
Via Lepontina 1
Milano 20159
Tel/fax 02 33220240
Email jl.arch@libero.it
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Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name/ Surname
Ph.D. Arch. Federico Jappelli
Via Edoardo Jenner 20, 20159 Milan, Italy (Home)
Via Lepontina 1, 20159 Milan (Office)
02 33220240
02 33220240
jl.arch@libero.it, federico.jappelli@polimi.it
PEC: jappelli.13885@oamilano.it
Date of birth
Milan, 1972 March 2nd
MSA in Architecture
Ph. D. in Urban, Territorial, Environmental Planning
Registered at Albo degli Architetti della Provincia di Milano, n.13885
Occupational field Town and transport planning, urban design, street design, architecture
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
2007- to date
Adjunct professor. Educator registration number E0 6635
Lessons, lectures, reviews on student's design exercises, graduation thesis
Urban Design (ICAR 21) and Street Design (ICAR 04)
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture and Society. Campus Leonardo, Milan
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture and Society. Campus of Piacenza
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
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2004 – to date
Project manager. Scientific and Technical Director
Federico Jappelli Architetto - Jappelli Rossi Partnership
Town and Transport planning advices, Street design (traffic calming), Urban design, Shared Space
Design. Preliminary, final and executive steps. Construction projects and management (see annexe
1). Clients and targets: Local authorities, private sector, real estate developer
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Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
2000 – 2008
Technical Director (with Prof. Anna Moretti, Scientific Director)
Applied Researches and scientific advices for Local Authorities and Municipalities
Laboratorio Nodi e Reti, Department of Planning and Architecture, Politecnico di Milano, School of
Architecture and Society
Type of business or sector
Academic appointments
(teaching, seminars, lectures)
University. Town and Transport planning Advices, Street design (traffic calming), Urban design.
Analysis, feasibility, preliminary projects and master plans (see annexes 1, 2)
2012, October – 2013, February. Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture, a.a. 2012-13.
Assignment of teaching contract for the semester "Town Planning design workshop - Urban design"
with Profs. C. Morandi, L. Scavuzzo. (Master of Science in Architecture degree in English)
2012, October – 2013, February. Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture – Piacenza, a.a. 201213. Assignment of teaching contract for the semester, "Multi-scale architecture and urban design
studio – Street design and urban connections" with Profs. R. Spagnolo, M. Farahaninia (Master of Science
in Architecture degree in English)
2012, June. Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture. Open lecture titled: “Street Design and
Public Space. Methods and tools to re-design the public space starting from the urban
roads”.Coordination: Prof. Guya Bertelli, Prof. S. Crotti
2012, May. Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture. Open lecture titled: “Green mobility.
Connectivity, accessibility, sustainable design”. Coordination: prof. C. Morandi
2011, October – 2012, February. Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture, a.a. 2011-12.
Assignment of teaching contract for the semester "Town Planning design workshop - Street Design"
with Profs. C. Morandi, L. Scavuzzo. (Master of Science in Architecture degree in English)
2011, October – 2012, February. Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture – Piacenza, a.a. 201112. Assignment of teaching contract for the semester, "Large-scale architecture and urban design
project – Street design" with Profs. R. Spagnolo, M. Farahaninia
(Master of Science in Architecture degree in English)
2011, October – 2012, February. Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture – Piacenza a.a. 2011-12.
Assignment of teaching contract for the semester, "Large-scale architecture and urban design
project - Street design" with Profs. M. Albini, M. Mariani (Master of Science in Architecture degree in English)
2010, October – 2011, February. Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture, a.a. 2010-11.
Assignment of teaching contract for the semester "Town Planning design workshop - Street Design”
with Profs. C. Morandi, I. Valente (Master of Science in Architecture degree in English)
2009, October – 2010, February. Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture, AA 2008-09.
Assignment of teaching contract for the semester: "Laboratory of Urban Planning and road design"
with prof. C. Morandi (Master of Science in Architecture degree)
2008, October – 2009, February. Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture, a.a. 2008-09.
Assignment of teaching contract for the semester: "Laboratory of architectural and urban design"
with prof. P. Salvadeo (Master of Science in Architecture degree)
2007, October – 2008, February. Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture, a.a. 2007-08.
Assignment of teaching contract for the semester: "Laboratory of urban design and public places”
with Profs. A. Moretti, E. Gianni (Master of Science in Architecture degree)
2009, October. Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture. Open lecture titled: “Shared strategies
and tools for coordination and cooperation in infrastructural design at local scale”. Seminar within the
PhD Course in “Government and environmental design - Infrastructure and territory projects".
Coordination: Prof. G. Sartorio and Prof. P. Pucci
2008, April – 2009, April. Research grant from the Department of Architecture and Planning,
Polytechnic of Milan: studies for the definition of shared strategies and tools for coordination and
cooperation between local authorities. Criteria and design guidelines for integration of the mobility and
settlement systems in northwest Milan. Coordination: Prof. A. Moretti
2007, September. Firenze: assignment of teaching the Master "Road Safety: interventions in urban
areas: the design of traffic calming measures". ESF Master level, cycle II, University of Florence,
Faculty of Engineering, coordination Prof. Ing Domenichini
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2005, July. Firenze: assignment of teaching the Master "Road Safety: interventions in urban areas for
the protection of vulnerable consumers" Master ESF Level I, cycle I, University of Florence, Faculty
of Engineering, coordination Prof. Ing Domenichini
2005, December. Milan: Open lecture titled: “Designing mobility in urban spaces” within the Seminar:
“Sustainable design of urban open spaces”, Edicom Eventi, coordination Prof. G. Scudo
2004 - 2011: Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture. Activities of supervisor of Graduation thesis:
A.a. 2010/11: Thesis titled: "En la ciudad las calles no son Carreteras. Barcelona and design of sustainable
mobility", author: GPC Di Mauro, prof. C. Morandi, prof. A.A. Font (ETS Barcelona);
A.a. 2009/10: Thesis titled: "A meta-proposal for the project area on Stephenson in Milan", author: E.F. Crippa,
prof. C. Morandi;
A.a. 2005/06: Thesis titled: "Brescia: the way Triumplina: by sliding the Urban Exchange "; authors: D. Lazzaroni, F.
Magnani, prof. A. Moretti;
A.a. 2005/06: Thesis titled: "Identifying the role of two roads compared to urban fabric: Via Novara and HararMonreale" author L. Zucchi, prof. A. Moretti;
A.a. 2004/05: Thesis titled: "Retrain, enhance, secure: Bergamo: Corridoni Street, Torre Boldone", authors: M.
Piatti, M. Moffatt, prof. A. Moretti
A.a. 2004/05: Thesis titled: "Roads to be upgraded and territorial scenarios: the SP11 between the towns of
Bareggio and Cornaredo", S. Castelli, prof. A. Moretti
A.a. 2004/05: Thesis titled: "Old Vigevanese former State Route 494: redevelopment of historical axis "; author: F.
D'Antico, prof. A. Moretti
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects
Occupational skills covered
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Level in international classification
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Level in international classification
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
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2004 -2007
Ph. D. in Urban, Territorial, Environmental Planning
Relationships between public space and mobility. Urban design coding
(Town planning, urban design, street design)
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture and Society, Department of Architecture and Planning
2000, July
Admission to the profession of architect
Politecnico di Milano. Ordine degli Architetti della Provincia di Milano, registration date: 15/09/2003
1992 - 1999
Graduated in Architecture. Grade: 94/100
Thesis Title: “Analysis and upgrading of a crossing towns road. The case of SS494 Vigevanese"
(Town planning, trasportation, road design, traffic calming)
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture and Society
1996, October – 1997, July
Scholarship Erasmus Program
Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura E.T.S.A.
San Sebastian, Spain
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Professional development
2007, March. Bergamo, Direzione Generale Infrastrutture e Mobilità, U.O. Viabilità, Regione
Lombardia. Conference: “The new Regional Regulation Code for the road construction”
2007, November. Desenzano del Garda, Università di Brescia, Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile,
CeSCAm. X° Professional Training Course: “Road safety Techniques in Urban Areas: Road Junctions
and level intersections”
2006, May – 2006, June. London, University College London, Bartlett School of Architecture.
Stage for Ph.D. Course: Research on Street Design Coding
2005, October. Desenzano del Garda, Università di Brescia, Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile,
Cescam. IX° Professional Training Course “Road safety Techniques in Urban Areas: interventions to
encourage non-motorized mobility”
2005, May. Milano, Regione Lombardia, Direzione Generale Infrastrutture e Mobilità, U.O.
Viabilità. Workshop: “ The Regional guidelines on road design”
2004, July. Grenoble, France. AESOP International Congress. “Metropolitan Planning and
Environmental Issues“. Lecture: “Planning Infrastructure as renovation for urban, territorial,
environmental surroundings“
2002, November. Desenzano del Garda, Università degli Studi di Brescia, CeSCam
VI° Professional Training Course “Road safety Techniques in Urban Areas: the new regulations on the
road design and safety analysis”.
2001, November. Lille, France. Centre INRETS. International Congress: “Securité, Environnement et
Gestion Urbain”. Lecture: “Qualitè environnementale et project routier: construire plus ou mieux
utiliser l’existant”
Design Awards
2011. Mention received for the competition of ideas for the redevelopment and design of Piazza
d'Armi in Peschiera del Garda, City of Peschiera del Garda, Verona
2002. First prize in the competition of ideas for the project of reorganization of the FS: "Mobility,
tourism, culture, three public places for Abbiategrasso" (City of Abbiategrasso), with Profs. Archh.
Guya Bertelli, P. Pucci, DiAP, Polytechnic of Milan
2001. Second prize in the competition for the urban renewal project in the city of Payerne (Payerne,
Switzerland), with archh. Marchesini Viola, Montagna
June 2000. First prize in the competition for thesis "Mobility and road safety in urban areas" within the
VII International Conference "Living and walking in the city, walking and public transport." University of
Brescia, CeSCAm
Jappelli F. (2013) Riqualificare lo spazio pubblico a partire dalla strada. Due casi studio, in: Trasporti &
Cultura, n. 35, Gennaio – Aprile 2013, anno XIII, Venezia, Verona
Jappelli F. (2012), Street design. Progetto di strade e disegno dello spazio pubblico. Street design and
public space, Maggioli, Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna (see Annexe 3)
Jappelli F. (2011), Una rilettura del rapporto strada-edificato: un tentativo di riproposizione
metodologica per la riqualificazione degli spazi pubblici urbani in: Bonsinetto F. (a cura di) “La ricerca
in Europa e nel Mediterraneo: metodi, forme, esperienze - Dottorati di Ricerca a confronto”, Città del
Sole Edizioni, Reggio Calabria
Jappelli F. (2010), Confini amministrativi e infrastrutture a rete: un’esperienza di coordinamento di
piani e progetti nel nord Milano, in: Territorio nuova serie n.54/2010, Franco Angeli, Milano
Jappelli F. (2007) Relationship between public space and mobility. Towards an integrated urban
design code, in: PhD YearBook, 2007, Politecnico di Milano, Arti Grafiche Fiorin, Milano
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Jappelli F. (2006), La dimensione trasversale della strada, in: Territorio n°39/2006, Franco Angeli,
Beria, Bignami, Caragliano, Coviello, Di Vita, Jappelli, Milani, Samakovlija (2006), Dottorandi in rete:
esperienze e riflessioni a confronto, in: Territorio n°37/2006, Franco Angeli, Milano
Jappelli F. (2005), Forme e relazioni nell'attraversamento urbano: due progetti di riqualificazione di
strade statali, in: Urbanistica Informazioni, n°204 novembre – dicembre, INU, Roma
Bonsinettto F., Ferrari L., Jappelli F. (2005), Dalla complessità alla trasformazione: la città come
laboratorio in evoluzione, in: Pomilio F., Tamini L., (a cura di), La città in..., Libreria Clup, Milano
Jappelli F. (2005), Progettazione delle infrastrutture viarie e riqualificazione degli intorni urbani e
territoriali, in: Pomilio F., Tamini L., (a cura di), La città in..., Clup, Milano
Jappelli F. (2004) Planning Infrastructure as renovationfor urban, territorial and
environmental surroundings, AESOP 2004 Congress Metropolitan Planning and Environmental Issues
Abstract book, Grenoble, France
Moretti A., Adobati F., Facchinetti M., Jappelli F., Oliveri A., Pucci P. (2004), Il progetto di strade nel
territorio: guida all’azione locale, Provincia di Bergamo - Assessorato Politiche del Territorio Settore
Politiche del territorio e Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione Laboratorio Nodi e Reti, Bergamo
Jappelli F., Moretti A.(2004) Qualificazione degli assi centrali in città di piccole dimensioni, atti del
seminario su CDRom: XI International Conference Living And Walking In Cities – Historical Centres,
Università degli Studi di Brescia, CeSCam
Moretti A., F. Jappelli (2004), Studio di un progetto preliminare di riqualificazione di viale Locatelli a
Dalmine, in: Strade e Autostrade, n. 2, Edi-Cem, Milano
Moretti A., F. Jappelli (2003), Scenari di riqualificazione di una strada interquartiere, in: Le Strade n.
9, Casa Editrice La Fiaccola, Milano
Moretti A., Jappelli F. (2002), Riqualificazione in asse di una strada, in: Strade e Autostrade n. 6, EdiCem, Milano
Jappelli F., Cherubini R. (2002), Infrastrutture e progetto urbano, in Architettura Città. Percorsi
metropolitani n. 5, Agorà Edizioni, La Spezia
Moretti A., Dondè M., Jappelli F. (2001), Potenzialità e funzioni delle radiali da Milano, in: Le strade
n.11, Casa Editrice La Fiaccola, Milano
Besana C., Bricocoli M., Debernardi A., Dondé M., Jappelli F., Moretti A., Pucci P. (2001), Progetto di
riqualificazione della SS 258 Marecchiese, “Urbanistica Quaderni Archivio”, INU, Roma
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
European level (*)
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Spoken interaction Spoken production
C1 Proficent user B2
C1 Proficent user C1 Proficent user
C1 Proficent user B2
A1 Basic user A1 Basic user A1 Basic user A1
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Basic user
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Basic user
Organisational skills and competences
Good skills in coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets
Technical skills and competences
Town and Transport planning advices, Street design (traffic calming), Urban design, Shared Space
Design. Preliminary studies, final and executive steps. Construction projects and management
Computer skills and competences
AutoCad 2D/3D, Adobe, Photoshop, Office
Artistic skills and competences
Driving license
Advanced skills in hand drawings with different techniques (Sketches, Water colors)
Category B
Additional information Federico Jappelli, an architect, Ph. D. in Urban and Environmental Planning and – since 2007 –
Adjunct Professor at the Politecnico di Milano, has for some time now studied the relation between
sustainable mobility and urban planning, design principles between infrastructural systems and public
spaces networks. He has also worked upon the codification of guidelines for urban design and traffic
calming measures integration.
As a freelancer, his professional work involves collaborations with local authorities, private sector (real
estate developers) as well as with the Architecture and Planning Department of the Polytechnic (in
research and consultancy works).
He has a great passion and interest about mountains, mountain culture, alpine environment and
the hope of finding employment opportunities that deal with these issues and his professional skills
(sustainable mobility, public space design in small villages, traffic calming, ...).
Mountain climber and hiker, member of the C.A.I. (Club Alpino Italiano) and G.A.M. (Gruppo Amici della
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1. Detailed list of projects, studies and research
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Annexe 1
Detailed list of projects, studies and
Personal offices (street design and urban projects, technical advices)
1/2013 - 3/2013. Lainate (Milan). Client:Committee Via Re Umberto 30 km/h. Technical advice for traffic
calming measures and road space upgrading of Re Umberto Town Centre Street
12/2012 - 1/2013. Lainate (Milan). Client: Lorenzin Properties. Technical advice for the development of
an alternative hypothesis to the creation of a bike path within the compensatory works for the
construction of the fifth lane A8 motorway.
5/2011 – 9/2011. Client: Municipality of Caselle Lurani (County of Lodi). Advanced studies on the
roadway system, traffic calming and street re-design. Sectoral study within the drafting of municipal
Urban Plan (PGT)
01/2008 – to date. Inzago (County of Milano). Client: La Rinascenza Srl: surveys, preliminary design,
final, construction, supervision and safety coordination for the project to upgrade and safety of the
former SS 11 East, in the context of the primary urbanization of the development plan No. 5 in the
Municipality of Inzago (building cost: € 311'989,00)
01/2008 - to date. Inzago (County of Milano). Clients: La Rinascenza Srl, Tecnocasa Srl: surveys,
preliminary design, final, construction, supervision and safety coordination for the project to upgrade
and safety of the former SS 11 East, in the context of the primary urbanization of the development plan
No. 6 in the Municipality of Inzago (building cost: € 361'350, 00)
01/2008 - to date. Inzago (County of Milano). Clients: La Rinascenza Srl, Tecnocasa Srl: surveys,
preliminary design, final, construction, supervision and safety coordination for the project to upgrade
and safety of the former SS 11 East, in the context of the primary urbanization of the development plan
No. 10 in the Municipality of Inzago (building cost: € 302'329,50)
10/2004 - 11/2009. Dalmine (County of Bergamo). Client: Comune di Dalmine: surveys, preliminary,
final and construction design, safety coordination, construction management, measurement, for the
project of upgrading of Locatelli Avenue (building cost: € 789´829,90)
2004 - 2005. City of Castiglione d’Adda (County of Lodi): construction design and building
management for Piazza Incoronata re-design and other traffic calming interventions (building cost: €
2003. City of Castiglione d’Adda (County of Lodi): preliminary studies for traffic calming design
interventions on central arterial streets and squares
2002. City of Somaglia (County of Lodi): preliminary street re-design for the urban crossing in San
Martino village
Collaborations with Polytechnic of Milan (road system studies, mobility plans, public spaces
feasibility studies)
10/2008 - 7/2009. Client: Consortium of the Body of the Inter-North Police (County of Lodi):
Municipalities of Casalmaiocco, Cervignano d'Adda, Colturano, Galgagnano, Montanaso Lombardo,
Tavazzano, Zelo Buonpersico: study for the production of scenarios for mobility and guidelines for the
Intercomunal Urban Traffic Plan
02/2008 - 7/2008. Client: Municipality of Roncello (County of Milan): preliminary studies for the redesign of road space in the urban core
2/2008 - 10/2008. Client: Municipality of San Martino in Strada (County of Lodi): preliminary studies for
the re-design of road space and mobility plan
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2006 - 2008. Client: Municipality of Bresso (County of Milan): scientific and technical consulting for
street design and traffic calming for the regeneration and safety upgrading of Gramsci – Grandi –
Matteotti collector road
2005-2006. Client: Municipality of Inzago (County of Milan): study for the Mobility Urban Plan and
traffic calming measures
2005. Client: Municipality of Vizzola Ticino (County of Varese): preliminary studies for the remanagement and design of the link road between Vizzola Ticino and Castelnovate
2004-2005. City of Vimercate (County of Milan): drawing for the Cycle InterCity Network in the NorthEast Area of County of Milan (within Agenda 21 Strategic Planning)
2003-2004. City of Gropello Cairoli (County of Pavia): preliminary studies for the re-management and
design of the town-centre arterial street
2003. City of Dalmine (County of Bergamo): preliminary study for street re-design of the the arterial
Locatelli Avenue
2002-2003. County of Bergamo (Provincia di Bergamo): Guidelines for terrritorial and environmental
design for the improvement of nearby infrastructure areas and some case studies design
2002. City of Bresso (County of Milan): preliminary studies for the re-management and design
regeneration and safety upgrading for Gramsci – Grandi – Matteotti collector road
2001. City of Somaglia (County of Lodi): preliminary studies for the re-management and design for
urban junctions through the SP 126 local road
2001. City of Ranica (County of Bergamo): Guidelines for sustainable and safe mobility improvements
within the Town Masterplan
2000. County of Rimini (Provincia di Rimini): re-management and re-design Developing Plan for the
258 National Road in Marecchia River Valley
2000. City of Monza (County of Milan): preliminary studies for viale Lombardia street re-design within
the re-management of SS36 National Road network system
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