AQR Weekly Lesson Plans


AQR Weekly Lesson Plans
AQR Weekly Lesson Plans
Stage 3 – Learning Plan: September 22 - 26
Objective 5: Solve problems with large quantities that are not easily measured.
 Discuss Fermi project rubric.
 Students choose partner and Fermi Question and report to teacher.
 Students write thorough list of assumptions needed to address Fermi question
Product: list of Assumptions
Materials: Fermi Project Rubric
Follow Up/HW: work on project due Friday.
Objective 5: Solve problems with large quantities that are not easily measured.
 Students with partners devise a mathematical strategy to answer Fermi
Questions and make predictions.
 Research the answer to the question and determine if their prediction is
Product: student calculations and predictions.
Materials: Fermi Project Rubric
Follow Up/HW: work on project due Friday.
Objective 5: Solve problems with large quantities that are not easily measured.
Objective 2:: Communicate with orally and in writing making accurate and clear
presentations of solutions to problems
Students finalize their drafts and create electronic presentations of their Fermi
Questions. Prepare to present findings to the class.
Product: Power Point or Prezi presentation of findings
Materials: Fermi rubric, student drafts, library
Follow Up/HW: Finalize projects
Objective 5: Solve problems with large quantities that are not easily measured.
Objective 2:: Communicate with orally and in writing making accurate and clear
presentations of solutions to problems
Students present Fermi Questions to class.
Assessment: presentations
Follow Up/HW: