CommandCenter™ Generation 4 Important Notes: Release Notes


CommandCenter™ Generation 4 Important Notes: Release Notes
Generation 4 CommandCenter™
Generation 4 OS 8.0.2350-38
Release Notes
Important Notes:
Software activations are non-transferrable in the event of lost, stolen, or destroyed equipment. It
is recommended to insure a Generation 4 CommandCenter™ at full value, including software
Software Compatibility Notes:
The Generation 4 CommandCenter™ is compatible with the GreenStar™ 2 1800 Display,
GreenStar 2 2600 Display, and GreenStar 3 2630 Display. It is also compatible with the Original
GreenStar Display without the mobile processor.
Equipment information and values will not be shared between the Generation 4 CommandCenter
and the GreenStar display. Set-up information should be entered on both displays.
To ensure complete and proper functionality, the most current version of GreenStar™ Display
software, and Apex™, or another preferred partner desktop software should be used.
The Generation 4 CommandCenter displays ISOBUS compatible implement screens. It will not
control rates or sections of implements.
Customer Contact Center Information:
North America: SUPPORT: 1-888-GRN-STAR (1-888-476-7827)
ACTIVATIONS: 1-888-95DEERE (1-888-953-3373)
New Zealand: 00-800-0000-3333
South Africa: 0800-983-821
(Access code: 110-98990) 888-983-3373
(Access code: 00-899) 888-923-3373
**Countries w/ Access codes – Dial access code first and once prompted, enter the toll free number.
Release Notice
These are the software update release notes for the Generation 4 CommandCenter™. Release notes
can be found on Note: Your use of the
software is governed by the End User License Agreement included in the software.
Copyright © 1996-2014 Deere & Company
Generation 4 CommandCenter™
Release Notes
Generation 4 OS 8.0.2350-38
Start Up of the Generation 4 CommandCenter™
The Generation 4 CommandCenter turns on and off with the tractor key switch. The start-up time of the
Gen 4 CommandCenter may vary depending on a few variables.
Warm Boot occurs when the CommandCenter display has run within the last 24 hours. The
CommandCenter rests in a hibernation state for that time. CommandCenter powers up quickly.
(approximately 15 seconds)
Cold Boot occurs when the CommandCenter display has not operated for 24 hours or more, or if
unswitched power has been disconnected. During this period, the CommandCenter shuts down
completely to conserve battery power. Power up cycle after a cold boot will take approximately 60
Avoid turning key switch back on until screen has gone black after turning off the engine.
Navigating the Generation 4 CommandCenter™:
The menu button
navigates to the applications on the CommandCenter. The applications found
will include Tractor Settings, Applications, and System. Each of these will contain a unique set off
Tractor Settings- Contains machine settings and adjustments.
Applications- Contains (but is not limited to) applications for setup, machine/work data, precision
ag applications, and Layout Manager.
System- Contains options to manage display settings, view software, export/import, and
The CommandCenter also has a shortcut bar located on the bottom of the screen that will open or
perform applications. The ISOBUS VT
when applicable. Work Recording
button will include StarFire™ and implement information
is also accessible form the shortcut bar, this will color the map
but not record any information that can be exported.
The CommandCenter has two default Run Pages from the factory. Run Pages are customizable screens
on the CommandCenter. Users can cycle through run pages by pressing the green arrows in the upper
right hand portion of the screen, swipping the screen left or right, or through the Nav bar below the
display. Users can setup and edit Run Pages with Layout Manager.
For more information about the CommandCenter look for the
buttons on the top of a page or use the
Help Center Application.
Generation 4 CommandCenter™
Release Notes
Generation 4 OS 8.0.2350-38
Onscreen Help Overview
The Generation 4 CommandCenter has onscreen help similar to the information found in the Operators
Manual. Pressing the
button on top of any page will show the help topic for that page. Additional
information related to that topic can be found by pressing
under the Table of Contents, this lists all
other available pages related to this topic.
The Help Center can be accessed through the shortcut bar by pressing the
Help Center through the Menu, or pressing the
button, accessing the
on any Help page.
AutoTrac can be found on a default Run Page, by accessing the AutoTrac application from the shortcut
, or by navigating to it from the Menu. Guidance settings are accessed by navigating the
Guidance Application and pressing
List by pressing the Set Track button
. A New Track or Track Set can be created in the Track
located on the run page or in the guidance application.
Available tracking modes include:
Straight Track
AB Curve
Adaptive Curve
A Track Set is group of existing lines that can be arranged and switched between quickly from a run
page. Track Sets are created in the Track List and can be swapped between using
on the run page.
Loading or creating a large track list with 500+ tracks may cause the CommandCenter to respond slowly
while loading the Tracks.
Generation 4 CommandCenter™
Release Notes
Generation 4 OS 8.0.2350-38
File Manager
File Manager is the application on the CommandCenter that allows for data to be exported and imported.
It is accessed by either navigating to the System Tab or an overlay that appears when a USB is inserted.
Items that can currently be exported include:
Guidance Lines
Error Log Files
The Guidance Lines created in the Gen 4 CommandCenter are saved and exported in the GS3 2630
Display format. They will be saved under the GS3_2630 folder in a JD4600 or JD4100 Profile. This
allows users to easily import and export guidance lines between the GS3 2630 and the Gen 4
If guidance lines from two Generation 4 CommandCenters are exported to the same USB, some
guidance lines may be overwritten. It is recommended that the data is backed up to desktop software
application prior to exporting from the second machine.
Items that can currently be imported include:
Guidance Lines
The Gen 4 CommandCenter will not ask for a profile when importing. It will merge all Guidance lines
under the GS3_2630 format with the current guidance lines on the CommandCenter.
Layout Manager
Layout manager under the applications tab is used to customize a run page. Custom run pages allow for
various functions to be organized on the screen. To create a new run Page the following steps are taken:
Navigate to Layout Manager
Press the All Run Pages tab
Press Add New
Name the Run Page
Press Add Module
Select the desired Module
Select Save
To view this run page on the screen it must be added to the Active Set. To do this:
Press the Active Set tab in Layout Manager
Press Active Run Pages
Press Add Run Page
Select the Run Page you want to add and press OK
Select Save to add it to the Active Set
This information can also be found on the CommandCenter by locating the
Layout Manager.
button on the pages in
Generation 4 CommandCenter™
Release Notes
Generation 4 OS 8.0.2350-38
Software Version
Listed below are the installed Packages for the Generation 4 CommandCenter. Any updates to Tractor
Applications will be handled by a John Deere dealer.
Generation 4 OS
Generation 4 OS Help
AMS Applications
Tractor Applications
Tractor Application Help