Document 6563456


Document 6563456
CENTRAL SCHWENKFELDER CHURCH, 2111 Valley Forge Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 - 610-584-4480
Love God.
God. Serve
Serve Others.
Others. Grow
Grow Disciples.
October 12, 2014
Welcome…we are glad you are here! If you are a visitor with young children, we have childcare available
during our worship services. For children 0-3 years of age we have a NURSERY. Youngsters 4-8 years of age
can go to the Beginners room when excused from the Worship Service. Both classrooms are in the main hall of the main floor.
For exact locations, please ask an usher who can direct you to the proper classroom.
Church News and Notes
The Flowers on the Altar are given to the
Glory of God and in Loving Honor and Memory of:
Rev. Dr. Jack Rothenberger
Mrs. Jean Rothenberger
Don Gerhart, Sr.
Charles (Carl) Schwendt
Those needing prayer: (*Discharged from medical facility)
Earle Vogels – Grandview Hospital
Sympathy is extended to Marilyn Hill on the passing of her
husband, Ronald, on Friday, October 3 .
Congratulations to Roger and Nancy Hunt on their 51 wedding
anniversary on Sunday, October 12 .
Calendar of Events
Sunday, October 12~ Laity Sunday
9:00 a.m.
10:10 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
5:45 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
Monday, October 13
1:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Thank you – I would like to thank the church for the beautiful
flowers and cards for my birthday and to Barbara Bucher who
brought them to my home. Blessings,
Dorothy Pfister
7:30 p.m.
Thank you – I wish to express deep appreciation for the prayers,
beautiful flowers, plants, food and cards received during my recent
hospitalization and recuperation. Being a member of such a
supportive church family is a blessing beyond measure.
Sandy Williams
Thank you to the church family for the cards, visits by Pastor David
and Pastor Bill, and especially prayers on my behalf since my
surgeries and recovery time. I, too, am very saddened by the death
of Bill Bundschuh as the last time I saw him was when he and
Kristine delivered flowers from the church to me after my last
surgery. I ask for your continued prayers as I go through
chemotherapy with one treatment down and eleven to go.
Merrill Miller
Prayer for Church Life
Please pray for LAMPS and the Women’s Bible Study that meet on
Wednesdays. Ask God to speak through their study of Calm My
Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow and Nehemiah, respectively.
Prayer for Missions
Ask the Lord to bless preparations that we as a church are making to
help the Interfaith Hospitality** guest families during the month of
**supported by our Board of Missions
WCF Bakery/Country Market (BETH)
United Choir (PALM)
Chancel Bells (PP)
CSC Men’s Basketball League (CCC)
Tuesday, October 14
Congratulations to Frank and Mira Batson who will celebrate their
52 wedding anniversary on Monday, October 13 .
Thank you so much for all the prayers, calls, and cards during the
illness and loss of my mother. They all truly held me up during this
time and meant so much to me. I am so very blessed to be part of
such a loving and caring church. In Christian Love,
Louise Scheib
Traditional Morning Worship Service
Sunday School for all ages
Informal Worship Service
Dorian Choir (SANC)
Wired and Crave (Campfire)
Small Group – Ephesians (ACR)
Schwenkfeld Ministerium (ACR)
Worship Band Practice (SANC)
Hebrew Christian Fellowship Small Group (BLUE)
North Pennsmen (FH)
Bethel Bible (BETH)
Wednesday, October 15
9:15 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Women’s Bible Study – Nehemiah (CCC)
Junior Choir (JR)
Genesis Bells, Grades 6-12 (PP)
Cub Scouts Mtg. (MID)
Women’s Bible Study – Nehemiah (ACR)
363 Worship (CHAP)
Celebration Brass (FH)
Prayer Meeting (PRAY)
Brasswind (FH)
Chancel Choir (SANC)
Thursday, October 16
5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Peter Wentz Dinner Meeting (FH)
WCF Executive Planning Meeting (ACR)
Friday, October 17
2:00 p.m.
Tea at Meadowood
Saturday, October 18
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Work Project (STEEL)
Women’s One Day Retreat (CCC)
Musical Auditions (SANC)
Calendar of Events continued on next page……..
Sunday, October 19~ Pulpit Exchange,
Pastor Alfred Duncan, Schwenkfeld Mission Church
9:00 a.m.
Traditional Morning Worship Service
10:10 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages
11:15 a.m.
Informal Worship Service
2:00 p.m.
Service at Meadowood
3:00 p.m.
School of Christ (SANC/FH)
5:45 p.m.
Dorian Choir (SANC)
6:30 p.m.
Wired and Crave (CCC and AYS)
6:45 p.m.
Small Group – Ephesians (ACR)
Central appreciates Pastor Bill!
…Pastor Bill has shown enthusiasm and a real desire to
meet the people in the retirement communities and get to
know them on a personal basis. Pastor Bill takes advantage
of the time to come away from the teas with more
understanding of what it means to be a Schwenkfelder from
the perspective of those who have been part of this church
for much of their lives, listening to many stories of the past
and sharing devotions and prayer time.
…When his PIT crew asks how they can lift him up in
prayer throughout the week, he always places the needs of
others before his own; he keeps those within our family who
are hospitalized or shut-in forefront in his thoughts and
…When visiting someone in need he takes the necessary
time to meet with them, listen to them, talk with them, and
pray with them – his visits are not rushed. Genuine concern
for others and a humble heart in requesting prayers for
himself shows his true character as a caring and dedicated
…. Pastor Bill also has great passion for both small group
ministry and our Sunday school program. He encourages
others to take charge of groups and equips them with the
necessary information to succeed.
....It says something about a man’s deep love for the Lord
when he leaves a well-established career in favor of a
calling to the ministry. More often than not these days it
tends to go the other way.
....Pastor Bill’s knowledge, guidance, and understanding of
God’s purpose for Central was instrumental in establishing
our Core Values, Mission, and Vision here at Central just a
few years ago.
....His compassionate, caring, sincere approach in his
service to the Lord shines brightly not only in pastoral care
but in so many other areas of need within our church family.
… I know many church members share my appreciation for
Pastor Bill’s dedication to our church family and to
presenting the full truth of the Gospel without compromise.
Thank you, Pastor Bill!
TONIGHT!!!! 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Can you say
CAMPFIRE! Everyone please meet at the CCC. All youth
in 6 - 12 grades are invited. We hope to see you there!
Awana meets Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at
the Central Community Center. Upcoming SPECIAL Awana
nights include: Our 2 Annual Bonfire and Hayride is
October 22 . PLEASE invite and bring friends! Awana is
open throughout the year to kids in Kindergarten through 5
The next Infant Dedication will take place on October 26 in
the Informal Worship Service or November 9 in the
Traditional Service. If you would like to have your child
dedicated at one of these times, please contact Juli Apple
in the church office by October 20 .
Sunday October 19th, 3:00 p.m.
We hope you, as a member of Central, will set aside two
hours on Sunday, October 19 , to discover your faith
journey, and maybe even share it.
School of Christ will take place here at Central from 3:00
p.m. to about 5:00 p.m. prior to the General Conference
meeting. The theme will be “Faith Journeys”, and this
gathering will help us recognize where and how the Holy
Spirit has been with us in our individual lives. We hope
that, through small-group sharing, believers will be more
aware of God’s presence, grow stronger in faith, and
become more at ease in sharing with non-believers.
Please grab a copy of the yellow sheet on the table in the
Narthex which will explain and help you prepare for this
School of Christ activity and bless others with your
participation on October 19 .
Sunday, October 19th, 5:00 p.m.
Fall General Conference is scheduled for October 19, 2014
at 5:00 p.m. following the School of Christ at Central
Schwenkfelder Church.
On September 23, 2014, Judge Stanley R. Ott of the
Montgomery County Orphan’s Court signed an Order
finalizing the settlement of the dispute between the
Schwenkfelder Church and the Perkiomen School. The
dispute began August 13, 2010, when the Perkiomen
School attempted to unilaterally sever its 118 year
relationship with The Schwenkfelder Church. Listed below
are the major terms of that settlement: (cont. on next page)
1. Church will no longer have Church-designated
trustees on the Board.
2. Church will no longer have to approve any Articles or
By-Law changes.
3. “Founded on Christian principles by The Schwenkfelder
Church” reinserted in the Articles.
4. Schwenkfelder history reinserted on the website.
5. Schwenkfelder Church specifically referenced in
Articles as an eligible recipient in the event of the
School’s dissolution.
6. Amendments proposed by the School effecting items
3, 4 or 5 will require approval by the Orphan’s Court.
7. School to pay The Schwenkfelder Church $475,000
over a period of three years.
Copies of the Agreement and the Order will be available at
the meeting. The events leading to the Mediation with
Judge Ott, the Mediation process and the Agreement will be
discussed and a vote taken to ratify the terms of the
Additionally, the Executive Council approved 2015 Budget
will be discussed. A light supper will be served following
the meeting.
HOSPITALITY NETWORK for the month of November.
This will be the 15 year that we've provided meals,
transportation and housing to help families get back on their
feet and into permanent housing. Please check out the
sign-up sheets on the Board of Missions bulletin board in
the main hallway and put your name and contact
information in one or more slots. We need your help for this
important community outreach. PLEASE SIGN UP
TODAY!! If you need more information about this very
worthwhile program and how you can help, please speak to
Carolyn Channell or Trish Simpson.
---------The Mission Board will sponsor a table at the LIBERTY
MINISTRIES fundraising banquet this year. The banquet
will be held on October 25 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at
Franconia Heritage Restaurant in Telford, Pa. There will be
testimonies and updates, as well as music by The Men of
A family style meal will be served. Ten
complimentary tickets are available. If you would like to
attend please contact Linda Qahash at 215-513-6290 or
We are in need of an Overnight Coordinator for the 2014
IHN program. The Overnight Coordinator is responsible to
notify and to send out overnight instructions to the overnight
volunteers during the host month of November.
Please consider this opportunity and let Trish Simpson
(610-584-1141) or Carolyn Channell (215-256-9725) know
if you are interested.
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY for Sign-Ups for the Women’s
COMMUNITY One-Day Retreat – October 18 . Topic:
“The Four G’s of True Community”. Speaker: Bobbi
Smisko. Stop by Fellowship Hall after the 9:00 a.m.
service or before the 11:15 a.m. service. Cost is $20.00
(includes morning snacks, all sessions and a Panera boxed
lunch). Bring a friend and you will be entered into a raffle for
a gift basket!
To All Bakers: Donations of any type of mini muffins
would be much appreciated for our Retreat. Most varieties
freeze well and can be placed in the church kitchen marked
For Women’s Retreat any time prior to October 17 .
With the Country Auction just a few weeks away – on the
evening of Saturday, November 15 – the committee is still
gathering donations for the Live and Silent Auctions. Some
of the most popular auction offerings have been
handcrafted items, art, antiques, and vacation or weekend
Please pick up one of the yellow forms in the Narthex,
complete it with details of an item or service that you can
donate to be auctioned, and put it into Linda
Rothenberger’s mailbox. Donations of auction items will be
accepted through Sunday, October 26 .
The Country Auction will include a Silent Auction and
complimentary Dessert Buffet starting at 6:30 p.m. followed
by the Live Auction starting at 8:00 p.m. It should be a fun
evening, especially as it will conclude with the excitement of
the drawing of the winning “Stitches for Missions” ticket for
a beautiful quilt hand-stitched by our Quilters group. If you
would like to purchase “Stitches for Missions” tickets now,
or if you would like a packet of tickets to sell to friends and
coworkers, please contact Holly Sensenig at (610) 5840918. Tickets cost $2 each, or three for $5.
Remember, all proceeds from the Country Auction will
benefit Central’s missions projects.
The Women's Christian Fellowship Planning Meeting is
open to all women of Central. We will be planning our
activities, events and mission/service projects & programs
for 2015. If there is a special mission project or organization
that is close to your heart or an event or program with which
you would like to get involved, join us at the Planning
Meeting on Thursday, October 16 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Anders Conference Room. Let’s see what wonderful things
Women’s Christian Fellowship brings to 2015!
Pray – there’s immeasurable power in it.
One of the blessings of being a Christian is that the Lord
gives us spiritual gifts to help build and disciple His
kingdom? That’s right, all of us are supernaturally gifted in
ways to help grow the church and strengthen the family
(Romans 12, 1 Cor. 12).
Would you consider using your spiritual gift to strengthen
our Christian Ed program? You don’t need to have the gift
of teaching to lend a hand! Here are some areas of need
within our congregation. Is the Lord calling you to use the
gift that He has given you?
Please prayerfully consider the gifts and needs list below,
and contact Peter Colvin ( if the
Lord is calling you.
Gift of Administration – Would you be willing to serve as an
assistant Sunday School secretary? We need individuals
who are willing to collect and tabulate the weekly SS
offering and attendance. The commitment is from 10 – 11
a.m., for 1 or 2 Sundays each month.
Gift of Service – Would you be willing to serve in the
nursery during one of our worship services? We are
looking for individuals to provide nursery coverage once
every month or two, during the service of your choosing.
Gift of Teaching – Would you be willing to help teach
children’s Sunday School? We are looking for individuals to
teach once a month, or to serve as substitutes.
Gift of Intercession – We can always use individuals who
pray regular for our Christian Ed program! Please pray for
our teachers and advisors, for those who participate, and
that we would be able to reach more individuals to grow our
education ministry.
Good News! In case you were unable to purchase
Piccalilli at the Fair, there are pints available in the church
office for $5.00 each.
Worship Service Leaders and
Full-Time Church Staff
Senior Minister
Associate Minister
Youth Pastor
Director of Music
Worship Team Coordinator
Church Organist
Cherub Choir Director
Bell Choir Director
Church Administrator
Pastoral Assistant/CCC
Head of Maintenance
Rev. Dr. David W. McKinley
Rev. William D. Kalajainen
Pastor Julian A. Scavetti
Sally L. House
Wayne C. Wurtz
Benedict Modica
Joanne E. Lepping-Irvine
Patricia J. Simpson
Leslie J. Reyburn-Shisler
Juli R. Apple
Edwin R. Sturm, Jr.
The United Schwenkfelder Choir began its annual fundth
raising campaign on Monday, October 6 ! Our fundraiser
provides almost 60% of our revenue.
All contributions are recognized by printing the donor’s
name in our program. The Patron level requires a
contribution of $5.00 or more. The Contributor level requires
a contribution of $10.00 or more. Sponsor level requires a
contribution of $25.00 or more. The Business Card level
requires a contribution of $35.00 or more along with your
business card which will be slightly reduced and printed in
our program.
Members of the choir will be in Fellowship Hall after both
services, except for today, or any United Schwenkfelder
Choir member will accept your contribution at any time. Our
fund drive will close on Monday, November 3 so that we
have sufficient time to compile and print all of the names in
our program bulletin.
This year is our 86 year of music ministry, and our
concerts will be presented on Sunday, December 7 , at
2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. here at Central.
It’s not too late to join the project! Fill a box, leave items for
group “fill-ups”, or leave an envelope with a check to
Samaritan’s Purse (or cash for under writing the group
activity) in the Buchanan mailbox.
The deadlines and locations for the Christmas Child Shoe
Box ingathering are set. For our boxes to join the caravans,
we need them under the Buchanan mailbox on or before
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 . Keep in mind that your check
will not clear until the boxes reach the North Carolina
packing center.
Church Leaders and Board Chairs
Vice Moderator
Board of Christian Education
Vernon K. Seipt
Don L. Casey
Peter A. Colvin
Board of Deacons
Kathryn L. Casey
Board of Ministries
Carl B. Sensenig
Board of Missions
Patricia J. Simpson
Board of Trustees
Mark A. Singer
Garden of Memories President
Harris D. Gramm, III
Announcements and Connections information can be emailed to Please note that information
is due Wednesdays by 10:00 a.m. CD’s of the 9:00 a.m. worship service are available for a $1 donation and can be
ordered through the church office. Sermons are also posted on the church’s website under “Central to Life”.