications for company administrators
when assets are about to be automatically deleted from the Trash, see “General Settings” on page 20.
Important: Assets that have been moved to the Trash folder are still registered on the Scene7 Publishing System. If you
try to upload a file that has the same name as a deleted file in the Trash folder, Scene7 treats the asset you want to upload
as a duplicate asset. As such, a number is appended to its name.
More Help topics
“Delete assets” on page 105
About the Trash folder
Deleting an item in a folder places the item in the Trash folder. The following happens when you delete an item and
move it to the Trash folder:
• Although the item has been removed from your Scene7 Publishing System folders, its ID cannot be assigned to
another asset while it remains in the Trash folder. If you try to upload an asset with the same name as a file in the
Trash folder, Scene7 appends a numeral to the name of the asset.
• The item cannot be published. Even if the item was marked for publish when you deleted it, it is not published.
• The item remains in the Trash folder until it is restored, seven days pass, or someone chooses the Empty The Trash
command. After seven days, an automatic clean-up operation permanently deletes the item.
Restoring assets from the Trash folder
It isn’t necessary for the person who deleted an asset to restore it; anyone can restore assets from the Trash folder.
Assets that are restored are placed in the folders from which they were deleted. If these folders no longer exist, the
Scene7 Publishing System re-creates them, and the restored assets are placed in the re-created folders.
Follow these steps to restore assets from the Trash folder to the folders from which they were deleted:
1 Select the Trash icon
to open the Trash folder.
2 Select the asset or assets you want to restore.
3 Choose File > Restore From Trash.
Permanently deleting assets in the Trash folder
When you delete assets in the Trash folder, the assets are permanently deleted. Assets are automatically deleted from
the Trash folder after seven days.
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Managing assets
To permanently delete assets from the Trash folder, select the Trash icon
individual assets or delete all the assets in the folder:
, to open the Trash folder. Then delete
Deleting individual assets Select the assets you want to permanently delete and choose File > Empty From Trash.
Deleting all assets Choose File > Empty Trash.
Organizing your work with Projects
Projects provide an optional, secondary way for you to organize assets independently of the folders in which they are
stored. An asset can be placed in only one folder, but it can be copied into more than one Project folder for
organizational purposes.
After you create a Project folder, you can place assets in it. However, assets in a Project are actually pointers to the Asset
Library folder in which the assets are actually stored. You can place an asset in more than one Project. For example, an
image of a blouse can be placed in both the “Blouses” and “Fall Collection” Project folders.
You can create a Project when you upload files or create Projects in the Asset Library Panel.
Scene7 recommends organizing assets with metadata rather than Projects. See “Viewing, adding, and exporting
metadata” on page 108.
Note: For you to organize assets in Projects, your administrator must have set you up to use them. If you don’t see a
Projects folder section at the bottom of the Assets Library, this method of organizing assets is not available to you. See
“General Settings” on page 20.
Creating a Project folder
You can create a Project folder starting in the Assets Library or when you upload files to the Scene7 Publishing System:
In the Asset Library Scroll to the bottom of the Asset Library, to the Projects section, and select the Add Project
. Then enter a name for the project.
When uploading files In the Upload screen, select the Add to Project menu and choose Create Project. Then enter a
name for the project.
Note: The Projects area in the Asset Library is a single level folder list; it doesn’t permit subfolders.
Working with Project folders
Follow these instructions to display, delete, and rename a Project folder:
Browsing contents Select the name of the folder in the Asset Library. Its assets appear in the Browse Panel.
Deleting Project folders Select the Project folder and then select the Remove Project button
. Deleting assets from
a Project folder does not delete them from Scene7 Publishing System; the assets remain in the original folders in which
they are stored.
Renaming Project folders Double-click the name of the folder in the Asset Panel, and then enter a new name.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Managing assets
Adding assets to a Project folder
You can add images to a Project folder starting in the Browse Panel or when you upload files to the Scene7 Publishing
From the Browse Panel Select the assets and drag them to a Project folder. You can also choose File > Add To Project,
select a Project folder name in the Select Project dialog box, and select the Submit button.
When uploading files In the Upload screen, click the Job Options button. In the Upload Job Options dialog box,
choose Projects, and select a project name.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Chapter 7: Image Sizing
Image Sizing refers to the ability of Scene7 to create multiple derivative images based on a single high-resolution image.
Rather than manually creating several images­—for example, a thumbnail and enlarged-view image—for your web site
or application, you provide a single master image. Scene7 generates all modified images just as you request them. Being
able to deliver images dynamically from a single master image has many advantages:
• You do not have to manually create several copies of the image at different sizes. You supply one master image to
Scene7, and Scene7 generates different-sized derivatives from the master image.
• You can quickly change the size of an image type throughout your web site or application. For example, to change
all thumbnail images, you can modify the “thumbnail” Image Preset. An Image Preset—it’s similar to a macro—is
a collection of size and formatting attributes. You can modify the “thumbnail” Image Preset to change the size of
all thumbnail images throughout your web site or application.
• You do not have to manage the masters and all of the various derivatives in any of your content or asset
management systems internally or externally.
2000 pixels
2000 pixels
Single master image
(Recommend 1500-2500 pixels
in longest dimension)
sized images
(using Image Presets)
Upload single master image file
Create Image Presets (to define size, format, sharpening & other settings)
Copy URLs and use on Websites to display different sizes dynamically
You can create multiple derivative images at different sizes from the same high-resolution master file.
Quick Start: Image Sizing
This Image Sizing Quick Start is designed to help you get up and running quickly with Image Sizing techniques in the
Scene7 Publishing System. Follow steps 1 through 5. After each step is a cross-reference where you can find more
information if you need it.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Image Sizing
1. Uploading master images
Start by uploading your master images to the Scene7 Publishing System. As to size, Scene7 recommends using images
that are the largest size you anticipate using on your web site or application. For example, if you want viewers to zoom
images, upload images that are at least 2000 pixels in the largest dimension. Scene7 supports many image file formats,
but lossless TIFF and PNG images are recommended.
Select the Upload button on the Global Navigation bar to upload files from your computer to a folder on the Scene7
Publishing System. See “Uploading master images” on page 121.
2. Setting up Image Presets
Like a macro, an Image Preset is a collection of predefined size and formatting commands saved under a name. An
Image Preset governs the size and formatting with which images are delivered from Scene7 Image Servers. You can set
up Image Presets on your own if you have company administrator status. Scene7 also comes with default Image
Presets, and you can use them to dynamically deliver images.
To create an Image Preset (if you are an administrator), choose Setup > Application Setup. On the Setup screen, display
the Application Setup options and choose Image Presets. Then select the Add or Edit button to create an Image Preset.
The Image Preset you create is added to the Image Preset menu on the Preview screen. You can use your new Image
Preset to display images dynamically on your web sites and applications. See “Setting up Image Presets” on page 121.
3. Previewing Image Presets
The next step is to preview the Image Presets your administrator set up at the different preset sizes.
To explore Image Presets, click Setup > Image Presets, and then browse to an Image Preset.
Experiment with the different Image Presets. Find out what your image looks like when it is delivered dynamically to
your web site or application at different sizes.
See “Previewing an image asset based on its Image Preset” on page 103.
4. Publishing your master images
Publishing your master image files serves two essential purposes:
• Publishing your master images to Scene7 Image Servers so that images can be dynamically delivered to your web
site and application.
• Publishing activates the URL strings for calling images from Scene7 Image Servers to your web site or application.
After publishing, you can copy and place the Scene7-generated URLs where necessary in your web site or
Select the Publish button on the Global Navigation bar to initiate a publish. On the Publish screen, select the Start
Publish button. See “Publishing master images” on page 123.
5. Linking URLs to your web application
Scene7 creates URL callout strings for images. When you publish images to Scene7 Image Servers, the URLs become
active. You can copy these URL strings from the Browse Panel (in Detail view) or Preview screen. After you copy the
URL strings, you can use them in your web site and applications. The URL for image sizing replaces the reference to a
static image name in your web page code. The URL references a master image name, which is replaced by your
database for each new image to display.
URL strings generated with Image Presets contain the name of an Image Preset. This name is enclosed in dollar signs
($). For example, $thumbnail$ can be the Image Preset designed to show master images at thumbnail size. See
“Linking URLs to your web application” on page 123.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Image Sizing
Uploading master images
Before uploading images to the Scene7 Publishing System, make sure they are the highest quality size and format.
Scene7 recommends uploading high-quality images with a sufficient pixel count (from 1500 to 2000 pixels in the long
dimension). This allows for any dynamic imaging that is required.
For details on uploading images, see “Uploading files” on page 79.
Preparing your master images for upload
Prepare your master image files before you upload them to the Scene7 Publishing System:
Image size Create the largest size images you anticipate using. Typical image sizes range from 1500 to 2500 pixels in
the longest dimension. If you intend to use the Zoom feature, Scene7 recommends using images that are at least 2000
pixels in the longest dimension for optimal zoom detail.
File formats Scene7 supports all standard image file formats, including TIFF, BMP, JPEG, PSD, GIF, and EPS. Lossless
image formats—TIFF and PNG—are recommended. If you are using a JPEG image, use the highest quality settings.
Color space RGB is the color space for web image presentations; CMYK images commonly used for printing are
automatically converted to RGB when you upload them. Uploading CMYK images that have an embedded ICC color
profile for the conversion to RGB is recommended. See also “ICC profiles” on page 315.
Setting up Image Presets
Like a macro, an Image Preset is a predefined collection of sizing and formatting commands saved under a name. To
understand how Image Presets work, suppose your web site requires each product image to appear at two different
sizes: 500 x 500 pixels and 150 x 150 pixels. You create two Image Presets, one called “Enlarge” to display images at
500x500 pixels and one called “Thumbnail” to display images at 150 x 150 pixels. To deliver images at the “Enlarge”
and “Thumbnail” size, a Scene7 Image Server looks up the definition of the Enlarge Image Preset and Thumbnail
Image Preset. Then the server dynamically generates an image at the size and formatting specifications of each Image
Scene7 comes with several “best practice” Image Presets that are already set up for you to use. Administrators can
create new Image Presets as well. To create an Image Preset, you can start from scratch or you can start from an existing
one and save it under a new name.
Images that are reduced in size when they are delivered dynamically from a server can lose sharpness and detail. For
this reason, each Image Preset contains formatting controls for optimizing an image when it is delivered at a particular
size. These controls make sure that your images are sharp and clear when they are delivered to your web site or
Creating an Image Preset
You can create your own Image Presets if you are a company administrator. You can create new Image Presets or start
with a default Image Preset that Scene7 provides, edit it, and save it with a new name.
To create an Image Preset
1 Click Setup > Image Presets.
You can browse to an Image Preset name on this screen to preview an existing Image Preset. When you select an
Image Preset name, the sample image in the Preview window changes size and appearance.
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Image Sizing
2 Do one of the following:
Creating an Image Preset Click Add.
Editing an Image Preset Browse to the Image Preset that is most like the one you want to create and then click Edit.
3 Enter a name for the Image Preset.
4 Enter Width and Height measurements in pixels. These measurements determine the size at which images are
5 Fill in the Add Preset or Edit Preset screen. For details, see “Image Preset options” on page 24.
Scene7 recommends these “best practice” option choices to start:
Format Choose JPEG or another format that meets your requirements. All web browsers support the JPEG image
format; it offers a good balance between small files sizes and image quality. However, JPEG format images use a
lossy compression scheme that can introduce unwanted image artifacts if the compression setting is too low. For
that reason, Scene7 recommends setting the compression quality (on the slider) to 75. This setting offers a good
balance between image quality and small file size.
Sharpening Do not select Sharpening (this sharpening filter offers less control than Unsharp Masking settings).
Resample Mode Choose Bi-Cubic.
Unsharp Masking (USM) options Enter the settings shown here:
Preset type
USM: Amount
USM: Radius
USM: Threshold
Cross-Sell (mini-thumbnail)
75 x 75
150 x 150
350 x 350
500 x 500
6 Click Save.
The Scene7 “best practice” options for creating Image Presets listed here are general recommendations; sharpening is
highly subjective. These “best practice” settings were based on a 2000 x 2000 master image; settings for larger or smaller
masters can be different. If you want to adjust the Unsharp Masking settings, Scene7 recommends these ranges:
Amount Between .8 and 1.5.
Radius Between .6 and 2.
Threshold From 1-6.
To delete an Image Preset, select it on the Image Presets screen and select the Delete button.
More Help topics
“Creating and editing Image Presets” on page 23
“Image Preset options” on page 24
“Previewing an image asset based on its Image Preset” on page 103
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Image Sizing
Publishing master images
Publishing your image files publishes them to Scene7 Image Servers, where they are available to your web site and
application. What’s more, during the publishing process, the Scene7 Publishing System activates the URL strings you
need for your web site and application.
More Help topics
“Publishing files” on page 87
Marking master images for publish
Master images must be marked for publish in order for them to be copied to Scene7 Image Servers. You can mark your
master images for publish in the Browse Panel by selecting the Mark for Publish icon . You can also mark images
for publish when you upload them to the Scene7 Publishing System.
Publishing your master images
To publish master images to Scene7 Image Servers, start by selecting the Publish button on the Global Navigation bar.
Then select a When option (One-Time or Recurring), optionally enter a name for the publish job, and select the Start
Publish button.
Important: The URL is not active until you publish the asset.
Linking URLs to your web application
Your web sites and applications access Scene7 Image Server content via URL strings. After you publish an image,
Scene7 activates a URL string that references the Image Preset on Scene7 Image Servers. You can paste these URLs into
a web browser for testing.
To place these URL strings in your web pages and applications, copy them from the Scene7 Publishing System. To
obtain a URL string generated with an Image Preset, go to the Preview screen or the Browse Panel (in Detail view).
Obtaining an Image Preset URL
You can obtain a URL string generated by an Image Preset from Preview or from Detail View. After you copy the URL,
it lands on the Clipboard so you can paste it as necessary.
Important: The URL is not active until you publish the asset.
Obtaining an Image Preset URL from Preview
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the Asset folders that contains the image asset you want to
2 Do any one of the following:
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Grid View. In the Asset window, select a single
image asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click Preview > Image Preset List.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click List View. In the Asset window, select a single
image asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image, click Preview > Image Preset List.
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Image Sizing
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview
> Image Preset List.
3 (Optional) In the Image Preset List window, in the URL Encoding for Copy URL Generation drop-down list at the
bottom, select the URL encoding that you want applied to the image asset’s URL when it is copied.
4 In the Image Preset List window, in the upper-right area of the preview pane, click Copy URL for the selected preset type.
5 In the lower-right corner of the Image Preset List window, click Close to return to the Assets screen.
Obtaining an Image Preset URL from the Browse Panel
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the Asset folders that contains the image asset you want to
2 Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Grid View. In the Asset window, select a single
image asset.
3 Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Detail View.
4 Click URLs on the panel on the right side of the screen to unfold the list of Image Presets.
5 Click Copy URL link next to the name of the Image Preset with the URL you want to copy to the Clipboard.
About Image Preset URL strings
A URL call for Image Sizing to Scene7 Image Servers has the following basic syntax:
path/name of Image Server/account name/image name?modifier1&modifier2&...
In a Scene7 Image Server URL, instructions to the server for displaying the image appear after the question mark (?).
For example, this URL call delivers an image named “backpack” at a width of 250 pixels:
An Image Preset URL contains all the modifier instructions for presenting the image at the proper size and formatting
specifications. Without an Image Preset, notice all the modifier instructions after the question mark (?) in this URL
However, in a URL string generated with an Image Preset, the name of the Image Preset appears in place of the
instructions defined by the Image Preset. For example, referring to the long URL above, the URL string is:$Large$
Image Preset names in URLs are enclosed in dollar signs ($). When a Scene7 Image Server encounters the Image Preset
portion of the URL (the Large in this case), using the size and formatting instructions defined by the “Large” Image
More Help topics
“Adding dynamic images to your web page” on page 124
Adding dynamic images to your web page
To add dynamic images to your web page, the <IMG> tag in your HTML web page code typically is modified using the
Scene7 URL string to make a request to Scene7 Image Servers. This string produces the image at the size and
formatting specifications defined by the Image Preset.
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Image Sizing
For example, instead of the typical call to open a static image such as
img src="/company_images/products/backpack_thumbnail.jpg"
you now use the <IMG> tag to replace the reference to a static image with an Image Preset call to the Scene7 platform.
A sample call looks like this:
img src="$thumbnail$"
In this example, a Scene7 Image Server “looks up” the definition of $thumbnail$ and dynamically generates the
appropriate image with the sizing and formatting specifications defined by the thumbnail Image Preset. In a URL
string, all items except the product image filename (backpack_trns in this case) are typically hardwired for the page
template. The only element that is automatically inserted in the page template from your commerce server is the IPS
ID or name of the image.
More Help topics
“About Image Preset URL strings” on page 124
Last updated 10/9/2014
Chapter 8: Zoom
Zooming allows you to interactively view high-resolution details in images. For example, you can see the colors,
options, angles, and details of an image in a dynamic, fully configurable, integrated viewer. This viewer can be
embedded on a web page or appear in a pop-up window. You can inspect images at close range and pan images at high
resolutions to examine them closely. Zooming gives your clients an engaging, informative, and interactive viewing
Scene7 also offers guided zooming—a means for you to highlight the important features in an image. For example, to
focus the attention of viewers on a logo, you can create a zoom target for the logo. When viewers click this zoom target,
they zoom to the logo.
All zoom images are created and served from single master images, graphics, and database-driven attributes. Scene7
zooming greatly reduces the time and cost of producing and delivering images. You can use Zoom Viewers, available
in both HTML5 and Flash AS3, to zoom images. The Zoom Viewer has buttons that you can click to zoom and pan;
you can also pan by dragging onscreen. Using Zoom Viewer Presets, you can configure the Zoom Viewer in which you
zoom images.
Quick Start: Zoom
This Zoom Quick Start is designed to get up and running quickly with Zoom techniques in Scene7. Follow steps 1
through 6. After each step is a cross-reference to a topic heading where you can find more information.
1. Uploading zoom Images
Start by uploading your zoom images to the Scene7 Publishing System. For optimal zooming, Scene7 recommends that
the images are at least 2000 pixels in the longest dimension.
Select the Upload button on the Global Navigation bar to upload images from your computer or network to a folder
on the Scene7 Publishing System. See “Uploading zoom images” on page 127.
2. Creating zoom targets for guided zooming
Zoom targets present a way for you to highlight specific parts of an image. For example, you can direct attention to the
parts of an image that make it unique or distinctive. In the Zoom Viewer window, zoom targets appear in the form of
thumbnail images to the side of the image. Selecting one of these zoom target thumbnails automatically zooms to a
part of the image that you specify.
To create a zoom target, click the rollover Edit button and choose Zoom Targets, or open an image in the Browse Panel
. Then use the Zoom tools on the Zoom Target Editor screen to
in Detail view and click the Zoom Targets button
isolate part of the image as a target. See “Creating zoom targets for Guided Zoom” on page 128.
3. Setting up Zoom Viewer Presets
Zoom Viewer Presets determine the style and behavior of your Zoom Viewers. You can set up Zoom Viewer Presets
if you are an administrator; Scene7 comes with default “best practice” Zoom Viewer Presets as well.
To create a Zoom Viewer Preset, click the Setup button on the Global Navigation bar and choose Viewer Presets. Then
click the Add button in the Viewer Presets screen, choose a platform, choose a Zoom Viewer, and click Add. Then
choose options on the Configure Viewer screen.
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Scene7 offers Zoom Viewer Preset options that enable you to select the button style and overall look of the viewer. You
can also customize the zoom settings for your web site. See “Setting up Zoom Viewer Presets” on page 130.
4. Previewing images with the Zoom Viewer
You can preview images in a Zoom Viewer to see what the zooming experience is when images are zoomed.
To explore different Zoom Viewer Presets and how they present the zooming experience, select an image in the Browse
Panel and click the Preview button. The Preview screen opens. Choose Presets > Zoom, and then select a preset with
the Zoom menus.
Zoom buttons appear. You can see what the zoom images look like on your web site. Select the Zoom buttons (and
zoom targets) to test the settings of the Zoom Viewer Preset you chose. See “Previewing image assets with different
Zoom Viewers” on page 131.
5. Publishing zoom images
Publishing your zoom images places them on Scene7 Image Servers so that they can be delivered to your web site and
application. As part of the publishing process, the Scene7 Publishing System activates URL strings. These URL strings
call zoom images from Scene7 Image Servers to your web site or application.
Select the Publish button on the Global Navigation bar to initiate a publish. On the Publish screen, select the Start
Publish button. See “Publishing zoom images” on page 132.
6. Linking Zoom Viewers to your web page
Scene7 creates the URL callout strings necessary for zooming images, and activates them when you publish images to
Scene7 Image Servers. You can copy these URL strings from the Preview screen. After you copy the URL strings, they
are available to your web sites and applications. See “Linking Zoom viewers to your web pages” on page 132.
Uploading zoom images
Zoom images must have a high pixel count. A high number of pixels is needed so that viewers can clearly see image details
when they zoom images. Make sure that the images you use are the appropriate size before uploading them to SPS.
Select the Upload button on the Global Navigation bar to begin uploading images.
For detailed instruction on uploading images, see “Uploading files” on page 79.
Preparing your images for zooming
To take best advantage of Scene7 Zoom features, prepare your zoom image files before you upload them:
Image size Scene7 recommends using images files that are, at minimum, 2000 pixels in the longest dimension. This
way, images can clearly be seen when users zoom them.
File formats Scene7 supports all standard image file formats, including TIFF, BMP, JPEG, PSD, GIF, and EPS. Lossless
image formats—TIFF and PNG—are recommended. If you are using a JPEG image, use the highest quality settings.
Color space RGB is the color space for web image presentations; CMYK images are automatically converted to RGB
when you upload them. Uploading CMYK images that have an embedded ICC color profile for the conversion to RGB
is recommended. See also “ICC profiles” on page 315.
More Help topics
“Uploading files” on page 79
Last updated 10/9/2014
Creating zoom targets for Guided Zoom
Zoom targets guide your viewers to certain parts of an image. As well as free-form zooming, viewers can click a zoom
target thumbnail and zoom to the part of the image you want them to focus on. Zoom targets are an opportunity for
you to highlight the attractive or interesting parts of an image.
Thumbnail zoom targets in the Zoom Viewer.
About zoom targets
The maximum zoom percentage of zoom targets is 100 percent. The minimum zoom percentage varies based on a
combination of the viewer size and the image size, as shown in this table:
Image size
Viewer size
Zoom percentage
Smaller minimum
Larger minimum
You can change the size of the Zoom Viewer to match the size being used on your web page. To permanently change
this setting, you can change the viewer size on the Setup screen (if you are an administrator). See “Setting up Zoom
Viewer Presets” on page 130.
Creating and editing zoom targets
Create and edit zoom targets on the Zoom Target Editor screen. To open this screen, select an image and do one of the
• Click the rollover Edit button and choose Zoom Targets.
• In the Browse Panel, display the image in Detail view and click the Zoom Targets button
On the Zoom Target Editor screen, click the Select Target button (the arrow) to select a target before changing its size
or position. Click the Add Targets button (the rectangle) to create a zoom target on the image. The Zoom Target Editor
screen also offers tools for deleting, copying, and naming zoom targets.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Creating a zoom target
Open the Zoom Target Editor screen and follow these steps to create a zoom target:
1 Click the Add Targets button (the rectangle), move the pointer over the image, and click where you want to the
zoom target to be.
A thumbnail image of the zoom target appears in the panel on the right side of the screen.
2 Click the Select Target button (the arrow), click to select the zoom target you created, and adjust the size and
position of the target.
Resizing Move the pointer over a corner of the zoom target and drag to enlarge or shrink the target.
Positioning Move the pointer over the zoom target and drag it to a different location.
3 Enter a name for the zoom target in the Name box.
Important: What you enter in the Name box is more than a name. When users move the pointer over the zoom target,
they see what you enter in the Name box. Enter a brief description of the zoom target in the Name box so users know
what they can zoom on.
4 Optionally, enter user data in the User Data field. This field is for web site designers to add information to the zoom
5 Click the Save button.
The coordinates and zoom level of the zoom target are saved. A thumbnail of your zoom target with the name you
entered appears on the right side of the screen.
To see what your zoom targets look like in a Zoom Viewer, click the Preview button in the Zoom Target Editor screen
and choose a Zoom Viewer in the Preview screen. For information about this screen, see “Previewing image assets with
different Zoom Viewers” on page 131.
Editing zoom targets
Use these techniques on the Zoom Target Editor screen to edit zoom targets:
Repositioning With the Select Target button (the arrow), click the target to select it. Then drag the target to a different
Resizing With the Select Target button (the arrow), click the target to select it. Then move the pointer over a corner
of the zoom target and drag to enlarge or shrink the target.
Deleting Click the target’s thumbnail image on the right side of the screen. Then click the Delete Target button.
Renaming Click the target’s thumbnail image on the right side of the screen. Then enter a name in the Name box and
click Save.
Copying zoom targets
You can copy zoom targets from one image to another. Copy targets when two images present similar content and
their zoom targets belong in the same locations. Follow these steps to copy zoom targets to another image:
1 Open the image with zoom targets you want to copy in the Zoom Target Editor screen.
2 Click the Copy Targets To button.
3 In the Select Images dialog box, select an image and click the Select button.
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Setting up Zoom Viewer Presets
Zoom Viewer Presets determine the style, behavior, and look of your Zoom viewers. Scene7 offers many options for
customizing and skinning Viewers. Scene7 comes with default basic (fast), fly-out, and custom Zoom Viewer Presets.
If you are an administrator, you can create new company Zoom Viewer Presets or edit a default preset and save it with
a new name.
All Zoom Viewers have buttons for zooming in, zooming out, panning, and resetting the image to its original state
after zooming. What these buttons look like and what the window itself looks like depends on your choice of Zoom
Viewer Presets. You can configure a Zoom Viewer Preset with different colors, borders, fonts, and image settings.
When configuring a Guided Zoom Viewer, you can also choose where to place the zoom targets. Zoom targets are the
thumbnails that users click to zoom to areas you specify.
More Help topics
“Adding and editing Viewer presets” on page 38
About Zoom Viewer Presets
Scene7 offers these Zoom Viewer Presets:
Zoom Viewer: Basic Provides a basic zoom on original image.
Zoom Viewer: Fly-out Displays a second image of the zoomed area next to the original image. There are no controls to
use, users simply move the selection over the area they want to view.
When determining the complete bandwidth usage for this viewer, consider that both the main image and the flyout
image are served in the viewer. The flyout image size is determined by the main image size (Stage Width and Height)
and the Zoom Factor. To keep the flyout file size from becoming too large, balance these two values: if you have a large
main image size, lower the Zoom Factor value. (The Flyout Width and Flyout Height determine the size of the flyout
window, but not the size of the flyout image that is served into the viewer.)
For example, if your main image size is 350 by 350 pixels, with a Zoom Factor of 3, the resulting flyout image is 1050
by 1050 pixels. If your main image size is 300 by 300 pixels, with a Zoom Factor of 4, the flyout image is 1200 by 1200
pixels. Depending on the JPEG quality setting (recommended settings are between 80-90), you can decrease the file
size significantly. Recommended zoom factors are 2.5 to 4, depending on the size of your main image.
Scene7 recommends these parameters for fly-out Zoom Viewer Presets:
• Enlarged image size Approximately 1500 by 1500 pixels, not to exceed 2000 by 2000 pixels.
• Image size 100KB or under, not to exceed 150KB (compress the file to keep it under 150KB).
Zoom Viewer: Custom Provides guided or unguided zoom with images, Image Sets with multiple views, or Color
Swatch Sets.
Creating and editing Zoom Viewer Presets
Follow these steps to create or edit a Zoom Viewer Preset:
1 Choose Setup > Viewer Presets.
2 Do one of the following:
Creating a preset Click the Add button. In the Add Viewer Preset dialog box, choose a platform, choose a Zoom
Viewer, and click Add. Then enter a name for the preset in the Preset Name box.
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Editing a preset Select a Zoom Viewer Preset and click the Edit button.
3 Specify settings as desired.
To see a description of an option, click the Info Tip icon
adjacent to the option.
The preview screen displays the viewer as you update and change settings.
4 Click Save or Save As.
5 On the Viewer Presets screen, examine the Zoom Viewer Preset or Guided Zoom Viewer Preset you created. If it
needs adjusting, click Edit, change settings on the Configure Viewer screen, and click Save.
For information about managing Viewer Presets on the Viewer Presets screen, see “Viewer Presets” on page 32.
Previewing image assets with different Zoom Viewers
On the Viewer List screen, you can preview images using different Zoom Viewer Presets.
See “Configuring Default Viewers” on page 47.
See “Previewing an asset” on page 102.
To preview image assets with different zoom viewers
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, in the Show drop-down list, select an image-based asset type such as
Image or Image Set.
2 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate the Asset folders that contain images that you want to preview
with a Zoom Viewer.
3 Do one of the following:
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Grid View. In the Asset window, below the
thumbnail image, click Preview > Viewer List.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click List View. In the Asset window, select an asset,
and then to the right of the thumbnail image, click Preview > Viewer List.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview
> Viewer List.
4 In the Viewer List window, in the table, click a viewer link to preview the asset in the selected viewer.
5 Close the displayed viewer to return to the Viewer List screen.
6 In the lower-right corner of the Viewer List window, click Close to return to the Assets screen.
More Help topics
“Setting up Zoom Viewer Presets” on page 130
“Configuring Default Viewers” on page 47
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Publishing zoom images
Publishing places your zoom images on Scene7 Image Servers so they can be made available to your web site and
application. As part of the publishing process, SPS activates the URL strings. You can place these URL strings in the
HTML code of your web site.
More Help topics
“Publishing files” on page 87
Marking images for publish
Images must be marked for publish in order for them to be copied to Scene7 Image Servers. You can mark your images
for publish in the Browse Panel by selecting the Mark for Publish icon . As well, you can mark images for publish
when you upload them.
Publishing the images
To publish zoom images, start by selecting the Publish button on the Global Navigation bar. Then select a When
option (One-Time or Recurring), optionally enter a name for the publish job, and select the Start Publish button.
Linking Zoom viewers to your web pages
Your web sites and applications access Scene7 Image Server content, including master images and associated zoom
targets, and Zoom Viewer Presets, by way of URL strings or embedded code. These URL strings are activated during
the publishing process. To place these URL strings or the embedded code in your web pages and applications, you copy
them from the Scene7 Publishing System.
Important: The URL is not active until you publish the asset.
Copying a Zoom viewer URL
1 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the Zoom viewer whose URL
you want to copy.
2 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View or List View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View.
In the URLs and Embed Code panel on the right, click Copy URL to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
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Adding Zoom viewer URLs to your web page
Typically, visitors to a web site zoom images by first selecting a Zoom icon (often the icon shows the image of a
magnifying glass). Selecting this icon launches a dynamic web page (ASP or JSP) that displays the image in a pop-up
window. The pop-up window is where visitors actually zoom the image.
Here is an example of code that your IT staff can create to open a pop-up window for zooming:
<a href="javascript:zoom_window();">
<img src="" width="50" height="50" border="0"
Notice that the link calls a JavaScript function called zoom_window(). The zoom_window() function is placed above
the </HEAD> tag in the HTML code of the web page:
<script language="javascript">
<!-function zoom_window() {"
vc=skin=/is-viewers/flash/basicZoomSkin.swf","", "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,"
+ "status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes"+
Notice that the URL of the pop-up window is a Scene7 URL
( This URL calls the zoom pop-up window (a
JSP page) that contains the Zoom Flash Viewer and master image. The JSP page, Zoom Viewer, and master image are
all located on Scene7 Servers. Replace the Scene7 URL in the code with your zoom URL.
In the URL, notice a SKU parameter (&sku=Backpack1). The string after &sku= is Backpack1. The zoom feature popup link of each product contains a different product SKU that tells the Scene7 JSP page which product image to display.
The user selects the zoom feature link on the product details page that launches the screen.
Copying the embed copy of a Zoom viewer
Using the Embed Code feature lets you review the viewer code for the selected Zoom viewer. You can also copy the
code to the clipboard so you can paste it in your web pages for deployment of the viewer. Editing of the code is not
permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
To copy the embed code of a Zoom viewer
1 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the Zoom viewer whose embed
code you want to copy.
2 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
and Embed Code panel on the right, click Embed Code to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
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In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
3 In the Embed Code dialog box, click Copy to Clipboard.
Editing the code is not permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
4 Click Close.
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Chapter 9: eCatalogs
An eCatalog is a digital, web version of print material—a catalog, brochure, flyer, product manual, or advertising
circular, for example. An eCatalog is displayed in an eCatalog Viewer on a web site. This viewer simulates the
experience of reading printed material. Depending on the settings you choose for your eCatalog, viewers can:
• Page forward or backward by clicking the lower-left or lower-right corner of a page, or the Back or Next button.
• Select a page number or page title to go to a specific page.
• Zoom in, zoom out, and pan to examine items on a page.
• Move the pointer over a page region (called an Image Map) to see a pop-up window with information about an item.
• Click a page region to open a new web page with more information about an item.
• Write a sticky note and attach it to an eCatalog page.
• Tap image map icons to launch related web pages or in-context info panels.
• Use gesture interactions, including pinching to zoom and swiping to turn pages.
• Search by keyword for items.
The eCatalog as it looks to users.
A. eCatalog opening page B. eCatalog turned to page 2
To create an eCatalog, you typically use high-resolution PDF files created in Adobe® Acrobat® or another print
program, but you can also create an eCatalog from image files.
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As part of creating your eCatalog, you can arrange pages or page spreads in the order you choose. You can also declare
whether you want single pages, double-page spreads, or multi-page spreads. You can create Image Maps for page
regions so that viewers can, for example, click an area on the page and open a new page on your web site. You can
manage the rollover text that appears using InfoPanel settings within the eCatalog screen. You can also configure the
eCatalog Viewer by choosing from more than 100 different configuration options. You can tailor the features and the
appearance of your Viewer for your particular audience.
Quick Start: eCatalog
This eCatalog Quick Start is designed to help you get up and running quickly with eCatalogs. Follow steps 1 through
7. After each step is a cross-reference to a topic heading where you can find more information.
1. Uploading the PDF files
Adobe PDF files are usually the source for an eCatalog. Because they are meant to be printed, PDF files usually contain
CMYK images. The Scene7 Publishing System detects these images and converts them using a standard CMYK color
profile. However, you may have to upload and use a custom color profile.
Select the Upload button on the Global Navigation bar to start uploading PDF files or images for your eCatalog. You
can upload files from your desktop or via FTP; FTP is recommended if you are uploading many files or files larger than
100 MB.
Under PDF Options, the Upload screen provides options for uploading PDF files at the proper resolution and correct
color space. A 150 pixels-per-inch resolution is recommended. You can select the Auto-Generate eCatalog option to
create an eCatalog when you upload a PDF file.
See “Uploading the PDF files” on page 138.
2. Creating an eCatalog
Create your eCatalog by selecting PDF or image files in the Browse Panel, and then clicking the Build button and
choosing eCatalogs. The eCatalog screen opens.
On the Order Pages tab, select a Layout button—1 Up, 2 Up, or Custom—to choose whether you want single, double,
or custom page spreads. You can rearrange pages or spreads by dragging them or, in a large eCatalog, choosing a page
name on the Move To menu.
To add pages, select a folder in the Asset Library, and then drag PDF or image files from into the Order Pages screen.
Instead of default page numbers, you can provide custom page names or import a large number of page names.
Click the Save button, enter a name for your eCatalog, choose an SPS folder for storing it, and select the Save button.
Each time you change the page order or edit your eCatalog, save your changes by clicking the Save button.
See “Creating an eCatalog” on page 139.
3. Creating Image Maps
Image Maps add another dimension to eCatalog pages. An Image Map is a region on a page that delivers more
information about an item. When viewers roll the pointer over an Image Map, they see a description of the item. Clicking
an Image Map activates an external reference that opens a new web page where you can learn more about an item.
To create an Image Map, open the eCatalog screen. Then go to the Map Pages tab of the eCatalog screen, and draw the
or Polygon Image Map tool . You can adjust the position and size of
map with the Rectangle Image Map tool
Image Maps by dragging map borders with the Pan tool .
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After you draw the Image Map, enter the URL address that you want to go to when you click the Image Map. You can
also enter the rollover text that appears when you move your pointer over the Image Map.
See “Creating eCatalog Image Maps” on page 142.
See “Embedding rich media in an eCatalog” on page 142.
You can set up and manage the image map text using the Info Panel settings in the eCatalog screen.
See “Managing Info Panel content” on page 145.
4. Setting up eCatalog Viewer Presets
End users see your eCatalog in the eCatalog Viewer. If you are an administrator, you can configure the eCatalog
Viewer. You can change its outline color and select a new “skin” to brand your eCatalog. Scene7 comes with several
“best practice” eCatalog Viewer Presets. You can choose one of these presets for displaying your eCatalogs. You can
also create an eCatalog Viewer Preset of your own if you are an administrator.
To create an eCatalog Viewer Preset, click the Setup button on the Global Navigation bar and choose Viewer Presets.
Then click Add, choose a platform, and choose eCatalog > Viewer.
See “Setting up eCatalog Viewer Presets” on page 147.
5. Previewing eCatalogs in the eCatalog Viewer
eCatalog Viewer Presets determine the style and behavior of your eCatalog Viewers.
To find out how eCatalog Viewer Presets display your eCatalog, select your eCatalog in the Browse Panel and click
Preview. The Preview screen opens in the default viewer.
Notice the orientation, color scheme, what the controls for changing pages look like, and what pages look like when
they are turned.
See “Previewing eCatalogs in the eCatalog Viewer” on page 148.
6. Publishing eCatalogs
Publishing your eCatalog places it on Scene7 Image Servers so that it can be delivered to your web site and application.
As part of the publishing process, the Scene7 Publishing System activates the URL string for your eCatalog. Use this
URL to call the eCatalog from Scene7 Image Servers to your web site or application.
After marking your eCatalog for publish in the Browse Panel, select the Publish button on the Global Navigation bar
to initiate a publish. On the Publish screen, click Start Publish.
See “Publishing eCatalogs” on page 148.
7. Linking an eCatalog to a web page
Scene7 activates the URL callout string necessary for displaying your eCatalog when you publish it to Scene7 Image
Servers. You can copy this URL string from the Preview screen and the Browse Panel (in Detail view) by selecting URLs
in the panel. After you copy the URL string, it is available to your web sites and applications.
Work with your IT team to place the link to the eCatalog in the appropriate place in your web page. When users click
the link, the eCatalog Viewer appears and users can browse your eCatalog.
See “Linking an eCatalog to a web page” on page 149.
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Uploading the PDF files
Typically, Adobe PDF files are the source for an eCatalog; these files contain all image information as well as fonts and
vector graphics. You can build an eCatalog with images as well. After you have prepared your PDF files for uploading,
select the Upload button on the Global Navigation bar to begin uploading the PDFs.
Preparing your PDF files
Prepare your PDF files before uploading them to the Scene7 Publishing System:
• Place all the files in the same folder on your computer or network to make uploading the files easier.
• Name the files in alphanumeric order by page. Ordering the pages will make it easier to place the pages in the proper
order after the files are uploaded.
• Examine the PDF pages to see whether they contain crop marks, registration targets, or color bars. These marks
determine where to cut the paper when documents are printed; they must be removed before your eCatalog is
placed on the web. Scene7 provides options for cropping marks when you upload PDF files.
• If you want viewers to search your eCatalog by keyword, find out whether your PDF files are “flattened.” You
cannot extract search words from flattened PDF files. To find out whether a PDF is flattened, try to select text inside
it. If you can’t select text, the PDF is flattened and viewers cannot search by keyword in your eCatalog.
• Because they are meant to be printed, PDF files usually contain CMYK images. By default, SPS can intelligently
detect these CMYK images and convert them using an internal CMYK color profile. However, if you want to use a
custom color profile to convert CMYK images, you can do so.
See “ICC profiles” on page 315.
Best practice PDF upload options
For detailed information about the different upload methods, see “Uploading your files” on page 83.
Select the files you want to upload, and then select these best practice PDF Options:
Crop Select the Crop menu and choose Manual if the pages contain crop marks, registration marks, or other marks.
Enter the number of pixels to crop from the top, right, bottom, and left sides of pages. Crop marks are usually set to a
half-inch margin. Assuming that you choose 150 as the pixel-per-inch resolution (the recommended setting), entering
75, 75, 75, 75 in the Top, Right, Bottom, and Left text boxes crops a half inch from the margins (at 150 ppi, half of one
inch equals 75 pixels).
Processing Select the Processing menu and choose Rasterize. The PDF file must be rasterized so that all pages and
images can be displayed in the eCatalog.
Extract Search Words (optional) Select this option if you want your viewers to be able to search by keyword in your
Auto-Generate eCatalog from multiple page PDF (optional) Select this option to automatically create an eCatalog
when you upload. You can go straight to the eCatalog screen and begin working on your eCatalog without having to
first select PDF files and select the Build command. The eCatalog is named after your PDF file.
Resolution Scene7 recommends 150 pixels per inch.
Colorspace Scene7 recommends choosing Detect Automatically. Usually, PDFs created for print output are in CMYK;
PDFs for online viewing are RGB. If a PDF uses both color spaces, you can select a specific color space by choosing
Force As RGB or Force As CMYK. PDFs use both color spaces, for example, when page graphics use a CMYK color
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space but pictures use RGB. If you uploaded an ICC profile, its name appears on the Colorspace menu and you can
choose it there.
See “ICC profiles” on page 315.
Color Profile Choose a Color Profile option:
• Convert To SRGB Converts to SRGB (Standard Red Green Blue). SRGB is the recommended color space for
displaying images on web pages.
• Keep Original Color Space Retains the original color space.
• Custom From > To Opens menus so you can choose a Convert From and Convert To color space. You can choose
a standard Photoshop color space or a color space you uploaded to SPS.
See “ICC profiles” on page 315.
Note: For details on all PDF options, see “PDF upload options” on page 308.
Creating an eCatalog
Creating an eCatalog entails ordering the pages, choosing the page layout, and linking the pages by drawing Image
Maps and entering rollover and hypertext link data. Optionally, you can customize the TOC so that viewers see page
names rather than page numbers in the eCatalog Viewer.
Creating an eCatalog
You can include image files as well as PDF files in your eCatalog.
When you create an eCatalog, the Publish after save option affects the set and set members in the following ways:
“Publish after save” option selected
before saving?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Set members retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To create an eCatalog
1 Begin creating your eCatalog with one of these techniques:
Select the files first In the Browse Panel, select files and then click Build > eCatalogs.
Start from the eCatalog screen Click Build > eCatalogs. Select a folder in the Asset Library and drag files from the
folder into the Order Pages tab of the eCatalog page.
Note: To view the items in the Asset Library by name instead of thumbnail, select the Name option for Default Asset
Library View in Personal Setup.
2 Select an overall layout for your eCatalog. Click the 1 Up button
for single pages, the 2 Up button
double-page spreads, or the Custom button
for page spreads of more than two pages. The Change eCatalog
Layout dialog box appears. Select the All Spreads options and click OK.
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3 Optionally, change the layout of individual pages or page spreads by clicking them and then choosing the 1 Up
button, 2 Up button, or Custom button. The Change eCatalog Layout dialog box appears. Select the Selected
Spreads options and click OK.
4 Reorder the pages as necessary with one of these techniques:
Dragging Drag a page or page spread to a new location. The vertical bar shows you where the page is being moved.
Move To button Select a page or page spread, click the Move To button, and choose the page on the menu that you
want your page to appear before.
Sequence # In List View, enter page numbers in the Sequence # fields.
5 When you are finished, near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is selected (default).
6 Click Save.
7 In the Save dialog box, select a folder for storing your eCatalog. In the File Name field, enter the spin set name.
8 Click Save.
You can preview your eCatalog, after you save it, by clicking Preview.
Editing an eCatalog
Depending on whether you edit a published set or an unpublished set, the Publish after save option affects the set and
set members in the following ways:
Set already
“Publish after save”
option selected before
saving your edit?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Existing set members retain their
published state.
Any new set members that you added
during your edit retain their published
or unpublished state.
Existing set members and any new set
members that you added during your
edit retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To edit an eCatalog
1 Click the eCatalog’s rollover Edit button.
2 Make your changes as necessary.
3 When you are finished editing, near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is selected
4 Click Save, select a storage folder, enter a name for the set, and then click Save.
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Deleting an eCatalog
When you delete a set, the set itself is moved to the Trash. However, the members (or “children”) within that set are
not affected; instead, they each retain their existing published or unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To delete an eCatalog
In the Grid View, List View, or Details View, select one or more eCatalogs.
2 On the Global Navigation Bar, click File > Delete > Delete.
Customizing the table of contents (TOC)
Scene7 provides default page numbers in your eCatalog on the Order Pages tab of the eCatalog screen. For custom page
names, you can change the page labels that constitute the table of contents (TOC). Renaming the front and back cover
is recommended. For example, the front cover page can read “Cover” instead of “Page 0–1.”
You can create a customized table of contents (TOC) for your eCatalog manually or by importing the page names from
a CSV (Mac only)or XML file.
Note: To restore default page titles, click the TOC Labels button on the Order Pages tab and choose Restore Defaults (All).
Manually entering page names
To manually enter page names one at a time, go to the Order Pages tab of the eCatalog screen. Then click in the page
number field and enter a name. Enter a name for each page you want to name.
Importing page names
Importing page names is recommended if you are dealing with an eCatalog with many pages. You can import the
names from a tab-delimited or XML file.
The TOC label is stored in an image’s User Data field; format this data as a list of name=<value> pairs separated by
two question marks “??”. For example, to set one label for a TOC field named tocEN, set the User Data of the image to:
To set separate labels for TOC fields named tocEN and tocFR:
To import the User Data field in a tab-delimited file, include the field userdata:
To import the User Data field in an XML file, include the attribute vc_userdata:
<ghw_object vc_objectname="<image_IPS_ID>" … vc_userdata="
tocEN=<EN_page_label>??tocFR=<FR_page_label>" … />
To import page names from a tab-delimited or XML file, select the TOC Labels button and choose Import. The Upload
Metadata dialog box appears. Click the Browse button and import the CSV file (Mac only) or XML file that associates
each page with a page name.
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Creating eCatalog Image Maps
An Image Map is a region on an eCatalog page that you can roll over with your mouse or click to trigger actions of
various kinds. When you move the pointer over an Image Map, you see, for example, a rollover-text description of an
item. When you click an Image Map, another action is initiated. For example, you can open a web page so that viewers
can learn more about an item or purchase it or you can launch a video to see an item in use.
Drawing eCatalog Image Maps
For eCatalogs, you draw Image Maps on the Map Pages tab of the eCatalog screen. This screen consists of the Image
Map area where eCatalog pages are displayed and, on the right, the Image Map list. As you create Image Maps, their
names are entered on the Image Map List.
1 Click the eCatalog’s rollover Edit button.
2 Click Map Pages.
3 On the left of the Map Pages screen, select the page you want.
4 In the Image Map area, draw a rectangular or polygonal (many-sided) Image Map:
Rectangular map Select the Rectangle Image Map tool
and drag on the page to create the rectangle.
Polygonal map Select the Polygon Image Map tool
and click as many times as necessary around the perimeter
of the image. As you click, Scene7 draws the borders of the Image Map.
After you draw an Image Map, Scene7 assigns it a name in the Image Map list. To form the name, Scene7 appends
a sequential number to the name of the eCatalog page in which you are working.
5 (Optional) In the Image Map list panel, under the Name column, enter a new name for the Image Map. Do not
include blank spaces in the name you enter.
6 You can have viewers open a new web page when they click the Image Map. In the Image Map list panel, enter the
URL of the web page in the URL column.
Click Edit and enter a template to make entering URLs (Href templates) easier.
See “Using a template to enter JavaScript and URLs” on page 296.
7 (Optional) In the Show drop-down list, click Rollover Text, and then enter the text that you want users to see
onscreen when they move their pointers over the Image Map.
8 (Optional) In the Show drop-down list, click Other Actions, and enter an attribute to trigger a blur or focus action
when users move their pointers over an Image Map.
See “Defining other actions for Image Maps” on page 297.
9 Click Save.
10 (Optional) Click Preview to view the eCatalog with the default eCatalog Viewer preset.
To delete an Image Map, select its name in the Image Map list and click Delete. To temporarily disable an Image Map
on a page without deleting the Image Map, deselect the Image Map’s On option in the Image Map List panel.
Embedding rich media in an eCatalog
You can use eCatalog’s Rich Media option to add videos in MP4 format or spin sets to Image Maps that you have added
to an eCatalog. When a user clicks the Image Map area in the eCatalog, the associated video or spin set pops up. This
functionality is especially helpful if you want customers to see an item in use or see an item from different angles and
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You can also optionally display tool tip text when customers move their pointers over your Image Map so they know
what they are clicking.
To embed rich media in an eCatalog
1 Draw an eCatalog Image Map.
See “Drawing eCatalog Image Maps” on page 142.
2 In the Show drop-down list, select Rich Media.
3 In the Add Assets panel on the left, navigate to a folder that contains the spin set or video (MP4 format) asset that
you want to embed.
4 Drag the asset onto the Image Map.
5 (Optional) In the Image Map list panel, under the Tool Tip column header, enter the text that you want viewers to
see onscreen when they move their pointer over the Image Map.
6 Click Save.
7 (Optional) On the eCatalog screen, click Preview to preview the eCatalog with the default
eCatalog_PopupViewers_Flash Viewer preset.
Remember that you can edit the pop-up settings for the default eCatalog_PopupViewers_Flash viewer preset to get
the look and feel you want. In particular, you can choose the Flash AS3 video viewer preset that you want to use for
the pop-up video viewer, and the Flash AS3 spin viewer preset that you want to use for the spin set viewer.
See “Adding and editing Viewer presets” on page 38.
Editing eCatalog Image Maps
Starting on the Map Pages tab of the eCatalog screen, use these techniques to edit eCatalog Image Maps:
Adjusting the position Select the Pan tool
and move the pointer near but not over the border of the map. When the
pointer shows a four-headed arrow, drag the entire image map to a new location.
See “Adjusting the position, shape, and size of Image Maps” on page 295.
Changing the shape and size To resize a rectangular Image Map, select the Pan tool. Then move the pointer over a
borderline or a corner, and when you see the double-headed arrow icon, drag. To resize a polygonal Image Map, drag
a square selection handle. To create a selection handle, click the border of the Image Map and drag.
See “Adjusting the position, shape, and size of Image Maps” on page 295.
Deleting Image Maps Select the Pan tool, click the Image Map to select it, and then click Delete.
To remove all Image Maps from an eCatalog, click the Order Pages tab, and then click Clear Maps.
Handling overlapping Image Maps Drag to change the order of Image Maps on the Image Map list.
See “Handling overlapping Image Maps” on page 295.
Copying Image Maps to other pages Select the Copy Maps To button (make sure you are on the Map Pages tab). On
the Select Images screen, select the page or pages where you want to copy the Image Maps, and click the Select button.
See “Copying Image Maps” on page 296.
Note: As well as copying Image Maps to different pages in an eCatalog, you can copy all the Image Maps in an eCatalog
to a different eCatalog. See “Copying Image Maps between eCatalogs” on page 144.
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Reviewing and importing Image Map data
The Map Summary screen provides metadata about your eCatalog. You can also batch-import Image Map data for
your eCatalog starting on the Map Summary screen. Importing Image Map data this way makes it easier to enter Image
Map URLs and rollover text.
To see the Map Summary screen, on the Map Pages tab of the eCatalog screen click Summary.
Review Image Map data summary
1 On the Map Pages screen, click Summary.
The Map Summary screen displays how many Image Maps, URLs, rollover text descriptions, and other actions are
in your eCatalog.
2 If there are rollover key errors, click the error in the Rollover_Key Error column to see what needs to change in your
spreadsheet to correct the error. You can select and copy the text from this message and paste it into your
3 Click Preview to examine a page in the eCatalog Viewer, click the X to close the Summary screen and return to the
Map Pages screen, or click Close to return to Browse.
Import Image Map data
Rather than enter Image Map data on each page, you can import the data for your entire eCatalog into the Map
Summary screen. You import the Image Map data in the form of a tab-delimited file or XML DTD. The fields in your
file must be in the order shown in the Map Summary screen: Name, TOC Labels, Maps, URLs, Rollover Text, Other
Actions, and Search Strings. Importing Image Map data saves you the trouble of entering the data in the Image Map
List as you create each Image Map.
Note: Before importing Image Map data, you must have already created the Image Maps.
Starting on the Map Summary screen, follow these steps to import Image Map data for Image Maps you have created:
1 Click Import Map Data.
2 In the Import Metadata dialog box, click Browse, and then select the tab-delimited or XML DTD file.
3 In the Job Name field, type a name for the file (be careful to retain its extension).
4 Click Upload.
Copying Image Maps between eCatalogs
You can copy all the Image Maps in an eCatalog to a different eCatalog. Copying Image Maps this way is a convenient
method of copying Image Maps between foreign-language translations of the same eCatalog. For the copying to be
successful, Scene7 recommends copying between eCatalogs with the same number of pages and same images.
Important: If the eCatalog to which you copy Image Maps already contains Image Maps, those Image Maps are deleted
when the copy is made.
Follow these steps to copy all the Image Maps in one eCatalog to another eCatalog:
1 Select the eCatalog with the Image Maps you want to copy, and click the eCatalog’s rollover Edit button.
2 On the Order Pages tab, click Copy Maps.
3 In the Select Asset dialog box, select the eCatalog where you want to copy the Image Maps, and then click Select.
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Scene7 displays a warning message if the target eCatalog (the eCatalog to which you copy Image Maps) has a different
number of pages or images that are a different size. You can click Continue to copy the Image Maps in spite of the
Managing Info Panel content
In addition to using Image Map text for your rollovers in eCatalogs, you can use an Info Panel to add larger quantities
of rollover text, including links. You can also manage the InfoPanel by using timed caching and scheduling content
You can manage your InfoPanel setup and data using the following features in Scene7:
• InfoPanel Setup panel lets you specify the template used to display the Info Panel text, a default response for errors,
and the number of hours the information is cached. In addition, you can specify whether the eCatalogs is
automatically published.
• InfoPanel Datafeed panel lets you specify a CSV file containing the text you want to appear in the InfoPanel rollover
text, as well as schedule times for updating the information.
• Import Metadata dialog box (accessed from the Map Pages view) lets you import a tab-delimited TXT file
containing the rollover text information. You can use this TXT option or the Datafeed panel with the CSV file
option for your rollover text.
• Map Pages view provides an option for previewing the xml that appears for specific image maps.
Set up a Response Template
You can select one of three preset response templates for displaying text in an Info Panel. These preset response
templates determine how your information is presented in the Info Panel: how many columns and rows, typeface size,
font, and so on. You can select a preset response template or create one of your own.
Note: You can also set up the Response Template in the Viewer Preset. To use the Response Template in the Viewer Preset
instead, add “fmt=1” to the end of the Information Server URL in the Viewer Preset.
See “Setting up eCatalog Viewer Presets” on page 147.
1 Double-click your eCatalog to open it in Detail View.
2 Click the InfoPanel Setup panel to open it.
3 Select a Response Template:
• Select a preset from the Response Template menu. The XML for the template design appears in the User
Template box.
• Select Custom to create your own response template. Type the template XML definition in the User Template
box. You can use the preset templates as a base for your own.
4 (Optional) In the Default Response box, type the text you want to appear if Scene7 encounters an error in retrieving
information for an image map. For example, if the system receives a company name and an eCatalog name, but no
rollover identifier, this message appears for the user.
5 In the Response TTL box, enter the number of hours you want to wait before caching the data:
• Set a lower number if the data is updated frequently throughout a day.
Set a higher number if the data is relatively stable and doesn’t require updating frequently throughout the day.
The default is ten hours.
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6 Click Publish.
Import source content for the Info Panel
You can use a comma-separated value file (CSV) or tab-delimited file (TXT) for the source text for an Info Panel for
an eCatalog. Tab-delimited files must use UTF16 (Unicode) encoding. You import the different file types using
different methods.
When formatting source content, keep in mind the following guidelines:
• Make sure that the tab- and comma-delimited data contains as many columns as are necessary for the rollover
• Make sure that the first item or column of data is the rollover identifier (associated with the rollover_key value from
the image map URLs).
• Make sure that each tab- or comma-delimited item after the identifier is the item you want substituted into the
response template (so the first column is substituted into $1$, the second column into $2$, and so on).
Import CSV content from an externally hosted location
1 Double-click the eCatalog to open it in Detail View.
2 Click the InfoPanel Datafeed panel to open it.
3 Enter the URL for the CSV file in the Externally Hosted CSV File Location box. You can paste the URL into this
field or type it directly.
4 (Optional) Specify a time to update the content using the Schedule Update menus and click Add. You can select
multiple times for updating. Each update time appears in the Update Times box. (To remove a time, select it and
click Delete.)
5 (Optional) Click Run Update Now to immediately update the content.
Import a tab-delimited or CSV file
1 Double-click the eCatalog to open it in Detail View.
2 Click the InfoPanel Setup panel to open it.
3 Click Upload S7Info Content button.
4 Click Browse, select the tab-delimited TXT file, CSV or SSV file you want to use, and click Open.
5 Click Upload.
Scene7 sends you an e-mail message letting you know if the upload was successful or not.
Preview rollover key text for an Image Map
Using the Map Pages screen, you can easily and quickly view Info Panel text for the Image Maps on a specific page of
your eCatalog.
1 Click the Catalog’s rollover Edit button.
2 Click Map Pages.
3 At the top of the table on the right side of the screen, choose Info Panel from the Show menu.
The rollover-key text appears next to each Image Map that contains Info Panel text.
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Setting up eCatalog Viewer Presets
eCatalog Viewer Presets determine the style, behavior, and look of eCatalog Viewers. Scene7 provides eCatalog Viewer
Presets, and you can create your own eCatalog Viewer Presets as well if you are an administrator.
To create a new preset, you can start from scratch or start with a Scene7-provided eCatalog Viewer Preset and save it
under a new name. You can create your own eCatalog Viewer Presets to present printed material in your company
colors and set the tone.
eCatalog Viewer Presets offer many settings for going from page to page, zooming, searching, and choosing “skins.”
What these controls look like and what the Viewer itself looks like depends on your choice of eCatalog Viewer Presets.
Follow these steps to create a eCatalog Viewer Preset (you must be an administrator):
1 Click Setup > Viewer Presets.
2 In the Viewer Presets screen, create an eCatalog Viewer Preset by starting anew or by starting from an existing
eCatalog Viewer Preset:
Creating an eCatalog Viewer Preset Click Add. In the Add Viewer Preset dialog box, choose a platform, choose
eCatalog Viewer, and then click Add.
Editing an eCatalog Viewer Preset Select an eCatalog Viewer Preset and click Edit. Click Save As after you finish
creating the preset.
3 On the Configure Viewer screen, enter a name for your eCatalog Viewer Preset.
4 In the Configure Viewer screen, set the options you want.
Click the Info Tip icon
adjacent to the option to see its description.
The preview screen displays the viewer as you update and change settings.
5 (Optional) In the Info Panel Settings, the Information Server URL option can include the following special tokens,
which the viewer substitutes:
Substituted with
rollover_key value
The item identifier from the <area> element of the map.
The sequence number of the currently shown frame in the image set.
The first path element of the first item specified in the image command (typically
the image catalog ID of the catalog entry specifying the image set).
6 (Optional) In the Info Panel Settings, in the Response Template box, type the text you want to appear if Scene7
encounters an error in retrieving information for an image map. For example, if the system receives a company
name and an eCatalog name, but no rollover identifier, this message appears for the user.
Important: To use this Response Template instead of the template defined in the eCatalog itself, add “fmt=1” to the
end of the Information Server URL. For example: HTTP://.../$3$/$4$/$1$/?FMT=1.
7 Click Save.
8 Click Default if you want the eCatalog Viewer Preset you created to be the one that is used to display eCatalogs on
your web page.
To delete an eCatalog Viewer Preset, select it on the Viewer Presets screen and click Delete.
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More Help topics
“Viewer Presets” on page 32
Previewing eCatalogs in the eCatalog Viewer
You can use Preview to display your eCatalog using different eCatalog Viewer Presets. You can experiment with the
different controls to turn pages, write sticky notes, and browse.
See “Configuring Default Viewers” on page 47.
See “Previewing an asset” on page 102.
To preview eCatalogs in the eCatalog Viewer
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, in the Show drop-down list, select a video-based asset type such as Video
or Video Set.
2 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate the Asset folders that contain videos that you want to preview
with an eCatalog Viewer.
3 Do one of the following:
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Grid View. In the Asset window, below the
thumbnail image, click Preview > Viewer List.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click List View. In the Asset window, select an asset,
and then to the right of the thumbnail image, click Preview > Viewer List.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview
> Viewer List.
4 In the Viewer List window, in the table, click a viewer link to preview the asset in the selected viewer.
5 Close the displayed viewer to return to the Viewer List screen.
6 In the lower-right corner of the Viewer List window, click Close to return to the Assets screen.
More Help topics
“Setting up eCatalog Viewer Presets” on page 147
Publishing eCatalogs
Publishing places your eCatalog on Scene7 Image Servers so it can be made available to your web site or application.
As part of the publishing process, the Scene7 Publishing System activates the URL string. You can place this URL string
in your HTML web page code.
Make sure your eCatalog is marked for publish in the Browse Panel or Asset Details page before you publish it. To
mark an eCatalog (or any other asset) for publish, select the Mark for Publish icon .
To publish your eCatalog to Scene7 Image Servers:
1 Click Publish on the Global Navigation bar.
2 On the Publish screen, select a When option (One-Time or Recurring).
3 (Optional) Enter a name for the publish job, but keep the time-and-date stamp.
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4 If you set up your eCatalog so that viewers can perform keyword searches, make sure that the keyword data is
published. Click Advanced to display the Advanced options, select the Publish menu, and choose Full W/ Search
Data. This option is selected by default.
5 Click Start Publish.
More Help topics
“Publishing files” on page 87
Linking an eCatalog to a web page
Your web sites and applications access Scene7 Image Server content, including eCatalogs, by way of URL strings or
embedded code. These URL strings are activated during the publishing process. To place the URL string or embedded
code for your eCatalog in your web pages and applications, you copy it from the Scene7 Publishing System.
Important: The URL is not active until you publish the asset.
Copying an eCatalog URL
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Catalog.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the eCatalog whose embed code
you want to copy.
3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
and Embed Code panel on the right, click Copy URL to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
Adding eCatalog URLs to your web page
The most common way to deploy an eCatalog is to place a link in the form of an eCatalog thumbnail cover page on
your web page. Work with your IT team to make sure that the eCatalog launches in a clean, centered pop-up window.
Ask your IT team to keep the toolbar and address bar in the browser from showing.
The following is an example of HTML code that launches a sample pop-up window eCatalog Viewer. To use this code,
copy your eCatalog URL into this code and place this code on your web site or application.
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<script language="javascript">
<!-function openECatalog(){"
<a href="javascript:openECatalog();">Click Here to View
Your eCatalog</a>
Copying the embed code of an eCatalog viewer
Using the Embed Code feature lets you review the viewer code for the selected eCatalog. You can also copy the code
to the clipboard so you can paste it in your web pages for deployment of the viewer. Editing of the code is not permitted
in the Embed Code dialog box.
To copy the embed code of an eCatalog viewer
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Catalog.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the eCatalog whose embed code
you want to copy.
3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
panel on the right, click Embed Code.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
4 In the Embed Code dialog box, click Copy to Clipboard.
Editing the code is not permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
5 Click Close.
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Chapter 10: Image Sets
Scene7 Image Sets give users an integrated viewing experience. In the dynamic Image Set Viewer, users can see
different views of an item by clicking a thumbnail image. Image Sets allow you to present alternative high-resolution
views of an item.
The Image Set Viewer offers zooming tools for examining images closely. If you want, you can make guided zoom
targets and Image Maps part of your Image Set. Image Sets make for a more concerted, intimate viewing experience.
Quick Start: Image Sets
This Image Sets Quick Start is designed to get up and running quickly with Image Set techniques in Scene7.
1. Uploading your master images for multiple views and swatches
Start by uploading the images for your Image Sets. Because users can zoom on images in the Image Set Viewer, take
zooming into account when you choose images. Make sure that the images are least 2000 pixels in the largest
dimension. Scene7 supports many image file formats, but lossless TIFF, PNG, and EPS images are recommended.
Select the Upload button on the Global Navigation bar to upload files from your computer to a folder on the Scene7
Publishing System.
See “Preparing Image Set assets for upload” on page 152 and “Uploading your files” on page 83.
2. Creating an Image Set
In Image Sets, users click thumbnail images in the Image Set Viewer to see an image from a different side or angle.
To create an Image Set, click the Build button and choose Image Sets. Then, on the Image Set screen, drag your images
onto the screen to compose your Image Set. Organize, add, and delete images as needed.
See “Creating an Image Set” on page 152.
See also “Including zoom targets and Image Maps in Image Sets” on page 154
3. Setting up Image Set Viewer Presets, as needed
Administrators can create or modify Image Set Viewer Presets. Scene7 comes with default Viewer Presets for each rich
media type. Use the Zoom Viewer: Custom > Images or Image Sets/Multiple Views presets to view your Image Sets.
You add or edit Viewer Presets from the Application Setup screen.
See “Adding and editing Viewer presets” on page 38.
4. Previewing an Image Set
Select the Image Set in the Browse Panel, and then click Preview. Your Image Set appears in the Preview screen. Click
the thumbnail icons to examine your Image Set in the selected Viewer. You can choose different Viewers from the
Presets menu.
See “Previewing an asset” on page 102.
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Image Sets
5. Publishing an Image Set
Publishing an Image Set places it on Scene7 servers and activates the URL string.
Note: This step is not necessary if you selected Publish after save (default) at the time you created and saved the Image Set.
Click the Mark for Publish icon
screen, click Start Publish.
to the left of its name in the Browse Panel. Then, click Publish. On the Publish
See “Publishing files” on page 87.
6. Linking an Image Set to your Website
Scene7 creates URL calls for Image Sets, and activates them after you publish. You can copy these URLs from the
Preview screen.
Select the Image Set, and then click the Preview button. The Preview screen opens. Select an Image Set Viewer Preset
and click the Copy URL button.
See “Linking an Image Set to a web page” on page 157.
Preparing Image Set assets for upload
Before uploading the images you need for Image Sets to the Scene7 Publishing System, make sure that the images are
the right size and format.
To create a multiple-view Image Set, you need images that show an item from different points of view or show different
aspects of the same item. The goal is to highlight the important features of an item so viewers have a complete picture
of what it looks like or does.
Because users can zoom images in Image Sets, make sure that the images are at least 2000 pixels in the largest
dimension. Scene7 supports many image file formats, but lossless TIFF, PNG, and EPS images are recommended.
For detailed instructions on uploading assets, see “Uploading files” on page 79.
More Help topics
“Uploading your files” on page 83
“Working with vignette, window covering, and cabinet files” on page 312
Creating an Image Set
To create a multiple-view Image Set, you need images that show an item from different points of view or show different
aspects of the same item. The goal is to present viewers with images of an item so they get a solid idea of what an item
looks like or does.
Creating an Image Set
When you create a set, the Publish after save option affects the set and set members in the following ways:
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Image Sets
“Publish after save” option selected
before saving?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Set members retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To create an Image Set
1 Do one of the following:
Select the images first In the Browse Panel, select the images you want for your Image Set, click Build > Image Sets.
Start from the Image Set screen Click Build > Image Sets. The Image Set screen opens. Select a folder in the Asset
Library and drag the images you want for your Image Set onto the Image Set screen.
2 To change the order of images, drag the images to new locations.
3 Near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is selected (default).
4 Click Save, select a folder for storing your Image Set, enter a name for the set, and then click Save.
5 To see your Image Set in the Image Set Viewer, click Preview on the Image Set screen. You can click swatch
thumbnails in the Image Set Viewer to see how they behave.
Editing an Image Set
Depending on whether you edit a published or an unpublished set, the Publish after save option affects the set and set
members in the following ways:
Set already
“Publish after save”
option selected before
saving your edit?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Existing set members retain their
published state.
Any new set members that you added
during your edit retain their published
or unpublished state.
Existing set members and any new set
members that you added during your
edit retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To edit an Image Set
1 In the Grid view, browse to an ImageSet, and then below the image, click Edit.
2 Do any of the following:
• To add an image (published or unpublished), drag it from a folder in Add Assets onto the Image Set’s Views page.
• To remove an image, select it, and then click Delete on the toolbar.
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Image Sets
• To reorder images, drag an image to a new position.
3 When you are finished editing the set, near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is
selected (default).
4 Click Save, select a storage folder for your set, enter a name for the set, and then click Save.
Deleting an Image Set
When you delete a set, the set itself is moved to the Trash. However, the members (or “children”) within that set are
not affected; instead, they each retain their existing published or unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To delete an Image Set
In the Grid View, List View, or Details View, select one or more Image Sets.
2 On the Global Navigation Bar, click File > Delete > Delete.
Including zoom targets and Image Maps in Image Sets
If you define zoom targets and Image Maps for the images in your Image Set, these targets and maps appear in the
Image Set Viewer. Users, for example, can click an Image Map in the Image Set Viewer and open a new page on your
web site with information about an item. Users can click a target thumbnail image in the Image Set Viewer and zoom
automatically to part of an image.
If you want to make zoom targets and Image Maps available to users, create zoom targets and Image Maps for the
images in your Image Set. You can do that with the Image Maps or Zoom Targets tools in the Image Set screen or
Browse Panel (in Detail view).
More Help topics
“Creating zoom targets for Guided Zoom” on page 128
“Creating Image Maps” on page 293
Managing info panel content
In addition to using Image Map text for your rollovers in Image Sets, you can use an info panel to add larger quantities
of rollover text, including links. You can also manage the InfoPanel by using timed caching and scheduling content
You can manage your InfoPanel setup and data using the following features in Scene7 Publishing System:
• InfoPanel Setup panel lets you specify the template used to display the info panel text, a default response for errors,
and the number of hours the information is cached. In addition, you can specify whether the Image Set is
automatically published.
• InfoPanel Datafeed panel lets you specify a CSV file containing the text you want to appear in the info panel rollover
text, as well as schedule times for updating the information.
• Import Metadata dialog box lets you import a tab-delimited TXT file containing the rollover text information. You
can use this TXT option or the InfoPanel Datafeed panel with the CSV file option for your rollover text.
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Image Sets
Setting up a response template
You can select one of three preset response templates for displaying text in an Info Panel. These preset response
templates determine how your information is presented in the Info Panel: how many columns and rows, typeface size,
font, and so on. You can select a preset response template or create one of your own.
To set up a Response Template
1 Double-click your Image Set to open it in Detail View.
2 Click InfoPanel Setup to unfold the panel.
3 In the Response Template drop-down list, do one of the following:
• Select Default to use the default response. The XML for the template design appears, dimmed, in the User
Template text box.
• Select Custom to create your own response template. In the User Template text box, type the template XML
definition. You can use the default template that is already defined in the text box as a base for your own
4 (Optional) In the Default Response box, type the text that you want to appear if Scene7 encounters an error in
retrieving information for an image map. For example, if the system receives a company name and an Image Set
name, but no rollover identifier, this message appears for the user.
5 In the Response TTL text field, enter the number of hours that you want to wait before caching the data.
Set a lower number if the data is updated frequently throughout the day.
Set a higher number if the data is relatively stable and does not require updating frequently throughout the day.
The default is ten hours.
6 Click Upload to upload info panel content, based on the rollover_key values, to s7info.
7 In the S7Info Upload dialog box, browse to the file that you want to use, and then click Upload.
Supported file formats are TAB delimited files with UTF-16 encoding and CSV files with ASCII encoding. For CSV
files, non-ASCII characters must be HTML encoded.
8 In the InfoPanel Setup panel, click Publish.
Importing source content for the info panel
You can use a CSV (Comma-Separated Value) file with ASCII encoding (non-ASCII character must be HTML
encoded) or a tab-delimited file for the source text for an info panel for an Image Set. Tab-delimited files must use
UTF-16 (Unicode) encoding. You import the different file types using different methods.
When formatting source content, keep in mind the following guidelines:
• The tab- and comma-delimited data should contain as many columns as are necessary for the rollover template.
• The first item or column of data should be the rollover identifier (associated with the rollover_key value from the
image map URLs).
• Make sure that each tab- or comma-delimited item after the identifier is the item that you want substituted into the
response template (so the first column is substituted into $1$, the second column into $2$, and so on).
Importing CSV content from an externally hosted location
1 Double-click the Image Set to open it in Detail View.
2 Click InfoPanel Datafeed to unfold the panel.
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Image Sets
3 In the Externally hosted CSV file location (HTTP) text field, enter the URL to the CSV file.
4 (Optional) In the Schedule Update fields, specify a time to update the content, and then click Add.
You can select multiple times for updating. Each update time appears in the Update Times text box. To remove a
scheduled time, select it, and then click Delete.
5 (Optional) Click Run Update to immediately update the content.
Viewing Image Sets
You can view your Image Sets in the Preview window, using your available presets. You use a Zoom Viewer: Custom
Viewer Preset for Image Sets.
Scene7 comes with default Viewer Presets. Administrators can create or modify the Viewer Presets.
More Help topics
“Viewer Presets” on page 32
Setting up Zoom Viewer presets for Image Sets
You can create and customize Viewer Presets to suit your needs.
1 Click the Setup > Viewer Presets.
2 Create or edit a Viewer preset on the Viewer Presets screen by doing one of the following:
Creating Click Add. In the Add Viewer Preset dialog box, choose a platform, choose Zoom Viewer:Custom, and
click Add. You can also create a Zoom Viewer Preset by starting from an existing one. Display the name of the
preset, select it, and then select the Edit button. On the Configure Viewer screen, enter a new name for the preset.
Editing Display the name of a preset, select it, and then click the Edit button.
3 Choose options in the Configure Viewer screen.
To see a description of an option, click the Info Tip icon
adjacent to the option.
The preview screen displays the viewer as you update and change settings.
4 Click Save (or Save As).
Previewing Image Set Assets in a Viewer
You can use Preview to see how an asset appears on particular viewer type platform such as HTML5. Depending on
the asset type and associated viewer that you have selected to preview, not all platforms are available in Preview.
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, in the Show drop-down list, select Image Set.
2 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate the asset folders to select the Image Set that you want to preview.
3 Do any one of the following
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click List View. In the Asset window, hover on an
asset, and then click Preview.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Grid View. In the Asset window, in an asset
thumbnail window, click Preview.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview.
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Image Sets
• In the Asset window, select an asset. On the toolbar, click File > Preview.
4 (Optional) In the Preview window, in the drop-down list at the bottom, select the URL encoding that you want
applied to the asset’s URL when it is copied.
5 Click a viewer link to preview the asset in the selected viewer.
When you click a given viewer link, its associated URL is automatically copied to the clipboard.
6 Close the displayed viewer to return to the Preview screen.
7 Click Close to return to the Assets screen.
Automated Image Set generation
You can automate set generation as an independent job that is not dependent of an upload.
To automate Image Set generation
1 Click File > Generate Set.
2 In the Generate Set dialog box, specify a job name.
By default, the job is given a name that indicates it is a generated job and when the job was generated.
3 Select the preset that you want to apply.
4 Click Destination Folder and specify the folder that you want to use.
5 Click Submit.
Linking an Image Set to a web page
After you publish an Image Set, you can copy its URL or its embed code for use in your web site or application. Then
you can deploy the URL or paste the embed code as necessary so users can view the Image Set on your web site or
Important: The URL is not active until you publish the asset.
More Help topics
“Publishing files” on page 87
Copying an Image Set URL
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Image Set.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the Image Set whose embed code
you want to copy.
3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
and Embed Code panel on the right, click Copy URL to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
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Image Sets
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
Adding Image Set URLs to your web page
The most common way to deploy Image Sets is to place a link (via a navigation icon) on your web page. When clicked,
the link launches a dynamic page (ASP or JSP) that displays the Image Set in a pop-up zoom window. The zoom link
opens a pop-up window that contains the actual zoom feature. Here is an example of the code:
<script language="javascript">
<!-function zoom_window() {"
The following URL call to the Scene7 platform follows the same protocol as all zoom viewers, except the SKU
parameter is now the Image Set name.
In the above URL, notice a SKU number (sku=sweater_1_set). The string after sku= is the Image Set name
(sweater_1_set). The user clicks the zoom feature link that launches a window.
Copying the embed code of an Image Set viewer
Using the Embed Code feature lets you review the viewer code for the selected Image Set. You can also copy the code
to the clipboard so you can paste it in your web pages for deployment of the viewer. Editing of the code is not permitted
in the Embed Code dialog box.
To copy the embed code of an Image Set viewer
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Image Set.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the Image Set whose embed code
you want to copy.
3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
panel on the right, click Embed Code.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
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Image Sets
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
4 In the Embed Code dialog box, click Copy to Clipboard.
Editing the code is not permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
5 Click Close.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Chapter 11: Swatch Sets
Scene7 Swatch Sets give users an integrated viewing experience. In the dynamic Swatch Set Viewer, users can see an
item rendered in a different color, material, texture, finish, or fabric merely by clicking a thumbnail.
Quick Start: Swatch Sets
This Swatch Sets Quick Start is designed to get up and running quickly with Swatch Set techniques in Scene7.
1. Uploading the images and swatch files
Start by uploading the images and swatch files for your Swatch Sets.
Click Upload on the Global Navigation bar to upload files from your computer to a folder on the Scene7 Publishing
System. See “Preparing Swatch Set assets for upload” on page 161and “Uploading your files” on page 83.
2. Creating a Swatch Set
To create a Swatch Set, click Build > Swatch Sets. On the Swatch Set screen, drag images and color swatches onto the
screen. See “Creating a Swatch Set” on page 161.
3. Setting up Swatch Set Viewer Presets
Administrators can create or modify Image Set Viewer Presets. Scene7 comes with default Viewer Presets for each rich
media type. Use the Zoom Viewer: Custom > Image Sets/Color Swatches presets to view your Swatch Sets.
See “Adding and editing Viewer presets” on page 38.
4. Previewing a Swatch Set
Select the Swatch Set in the Browse Panel, and then click Preview. Your Swatch Set appears in this screen. Click the
thumbnail and swatch icons to examine your Swatch Set in the selected Viewer. You can choose different Viewers from
the Presets menu.
See “Previewing an asset” on page 102.
5. Publishing a Swatch Set
Publishing a Swatch Set places it on Scene7 servers and activates the URL string.
Click the Mark For Publish icon
screen, click Start Publish.
to the left of its name in the Browse Panel. Then, click Publish. On the Publish
See “Publishing files” on page 87.
6. Linking a Swatch Set to a web page
Scene7 creates URL calls for Swatch Sets, and activates them after you publish. You can copy these URLs from the
Preview screen.
Select the Swatch Set, and then select the Preview button. The Preview screen opens. Select a Swatch Set Viewer Preset
and select the Copy URL button. See “Linking a Swatch Set to a web page” on page 164.
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Swatch Sets
Preparing Swatch Set assets for upload
Before uploading the images you need, make sure that the images are the right size and format. Also assemble the
swatch files you need.
To create a Swatch Set, you need vignettes or different shots of the same image showing it in different colors, patterns,
or finishes. You also need swatch files that correspond to the different colors, patterns, or finishes. For example, to
present a Swatch Set showing the same jacket in black, brown, and green, you need:
• A black, brown, and green shot of the same jacket.
• A black, brown, and green color swatch.
Because users can zoom images in Swatch Sets, make sure that the images are at least 2000 pixels in the largest
dimension. Scene7 supports many image file formats, but lossless TIFF, PNG, and EPS images are recommended.
For detailed instructions on uploading assets, see “Uploading files” on page 79.
More Help topics
“Working with vignette, window covering, and cabinet files” on page 312
Creating a Swatch Set
A Swatch Set gives users the opportunity to view an item in a different color, pattern, or finish. To create a Swatch Set
with color swatches, you need one image for each different color, pattern, or finish you want to present to users. You
also need one color, pattern, or finish swatch for each color, pattern, or finish.
For example, suppose you want to present images of caps with different color bills; the bills are red, green, and blue.
In this case, you need three shots of the same cap. You need one shot with a red, one with a green, and one with a blue
bill. You also need a red, green, and blue color swatch. The color swatches serve as the thumbnails that users click in
the Swatch Set Viewer to see the red-billed, green-billed, or blue-billed cap.
Creating a Swatch Set
When you create a set, the Publish after save option affects the set and set members in the following ways:
“Publish after save” option selected
before saving?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Set members retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To create a Swatch Set
1 Do one of the following:
Select the images first In the Browse Panel, select the images, and then click Build > Swatch Sets.
Start from the Swatch Set screen Click Build > Swatch Sets. Select a folder in the Asset Library and drag the images
onto the Views section of the Swatch Set page.
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Swatch Sets
2 Drag swatch colors, patterns, or finishes into the Swatches placeholder box on the Swatch Set page.
Make sure that the color, pattern, or finish swatch you drag into each placeholder represents the color, pattern, or
finish of the adjacent image.
3 To change the order of images in your Swatch Set, drag the images to new locations.
4 Near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is selected (default).
5 Click Save, select a folder for storing your color swatch Swatch Set, enter a name for the set, and click Submit.
6 To see your Swatch Set in the Swatch Set Viewer, click Preview on the Swatch Set screen. You can click swatch
thumbnails in the Swatch Set Viewer to see how they behave.
Editing a Swatch Set
Depending on whether you edit a published or an unpublished set, the Publish after save option affects the set and set
members in the following ways:
Set already
“Publish after save”
option selected before
saving your edit?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Existing set members retain their
published state.
Any new set members that you added
during your edit retain their published
or unpublished state.
Existing set members and any new set
members that you added during your
edit retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To edit a Swatch Set
1 In the Grid view, browse to an SwatchSet, and then below the image, click Edit.
2 Do any of the following:
• To add an image (published or unpublished), drag it from a folder in Add Assets onto the Swatch Set’s Views page.
• To remove an image, select it, and then click Delete on the toolbar.
• To reorder images, drag an image to a new position.
3 When you are finished editing the set, near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is
selected (default).
4 Click Save, select a storage folder, enter a name for the set, and then click Save.
Deleting a Swatch Set
When you delete a set, the set itself is moved to the Trash. However, the members (or “children”) within that set are
not affected; instead, they each retain their existing published or unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
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Swatch Sets
To delete a Swatch Set
In the Grid View, List View, or Details View, select one or more Swatch Sets.
2 On the Global Navigation Bar, click File > Delete > Delete.
Including zoom targets and Image Maps in Swatch Sets
If you define zoom targets and Image Maps for the images in your Swatch Set, these targets and maps appear in the
Swatch Set Viewer. Users, for example, can click an Image Map in the Swatch Set Viewer and open a new page on your
web site with information about an item. Users can click a target thumbnail image in the Swatch Set Viewer and zoom
automatically to part of an image.
If you want to make zoom targets and Image Maps available to users, create zoom targets and Image Maps for the
images in your Swatch Set. You can do that with the Image Maps or Zoom Targets tools in the Swatch Set screen or
Browse Panel (in Detail view).
More Help topics
“Creating zoom targets for Guided Zoom” on page 128
“Creating Image Maps” on page 293
Viewing Swatch Sets
You can view your Swatch Sets in the Preview window, using your available presets. You use a Zoom Viewer: Custom
Viewer Preset for Swatch Sets.
Scene7 comes with default Viewer Presets. Administrators can create or modify the Viewer Presets.
More Help topics
“Viewer Presets” on page 32
Setting up Zoom Viewer presets for Swatch Sets
You can create and customize Viewer Presets to suit your needs.
1 Click Setup > Viewer Presets.
The Viewer Presets window opens.
2 Do one of the following:
• To create a new preset, click Add. In the Add Viewer Preset dialog box, choose a platform, choose Swatch Set
Viewer, and click Add.
• To edit an existing Swatch Set Viewer preset, select the preset and click Edit.
The Configure Viewer screen opens.
3 Type a name in the Preset Name box for the Swatch Set Viewer preset.
4 Choose options in the Configure Viewer screen.
To see a description of an option, click the Info Tip icon
adjacent to the option.
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Swatch Sets
The preview screen displays the viewer as you update and change settings.
5 Click Save.
Previewing Swatch Sets in a Viewer
You can use Preview to see how an asset appears on particular viewer type platform such as HTML5. Depending on
the asset type and associated viewer that you have selected to preview, not all platforms are available in Preview.
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, in the Show drop-down list, select an Swatch Set-based asset type such
as Swatch Set.
2 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate the Asset folders that contain Swatch Set that you want to
preview with a viewer.
3 Do any one of the following:
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click List View. In the Asset window, hover on an
asset, and then click Preview.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Grid View. In the Asset window, in an asset
thumbnail window, click Preview.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview.
• In the Asset window, select an asset. On the toolbar, click File > Preview.
4 (Optional) In the Preview window, in the drop-down list at the bottom, select the URL encoding that you want
applied to the asset’s URL when it is copied.
5 Click a viewer link to preview the asset in the selected viewer.
When you click a given viewer link, its associated URL is automatically copied to the clipboard.
6 Close the displayed viewer to return to the Preview screen.
7 Click Close to return to the Assets screen.
Linking a Swatch Set to a web page
After you publish a Swatch Set, you can use its URL or embed code in your web site or application. Then you can
deploy the URL or embed code as necessary so users can view the Swatch Set on your web site or application.
Important: The URL is not active until you publish the asset.
More Help topics
“Publishing files” on page 87
Copying a Swatch Set URL
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Swatch Set.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the Swatch Set whose embed
code you want to copy.
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Swatch Sets
3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
and Embed Code panel on the right, click Copy URL to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
Adding Swatch Set URLs to your web page
The most common way to deploy Swatch Sets is to place a link (via a navigation icon) on your web page. When clicked,
the link launches a dynamic page (ASP or JSP) that displays the Swatch Set in a pop-up zoom window. The zoom link
opens a pop-up window that contains the actual zoom feature. Here is an example of the code:
<script language="javascript">
<!-function zoom_window() {"
The following URL call to the Scene7 platform follows the same protocol as all zoom viewers, except the SKU
parameter is now the Swatch Set name.
Note: This URL is intended to serve as an example of syntax only; it is not a live link.
In the above URL syntax, notice a SKU number (sku=sweater_1_set). The string after sku= is the Swatch Set name
(sweater_1_set). The user clicks the zoom feature link that launches a window.
Copying the embed code of a Swatch Set viewer
Using the Embed Code feature lets you review the viewer code for the selected Swatch Set. You can also copy the code
to the clipboard so you can paste it in your web pages for deployment of the viewer. Editing of the code is not permitted
in the Embed Code dialog box.
To copy the embed code of a Swatch Set viewer
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Swatch Set.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the Swatch Set whose embed
code you want to copy.
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Swatch Sets
3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
and Embed Code panel on the right, click Embed Code to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
4 In the Embed Code dialog box, click Copy to Clipboard.
Editing the code is not permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
5 Click Close.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Chapter 12: Spin Sets
A Spin Set simulates the real-world act of turning an object to examine it. Spin Sets make it possible to view items from
any angle, gaining the key visual details from any angle. A Spin Set simulates a 360-degree viewing experience. Scene7
offers one-dimensional Spin Sets in which viewers can rotate an item, and two-dimensional Spin Sets in which viewers
can rotate and flip the item. Moreover, users can “free-form” zoom and pan any of the views with a few simple mouseclicks. In this way, users can examine an item more closely from a particular viewpoint.
Images for a spin set.
Spin Sets also accept Image Maps. An Image Map is a region on an image within the Spin Set that displays a rollover
panel with text. When the user clicks an Image Map, an action of some kind is triggered. For example, a web page is
launched so that the user can learn more about a product. To call attention to the use of an image map in a Spin Set,
an outline appears around the Image Map itself when the user moves their mouse pointer over it.
See “Creating Image Maps” on page 293.
Quick Start: Spin Sets
This Spin Sets Quick Start is designed to get up and running quickly with Spin Set techniques in Scene7. Follow steps
1 through 7. At the end of each step is a cross-reference to a topic heading where you can find more information if you
need it.
1. Creating and uploading the images
At minimum, you need 8–12 shots of an item for a one-dimensional Spin Set and 16–24 for a two-dimensional Spin
Set. The shots must be taken at regular intervals to give the impression that the item is rotating and being flipped. For
example, if a one-dimensional Spin Set includes 12 shots, rotate the item 30 degrees (360/12) for each shot.
Select the Upload button on the Global Navigation bar to upload spin images from your computer or network to the
Scene7 Publishing System.
See “Guidelines for shooting Spin Set images” on page 169.
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Spin Sets
2. Creating a Spin Set
To create a Spin Set, click the Build button and choose Spin Sets. In the Spin Set Size dialog box, choose how many
rows and cells you want, and click OK. Then drag images into the grid on the Spin Set screen.
See “Creating a Spin Set” on page 168.
3. Editing a Spin Set
To edit a Spin Set, select its Edit rollover button. The Spin Set screen opens. Add, remove, and change the position of
images. You can change the position of rows in two-dimensional spin sets.
See “Editing a Spin Set” on page 170.
4. Setting up Spin Set Viewer Presets
Administrators can create Spin Set Viewer Presets. These presets determine the look of the Spin Set Viewer. To set up
a new Spin Set Viewer Preset, select the Setup button on the Global Navigation bar. On the Setup screen, display
Application Setup options, and then select Viewer Presets.
On the Viewer Presets screen, select the Add menu and choose Spin Set Viewer in the Add Viewer Preset dialog box.
Then choose options in the Configure Viewer screen.
See “Setting up Spin Set Viewer Presets” on page 171.
5. Previewing a Spin Set
Select your Spin Set in the Browse Panel and click its rollover Preview button. On the Preview screen, hold down the
mouse button and drag the pointer left or right to visually “spin” the item.
See “Previewing a Spin Set” on page 171.
6. Publishing a Spin Set
Publishing a Spin Set places it on Scene7 servers so it can be dynamically delivered to your web site or application. It
also activates the URL string that calls the Spin Set from Scene7 Image servers to your web site or application.
To publish a Spin Set, mark it for publish by selecting the Mark for Publish icon
beside its name in the Browse
Panel. Select the Publish button on the Global Navigation bar to initiate a publish. On the Publish screen, click Start
See “Publishing a Spin Set” on page 172.
7. Linking a Spin Set to a web page
Scene7 creates URL callout strings for Spin Sets, and activates them after you publish them. You can copy these URLs
from the Preview screen.
Select the Spin Set, and then select the Preview button. The Preview screen opens. Select a Spin Set Viewer Preset. Then
select the Copy URL button.
See “Linking a Spin Set to a web page” on page 173.
Creating a Spin Set
To create an effective Spin Set, make sure that you shoot the images correctly. You can create a Spin Set in Scene7 by
selecting the Build button and choosing Spin Sets. Edit Spin Sets in the Spin Sets screen.
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Spin Sets
Note: Previous versions of Scene7 did not offer two-dimensional Spin Sets. If you created a Spin Set in a previous version
of Scene7, you cannot save your one-dimensional Spin Set without first saving it under a different name. Click Save As
in the Spin Set screen and enter a new name so that you can edit it in Scene7.
Guidelines for shooting Spin Set images
In general, the more images you have in a Spin Set, the better the image spinning effect is. However, including many
images in the set also increases the amount of time it takes for the images to load. Scene7 recommends these guidelines
for shooting images for use in Spin Sets:
• At minimum, use 8–12 images in a one-dimensional spin set and 16–24 images in a two-dimensional Spin Set.
• Use a lossless format; TIFF and PNG are recommended.
• Mask all images so the item appears on a pure white or other high-contrast background. Optionally, add shadows.
• Make sure that product details are well lighted and in focus.
• Take spin images for fashion clothing with a mannequin or model. Often the mannequin is either completely
masked (using a glass mannequin) or a stylized mannequin/dressform is shown in the image. You can create an onmodel spin set by defining the number of angles. Mark each angle with tape on the floor to guide the model to step
and look in the direction of each shot.
Creating a Spin Set
Be aware that the order in which the Spin Set is authored or created in Scene7 Publishing System is important.
Depending on how you order the assets when you drag and drop images into the grid on the Spin Set page, the Spin
Set spins in a certain direction . Therfore, the order in which it is visually displayed in the builder is how the asset is
spun when a user moves their mouse pointer or moves their finger, left to right.
When you create a set, the Publish after save option affects the set and set members in the following ways:
“Publish after save” option selected
before saving?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Set members retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
After you save a Spin Set, you can use Preview in the Build: Spin Set page to see what your Spin Set looks like in the
default viewer.
To create a Spin Set
1 On the Build drop-down menu, click Spin Sets.
2 In the Spin Set Size dialog box, set the number of rows and cells that you want.
To make a one-dimensional spin set, select one row only.
To make a two-dimensional Spin Set, select two or more rows.
3 Click OK.
4 Drag and drop images into the grid on the Spin Set screen.
5 When you are finished, near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is selected (default).
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Spin Sets
6 Click Save.
7 In the Save dialog box, select a folder for storing your spin set. In the File Name field, enter the spin set name.
8 Click Save.
More Help topics
“Editing a Spin Set” on page 170
Editing a Spin Set
Depending on whether you edit a published set or an unpublished set, the Publish after save option affects the set and
set members in the following ways:
Set already
“Publish after save”
option selected before
saving your edit?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Existing set members retain their
published state.
Any new set members that you added
during your edit retain their published
or unpublished state.
Existing set members and any new set
members that you added during your
edit retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To edit a Spin Set
1 Click the Spin Set’s rollover Edit button.
2 Do any of the following:
Removing images Select the image, and then click Delete.
Adding images Drag the image into a cell.
Reordering rows (two-dimensional Spin Sets) Click a row-selector box (to the left of the row) and then click Move
Row Down or Move Row Up.
Adding rows and cells Enter a number in the Rows box and Cells box to determine the number of rows and the
number of cells in each row.
3 When you are finished editing, near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is selected
4 Click Save, select a storage folder, enter a name for the set, and then click Save.
Deleting a Spin Set
When you delete a set, the set itself is moved to the Trash. However, the members (or “children”) within that set are
not affected; instead, they each retain their existing published or unpublished state.
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Spin Sets
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To delete a Spin Set
In the Grid View, List View, or Details View, select one or more Spin Sets.
2 On the Global Navigation Bar, click File > Delete > Delete.
Setting up Spin Set Viewer Presets
Spin Set Viewer Presets determine the style, behavior, and look of your viewers. Scene7 comes with default Spin Set
Viewer Presets. If you are an administrator, you can create your own Spin Set Viewer Presets as well. You can configure
a Spin Set Viewer Preset with different colors, borders, fonts, and image settings.
Follow these steps to create a Spin Set Viewer Preset:
1 Click Setup > Viewer Presets.
The Viewer Presets window opens.
2 Do one of the following:
• To create a new preset, click Add, and in the Add Viewer Preset dialog box, choose a platform, and choose Spin
Set Viewer.
• To edit an existing Spin Set Viewer preset, select the preset and click Edit.
The Configure Viewer screen opens.
3 Type a name in the Preset Name box for the Spin Set Viewer preset.
4 Specify other options as desired. To see a description of an option, click the Info Tip icon
adjacent to the option.
The preview screen displays the viewer as you update and change settings.
Click Save.
Click Make Default to make the Spin Set Viewer Preset you created the company default for showing Spin Sets.
See “Configuring Default Viewers” on page 47.
To delete a Spin Set Viewer Preset, select it on the Viewer Presets screen and click the Delete button.
More Help topics
“Viewer Presets” on page 32
Previewing a Spin Set
You can use Viewer List to preview how an asset appears on particular viewer type platform such as HTML5.
Depending on the asset type and associated viewer that you have selected to preview, not all platforms are available in
Viewer List.
See “Configuring Default Viewers” on page 47.
See “Previewing an asset” on page 102.
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Spin Sets
To preview a Spin Set
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, in the Show drop-down list, select the Spin Set asset type.
2 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate the Asset folders that contain the Spin Set that you want to
preview with a viewer.
3 Do one of the following:
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Grid View. In the Asset window, below the
thumbnail image, click Preview > Viewer List.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click List View. In the Asset window, select an asset,
and then to the right of the thumbnail image, click Preview > Viewer List.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview
> Viewer List.
4 In the Viewer List window, in the table, click a viewer link to preview the asset in the selected viewer.
5 Close the displayed viewer to return to the Viewer List screen.
6 In the lower-right corner of the Viewer List window, click Close to return to the Assets screen.
More Help topics
“Editing a Spin Set” on page 170
Publishing a Spin Set
Publishing a Spin Set places the images in the set on Scene7 Image Servers, where they are available to your web site
or application. What’s more, during the publishing process, SPS activates the Spin Set URL strings you need for your
web site or application.
More Help topics
“Publishing files” on page 87
Marking a Spin Set for publish
Mark your Spin Set for publish for it to be copied to Scene7 image servers. You can mark your Spin Set for publish in
to the left of its name. All images in the set are marked for
the Browse Panel by selecting the Mark for Publish icon
publish when you mark the Spin Set itself for publish.
Publishing the Spin Set
To publish a Spin Set to Scene7 Image Servers, start by selecting the Publish button on the Global Navigation bar. Then
select a When option, optionally enter a name for the publish job, and select the Start Publish button.
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Spin Sets
Linking a Spin Set to a web page
Web sites and applications access Scene7 Image Server content, including Spin Sets, by way of URL strings or
embedded code. These URL strings are activated during the publishing process. To place the URL string or embed
code for your Spin Set in your web pages and applications, you copy it from the Scene7 Publishing System.
Important: The URL is not active until you publish the asset.
Copying a Spin Set URL
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Spin Set.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the Spin Set whose embed code
you want to copy.
3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
and Embed Code panel on the right, click Copy URL to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
Adding Spin Set URLs to your web page
Spin Sets are deployed like all zoom viewers, by way of a dynamic page (ASP or JSP) that displays the Spin Set in a zoom
window. The URL call to the Scene7 platform follows the same protocol on the zoom viewer. However, the Viewer
Preset name depends on the Preset that your administrator defined as the default Spin Set Viewer Preset. For example,
the following non-live, URL syntax example includes a Preset name called viewer.jsp and the SKU parameter is now
the Spin Set name:
In this URL syntax example (the link is not live), notice a SKU number (sku=backpack_spin). The string after sku=
is the Spin Set name (backpack spin).
Copying the embed code of a Spin Set viewer
Using the Embed Code feature lets you review the viewer code for the selected Spin Set. You can also copy the code to
the clipboard so you can paste it in your web pages for deployment of the viewer. Editing of the code is not permitted
in the Embed Code dialog box.
To copy the embed code of a Spin Set viewer
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Spin Set.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the Spin Set whose embed code
you want to copy.
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Spin Sets
3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
and Embed Code panel on the right, click Embed Code to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
4 In the Embed Code dialog box, click Copy to Clipboard.
Editing the code is not permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
5 Click Close.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Chapter 13: Template Basics
Template Basics are dynamically created and addressable layered image files like layered files in image-editing
applications such as Adobe® Photoshop®. Unlike a static file containing layers, such as a PSD file, a template can include
parameters. Through parameters, the different aspects of the image can be addressed and customized.
Note: You can also create templates from layout-based designs by using Template Publishing and files from Adobe
Illustrator and InDesign. See “Template Publishing” on page 188.
A template can contain any number of image layers and text layers. You can convert a static file containing layers, such
as a layered PSD file, into a template, as well as create templates in Scene7. You can create text layers in templates using
fonts that you uploaded into SPS. After you add text to a template, you can format it by changing its justification, fonts,
font size, and color.
Using the Parameters screen, you can convert any aspect of a template to an addressable parameter. In so doing, you
can change which layered image to use or what text value to use in your template. Parameters are passed with the URL
string, allowing you to change any parameter to dynamically customize the reply image generated from the image
Quick Start: Template Basics
This Quick Start is designed to get up and running quickly with Template Basics.
1. Upload the files
Start by uploading the PSD file or image file for your template. Scene7 supports many image file formats in addition
to PSD, but lossless TIFF and PNG images are recommended for templates because they allow for transparency.
If you are using a PSD file to build your template, select the Create Template option on the Upload Job Options dialog
box when you upload the PSD file. Also choose a Layer Naming option to tell Scene7 how to name PSD layers when
they are uploaded to the Scene7 Publishing System.
If you are using image files, you can crop the images and also create a mask from clipping paths in the images as you
upload them.
Select the Upload button on the Global Navigation bar to upload a PSD file or other image files from your computer
to a folder on SPS. See “Uploading template files” on page 176.
2. Create a template
To create a template from a PSD file, select the Create Template option when you upload the file. To create a template
from images, choose Build > Template Basics, enter a width and height measurement for the canvas, select either
Designer or Developer, and drag images onto the Template screen. You can also select the images before choosing
Build > Template Basics. The Template screen offers tools for:
• Adding image layers. To add a layer, drag an image into the Template screen.
• Adding text layers. Select the Text tool
and drag to draw a box for the text layer; then format the text with tools
on the Text screen.
• Changing the size and position of layers.
• Changing the order of layers.
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Template Basics
• Applying shadow and glow effects to image and text layers.
See “Creating a template” on page 177.
3. Create template parameters
The next step is to parameterize the properties on layers to determine which layer properties are included in the URL
string. Parameters allow you to use templates with maximum flexibility. After you make a layer property into a
parameter, you can change it dynamically.
To parameterize a layer, open the template in the Template screen and select the Parameters button next to a layer
name. On the Parameters screen, select the option next to each parameter you want to add. See “Creating template
parameters” on page 184.
4. Publish templates
Publishing your template places it on Scene7 Image Servers so that it can be dynamically delivered to your web site or
application. Publishing also activates the URL to call the template from Scene7 Image Servers to your web site or
Be sure to publish all images associated with your template.
To publish a template, mark it for publish and select the Publish button on the Global Navigation bar. Then select the
Start Publish button. See “Publishing templates” on page 186.
5. Link a template to a web page
Scene7 creates URLs for templates, and activates the URLs when you publish templates to Scene7 Image Servers. You
can copy these URL strings from the Template Preview screen.
Select your template in the Browse Panel and click the Preview button to open the Template Preview screen. Then
choose an Image Preset for delivering your template and select the Copy URL button. After you copy the URL from
the Preview screen, you can use it in your web site or application. See “Linking a template to a web page” on page 186.
Uploading template files
Upload the files you need for your template into the Scene7 Publishing System before you begin building the template.
You can build templates from an Adobe® Photoshop® PSD or an image file. TIFF and PNG images are recommended
because they allow for transparency.
Scene7 recommends using transparent TIFF or PSD images in your templates at the exact size you want to display
them on your web site. When you publish the template, call the image with an Image Preset that is also the same size.
Paying attention to size ensures that your template is not resized (resampled) at a size larger or smaller than the size at
which it was designed.
Templates can be created from Adobe Photoshop PSD files or image files.
For detailed instructions on uploading files, see “Uploading files” on page 79. Keep the following in mind when
uploading template files:
• If you’re uploading a PSD file, you can create a template from it. Scene7 creates a separate image for each layer in
the PSD. In the Upload Job Options dialog box, select Photoshop Options, select the Maintain Layers option, and
select the Create Template option. Then choose an option on the Layer Naming menu for naming the images that
Scene7 creates from layers in the PSD. See “PSD upload options” on page 310.
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Template Basics
• If uploading images, you can create a mask from its clipping path. This option applies to images created with imageediting applications in which a clipping path was created. In the Upload Job Options dialog box, select Image
Editing Options and select the Create Mask From Clipping Path option. See “Image editing options at upload” on
page 305.
More Help topics
“Uploading your files” on page 83
“Working with PSD files” on page 310
Creating a template
To create a template, click Build > Template Basics. Select either Designer or Developer. On this page, you can add
image and text layers. You can also reorder layers, change the size and position of layers, and apply shadow and glow
effects to images and text.
Note: If you edit a template created in an earlier version of Scene7 Publishing System, you may receive the a prompt upon
saving asking “Do you want to add a canvas layer?” Choose No to avoid adding a new base layer. If you accidentally
choose Yes, delete the “&allowCanvasPrompt” and “&layer=0” modifiers in the URL and press Enter or Return.
Creating the initial template
When you create a template set, the Publish after save option affects the set and set members in the following ways:
“Publish after save” option selected
before saving?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Set members retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
You can create a template from an existing template. Open the template, click Save As, and enter a new name in the
Save As dialog box.
To create the initial Temple Set
1 To create your template use one of the following methods:
Select the PSD or images first In the Browse Panel, select the PSD file or images you want for your template, click
Build > Template Basics.
Start from the Template screen Click Build > Template Basics. Select either Designer or Developer.
2 In the Enter Canvas Size dialog box, enter width and height measurements for your template.
3 Select a folder in the Asset Library and drag the PSD file or images you want for your template onto the Template
4 When you are finished, near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is selected (default).
5 Click Save.
6 Select a folder for storing your template, enter a name for the template, and click Submit.
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Template Basics
Scene7 shrinks images if necessary to fit them on the canvas, the area on the Template screen for defining your
More Help topics
“Creating image layers” on page 179
“Creating a text layer” on page 179
Editing a Template Set
Depending on whether you edit a published set or an unpublished template set, the Publish after save option affects
the set and set members in the following ways:
Set already
“Publish after save”
option selected before
saving your edit?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Existing set members retain their
published state.
Any new set members that you added
during your edit retain their published
or unpublished state.
Existing set members and any new set
members that you added during your
edit retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To edit a Template Set
1 In the Grid view, browse to an Template Set, and then below the image, click Edit.
2 Make changes to the template as necessary.
3 When you are finished editing, near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is selected
4 Click Save, select a storage folder, enter a name for the set, and then click Save.
Deleting a Template
When you delete a Template set, the set itself is moved to the Trash. However, the members (or “children”) within that
set are not affected; instead, they each retain their existing published or unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To delete a Template
In the Grid View, List View, or Details View, select one or more Templates.
2 On the Global Navigation Bar, click File > Delete > Delete.
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Template Basics
Understanding the Template screen
The Template screen offers tools for manipulating and parameterizing layers.
Use these tools on the Template screen to create templates:
Pan tool Allows you to select layers, move them around the canvas, resize them, or rotate them.
Text tool Creates a text layer. Drag on the canvas to create a text layer, and then enter the text in the layer. See
“Creating a text layer” on page 179.
Preview button Opens the Preview screen and shows the template in a Zoom Viewer. You see what the template looks
like to users on your web site or application.
Parameter Summary button Opens the Parameter Summary screen. You can see the name of each layer in a template,
and on each layer, the names of parameters that have been activated.
Text Editor v4.3 and Text Editor v4.2 You can choose to use the latest and most fully featured text editor, Text Editor
v4.3, or the previous text editor, Text Editor v4.2. When creating new templates, Text Editor v4.3 is selected by default.
When editing older templates, Text Editor v4.2 is selected by default. Text Editor v4.3 does not currently support word
wrap, so when editing older templates that use word wrap, use Text Editor v4.2 to keep the template’s fidelity fully
intact. If your older template does not use word wrap, you can choose Text Editor v4.3 to take advantage of the many
new features it offers such as Increase Margins, Decrease Margins, Set Text In All Caps, and Copy Fit Text.
Note: Text Editor v4.2 will eventually be removed as an option in Scene7, so it is recommended that you use Text Editor
4.3 when possible. The Word Wrap option will be incorporated into a future release of the Text Editor.
Designer and Developer Select the option that best describes your role.
Canvas Defines the total available area, in pixels, for defining your template. The default size is 300 x 300 pixels. Layers
are placed on the canvas.
Layers list Lists the name of layers in the template. To select a layer, select its name in the Layers list. The Layers list
offers tools for adding effects to layers, deleting layers, reordering layers, and parameterizing layers. See “Working with
layers” on page 181.
Layer Properties area Offers tools for changing the background color, opacity, size, and position of a layer, as well as
the background color, opacity, and size of the canvas. You can also adjust shadow and glow effects. See “Working with
layers” on page 181.
Creating image layers
❖ Drag the image from the Asset Library to the canvas.
The ID name of the image appears in the Layers list.
Note: If necessary, Scene7 shrinks images to make them fit in the canvas when you create an image layer.
More Help topics
“Working with layers” on page 181
Creating a text layer
1 Select the Text tool
2 Drag to create a text box on the canvas or on an image.
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Template Basics
3 In the Text screen that opens, add text by doing any of the following on the Preview tab:
• Type text in the text box. Choose Copy Fit Text to make the text fit n the text box.
• Paste text from the Clipboard into the text box.
4 Click Apply, and then close the Text screen.
Format text
Follow these steps to format text in a text layer:
1 In the Layers list, double-click the name of the text box with text you want to edit. The Text Editor opens.
2 In the text box, select the text you want to format. You can select all the text, portions of the text, as well as individual
3 Specify any of these formatting options, and then click Apply.
Font Choose a font on the Font menu. If a font you want does not appear on the menu, you can upload it into the
Scene7 Publishing System. See “Fonts” on page 314.
Font Size Choose a font size from the menu, type a specific size in the box, or click the up or down arrows to
increase or decrease the size by two points.
Color Click to choose a color for text.
Bold, Italic, or Underline Select the text, and then click the icon for the type of formatting you want to apply to the text.
All Caps, Superscript, or Subscript Select the text, and then click the icon for the type of formatting you want to
apply to the text.
Alignment Choose an Alignment button to left-align, center, or right-align text in the text layer.
Line Spacing
Type or select a numeric value by which to adjust the amount of space between words.
Type or select a numeric value by which to adjust the amount of space between characters.
Type or select a numeric value by which to adjust the amount of space between lines.
Baseline Shift
Type or select a numeric value by which to move a selected character up or down relative to the
baseline of the surrounding text. This option is especially useful when you’re hand-setting fractions or adjusting the
position of inline graphics.
Click Undo to reverse your last action. Click Redo if you change your mind about reversing an action after you click
Format paragraphs
1 In the Layers list, double-click the name of the text box with text you want to edit. The Text Editor opens.
2 Select the paragraph you want to format.
3 Specify any of these formatting options, and then click Apply.
Alignment Click to specify the type of alignment: align left, align center, align right, or justify.
End of Paragraph Justification Click to specify the type of justification for the last line in the paragraph: last line
aligns left; last line aligns center; and last line aligns right.
Line Spacing
Type or select a numeric value by which to adjust the amount of space between all the lines in the
Indent All
Click to increase the amount the text is indented.
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Template Basics
Remove Indent
Indent First Line
Click to decrease the amount the text is indented.
Specify the amount by which you want to indent the first line of text.
Space Before Paragraph
Specify the amount of space you want to appear above the first line of text in the
Space After Paragraph
Specify the amount of space you want to appear below the last line of text in the
Vertical Align Select where you want the text to appear vertically within the text box: Top, Middle, Bottom.
Text Direction Select the direction in which you want the text to display: Right-To-Left or Left-To-Right.
Adjust text layer properties
1 In the Template Basics screen, select the text box you want to adjust.
2 In the Layer Properties panel, select any of the following:
Shrink Text (Text Editor v4.2 only) Select to shrink the text to fit within the text box.
Word Wrap (Text Editor v4.2 only) Select a wrap option to specify if or how the text wraps:
• Wrap Wraps the text to fit into a text box that is too small horizontally.
• No Wrap Does not wrap the text when the text box is too small horizontally, and instead, cuts off a portion of
the text.
• NB Wrap (Nonbreaking wrap) Wraps text to fit into a textbox, and does not break words.
Position Specifies the location of the text box on the canvas.
Padding Adds margins or crops the layer rectangle. Specify the number of pixels to add or remove for Left, Top,
Bottom, and Right. Enter positive numbers to add a margin; enter negative numbers to crop.
More Help topics
“Changing the size and position of layers and the canvas” on page 182
View and edit text source code
The information provided in Source tab of the Text Editor is for your reference. Edit the text only if you are familiar
with editing source code.
1 In the Layers list, double-click the name of the text box with text you want to edit. The Text Editor opens.
2 Click the Source tab in the Text Editor to reveal the source code for the text.
3 View or edit the text as desired.
Changes remain intact if you switch back and forth between Preview and Source view.
4 Click Apply to render the edits.
Working with layers
Use the Layers list and Layer Properties area to work with layers. You can reorder layers, change their size and position,
rotate layers, and determine the background color, foreground color, opacity, and blend mode of a layer.
You can also change the size of the canvas, choose its background color, and change its opacity setting.
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Template Basics
Reordering layers
Changing layer order can effect appearance, especially when transparency or overprinting is involved. Be sure to
preview the outcome before committing your changes.
❖ Use one of these techniques to reorder the layers in a template:
• Select a layer in the Layers list. Then click the Up or Down button as many times as necessary to place it in the
correct position in the list.
• Drag a layer up or down in the Layers list.
Changing the size and position of layers and the canvas
Layers must be small enough to fit on the canvas. You can change the size of a layer or the canvas manually or by
entering size measurements. You can change the position of a layer manually or by entering offset measurements. You
can also rotate a layer.
Scene7 recommends creating an Image Preset that is the exact size of your template. Matching the Image Preset size
to the template size ensures that the final output size and sharpening options for the template are set correctly. After
you’ve created this Image Preset, you can choose it from the Apply Preset menu on the Template Preview screen. The
screen shows you what the image looks like when it is delivered from the server. See “Setting up Image Presets” on
page 121.
Changing the size of a layer
To change the size of a layer or the canvas, select the layer or canvas on the Layers list and use one of these techniques:
Manually changing size Select and drag a corner of the layer or canvas. With text layers, you can also drag a side of the
layer. Hold down the Shift key as you drag to change size but maintain the aspect ratio (the shape).
Entering layer size measurements Enter pixel measurements in the W (Width) and H (Height) text boxes in the Layer
Properties area.
Beside changing the size of a layer, you can pad it. To do so, enter a Padding measurement in the Left, Right, Top, and
Bottom box of the Layer Properties area. Padding adds a margin to the current layer to offset it from the perimeter of
its base layer. Padding is useful if you add a drop shadow or outer glow effect and you want to make the effect more
visible. Padding increases the size of a layer and displays its background color in the extended, padded area. The base
layer repositions itself relative to the new size of the layer. For example, if the current layer is centered on the base layer,
extending the left side of the layer moves it further to the right of the base layer.
Changing the position of a layer
To change the position of a layer on the canvas, select its name in the Layers list and use one of these techniques:
Manually changing position Move the pointer near to but not over a layer boundary, and when you see the four-
headed arrow cursor, click and start dragging.
Entering position offset measurements Enter X and Y offset measurements in the X and Y text boxes. These
measurements represent the x, y offset of the anchor point in pixels.
Rotating a layer
The Rotate box lists the angle to which the layer was rotated. To rotate a layer, select its name in the Layers list and use
one of these techniques:
Manually rotating Move the cursor near to but not over a corner of the layer. When you see the rotation cursor, drag
the corner of the layer. Hold down the Shift key as you drag to rotate by 15-degree increments.
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Template Basics
Entering a degree measurement Enter the number of degrees to rotate the layer. Rotation is clockwise; to rotate in a
counterclockwise fashion, enter a negative number.
Hiding a layer or a layer effect
You can hide a layer or layer effect by clicking the eye icon
next to a layer name or effect name. Hidden layers do
not appear in previews or output. The layer information is not deleted from the URL. Instead, “hide=1” is added to the
URL to note that the layer is currently hidden from view. For example:
layer=5&src=is{PortalCo/title}&pos=274,192&effect=-1&.effect=Drop Shadow&blendmode
layer=5&src=is{PortalCo/title}&pos=274,192&hide=1&effect=-1&.effect=Drop Shadow&blendmode
Determining the background color, opacity, and blend mode
To choose a background color, opacity, and blend mode for a layer or the canvas, select the layer or canvas and use
these techniques:
Foreground color Click the Foreground Color button
and choose a color swatch to change the color of the
shadow or glow. You can also enter a color-value parameter in the box. The background color applies only to layers
that use transparency. For example, it applies to a partially transparent layer in a price tag or the background of a text
field. Layers that consist of a PSD, TIFF or PNG image with transparency turned on can have transparent backgrounds.
Background color Click the Background Color button
and choose a color swatch to change the color of the
padded areas.
Opacity Drag the Opacity slider to make any layer translucent so that part of the underlying image shows through.
The 100-percent setting is completely opaque; the 0 setting is transparent.
Blend mode Choose an option to simulate one of the blend modes available in Photoshop. The options are Normal,
Dissolve, Lighten, Darken, Multiply, and Screen. These options are available for layers, not the canvas.
Using shadow and glow effects on layers
You can apply a shadow or glow to a layer. The shadow or glow is applied to the perimeter of the layer and extends
inward or outward, depending on the shadow or glow option you choose. If your template originated with a PSD file
with shadow and glow effects, you can adjust these effects in the Scene7 Publishing System.
After you apply a shadow or glow effect, you can adjust its size, color, opacity, and position in the Layer Properties area
of the Template screen.
Applying a shadow or glow effect to a layer
To apply a shadow or glow effect:
1 Select a layer in the Layers list.
2 Select the Add Effect menu and choose an option:
Drop Shadow Applies a shadow to the bottom and right side of the layer.
Inner Shadow Applies a shadow effect inside all edges of the layer.
Outer Glow Applies a glow effect around all edges of the layer.
Inner Glow Applies a glow effect inside all edges of the layer.
An effect name appears on the Layers list after you apply an effect. To delete an effect, select its name on the Layers list
and then select the Delete button.
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Template Basics
Note: You sometimes can’t see the effect of a drop shadow or outer glow if the underlying layer is not large enough to
display it. If you can’t see the shadow or glow, consider adding Padding values to the layer or reordering the layer. See
“Changing the size and position of layers and the canvas” on page 182and “Reordering layers” on page 182.
Adjusting a shadow or glow effect
To adjust a shadow or glow effect, start by selecting its name in the Layers list. Then change its settings in the Layer
Properties area of the Template screen:
Color Select the Color button
and choose a color swatch to change the color of the shadow or glow. You can also
enter a color-value parameter in the box.
Opacity Drag the slider to determine how intense the effect is. Less opaque effects are more transparent.
Blend Mode Choose an option to simulate one of the blend modes available in Photoshop. The options are Normal,
Dissolve, Lighten, Darken, Multiply, and Screen.
Size Enter measurements in the X and Y box to enlarge or shrink the shadow effect. Size options are only available for
inner shadows and drop shadows.
Grow Drag the slider to extend the effect inward or outward.
Blur Drag the slider to control feathering at the edges of the effect. Effects with more blur are more feathered.
Masking layers
The Layers list offers a Mask button that specifies how the mask or alpha channel of a layer is used. Using the Mask
button, you can apply the effect of a background layer to a particular layer or the entire parent layer in your template.
to cycle through these states:
Select a layer in the Layers list and select the Mask button
• The background of the layer is opaque.
• The layer content is inverted and the background of the layer is filled with solid black.
• The background of the layer is filled with solid black.
Creating template parameters
Parameters enable you to use templates with maximum flexibility; they allow you to dynamically customize a template
image. You can decide which text and image layers to include in the template, and in each layer, which parameters to
display. For example, to call attention to a product that is on sale, you can create an On Sale text layer. Later, you can
remove this layer but still retain the rest of the template image by removing the On Sale parameter.
When you create template parameters, you in effect declare which parts of the template to call in a URL string. A URL
constructed with parameters exposes those items in the URL string. With parameters exposed, you can create custom
results from the way the template image is dynamically constructed from the Image Server. In this way, you can change
a template dynamically because you can call some or all of its parameters in a URL.
In text layer parameters, you can also make the text string a dynamic field linked to values in a database. Being able to
link text to a database is useful, for example, in promotions. You can customize template images to make them show
client or customer names. You can also, for example, link a text layer parameter to a prices database to show the price
of an item in a template image.
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Template Basics
You can refer to a parameter more than once. Use the combo box for each command in the parameter dialog box to
select any parameter that matches that particular command. (For example, all size parameters are available for the
size= command, etc). You can reassign the parameter reference to any parameter already in the combo box, and
rename to something not in the combo box. In the the latter case, the name must be unique. Otherwise, an error states
that the parameter already exists. When you delete a parameter reference, the parameter is removed from the URL if
it is not referenced anywhere else.When you change the default value for a text parameter, all references to that
parameter update. You can see the update in the layer table, in the rendering of the template, and in the URL.When
you change a layer attribute by manipulating resize handles or typing in values in the property panel, the parameter
value is updated and all references to the parameter update. For example, if you have parameterized the size of two
layers using one parameter, both layer sizes update when either of the layer sizes are changed. When you preview a
template and change a parameter, all references to that parameter are updated.
Parameterizing a layer
For each layer in your template, follow these steps to create template parameters:
1 In the Layers list, select the Parameters button
next to the name of the layer you want to create parameters for.
The Parameters screen opens. It lists the names of each parameter on the layer, its value, and its type.
2 Select the On option beside the name of each parameter you want to include in the template image.
3 Select the Close button to close the Parameters screen.
You can rename parameters in the Parameters screen. Renaming a parameter makes the parameter easier to identify
in URL strings and easier to use as a database value. To rename a parameter, select its On option, click its name, and
enter a new name in the Name field.
To see a list of the parameters you have created for your template, select the Parameter Summary button on the
Template screen. The Parameter Summary screen opens. It lists the name of each layer, and if you have created
parameters for a layer, the parameter names and values.
Creating dynamic text parameters
For text layers, you can additionally make the text string a dynamic field linked to a database value. Follow these steps:
1 On the Template screen, select the Parameters button
next to the name of the text layer for which you want to
create dynamic text parameters. The Parameters screen opens.
2 Select the On option next to the name of the text attribute (textAttr).
3 Select the Text tab in the Parameters screen.
4 Click the Add Parameter button. A default parameter name appears. You can replace this name by selecting it and
typing over it. The current text string becomes the new name of the parameter.
5 Select the Close button to close the Parameters screen.
To make the parameter name use a database value, append the following string to the Template URL:
?$_2(parameter name)=(database value)
The parameter name will be replaced by names in a database field or Java code indicating, for example, the current
price of an item or a customer name.
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Template Basics
Publishing templates
Publishing your template places it on Scene7 Image Servers, where it is available to your web site and application.
During the publishing process, the Scene7 Publishing System activates the URLs you need for your web site and
Important: To use your template, publish all content that went into making it, including fonts and images. If you don’t
include all the required files, an error message appears when you publish.
Marking templates for publish
Templates and all their support files must be marked for publish in order for them to be placed on Scene7 Image
Servers. You can mark these items for publish in the Browse Panel by selecting the Mark for Publish icon .
More Help topics
“Publish After Uploading” on page 87
Publishing your template
To publish templates to Scene7 Image Servers, start by selecting the Publish button on the Global Navigation bar. Then
select a When option, optionally enter a name for the publish job, and select the Start Publish button.
More Help topics
“Creating a publish job” on page 88
Linking a template to a web page
Your web sites and applications access Scene7 Image Server content via URL strings. After you publish a template,
Scene7 activates a URL string that references the template on Scene7 Image Servers. You can paste this URL in a web
browser for testing.
To place URL strings in your web pages and applications, copy them from the Scene7 Publishing System. To obtain a
Template URL string generated with an Image Preset, go to the Preview screen or the Browse Panel (in Detail view).
Then select an Image Preset and select the copy URL button.
Important: The URL is not active until you publish the asset.
Obtaining a template URL
You can obtain a template URL string generated by an Image Preset from the Template Preview screen. After you copy
the URL, it lands on the Clipboard so you can paste it as necessary. Follow these steps to obtain a template URL string
generated with an Image Preset from the Template Preview screen:
1 Click the template’s rollover Preview button or choose File > Preview. The Preview screen opens.
2 Using the Preset’s menus, choose the Image Preset with which you want to deliver the template image. The Preview
screen shows you what the template looks like when it is delivered from the server.
3 Click the Copy URL button to copy the URL to the Clipboard.
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Template Basics
Adding template URLs to your web page
To add a template to your web page, consult with your web page development team to modify the <IMG> tag in your
HTML web page code using the Scene7 URL string to make a request to Scene7 Image Servers. The commerce engine
or dynamic web page code inserts the template image at the size and with the formatting specification defined by the
Image Preset you choose for your template.
More Help topics
“Adding dynamic images to your web page” on page 124
Managing content variations
Use template sets to manage the way asset variations are published.
Create a template set to manage variations of a template. You can control which variation is used without changing the
code on your site. This helps content managers rotate content without requiring IT to change a URL in the Web code.
Universal URLs are used to display the the template variation that appears on the page, based on the order they are
listed in the set. The template at the top of the template set list is always published.
You can use any image preset URL from the list. Image preset URLs are like universal URLs. There can be more than
one image preset URL.
1 Click Build > Template Sets.
The builder opens.
2 Select a template, then click Add/Preview.
3 Modify the template properties and click Save As to create a new version.
4 Type a name and click Save.
You must publish both the asset and the template.
5 Go to the Detail page to get a copy URL from the URLs section.
You can move a template in the template order (for example, to the top of the list) by dragging it to its new location.
Publish again to submit the new order.
Note: You might need to clear the cache to see the changes. The change only appears on the website after the change has
made its way through the cache cycle.
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Chapter 14: Template Publishing
Adobe® Scene7® Web-to-Print lets you create professionally branded print content that is easy for your customers,
clients, and staff to customize and personalize. You can maintain corporate content and brand identity throughout the
publishing process. End users can customize the print content — but only the part of the content that you allow them
to customize. Personalized stationary, business cards, posters, greeting cards, labels, checks, gifts, clothing, calendars,
scrapbooks, and photo albums are examples of customized print products that you can deliver. Corporations can
maintain a common brand identity in their signage that can be customized for different regions, franchises, stores, and
branch offices.
You start by designing a template in Adobe Illustrator®. The template carefully defines what is constant and what is
variable — the variable components being the ones that can be customized. For example, after text in an Illustrator file
is parameterized, end users can enter text of their own. Similarly, a background color, after it is parameterized as a
variable component, can be swapped for a different background color.
Scene7 offers two Template Publishing workflows, one for basic use cases and one for advanced use cases. Basic use
cases entail creating a design in Adobe Illustrator, uploading it to Scene7, and defining variable elements with
parameters in SPS. Advanced use cases require a more comprehensive definition of variability. Advanced use cases
entail creating variable elements in Adobe Illustrator, uploading the file to Scene7, and directly manipulating those
elements on a XML-level with URL calls. This scenario is called DOM manipulation.
Note: For more information about Scene7 web-to-print workflows, template creation, parameterization, DOM
manipulation, and more, see the Web-to-Print Workflow Guide here:
Download the Zip file to your local hard drive and extract its contents (the Scene7 Web-To-PrintWorkflow Tutorial
document and tutorial assets).
Quick Start: Template Publishing
This Quick Start describes the basic workflow for using Illustrator files to create high-quality, customizable print
1. Design your Illustrator file for Template Publishing
In Illustrator, design your template. If you want to use the advanced, DOM manipulation method to customize your
template, define s7:elementIDs for variable elements in Illustrator.
See “Create the initial template in Illustrator” on page 189 and “DOM manipulation” on page 196.
2. Convert your template to Scene7 FXG and upload it to Scene7 Publishing System
Adobe Creative Cloud users can use the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in for Web-to-Print. This plug-in converts templates
to Scene7 FXG. If a template contains fonts, corresponding font files must be uploaded to the Scene7 Publishing
System before uploading the FXG file.
See “Upload files for Template Publishing” on page 189.
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Template Publishing
3. View, define, or refine parameters in Scene7
In the Template Publishing Preview and Build screens, you can define and refine variable elements via parameters,
preview the results, and test the results. In these screens, you can:
• Create and modify parameters.
• Specify default values for parameter properties and attributes.
• Click Copy URL to copy the preview URL to the Clipboard and preview the result in a browser window.
See “Parameterizing a template in Scene7” on page 190.
4. Publish the FXG template
After you finish defining and testing parameters and attributes, publish the file. Publishing your FXG template places
it on the Scene7 Image Servers and activates the URL.
Be sure to publish all images and fonts associated with your FXG template.
See “Publish FXG templates” on page 197.
5. Obtain the URL
Via its URL, the template is now ready to be embedded in your web site for end users to personalize variable content.
See “Linking an FXG template to a web page” on page 198.
Create the initial template in Illustrator
Begin by creating the initial artwork and template in Illustrator. Make sure that your Illustrator template meets these
specifications so that it can be successfully parameterized:
• Carefully determine which template components you want to be variable.
• Make sure that layers are in the correct order so that no object is unintentionally obscured.
• Remove unnecessary layers. Removing these layers prevents them from being used mistakenly as parameters.
• Upload all fonts for your template to the Scene7 Publishing System. Do so before you upload your template (and
make sure that the upload job is complete before you upload the template). Scene7 needs these fonts to render text
correctly in the template.
• Set the resolution to 300ppi if you intend to print the final document at high quality.
Upload files for Template Publishing
To create files for Scene7 Template Publishing, convert your Illustrator file to the Scene7 FXG file format and upload
the file to SPS.
More Help topics
“Uploading your files” on page 83
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Template Publishing
Preparing the file for upload
Do the following before you manually upload the Scene7 FXG file to the Scene7 Publishing System:
• Upload fonts separately before you upload the FXG file.
• Upload related images found in the assets folder created by the FXG plug-in.
Defining variability: Parameterization versus DOM
Scene7 offers two techniques for managing variable content in a template. With both techniques, you design the initial
template in Illustrator, convert the template to the Scene7 FXG file format, and upload it to SPS. However, the
techniques differ in the degree of control you have over variable elements and the skill required to use them:
Parameterizing in the Scene7 Publishing System This technique entails defining variability in the Template
Publishing Build and Preview screens in SPS, or in the Adobe Illustrator Plug-in for Web-to-Print. Either method
provides the tools for you to create parameters, assign parameter values, and test the results.
Using DOM manipulation This technique lets you take control over the design and the template on an XML level.
Scene7 FXG files are XML. With this approach, you can edit your design template directly by way of its XML DOM
(display object model). In Illustrator you mark variable elements with s7:elementIDs to later manipulate them with
URL commands.
More Help topics
“Parameterizing a template in Scene7” on page 190
“DOM manipulation” on page 196
Parameterizing a template in Scene7
After you upload an Illustrator template that you saved as Scene7 FXG to the Scene7 Publishing System, you can define
its variable elements. Do so by parameterizing variable elements in the Template Publishing Build and Preview
screens. Scene7 offers tools for defining text and object parameters on layers and their respective properties. You can
also create different versions of a template.
Parameterizing an FXG template allows you to customize the variability of text, images, and graphics in the template.
For example, you can parameterize a line of text so that end users can modify the text through a web user interface.
You can define empty text fields as variable so that end users can fill these fields with personalized text. You can also
parameterize the attributes and properties of design elements in the S7 Template Publishing Build screen.
Note: Parameterizing the template in Scene7 is not required if you plan to use DOM manipulation.
More Help topics
“Create the initial template in Illustrator” on page 189
“Upload files for Template Publishing” on page 189
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Template Publishing
Defining parameters in FXG templates
Follow these steps in Scene7 to define parameters for an FXG template:
1 In the Browse window, select the FXG file.
2 Click Build and choose Template Publishing, or click the file’s Edit button.
The Template Publishing screen opens.
Parameterizing a template in the Template Publishing screen.
A. Click eye icon to show or hide layer B. Select layer to display its properties C. Assign name to attribute to make it variable D. Specify
default value for attribute
3 In the Layers panel in the Template Publishing screen, select the layer with the elements that you want to
Click the eye icon on and off to make sure that you select the object you want.
4 In the Properties panel, click a parameter in the Name column (to parameterize text) or Parameter column (to
parameterize objects).
Text Click in the text field (scroll to the bottom of the Properties list to find it). The Parameters dialog box appears.
Select the text that you want to parameterize and click Add. You can create multiple parameters from the same text
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Template Publishing
property by selecting different portions of the text and adding parameters for each portion. To change the name of
the parameter, click it, enter a new name, and click Close.
Objects Click a box in the Parameter column. The Edit Parameter dialog box appears. Enter a name and click OK.
To customize multiple attributes at once with the same value, use the same parameter name for each attribute. For
example, if your template has a rectangle and a star, you can type newcolor as the Parameter name for the
SolidColor color attribute of each. Whenever you change the newcolor value, both the rectangle and the star change
to the new color.
5 Specify a default value for the attribute in the Value or Data field. Set all properties for the selected object to specify
the exact appearance you want.
6 (Optional) Repeat steps 3- 5 for all objects or layers that you want to parameterize.
7 Click Save or Save As.
8 Click Preview to open the FXG Preview window and see the parameters you created with their default values.
Show or hide an object or layer in the FXG template
Hidden objects and layers are not visible in preview or output, but are not deleted from the file. You can make them
visible again as desired. Visibility is an attribute that you can make variable. Clicking the eye icon on or off sets the
default value for the visibility of an object or layer.
1 In the Objects panel, click the eye icon next to an object or layer name to hide it in the file.
2 Click again to make the object visible.
Create different versions of a template
You can edit attributes to create different versions of the template for different uses.
In the Template Publishing screen, click Save As to save the file as a new FXG template without overwriting the original
FXG template.
Using stroked text
Stroked text is an example of how you can parameterize attributes. Scene7 supports these stroked text features:
• Width of stroke
• Dashed stroke pattern
• Different join styles
• Different cap end styles
• Overprinting of stroke
• Separate color handling for stroke, including spot color support
This table describes the attributes that support stroked text.
s7:fill <Boolean> (S7FXG Only)
Specifies whether fill is enabled for text. Default is true.
s7:stroke <Boolean> (S7FXG Only)
Specifies whether stroke is enabled for text. Default is false.
s7:weight <number> (S7FXG Only)
Specifies the weight of the stroke for text in points. Default is 1 point.
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Template Publishing
s7:joints <string> (miter, round, bevel) (S7FXG Only)
Specifies the type of join of the stroke. Default is round.
s7:caps <string> (none, round, square) (S7FXG Only)
Specifies the type of cap of the stroke. Default is round.
s7:miterLimit <number> (S7FXG Only)
Specifies the limit of the miter when join is miter join for the stroke.
Default is 4.
s7:strokeOverprint <Boolean> (S7FXG Only)
Specifies whether the overprint is enabled for stroke. Default is false.
s7:strokeColorName (S7FXG Only)
Same as s7:colorName, except it defines the name of the color for
the stroke.
s7:strokeColorValue (S7FXG Only)
Same as s7:colorValue, except it defines the value of the color
being used for the stroke.
s7:strokeColorspace (S7FXG Only)
Same as s7:colorspace, except it defines the colorspace of the
flm:dashPattern <array> (S7FXG Only)
By default there are no patterns for the dashes and gaps. This attribute
defines the dash/gap pattern of the stroke. The first value is the dash
of the stroke. The second is the gap in between the dashes. You can
extend the array for multiple values in the same manner with alternate
values being specified as dash and gap.
Using warped text
Warped text enables you to modify the appearance of text with effects like wave, flag, stretch, and so on.
Warped text is supported for RichText objects. Text can be vertical or horizontal, and can be point text, area text, and
type-on-a-path text. The entire text object must be selected before warped text can be applied.
Warped text can be created in Adobe Illustrator.
When warping text, you can set the following attributes:
• Style
• Direction
• Bend
• Horizontal distortion
• Verticle distortion
Each attribute contains a set of values.
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Template Publishing
-1 to 1
-1 to 1
-1 to 1
Note: For inflate and fishEye, changing the s7:warpDirection flag between horizontal and vertical does not have
any effect on the output.
For more information about creating and using warped text, see the Adobe Illustrator documentation.
Preview and update template attributes
The FXG Template Preview screen displays all the parameters you customized for the template. All values reflect the
default attributes. You can change the values for any of the parameters listed, as well as preview and publish the altered
1 If the template is not already open in the FXG Template screen, open the FXG template in Detail view and click Edit.
2 In the Template Publishing screen, click Preview (located at the top of the window).
The template displays using the default parameters.
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Default parameters in the FXG Template Preview screen.
Note: Click the Up or Down Arrow buttons to go to different pages of a multi-page template.
3 To change the value for a parameter, type a new value in the Value box or select a new value from the menu. To
swap out a graphic, enter the URL for the new graphic.
The file preview dynamically updates to show the new values.
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Template Publishing
New values are dynamically reflected.
4 To view the template using a different preset size, choose the size from the Presets menu.
5 To create a file for previewing, choose PDF or SWF from the Format menu, and then click Apply Format.
6 To copy the URL for the template, click Copy URL.
7 To return to the Template Publishing screen and save your changes, click Edit, or close the FXG Template Preview
Note: The URL is available for you to copy, but is not active until the template has been published. The URL
automatically includes the selected variable data and preset setting.
DOM manipulation
DOM (document object model) manipulation is a technique for editing a design file by directly manipulating its XML
code. DOM manipulation gives you more control over variable design elements, including changing their content and
appearance; you can even create new elements on an as-needed basis.
Scene7 lets you manipulate the DOM of a Scene7 FXG template by way of URL commands after the template is
published. Design elements in the FXG template are manipulated by passing commands through the URL. In this way,
you can dynamically manipulate and add attributes to graphics.
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Template Publishing
To use DOM manipulation, you create s7:elementIDs in your Illustrator file before converting it to a Scene7 FXG file
and uploading it to SPS.
Important: When using DOM manipulation commands, all values passed in must be URL-encoded.
Note: Illustrator Plug-in for Web-to-Print (for converting Illustrator files) converts to FXG 2.0. For information about
this specification, see
More Help topics
“Defining variability: Parameterization versus DOM manipulation” on page 190
Creating s7:elementIDs in Illustrator files
To use DOM manipulation with a design created in Illustrator, create s7:elementIDs in your Illustrator design.
Creating s7:elementIDs enables design elements to be modified with URL commands after the template is published.
Creating s7:elementIDs for DOM manipulation of text
To create an s7:elementID for DOM manipulation of a text object, open the Layers panel in Illustrator. Then, on the
text layer that holds variable text, name the layer with a s7:elementID. To do so, enter the letters id (for identification),
a colon (:), and a name. Following are examples of s7:elementID text layer names:
Creating s7:elementIDs for DOM manipulation of objects
Create s7:elementIDs for objects when you want end users to be able to change the attributes of objects. Objects can
constitute entire text frames, graphics, and images. A color background is an example of an object element ID. As the
seasons change, the end user can swap out the background color of a poster to make the poster appropriate to the
Before you create an s7:element ID for an object in Illustrator, create a separate layer for the object.
Follow these steps to create an s7:elementID for an object in Illustrator:
1 Select the object.
2 Choose Windows > Layers. The Layers panel opens.
3 Name the object layer with an s7:elementID. To do so, enter the letters id (for identification), a colon (:), and
description to identify the element. Following are examples of s7:elementID object layer names:
Publish FXG templates
Publishing your FXG template places it on the Scene7 servers, where it is available to your web site and application.
During the publishing process, the Scene7 Publishing System activates the URLs you need for your web site or
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Template Publishing
Note: To use your FXG template, publish all content that went into making it, including fonts and images. If you don’t
include all required files, an error message appears when you publish.
More Help topics
“Publishing files” on page 87
Mark FXG templates for publish
Templates and all their support files must be marked for publish for them to be placed on Scene7 Image Servers.
1 In the Browse Panel, select the FXG template along with any graphics, images, and fonts used.
2 Click the Mark For Publish icon
Publish your FXG template
1 Click the Publish button on the Global Navigation bar.
2 Select a When option, and optionally enter a name for the publish job.
3 Click the Start Publish button.
Text overflow indicator display
A text overflow indicator shows when text exceeds the space allocated for it in a text frame (or in the last text frame in
the case of threaded text). The indicator is a red box with a plus sign in it. Text overflow indicators on SPS are always
Text overflow indicators are controlled with the markOverflowingTextFrame modifier. Use the modifier as follows:
The 1 value makes text flow indicators appear. Default is 0. (Although
the default is 0, text overflow indicators in SPS are always enabled.)
Note that the markOverflowingTextFrame modifier is casesensitive.
Linking an FXG template to a web page
After you publish an FXG template, Scene7 activates a URL string that references the FXG template on Scene7 servers.
You can paste this URL in a web browser for testing.
To place URL strings in your web pages and applications, copy them from the Scene7 Publishing System. To obtain an
FXG template URL string generated with an Image Preset for viewing the template at a specific size, go to the FXG
Template Preview screen or the Browse Panel (in Detail view). Then select an Image Preset and click the copy URL
Important: The URL is not active until you publish the asset.
Follow these steps to obtain an FXG template URL string generated with an Image Preset from the FXG Template
Preview screen:
1 Select the FXG template in the Browse Panel.
2 Click the Preview button or choose File > Preview. The FXG Template Preview screen opens.
3 Select the Copy URL button to copy the URL to the Clipboard.
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Template Publishing
Creating a PDF document
The final step in the Web-to-Print process is generating the customized PDF. After end-users personalize the template
using the web application you created, they create a final PDF document. This final PDF is generally sent to a print
service provider for professional-grade printing. To make sure that the final PDF prints as expected, developers use
the correct joboptions file and set up fonts, printer marks, and colors correctly.
Setting up PDF Presets
Specify the PDF compatibility level and printer settings by creating and uploading a PDF joboptions file to the Scene7
Server. For example, you can choose to select PDF/X-4 compliant PDF output (recommended for PDF print
publishing workflows). You can create the joboptions file in your authoring software (such as Adobe Illustrator), or in
Acrobat. Always check with your printer, who can advise you on the appropriate job option settings for your print job.
For more information on creating joboptions files, and for information on creating a joboptions file in Acrobat, see
Adobe Acrobat Help.
To create a joboptions file in Illustrator:
1 Choose Edit > Adobe PDF Presets.
2 In the dialog box, select the preset you want to use.
The following Job Option Settings are supported by Scene7:
Object Level Compression
Embed thumbnails
Optimize for fast web view
Compression for color, gray, and mono
Embed all fonts (fonts are embedded by
Embed OpenType fonts
Subset embedded fonts when percent of
characters used is less than:
Always Embed List
Never Embed List
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Template Publishing
Color Strategy (Tag only images is
treated as tag everything)
Document Rendering Intent
Only the following working spaces are
supported for 4.2.5. 4.3 will allow you to
use any customer provide profile that
has been uploaded to IPS.
As a workaround you can specify the
destination color space for the artwork to
be converted to using the default color
profiles for the company.
scRGB with encoding range [-4.0, 4.0]
Lab D50
Flat XYZ
sYCC 8-bit
e-sYCC 8-bit
Gray Gamma 1.8
Gray Gamma 2.2
Dot Gain 10%
Dot Gain 15%
Dot Gain 20%
Dot Gain 25%
Dot Gain 30%
values for
CMYK color
Preserve OPI comments is always turned on
Compliance Standard
Note: Scene7 ignores printer mark settings in the joboptions file. Rather, printer marks are configured through the use
of Scene7 URL commands.
3 Click Export, then specify a name and location and click Save.
4 Upload the job options file as an asset to the Scene7 Publishing System.
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Template Publishing
Use it with your published template by referring to it in the URL. For example:,cmyk&jobopti
Preparing the PDF for print
Before finalizing the PDF for print, make sure you follow the guidelines in this section.
Make sure that all images in your publish job have been uploaded to your Scene7 Server and published.
Make sure that all fonts in your publish job have been uploaded to your Scene7 Server and published. Be certain that
you have legal rights to host the fonts if you plan to allow end-users to change them.
Image resolution (pixels per inch)
The resolution of bitmap images is preserved by the Scene7 server in generated print-ready PDFs. Scene7 upscales
image resolution if necessary. For optimal results, leave the resolution at the default value (typically 72 dpi) when
previewing on web. The default resolution for all the images in your company is set in the Publish Settings/Image
Server window in the Default Print Resolution section. Higher resolutions (such as 300dpi) can result in longer
processing time and should only be applied to a print-ready PDF. Use the imageRes= command in the URL to
manually override the default resolution for PDF jobs.
Color Management
Your document and images can use grayscale, CMYK, named spot colors, RGB, or Lab color models. Each can be
either uncalibrated or calibrated by employing an ICC color profile. For best results, embed the profile in the generated
print-ready PDF. The Scene7 Server does this by default. Make sure that all required color profiles have been uploaded
to the Scene7 platform. Preferably, make sure that the color management options set in your design application, match
those set in your Scene7 Server:
Design application color management settings: In the Color Settings of your authoring application (such as Adobe
Illustrator), specify the RGB and CMYK color profiles in the Working Spaces section.
Scene7 color management settings: Typically, the color management settings in the design application should match
the default color profiles in your Scene7 server. You can find these settings in the Publish Setup/Image Server window.
Displaying printer marks
You might create a PDF for either of these cases:
• A finished document
• An intermediate document, such as a film or plate, which may be sent to a printer for production
An intermediate document might contain additional production content, such as bleed margins, printer marks, and
so on. This content is usually shown outside the boundaries of the finished page.
All marks available from the "Add Printer Marks" screen in Acrobat are supported. The printer marks are controlled
with the printerMark parameter. The syntax is &printerMark=trim marks, bleed marks, registration
marks, color bars, page information, style, line weight, layer embed.
• trim marks = 0|1
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• bleed marks = 0|1
• registration marks = 0|1
• color bars = 0|1
• page information = 0|1
• style = Illustrator | IllustratorJ | QuarkXPress
• line weight = 0.125 | 0.25 | 0.50
• layer embed = 0|1
When preparing a document for print production, printer marks may be needed to help the print service align
separation films for producing proofs, measure film for correct calibration and ink density, trim film to size, and so
on. Printer marks indicate the boundaries of document boxes such as trim boxes and bleed boxes. Production-related
content may include:
Media box The boundaries of the physical medium on which the page will be printed. Content outside the media box
can safely be discarded without affecting the meaning of the file.
Bleed box The region to which the contents of the page are clipped when output in a production environment. The
bleed box may include areas needed to accommodate the physical limitations of cutting, folding, and trimming
equipment. The default value is the page's crop box.
Trim box The intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming. The trim box may be smaller than the media
box to allow for production-related content, such as printing instructions, cut marks, and color bars. The default value
is the page's crop box.
Art box The extent of the page's meaningful content (including potential white space) as intended by the page's
creator. The default value is the page's crop box.
You can use the modifiers shown in this table to replicate the printer marks available in Adobe Illustrator, InDesign,
and Acrobat:
Specified in Acrobat with the Set Page Boxes option. Select BleedBox,
then specify the margins with the Margin Controls option.
Values represent the distance of the top, left, bottom, and right edges
from the original edges of the artwork (the media box) going inwards.
Values (0–1000) are in points.
New height=original height - (top+bottom)
New width= original width - (left+right)
Specified in Acrobat with the Set Page Boxes option. Modify Custom
Page Size under the Change Page Size option.
Values represent the distance of the top, left, bottom, and right edges
from the original edges of the artwork (the media box) going
outwards. Values (0–1000) are in points.
New height=top+bottom+original height
New width=top+bottom+original width
The new height and new width values determine the new page size of
the generated PDF.
Once a new Media Box is defined, all calculations of trim margin and
bleed margin need to consider the new Media Box as the edge of the
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Specified in Acrobat with the Set Page Boxes option. Select Trim Box,
then specify the margins with the Margin Controls option.
Values represent the distance of the top, left, bottom, and right edges
from the original edges of the artwork (the media box) going inwards.
Values (0–1000) are in points.
New height=original height - (top+bottom)
New width=original width - (left+right)
printerMark= trim marks, bleed marks, registration marks, color
bars, page information, style, line weight, layer embed
Values are as follows:
trim marks = 0,1 (default is 0)
bleed marks = 0,1 (default is 0)
registration marks = 0,1 (default is 0)
color bars = 0,1 (default is 0)
page information = 0,1 (default is 0)
style = Default, InDesignJ1, InDesignJ2, Illustrator,
illustratorJ, QuarkXPress (default is Default)
line weight= 0.125–0.2, both values inclusive (default is 0.25)
layer embed = 0, 1, with 1 creating a new layer containing all printer
marks (default is 1)
Depending on what style is used, the marks and color bars appear
different and match with the corresponding styles used by Acrobat.
Note the following about printer marks:
• Specify bleed margins, trim margins, and media margins through URL calls when specifying printer marks.
Specifying printer marks without specifying these margins causes these marks to appear outside the visible region
of the generated PDF. Also, the trim marks and bleed marks overlap.
• Specifying the same margin values for the trim margin and bleed margin results in trim marks and bleed marks
overlapping when both these flags are set to 1 in &printerMark.
• Specifying fmt=swf/image formats through URL calls results in output without any printer marks or margins
because this feature is specific to PDF output.
• Specifying &printerMark= through the URL results in default values being used for all parameters. Specifying
&printerMark=1 results in trim marks being set to 1 and default values for other parameters. But to set the nth
element to ON, all the (n-1) parameters need to be specified through URL.
• Specifying only one value for &trimMargin, &bleedMargin, and &mediaMargin results in that value being applied
to all the top, bottom, left, and right margins of the original artwork.
• Specifying only the top and left values through &trimMargin, &bleedMargin, and &mediaMargin results in the top
value being assigned to the bottom value and the left value being equal to the right.
• Not specifying the right value through &trimMargin, &bleedMargin, and &mediaMargin results in the left value
being assigned to the right.
• For a multi-page PDF, printer marks/margins are applied to all the pages (in Acrobat, users can select page ranges
for printer marks/margins).
• The output of a PDF with printer marks/margins enabled matches exactly with Acrobat X unless otherwise
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Template Publishing
If you want to create a PDF/X-4 compliant PDF file through the &joboption modifier in the URL, you should be aware
of the limitations related to printer marks specified in the PDF ISO_15930-7-2008.pdf:
• Each Page object of a PDF file includes a MediaBox. Each Page object in a PDF/X-4 conforming file shall include a
TrimBox or an ArtBox, but not both. The MediaBox may be included by inheritance.
• If the BleedBox is present, the ArtBox or the TrimBox shall not extend beyond the boundaries of the BleedBox. If
the CropBox is present, none of the ArtBox, the TrimBox, or the BleedBox shall extend beyond the boundaries of
the CropBox.
• None of the ArtBox, the TrimBox, the CropBox, or the BleedBox shall extend beyond the boundaries of the
• Some industry practices require the use of the BleedBox. Appropriate trade practices should be followed.
• The use of the TrimBox is recommended over the use of the ArtBox.
• All annotations other than TrapNet and PrinterMark annotations shall have a value for Rect lying completely
outside the BleedBox (or the TrimBox or the ArtBox if no BleedBox is present). All PrinterMark annotations shall
have a value for Rect lying completely outside the TrimBox or ArtBox. A PDF/X-4 conforming reader may
completely ignore annotations except for PDF TrapNet annotations.
• A Rect shall be regarded as completely outside a bounding box if all of the coordinates of the Rect lie either outside
the bounding box or on its edge, and the intersection of the two rectangles is zero.
• If the ViewerPreferences dictionary contains the ViewArea, ViewClip, PrintArea or PrintClip keys, each of these
keys present shall have the value MediaBox or (if a BleedBox is present in all page objects of the file) BleedBox.
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Chapter 15: Video
Adobe® Scene7 eVideo is an end-to-end solution that makes it easy to publish high-quality Adaptive Video for
streaming across multiple screens, including desktop, iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Windows mobile devices. An
Adaptive Video Set groups versions of the same video that are encoded at different bit rates and formats such as 400
kbps, 800 kbps, and 1000 kbps. The desktop computer or mobile device detects the available bandwidth.
For example, on an iOS mobile device, it detects a bandwidth such as 3G, 4G, or Wi-Fi. Then, it automatically selects
the right encoded video from among the various video bit rates within the Adaptive Video Set. The video is streamed
to desktops, mobile devices, or tablets.
In addition, video quality is dynamically switched automatically if network conditions change on the desktop or on
the mobile device. Also, if a customer enters full-screen mode on a desktop, the Adaptive Video Set responds by using
a better resolution, thereby improving the customer’s viewing experience. Using Adaptive Video Sets provides you
with the best possible playback for customers playing Scene7 video on multiple screens and devices.
The logic that a video player uses to determine which encoded video to play or to select during playback is based on
the following algorithm:
1 Playback is started using the video in the Adaptive Video Set with the bit rate that is closest to the target set for
“Initial Desktop Bitrate” in the video player.
2 Eliminate encoded videos with a height that is greater than 150% of the player height.
3 Eliminate encoded videos with a bit rate that is greater than 70% of the detected download speed.
4 From the remaining encoded videos, select the rendition with the highest bit rate.
5 The video player then checks bandwidth speed every four seconds during playback and adjusts as necessary.
For managing single video and Adaptive Video Sets, Scene7 supports the following:
• Uploading video from numerous supported video formats and audio formats and encoding video to MP4 H.264
format for playback across multiple screens. You can use predefined Scene7 adaptive video presets, single video
encoding presets, or customize your own encoding to control the quality and size of the video.
When an adaptive video set is generated, it includes MP4 videos and F4V videos.
Note: Master/source videos, OGG videos, and any other source format video are not added to an Adaptive Video Set.
• Video captioning in the Univeral_HTML5_Video, Universal_HTML5_MixedMedia_dark, and
Universal_HTML5_MixedMedia_light viewers, or Video_Caption (Flash AS3) viewer, and video chapter
navigation in the Univeral_HTML5_Video, Universal_HTML5_MixedMedia_dark, and
Universal_HTML5_MixedMedia_light viewers.
See “Adding captions to video” on page 229.
See “Adding chapter markers to video” on page 231.
• Organize, browse, and search video with full metadata support for efficient management of video assets.
• Deliver Adaptive Video Sets to the web as well as to desktops, and mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPad,
Android™, Blackberry, and Windows phone.
Adaptive video streaming is supported on a variety of iOS platforms.
See the latest support in the Scene7 Viewers Reference Guide.
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Scene7 supports mobile video playback for MP4 H.264 video. You can find Blackberry devices that support this
video format at the following website:
See Supported video formats on Blackberry.
You can find Windows devices that support this video format at the following:
See Supported video formats on Windows Phone.
• Play back the video using Scene7 Viewer Presets, including the following:
• Single video viewers.
• Mixed Media viewers that combine both video and image content.
• Configure video players to meet your branding needs.
• Integrate video to your website, mobile site, or mobile application with a simple URL or embed code.
See “Quick Start: Video” on page 209.
Working with HTML5 video
While HTML5 is a common standard for delivering mobile video experiences, you will want to consider some of the
following limitations of HTML5 as a platform for delivering your desktop video experiences:
• HTML5 provides only a suboptimal desktop video experience.
There is no video streaming standard across web browsers for HTML5. Therefore, you can only deliver your videos
to customers by way of a progressive download experience. Such an experience means longer load times and longer
seeking in the video. And, a temporary copy of the video is stored on the user’s desktop.
Furthermore, adaptive video streaming is not available. With adaptive video streaming, the video player detects a
user’s network connection and serves the right video quality, dynamically. In other words, a lower quality video is
served for a slow bandwidth and a higher-quality video is served for faster connections. Without this dynamic
streaming, every user experiences a “one-size-fits-all” video playback experience, regardless of their bandwidth.
• More videos for you to encode and manage.
There is no video format and codec that all browsers support. To compensate, you must encode to at least two, and
up to four, different video formats (such as MP4, OGG Theora, and WebM). This encoding is necessary just to get
the same video to play back across Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, and other web browsers.
Limited ability to customize the video player.
Each HTML5 browser has its own default appearance for video player controls. As a result, it is difficult to create a
consistent video viewer experience for users because video player customization is limited.
• Limited reach to users.
Not all desktop browsers are HTML5-compatible. For example, Internet Explorer versions 7 and 8 do not support
HTML5 video tags. This limitation means that you cannot get full reach across desktop users.
The supported system requirements for HTML5 video codecs include the following:
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Firefox 3.5 or higher (desktop)
Internet Explorer 9 or higher (desktop and mobile)
Chrome 3.0 or higher (desktop)
Android 3.0 or higher (tablet)
Android 2.3 or higher (mobile)
iOS 3.1 or higher (mobile)
Chrome 29 (latest version; Chrome updates
automatically to the latest version)
Safari 5.1 (Mac OS only)
See “Uploading and encoding videos” on page 211.
While these limitations are significant, there are two alternatives that you can use, one being a best practice for
delivering your rich media content:
• Use the HTML5 Video viewers in Scene7 Publishing System.
As a best practice, use the Universal_HTML5_Video viewer to solve many of the issues described above regarding
HTML5 video playback. The video viewer is a single player that lets you take advantage of the following two things
at the same time.
1 Design the player’s functionality using HTML5 and CSS.
2 Play back the video using either adaptive streaming or progressive streaming download to reach the majority of
desktop and mobile users - even on browsers that do not support HTML5. The player can dynamically use Flash
or HTML5 playback based on the browser that is used and plug-in compatibility.
See “Best practice: Using the HTML5 Video viewer” on page 207.
See Dynamic video playback.
See also About HTML5 Viewers in the Adobe Scene7 Viewers Reference Guide.
• Use the Universal URL feature.
Use Scene7 Publishing System to set up a universal video profile using the Flash video viewer on desktop and native
device player on mobile and tablet devices.
Note: One of the advantages of using the HTML5 Video viewer–which is a best practice–is that, unlike using the Universal
URL feature, it does not open the video in another window, thereby taking your customers away from your website.
Instead, it keeps the entire playback experience on the same web page. Using the HTML5 Video viewer also means that
you can play the video embedded on a mobile web page and customize the video player for a consistent, branded
experience on both desktop computers and on mobile devices.
See “Using the Universal URL” on page 233.
Best practice: Using the HTML5 Video viewer
The Scene7 HTML5 Video viewer presets are robust video players. You can use them to avoid many common issues
that are associated with HTML5 video playback and issues associated with mobile devices such as lack of adaptive
streaming delivery and limited desktop browser reach.
On the design side of the player, you can design all of the video player’s functionality using standard web development
tools. For example, you can design the buttons, controls, and custom poster image background using HTML5 and CSS
to help you reach your customers with a customized appearance.
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On the playback side of the viewer, it automatically detects the browser’s video capability. It then serves the video using
Flash or Apple streaming (adaptive video streaming). Or, if those delivery methods are not present then HTML5
progressive is used instead.
By combining into a single player the ability to design the playback components using HTML5 and CSS, have
embedded playback, and use adaptive and progressive streaming depending on the browser’s capability, you extend
the reach of your rich media content to both desktop and mobile users and ensure a streamlined video experience.
See also About HTML5 Viewers in the Adobe Scene7 Viewers Reference Guide.
How the HTML5 video viewer works on desktop computers
For desktop adaptive video streaming, the videos used for bit rate switching are based first on all F4V videos in the
Adaptive Video Set. If none exist, then it is based on all MP4 videos in the Adaptive Video Set.
The following table describes the workflow that the HTML5 Video viewer uses to determine how videos are played on
desktop computers.
Does the desktop browser have Flash player
The HTML5 Video viewer plays the video with Flash-based HTTP
adaptive streaming that automatically adjusts playback based on
network bandwidth capacity, and also lets the customer seek.
Yes - see description on right.
No - continue to next question below.
Is the desktop browser Apple Safari?
Yes - see description on right.
No - continue to next question below.
Is the desktop browser HTML5 compatible, and
the video uses H.264 codec?
Yes - see description on right.
The HTML5 Video viewer plays the video in Safari using Apple’s iOS
standard for HTTP adaptive video streaming that automatically
adjusts playback based on network bandwidth capacity, and also
lets the customer seek.
The HTML5 Video viewer plays the video using the HTML5
<video> tag. This tag allows the video to be progressively
downloaded and play natively on the desktop without any plugins.
No - continue to next question below.
Flash player is unavailable in either Firefox or
Internet Explorer 8 or earlier?
Unable to play the video.
How the HTML5 video viewer works on mobile devices
For mobile adaptive video streaming, the videos used for bit rate switching are based first on all MP4 videos in the
Adaptive Video Set.
The following table describes the workflow that the HTML5 Video viewer uses to determine how to play videos on
mobile devices.
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Is the mobile device an iOS-based smartphone or The HTML5 Video viewer plays the video using Apple’s iOS
standard for HTTP adaptive video streaming that automatically
adjusts playback based on network bandwidth capacity, and also
Yes - see answer on right.
lets the customer seek.
No - continue to next question below.
Is it a supported Android, Blackberry, or Windows The HTML5 Video viewer plays the video using HTML5
mobile device?
progressive video download.
Yes - see description on right.
No - continue to next question below.
Is it an unsupported device?
Unable to play the video.
Quick Start: Video
The following step-by-step workflow description is designed to help you get up and running quickly with adaptive
video sets in Scene7. After each step is a cross-reference to a topic heading where you can find more information.
1. Uploading and encoding videos
Upload and generate adaptive video sets using one of the following two scenarios:
• Upload pre-encoded videos - If your videos were already encoded outside Scene7, click Upload on the Global
Navigation bar to browse and upload MP4 or F4V video files directly to Scene7 Publishing System. Then, click
Build > Adaptive Video Sets. Browse to your video files. Drag-and-drop the video files you want into the Adaptive
Video Set table, and then save the set.
• Upload master source videos - If your videos are not encoded, click Upload on the Global Navigation bar to
upload master video source files (non-MP4, non-FLV, and non-F4V files) and have Scene7 Publishing System
encode them to MP4 files for you. In the Upload Job Options dialog box, under EVideo Options, select Adaptive
Video Encoding (16:9 or 4:3).
This preferred option lets you create an Adaptive Video Set that automatically applies the correct encoding preset
to the video, whether it is 16:9 or 4:3, to match the dimensions of the video you uploaded. When you submit your
upload job, an Adaptive Video Set is automatically created for you which includes five video encodes in the correct
aspect ratio.
Or, in the same Job Options dialog box, under EVideo Options, expand Single Encoding Presets and select
individual video encoding presets that you want from Desktop, Mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android), and Tablet
(iPad, Android) so that you create the MP4 files.
• Or, you can reprocess a master video using the Reprocess feature. The newly encoded videos are added to the
existing Adaptive Video Set.
See “Uploading and encoding videos” on page 211.
See also
“Best practices for video encoding” on page 215
Scene7 offers numerous predefined video encoding presets. These predefined presets reflect the most common video
encoding settings used today and are optimized for playback on target screens.
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However, if further customization is needed, administrators can create Video Presets to customize the size and
playback experience of Videos to end users. Administrators can add and manage Video Presets from the Video Presets
page available under Setup > Application Setup > Video Presets > Single Encoding Presets. The Video Presets page
offers options for adding, editing, deleting, and activating Video Presets.
See “Working with video encoding presets” on page 219.
2. Previewing videos in a video viewer
To see how a video plays for end users on a desktop, your website, or on a mobile device, select the video in the Browse
Panel, and then click Preview.
See “Previewing videos in a video viewer” on page 222.
You can play the video on the Preview screen. You can also choose different Video Viewers to find out what your video
looks like in different players. As a best practice, use the HTML5 video player for multi-screen playback on desktop,
tablet, and mobile devices.
Viewer Preset customization - Scene7 offers predefined Viewer Presets for delivering video. These presets determine
the look of the Viewer and how its playback controls work. To customize the video viewer, Administrators can add
and manage Viewer Presets from the Viewer Presets page. To open this page, in the upper-right corner of the Scene7
Publishing System, click Setup > Viewer Presets. The Viewer Presets page offers commands for adding, editing,
deleting, and activating Viewer Presets.
See “Working with video viewer presets” on page 223.
3. Deploying videos to your websites and mobile sites
To integrate video into your website, you can do either one of the following:
• Display the video in its own pop-up or modal window, in which case you should use the Copy URL feature.
To obtain the URL for a video, in the Grid View or List View, select it in the Browse Panel. Click Preview, and then
click Copy URL to the right of Universal_HTML5_Viewer.
When you click Copy URL, the URL is copied to the Clipboard. Place this code in the HTML of your website,
mobile site, or application.
Note: URLs are activated only after you publish the video or Adaptive Video Set.
• Display the video embedded on the web page, in which case you should use the Embed Code feature.
To obtain the embed code for a video, in the Grid View or List View, select the video in the Browse Panel. Click
Preview > Viewer List. Under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code to the right of
Universal_HTML5_Video. Editing the code is not permitted.
Click Close and paste the embed code in your web pages.
Note: Embed code is only activated after you publish the video or Adaptive Video Set.
See “Deploying video to your websites and mobile sites” on page 224.
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Uploading and encoding videos
To create single video or adaptive video sets for delivery to the web or mobile devices, you first upload your master
video files to the Scene7 Publishing System. Scene7 encodes videos to MP4 format and it publishes video in the
following file formats:
MP4 Scene7 recommends MP4 as the preferred video file format. Use MP4 files for the following:
• HTTP Dynamic Streaming on desktops.
• HTTP Live Streaming (Apple’s streaming protocol).
• Progressive video delivery to Android, Blackberry, and Windows mobile devices
OGG Theora Use OGV files for progressive video delivery to non-Flash enabled desktops and mobile devices.
Flash FLV and F4V files Use FLV and F4V files for progressive or streaming video delivery to Adobe Flash Players on
the desktop.
Scene7 offers two workflows for uploading video files:
Pre-encoded Videos You upload FLV, F4V, and MP4 files directly to Scene7. With this workflow, files are not encoded
at the time you upload them. The files are pre-encoded in preparation for delivery to the desktop and to mobile devices.
Master source videos Upload master source video files and, at upload, encode these files to MP4 files. Encoded videos
are labeled “Video” in the Browse panel. Scene7 supports the encoding of video files in many formats.
• Make sure the master source video files you want to encode are supported.
See “Supported video file types for encoding” on page 214.
• Choose a video encoding preset.
See “Video presets for encoding video files” on page 26.
See “Best practices for video encoding” on page 215.
Scene7 also generates video thumbnails. You can learn more about video thumbnails, how to obtain their URLs, and
modifying poster frames.
See “Working with video thumbnails” on page 228.
To upload and encode videos
❖ Do one of the following:
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If your videos are already encoded
1 On the Global Navigation bar, click Upload.
2 In the Upload screen, click From Desktop tab.
3 On the Upload page, in the Select Files for Upload panel, click
Browse, navigate to an MP4 or F4V video file, and then click
4 In the Choose Folder Destination panel, select a folder for the
uploaded file.
5 On the Upload page, make sure Publish After Uploading is
6 Click Submit Upload.
If you want to encode your videos
using Scene7 Publishing System
1 On the Global Navigation bar, click Upload.
2 In the Upload screen, click From Desktop tab.
3 In the Select Files to Upload panel, click Browse, navigate to a
master source video file, and then click Open.
4 In the Choose Folder Destination panel, select a folder for the
uploaded file.
5 In the lower-right corner of the page, click Job Options,
6 In the Upload Job Options dialog box, expand EVideo Options.
7 Do one of the following:
• Best practice is to use the following method.
Select Adaptive Video Encoding (16:9 or 4:3).
See “Adaptive Video Encoding (16:9 or 4:3) video presets” on
page 28.
• Optional, if you want to use individual encoding settings, do
the following.
Expand Single Encoding Presets, and then select the encoding
options you want for Desktop, Mobile, and Tablet.
See “Desktop video encoding presets” on page 29, “Mobile
video encoding presets” on page 30, “Tablet video encoding
presets” on page 31.
8 In the Upload Job Options dialog box, click Save.
9 On the Upload page, make sure Publish After Uploading is
10 On the Upload page, in the lower-right corner, click Submit
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If you want to re-encode a video file
that you previously uploaded
1 In Scene7, in the Browse panel, navigate to the video and select it.
2 Click File > Reprocess.
3 In the Reprocess Assets dialog box, expand EVideo Options.
4 Do one of the following:
• Best practice is to use the following method.
Select Adaptive Video Encoding (16:9 or 4:3).
See “Adaptive Video Encoding (16:9 or 4:3) video presets” on
page 28.
• Optional, if you want to use individual encoding settings, do
the following.
Expand Single Encoding Presets, and then select the encoding
options you want for Desktop, Mobile, and Tablet.
See “Desktop video encoding presets” on page 29, “Mobile
video encoding presets” on page 30, “Tablet video encoding
presets” on page 31.
5 In the Reprocess Assets dialog box, click Submit.
When you use an Adaptive Video Encoding preset or you use multiple single encoding presets, the result is an
Adaptive Video Set that is automatically created with multiple video encodings. You can also manually create an
Adaptive Video Set by selecting individual videos.
Only MP4 and M4V file types are created when you generate an Adaptive Video Set either automatically or manually.
More Help topics
“Best practices for video encoding” on page 215
“Working with video encoding presets” on page 219
Supported video file types for encoding
The following table lists video file types (with permitted video codecs) that you can encode to MP4 or OGV format
when you upload files. The table lists file formats and codecs:
Video file formats Similar to a ZIP file, a video file format determines how files are contained in the video file. A video
file usually contains multiple tracks — a video track (without audio) and one or more audio tracks (without video) —
that are interrelated and synchronized. The video file format determines how these different data tracks and metadata
are organized.
Video codecs A video codec describes the algorithm by which a video is encoded. A video player decodes the video
according to its codec and then displays a series of images, or frames, on the screen. Codecs minimize the amount of
information that video files are required to store to play video. Rather than information about each individual frame,
only information about the differences between one frame and the next are stored. Because most videos change little
from one frame to the next, codecs allow for high compression rates, which results in smaller file sizes.
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Video file format
Video codecs
H.263, H.264
DivX, DV
DV, DVCPro 50, H.261, H.263, H.264, Sorenson Video 1
H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
DVCPro 50
VC-1, Windows Media Video 7, Windows Media Video 8
Note: The Jobs screen alerts you if you upload and attempt to encode a video file but the file is rejected because it contains
an incompatible codec or file container. For more information, see “Checking job files” on page 93.
Best practices for video encoding
The following are best-practice tips for encoding source video files in Scene7 Publishing System.
For advice about video encoding, see the following:
• Article: Streaming 101: The Basics — Codecs, Bandwidth, Data Rate, and
• Video: Video Encoding
More Help topics
“Quick Start: Video” on page 209
“Uploading and encoding videos” on page 211
“Working with video encoding presets” on page 219
“Working with video viewer presets” on page 223
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Source video files
When you encode a video file, use a source video file of the highest possible quality. Avoid using previously encoded
video files because these files are already compressed, and further encoding creates a subpar quality video.
The following table describes the recommended size, aspect ratio, and minimum bit rate that your source video files
should have when you encode them:
Aspect ratio
Minimum bit rate
1024 X 768
4500 kbps for most videos.
1280 X 720
3000 - 6000 kbps, depending on the amount of motion in
the video.
1920 X 1080
6000 - 8000 kbps, depending on the amount of motion in
the video.
Obtaining a file’s metadata
You can obtain a file’s metadata by viewing its metadata in Scene7, using a video editing tool, or using an application
designed for obtaining metadata. Following are instructions for using MediaInfo, a third-party application, to obtain
a video file’s metadata:
1 Go to this web page:
2 Select and download the installer for the GUI version, and follow the installation instructions.
3 After installation, either right-click the video file (Windows only) and select MediaInfo, or open MediaInfo and
drag your video file into the application. You see all metadata associated with your video file, including its width,
height, and fps.
Aspect ratio
When you choose or create a video encoding preset for your master video file, make sure that the preset has the same
aspect ratio as the master video file. The aspect ratio is the ratio of the width to the height of the video.
To determine the aspect ratio of a video file, obtain the file’s metadata and note the file’s width and height (see
“Obtaining a file’s metadata” on page 216). Then use this formula to determine the aspect ratio:
width/height = aspect ratio
The following table describes how formula results translate to common aspect ratio choices:
Formula result
Aspect ratio
For example, a video that is 1440 width x 1080 height has an aspect ratio of 1440/1080, or 1.33. In this case you choose
a video encoding preset with a 4:3 aspect ratio to encode the video file.
Data rate
The data rate (also called the bit rate) is the amount of data that is encoded to make up a single second of video
playback. The data rate is measured in kilobits per second (Kbps).
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Important: Because all codecs use lossy compression, data rate is the most important factor in video quality. With lossy
compression, the more you compress a video file, the more the quality is degraded. For this reason, all other characteristics
being equal (the resolution, frame rate, and codec), the lower the data rate, the lower the quality of the compressed file.
When you choose a video encoding preset, take into account the target end user’s connection speed. Choose a preset
with a data rate that is 80 percent of that speed. For example, if the target end user’s connection speed is 1000 Kbps,
the best preset is one with a video data rate of 800 Kbps.
This table describes the data rate of typical connection speeds.
Speed (Kbps)
Connection type
Dial-up connection.
Typical mobile connection. For this connection, target a data rate in the range of 400
to a maximum of 800 for 3G experiences.
Typical broadband desktop connection. For this connection, target a data rate in the
800–2000 Kbps range, with most targets averaging 1200–1500 Kbps.
Typical high-broadband connection. Encoding in this upper range is not
recommended because video delivery at this speed is not available to most
Resolution describes a video file’s height and width in pixels. Most source video is stored at a high resolution (for
example, 1920 x 1080). For streaming purposes, source video is compressed to a smaller resolution (640 x 480 or
Resolution and data rate are two integrally linked factors that determine video quality. To maintain the same video
quality, the higher the number of pixels in a video file (the higher the resolution), the higher the data rate must be. For
example, consider the number of pixels per frame in a 320 x 240 resolution and a 640 x 480 resolution video file:
Pixels per frame
320 x 240
640 x 480
The 640 x 480 file has four times more pixels per frame. To achieve the same data rate for these two example
resolutions, you apply four times the compression to the 640 x 480 file, which can reduce the quality of the video.
Therefore, a video data rate of 250 Kbps produces high-quality viewing at a 320 x 240 resolution, but not at a 640 x 480
In general, the higher data rate you use, the better your video looks, and the higher resolution you use, the higher data
rate you need to maintain viewing quality (compared to lower resolutions).
Because resolution and data rate are linked, you have two options when encoding video:
• Choose a data rate and then encode at the highest resolution that looks good at the data rate you chose.
• Choose a resolution and then encode at the data rate necessary to achieve high-quality video at the resolution you
When you choose (or create) a video encoding preset for your master video file, use this table to target the correct
Last updated 10/9/2014
Height (pixels)
Screen size
Tiny screen
Small screen typically for mobile devices
Small screen
Medium screen
Large screen
High-definition large screen
Fps (frames per second)
In the United States and Japan, most video is shot at 29.97 frames per second (fps); in Europe, most video is shot at 25
fps. Film is shot at 24 fps.
Choose a video encoding preset that matches the fps rate of your master video file. For example, if your master video
is 25 fps, choose an encoding preset with 25 fps. By default, all custom encoding uses the master video file’s fps. For
this reason, you do not need to explicitly specify the fps setting when you create a video encoding preset.
Video encoding dimensions
For optimal results, select encoding dimensions such that the source video is a whole multiple of all your encoded
To calculate this ratio, you divide source width by encoded width to get the width ratio. Then, you divide source height
by encoded height to get the height ratio.
If the resulting ratio is a whole integer, it means that the video is optimally scaled. If the resulting ratio is not a whole
integer, it impacts video quality by leaving leftover pixel artifacts on the display. This effect is most noticeable when
the video has text.
As an example, suppose that your source video is 1920 x 1080. In the following table, the three encoded videos provide
the optimal encoding settings to use.
Video Type
Width x Height
Width Ratio
Height Ratio
1920 x 1080
960 x 540
640 x 360
480 x 270
Encoded video file format
Adobe Scene7 recommends using MP4 H.264 video encoding presets. Because MP4 files use the H.264 video codec, it
provides high-quality video but in a compressed file size.
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Working with video encoding presets
Master video files created with video production equipment and video-editing software are often too large and not in
the proper format for delivery to online destinations. To convert digital video to the proper format and specifications
for playback on different screens, you can transcode video files (a process also known as encoding). During the
encoding process, the video is compressed to a smaller, efficient file size for optimal delivery to the web and to mobile
See “Uploading and encoding videos” on page 211.
Scene7 gives you a library of predefined video encoding presets that reflect the most common encoding settings used
today. These encoding presets are optimized for playback on target screens. In addition, administrators can create their
own video encoding presets to customize the size and playback quality of videos to end users. All video encoding
presets, whether out-of-the-box from Scene7, or custom-made, output video in the MP4 file format.
On the Video Presets screen, administrators can set up and manage video encoding. They can do the following:
• Activate and deactivate video encoding presets.
• Create a video encoding preset.
• Edit video encoding presets.
• Delete video presets.
Any video that you upload to Scene7 Publishing System or that you encode in Scene7 Publishing System is treated as
“video”. In other words, this asset classification means that you can deliver the video for playback on desktops, mobile
devices, or both. For example, you can preview these types of videos in Scene7 Publishing System. You can also
generate URLs (using the Copy URL feature) and code that you can embed (using the Embed Code feature) for use
with video players, on websites, and so on.
See “Previewing videos in a video viewer” on page 222.
See “Linking a video URL to a mobile site or a website” on page 225.
See “Embedding the video viewer on a web page” on page 225.
For video assets that you upload and encode in Scene7 Publishing System, you can deliver video in the following file
MP4 H.264 Scene7 recommends MP4 as the preferred video file format. Use MP4 files for the following:
• HTTP Dynamic Streaming on desktops.
• HTTP Live Streaming (Apple’s streaming protocol).
• Progressive video delivery to Android, Blackberry, and Windows mobile devices.
OGG Vorbis Use OGV files for progressive video delivery to non-Flash enabled desktops.
F4V H.264, FLV VP6, and FLV H.263 Use Flash FLV or F4V files for progressive or streaming video delivery to Adobe
Flash Players on the desktop.
Any other video format and codec that is not in the list above is treated as a “Master Video”. This asset classification
means that the video is a source video file and cannot be used for delivery playback on desktops or mobile devices. For
example, you cannot preview these types of videos in Scene7 Publishing System. You also cannot generate Copy URLs
or Embed Code for use in video players, on websites, and so on.
Filtering the list of video encoding presets
The Video Presets page and the Adaptive Video Presets page consist of a table that lists the active status, preset name,
intended playback device, video dimension, and target data rate of each video preset.
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You can refine the list by choosing to filter on Both, Active, or Inactive, to see all Video Presets or narrow the list to
presets that are active or inactive.
You can also filter based on a playback device option to narrow the list to Video Presets designed for playing videos
on all devices, desktop, mobile, or tablets.
To filter the list of video encoding presets
1 In Scene7, click Setup > Application Setup > Video Presets > Adaptive Video Presets or Single Encoding Presets.
The pages for Adaptive Video Presets and Single Encoding Presets include a table that lists the Active status, Preset
name, intended Playback Device, video dimensions, and Target data rate of each video preset.
2 On the Single Encoding Presets page called Video Presets, on the Video Presets toolbar, use the two drop-down lists
to refine the list of presets in the table based on Active status, and playback device.
• On the first, narrower drop-down list, choose Both to see all Video Presets, or choose Active or Inactive or
narrow the list to presets that are active or inactive.
• On the second, wider drop-down list, choose a playback device option to narrow the list to Video Presets
designed for playing videos on desktops. or for playing videos on mobile or tablet devices.
Activating or deactivating video encoding presets
Activated Video Presets show up in the Upload Job Options dialog box. This is the dialog box that appears when a user
uploads video files during the upload process. They can choose from a list of all activated encoding presets.
To activate or deactivate video encoding presets
1 In Scene7, click Setup > Application Setup > Video Presets.
2 Do one of the following:
• Click Adaptive Video Presets.
• Click Single Encoding Presets.
3 Do one of the following:
• To activate a video preset, on the presets page, under the Active column, select the box next to a preset name.
• To deactivate a video preset, deselect the box next to the video presets that you want to make inactive.
Inactive Video Presets do not appear in the Upload Job Options dialog box.
4 In the lower right corner of the page, click Close.
Adding or editing a video encoding preset
You can create your own custom single encoding video presets and add them to the Video Presets table. You can also
make changes to any pre-defined single encoding Video Presets that came with Scene7, provided you save the edited
preset with a new name.
Scene7 has set maximum limits on the target data rate, resolution height, and resolution width to ensure a proper
playback experience. Warning messages appear if you exceed these limits which are the following:
• For computer playback, the limits are: (Width/16) * (Height/16) < 8192.
• For mobile playback, the limits are: (Width/16) * (Height/16) < 660; target data rate < 4000.
• For tablet playback, the limits are: (Width/16) * (Height/16) < 3600.
To add or edit a video encoding preset
1 In Scene7, click Setup > Application Setup > Video Presets.
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2 Click Single Encoding Presets to open the Video Presets page.
3 In the Video Presets page, do any one of the following:
• On the Video Presets toolbar click Add to add a new Video Preset.
• Select a Video Preset. In the toolbar, click Edit.
You cannot edit Scene7 predefined presets; you can only create a preset from an existing one by choosing Save As.
4 On the Add Video Preset page or the Edit Video Preset page, set the Video Preset options you want.
See “Best practices for video encoding” on page 215 for recommended settings.
Video Preset
Preset Name
Enter a descriptive name for the Video Preset. The name you enter appears in the Upload Job
Options dialog box, in which users choose transcoding options.
Describe the Video Preset. What you enter appears as a tool tip when you move the pointer
over the name of the preset in the Upload Job Options dialog box in which users choose
transcoding options.
Playback Device
Choose the device that the video is intended to play back on. The options are Computer
(compatible with Flash 9), Mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android); or Tablet (iPad only). This setting
automatically determines the appropriate video and audio codec that is used during
Target Data Rate
Enter the average Internet connection speed (in kilobits per second) of the target end user.
You can enter the rate or drag the slider to enter it. The User Connection Speed spectrum lists
typical speeds for broadband, DSL, mobile, and dial-up connections. This setting
automatically determines the combined video and audio data rate. In other words, the
amount of data that is encoded to make up a single second of video playback. The higher the
data rate, the better the quality of the resulting video. However, data rates that are too high
result in large file sizes that create subpar viewing experiences for users with a low
bandwidth. As a best practice, strike a balance between high and low data rates. Aim to
create an adequate quality playback experience without alienating users who have narrow
Aspect Ratio
Aspect ratio is the ratio of the width to the height of the video. The first two aspect ratios
listed below are commonly used to display video horizontally:
4:3 - Used for almost all standard definition TV broadcast content.
16:9 - Used for almost all wide-screen, high-definition TV content (HDTV) and movies.
Auto-scale - (Default) A single encoding preset that works with any aspect ratio to create
videos for delivery to mobile, tablet, and desktop. Uploaded source videos that are
encoded with this preset are set with a fixed height. However, the width automatically
scales to preserve the video’s aspect ratio (width to height ratio).
Custom - Used when you want to define a non-standard video size.
The aspect ratio you choose determines the width and height settings for the Resolution Size;
the width and height value automatically scale to the proper aspect ratio.
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Video Preset
Resolution Size
Resolution size, expressed by the number of pixels wide by the number of pixels high,
determines the dimension. Enter a width and height value in pixels or drag the slider to enter
these values. The Resolution spectrum lists typical resolution sizes. The width and height
values automatically adhere to the aspect ratio you selected. For example, if you select 4:3 as
the aspect ratio and enter 400 for width, 300 is entered automatically for height.
If you selected Auto-scale for the Aspect Ratio setting, then the Width value for the
Resolution Size is automatically set to Auto.
Click Preview to open a browser window and see your resolution choices there.
Encode File
Enter a suffix. This suffix is appended to the resulting encoded video file. You can enter a
hyphen and underscore in the name; blank spaces and special characters are not allowed.
Other Settings
Scene7 determines all other encoding settings automatically according to best-practice
encoding guidelines.
5 Do one of the following:
• Click Save if you added or edited a Video Preset.
• Click Save As if you added a Video Preset by starting from an existing preset.
Deleting a video encoding preset
Administrators can delete custom Video Presets. Video presets that come with Scene7 cannot be deleted.
To delete a video encoding preset
1 In Scene7, click Setup > Application Setup > Video Presets.
2 Click Single Encoding Presets to open the Video Presets page.
3 In the Video Presets page, select a Video Preset in the table that you no longer want or need.
4 On the Video Presets toolbar, click Delete.
5 In the Delete Preset dialog box, click Delete.
Previewing videos in a video viewer
You can preview what a video looks like and how it plays in the Video Viewer.
See “Adding and editing Viewer presets” on page 38.
To preview videos in a video viewer
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, in the Show drop-down list, select Video (single encoded videos) or
Adaptive Video Set (when the Adaptive Video encoding preset is used, it results in a set of multi-bitrate encoded
2 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate the asset folders to select the video that you want to preview.
3 Do any one of the following
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click List View. In the Asset window, hover on an
asset, and then click Preview.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Grid View. In the Asset window, in an asset
thumbnail window, click Preview.
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• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview.
• In the Asset window, select an asset. In the toolbar, click File > Preview.
4 (Optional) In the Preview window, in the drop-down list at the bottom, select the URL encoding that you want
applied to the asset’s URL when it is copied.
5 Click the Preview link to preview the asset in the selected viewer.
6 Close the displayed viewer to return to the Preview screen.
7 Click Close to return to the Assets screen.
Note: Scene7 provides a convenient method of previewing MP4 video on the desktop. Use this method to preview mobile
content on the desktop without physically testing it on mobile devices. Be aware, however, that what you see in the desktop
preview does not realistically show what playback looks like on the mobile device. To preview how video looks and plays
on a mobile device, go to the Preview screen, select the Copy URL and enter that URL in the web browser of a mobile
device. For more information, see “Deploying video to your websites and mobile sites” on page 224.
More Help topics
“Best practices for video encoding” on page 215
“Working with video encoding presets” on page 219
Working with video viewer presets
Users watch videos in the Video Viewer. How the Video Viewer behaves, what it looks like, and how its playback
controls work depends on the Viewer Preset you choose for playing the video. You choose a Viewer Preset on the
Preview screen. After you choose a preset, you can obtain the URL or the embed code for playing the video using the
Viewer Preset you chose.
Scene7 comes with many predefined Viewer Presets for playing video, and if you are an administrator, you can create
custom Viewer Presets. There are more than a dozen different settings for configuring the Video Viewer. You can
configure its size, color, video and audio controls, progress bar, user-interface skin, and social features.
See also “Previewing videos in a video viewer” on page 222.
Adding or editing a video viewer preset
You can use Viewer Presets to see various viewer types and their pre-defined settings. You can also add and edit your
own customized viewer presets or edit existing viewer presets that come with Scene7 Publishing System.
In Viewer Presets you can activate, filter, sort, and preview Viewer Presets.
See “Viewer Presets” on page 32.
To add or edit a video viewer preset
1 Near the upper-right corner of Scene7 Publishing System, click Setup > Viewer Presets.
To see only presets for Video Viewers, select Video Viewer from the open the Viewers drop-down list in the toolbar
directly above the table.
2 Add or edit a Viewer Preset for showing video:
Adding Click Add in the toolbar. In the Add Viewer Preset dialog box, choose a platform and viewer from the
respective drop-down lists, and then click Add.
See also “Adding and editing Viewer presets” on page 38.
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Adding by starting from an existing Viewer Preset In the table, select a Video Viewer Preset, and then click Edit in
the toolbar.
After you reconfigure the Video Viewer, click Save As to save the preset using a different name in the Preset Name
text field.
Editing Select a Video Viewer Preset, and then click Edit.
3 In the Configure Viewer screen, in the Preset Name field, enter or edit the preset name.
4 Set the remaining options that you want.
To see a description of an option, click its Info Tip icon
5 Do one of the following:
• Click Save As if you added a Viewer Preset by starting from an existing preset.
• Click Save if you added or edited a Viewer Preset.
Deploying video to your websites and mobile sites
Websites, mobile sites, and desktop applications access Scene7 server content, including video, by using URL strings
or embedded code. Scene7 activates these URL strings during the publishing process. To place the URL string or
embed code for your video in your web pages, mobile pages, and desktop applications, copy it from the Scene7
Publishing System.
Important: The URL or embed code is not active until you publish the asset.
Publishing video
Publishing a video enables Scene7 Servers to deliver video to your website, mobile site, or application.
There are two different methods you can use to publish video:
• Publish videos automatically and instantly on upload
As part of the video upload process, Scene7 can automatically publish videos when they are uploaded and encoded.
This ability to instantly publish means that there is no need to publish videos separately after the fact.
• Publish video manually after upload
If you do not want to publish videos immediately, you can manually publish videos at any time.
After you publish videos, the Scene7 Publishing System activates the URL strings for your HTML page or application code.
To publish video
❖ Do one of the following:
• To publish videos automatically and instantly on upload, in the Upload screen, click Publish after uploading.
You have finished; there are no further steps to complete.
• To publish videos manually after upload, in the Browse Panel, select the videos, and then on the Global
Navigation bar, click Publish.
More Help topics
“Publishing files” on page 87
Last updated 10/9/2014
Linking a video URL to a mobile site or a website
After you publish a video, you can obtain its URL for use in your website, mobile site, or desktop application. Use the
video URL when you want to display video in a pop-up or modal window on top of the web page.
When a customer clicks the link, their device, bandwidth, and screen size are automatically detected. The appropriate
video is displayed for playback in a pre-defined viewer for desktop, or in the mobile device's native video player for
smartphones and tablets.
See also “Embedding the video viewer on a web page” on page 225.
To link a video URL to a mobile site or a website
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Video or Adaptive Video Set.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the video or adaptive video set
you want to link.
3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View or List View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click the video thumbnail of a single asset to
open it in Detail View. In the URLs and Embed Code panel on the right, under HTTP Streaming, click Copy
URL to the right of the viewer you want. As a best practice, copy the URL associated with the
Universal_HTML5_Video viewer.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL. As a best practice, copy the URL
associated with the Universal_HTML5_Video viewer.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL. As a best practice, copy the URL
associated with the Universal_HTML5_Video viewer.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL. As a best practice, copy the URL
associated with the Universal_HTML5_Video viewer.
4 Paste the HTML5 video URL link on your website and mobile site.
Embedding the video viewer on a web page
Use the Embed Code feature when you want to play the video embedded on the web page. You copy the embed code to
the clipboard so you can paste it in your web pages. Editing of the code is not permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
See also “Linking a video URL to a mobile site or a website” on page 225.
To embed the video viewer on a web page
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Video or Adaptive Video Set.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the video or adaptive video set
whose embed code you want to copy.
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3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View or List View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click the video thumbnail of a single asset to
open it in Detail View. In the URLs and Embed Code panel on the right, under HTTP Streaming, click Embed
Code to the right of the viewer you want. As a best practice, click Embed Code that is associated with the
Universal_HTML5_Video viewer.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the video thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code. As a best practice, click
Embed Code that is associated with the Universal_HTML5_Video viewer.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code. As a best practice, click
Embed Code that is associated with the Universal_HTML5_Video viewer.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code. As a best practice, click
Embed Code that is associated with the Universal_HTML5_Video viewer.
4 In the Embed Code dialog box, click Copy to Clipboard.
Editing the code is not permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
5 Click Close.
6 Paste the embed code in your web pages.
Implementing embed code for using HTML5 video with MP4 and OGG video assets
If you do not use the Scene7 HTML5 video player, but instead want to use the native HTML5 <video> tag with MP4
and OGG video assets, you can use the following embed code sample:
<video poster="S7 video thumbnail URL" controls>
<source src="S7 OGG video asset URL (no player)" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora,
<source src="S7 MP4 mobile progressive video asset URL (no player)" type='video/mp4;
codecs="avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2"'/>
<p>This is fallback content</p>
• Replace "S7
video thumbnail URL" with the video’s thumbnail URL. This is the video’s thumbnail image that a
user sees before they play the video.
See “Obtaining video thumbnail URLs” on page 228.
• Replace "S7
OGG video asset URL (no player)" with the video’s progressive URL for OGG video.
See “Linking a video URL to a mobile site or a website” on page 225.
• Replace "S7
MP4 mobile progressive video asset URL (no player)" with the video’s mobile progressive URL.
See “Linking a video URL to a mobile site or a website” on page 225.
Deploying video using a third-party video player
If you use a third-party video player or a custom built video player instead of a Scene7 video viewer, you can obtain
the direct video URL that works for HTTP and iOS multi-bitrate video streaming or progressive download.
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To deploy video using a third-party video player
1 In Scene7 Publishing System, on the Global Navigation bar, click Setup > Application Setup > General Settings.
2 Depending on the type of URL you want to use, do one of the following tasks:
To generate a direct HTTP
streaming video URL for
desktop (multi-bitrate)
1 On the Application General Settings page, in the Servers group, in the
Published Server Name text field, construct the direct URL using the
following syntax:
For example, suppose the Published server name is Using the syntax in step 2, the direct URL might
look like the following:
To generate a direct iOS
streaming video URL
❖ On the Application General Settings page, in the Servers group, in the
Published Server Name text field, construct the direct URL using the
following syntax:
For example, suppose the Published server name is Using the syntax in step 2, the direct URL might
look like the following:
To generate a direct HTTP
streaming video URL for
desktop (single bit rate)
1 On the Application General Settings page, in the Servers group, in the
iOS Streaming Server Name text field, replace hls/vod with hds/vod in the
server name.
2 Construct the direct eVideo URL using the following syntax:
For example, using the syntax above, an example direct eVideo URL might
look like the following:
To generate a direct iOS
streaming video URL
(single bitrate):
❖ On the Application General Settings page, in the Servers group, in the
iOS Streaming Server Name text field, combine
server/company/folder/filename.ext.m3u8with the name of the iOS
streaming server.
For example, suppose the iOS streaming server name is Using the syntax in step 2, the
direct eVideo URL might look like the following:
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To generate a direct
progressive video URL
❖ On the Application General Settings page, in the Servers group, in the
Progressive Video Server Name text field, construct the direct eVideo
URL using the following syntax:
For example, suppose the progressive video server name is Using the syntax in step 2, the direct eVideo
URL might look like the following:
Working with video thumbnails
Scene7 generates thumbnails for Video Recuts, encoded videos, and pre-encoded videos. You can use video
thumbnails like any image asset. Moreover, you can obtain URLs for the video thumbnails that Scene7 generates and
deploy these URLs outside SPS. For example, you can deploy the thumbnails in search results, related video listings,
and video play lists on a website.
Thumbnails are generated based on the first heterogeneous frame (not an all black frame, or an all white frame, and
so forth) of the video.
See also “Video Recuts” on page 234.
Obtaining video thumbnail URLs
Scene7 generates video thumbnails automatically during the upload process. The thumbnails appear in the Browse
panel in List view and Grid view.
To generate URLs for video thumbnails, perform a publish operation.
See “Publishing video” on page 224.
After publishing, you can obtain video thumbnail URLs in Detail View in the URLs and Embed Code panel. Click
Copy URL to the right of the video thumbnail to copy its URL
Modifying poster frames in video viewers
The poster frame is the initial frame that appears in Video viewers before the video begins playing. Scene7 uses video
thumbnails as poster frames.
You can apply image modifiers to the poster frame. For example, you can crop the poster frame or make it transparent.
To modify the poster frame, open the video viewer configuration screen and enter modifiers in the Poster Image
Modifiers section.
See “Adding or editing a video viewer preset” on page 223.
You can also modify video thumbnails by appending modifiers to video thumbnail URLs.
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Adding captions to video
You can extend the reach of your videos to global markets by adding captioning to single videos or to Adaptive Video
Sets. By adding captioning you avoid the need to dub the audio, or the need to use native speakers to rerecord the audio
for each different language. The video is played in the language that it was recorded. Foreign language subtitles appear
so that people of different languages can still understand the audio portion.
Captioning also allows for greater accessibility by using closed captioning for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Note: The video player that is used must support the display of captions.
See “Adding or editing a video viewer preset” on page 223 to configure the Caption Effect and to edit the Caption
Menu itself, including the menu’s text for any of the following viewers:
Universal_HTML5_Video viewer (HTML5).
Universal_HTML5_MixedMedia_dark viewer (HTML5).
Universal_HTML5_MixedMedia_light viewer (HTML5).
Video_Caption viewer (Flash AS3).
See also “Adding and editing Viewer presets” on page 38.
See “Adding localization support to a Flash AS3 Viewer preset” on page 39 to add localization support to a video
caption viewer.
If desired, you can create and brand your own custom video viewer with captions instead of using a video viewer preset.
For instructions on creating your own HTML5 viewer with captions, in the Adobe Scene7 Viewer SDK for HTML5
guide, in the Adobe Scene7 Viewer SDK, reference the classes and
Or, to create your own Flash AS3 viewer with captions, see the Adobe Scene7 Viewer SDK for Adobe Flash also found
in the Adobe Scene7 Viewer SDK.
The Adobe Scene7 Viewer SDK is available as a download from the following location:
Adobe Developer Connection.
Scene7 has the capability of converting caption files to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. This conversion
means you can embed the JSON text into a web page as a hidden but complete transcript of the video. Search engines
can then crawl and index the content to make the videos more easily discoverable and give customers additional details
about the video content.
See Serving static (non-image) contents in the Scene7 Image Serving API Help for more information about using the
JSON function in a URL.
To add captions to video
1 Using a third-party application outside Scene7 Publishing System, create your video caption file based on the
viewer type that you are using.
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Viewer type
Captioning file
If you are using an HTML5 video viewer, ensure that the caption file you create follows the
WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks) standard. The captioning filename extension is .vtt. You can
learn more information about the WebVTT captioning standard.
See WebVTT: The Web Video Text Tracks format.
There are both free and paid for tools and services that you can use to author caption files
outside Scene7 Publishing System. For example, to create a simple video caption file with no
styling, you can use the following free online caption authoring and editing tool:
WebVTT Caption Maker
For best results, use the tool in Internet Explorer 9 or above, Google Chrome, or Safari.
In the tool, in the Enter URL of video file field, paste the URL of your video file and then click
For example, if you are using a Scene7 URL for your video file, in SPS, double-click an
individual video asset (not an Adaptive Video Set or a Master Video) to open it in Detail View.
In the right panel of the Detail View, expand URLs and Embed Code. Then under the Mobile
group, to the right of Mobile (Progressive), click Copy URL. This process gives you the URL to
the video file itself which you can then paste into the Enter URL of video file field. Internet
Explorer, Chrome, or Safari can then natively play back the video. Now follow the onscreen
instructions from the site to author and save your WebVTT file. When you have finished, copy
the caption file contents and paste it into a plain text editor and save it with a .vtt filename
Note: For global support of video captions in languages other than English, be
aware that the WebVTT standard requires that you create separate .vtt files
and calls for each language you want to support.
Generally, you want to name the caption VTT file the same name as the video file, and
append it with captions. By doing so, it can help you with automating the generation of
the video URLs using your existing web content management system.
Flash AS3
If you are using a Flash video viewer, ensure that it follows the DFXP (Distribution Format
Exchange Profile) standard or the SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers)
For more information about captioning standards, see the following:
Timed Text DFXP
To learn more about recommended captioning tools and captioning services that support
the necessary formats and standards, see Adobe Flash accessibility design guidelines.
For an example of a caption XML file, see Sample Caption File.
If you have multiple languages that you want to support, your captioning file can have a
language section that repeats for each language. You do not need to create separate
captioning files for each language.
Generally, you want to name the caption XML file the same name as the video file, and
append it with captions. By doing so, it can help you with automating the generation of
the video URLs using your existing web content management system.
2 In Scene7 Publishing System, upload your WebVTT, DFXP, or SMPTE XML caption file.
See “Uploading files” on page 79.
3 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the video file that you want to
associate with the caption file that you uploaded.
4 In the Asset Browse panel, select a single video asset, and then below the thumbnail image of the asset, click Preview
> Viewer List.
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In the Viewer List table, find the HTML5 viewer named Univeral_HTML5_Video,
Universal_HTML5_MixedMedia_dark, or Universal_HTML5_MixedMedia_light, or find the Flash AS3 viewer
named Video_Caption, and then do one of the following:
• For a pop-up video viewer experience, click Copy URL to the far right of the name.
Append the copied URL of the video with the following syntax to associate it with the copied URL to your
caption file:
&captionasset=<full Copy URL path to the caption file .vtt,1>
Note the ,1 at the end of the caption URL path. Immediately following the .vtt filename extension in the path,
you have the option to enable or disable the closed caption button on the video player bar by setting to 1 or 0,
• For an embedded video viewer experience, click Embed Code to the far right of the name.
In the Embed Code dialog box, click Copy to Clipboard.
For the Flash AS3 Video_Caption viewer, append the copied embed code with the following:
document.write('<param name="captionasset" value="companyname/captionfilename">');
For the HTML5 Universal_HTML5_Video, Universal_HTML5_MixedMedia_dark, or
Universal_HTML5_MixedMedia_light viewers, append the copied embed code with the following:
videoViewer.setParam("caption","<full Copy URL path to the caption file .vtt,1>"
Note the ,1 at the end of the URL path. Immediately following the .vtt filename extension in the URL path, you
have the option to enable or disable the caption button on the video player bar by setting to 1 or 0, respectively.
Adding chapter markers to video
You can make your long form videos easier to watch and navigate by adding chapter markers to single videos or to
Adaptive Video Sets. When a user plays the video, they can click the chapter markers on the video timeline (also known
as the video scrubber) to easily navigate to their point of interest, or immediately jump to new new content,
demonstrations, tutorials, and so on.
Note: The video player that is used must support the use of chapter markers.
See “Adding or editing a video viewer preset” on page 223 to configure the chapter navigation cue points and chapter
title pop-up text for the Universal_HTML5_Video viewer (HTML5).
See also “Adding and editing Viewer presets” on page 38.
If desired, you can create and brand your own custom video viewer with chapters instead of using a video viewer
preset. For instructions on creating your own HTML5 viewer with chapter navigation, in the Adobe Scene7 Viewer
SDK for HTML5 guide, in the Adobe Scene7 Viewer SDK, reference the heading “Customizing Behavior Using
Modifiers” under the classes and
The Adobe Scene7 Viewer SDK is available as a download from the following location:
Adobe Developer Connection.
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You create a chapter list for your video in much the same way that you create captions. That is, you create a WebVTT
file. Note, however, that this file must be separate from any WebVTT caption file that you may also be using; you
cannot combine captions and chapters into one WebVTT file.
You can use the following sample as an example of the format you use to create a WebVTT file with chapter navigation:
Chapter 1
00:00.000 --> 01:04.364
The bicycle store behind it all.
Chapter 2
01:04.364 --> 02:00.944
Creative Cloud.
Chapter 3
02:00.944 --> 03:02.937
Ease of management for a working solution.
Chapter 4
03:02.937 --> 03:35.000
Cost-efficient access to rapidly evolving technology.
In the example above, Chapter 1 is the cue identifier and is optional. The cue time of 00:00:000 --> 01:04:364
specifies the start time and end time of the chapter, in 00:00:000 format. That last three digits are milliseconds and can
be left as 000, if preferred. The chapter title of The bicycle store behind it all is the actual description of the
chapter’s contents. The cue identifier, the starting cue time, and the chapter title all appear in a pop-up in the video
player when a user hovers their mouse pointer over a visual cue point in the video’s timeline.
Because you are using an HTML5 video viewer, ensure that the chapter file you create follows the WebVTT (Web
Video Text Tracks) standard. The chapter filename extension is .vtt. You can learn more information about the
WebVTT captioning standard.
See WebVTT: The Web Video Text Tracks format.
To add chapter markers to video
1 Using a simple text editor outside Scene7 Publishing System, create your video chapter file.
Note: For global support of video chapters in languages other than English, be aware that the WebVTT standard
requires that you create separate .vtt files and calls for each language you want to support.
2 Save the .vtt file in UTF8 encoding to avoid problems with character rendition in the chapter title text.
Generally, you want to name the chapter VTT file the same name as the video file, and append it with chapters.
By doing so, it can help you with automating the generation of the video URLs using your existing web content
management system.
3 In Scene7 Publishing System, upload your WebVTT chapter file.
See “Uploading files” on page 79.
4 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the video file that you want to
associate with the chapter file that you uploaded.
5 In the Asset Browse panel, select a single video asset, and then below the thumbnail image of the asset, click Preview
> Viewer List.
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In the Viewer List table, find the HTML5 viewer named Univeral_HTML5_Video, and then do one of the
• For a pop-up video viewer experience, click Copy URL to the far right of the name.
Append the copied URL of the video with the following syntax to associate it with the copied URL to your
caption file:
&navigation=<full Copy URL path to the chapter navigation file .vtt>
• For an embedded video viewer experience, click Embed Code to the far right of the name.
In the Embed Code dialog box, click Copy to Clipboard.
For the HTML5 Universal_HTML5_Video viewer, append the copied embed code with the following:
videoViewer.setParam("navigation","<full Copy URL path to the chapter navigation file
Exporting source and encoded videos
In the Browse panel, source videos are labeled “Master Video.” Encoded videos are labeled “Video.” You can export
source videos as well as master videos. To export video files, select them in the Browse panel and choose File > Export.
See “Exporting assets from Scene7 Publishing System” on page 113.
More Help topics
“Uploading and encoding videos” on page 211
Using the Universal URL
You can use the following workflow in Scene7 Publishing System for when you want to encode and publish videos to
multiple screens.
Note: While you can use this alternate workflow, the best practice is to use the HTML5 video viewer instead.
• Use Scene7 Publishing System to upload and encode your videos to MP4 H.264.
MP4 is a format that users can play on desktop and mobile screens, including iOS and Android devices. You can
even use an out-of-box adaptive video encoding setting which simplifies encoding with a single checkbox selection.
• Set up a universal video profile to use a Flash video viewer for desktop and default to the native device player on
• Publish your videos using the smart Universal Viewer URL in Scene7.
See also “About Universal Viewers” on page 42.
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Chapter 16: Video Recuts
In Scene7, you can enhance master videos into Video Recuts by using Adobe Premiere Express technology. This
technology provides easy-to-use editing capabilities to create interactive shopping experiences directly within the
video. For example, you can add clickable product hotspots to provide related information, or add call-to-action
buttons to enable purchase from the video. You create Video Recuts in the Video Recut editor window by combining
video, audio (for secondary soundtracks or voice-overs), photos, graphics (for overlays), text (for titles and captions),
and transitions. You can create Video Recuts for specific promotions or campaigns.
In addition, you can create templates for your Video Recuts. Video Recut Templates allow you to modify contents of
the Video Recut at runtime, enabling targeted and personalized video.
To make your Video Recuts more compelling, you can create pop-up information panels for Video Recuts with
detailed product descriptions and images. The information panel appears when the end user moves the pointer over
the Video Recut screen. An information panel can contain text, images, and URL links.
Quick Start: Video Recuts
The following step-by-step workflow description is designed to get up and running quickly with Video Recuts. After
each step is a cross-reference to a topic heading where you can find more information.
1. Set up Video Presets
Scene7 offers many predefined encoding Video Presets designed specifically for delivering Video Recuts on Adobe
Flash Players in both the Flash and MP4 video format. These predefined presets reflect the most common encoding
settings and have been optimized for playback on target screens. In addition, administrators can create Video Presets
to customize the size and playback experience of Video Recuts to end users.
Administrators can add and manage Video Presets by clicking Setup > Application Setup > Video Presets > Single
Encoding Presets > Add. On the Playback Device drop-down menu, choose Desktop (compatible with Flash 9),
Desktop (compatible with HTML5 OGG), Mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android), or Tablet (iPad, Android). Set or edit the
remaining options as necessary.
See “Video Presets” on page 235.
2. Upload (and transcode) video files
To create Video Recuts, use FLV, F4V, or MP4 files, or transcode other video types to MP4 when you upload the files.
To transcode a file for use as a Video Recut, click Job Options in the Upload screen to open the Job Options dialog box.
Then, under eVideo Options, choose an option.
See “Uploading and transcoding video for Video Recuts” on page 236.
3. Set up Recut Viewer Presets
Recut Viewer Presets determine the look of the viewer and how its playback controls work. Scene7 offers predefined
Recut Viewer Presets for delivering Video Recuts, and you can create your own as well if you are an administrator.
Add and manage Recut Viewer Presets from the Viewer Presets screen. To open this screen, choose Setup > Viewer
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Video Recuts
See “Setting up Viewer Presets for Video Recuts” on page 236.
4. Create the Video Recut
Create Video Recuts in the Video Recut window. Drag assets you want to include in the Video Recut into the stage or
timeline. The Video Recut window offers tools for adding image, graphics, audio, backgrounds, borders, captions,
effects, and transitions. You can use sample assets from the Sample eVideo Content panel or add your own assets to
enhance your Video Recuts.
See “Creating Video Recuts” on page 237.
By parameterizing a Video Recut, you can modify it by replacing the content at runtime. You can create templates from
Video Recuts that dynamically update the video, overlays (images, graphics, backgrounds, borders, captions),
soundtracks, effects, and transitions.
See “Create a Video Recut Template” on page 248.
To create pop-up information panels for Video Recuts, create a response template. When the end user moves the
pointer over the Video Recut screen, the information panel appears. It can contain text, images, and URL links.
See “Creating information panels for Video Recuts” on page 249.
5. Preview Video Recuts in a Viewer
To see how a Video Recut plays for end users on your web site, select the video in the Browse Panel. Then click the
Preview button, choose File > Preview, or click the rollover Preview button. The Preview screen opens.
See “Previewing Video Recuts in a Viewer” on page 252.
6. Publish your Video Recut
Publishing a Video Recut places it on Scene7 servers so it can be delivered to your web site. As part of the publishing
process, Scene7 activates the URL string for calling the Video Recut from Scene7 servers to your web site.
Note: Video requires both Image Server and Video Server publishes. You use the Video Server to publish the actual video
asset. And, you use the Image Server to publish related video assets such as the video thumbnail, set information for any
Adaptive Video Set, and the XML file for Video Recuts.
To publish Video Recuts, mark them for publish by selecting the Mark For Publish icon in the Browse Panel. Then
click Start Publish.
See “Publishing a Video Recut” on page 252.
7. Deploy Video Recuts to your web sites
To obtain the URL for a Video Recut, select it in the Browse Panel, click the Preview button, and click Copy URL. After
you click a Copy URL button, the URL is copied to the Clipboard. Place this code in the HTML of your web site.
See “Deploying a Video Recut on your web site” on page 253.
Video Presets
To create Video Recuts, you can use FLV, F4V, or MP4 files, or you can transcode other video types to MP4 when you
upload the files. During the transcoding process, the video is compressed to an optimal size for use as a Video Recut.
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Video Recuts
Scene7 offers a library of predefined encoding presets for Video Recuts that reflect the most common encoding
settings. In addition, administrators can create their own encoding Video Presets to customize the size and playback
quality of Recut Videos to end users.
You can learn more about Video Presets, including how to create them, activate and deactivate them, delete them, and
manage them in the Video Presets screen.
See “Working with video encoding presets” on page 219.
Uploading and transcoding video for Video Recuts
Scene7 offers two options for uploading files for Video Recuts:
Video serving Upload FLV, F4V, or MP4 files directly to Scene7. With this workflow, files are not transcoded at
Video streaming Upload master/source files and, at upload, transcode these files to MP4 format.
• Make sure the master/source files you want to transcode are supported.
See “Supported video file types for encoding” on page 214.
• Choose an encoding preset when you upload the file. Click the Job Options button in the Upload screen, and in the
Upload Job Options dialog box, display the eVideo Options, and choose a preset. For descriptions of transcoding
options, see “Adaptive Video Encoding (16:9 or 4:3) video presets” on page 28.
More Help topics
“About encoding preset options” on page 27
Thumbnails for Video Recuts
Scene7 generates thumbnails for Video Recuts (as well as encoded videos and pre-encoded videos). You can see these
thumbnails in the Browse panel. To obtain a Video Recut thumbnail, Scene7 uses the first frame of the first video in
the recut. In a Video Recut with more than one video, the first video, first frame is used.
You can obtain Video Recut thumbnail URLs and deploy them outside SPS on websites. Scene7 uses video thumbnails
for poster frames, the initial frame that appears in Video viewers and Video Recut viewers before the video begins
playing. In Flash AS3 Video Recut viewers, you can apply image modifiers to the poster frame.
You can learn more about video thumbnails, obtaining video thumbnail URLs, and modifying poster frames.
See “Working with video thumbnails” on page 228.
Setting up Viewer Presets for Video Recuts
End users watch the Video Recuts you create in a Video Recut Viewer. This viewer determines what the Video Recut
looks like and how its playback controls work. For example, the viewer determines the size, color, video and audio
controls, progress bar, and user-interface skin. You choose a Viewer Preset on the Preview screen. After you choose a
preset, you can click Copy URL to obtain the URL for playing the video using the Viewer Preset you chose.
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Video Recuts
Scene7 comes with many predefined Viewer Presets for playing Video Recuts, and administrators can create custom
presets by choosing from more than a dozen different settings.
Follow these steps to set up a Viewer Preset for showing Video Recuts:
1 Click Setup > Viewer Presets.
The Viewer Presets screen opens. This screen lists Viewer Presets for all types of viewers. To see only presets for
showing Video Recuts, choose Flash AS3 on the Platform menu, and open the Viewers drop-down list and choose
Video Recut Viewer.
You can learn more about activating, filtering, sorting, and previewing Viewer Presets on this screen.
See “Viewer Presets” on page 32.
2 Add or edit a Viewer Preset for showing Video Recuts:
Adding Click Add. In the Add Viewer Preset dialog box, in the Platform drop-down list, click Flash AS3. In the
Viewer drop-down list, click Video Recut Viewer, and then click Add.
Adding by starting from an existing Viewer Preset Select a Video Recut Viewer Preset, and then click Edit. After
you reconfigure the Video Recut Viewer, click Save As to save the preset under a different name.
Editing Select a Video Recut Viewer Preset, and then click Edit.
The Configure Viewer screen appears.
3 Enter (or edit) the preset name.
4 In the Common Settings category, choose a screen size for the Video Recut viewer:
Same as Source Click Same as Source to make the Video Recut Viewer size automatically to the width and height
of the video being previewed.
Custom Size Click Custom Size and enter pixel measurements in the Video Width and Video Height fields to
establish a fixed size for the Video Recut Viewer.
5 Choose options in the Configure Viewer screen.
The preview screen displays the viewer as you update and change settings. To see a description of an option, click
its Info Tip icon .
6 Do one of the following:
• Click Save As if you added a Video Recut Viewer Preset by starting from an existing preset.
• Click Save if you added or edited a Video Recut Viewer Preset.
Creating Video Recuts
Video Recuts are remixes of master video files. You create Video Recuts by using FLV, F4V, or MP4 files and
combining these files with audio, images, graphics, text, and transitions in the Video Recut window. Create Video
Recuts to easily enhance your video to highlight features and targeted promotions.
Users view Video Recuts in a Scene7 Video Recut Viewer, not a Video Viewer (and they must use Flash Player 10 or
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Video Recuts
Assets you can use in Video Recuts
Video Recuts are composed of scenes. Use captions, graphics, visual effects, soundtracks, and other Scene7 assets to
enhance scenes in your Video Recut. Each scene can have six different assets.
Note: Scene7 provides sample assets that you can use in Video Recut, and you can upload your own assets. The sample
assets are available in the Sample eVideo Content panel of the Video Recut window (located, at the bottom of the Asset
Library). To use your own assets, see “Design and tag assets” on page 246 .
Audio Apply a soundtrack to your entire Video Recut. Use the Property Inspector to control the soundtrack volume
in video scenes that contain their own embedded audio.
Background Apply a custom background color to a scene. You can choose from many different colors in the Property
Border Add a graphic overlay that frames a scene as it plays. For example, the Drapes border adds curtains over the
video to give the effect of watching the video in a theater. Borders are not adjustable, and are always the topmost layer.
You can use one border per scene, or apply the same border to all scenes by dragging it to the Global drop zone.
Caption Add a text box that appears onscreen. Scene7 offers different kinds of captions, including bubble captions,
banners, and sticky notes. After you enter text for your caption, choose a font, font size, and font color for the text. If
desired, you can rotate the text. You can use multiple captions per scene, or apply a caption to all scenes by dragging
it to the Global drop zone.
Effect Change the tone or character of a scene. For example, you can blur, lighten, or darken scenes, or add brilliance
or contrast to scenes. Effects apply to entire scenes. After you apply an effect, you can fine-tune it in the Property
Inspector window. You can use multiple effects to obtain your desired result. The effects are stacked as you drag-anddrop them. You can change the order of the effects to apply them on different layers. You can apply an effect to all
scenes by dragging it to the Global drop zone.
Graphic Place a graphic on top of videos or other images by dragging it to the stage or the sceneline. A graphic used
this way is called an overlay. You can use any image as a graphic if you designate it as an overlay. After you place a
graphic on the stage, you can open the Property Inspector window and choose transparency commands, depth level
(z-order), and layer-blending commands for the graphic. You can specify how long the graphic is displayed onscreen
by dragging the image end-time control handle out to as long as 60 seconds (if the overlay is on top of a video, it
appears as long as the video scene). You can use up to six graphics per scene (there is a maximum of six total assets per
Transition Helps you clearly mark the passage between scenes or ease the transition from one scene to the next. In a
blur transition, for example, the first scene ends in a blur; the next scene begins in a blur and gradually comes into
focus. In the Property Inspector, you can control the duration of transitions as well as make the audio fade in and out
as the transition occurs.
Video Create scenes using uploaded videos that have been encoded with a Scene7 Video preset. You can scrub the
. You can also
video to choose your desired edit point and split the video into two parts using the Scissors button
change the In and Out points of each video to clip a longer video into smaller segments. You can combine multiple
videos into on Video Recut.
Note: You can add a link to any visible asset in your Video Recut. You cannot add links to transitions or video frames.
More Help topics
“Design and tag assets” on page 246
Video Recut window overview
The Video Recut window provides all the tools you need for creating, editing, and previewing a Video Recut.
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Video Recuts
To open the window, click the Build button and choose Video Recuts. Scenes you add to your Video Recut appear on
scene tiles in the sceneline. To add additional assets, display the Add Assets panel on the left side of the window.
Video Recut window.
A. Stage B. Sceneline with scene tiles and transition tiles C. Soundtrack drop zone D. Global drop zone
Use the Play
, Rewind
, and Pause
buttons to preview a recut. To move to different parts of a scene
or to different scenes in the recut, drag the playhead . To adjust audio, drag the volume slider or click the Mute
icon .
Note: The volume controls are for playing video in the Video Recut window, not for choosing volume settings. You can
learn more about choosing volume settings for scenes and Video Recuts, see “Adjust volume” on page 243.
The Video Recut window contains the following components.
Use the stage to create a scene, play a scene, and add or manipulate borders, captions, effects, and overlays in scenes.
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Video Recuts
The sceneline displays one scene tile for each scene in your Video Recut. Use the sceneline to create a scene by dragging
videos or images, add a transition between scenes, change the order of scenes, and play your Video Recut. The timeline
below the sceneline tells you how long your Video Recut is. When you select a scene tile, a portion of the timeline is
filled in. This filled-in portion shows you how much of the video the scene you selected occupies. You can drag the
on the timeline or sceneline to advance or rewind your Video Recut.
Soundtrack drop zone
Use the Soundtrack drop zone to choose an audio file to play throughout your Video Recut. Choose an audio file in
the Asset Library and drag it to the Soundtrack drop zone. The audio file loops—it starts from the beginning and
replays after it has finished playing.
See “Adjust volume” on page 243.
Global drop zone
Choose an asset in the Asset Library and drag it to the Global drop zone to apply the asset to every scene in your Video
Recut. For example, to place the same border on every scene, drag a border from the Asset Library to the Global drop
zone. Borders, captions, effects, and graphics can be applied globally to all scenes. Images, videos, and transitions
cannot be applied to the Global drop zone.
Property Inspector
The Property Inspector has various tools for adjusting your scenes. For example, you can control the volume of a scene
or the volume of a soundtrack; or reorder, remove, or adjust the overlays, captions, graphics, and other effects applied
to the scene. You can also use the Property Inspector to add links to scenes, objects, or the entire video. Using the
Property Inspector can be helpful when adjusting an asset or effect that is behind another asset or effect.
To open the Property Inspector, double-click a scene tile or click the Wrench icon
window, click Return To Sceneline
. To close the Property Inspector
Property Inspector
You can do any of the following in the Property Inspector:
• Adjust an asset or effects controls. Select an asset or effect from the list on the right to reveal its controls. Its sizing
controls also become available in the video window.
• Add a link and tool tip text to any visible asset in the Video Recut.
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Video Recuts
• Reorder the asset or effects for a scene. Click the Up or Down Arrows next to the selected asset or effect’s icon to
reorder them. Topmost assets and effects in the list are frontmost in the video. The video clip must be at the bottom
of the list.
• Remove an asset. Select it in the list, and then click Trash
• Control the video volume and soundtrack volume in a scene. Drag the volume sliders to increase or decrease
• Add Rollover Key text that appears when a user moves the pointer over the video.
• Parameterize the video, overlay asset, link, tool tip, or rollover key so that you can create a video template.
See “Create a Video Recut Template” on page 248.
Edit Parameter options and dialog box
Use the Edit Parameter dialog box to specify and name the different properties of your Video Recut that you want to
make variable. The Edit Parameter dialog box is accessed through the Property Inspector for the scene containing the
next to their names.
content you want to make variable. Properties that can be made variable have an icon
To open the Edit Parameter dialog box, click the Parameter button
See “Create a Video Recut Template” on page 248.
Create and edit Video Recuts
You create a Video Recut by combining video scenes, audio, images, transitions, and other assets. After you create the
initial scene, you can add assets and a soundtrack. A soundtrack is a looping audio file that plays throughout a Video
Scene7 includes sample assets in the Sample eVideo Content panel of the Asset Library. However, you can create your
own assets by using Adobe Flash authoring environment, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator.
Important: To use sample eVideo content in Video Recuts, choose Show Sample eVideo Content on the Application
General Settings screen. To open this screen, choose Setup > Application Setup > General Settings.
See “Assets you can use in Video Recuts” on page 238.
See “Asset file types” on page 246.
Create a Video Recut
1 Select a video in the Browse panel, and then click Build and choose Video Recuts.
2 For the Recut Stage size, enter a width and height setting, and then click Apply.
3 In the Video Recut window, drag an FLV file or an image from the Asset Library to the stage or the sceneline.
Dragging an asset to the stage creates a scene at the end of the Video Recut. Dragging an asset to the sceneline
creates the scene at the point in the Video Recut where you drop the asset.
4 To customize the Video Recut, do any of the following:
• To add a colored background scene, select a background from the Asset Library and drag it to the stage or
sceneline. Double-click the scene tile to open the Property Inspector, and select Background. Then click the
and choose a color.
Background Color button
• To add a border, caption, effect, or overlay (an image or graphic), select it in the Asset Library and drag it to the
stage or sceneline. Or, to apply it to all scenes, drag it to the Global drop zone.
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Video Recuts
Note: After you apply these types of assets, you can adjust them in the Property Inspector window. Borders cannot
be adjusted.
• To add a soundtrack, select an audio file in the Asset Library and drag it to the Soundtrack drop zone. You can
use an MP3 file.
• To add a transition, select it in the Asset Library and drag it to a transition tile on the sceneline. Transition tiles
appear between scene tiles on the sceneline.
See “Edit applied assets” on page 244.
Note: Move the pointer over a scene tile to see the name of the video file or image with which it was created.
5 Preview the Video Recut to make sure that it plays as you expect.
6 Click Save.
Open a saved Video Recut for editing
Use these techniques to open a Video Recut for editing:
• Click Edit.
• Double-click the Video Recut in the Browse window. Then, in Detail View, click Edit.
Handle scenes and sounds
The Video Recut window offers controls for handling scenes, sound, changing the length of a scene, splitting a scene,
and removing portions of a scene.
Reorder scenes
❖ Drag scene tiles on the sceneline to change their order.
Scenes are renumbered after you reorder them.
Reorder layers or effects within a scene
❖ In the Property Inspector, click the Up or Down Arrows next to the selected asset or effect’s icon to reorder them.
Topmost assets and effects in the list are frontmost in the video. The video clip must be at the bottom of the list.
You can learn more about changing the depth level (z-order).
See “Change the depth level (z-order) of an overlay or caption” on page 245.
Delete a scene or transition
❖ Select a scene tile or transition tile in the sceneline, and click Trash
Add a link
You can add links to visible assets such as images, graphics, and captions. By default, links open in a new browser
window (and always open in a new browser window when previewing), but you can choose to have the link open in
the same window.
1 Do one of the following:
• To apply the link to the entire Video Recut, select an asset in the Global drop zone, and click the Wrench icon
for the asset.
• To apply the link to one scene, select the asset (border, background, caption, or image) within that scene, and
click the Wrench icon
for that asset.
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Video Recuts
2 In the Property Inspector, type the URL for the link in the Link box. Be sure to include the http:// part of the URL.
3 To add a tool tip that appears when the cursor moves over the link in the video, type the text in the Tool Tip box.
4 (Optional) Specify any of the following:
Color Click to choose a color for the tool tip text or tool tip background.
Opacity Drag the slider to specify the level of opacity for the tool tip text.
Open Link In Specify whether the link opens in a new browser window or the same browser window. By default,
the link opens in a new browser window. When previewing in Scene7, the link always opens in a new browser
window, regardless of the option you select.
Size Specify the size of the tool tip text from the list of values.
Adjust volume
In the Video Recut window, you can adjust the volume of a global soundtrack, or the audio included in an individual
Select a scene tile on the sceneline and double-click the scene tile or click its Wrench button
Inspector window opens.
. The Property
2 Do one of the following:
• To adjust the volume for the soundtrack, drag the Soundtrack Volume slider.
• To adjust the volume for the audio in a scene, drag the Video Volume slider.
Note: The volume controls in the lower-left corner of the Video Recut window control the volume level when you play a
video in the Video Recut window. These controls do not affect volume levels in the video itself.
Remove a soundtrack
❖ Click the Soundtrack drop zone to select the audio file, and then click the Trash button
Change the length of an image or background scene
❖ Drag the End Point
on the stage timeline.
The stage timeline tells you in seconds how long the scene is. By default, scenes created with images and backgrounds
are 3 seconds long.
Remove or restore a portion of a scene
1 To remove a portion of a scene, do of the following:
• To remove the start of a video scene, drag the start point
on the stage timeline to the right until the entire
segment you want removed turns gray.
• To remove the end of a video scene, drag the end point
on the stage timeline to the left until the entire segment
you want removed turns gray.
• To remove a section from the center of a video scene, split the scene where you want to remove it, and then
remove the beginning or end of one of the split scenes.
2 To restore a removed segment drag the start or end point back over the removed segment (the gray area).
Split a scene
Splitting a scene is necessary if you want to apply assets to different portions of a scene or remove the middle of a scene.
1 In the stage timeline, drag the playhead
to the point at which you want to split the scene.
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2 Click the Scissors button
Two scenes are created, with a segment removed from the end of the first scene and a segment removed from the
start of the second scene.
3 (Optional) To rejoin the video scenes, delete one of them and restore the removed segment in the other scene.
Edit applied assets
You can edit applied captions, overlays, transitions, and effects by using the Property Inspector window. Borders
cannot be edited. You edit transitions as you apply them.
More Help topics
“Design and tag assets” on page 246
Edit an effect
Double-click a scene tile or the Global drop zone, or click the Wrench button
to open the Property Inspector.
2 Adjust effect settings as desired. (All effects have different settings.) On the stage, you can see the results of your
option choices.
Edit a transition
❖ Double-click the transition icon and do one of the following:
• Drag the Duration slider to change the length of the transition.
• Select the Fade Audio option to make the audio fade out and in as the transition occurs.
Edit a caption
1 Select the caption on the stage, and enter text for your caption in the caption toolbar that appears.
2 Use the toolbar to choose a font, a font size, and a font color, and to align text.
Note: Fonts are embedded in caption SWF files. For that reason, you can’t choose a font for a caption other than the
fonts that are available on the caption toolbar.
3 Choose transparency and layer-blending settings.
See “Set transparency and layer effects for captions and overlays” on page 245.
4 Resize, reposition, and rotate the caption.
See “Resize, reposition, and rotate captions and overlays” on page 245.
5 Change the depth level (z-order) of the caption.
See “Change the depth level (z-order) of an overlay or caption” on page 245.
Edit an overlay
Double-click a scene tile or the Global drop zone, or click the Wrench button
2 Select the name of your overlay.
3 Choose transparency and layer-blending settings.
See “Set transparency and layer effects for captions and overlays” on page 245.
4 Resize, reposition, and rotate the overlay.
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to open the Property Inspector.
Video Recuts
See “Resize, reposition, and rotate captions and overlays” on page 245.
5 Change the depth level (z-order) of the overlay.
See “Change the depth level (z-order) of an overlay or caption” on page 245.
Set transparency and layer effects for captions and overlays
Captions and overlays appear in the forefront of scenes. By default, these assets are 100 percent opaque—they obscure
the assets below them. However, you can choose a transparency setting for these assets as well as a layer-blending
option to make them fit better onscreen.
1 On the stage, select the caption or overlay.
2 Double-click the scene tile or click its Wrench button to open the Property Inspector window. If the caption or
overlay appears in every scene, double-click the Global drop zone to open its Property Inspector window.
3 Choose options for the caption or overlay:
Transparency Drag the slider to choose a setting. At 100 percent, the caption or overlay is completely visible; at 1
percent, it is transparent.
Layer blending Choose an option to define how the caption or overlay blends with the layer below. These options
have different effects depending on the background color and the color and transparency of the caption or overlay.
Move the pointer over an option to see its effect on the stage.
Flip Vertical or Flip Horizontal (Captions only) Select one to flip the caption.
Drop Shadow (Captions only) Select to make the letters cast a faint shadow on the screen.
Resize, reposition, and rotate captions and overlays
1 Select the caption or overlay. Boundaries and selection handles appear.
2 Do any of the following:
• To resize the asset, drag a selection handle at the corner or side of the boundary.
• To reposition the asset, move the pointer over the asset until the cursor changes to a four-headed arrow; then
drag the asset to a new location.
• To rotate the asset, drag the rotation handle.
If the asset you are working with is a global asset—if you placed it in the Global drop zone—the asset is resized,
repositioned, or rotated in all scenes.
Change the depth level (z-order) of an overlay or caption
Overlays and captions can overlap if more than one is in the same scene. Reordering these assets is necessary when
they overlap and you want one asset to appear in front of or behind another.
1 In the sceneline, select the scene tile with the scene that has overlapping assets. Or, if the overlapping assets are
applied globally, select the Global drop zone.
2 Double-click the scene tile (or Global drop zone) or click its Wrench button
. The Property Inspector window
opens. It lists all assets, with the frontmost assets at the top of the list. Arrows appear next to the names of assets
that you can move up or down in the list.
3 Click the Up or Down Arrow to change the z ordering in the list.
Important: Global assets that appear on every scene appear in front of other assets. You cannot move these assets behind
other assets.
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Video Recuts
Remove an asset
You can remove a border, effect, caption, or overlay applied to individual scenes or to all scenes. Assets you place in
the Global drop zone are applied to all scenes.
1 In the sceneline, select the scene containing the asset you want to remove.
2 Select the asset on the stage and click the Trash button
, or drag the asset off the stage.
Note: If you have trouble selecting an asset on the stage, open the Property Inspector window (click the Wrench button
to open), select the asset in the asset list and click the Trash button.
Design and tag assets
Scene7 provides sample audio, backgrounds, borders, captions, effects, graphics, transitions, and video in the Sample
eVideo Content panel of the Asset Library. As well as using these sample assets, you can create your own assets for use
in Video Recuts. You can create your own assets using the Adobe Flash authoring tool, Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe
Illustrator. Publish asset files as Flash 9 or above, ActionScript 3 SWF files.
After you create an asset and upload it to Scene7, tag it as a Video Recut asset. Tagging lets Scene7 recognize it as a
Video Recut asset. (You can’t create an effect or transition on your own; contact Scene7 if you need this capability).
Important: Consider how assets you use in your Video Recut will appear in the viewer that you choose for end users to
watch your video. Most importantly, each asset needs a high enough resolution to display well in the viewer you choose.
Ideally, videos should be the same resolution as the viewer, although they still play if they have a lower resolution. The
aspect ratio of assets should match the viewer you choose.
Asset file types
This table describes asset file types that are used to create Video Recuts.
Asset type
Allowable file type(s)
GIF, PNG, SWF (mark as border)
SWF (mark as caption)
SWF (use samples from Scene7)
GIF, JPG, PNG, SWF (mark SWF files as overlays)
SWF (use samples from Scene7)
Important: Use Flash Player 9 or above, ActionScript 3 SWF files in Video Recuts. Other types of SWFs are not allowed.
Note: Scene7 provides effect and transition files; you cannot upload these files for use in Video Recuts. Effects and
transitions are available in the Sample eVideo Content panel in the Video Recut window. Contact Scene7 if you want to
design your own effects and transitions.
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Video Recuts
Design and tag a border
You can design borders for your Video Recuts with the Adobe Flash Professional, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe
Illustrator, or Adobe Fireworks®. Scene7 recommends using a SWF file; PNGs and GIFs can show blurriness or
pixelation when they are scaled.
1 Use Adobe Flash Professional, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, or Adobe Fireworks to create a border, and
follow these guidelines:
• Flash Player 9 or above SWF (static or animated), PNG, or GIF file format
• Set SWF files to ActionScript3
• 24 frames per second (fps)
• Do not reference any Document class in a SWF file
2 Create animations in the main timeline only. Do not nest animations within video clips.
If the border doesn’t touch the edges of the stage and you would like that space maintained in the Video Recut,
place a transparent movie clip, the size of your viewer preset, over all layers. Scene7 tries to scale the border to fit
the stage.
3 Upload the border file to Scene7, and open it in Detail view.
4 Open the Metadata panel, open the Recut SWF Type menu, and choose Border.
Design and tag a caption
1 Use Adobe Flash Professional CS3 or later to create captions, and publish them in the Flash Player 9 or above SWF
file format.
Embed the font into the text field on the stage, but specify a character range. Basic Latin is sufficient for captions
in English.
2 Add a dynamic text object to allow for input and display of the caption. In the Properties panel, name the object
inputField. You can set its default font, color, and size in the Properties panel, as well as add additional graphics.
3 Upload the caption to Scene7, and open it in Detail view.
4 Open the Metadata panel, open the Recut SWF Type menu, and choose Flash Caption.
Design and tag an overlay graphic
Use vector graphics to create an overlay to achieve better image quality when scaling. If you’re using bitmap images,
Adobe recommends using PNG files because they produce better transparency, but you can also use JPG and GIF files
for overlays.
1 Use a vector graphics application such as Adobe Flash Professional to create overlays, and follow these guidelines:
• Flash Player 9 or above SWF, JPG, GIF, or PNG file with a transparent canvas (PNG is recommended because
they produce better transparency).
• 24 frames per second.
• You cannot reference any Document class in a SWF file.
• Create animations in the main timeline. Do not nest animations within video clips.
2 Upload the graphic file to Scene7, and open it in Detail view.
3 Open the Metadata panel, open the Recut SWF Type menu, and choose Overlay.
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Video Recuts
Create a Video Recut Template
Video Recut Templates let you create a single recut, and then modify it as desired by replacing the content at runtime.
You can create templates from Video Recuts that dynamically update the overlays, soundtracks, transitions, and even
the video itself.
As with Basic Templates and FXG Templates, in Video Recut Templates, you create parameters for the properties you
want to make variable. You can create parameters for the URL of content, hotspot tool tips and links, rollover key, and
caption text. Creating parameters for the URL of content lets you substitute a different video, image, soundtrack, or
overlay. Creating a parameter to change the URL for a video or image, changes all the instances of that video or image
in the Video Recut. When you replace content that differs in length, the timeframe in the template changes to match
the new content.
You can use the same parameter name for the text in different assets, such as captions, in your Video Recut, to change
the text in all instances at the same time.
Create variable properties
1 Double-click the scene tile, or click the Wrench button
for the scene containing the property you want to make
variable. If the property is global, click the Wrench button in the Global drop zone.
2 In the Property Inspector, click the Parameter button
next to the property.
The Edit Parameter dialog box opens, displaying the default parameter name and value.
3 Click OK to accept the default parameter name, or type a new name in the box, and then click Apply.
Note: Properties are not variable by default. Open the Edit Parameter dialog box and click Apply for any property you
want to make variable.
Remove parameterization from a property
1 In the Property Inspector, click the Parameter button
next to the property.
2 In the Edit Parameter dialog box, click Remove.
Substitute content in variable properties
After you’ve parameterized properties for a Video Recut, you can substitute values for variable properties while
previewing it.
1 In the Video Recut window, click Preview.
The Recut appears in the Preview window, with the variable names and values in a panel along the left side of the
2 To change a variable value, type a new value in the variable’s box or click the Browse button to choose an asset.
The variable value or asset is replaced and appears in the preview.
3 Click Close to return to the Video Recut window.
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Video Recuts
Creating information panels for Video Recuts
You can create information panels for Video Recuts. When the end user moves the pointer over the overlay, the
information panel appears. It can contain text, images, and URL links. Information panels are an excellent way to add
value to your Video Recuts, make them interactive, and make them more compelling.
To create an information panel for a Video Recut, follow these basic steps:
1 Enter rollover key identifiers: In the Video Recut window, open the Property Inspector for an overlay and enter an
identifier name in the Rollover Key field. This identifier name is used to plug in content for the information panel.
See “Enter rollover key identifiers” on page 249.
2 Write the code for the response template: The response template formats the information panel in the Video Recut;
it also provides placeholders for content — for the text, images, and URLs that appear in the panel.
See “Write the code for the response template” on page 250.
3 Create the response template in a Video Recut Viewer Preset: Create or edit a Video Recut Viewer Preset, and in
the Configure Viewer screen, activate the information panel and enter the response template code.
See “Create the response template in a Video Recut Viewer Preset” on page 250.
4 Create a TXT or UTF-16 file: This file lists identifier names from Rollover Key fields in your Video Recuts (the
identifiers you entered in step 1). For each identifier name, the file provides the HTML and XML code that
describes how to fill the placeholders in the response template.
See “Create a TXT or UTF-16 file with information panel content” on page 250.
5 Upload the TXT or UTF-16 file: Upload the file to the Scene7 Publishing System. Uploading the file data makes it
available to the response template.
See “Upload the TXT or UTF-16 file” on page 251.
6 Publish the information panel: Activate a Video Recut’s information panel by publishing it to the Scene7 Publishing
System. In Detail view, open the InfoPanel Setup panel, and click the Publish button.
See “Publish the information panel” on page 251.
You can maintain a master TXT or UTF-16 file with content for all the information panels in your Video Recuts. To
update the content in information panels, you can change the code in the TXT or UTF-16 file and re-import the file.
In this way, you can update information panels for all your Video Recuts from one central location. As your needs
change, you can continue to communicate effectively with your customers in information panels.
Enter rollover key identifiers
On the Video Recut screen, the Property Inspector provides a Rollover Key field for entering identifiers for use in
making information panels. Entering an identifier in this field allows you to associate an asset overlay with code in a
TXT or UTF-16 file. This code, in turn, provides content to the information panel.
Follow these steps in the Video Recut screen to enter an identifier for use in an information panel:
1 Select the scene that you want to have an information panel.
2 Double-click the scene tile or click the Wrench button
to open the Property Inspector.
3 Click the overlay asset to associate it with an information panel. You can use any visible asset overlay, including
images, graphics, and captions.
4 In the Rollover Key field, enter an identifier name. Do not include blank spaces in the name.
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Video Recuts
5 Click the Save button.
Repeat these steps for each overlay asset in the Video Recut that you want to have an information panel.
Write the code for the response template
The response template code formats the information panel and provides placeholders for entering content.
The response template can be divided into two parts: variable default values and response format. The variable defaults
are used in case the rollover key does not have a value. Variable values are demarcated as $1$,$2$,$3$,…. Following
is the syntax used in response template code:
<info><var name='1'></var> <var name='2'></var> <var name='3'>CompanyName/ImageID</var> <var
name='4'></var><![CDATA[<b>Var 1</b> = $1$<br><b>Var 2</b> = $2$<br><b>Var 3<b> =
$3$<br><b>Var 4</b> = $4$]]></info>
This URL is demarcated as follows:
<info><var name='1'></var> <var
<br><b>Var 2</b> =
name='2'></var> <var
name='3'>CompanyName/ImageID</var> <var
name='4'></var><![CDATA[<b>Var 1</b> =
<br><b>Var 3<b> =
<br><b>Var 4</b> =
Create the response template in a Video Recut Viewer Preset
As a best practice, create a Video Recut Viewer Preset for each Video Recut that has an information panel, and enter
the response template in the preset.
Follow these steps to create the response template in the Viewer Presets screen:
1 Click Setup > Viewer Presets.
2 Add or edit a Video Recut Viewer:
Adding Click Add to add a Video Recut Viewer. In the Add Viewer Preset dialog box, choose a platform, choose
Video Recut Viewer, and then click Add.
Editing Select a Video Recut Viewer, and then click Edit.
3 Select Info Panel Settings.
4 For the Use Information Server setting, select On.
Note: After you click On, a URL appears in the Information Server URL field. Do not change the information server URL.
5 In the Response Template box, enter or paste the response template code.
6 Choose or enter settings to define the border of the information panel. You can click the Info Tip
button for
setting explanations.
7 Click the Save button (or enter a preset name and click Save As if you are editing a Video Recut Viewer Preset).
Create a TXT or UTF-16 file with information panel content
Using Microsoft Excel®, create a spreadsheet with rollover key identifier names in the first column, and to the right of
each name, the variable content that is plugged into the response template. Variable content is mapped to the
$1$,$2$,$3$,… demarcations in the response template.
See “Write the code for the response template” on page 250.
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Video Recuts
This table demonstrates what the spreadsheet looks like when it is formatted correctly. In this example, variable 1 is
the descriptive text; variable 2 is the image thumbnail; and variable 3 is the link URL for the information panel. The
data in each row indicates what will be displayed in the information panel associated with the rollover key.
Rollover key
Offered in a variety of colors including Pearl Company/p34915z
Metallic and Nickel Pearl, which complement
our Pro Line Series of Appliances
<a href="">Details ></a>
After you enter the data, save it as a TXT file (Windows® users) or UTF-16 file (Mac® users) in Excel by following these
1 Click File > Save As.
2 On the Save As Type menu, choose TXT (tab delimited) or UTF-16.
3 Click Save.
Upload the TXT or UTF-16 file
Scene7 gets variable data for information panels from TXT and UTF-16 files. This data is plugged into the response
template. Follow these steps to upload the TXT or UTF-16 file data to the Scene7 Publishing System:
1 Double-click the Video Recut to open it in Detail View.
2 Select the InfoPanel Setup panel.
3 Click Upload, and in the S7 Info Upload dialog box, click Browse and select your TXT or UTF-16 file, and click Open.
4 Click Upload.
Publish the information panel
Activate a Video Recut’s information panel by publishing it to the Scene7 Publishing System. After you publish,
viewers can see the information panel when they play the Video Recut.
Note: Before publishing the information panel, upload the TXT or UTF-16 file with identifier names from Rollover Key
fields. For more information, see “Upload the TXT or UTF-16 file” on page 251.
Follow these steps to publish an information panel:
1 Double-click the Video Recut to open it in Detail view.
2 Select the InfoPanel Setup panel.
3 In Response TTL box, enter the number of hours you want to wait before caching the data:
• Set a lower number if the data is updated frequently throughout a day.
• Set a higher number if the data is relatively stable and doesn’t require updating frequently throughout the day.
The default is ten hours.
4 Click Publish.
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Video Recuts
Previewing Video Recuts in a Viewer
You can use Viewer List to see how an asset appears on particular viewer type platform such as HTML5. Depending
on the asset type and associated viewer that you have selected to preview, not all platforms are available in Viewer List.
See “Configuring Default Viewers” on page 47.
See “Previewing an asset” on page 102.
1 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, in the Show drop-down list, select the Video Recut asset type.
2 In the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate the Asset folders that contain the Video Recut assets that you
want to preview with a viewer.
3 Do one of the following:
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Grid View. In the Asset window, below the
thumbnail image, click Preview > Viewer List.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click List View. In the Asset window, select an asset,
and then to the right of the thumbnail image, click Preview > Viewer List.
• Above the Assets window, on the right side of the toolbar, click Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview
> Viewer List.
4 In the Viewer List window, in the table, click a viewer link to preview the asset in the selected viewer.
5 Close the displayed viewer to return to the Viewer List screen.
6 In the lower-right corner of the Viewer List window, click Close to return to the Assets screen.
Publishing a Video Recut
Publishing a Video Recut enables Scene7 servers to deliver it to your web site or application.
Note: Video Recuts require that you publish to Video Server and also to Image Server. You use Video Server to publish
the actual videos that you marked for publishing. And, you use Image Server to publish related assets, such as the video
thumbnails, set information for any Adaptive Video Set, and the XML file for Video Recuts.
After you publish a Video Recut, the Scene7 Publishing System activates the URL strings for your HTML page or
application code.
To publish a Video Recut
1 Do one of the following:
• In the Browse Panel, click Mark For Publish
• In the Upload screen, click Mark For Publish
next to each filename that you want to publish.
next to each filename that you want to publish.
2 On the Global Navigation bar, click Publish.
3 Set the scheduling options you want.
4 (Optional) In the Job Name field, type a name for the publish job.
5 In Advanced options, in the Publish To drop-down list, select Video Server.
See “Advanced publish options” on page 89 for additional options you can set.
6 Click Submit Publish.
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Video Recuts
7 Repeat steps 2- 4 above.
8 In Advanced, in the Publish To drop-down list, select Image Server.
See “Advanced publish options” on page 89 for additional options you can set.
9 Click Submit Publish.
More Help topics
“Publishing files” on page 87
Deploying a Video Recut on your web site
Web sites and applications access Scene7 server content, including Video Recuts, by using URL strings or embedded
code. Scene7 activates these URL strings during the publishing process. To place the URL string or embed code for
your Video Recut in your web pages and applications, copy it from the Scene7 Publishing System.
Note: The URL is not active until you publish the asset.
Copying a Video Recut URL
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Video Recut.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the Video Recut whose embed
code you want to copy.
3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
and Embed Code panel on the right, click Copy URL to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
Adding a Video Recut to your web page or application
Deploy Video Recuts by using a dynamic page (ASP or JSP) that displays the video in a Scene7 Video Recut Viewer.
The URL call to the Scene7 platform follows the same protocol. The player serves a video that your web team can
upload to the Scene7 Publishing System for publishing to a Scene7 video server.
Copying the embed code of a Video Recut viewer
Using the Embed Code feature lets you review the viewer code for the selected Video Recut. You can also copy the code
to the clipboard so you can paste it in your web pages for deployment of the viewer. Editing of the code is not permitted
in the Embed Code dialog box.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Video Recuts
To copy the embed code of a Video Recut viewer
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Video Recut.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the Video Recut whose embed
code you want to copy.
3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
and Embed Code panel on the right, click Embed Code to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
4 In the Embed Code dialog box, click Copy to Clipboard.
Editing the code is not permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
5 Click Close.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Chapter 17: Mixed Media Sets
Scene7 Mixed Media Sets give users an integrated viewing experience. Mixed Media Sets can include images, Image
Sets, Swatch Sets, Spin Sets, and videos. Users can click different tabs within the Mixed Media Viewer to see the items
in the different viewers. If no tabs are specified, all assets are displayed together in the swatch row.
Mixed Media Set Viewer Presets include community options for end users to embed code, copy URLs, and link to the
main web site. Users can use these options to share information about products on their personal web sites or social
networking sites.
Quick Start: Mixed Media Sets
This Mixed Media Sets Quick Start is designed to get up and running quickly with Mixed Media Set techniques in
1. Uploading the images, swatch files, and videos
Start by uploading the images, swatch files, and videos for your Mixed Media Sets. Because users can zoom on images
in the Mixed Media Set Viewer, take zooming into account when you choose images. Make sure that the images are
least 2000 pixels in the largest dimension.
Click Upload on the Global Navigation bar to upload files from your computer to a folder on the Scene7 Publishing
See “Uploading your files” on page 83.
2. Creating media sets for use within the Mixed Media Set
You can add images, Image Sets, Swatch Sets, Spin Sets, and videos to your Mixed Media set. Prepare the media sets
before you add them to the Mixed Media Set.
See “Creating an Image Set” on page 152, “Creating a Swatch Set” on page 161, and “Creating a Spin Set” on page 168.
3. Creating a Mixed Media Set
Click the Build button and choose Mixed Media Sets. Drag the images, Swatch Sets, Image Sets, and videos onto the
Mixed Media Set screen. To add a soundtrack, drag an audio file to the Soundtrack box.
See “Creating a Mixed Media Set” on page 256.
4. Setting up Mixed Media viewer presets
Scene7 comes with default viewer presets for Mixed Media Sets. Administrators can create or modify Mixed Media Set
viewer presets.
When setting up a Mixed Media Set viewer preset, add the viewer presets for all of the other assets in your set. For
example, if your Mixed Media Set includes videos, add a video viewer preset to the Mixed Media Set viewer preset. You
can also add a soundtrack to the viewer. This soundtrack plays while the viewer is open, but does not play when a video
is active.
See “Setting up a Mixed Media Set Viewer Preset” on page 258 and “Adding and editing Viewer presets” on page 38.
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Mixed Media Sets
5. Previewing a Mixed Media Set
Click the Mixed Media Set’s rollover Preview button. The Mixed Media Set appears. You can click the thumbnail and
swatch icons to examine your Mixed Media Set in the Mixed Media Set Viewer. You can choose different Viewers from
the Presets menus.
See “Previewing an asset” on page 102.
6. Publishing a Mixed Media Set
Publishing an Mixed Media Set places it on Scene7 servers and activates the URL string.
Mixed Media Sets require that you publish to Video Server and also to Image Server. You use Video Server to publish
the actual videos that you marked for publishing. And, you use Image Server to publish related assets, such as the video
thumbnails, set information for any Adaptive Video Set, and the XML file for Video Recuts.
See “Publishing a Mixed Media Set” on page 260.
7. Linking a Mixed Media Set to a web page
Scene7 activates URL calls for Mixed Media Sets after you publish them. You can copy these URLs from the Preview
Select the Mixed Media Set, and click Preview. In the Preview screen, select a Mixed Media Set Viewer Preset and click
the Copy URL button. See “Linking a Mixed Media Set to a web page” on page 260.
Creating a Mixed Media Set
Create a Mixed Media Set when you want to combine multiple types of viewers in one presentation. Make sure your
files, Image Sets, Swatch Sets, and Spin Sets are ready to publish before you add them to the Mixed Media Set.
Viewing a Mixed Media Set.
A. Image Set B. Spin Set C. Swatch Set D. Videos
Last updated 10/9/2014
Mixed Media Sets
Create a Mixed Media Set
When you create a set, the Publish after save option affects the set and set members in the following ways:
“Publish after save” option selected
before saving?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Set members retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To create a Mixed Media Set
1 Click Build > Mixed Media Sets.
2 Drag the videos, Image Sets, Spin Sets, and swatches from the Asset Library to the Mixed Media Set screen.
Note: Mixed Media Sets do not support assets with filenames that contain any of the following characters: ( ) { }.
3 Do any of the following:
• To add a soundtrack, drag an audio file from the Asset Library to the Soundtrack box. The soundtrack plays
while images are displayed. It stops when video is played.
• To change the order of sets, drag them to new locations on the Mixed Media Set screen. The order of sets on the
screen determines the left-to-right order in which users see sets in the Mixed Media Set Viewer.
• (Optional) To add a custom thumbnail to represent a video in the Viewer, drag an image file from the Asset
Library to the Thumbnail placeholder box.
4 Near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is selected (default).
5 Click Save, select a folder for storing your Mixed Media Set, enter a name for the set, and click Save.
Click Preview to see what your combo Image Set looks like in an Image Set Viewer.
Edit a Mixed Media Set
You can edit a Mixed Media Set. If you want to edit a set within a Mixed Media Set, open that set separately, edit it,
and save it. The edits appear in the Mixed Media set.
Depending on whether you edit a published or an unpublished set, the Publish after save option affects the set and set
members in the following ways:
Set already
“Publish after save”
option selected before
saving your edit?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Last updated 10/9/2014
Mixed Media Sets
Set already
“Publish after save”
option selected before
saving your edit?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Existing set members retain their
published state.
Any new set members that you added
during your edit retain their published
or unpublished state.
Existing set members and any new set
members that you added during your
edit retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To edit a Mixed Media Set
1 Click the Mixed Media Set’s rollover Edit button.
2 Do any of the following:
• To remove items, select them and click Delete.
• To reorder items, drag them to new locations.
3 When you are finished editing the set, near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is
selected (default).
4 Click Save or Save As.
Deleting a Mixed Media Set
When you delete a set, the set itself is moved to the Trash. However, the members (or “children”) within that set are
not affected; instead, they each retain their existing published or unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To delete a Mixed Media Set
In the Grid View, List View, or Details View, select one or more Mixed Media Sets.
2 On the Global Navigation Bar, click File > Delete > Delete.
Setting up a Mixed Media Set Viewer Preset
Mixed Media Set Viewer Presets determine the style, behavior, and look of your main viewer. When configuring a
preset, you specify which other viewers you want to appear inside the Mixed Media Viewer. For example, if you’ve
included an Image Set in your Mixed Media Set, specify an Image Set Viewer Preset for the Mixed Media Set Viewer.
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Mixed Media Sets
You can choose to include all or some community features in the Mixed Media Set Viewer. The Embed feature adds a
link to the viewer that lets users copy the code required to display the viewer in an external page (such as a blog, web
site, or social networking site). The Link feature provides the URL to the viewer, so users can link back to this viewer.
The Visit feature provides a link to the web site you specify.
1 Click Setup > Viewer Presets.
The Viewer Presets window opens.
2 Do one of the following:
• To create a new preset, click Add. In the Add Viewer Preset dialog box, choose a platform, choose Mixed Media
Set Viewer, and click Add.
• To edit a Mixed Media Set Viewer preset, select it and click Edit.
The Configure Viewer screen opens.
3 Type a name in the Preset Name box for the Mixed Media Set Viewer preset.
4 Specify Tabs or No Tabs. Tabs separate items by type, such as videos, swatches, and spin sets. When you specify no
tabs, all items appear in a row under the preview window.
5 In the Name box, type a name for the viewer you want to add.
For example, if you’re adding a Swatch Set to your Mixed Media Set, type Swatch Set A.
6 From the Viewer menu, choose the type of asset you want to view, such as Swatch Sets.
7 From the Preset menu, choose a preset for the chosen asset type.
For example, if you’re adding a Swatch Set, choose SwatchSet1-Colors.
8 Click Add.
The new Viewer preset appears in the list.
9 Repeat steps 6 - 9 for all the Viewer presets you want to add.
10 To edit the preset list, do any of the following:
• To delete a preset from the list, select it and click Delete.
• To reorder presets in the list, select a preset and click the blue Up or Down arrow.
11 To add community features (Embed, Link, Visit) to the viewer, specify options for any of the following:
Email Click On to enable an Email button in the viewer. When users click the Email button while viewing the set,
an email containing the link to the set opens.
Embed Click Live. In the Embed Button Label box, type the name you want displayed in the viewer for the Embed
Button. If desired, click Browse to locate and select a custom skin for the button.
Link Click Live. In the Link Button Label box, type the name you want displayed in the viewer for the Link Button.
If desired, click Browse to locate and select a custom skin for the button.
Visit Click Live. In the Visit Button Label box, type the name you want displayed in the viewer for the Visit Button.
In the Visit URL box, type the URL to the web site that you want to open when the link is clicked.
12 Specify other options as desired. To see a description of an option, click the Info Tip icon
The preview screen displays the viewer as you update and change settings.
13 Click Save.
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adjacent to the option.
Mixed Media Sets
More Help topics
“Adding and editing Viewer presets” on page 38
Publishing a Mixed Media Set
Create a publish job to publish an Mixed Media Set that you have marked for publish to Scene7 Video Server and
Image Server. Scene7 offers advanced publishing options for publishing to specific servers and options for
republishing assets that have already been published.
Note: Mixed Media Sets require that you publish to Video Server and also to Image Server. You use Video Server to
publish the actual videos that you marked for publishing. And, you use Image Server to publish related assets, such as
the video thumbnails, set information for any Adaptive Video Set, and the XML file for Video Recuts.
Scene7 Publishing System tracks publish jobs on the Jobs screen.
See “Publishing files” on page 87.
To publish a Mixed Media Set
1 Do one of the following:
• In the Browse Panel, click Mark For Publish
• In the Upload screen, click Mark For Publish
next to each filename that you want to publish.
next to each filename that you want to publish.
2 On the Global Navigation bar, click Publish.
3 Set the scheduling options you want.
4 (Optional) In the Job Name field, type a name for the publish job.
5 In Advanced options, in the Publish To drop-down list, select Video Server.
See “Advanced publish options” on page 89 for additional options you can set.
6 Click Submit Publish.
7 Repeat steps 2- 4 above.
8 In Advanced, in the Publish To drop-down list, select Image Server.
See “Advanced publish options” on page 89 for additional options you can set.
9 Click Submit Publish.
Linking a Mixed Media Set to a web page
After you publish a Mixed Media Set, you can obtain its URL for use in your web site or application. Then you can
deploy the URL as necessary so users can view the Mixed Media Set on your web site or application.
More Help topics
“Publishing files” on page 87
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Mixed Media Sets
Obtain a Mixed Media Set URL
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Media Set.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the media set whose embed code
you want to copy.
3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
and Embed Code panel on the right, click Copy URL to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Copy URL.
Add Mixed Media Set URLs to your web page
The most common way to deploy Mixed Media Sets is to place a link (via a navigation icon) on your web page. When
clicked, the link launches a dynamic page (ASP or JSP) that displays the Mixed Media Set in Mixed Media Set Viewer.
Copying the embed code of a Mixed Media Set viewer
Using the Embed Code feature lets you review the viewer code for the selected Mixed Media Set. You can also copy the
code to the clipboard so you can paste it in your web pages for deployment of the viewer. Editing of the code is not
permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
To copy the embed code of a Mixed Media Set viewer
1 In the Asset Browse panel, in the Show drop-down list, click Mixed Media Set.
2 in the Asset Library panel on the left side, navigate to the asset folder that contains the Mixed Media Set whose
embed code you want to copy.
3 Above the Asset Browse panel, on the right side of the toolbar, do one of the following:
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, double-click a single asset to open it in Detail View. In the URLs
and Embed Code panel on the right, click Embed Code to the right of the viewer you want.
• Click Grid View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then below the thumbnail image, click
Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click List View. In the Asset Browse panel, select a single asset, and then to the right of the thumbnail image,
click Preview > Viewer List.
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
• Click Grid View, List View, or Detail View. On the same toolbar, click Preview > Viewer List.
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Mixed Media Sets
In the Viewer List page, under the Actions column of the table, click Embed Code.
4 In the Embed Code dialog box, click Copy to Clipboard.
Editing the code is not permitted in the Embed Code dialog box.
5 Click Close.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Chapter 18: Adobe Analytics
Instrumentation Kit
Adobe Analytics is the industry-leading product that provides marketers with one place where they can measure,
analyze, and optimize integrated data from all online initiatives across multiple marketing channels.
After integrating Adobe Analytics with the Scene7 Publishing System, you can get reports about the behavior of
website visitors using Scene7 viewers on your website. For example, when a website visitor clicks a zoom target in a
Scene7 Zoom Viewer, Adobe Analytics records this action. Adobe Analytics reports can gather cumulative
information about user activity in Scene7 viewers.
Using Adobe Analytics reports, you can get a clear picture of the activity of customers on your website. You can
determine which product presentations lead to conversion and which do not draw customer interest.
See also Measuring Video in Adobe Analytics.
Note: A valid Adobe Analytics account is required to integrate Analytics with the Scene7 Publishing System and generate
Analytics reports.
Enabling Adobe Analytics Video Reports
Using Adobe Analytics heartbeat-based video reporting, you no longer need to enable the four video viewer events
(Play, Pause, Stop, Milestone) when you configure Adobe Analytics in Scene7. Video Heartbeat works with out-of-thebox Scene7 HTML5 Video and MixedMedia viewers. The video player generates tracking data for viewing within
Adobe Analytics Video Reports.
• The integration of Adobe Analytics video reports with Scene7 supports solution variables, but not custom variables.
See Configure Analytics Video Reporting for more information about solution variables and custom variables.
• Out-of-the-box segments of one minute increments is supported. However, custom segment reporting, such as
customer-defined milestones based on time increments, % milestone, or offset milestones, is not supported.
For more information about Video Heartbeat requirements and setup, see Measuring Video in Adobe Analytics using
Video Heartbeat.
If you are customizing your own viewer and want to use Video Heartbeat, see Enabling Adobe Analytics Video Reports
in the Adobe Scene7 HTML5 Viewer SDK available for download through Adobe Developer Connection at
Note: If your licensed solution of Adobe Analytics does not include Video Heartbeat, you will need to continue using the
steps described in this chapter to assign Adobe Analytics variables to Scene7 viewer events and variables.
Quick Start: Integrating Scene7 and Adobe Analytics
This Quick Start is designed to get you up and running quickly with Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit.
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Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit
1. Log in to Adobe Analytics by way of Scene7 and download Adobe Analytics report variables
Note: Before you can configure Adobe Analytics reports and match Adobe Analytics report variables to Scene7 events,
verify that you are added as a member of the Web Service Access group in Adobe Analytics. Members in this group can
access all reports in the specified report suites by way of the Marketing Cloud’s Web Services API regardless of the
permissions set in the interface. To add a member to the group, in Adobe Analytics, click Admin Tools > User
Management > Edit Groups.
After you have verified that you are a member of the Web Service Access group, in Scene7, click Setup > Application
Setup > Adobe Analytics. On the Adobe Analytics Configuration page, click Adobe Analytics Login.
See “Log in to Adobe Analytics” on page 265.
In the Adobe Analytics Login dialog box, type your credentials and then click Login. On the Report Suite drop-down
menu, select the name of the report suite that you want to use.
2. Assign Adobe Analytics report variables to Scene7 viewer events and Scene7 variables
On the Adobe Analytics Configuration page, specify the information you want in Adobe Analytics reports. For each
Scene7 viewer event that you want information about, choose an Adobe Analytics variable (from your report suite)
and a Scene7 variable.
• Viewer events describe the user activity that you want to measure in reports.
• Scene7 variables describe the data about user events that you want the reports to deliver.
The Adobe Analytics Configuration also offers tools for activating, editing, and deleting viewer events.
After you click Save in the Adobe Analytics Configuration screen, customized tracking code for measuring user
activity is inserted in Scene7 viewers. This functionality lets you track user activity in Adobe Analytics reports.
See “Configuring Adobe Analytics reports” on page 265.
3. Publish your Scene7 viewers
Publish your Scene7 viewers so that the viewers (with code for tracking user activity in Adobe Analytics reports) are
loaded on Scene7 servers. After you publish, this information is included in viewers and can be used for analyses by
Adobe Analytics.
See “Publishing Adobe Analytics configuration information” on page 269.
4. Place Scene7 viewers in your website
Place the Scene7 viewers with Adobe Analytics tracking code on your website.
5. Test the Adobe Analytics integration by viewing an Adobe Analytics report
To view Adobe Analytics reports, go to the Adobe Analytics website. The Reporting page lets you view data and
generate graphs and charts to measure user activity with different viewers.
See “Testing the integration by viewing an Adobe Analytics report” on page 270.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit
Log in to Adobe Analytics
Before you log in to configure Adobe Analytics reports and match Adobe Analytics report variables to Scene7 events,
verify that you are added as a member of the Web Service Access group in Adobe Analytics. Members in this group
can access all reports in the specified report suites by way of the Marketing Cloud’s Web Services API regardless of the
permissions set in the interface. To add a member to the group, in Adobe Analytics, click Admin Tools > User
Management > Edit Groups.
To log in to Adobe Analytics
1 Click Setup > Application Setup.
2 In the left pane, under Application Setup, click Adobe Analytics.
3 In the Adobe Analytics Configuration screen, click Adobe Analytics Login.
4 In the Login dialog box, enter your company name, user name, and password.
5 Click Login.
6 Choose a report suite, then click OK.
Note: The first time you log in to Adobe Analytics, the Report Suite drop-down list is blank. You do not choose a report
suite the first time you log in. After you log in for the first time, log out, and then return to the Adobe Analytics screen.
Log in again to be able to choose a report suite.
More Help topics
“Configuring Adobe Analytics reports” on page 265
Configuring Adobe Analytics reports
To tell Adobe Analytics what information you want in Adobe Analytics reports, go to the Adobe Analytics
Configuration screen. After you configure reports, this screen lists, for each viewer event you want information about,
a corresponding Adobe Analytics variable and Scene7 variable. These viewer events–Adobe Analytics variable–Scene7
variable combinations determine what information is reported.
As well as associating viewer events with variables, the Adobe Analytics Configuration screen offers tools for
activating, editing, and deleting viewer events.
Important: Whenever you change Adobe Analytics Report settings within Adobe Analytics, be sure you log back on to
Adobe Analytics from within Adobe Scene7 Publishing System, re-save your Adobe Analytics configuration settings, and
then re-publish.
See “Log in to Adobe Analytics” on page 265.
See “Publishing Adobe Analytics configuration information” on page 269.
Assigning Adobe Analytics variables to Scene7 viewer events and variables
Use the Adobe Analytics Configuration screen to associate viewer events with Adobe Analytics variables and Scene7
variables. For each viewer event, choose one Adobe Analytics variable and one Scene7 variable. For instructions about
opening the Adobe Analytics Configuration screen, see “Log in to Adobe Analytics” on page 265.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit
To assign Adobe Analytics variables to Scene7 viewer events and variables
1 After you log in to Adobe Analytics from within Scene7 and select a report suite, on the Adobe Analytics
Configuration page, in the far right column of the table, activate a viewer event by clicking Enable.
2 Under the Variables column, display the variable pair chooser by clicking the arrow button for the desired Viewer
See “Viewer events” on page 266.
3 Add a Scene7 variable.
See “Scene7 variables” on page 268.
4 Add an Adobe Analytics variable.
5 (Optional) To add another variable pair, click Add.
6 Click Save.
After you click Save, the viewer event, its Adobe Analytics variable, and its Scene7 variable, are listed in the Adobe
Analytics Configuration screen.
7 In the lower right corner, click Close.
8 Click Publish > Submit Publish to run an Image Serving publish.
Publishing is necessary so that the information contained in the viewers is available on Scene7 servers.
More Help topics
“Activating, editing, and deleting viewer events” on page 269
Viewer events
Viewer events describe actions that users perform with Scene7 viewers. When a user initiates a certain action, such as
clicking on a thumbnail or starting or stopping a video, the viewer “broadcasts” an event to the web page, along with
data associated with that event.
The following table describes viewer events you can add to the Adobe Analytics Configuration screen.
Viewer event
AS3 Viewer
HTML5 Viewer
support and
When tracking
component is
integrated into
the viewer.
X (eCatalog,
Flyout, SpinSet,
Video, Zoom)
When a user starts the viewer.
When tracking
component is
integrated into
the viewer.
X (eCatalog)
In eCatalogs, when a user turns a page;
in targeted zoom viewers, when a user
clicks a different target or a color swatch.
When tracking
component is
integrated into
the viewer.
X (eCatalog,
Flyout, SpinSet,
Video, Zoom)
When a user clicks a different thumbnail
to view a different image.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit
Viewer event
AS3 Viewer
HTML5 Viewer
support and
When tracking
component is
integrated into
the viewer.
X (eCatalog)
In viewers that support Image Maps in
which rollovers are defined, when a user
hovers the pointer over an Image Map to
read the rollover text.
When tracking
component is
integrated into
the viewer.
X (eCatalog)
In viewers that support Image Maps,
when a user clicks a URL in an Image
When tracking
component is
integrated into
the viewer.
In targeted zoom viewers, when a user
clicks a zoom target to zoom to part of
an image.
When tracking
component is
integrated into
the viewer.
In eCatalogs, when a user conducts a
word search.
When tracking
component is
integrated into
the viewer.
X (Video)
When tracking
component is
integrated into
the viewer.
X (Video)
When tracking
component is
integrated into
the viewer.
X (Video)
In Video viewers, when a user clicks Play
to start playing a video.
As an alternate to enabling this viewer
event, see “Enabling Adobe Analytics
Video Reports” on page 263.
In Video viewers, when a user clicks
Pause to pause a video.
As an alternate to enabling this viewer
event, see “Enabling Adobe Analytics
Video Reports” on page 263.
In Video viewers, when a user clicks Stop
to stop playing a video.
Note: For the HTML5 viewer
platform, this viewer event is only
available for custom HTML5
Viewers that you have created
using the Adobe Scene7 HTML5
Viewer SDK.
As an alternate to enabling this viewer
event, see “Enabling Adobe Analytics
Video Reports” on page 263.
X (Video)
In Video viewers, milestone events are
generated when the user watches 0, 25,
50, 75, or 100 percent of the video.
As an alternate to enabling this viewer
event, see “Enabling Adobe Analytics
Video Reports” on page 263.
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Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit
Viewer event
AS3 Viewer
HTML5 Viewer
support and
X (Flyout, Zoom)
This viewer event is mapped to the PAGE
viewer event in Scene7 Publishing
Note: This HTML5 platform
viewer event is only available for
custom HTML5 Viewers that you
have created using the Adobe
Scene7 HTML5 Viewer SDK.
X (eCatalog,
SpinSet, Zoom)
Not tracked by Adobe Analytics.
X (eCatalog,
SpinSet, Zoom)
Not tracked by Adobe Analytics.
X (SpinSet)
Not tracked by Adobe Analytics.
Note: This HTML5 platform
viewer event is only available for
custom HTML5 Viewers that you
have created using the Adobe
Scene7 HTML5 Viewer SDK.
Note: This HTML5 platform
viewer event is only available for
custom HTML5 Viewers that you
have created using the Adobe
Scene7 HTML5 Viewer SDK.
Note: This HTML5 platform
viewer event is only available for
custom HTML5 Viewers that you
have created using the Adobe
Scene7 HTML5 Viewer SDK.
Scene7 variables
For each viewer event on Adobe Analytics Configuration screen, choose a Adobe Analytics variable and a Scene7
variable. Scene7 variables represent data you can obtain for a report. For example, the searchTerm variable lists
keywords used in eCatalog searches.
The following table describes Scene7 variables.
Scene7 variable
Scene7 Publishing System asset ID or video path file.
An arbitrary number that is assigned to each different viewer type.
In eCatalogs, the page that a viewer displays.
The label value (a string).
The page or page reference in an Image Set.
The entire HREF value, not just any processed part of it.
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Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit
Scene7 variable
The ID of an item that is referenced in an Image Map (valid for href and item events).
A term that is used in eCatalog search.
Play, Stop, and Pause chosen in video viewers.
The percentage of a milestone event that is complete.
The id value (a number).
Activating, editing, and deleting viewer events
On the Adobe Analytics Configuration screen, you can activate, edit, and delete viewer events:
Activating Select or deselect the Active check box activate or deactivate a viewer event.
Editing Select a viewer event and click the Edit button. In the Adobe Analytics Variable dialog box, choose a different
Adobe Analytics variable and Scene7 variable, and click Save. For more information, see “Assigning Adobe Analytics
variables to Scene7 viewer events and variables” on page 265.
Deleting Select a viewer event and click the Delete button.
Publishing Adobe Analytics configuration information
Publish your Scene7 viewers so that information about configuring Adobe Analytics reports is sent to Scene7 servers.
This information is embedded in viewers. Publishing is necessary so that the information contained in the viewers is
available on Scene7 servers. From the servers, it can be relayed to Adobe Analytics after users perform activity on the
Important: Whenever you change Adobe Analytics Report settings within Adobe Analytics, be sure you log back on to
Adobe Analytics from within Adobe Scene7 Publishing System, re-save your Adobe Analytics configuration settings, and
then re-publish.
See“Log in to Adobe Analytics” on page 265.
See “Configuring Adobe Analytics reports” on page 265.
To publish configuration information
1 On the Global Navigation bar, click Publish.
2 In the Publish dialog box, click Start Publish.
Instrumenting a viewer using the Adobe Analytics
Instrumentation Kit
You can use the Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit to integrate an ActionScript 3.0 (AS3) viewer with Adobe
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Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit
If you use any of the predefined Scene7 HTML5 viewer presets, be aware that they already contain all the
implementation code needed to send data to Adobe Analytics--no further instrumentation is required by you.
However, if you choose to create your own custom HTML5 viewers using the HTML5 Viewer SDK, see the Adobe
Scene7 HTML5 Viewer SDK User Guide for instructions on how to use the Adobe Analytics Tracking Manager
The Adobe Scene7 HTML5 Viewer SDK User Guide is available as part of the SDK download from Adobe Developer
Set up Adobe Analytics tracking from Scene7 Publishing System
For all AS3 Flash viewers, add the following JavaScript to the HTML container, usually in the <head> element:
<!-- ***** Site Catalyst Tracking ***** --><script type="text/javascript"
src="<SPS Company
Company is set to the SPS company name. &preset is optional unless the company preset name is not companypreset.
In such cases, it could be companypreset-1, companypreset-2, and so on. The higher number is a newer instance
of the preset. To determine the correct company preset value name, click Copy URL , and then look at the preset=
parameter to find the company preset name.
Continuing, you will now you add a function that transmits the viewer event to the Adobe Analytics tracking code.
Add the s7ComponentEvent() function to the container HTML (or JSP, or ASPX or other):
function s7ComponentEvent(objectId, componentClass, instanceName, timeStamp, eventData) {
s7track(eventData); }
The function name is case sensitive. The only parameter passed to s7componentEvent that is required is the last one:
eventData. s7track() is defined in s_code.jsp included above. s7track handles all tracking per each event. (To
further customize data transmitted to Adobe Analytics, this area is the place to do it.)
Enabling HREF and ITEM events
You can enable HREF (rollover) and ITEM (mouse clicks/touch) events in the viewers through Image Map editing.
Define the identifiers for the HREF and ITEM within the Image Map that is associated with viewer content. Add a
&rolloverKey= parameter to the HREF value within the Image Map.
Testing the integration by viewing an Adobe Analytics
After you have created the necessary variables in Adobe Analytics, linked them to Scene7 events and completed the
necessary implementation steps, then you should test the setup. You can test and verify that the data is being captured,
inside Adobe Analytics itself. If the setup works here, then no further steps are needed. Assuming you followed the
steps above and linked your Scene7 event data to one or more custom traffic variables, then follow this workflow to
test your data inside Adobe Analytics.
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Adobe Analytics Instrumentation Kit
To test the integration by viewing a Adobe Analytics report
1 Launch a Scene7 viewer from your account, particularly one that broadcasts the metric that you want to capture,
and interact with it to create some event data.
For example, if you want to measure the most popular alternative views in an Image Set, then preview an Image Set
and click on the different thumbnails images.
2 Inside Adobe Analytics, go to Custom Traffic > Custom Traffic 1-10 > [Name of prop], selecting your traffic prop
name from the menu choices.
For example, to access the LoadAsset prop in our sample account, the proper menu choice would be Custom Traffic
> Custom Traffic 1-10 > LoadAsset. If you have more than ten custom props, then you may see additional menu
choices as well.
3 View the chart produced by Adobe Analytics. Note that this is typically just the data for a single metric. If you also
want to know with which asset this data is associated (e.g., which video is being watched to only 50%, or which
image in a set is most popular), be sure to capture the asset data of this event as well.
Note: All Scene7 viewer data is displayed and reported in Custom Traffic reports or Custom Conversion reports of Adobe
For more information, see
Disabling Adobe Analytics tracking
To disable Adobe Analytics tracking
1 Turn off all events in the Adobe Analytics Configuration page in Scene7 Publishing System.
2 Save and publish.
This turns off the support through Scene7 and through URLs obtained from the CopyURL feature. If you implement
custom tracking, disable the Adobe Analytics tracking as set up in the Configuration page to prevent conflicts with the
custom implementation.
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Chapter 19: Test&Target integration
Adobe® Test&Target™ puts control directly in the hands of marketers to quickly and continually execute multiple A/B
and multivariate tests, measure effectiveness, and increase relevance of online content through segmentation,
targeting, and automated personalization.
The Scene7 Publishing Systems allows you to create offers and offer sets for Test&Target campaigns. For example, you
can create an offer set with three variations of the same rich media asset and have Test&Target determine which asset
provides better conversion lift. You can create offers and offer sets from a Basic Template or from individual images.
After the offer set is pushed, or saved, to Adobe Test&Target, where the offers are associated with mBoxes and
experiences, Test&Target can run campaigns to determine which variation of a web site is likely to perform best for
click-throughs and conversion.
For greater customization of dynamic Scene7 content, use Test&Target HTML offers. See the Test&Target product
documentation for more information.
Note: A valid Adobe Test&Target account is required to use Test&Target with the Scene7 Publishing System.
Quick Start: Test&Target integration
This Quick Start is designed to get you up and running quickly with Test&Target HTML offer sets. Follow steps 1
through 3. After each step is a cross-reference to a topic heading where you can find more information.
1. Enter your Test&Target URL in the Application General Settings screen.
Scene7 needs your Test&Target URL to integrate with Test& Target. Copy the portion of your Test&Target URL up
to and including .com, and enter it in the Scene7 Application General Settings screen. See “Integrating Scene7 with
Test&Target” on page 273.
2. Create the offer set
Use a parameterized template or images to create an offer set. You create HTML offer sets on the Test&Target Offer
Set screen. To open this screen, select your template or images, and choose Build > Test&Target Offer Set.
To create an offer with a template, click the Add & Preview button, and in the Add & Preview screen, change parameter
To create an offer with images, drag images into the Test&Target Offer Set screen. You can click the Preview button
to choose an Image Preset for an image or all the images in the offer set.
Save the offer set after you create it.
See “Creating an offer set” on page 273.
3. Push the offer set to Test&Target
In the Test&Target Offer Set screen, click the Push Offers button, and enter your login credentials in the Test&Target
Login dialog box. See “Pushing offer sets to Test&Target” on page 276.
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Test&Target integration
Integrating Scene7 with Test&Target
Before you can integrate Scene7 with Test&Target, you must enter your Test&Target URL in the Scene7 Application
General Settings screen. Follow these steps to obtain your Test&Target URL and enter it in the Application General
Settings screen:
1 Go to the Test&Target Login window at this address:
2 Enter your credentials and click the Login button.
3 After you log in, in your browser’s address bar, copy the URL up to and including .com.
For example, if the fictional URL (URLs paths always contain forward slashes, not back slashes as in these two
examples) in the address bar is https:\\, copy this portion
of the fictional URL: https:\\
In step 5, you paste the portion of the URL you copied into the Scene7 Application General Settings screen.
4 In Scene7, choose Setup > Application Setup to open the Application General Settings screen.
5 In the Test&Target Server Name field, paste the URL you copied in step 3.
6 Click Close.
Creating an offer set
You can create any of the following types of offer sets:
• Video recut
• Video
• Parameterized template
• Image
For video recuts and templates, click Add and Preview, then set the parameters you choose. The other offer set types
do not include parameters, but you can still customize them by clicking Preview and changing the available presets.
Scene7 offers tools for editing as well as creating offer sets.
Important: Before creating an offer set, be sure you publish all assets that you intend to use for the set to the Scene7
Publishing System. See “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
More Help topics
“Creating template parameters” on page 184
“Create a Video Recut Template” on page 248
Types of offer sets
Create an offer set from the following types of offer sets:
Images You can assemble images for an offer set. Each image comprises a different offer in the set.
Image template You can parameterize image templates in Scene7 with the Build > Template Basics command.
Through parameters, components of the template — the text in text frames, the different images — can be swapped
out and customized. For an offer set, you can use template parameters to create variations on the same image in your
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Test&Target integration
offer set, for example. For information about creating and parameterizing image templates, see “Creating template
parameters” on page 184.
Video You can assemble video for an offer set. Each video is a different offer in the set.
Video recut You can enhance master videos into Video Recuts to create interactive shopping experiences directly
within the video. For example, you can add clickable product hotspots to provide related information, or add call-toaction buttons to enable purchase from the video.
Creating an offer set with a paremeterized template or video recut
When you create an Offer Set, the Publish after save option affects the set and set members in the following ways:
“Publish after save” option selected
before saving?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Set members retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To create an offer set with a parameterized template or video recut
1 Select the template, banner, or video recut.
2 Click Build > Test&Target Offer Set.
The Test&Target Offer Set screen opens. This screen lists offers in the offer set. The first item on the list is the object.
3 Select the object and click Add & Preview.
The left side of the page lists parameters in the template and their values.
4 Change parameter values to create the offer. For example, enter different text in a text field, change the size of a
layer, swap one image for another, or choose a different viewer preset.
5 Click Save or Save As to save the offer as part of the offer set.
The Test&Target Offer Set screen lists the offers you created.
6 Repeat steps 3 through 5 to create more offers for the set.
7 When you are finished, near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is selected (default).
8 Click Close, enter a name for the offer set, and click Save.
Before closing the Test&Target Offer Set screen, push the offer set to Test&Target. See “Pushing offer sets to
Test&Target” on page 276.
More Help topics
“Editing an Offer Set” on page 275
Creating an offer set with images or videos
When you create an Offer Set, the Publish after save option affects the set and set members in the following ways:
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Test&Target integration
“Publish after save” option selected
before saving?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Set members retain their published or
unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To create an offer set with images or videos
1 Assemble images or videos for the offer set by starting in the Test&Target Offer Set screen or in the Grid View or
List View and use one of the following methods:
Test&Target Offer Set screen Click Build > Test&Target Offer Set. Drag images or videos onto the screen. To
create varying sizes of videos or images, drag in multiple copies of the image or video and set each size individually.
Grid or List view Select the images or videos and click Build > Test&Target Offer Set.
2 Optionally, select an image or video and click Preview. On the Preview Offers page, you can change the size and
look of the image or video you selected or all images or videos in the offer set.
• Choose a Preset to change the look and size of the image or video.
• Click the Select Presets to All check box to apply the preset you chose to all the offers in the offer set.
Click Save to save your changes to the image or video offer. Then click Close to return to the Test&Target Offer Set page.
3 After you finish creating offers for the offer set and choosing Image Presets for different images, near the lower-
right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is selected (default).
4 Click Save and enter a name for the offer set, and click Save.
Before closing the Test&Target Offer Set screen, push the offer set to Test&Target. See “Pushing offer sets to
Test&Target” on page 276.
Editing an Offer Set
Depending on whether you edit a published set or an unpublished set, the Publish after save option affects the set and
set members in the following ways:
Set already
“Publish after save”
option selected before
saving your edit?
State of set after saving
State of set members after saving
Existing set members retain their
published state.
Any new set members that you added
during your edit retain their published
or unpublished state.
Existing set members and any new set
members that you added during your
edit retain their published or
unpublished state.
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Test&Target integration
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To edit an Offer Set
1 To edit an offer set, display the offer set in Grid view or List view and click its Edit rollover button. The Test&Target
Offer Set screen opens.
2 Do any of the following:
Removing an offer Select the offer and click the Delete button to remove an offer from the set.
Adding an offer How you add an offer depends on the type of offer set you’re working with:
• Templates and Video Recuts: Click Add & Preview, and on the Add & Preview Offers page, create another offer.
• Images and videos: Drag an image or video onto the Test&Target Offer Set page.
Note: You cannot delete an offer set that is associated with a campaign. To delete an offer set associated with a
campaign, log on to Test&Target and remove the campaign associations first. Even after un-associating from a
campaign, the asset can only be deleted from Scene7 Publishing System, requiring a login to Test&Target, and not
from within Test&Target.
3 When you are finished editing, near the lower-right corner of the page, ensure that Publish after save is selected
4 Click Save, select a storage folder, enter a name for the set, and then click Save.
Deleting an Offer Set
When you delete an Offer Set, the set itself is moved to the Trash. However, the members (or “children”) within that
set are not affected; instead, they each retain their existing published or unpublished state.
See also “Manually publishing assets” on page 89 and “Manually unpublishing assets” on page 89.
To delete an Offer Set
In the Grid View, List View, or Details View, select one or more Offer Sets.
2 On the Global Navigation Bar, click File > Delete > Delete.
Pushing offer sets to Test&Target
After you create or edit an offer set, push it to Test&Target by following these steps:
1 In the Test&Target Offer Set screen, click the Push Offers button.
2 Enter your login credentials.
3 Click the Login button.
During the transfer to Test&Target, the prefix S7_ is attached automatically to the start of offer names. This prefix is
attached to ensure that you can easily find Scene7 offers in the Test&Target offer list. For example, the offer appears
as S7_<name of offer set>_<offer name>.
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Test&Target integration
SPS pushes into Test&Target widget offers. You can use Widget offers to host your own offer content outside of
Test&Target. Widget offers are similar to a standard offer hosted outside of Test&Target. They allow Test&Target to
deploy offer content that’s stored on your server, allowing for more sophisticated and dynamic usage. Widget offers
retrieve content from a URL, caching and serving that content for approximately two hours.Widget offers provide
some dynamic content generation capabilities that other offers outside of Test&Target do not. If the mbox serving the
offer contains mbox parameters such as mboxProductID and mbox.offerId, the productId=[PRODUCT_ID] and
offerID=[OFFERID] URL parameters are appended to the requested URL. These parameters can be used by a service
available at the Widget offer URL to return content outside of Test&Target that uses product or order information
from your mboxes.The Widget offer is also accessible through the API to programatically create offers outside
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Chapter 20: User-generated content
Using UGC (user-generated content) consists of uploading assets to a dedicated Scene7 storage repository and
performing related operations.
UGC supports the following file formats:
• Raster: JPG, PNG, TIFF
• Vector: AI, EPS, PDF (only when the PDF file is previously opened and saved in Adobe Illustrator CS6)
Before uploading assets, you obtain a shared-secret key. You use this key to retrieve an upload token. You submit the
upload token when you upload assets and perform other UGC tasks.
After you retrieve a shared-secret key and upload token, you can perform the following operations for user-generated
• Upload an asset.
See “Uploading an image asset or a vector asset” on page 278.
• Get image asset metadata.
See “Getting asset metadata for images” on page 283.
• Delete an uploaded asset.
See “Deleting an uploaded asset” on page 286.
• Get information about a company’s disk space usage.
See “Getting disk usage information” on page 287.
Uploading an image asset or a vector asset
Before you can upload an image asset, you first request a shared-secret key. You use this shared-secret key to retrieve
an upload token. You then use the upload token to upload image assets or vector assets.
Requesting a shared-secret key
Request a shared-secret key by sending an email to Scene 7 Technical Support at
In the email message, provide the company name that you want to use to upload image assets. After you receive the
key from Scene7, save it locally for future use.
Retrieving the upload token
The upload token ensures that no one can use the same shared-secret key to upload assets. It ensures that the upload
is legitimate and comes from a trusted source.
The upload token is an alphanumeric string that is available only for a specific amount of time. Use the following URLs,
substituting your shared-secret key, to retrieve the upload token.
• Image
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User-generated content
In this example, the shared-secret key is fece4b21-87ee-47fc-9b99-2e29b78b602
• Vector
In this example, the shared-secret key is 2d19f60e-890a-4e79-a1a5-9ac2875429b9
By default, the upload token expires five minutes (300 seconds) after you retrieve it. To request more time, include
expires in the URL and the amount of time you require in seconds. For example, the following sample image URL
retrieves an upload token that is valid for 1800 seconds:
The successful response for images looks like the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<serviceName>User Generated Content - Images</serviceName>
<title>Upload Token for fece4b21-87ee-47fc-9b99-2e29b78b602</title>
Save the upload token locally for use with future requests.
You can use the following fields in the query URL string to retrieve an upload token:
URL parameter
Required or optional
The shared-secret key for the company that is doing the upload.
Number of seconds that the upload token is valid. Default is 300 seconds, if
not specified.
Sample image URL:
Sample vector URL:
Allowed HTTP methods: GET and POST
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User-generated content
You can now upload an image asset.
See “Uploading an image asset” on page 280.
Uploading an image asset
After you retrieve an upload token that is valid for a specific amount of time, you can upload an image asset. You
upload the asset as a multipart/form post while sending the rest of the values as a URL query string, as shown in this
The upload_token and company_name fields are required.
See “Retrieving the upload token” on page 278.
See “Requesting a shared-secret key” on page 278.
You can also send other optional values as URL query strings, as in this example:,gif
Thefile_limit parameter specifies the file-size limit in bytes. The file_exts parameter specifies the filename
extensions that are allowed for upload. Both of these values are optional.
A global limit is set in the application for the file size limit and the filename extensions allowed. If what you send in
the request is a subset of the global limits, it is honored. The global limits are the following:
Global limit
File size for all clients
20 MB
Supported image file formats for upload
The following HTML form lets a user upload an asset. The form asks the user to enter the following information:
• A company name
• An upload token
• A file size limit
• A list of filename extensions
• The name of the file to upload
An HTML form for uploading an asset.
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User-generated content
The following HTML code is displayed when you right-click in the browser window, and then click View Source for
the form shown in the illustration. The code shows the corresponding URL query string and the POST method that
are run when the user clicks Submit.
<script language="javascript">
function uploadImage()
var preserve_colorprofile = "false";
if(document.image_upload.preserve_colorprofile[0].checked == true){
preserve_colorprofile = "true";
var preserve_filename = "false";
if(document.image_upload.preserve_filename[0].checked == true){
preserve_filename = "true";
return true;
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="image_upload" id="image_upload"
onSubmit="return uploadImage();">
<tr><td colspan="2"><strong> UGC Image Upload Test Page: </strong></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>
<tr><td><strong> Company Name</strong></td><td><input type="text" size="40"
<tr><td><strong> Upload Token </strong></td><td><input type="text" size="40"
<tr><td><strong> File Size Limit (in bytes) </strong></td><td><input type="text" size="40"
<tr><td><strong> File Extensions allowed </strong></td><td><input type="text" size="40"
Last updated 10/9/2014
User-generated content
<tr><td><strong> Preserve Color Profile</strong></td><td><input type="radio"
name="preserve_colorprofile" value="true">Yes&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio"
name="preserve_colorprofile" value="false" checked>No</td></tr>
<tr><td><strong> Preserve File Name</strong></td><td><input type="radio"
name="preserve_filename" value="true">Yes&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio"
name="preserve_filename" value="false" checked>No</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>
<td><strong>File to upload: : </strong></td>
<td><input name="filename" type="file" id="filename" size="58" maxlength="1024" /></td>
<tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>
<td><strong>Click Submit to upload your image: </strong></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Submit"></td>
To view the XML response in Internet Explorer, click View > Source. To view XML response in Firefox, click View >
Page Source. Firefox is recommended for viewing XML responses.
The following is a sample response from a successful upload:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<serviceName>User Generated Content - Images</serviceName>
<title>Your file has been uploaded Successfully.</title>
<url> </url>
<fullurl> </fullurl>
Note: The uploaded asset (JPG, GIF, and so on) is converted to the PTIFF format and the response sends a direct link to
that PTIFF asset.
The asset is like any other ImageServing resource; you can apply processing queries to it. For example, the following
URL requests an asset that is stretched to the specified width and height.
Send the asset to upload as a multipart/form post while sending the rest of the values as a URL query string. You can
use the following fields in the URL query string to upload an asset:
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User-generated content
URL Parameter
Required or optional
Upload token for the shared-secret key associated with
the company.
Name of the company performing the upload.
File size limit, in bytes, for the asset.
List of allowable extensions for the image asset file.
preserve_colorprofile Optional
Preserves any embedded color profile while converting
the uploaded file to PTIFF format. Possible values are true
or false. Default is false.
Preserves the filename of the uploaded asset. Possible
values are true or false. Default is false.
Note: You are required to send the asset to be uploaded as the only field in a multipart POST request.
Sample URL:
Allowed HTTP method:
Getting asset metadata for images
You can use image_info to retrieve metadata for an asset that you uploaded, as shown in the following example:
An example of a successful response looks like the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<serviceName>User Generated Content - Images</serviceName>
<title>More information on 1442564.tif</title>
File created on Tue Sep 08 19:02:04 CDT 2009, File Size = 243494 bytes
You can use the following fields in the URL query string to request information for an asset:
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User-generated content
URL Parameter
Required or optional
The shared-secret key for the company.
Name of the image.
Sample URL:
Allowed HTTP method:
Uploading a vector asset
After you retrieve an upload token that is valid for a specific amount of time, you can upload a vector asset. You upload
the asset as a multipart/form post while sending the rest of the values as a URL query string, as shown in this example:
The upload_token and company_name fields are required.
See “Retrieving the upload token” on page 278.
See “Requesting a shared-secret key” on page 278.
You can also send other optional values as URL query strings, as in this example:,pdf
Thefile_limit parameter specifies the file-size limit in bytes. The file_exts parameter specifies the filename
extensions that are allowed for upload. Both of these values are optional.
A global limit is set in the application for the file size limit and the filename extensions allowed. If what you send in
the request is a subset of the global limits, it is honored. The global limits are the following:
Global limit
File size for all clients
20 MB
Supported vector file formats for upload
AI, EPS, PDF (only when the PDF is
previously opened and saved in Adobe
Illustrator CS6)
The following HTML form lets a user upload an asset. The form asks the user to enter the following information:
• A company name
• An upload token
• A file size limit
• A list of filename extensions
• The name of the file to upload
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User-generated content
An HTML form for uploading an asset.
The following HTML code is displayed when you right-click in the browser window, and then click View Source for
the form shown in the illustration. The code shows the corresponding URL query string and the POST method that
are run when the user clicks Submit.
<script language="javascript">
function uploadImage()
return true;
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="image_upload" id="image_upload"
onSubmit="return uploadImage();">
<tr><td colspan="2"><strong> UGC Vector Upload Test Page: </strong></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>
<tr><td><strong> Company Name</strong></td><td><input type="text" size="40"
<tr><td><strong> Upload Token </strong></td><td><input type="text" size="40"
<tr><td><strong> File Size Limit (in bytes) </strong></td><td><input type="text" size="40"
<tr><td><strong> File Extensions allowed </strong></td><td><input type="text" size="40"
<tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>
<td><strong>File to upload: : </strong></td>
<td><input name="filename" type="file" id="filename" size="58" maxlength="1024" /></td>
<tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>
<td><strong>Click Submit to upload your Vector: </strong></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Submit"></td>
To view the XML response in Internet Explorer, click View > Source. To view XML response in Firefox, click View >
Page Source. Firefox is recommended for viewing XML responses.
The following is a sample response from a successful upload:
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User-generated content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<serviceName>User Generated Content -Vector</serviceName>
<title>Your file has been uploaded Successfully.</title>
Note: The uploaded asset (AI, EPS, PDF so on) is converted to the FXG format and the response sends a direct link to that
FXG asset.
The asset is like any other Web-to-print resource; you can apply processing queries to it. For example, the following
URL converts an FXG resource into a 500x500 png image.
Send the asset to upload as a multipart/form post while sending the rest of the values as a URL query string. You can
use the following fields in the URL query string to upload an asset:
URL Parameter
Required or optional
Upload token for the shared-secret key associated with
the company.
Name of the company performing the upload.
File size limit, in bytes, for the asset.
List of allowable extensions for the asset file.
Note: You are required to send the asset to be uploaded as the only field in a multipart POST request.
Sample URL: ken=aa2a378a-cd25-4c80-994d312094e0ef20_18000&company_name=000Company
Allowed HTTP method:
Deleting an uploaded asset
You can use the delete parameter in this format to delete an asset:
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User-generated content
The following is an example of a response when an image asset is deleted:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<serviceName>User Generated Content - Images</serviceName>
<title>Delete request for1442564.tif</title>
<message>Your file was successfully deleted</message>
You can use the following fields in the URL query string to delete an asset:
URL parameter
The shared-secret key for the company.
Name of the asset to delete.
For images:
For Vector:
Sample image URL:
Sample vector URL: &fxg_name=8875744.fxg
Getting disk usage information
You can use the disk_info parameter to retrieve information about a company’s disk space usage, as shown in the
following example:
A sample response looks like the following:
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User-generated content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<serviceName>User Generated Content - Images</serviceName>
<title>Disk Information for d03b7e0b-c9dc-4c6c-af0b-419beeea1c63</title>
<message>Total Space available = 1395402342400 bytes. Total Space used = 0
You can use the following fields in the URL query string to get disk usage information:
URL parameter
The shared-secret key for the company
The following sample code gets disk information for 000Company:
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Chapter 21: Master files
Master files are files you use to create rich-media assets in Scene7. These files include images, PDF files (for creating
eCatalogs), and AI, ID, and PSD files (for creating web-to-print templates). Scene7 also supports SWF files for use as
skins in the different viewer presets—the Zoom Viewer, eCatalog Viewer, and other viewers.
The Scene7 Publishing System offers tools for editing images. You can create Image Maps and zoom targets for images.
You can also crop, sharpen, and adjust images.
Best practices for optimizing the quality of your images
Optimizing image quality can be a time consuming process as many factors contribute to rendering acceptable results. The
outcome is partly subjective because individuals perceive image quality differently. Structured experimentation is key.
Scene7 includes more than 100 image serving commands for tuning and optimizing images and rendering results. The
following guidelines can help you streamline the process and achieve good results quickly using some essential
commands and best practices.
Best practices for image format (&fmt=)
• JPG or PNG are the best choices to deliver images in good quality and with manageable size and weight.
• If no format command is supplied in the URL, Scene7 Image Serving defaults to JPG for delivery.
• JPG compresses at a ratio of 10:1 and usually produces smaller image file sizes. PNG compresses at a ratio of about
2:1, except in some cases, such as when images contain a white background. Typically though, PNG file sizes are
larger than JPG files.
• JPG uses lossy compression, meaning that picture elements (pixels) are dropped during compression. PNG on the
other hand uses lossless compression.
• JPG often compresses photographic images with better fidelity than synthetic images with sharp edges and contrast.
• If your images contain transparency, use PNG because JPG does not support transparency.
As a best practice for image format, start with the most common setting &fmt=JPG.
Best practices for image size
Dynamically reducing image size is one of the most common tasks that Scene7 Image Serving performs. It involves
specifying the size and, optionally, which downsampling mode is used to downscale the image.
• For image sizing, the best and most straightforward approach is to use &wid=<value> and &hei=<value> or just
&hei=<value>. These parameters automatically set the image width in accordance to the aspect ratio.
&resMode=<value> controls the algorithm used for downsampling. Start with &resMode=sharp2. This value
provides the best image quality. While using the downsampling value =bilin is faster, it often results in the aliasing
of artifacts.
As a best practice for image sizing, use &wid=<value>&hei=<value>&resMode=sharp2 or
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Best practices for image sharpening
Image sharpening is the most complex aspect of controlling images on your website, and where many mistakes are
made. Take the time to learn more about how sharpening and unsharp masking works in Scene7 by referring to the
following helpful resources:
Best practices white paper Sharpening images in Adobe Scene7 Publishing System and on Image Server.
On Adobe TV, watch Sharpening an image with unsharp mask.
With Scene7, you can sharpen images on ingestion, on delivery, or both. In most cases, however, you should sharpen
images using only one method or the other, but not both. Sharpening images on delivery, on a URL, typically gives you
the best results.
There are two image sharpening methods that you can use:
• Simple sharpening (&op_sharpen) - Similar to the sharpen filter used in Photoshop, simple sharpening applies
basic sharpening to the final view of the image following dynamic resizing. However, this method is not userconfigurable. The best practice is to not use &op_sharpen unless required.
• Unsharp masking (&op_USM) - Unsharp masking is an industry standard sharpening filter. The best practice is to
sharpen images with unsharp masking following the guidelines below. Unsharp masking lets you control the
following three parameters:
amount (0-5, strength of the effect.)
radius (0-250, width of the "sharpening lines" drawn around the sharpened object, as measured in pixels.)
Keep in mind that the parameters radius and amount work against each other. Reducing radius can be
compensated by increasing amount. Radius allows finer control as a lower value sharpens only the edge
pixels, whereas a higher value sharpens a wider band of pixels.
threshold (0-255, sensitivity of effect.)
This parameter determines how different the sharpened pixels must be from the surrounding area before
they are considered edge pixels and the filter sharpens them. Threshold helps to avoid over-sharpening areas
with similar colors, such as skin tones. For example, a threshold value of 12 ignores slight variations in skin
tone brightness to avoid adding "noise", while still adding edge contrast to high contrast areas, such as where
eyelashes meet skin.
For more information about how you set these three parameters, including best practices to use with the filter,
see the following resources:
Scene7 Help topic on Sharpening an image.
Best practices white paper Sharpening images in Adobe Scene7 Publishing System and on Image Server.
• Scene7 also lets you control a fourth parameter: monochrome (0,1). This parameter determines if unsharp
masking is applied to each color component separately using the value 0 or to the image brightness/intensity
using the value 1.
As a best practice, start with the unsharp mask radius parameter. Radius settings that you can start with are the
• Website: 0.2-0.3 pixels
• Photographic printing (250-300 ppi): 0.3-0.5 pixels
• Offset printing (266-300 ppi): 0.7-1.0 pixels
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• Canvas printing (150 ppi): 1.5-2.0 pixels
Gradually increase the amount from 1.75 to 4. If sharpening is still not the way you want, increase the radius by a
decimal point and run the amount again from 1.75 to 4. Repeat as necessary.
Leave the monochrome parameter setting at 0.
Best practices for JPEG compression (&qlt=)
• This parameter controls JPG encoding quality. A higher value means a higher-quality image but a large file size;
alternatively, a lower value means a lower quality image but a smaller file size. The range for this parameter is 0-100.
• To optimize for quality, do not set the parameter value to 100. The difference between a setting of 90 or 95 and 100
is almost imperceptible, yet 100 unnecessarily increases the size of the image file. Therefore, to optimize for quality
but avoid image files becoming too large, set the qlt= value to 90 or 95.
• To optimize for a small image file size but keep image quality at an acceptable level, set the qlt= value to 80. Values
below 70 to 75 results in significant image quality degradation.
• As a best practice, to stay in the middle, set the qlt= value to 85 to stay in the middle.
• Using the chroma flag in qlt=
• The qlt= parameter has a second setting that lets you turn on RGB chromaticity downsampling using the value
,1 or off using the value ,0.
• To keep it simple, start with RGB chromaticity downsampling turned off (,0). This setting usually results in
better image quality, especially for synthetic images with lots of sharp edges and contrast.
As a best practice for JPG compression use &qlt=85,0.
Best practices for JPEG sizing (&jpegSize=)
jpegSize is a useful parameter if you want to guarantee that an image does not exceed a certain size for delivery to
devices that have limited memory.
• This parameter is set in kilobytes (jpegSize=<size_in_kilobytes>). It defines the maximum allowed size for
image delivery.
&jpegSize= interacts with the JPG compression parameter &qlt=. If the JPG response with the specified JPG
compression parameter (&qlt=) does not exceed the jpegSize value, the image is returned with &qlt= as defined.
Otherwise, &qlt= is gradually decreased until the image fits in the maximum allowed size, or until the system
determines it cannot fit and returns an error.
As a best practice, set &jpegSize= and add the parameter &qlt= if you are delivering JPG images to devices with
limited memory.
Best practices summary
As a best practice, to achieve a high image quality and small file size, start with the following combination of
This combination of settings products excellent results under most circumstances.
If the image requires further optimization, gradually fine-tune sharpening (unsharp masking) parameters by starting
with a radius set to 0.2 or 0.3. Then, gradually increase the amount from 1.75 to a maximum of 4 (equivalent to 400%
in Photoshop). Check to see that the desired result is achieved.
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Master files
If sharpening results are still not satisfactory, increase the radius in decimal increments. For every decimal increment,
restart the amount at 1.75 and gradually increase it to 4. Repeat this process until you achieve the desired result. While
the values above are an approach that creative studios have validated, remember that you can start with other values
and follow other strategies. Whether the results are satisfactory to you or not is a subjective matter, therefore
structured experimentation is key.
As you experiment, you may also find the following general suggestions helpful to optimize your workflow:
• Try out and test different parameters in real time, either directly on a Scene7 URL or using the Scene7 Publishing
System's image adjustment functionality which provides real-time previews for adjustment operations.
• As a best practice, remember that you can group Scene7 Image Serving commands into an image preset. An image
preset is basically URL command macros with custom preset names such as $thumb_low$ and &product_high$.
The custom preset name in a URL path makes a call to these presets. Such functionality helps you manage
commands and quality settings for different usage patterns of images on your website and shortens the overall
length of URLs.
• Scene7 also provides more advanced ways to tune image quality, such as applying sharpening images on ingestion.
For advanced use cases where this may be an option to further tune and optimize rendering results, Adobe
Professional Services can help you with customized insight and best practices.
Editing images
The Scene7 Publishing System offers many tools for creating rich-media effects. These tools are available by clicking
the rollover Edit button and in the Browse Panel in Detail view. You can do the following image-editing tasks in
Create Image Maps Select the Image command or Image Map button
to create an Image Map. An Image Map is a
hotspot on an image, or an eCatalog page, or an image in a SpinSet, that displays a panel with rollover text. Users can
click an Image Map, for example, to launch a new web page. See “Creating Image Maps” on page 293.
Create Zoom targets Select the Zoom Targets command or the Zoom Targets button
to create thumbnail targets.
Users can click a thumbnail target in the Zoom Viewer to zoom directly to a particular part of an image. See “Creating
zoom targets for Guided Zoom” on page 128.
Crop an image Select the Crop command or the Crop button
to crop an image. See “Cropping an image” on
page 299.
Sharpen an image Select the Sharpen command or the Sharpen button
to sharpen an image and make its outlines
less blurry and more distinct. See “Sharpening an image” on page 300.
Adjust an image Select the Adjust command or the Adjust button
to flip, rotate, blur, colorize, or alter the color
balance of an image. See “Adjusting an image” on page 304.
Edit layers Click the Layers tab to display individual, editable layers in a PSD file. When you upload a PSD file, all
layers are uploaded individually as separate files so that you can edit them within Scene7.
As well as using these tools to edit images, you can edit images as you upload them to the Scene7 Publishing System.
For example, you can crop images, create a mask from a clipping path, and select a color profile for an image as you
upload it.
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Master files
Creating Image Maps
An Image Map is a region on an image, an eCatalog page, or an image in a SpinSet, that displays a rollover panel with
text. When the user clicks an Image Map, an action of some kind is triggered. For example, a web page is launched so
that the user can learn more about a product. To call attention to Image Maps, an outline appears around an Image
Map when the user moves the pointer over it.
Besides the ability to create an image map in Scene7, or you can also create image maps when you design a catalog in
Adobe Acrobat or Adobe InDesign.
When you create Image Maps you can do any of the following:
• Enter rollover text.
• Enter JavaScript and URLs for launching web pages.
• Create URL templates for Image Maps.
• Copy Image Maps to other images, or eCatalog pages, or SpinSets.
• Export Image Maps to CSV or to XML.
• Import image metadata from a tab delimited file or from an XML file.
• Define other actions as determined by the World Wide Web Consortium.
• Preview Image Maps.
Drawing and adjusting an Image Map
1 Do one of the following:
• If you are working with an image in the Grid View or List View, in the Edit drop-down list click Image Map. Or,
open it in Detail View, and then click Image Map
above the image.
• If you are working with a SpinSet in the Grid View or List View, click Edit. Or, open it in Detail View, and then
click Edit. Select an image asset, and then click Image Map
• If you are working with an eCatalog, in the Grid View, List View, Detail View, click Edit. Click the Map Pages tab.
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Creating an Image Map.
2 Draw a rectangular or polygonal (many-sided) Image Map:
Rectangular map Select the Rectangle Image Map tool
and drag on the page to create the rectangle. To add a
point to a rectangular map (thus changing it to a polygon map), press Ctrl, then place the insertion tool at the
desired location and click.
Polygonal map Select the Polygon Image Map tool
and click points on the perimeter of the area of the image
you want to enclose. Use the polygon density slider to vary the point density in the polygon. The original density is
remembered if you select other maps. If any point is added, deleted, or moved in the polygon, the original density
is lost and the slider is reset to its maximum value.
3 Enter a name for the Image Map, if desired, in the Image Map list. After you draw an Image Map, Scene7 assigns it
a name.
To create the name, Scene7 appends a sequential number to the name of the image or eCatalog page you are
working with. You can enter a name of your choice.
4 If you want users to open a new web page when they click the Image Map, enter the URL in the Image Map list.
See “Using a template to enter JavaScript and URLs” on page 296.
5 To display rollover text when users move the pointer over your Image Map, enter the text in the Image Map list. In
the Image Map list, select the Show menu and choose Rollover Text. Then enter the text you want users to see
onscreen. You can write the text in a word processor and copy it into the Rollover text field.
6 If you want another action effect to occur when users move the mouse over an Image Map, define the action. In the
Show drop-down list, click Other Actions. Enter the attributes of the action. (Click Show > Both to create rollover
text and an action for an Image Map.)
See “Defining other actions for Image Maps” on page 297.
7 (Optional) Do any of the following:
• Click Preview to preview Image Maps.
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• To delete an Image Map or polygon vertex, select a shape on the image, and then click Delete. Or, for an
eCatalog, on the Order Pages tab, click Clear Maps to remove Image Maps from all pages.
• To temporarily remove an Image Map from an image, an image in a SpinSet, or an eCatalog page, without
deleting it, deselect the appropriate On option in the Image Map list.
8 Click Save.
Adjusting the position, shape, and size of Image Maps
To change the position, shape, and size of an Image Map, select the Image Map button
and follow these instructions:
. Then select the Pan tool
Changing position Move the pointer near to but not over the border of the Image Map. When you see the four-headed
arrow icon, drag the map to a new location.
Changing the size and shape How you change the shape and size of an Image Map depends on whether you are
working with a rectangular or polygonal Image Map:
• Rectangular Image Map Move the pointer over a side or corner of the Image Map. When you see the doubleheaded arrow icon, start dragging. Hold down the Shift key as you drag to change size but maintain the aspect ratio
(the shape).
• Polygonal Image Map Drag a square selection handle. To create a selection handle, click the border of the Image
Map and start dragging.
You can drag the Size slider at the bottom of the screen to change views and get a better look at your Image Map.
Handling overlapping Image Maps
If your image or eCatalog page includes more than one Image Map and the maps overlap, you can determine how maps
overlap. To do so, change the order of maps on the Image Map list. Drag their names higher or lower on the list. How
high a name is on the list determines whether its Image Map overlaps other Image Maps.
Importing Image Map data
Rather than enter Image Map data on each page, you can import the data for your image, Spin Set, or eCatalog into
the Map Summary screen. You import the Image Map data in the form of a tab-delimited file or XML DTD. The fields
in your file must be in the order shown in the Map Summary screen: Name, TOC Labels, Maps, URLs, Rollover Text,
Other Actions, and Search Strings. Importing Image Map data saves you the trouble of entering the data in the Image
Map List as you create each Image Map.
To import Image Map data
1 Go to the Image Map editor page (for images or images in SpinSets) or the Map Pages tab of the eCatalog editing
2 Click Import Metadata.
3 In the Upload Metadata dialog box, click Image or Image Map to upload the metadata from desired asset property type.
4 In the Generate File drop-down list, select the type of file that you want to create.
5 (Optional) Click Generate to preview the resulting data based on the type of file you want to create. Click Close to
return to the Upload Metadata dialog box.
6 Browse to the file that you want to upload. In the File Name text field, specify the name of the generated file.
7 (Optional) In the Job Name field, specify a name for the metadata upload job.
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8 Click Upload.
Copying Image Maps
You can copy Image Maps from an image or an eCatalog page to another. Use Copy Image Map to get a head start
creating them. You can also copy Image Maps to re-create them in images or pages that share the same layout or
mapping structure.
For example, copying Image Maps in an eCatalog is a convenient way to copy all image maps between foreign language
versions of the same eCatalog. For best results, copying is most successful if you copy between eCatalogs with the same
number of pages and same images. If the eCatalog to which you copy already contains Image Maps, be aware that those
Image Maps are deleted when the copy is made.
To copy Image Maps
1 Go to the Image Map editor page (for images or images in SpinSets) or the Map Pages tab of the eCatalog editing
2 Click Copy Maps to.
3 Do one of the following, based on if you are copying Image Maps from images or copying Image Maps from an
• (Images) In the Select Images screen, select the images that you want to copy the Image Maps to.
• (eCatalog) In the Select Asset screen, select the images or eCatalog pages that you want to copy the Image Maps to.
4 Click Select.
Using a template to enter JavaScript and URLs
You can define a URL template (also known as an Href template) to make entering Image Map URLs easier and more
efficient. Define a URL template if most of your Image Map URLs share a common, fixed format. By entering the
portion of the URL that is fixed as the URL template, you do not have to enter this portion of the URL each time you
create an Image Map. Your URL Template can also contain JavaScript commands, pathnames, and parameters. By
default, the URL template contains a proprietary Scene7 JavaScript handler called loadProduct that opens the image
in a new window.
Note: Be aware that when you add the Javascript code into the HREF attribute of your image map, the code is run on the
client's computer. Therefore, make sure that the Javascript code is secure.
About URL templates
The URL template works by substituting the contents of the URL column in the Image Map list with the double dollar
signs (‘$$’) in the template:
You place all of the values that do not change between Image Maps in the URL template. Add only the values that do
change in the URL column in the Image Map list. For example:
• URL template: javascript:loadProduct('$$');void(0);
• URL value: product.htm
• Actual URL generated:
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By default, the URL template includes a proprietary Scene7 JavaScript handler called loadProduct that opens a new
window with the URL destination. However, you can use any JavaScript code to replace this JavaScript handler or use
one of the following Scene7 handlers:
Displays the URL target specified in the URL column in the current window. This handler is primarily for eCatalogs
that are integrated into a page within a website.
Displays the URL target specified in the URL column in the parent window (the page that opened the current one).
The current window remains open, but the parent window changes to display the URL target.
Note: The handler loadProductPW does not support DHTML and HTML5 viewers.
Creating a URL template
To create a URL template:
1 On the Map Editor screen (images or SpinSets) or the Map Pages tab of the eCatalog screen (eCatalogs), select Edit
next to the URL Template option. The Edit Map Template dialog box opens.
2 Enter the JavaScript code and the complete URL (with the variable portion replaced by dollar signs [$$]). You can
paste the code by right-clicking and choosing Paste.
3 Select the Save button.
Handling URL templates
The Map Editor page (images and SpinSets) and the Map Pages tab of the eCatalog screen (eCatalogs) offer these
commands for handling URL templates:
URL Template option Select the URL Template option to apply your URL template to all the Image Maps on an image
or eCatalog page.
Template option Deselect a Template option in the URL Image Map list if you do not want an individual Image Map
to use the URL template.
Defining other actions for Image Maps
You can select the Show menu and choose Other Actions to trigger actions other than rollover text and web page
launches. When the user moves the pointer over an Image Map, you can initiate an action. These actions are attributes
defined for client-side Image Maps by World Wide Web Consortium HTML specifications. They include:
accesskey Triggers an action when the user presses a designated key on the keyboard.
onfocus Triggers an event when the Image Map receives focus—by the cursor, by tabbing, or by pressing an access
key. For example, you can launch a web page when the Image Map receives focus and close it when your Image Map
loses focus.
onblur Triggers an event when the Image Map loses focus, either by the cursor or by tabbing.
To define other actions for Image Maps
1 On the Map Editor screen (images and SpinSets) or Map Pages tab of the eCatalog screen (eCatalogs), select the
Show menu and choose Other Actions.
2 Using the syntax specified by the World Wide Web Consortium HTML specifications, add the supported attributes
in the Other Actions column of the Image Map list.
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3 Click Save.
Select the Show menu and choose Both if you want an Image Map to have rollover text as well as an action.
Creating Image Maps in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe InDesign
You can create Image Maps while designing your eCatalog in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe InDesign.
In Acrobat or InDesign, create hyperlink references where you want the Image Maps to appear, and specify URL
locations for the image map. Selecting the Extract Links option when uploading the PDF file into Scene7 automatically
converts the links to Image Maps.
For more information, see InDesign Help or Acrobat Help.
To create Image Maps in Adobe InDesign
1 In InDesign, click Window > Interactive > Hyperlinks to open the Hyperlinks panel.
2 Select the text, frame, or graphic that you want to make into an Image Map.
3 In the Hyperlinks panel, click New Hyperlink from the panel menu.
4 In the New Hyperlink dialog box, choose URL from the Link To menu.
5 Type or paste the product ID in the URL box, and click OK. (Scene7 completes the URL using the Image Map URL
Note: You do not need to set appearance options in InDesign. You can specify appearance in Scene7.
6 Repeat steps 2 through 5 for all the Image Maps you want to create.
7 Export the file as a PDF.
8 Upload the PDF to Scene7 and select Extract Links from the PDF Options.
To create Image Maps in Adobe Acrobat
1 In Acrobat, choose Tools > Advanced Editing > Link Tool.
2 Drag to create the Image Map. The Create Link box opens.
3 Select Custom Link, and click Next.
Note: You do not need to set appearance options in Acrobat. You can specify appearance in Scene7.
4 In the Link Properties box, click Actions.
5 Select Open A Web Link from the Select Action menu, and then click Add.
6 Type the product ID for the Image Map in the Edit URL box, and click OK. (Scene7 completes the URL using the
image map URL template.)
7 Repeat steps 1 through 7 for all the Image Maps you want to create.
8 Save the file.
9 Upload the PDF to Scene7 and select Extract Links from the PDF Options.
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Cropping an image
You can crop images in the Scene7 Publishing System. The system retains information about images that were cropped
so you can restore them to their original state. You can also crop an image and save the cropped version under a new
You can crop an image to remove white space around it, or crop an area of the image.
Note: After you crop, you can click the Save As button and save a cropped version of the image under a different name.
In the Save As window, choose Save As New Master to save a second copy of the image. Choose Save As Addition View
Of Master to save the original and its cropped version under a different name. Choose Replace Original to delete the
original file from which you cropped your image. Then enter a name for the image and select the Submit button.
More Help topics
“Image editing options at upload” on page 305
“Cropping white space from a PDF file” on page 309
“Cropping from the sides of PDF pages” on page 309
Crop to remove white space around an image
You can crop off the transparent or solid-color pixels from the edge of an image.
1 To crop an image, click its rollover Edit button and choose Crop, or display it in the Browse Panel in Detail view
and click the Crop button
. The Crop Editor screen opens.
2 Do one of the following:
• To trim color pixels, select the Trim menu and choose Color. The Auto Crop By Color dialog box appears. Select
the Corner menu and choose a corner with the background color to crop away. Then enter a Tolerance setting
from 0 through 1. The 0 setting crops pixels only if they exactly match the color you selected in the corner of the
image. Numbers closer to 1 allow for more color difference. Select the Crop button.
• To trim transparent pixels, select the Trim menu and choose Transparent. The Auto Crop By Transparency
dialog box appears. Enter a tolerance setting from 0 through 1. The 0 setting crops crop pixels only if they are
totally transparent. Numbers closer to 1 allow for more transparency. Select the Crop button.
3 Click Save.
Note: To restore an image to its original state after you’ve cropped it, display the image in the Crop Editor screen and
select the Reset button.
Select an area to crop
1 To crop an image, click its rollover Edit button and choose Crop, or display it in the Browse Panel in Detail view
and click the Crop button
. The Crop Editor screen opens.
2 Place the part of the image you don’t want to crop in the crop box. What appears inside the box remains when you
select the Save button and crop the image.
3 To adjust the crop area, do one of the following:
• Drag a side or corner of the box. Hold down the Shift key as you drag to change size but maintain the aspect
ratio (the shape) of the crop box.
• Enter pixel measurements in the Size boxes.
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• Drag to move the crop box. Move the pointer inside the boundary of the box. When you see the four-headed
arrow, drag the box to a new location on the image.
4 Click Save.
Note: To restore an image to its original state after you’ve cropped it, display the image in the Crop Editor screen and
select the Reset button.
Sharpening an image
Sharpening is an image-manipulation technique for making the outlines of a digital image look more distinct.
Sharpening increases the contrast between edge pixels and emphasizes the transition between dark and light areas.
Sharpening increases local contrast and brings out fine detail. There is no strict formula for correctly sharpening all
images. Too little sharpening can make for a soft image, but over-sharpening adds halos, artifacts, and noise.
Scene7 highly recommends using Image Presets for all images. This ensures a uniform size, and sharpening is enforced
on any image called with an Image Preset. Furthermore, you can edit and change an Image Preset’s sharpening
parameters quite easily. The next time you publish, all images called with that preset are given the new values.
Scene7 also recommends adding sharpening to Viewer Presets, and then calling a viewer with that preset. This ensures
that images within your viewers are crisp and appealing.
However, whether you use Image Presets and Viewer Presets, or some alternate method of sharpening, the bottom line
is that you should sharpen your images. If you do not, your images (and website) might look soft and fuzzy.
Important: The Sharpen commands override Image Preset settings, including their sharpening effects. An Image Preset
governs the size and formatting with which images are delivered from Scene7 Image Servers. Scene7 highly recommends
using Image Presets to deliver all images to make sure that images are delivered at a uniform size and sharpening. After
the sharpening settings of an individual image have been changed, however, Image Preset sharpening settings no longer
apply to the image. It is delivered without Image Preset sharpening settings.
It is often necessary to sharpen images. Scene7 SPS and Image Servers offer several sharpening options. It is important
to understand what sharpening does to an image and how much sharpening you need. Most images need some
sharpening but the amount required depends upon the image.
Image sharpening increases the contrast of pixels to create the effect of accentuating edges. Humans perceive this
enhanced edge contrast as sharpness. Although it is easy to enhance an image by running sharpening filters on an
image, it is also easy to over-sharpen an image.
Over sharpening an image creates a halo effect, or banding of the edge’s lines.
There are best practices you can follow to optimize the sharpening of your images in Scene7 Publishing System and on
Scene7 Image Server.
See Best practices for sharpening images in Scene7 Publishing System and on Scene7 Image Server.
To sharpen an image
To sharpen an image, click its rollover Edit button and choose Sharpen, or open it in the Browse Panel in Detail view
. The Sharpness Editor screen opens with sharpening commands. Choose commands
and click the Sharpen button
and select the Save button.
Before sharpening an image, you can select the Apply Preset menu and choose an Image Preset to see what its
sharpening effects are. The sharpening effects of an Image Preset may be suitable for your image. The Apply Preset
menu is located on the bottom of the Sharpness Editor screen.
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Sharpening options
The following table shows the Image Server sharpening options.
URL Protocol
0 | 1
Resample Mode
bilin | bicub | sharp2 | trilin
bilin: Selects standard bi-linear interpolation.
Fastest resampling method; some aliasing artifacts
may be noticeable.
bicub: Selects bi-cubic interpolation. More CPUintensive than bilin, but yields sharper images
with less noticeable aliasing artifacts.
sharp2: Selects a modified Lanczos Window
function as an interpolation algorithm. May
produce slightly sharper results than bi-cubic at a
higher CPU cost.
trilin: Selects a modified trilinear interpolation,
which uses both higher and lower resolutions, if
available. Recommended only when aliasing is an
issue. Reduces JPEG sizes due to reduced high
frequency data.
Unsharp Mask
amount, radius, threshold, monochrome
amount: filter strength factor (real 0…5)
radius: filter kernel radius in pixels (real 0…250)
threshold: filter threshold level (int 0…255)
monochrome: set to 0 to unsharp-mask each color
component separately, set to 1 to unsharp-mask
image brightness (intensity)
Select the Sharpening menu and choose an option:
None Disables sharpening.
Sharpen Runs a simple sharpening pass on the file after it is resized. This is similar to the “Sharpen” filter in Photoshop
and does support any user parameters. Normally, you would use this filter or Unsharp Mask but not both. As a best
practice, this method is not recommended, but it can help compensate for blurriness. (URL: op_sharpen)
Unsharp Mask Allows you to fine-tune a sharpening filter effect on the final downsampled image. You can control
intensity of effect, radius of the effect (measured in pixels) and a threshold of contrast that will be ignored. This effect
uses the same options as Photoshop’s “Unsharp Mask” filter. (URL: op_usm)
Choose these options to fine-tune sharpening with Unsharp Mask:
• Amount Controls the amount of contrast applied to edge pixels. The default is 0.0. For high-resolution images, you
can increase it to as high as 5.0. Think of Amount as a measure of filter intensity. Be aware that the Amount setting in
Scene7 is not the same as the Amount setting in Photoshop. Photoshop uses an amount in the range of 1% to 500%,
whereas Scene7 scales from 0.0 to 5.0. (5.0 is roughly equivalent to 500% in Photoshop, 0.9 is similar to 90%, and so on.)
• Radius Determines the number of pixels surrounding the edge pixels that affect the sharpening. The effect runs on
all pixels in the image and radiates in all directions.
The best radius value depends on the size of the image. A low value sharpens only the edge pixels. A high value
sharpens a wider band of pixels.
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For example, to get a similar sharpening effect for a 2000 x 2000 pixel image and 500x 500 pixel image, you might set
a radius value of two pixels on the 2000 x 2000 pixel image. Then, set a radius value of one pixel on the 500 x 500 pixel
image (a larger value for an image with more pixels).
• Threshold Determines the range of contrast to ignore when the unsharp mask filter is applied. This option
determines how different the sharpened pixels must be from the surrounding area before they are considered edge
pixels and are sharpened.
Threshold uses a value from 0-255, which is the number of brightness steps in a grayscale image. 0=black, 128=50%
gray and 255=white. For example, a threshold value of 12 ignores slight variations is skin tone brightness, so as not to
add noise, while still adding edge contrast to contrasty areas, such as where eyelashes meet skin.
As an example, suppose you have a photo of someone’s face. The Unsharp Mask affects the parts of the image with the
most contrast and the smooth skin itself. Even the smoothest skin exhibits subtle changes in brightness values. If you
do not use a threshold value, the filter accentuates these subtle changes in skin pixels, creating a noisy effect (probably
undesirable) while also increasing the contrast on the eyelashes, enhancing sharpness (probably desirable). To avoid
this issue, use a threshold value that tells the filter to ignore pixels that do not change contrast dramatically, like smooth
skin. To avoid introducing noise, experiment with values between .02 and 0.2. The default value of 0 sharpens all pixels
in the image.
• Apply To Choose Each Color to apply sharpening separately to each color component; choose Brightness to apply
to sharpening to image brightness areas.
Select the Resampling menu and choose an option. These options sharpen the image when it is downsampled:
None Turns off resampling.
Bilinear The fastest resampling method; some aliasing artifacts are noticeable.
Bicubic Increases CPU usage on the Image Server, but yields sharper images with less noticeable aliasing artifacts.
Sharpen2 May produce slightly sharper results than the Bicubic option, but at even higher CPU cost on the Image
Trilinear Uses both higher and lower resolutions if available; recommended only when aliasing is an issue. This
method reduces JPEG size due to reduced high-frequency data.
Sharpening and image presets
You could mix all three sharpening effects to achieve your final result. However, this is not recommended. Scene7
recommends you save your sharpening effects as part of an Image Preset.Image Presets allow you to package the most
often used image modifiers to create a dynamically resized image in a small text string. An Image Preset contains values
for the file format (usually JPEG for the web), pixel count and image sharpening. Instead of appending the URL with
each image modifier needed to create a specific type of image size, you create a named Image Preset, such as
“thumbnail,” configure the thumbnail Image Preset with the appropriate size, file format, and sharpening options, and
then call the image using the Image Preset name. Image Presets shorten the length of the overall URL.These two URLs
produce the same 350x350 JPEG image with sharpening:
Image Presets can be changed and updated at any time. You will see the results of a change to an Image Preset after
you publish and after the cache for the URL clears.
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If you use one preset for every image in a size category, any Company Administrator can update the definition of that
Image Preset, republish, and affect every image using that format, without changing any web code. As a best practice,
use one Image Preset per unique size on your site. To add an image preset, go to Setup > Application Settings > Image
Presets. Then, Add or Edit an existing preset. The only required field is the name of the preset itself. However, you
should include some level of sharpening in every preset.
JPG Quality
The JPG Quality options control the JPG compression level:
JPG Quality Select this option if you want to control compression levels and chrominance downsampling.
Slider Determines the JPG compression level. This setting affects both file size and image quality. The JPG quality
scale is 1–100.
Enable JPG Chrominance Downsampling Because the eye is less sensitive to high-frequency color information than
high-frequency luminance, JPEG images divide image information into luminance and color components. When a
JPEG image is compressed, the luminance component is left at full resolution, while the color components are
downsampled by averaging together groups of pixels. Downsampling reduces the data volume by one half or one third
with almost no impact on perceived quality. Downsampling is not applicable to grayscale images. This technique
reduces the amount of compression useful for images with high contrast (for example, images with overlaid text).
Setting company-wide sharpening options
If you do not use an Image Preset or pass specific Image Server sharpening protocols along the URL string, then your
image is not sharpened when it is downsampled. However, you may set default sharpening values if this occurs and
then any image will always have some sharpening.
To set your company’s default sharpening options, go to Setup > Application Setup > Publish Setup > Image Server. If
you set the Default Resampling Mode to Sharp2, it will always sharpen the image when downsampling.
Adding sharpening to viewer presets
Unless you add sharpening image modifiers to the preset, the small initial load image can look soft because it is
downsampled to fit into the viewer window without being sharpened.
In SPS, Viewer Presets (like Image Presets) allow you to centralize many options into one location, including choice
of skin and viewer options (such as including a Print button or controlling the speed of the zoom animation). Viewer
Presets are found in the same section as Image Presets, under Setup > Application Settings > Viewer Presets.
The Modifiers option is found under the Core Settings section of all eCatalog, Spin, and Custom Zoom Viewer Presets.
By adding the URL sharpening commands to the Modifiers box, you add sharpening every time that viewer is called
with that viewer preset.
To call the Viewer Preset, use the config= command on the viewer URL. Here is an example of calling an Image Set
(shoes) with a Viewer Preset (FantasticoZoom2009):
The preset here sharpens and changes the default skin of the viewer.
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Creating image-specific overrides
The last, and least recommended, sharpening method is to create sharpening overrides on an image-by-image basis.
This overrides the sharpening in an Image Preset with its own specific values. However, this overrides all other
sharpening methods at any size. The best use case for this method is if some of your images are not high resolution,
and the values in the Image Presets are too high for these small images. In this case, some per-image sharpening might
be needed.
In SPS, select any image, go to the Detail View (by double-clicking or pressing the Detail View button), and click
Sharpen. Change any parameter, then click Save. This tells the Image Server to use these sharpening parameters rather
than any command you call in the URL, such as a sharpening modifier or Image Preset. You must publish to see the
changes take effect.
Adjusting an image
Scene7 offers various commands for adjusting the appearance of an image. You can flip, rotate, blur, alter the color
balance, and colorize an image. As you experiment with these commands, you can see their effects on the image you
are working with.
See also “Creating an alias for an image” on page 305.
1 Click the image’s rollover Edit button and choose Adjust, or in the Browse Panel, double-click the image to open it
in Detail view.
2 Select a size and Image Preset (in the bottom of the window).
3 Use the commands on the right side of the Adjust Editor window to adjust the image:
• Use the Flip options to flip an image horizontally or vertically.
• Use the Rotate slider to rotate the image. You can enter values in the Rotate field to rotate an image. Positive
values rotate it clockwise; negative values rotate it counterclockwise.
• Use the Blur slider or its corresponding box to blur an image. The higher the value, the more blurry the image
• Use the Contrast, Brightness, Saturation, Hue, and Color Balance options to adjust the color and brightness.
These effects are cumulative. For example, changes to the Magenta/Green settings are added to changes made
to the Hue settings.
• Use the Colorize options to colorize an image while preserving shadows and highlights. Changes to the Colorize
options are also cumulative. Choose the Brightness menu and choose No Compensation to disable automatic
brightness compensation. Set the contrast value to 0 to preserve the contrast range of the original image, or
specify a contrast range with a value greater than 0. A value of 100 maximizes the contrast. Typical values are in
the 30–70 range.
4 When you have finished adjusting the image, do one of the following:
• Click Save.
• To replace the original of the image, click Save As.
In the drop-down list, select Replace original, and then click Save.
• To save the image as a new master image, click Save As.
In the drop-down list, select Save as new master.
In the Folder Name list box, select the folder where you want the new master image saved.
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Click Save.
• To save the image as additional view of the master image. you can create an alias for it. Click Save As.
In the Save As dialog box, in the drop-down list, click Save as additional view of master.
In the Folder Name list box, select the folder where you want the new master image saved.
Click Save.
Creating an alias for an image
When you have adjusted an image, you may want to save it as additional view of the master image. To do so, you can
create an alias for the image by using the Save as additional view of master feature.
1 In the Grid View or List View, in the Edit drop-down list next to an image for which you want to create an alias,
click Adjust.
2 In the lower-right corner of the page, click Save As.
3 In the Save As dialog box, in the drop-down list, click Save as addition view of master.
4 In the Folder Name list box, select the folder where you want to save the aliased image.
5 In the File Name field, type the name you want to use for the alias.
6 Click Save.
Image editing options at upload
When uploading image files, including AI, EPS, and PSD files, you can take the following editing actions in the Upload
Job Options dialog box:
• Crop white space from the edge of images.
• Crop manually from the sides of images.
• Choose a color profile.
• Create a mask from a clipping path.
• Sharpen images with unsharp masking options
• Knockout Background
These options are located on the Upload screen under Image Editing Options.
Cropping white space from images
To automatically crop white-space pixels from an image, select the Crop menu and choose Trim. Then choose these
Trim Away Based On Choose whether to crop based on color or transparency:
• Color Choose the Color option. Then, from the Corner drop-down list, select the corner of the image with the color
that best represents the white-space color you want to crop.
• Transparency Choose the Transparency option.
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Tolerance Drag the slider to specify a tolerance from 0 through 1:
• Trimming based on color Specify 0 to crop pixels only if they exactly match the color you selected in the corner of
the image. Numbers closer to 1 allow for more color difference.
• Trimming based on transparency Specify 0 to crop pixels only if they are totally transparent; numbers closer to 1
allow for more transparency.
Cropping manually from the sides of images
To manually crop from the sides of an image, select the Crop menu and choose Manual. Then enter the number of
pixels to crop from any side or each side of the image. How much of the image is cropped depends on the ppi (pixels
per inch) setting in the image file. For example, if the image displays 150 ppi and you enter 75 in the Top, Right,
Bottom, and Left text boxes, a half-inch is cropped from each side.
Choosing a color profile
Choose a Color Profile option to select a color space for the image:
Convert To sRGB Converts to sRGB (Standard Red Green Blue). sRGB is the recommended color space for displaying
images on web pages.
Keep Original Color Space Retains the original color space.
Custom From > To Opens menus so you can choose a Convert From and Convert To color space. You can choose a
standard Photoshop color space or a color space you uploaded to SPS.
See “ICC profiles” on page 315.
Creating a mask from a clipping path
Select Create Mask From Clipping Path to create a mask for the image based on its clipping path information. This
option applies to images created with image-editing applications in which a clipping path was created.
Sharpening an image using Unsharpen Mask
This filter lets you fine-tune a sharpening filter effect on the final downsampled image, controlling the intensity of the
effect, the radius of the effect (as measured in pixels), and a threshold of contrast that is ignored.
This effect uses the same options as Photoshop’s Unsharp Mask filter. Contrary to what the name suggests, Unsharp
Mask is a sharpening filter.
Under Unsharp Masking, set the options you want. Setting options are described in the following table:
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Unsharp Mask
Controls the amount of contrast that is applied to edge pixels.
Think of it as the intensity of the effect. The main difference between the amount values of
Unsharp Mask in SPS and the amount values in Adobe Photoshop, is that Photoshop has an
amount range of 1% to 500%. Whereas, in SPS, the value range is 0.0 to 5.0. A value of 5.0 in SPS
is the rough equivalent of 500% in Photoshop; a value of 0.9 is the equivalent of 90%, and so on.
Controls the radius of the effect. The value range is 0-250.
The effect is run on all pixels in an image and radiates out from all pixels in all directions. The
radius is measured in pixels. For example, to get a similar sharpening effect for a 2000 x 2000 pixel
image and 500 x 500 pixel image, you would set a radius of two pixels on the 2000 x 2000 pixel
image and a radius value of one pixel on the 500 x 500 pixel image. A larger value is used for an
image that has more pixels.
Threshold is a range of contrast that is ignored when the Unsharp Mask filter is applied. This is
important so that no "noise" is introduced to an image when this filter is used. The value range is
0-255, which is the number of brightness steps in a grayscale image. 0=black, 128=50% gray and
For example, a threshold value of 12 ignores slight variations is skin tone brightness to avoid
adding noise, but still add edge contrast to contrasty areas such as where eyelashes meet skin.
For example, if you have a photo of someone’s face, the Unsharp Mask affects the contrasty parts
of the image, such as where eyelashes and skin meet to create an obvious area of contrast, and
the smooth skin itself. Even the smoothest skin exhibits subtle changes in brightness values. If
you do not use a threshold value, the filter accentuates these subtle changes in skin pixels. In
turn, a noisy and undesirable effect is created while contrast on the eyelashes is increased,
enhancing sharpness.
To avoid this issue, a threshold value is introduced that tells the filter to ignore pixels that do not
change contrast dramatically, like smooth skin.
In the zipper graphic shown earlier, notice the texture next to the zippers. Image noise is
exhibited because the threshold values were too low to suppress the noise.
Select to unsharp-mask image brightness (intensity).
Deselect to unsharp-mask each color component separately.
See also “Sharpening an image” on page 300.
See also Sharpening images in Scene7 Publishing System and on Image Server.
Knockout Background
You can use Knockout Background to automatically remove the background of an image when you upload it. This
technique is useful to draw attention to a particular object and make it stand out from a busy background.
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Select to enable or “turn on” the Knockout Background feature and options..
The corner of the image that is used to define the background color to knockout.
You can choose from Upper Left, Bottom Left, Upper Right, or Bottom Right.
Fill Method
Controls pixel transparency from the Corner location that you set.
You can choose from the following fill methods:
Flood Fill - turns all pixels transparent that match the Corner that you have specified and are
connected to it.
Match Pixel - turns all matching pixels transparent, regardless of their location on the image.
Controls the allowable amount of variation in pixel color matching based on the Corner location
that you set.
Use a value of 0.0 to match pixel colors exactly or, use a value of 1.0 to allow for the greatest
More Help topics
“Cropping an image” on page 299
Working with PDFs
PDF (Portable Document Format) files are most often used in Scene7 to create eCatalogs. When you upload a PDF
file, Scene7 rasterizes, or rips, the pages by default so that the pages can be used to build rich media.
PDF upload options
When you upload a PDF file, you can format it in various ways. You crop its pages, extract search words, enter a pixelsper-inch resolution, and choose a color space. PDF files often contain a trim margin, crop marks, registration marks,
and other printer’s marks. You can crop these marks from the sides of pages as you upload a PDF file.
Options for uploading PDF files are located on the Upload screen under PDF Options.
The Processing options are as follows:
Rasterize (Default) Rips the pages in the PDF file and converts vector graphics to bitmap images. Choose this option
to create an eCatalog.
Extract Search Words Extracts words from the PDF file so that the file can be searched by keyword in an eCatalog
Extract Links Extracts links from the PDF files and coverts them to Image Maps that are used in an eCatalog Viewer.
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Auto-Generate eCatalog With Multiple Page PDF Automatically creates an eCatalog from the PDF file. The eCatalog
is named after the PDF file you uploaded. (This option is only available if you rasterize the PDF file as you upload it.)
Determines the resolution setting. This setting determines how many pixels are displayed per inch in the PDF file. The
default is 150.
Color Space
Select the Color Space menu and choose a color space for the PDF file. Most PDF files have both RGB and CMYK color
images. The RGB color space is preferable for online viewing.
Detect Automatically Retains the color space of the PDF file.
Force As RGB Converts to the RGB color space.
Force As CMYK Converts to the CMYK color space.
Force As Grayscale Converts to the Grayscale color space.
Color Profile
Choose a Color Profile option:
Convert To sRGB Converts to sRGB (Standard Red Green Blue). sRGB is the recommended color space for displaying
images on web pages.
Keep Original Color Space Retains the original color space.
Custom From > To Opens menus so you can choose a Convert From and Convert To color space. You can choose a
standard Photoshop color space or a color space you uploaded to SPS.
See “ICC profiles” on page 315.
Cropping white space from a PDF file
1 To automatically crop white-space pixels from a PDF file as you upload it, select the Crop menu and choose Trim.
2 Specify the following options:
Trim Away Based On Choose whether to crop based on color or transparency:
• Color Choose the Color option. Then select the Corner menu and choose the corner of the PDF with the color
that best represents the white-space color you want to crop.
• Transparency Choose the Transparency option.
Tolerance Drag the slider to specify a tolerance from 0 through 1:
• Trimming based on color Specify 0 to crop pixels only if they exactly match the color you selected in the corner
of the PDF. Numbers closer to 1 allow for more color difference.
• Trimming based on transparency Specify 0 to crop pixels only if they are totally transparent; numbers closer to
1 allow for more transparency.
Cropping from the sides of PDF pages
You can manually remove printer’s marks from the sides of the pages in a PDF file as you upload it.
1 Select the Crop menu and choose Manual.
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2 Enter pixel settings in the Top, Right, Bottom, and Left text boxes to crop from the top, bottom, and sides of pages.
How much of the page is cropped depends on the Resolution PX/Inch setting you enter for the PDF file. For example,
if you enter 150 (the default) as the Resolution PX/Inch setting and you crop 75 pixels from the sides of pages, a halfinch is cropped because, at 150 pixels per inch, 75 pixels equals a half-inch.
Working with PSD files
PSD (Photoshop Document files) are most often used in Scene7 to create templates. When you upload a PSD file, you
can create a Scene7 template automatically from the file (select the Create Template option on the Upload screen).
SPS creates multiple images from a PSD file with layers if you use the file to create a template; it creates one image for
each layer.
PSD upload options
Options for uploading PSD files are located under Photoshop Options in Upload Job Options. You can crop a file,
choose a color profile for it, use it to create a template, and select an anchor.
These options are available when uploading PSD files:
Crop (located under Crop Options.) Choose Trim to automatically crop white space from the edges of a PSD file;
choose Manual to crop sides of the PSD file:
• Trim Select the Trim Away Based On menu and choose Color or Transparency.
If you choose the Color option, select the Corner menu and choose the corner of the PSD with the color that best
represents the white-space color you want to crop.
Drag the slider to specify a tolerance from 0 through 1:
To trim based on color, specify 0 to crop pixels only if they exactly match the color you selected in the corner of the
PSD. Numbers closer to 1 allow for more color difference.
To trim based on transparency, specify 0 to crop pixels only if they are totally transparent; numbers closer to 1 allow
for more transparency.
• Manual Enter the number of pixels to crop from any side or each side of the image. How much of the image is
cropped depends on the ppi (pixels per inch) setting in the image file. For example, if the image displays 150 ppi and
you enter 75 in the Top, Right, Bottom, and Left text boxes, a half-inch is cropped from each side of the image.
Color Profile (Located under Color Profile Options.) Choose an option:
• Convert To sRGB (default) Converts to sRGB (Standard Red Green Blue). sRGB is the recommended color space
for displaying images on web pages.
• Keep Original Color Space Retains the original color space of the image.
• Custom From > To Opens menus so you can choose a Convert From and Convert To color space. You can choose
a standard Photoshop color space or a color space you uploaded to SPS. See “ICC profiles” on page 315.
Maintain Layers Rips the layers in the PSD, if any, into individual assets. The asset layers remain associated with the
PSD. You can view them by opening the PSD file in Detail view and selecting the layer panel. See “Viewing and editing
layers in a PSD file” on page 311.
Create Template Creates a template from the layers in the PSD file.
Extract Text Extracts the text so that users can search for text in a Viewer.
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Extend Layers To Background Size Extends the size of ripped image layers to the size of the background layer.
Layer Naming Layers in the PSD file are uploaded as separate images. Choose an option to name these images in the
Scene7 Publishing System:
• Layer Name Names the images after their layer names in the PSD file. For example, a layer named Price Tag in the
original PSD file becomes an image named Price Tag. However, if the layer names in the PSD file are default Photoshop
layer names (Background, Layer 1, Layer 2, and so on), the images are named after their layer numbers in the PSD file,
not their default layer names.
• Photoshop and Layer Number Names the images after their layer numbers in the PSD file, ignoring original layer
names. Images are named with the Photoshop filename and an appended layer number. For example, the second layer
of a file called Spring Ad.psd is named Spring Ad_2 even if it had a non-default name in Photoshop.
• Photoshop and Layer Name Names the images after the PSD file followed by the layer name or layer number. The
layer number is used if the layer names in the PSD file are default Photoshop layer names. For example, a layer named
Price Tag in a PSD file named SpringAd is named Spring Ad_Price Tag. A layer with the default name Layer 2 is called
Spring Ad_2.
Anchor Specify how images are anchored in templates that are generated from the layered composition produced
from the PSD file. By default, the anchor is the center. A center anchor allows replacement images to best fill the same
space, no matter the aspect ratio of the replacement image. Images with a different aspect that replace this image, when
referencing the template and using parameter substitution, effectively occupy the same space. Change to a different
setting if your application requires the replacement images to fill the allocated space in the template.
Viewing and editing layers in a PSD file
If you selected the Maintain Layers option when you uploaded your PSD, Scene7 ripped the individual layers into
assets. You can view and edit the asset layers belonging to a PSD file by opening the file in the Browse Panel in Detail
1 Double-click the full PSD file in the Browse Panel to open it in Detail view.
Note: Make sure that you open the full asset and not one of the PSD layers.
2 Click Layers to open the Layers panel. All the layers appear as separate images in the Layers panel.
3 Double-click a layer to open it and do any of the following:
• Click the Image Map icon to create an image map on the layer. (See “Creating Image Maps” on page 293.)
• Click the Zoom Targets icon to create zoom targets on the layer. (See “Creating zoom targets for Guided Zoom”
on page 128.)
• Click the Crop icon to crop the layer. (See “Cropping an image” on page 299.)
• Click Sharpen to sharpen the layer. (See “Sharpening an image” on page 300.)
• Click the Adjust to adjust the layer. (See “Adjusting an image” on page 304.)
4 Click Save or Save As.
5 To view or edit a different layer, click an arrow at the bottom of the layer preview.
6 To exit the layer Detail view, click the Grid view icon.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Master files
Working with PostScript and Illustrator files
You can use Adobe® PostScript® (EPS) and Adobe® Illustrator® (AI) files in the Scene7 Publishing System. Scene7 offers
commands for configuring these files as you upload them.
When you upload PostScript (EPS) or Illustrator (AI) image files, you can format them in various ways. You can
rasterize the files, convert them to FXG for Template Publishing, maintain the transparent background, choose a
resolution, and choose a color space. Options for formatting PostScript and Illustrator files are available on the Upload
screen under PostScript Options and Illustrator Options in the Upload Job Options box.
Processing Choose Rasterize to convert vector graphics in the file to the bitmap format.
Maintain Transparent Background In Rendered Image Maintains the background transparency of the file.
Resolution Determines the resolution setting. This setting determines how many pixels are displayed per inch in the file.
Color Space Select the Color Space menu and choose a color space:
• Detect Automatically Retains the color space of the file.
• Force As RGB Converts to the RGB color space.
• Force As CMYK Converts to the CMYK color space.
• Force aA Grayscale Converts to the Grayscale color space.
Working with vignette, window covering, and cabinet
Users of the Scene7 Image Authoring tool can use vignettes (VNT files), window coverings (VNW files), and cabinets
(VNC files) in Scene 7. These files cannot be created or edited in the Scene7 Publishing System.
Vignettes, window coverings, and cabinets are authored images. Using a different Scene7 program called Image
Authoring, you mask objects in an image so users can see the same image in a variety of textures or colors. For example,
users see a couch upholstered with a variety of fabrics, a window decorated with a variety of window treatments, or a
cabinet finished with different types of wood.
Upload vignettes, window covering, and cabinets as you would any other file.
Working with Viewer SWF files
In the Scene7 Publishing System, SWF files are used as user-interface skins for the different Viewers. When users
configure a viewer, they can choose a SWF skin for it. Viewer SWFs work in combination with the other viewer
configuration settings to determine how a viewer looks and works.
As well as choosing a SWF file that determines the overall look of a viewer, users can choose SWFs that do the
• Display a loading animation when a viewer first appears.
• Determine the appearance of the Help topics available for the viewer.
• Play a waiting animation when a viewer is waiting for a response.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Master files
Note: The Scene7 Publishing System provides default SWFs for the loading animation and waiting animation. You can
use these default SWFs or choose loading and waiting SWFs of your own. Unless you choose a Help button SWF file for
a viewer, the Help button is hidden by default.
Before you can choose SWFs for a viewer, upload the SWF files to SPS and publish the files.
More Help topics
“Viewer Presets” on page 32
Last updated 10/9/2014
Chapter 22: Support files
Support files are files that Scene7 uses to display fonts and convert image files from one color space to another. Support
files also include XML files and various other types of files.
For a complete list of supported file formats, see “Supported asset file formats” on page 79.
In some cases, the Scene7 Publishing System requires you to upload a font file to enter or render text in a particular
font. For example, to use a particular font for text on a template layer, upload the font file. To display eCatalog Viewer
page numbers in a particular font, upload the font file.
Scene7 supports these font types:
• All TrueType fonts
• PostScript® fonts
• OpenType/TrueType fonts
• OpenType/PostScript fonts
• PhotoFonts
After a font file has been uploaded, you can change its SPS ID, font name, and type information on the Edit Info screen.
Important: Scene7 recommends uploading all font styles (bold, italic, bold/italic, and regular) if you plan to use fonts in
template layers. Scene7 needs these font styles to process requests. Uploading all PostScript/Adobe Type 1 files associated
with a font is also recommended because some of these fonts contain detailed kerning information.
Uploading font files
Upload font files with the same techniques you use to upload other files. You can store font files in any SPS folder. See
“Uploading your files” on page 83.
Editing font file information
You can change the ID name of a font as well as its type information. Editing a font file can be helpful in searches and
making fonts easier to identify.
In the Browse Panel, select the font file you want to edit in Detail view and choose File > Edit Info. The Edit Info screen
opens. Choose the following options and select the Submit button.
Font Name This name identifies the font when it is published.
PostScript Name This name is the full PostScript name for the font. It usually indicates the weight or style.
RTF Name This name appears on a pop-up menu in the RTF editor where template text layers are created.
Font Family Name This name lists the font name without the style, weight, or font-type indicator.
Font Style The options are Plain, Bold, Italic, and Bold-Italic.
Font Type The options are TrueType and Adobe Type 1. If you call these fonts by another name, you can enter it.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Support files
Font Type Abbreviation The options are as follows:
• TTF TrueType font files used for PDF/PostScript rendering and image serving.
• AFM Adobe PostScript font files that contain Adobe Font Metrics information and are used for image serving.
• PFM Adobe PostScript font files that contain binary font metric information.
• PFB Adobe PostScript font files that contain binary font outline information and are used for PDF/PostScript
rendering and image serving.
ICC profiles
An ICC (International Color Consortium) profile is a file that describes how to correctly convert image files from one
color space to another. ICC profiles help you to get the correct colors for your images. For example, to correctly display
images designed for printing on a computer monitor, you can choose an ICC profile. This profile converts the image
to a different color space and makes sure that the colors display correctly online.
In the Scene7 Publishing System, you can choose an ICC profile to convert images to a different color space when you
upload the images. All standard Photoshop ICC profiles are available by default on SPS. To see the names of color
profiles on the Upload screen, select the Color Profile menu. Then choose Custom From > To, and choose an ICC
profile name on the Converted From and Converted To menus. See “Image editing options at upload” on page 305.
As well as using the default ICC profiles, you can upload other ICC profiles to SPS and make them available for color
space conversion. Switch to Detail view in the Browse Panel to investigate the profile class, color space type, and PCS
type of an ICC profile.
Uploading ICC profiles
Upload ICC profiles with the same techniques you use to upload files. You can store ICC profiles in any SPS folder.
See “Uploading your files” on page 83.
Examining an ICC profile
To examine an ICC profile, select it in the Browse Panel and display it in Detail view. Detail view provides this
information about ICC profiles:
Profile Class The ICC (International Color Consortium) defines each class to cover a type of application. For example,
Input profiles apply to devices such as digital cameras and scanners, and Output profiles apply to printers.
Color Space Type This number is the "input" color space of the profile, as defined by the ICC. The color space type
defines the number of components of the color space and the interpretation of those components. For example, RGB
is a color space with three components: red, green, and blue. The color space type does not define the particular color
characteristics of the space (for example, the chromaticities of the primaries).
PCS Type This PCS type is the "output" color space of the profile—its profile connection space. For example, a color
profile can convert RGB to the PCS, which then converts it to CMYK.
For an input, display, or output profile useful for tagging colors or images, the PCS type is either XYZ or Lab. Interpret
this profile as the corresponding specific color space defined in the ICC specification.
Last updated 10/9/2014
Support files
XML files
Web sites that use an XML-based system to manage images and image information can upload XML files to the Scene7
Publishing System. You can designate one of these files as the preprocessing rule set file for Image Serving. This file
restructures the standard Image Serving protocol format to meet the business logic of your commerce server. On the
Setup screen, you can specify an XML file to serve as the rule set definitions file path. This path setting is located under
Catalog Management on the Image Server Publishing screen. See “Image Server” on page 55.
Last updated 10/9/2014