
In the Donbass a fighter of ATO was bound to the “pillar of shame”.
Human rights defenders Andriy Drevytskiy and Andriy Kiselev demand from the members of terrorist
groups, financed by Russia immediately to stop the tortures, the capture and
retention in the concentration camps of military men, local people, and even
children, because these crimes will be investigated for sure and all those
involved in murders, tortures, hostages taking will be punished.
Also from Ukrainian government we are waiting for more proactive actions
concerning Ukrainians liberation, who are in the terrorists captivity and
attract the international human rights organizations to monitor and prevent
violations of human rights in the future.
In the Donbass the terrorists continue to tie people to the “pillar of shame.”
Another such case has been recorded in the settlement Zuhres.
The ATO soldier was tied to the “pillar of shame.”
Man, who was tied to so-called “pillar of shame”, according to the assurances
of those who did it, is a fighter of the forces of ATO, and is not just a fighter, but a representative of
the battalion “Donbass”. The terrorists act severely against the volunteers battalions, and against the
battalions “Donbass”, “Aidar”, “Praviy Sector” they act extremely severely.
The terrorists exposed the man in the participation in the battles as a soldier of the battalion “Donbass”,
first he was tied to the “pillar of shame”, and then he was taken in the unknown destination. While he
was standing at the pillar, on his neck they threw a flag of Ukraine, and on the chest they put a plate,
why the terrorists had done this to him.
Commenting on what is happening and displaying photos in the social networks, the terrorists say that
they managed to catch an ATO fighter when he came home to rest and heal wounds, and he is local,
from the Donbass.
The trip for the Ukrainian soldier turned into a captivity.
The terrorists admit that a hunger is waiting for “Novorossiya”.
The situation with the food supply of civilians in the Donbass is quite critical.
This is stated on the group page “Summary of the HomeGuard of
Novorossiya” in “VKontakte”.
There is still a distant threat of the hunger in the winter. The “governments”
of the “Donetsk people Republik” and the “Lugansk People Republik”
cannot supply the citizens with food, the country is semi-distroyed.
The terrorists that Russia will have to feed the Donbass, otherwise Russia
risks to have a system humanitarian disaster zone and a massive inflow of
the refugees in winter at its borders.
tel.: +38 (099) 305-71-71
Abduction of the Maidan activists.
As NGO “Euroleader” say in Kiev the
activists continue to disappear, who took
part in Euromaidanand who deal with
the public activity.
repeatedly drew the authorities’
attention to this very important issue,
because it is necessary to more actively
occupy with the issues of the security of
the public figures and participators of
At the end of February 330 people were
disappeared. Now they look for other 57
people.The majority was found healthy and alive. But there were appeals regarding the abduction of
the activists after the revolution. With some the connection was lost, some went to ATO. The Militsiya
assures that the cases regarding the activists abduction are under the control.
Several days ago “Euroleader” got to know about the disappeared
deputy of the headquarters chief of the “Dobass” battalion –
Alexander Kalashnik.He was an active participator of Maidan.
The man intended to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in
particular as a headquarters Inspector of one of the military
units of the National Guard of Ukraine. He left the military unit in
the village Novy Petrivtsy and disappeared. The militsiya do not
give any versions of what happened.
Another case is the disappearance of one of the participants of
the NGO “Kyiv Self-Defense,” Alexander Pryhvatylo. He began to
enter the National Guard and then disappeared. “We have asked
the militsiya. Alexander could be abducted, because in Maidan
he was engaged in the investigation issues and he collected the
information about what was happening in the area of ATO “, - the
chairman of” Self-Defense Kyiv “Anatoly Medvid said.
Former activists call these disappearances abduction by request:
the disappeared activists knew too much, obstructed to someone
so they were removed. Many activists now get the threats.
The NGO “Euroleader” asks not to be indifferent and to provide any information about the abducted
persons. It is important to find quickly the Maidan activists and public participators.
tel.: +38 (099) 305-71-71
The first of the known deaths of a military, representative of the LGBT community, in the Donbass
The Volunteer of the Ukrainian Army that in the “civil society”
was the director of the gay club, died in the Donbas on
September 23d 2014. And of course, he is not alone. LGBT boys
and girls, right after the battles on Maidan went to a brutal
war. There are hundreds of “Ours” there, if not thousands..
Returning home from the military zone, it was killed that
person, who fought in the ranks of the volunteer battalions,
the Director of the Odessa gay club Alexander Lysokin. Without
a doubt, this news was a murderous one for his close people,
relatives and friends of country defender.
The Gay Club of Alexander “Tema” was located at the corner of Pushkinska and Deribasivska. The
director Alexander Lysokin months ago went as a volunteer to the Donbass to fight for the “unity of
Ukraine” together with other patriots of Ukraine.
Already on the way from the military zone home in Odessa, Alexander Lysokin died tragically. About this
horrific news it was reported in the social networksby the transvestite showman with the pseudonym
Zhu Zhu.
Then, in Odessa in the Officers House on the street Pirogovska the ceremony of farewell to Alexander
Lysokon will be held. Without a doubt, this is a tragedy for the Ukrainian LGBT community. While
someone walks in the Ukrainian LGBT gay clubs and have a good time, the same as they are cherish this
opportunity to enjoy life ... Paying life for us, as Alexander did.
All those crimes which are committed now in the Donbass, have one purpose to intimidate.
The terrorists in the Donbass primarily want to intimidate and put on
the Ukrainians on the knees, grab our territory, grab our resources and
in fact destroy our people.
In fact, the terrorists use SS fashists methods. That is why no one follows
any convention, that is why the wounded prisoners are tortured and
the terrorists do not allow the doctor to come up to the wounded
The liberated guys told us that they were not fed, that is for sure not
human conditions, but it is not the worst variant. There pits, there are
prepared torture rooms in the concentration camps, where a person is
physically being destroyed, not saying already about the moral side of
all this…
Really, on our territory not just the aggressors had come, but the
aggressors- fundamentalists, who are the Orthodox fundamentalists,who have in minds the idea that
they had come to destroy or to conquer under the “Russky Mir”.
They gathered and announced the evidence base,which approves that on our territory again the “Babyn
Yar”, “Bykivnya” were used, again the Donbass is full of the concentration camps, full of the hostages.
At the State Security Service soon a call center for Russian citizens will be opened with the aim to help
to find the disappeared Russians during the fightings in the Donbass and to identify the bodies of the
Russian soldiers.
tel.: +38 (099) 305-71-71
The situation in the Crimea.
The NGO “Euroleader” believes that human
rights violations on the occupied temporarily
Crimea are unacceptable and requires
immediate response of the international
community, introduction of new sanctions
against the country-aggressor Russia, a
boycott of Russian goods, and an investigation
of all crimes that Russian mercenaries almost
daily carry out in the relation to Ukrainian
The right of a fair trial in the Crimea is not
realized through the continuation of the
“grey period” in terms of a legal certainty
and the lack of clarity in the functioning of the judiciary and law enforcement agencies. The atmosphere
of lawlessness and impunity from the side of the armed groups on the peninsula is preserved together
with the inaction of the law enforcement agencies. The Illustrative cases of these four arrests of the
“terrorists” from the “the right sector” were, including the producer Oleg Sentsov and left anti-fascist
activist Alexander Kolchenko, their transfer to Moscow, as well as the interferences in the work of their
defenders and the further pressure on their colleagues.
The persecution on religious grounds becomes systemic. The greatest number of violations of freedom
of conscience and religion is against the Muslims and Orthodox believers of the Patriarchate of Kiev. In
Sevastopol, Krasnoperekopsk, Kerch and in the village c Pereval’noe the churches of of the Patriarchate
of Kiev are closed. The priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church feel the pressure from the Russian FSS
and the local authorities. A number of measures of the Crimean authorities (searchings in the mosques
and other places of worship and educational institutions of the Muslims, searching for “banned”,
“extremist” Islamic literature, the creation of the Tauride Mufti as an alternative Spiritual Administration
of the Muslims of The Crimea, etc.) could lead to an aggravation of the situation and accelerate the
process of radicalization among the Crimean Tatars.
There are still unresolved issues related to the citizenship. In particular, refers to the order of the
acquirement of the Russian citizenship, as well as the status of those Crimean residents who had not
obtained the Russian citizenship, including those who refused to obtain it. In difficult situation the people
are now, who did not give up the Russian citizenship in the short terms set aside for this. “Gifting”
of the Russian citizenship resembled the situation of slaving when the people together with the land
automatically moved to the citizenship of another country. At the same time, because the people had not
given up the Russian citizenship for various reasons, they are not recognized as the Ukrainian citizens, so
they find themselves deprived of a number of rights belonging to them as citizens of Ukraine.
Also, there are different questions regarding the social and economic rights, including property rights,
freedom of economic activity, the right for education and health care, labor rights, and others.
tel.: +38 (099) 305-71-71