Challenge Yourself at LP


Challenge Yourself at LP
District 120 - Board of Education
541 Chartres Street
LaSalle, Illinois 61301
October 2014
From the
Superintendent’s Office
September Students
of the Month
Parents Can Get
Child Care Break at Area
Career Center Edu-Care
Calendar of Events
LP Welcomes New
Teachers, Counselor
Exploring Parenthood
Renaissance Rally
LP Debate Team
Attends Training Workshops
Creating Art for Others
LP Debate Team Attends Training Workshops
The LPHS Debate team spent two weekends traveling to Fenwick High School in Oak Park and
Sandburg High School in Orland Park for two Debate training workshops. Last year at the State
Tournament, the team was invited by the debate community to participate in these annual training
sessions that begin the Debate season each year in the state of Illinois.
Coaches Hoelzer and Botero are thrilled to have made these connections for our students and look
forward to another year of LP Debate. The team has already begun preparing for second semester
competitions and will hold an in-house public debate early in December.
Creating Art for Others
The Cavaletter is published by LaSalle-Peru
Township High School District #120, 541
Chartres Street, LaSalle, Illinois, 61301, and
represents its interests and views. Telephone
(815) 223-1721.
Superintendent Mr. Steven R. Wrobleski
Principal Mrs. Deb Nelson
Facebook at
Associate Principal for Operations Mr. Steven R. Sash
Associate Principal for
Student Support Services Ms. Stephanie Jeanblanc
LP art teacher Joelyn Anderson assisted retired woods teacher
Dan Wilcoxen of Peru with a special project this summer: creating
a totem pole for the Peoria-based Boy Scout Council.
Director of Athletics and Activities Mr. D’Wayne L. Bates
Earlier this year, the NewsTribune published an article about
the project. Reporter Jeff Dankert wrote: “Wilcoxen, a 25-year
assistant scoutmaster with Boy Scout Troop 123 in Peru, spent
part of his summer carving and painting the telephone pole, turning
it into the Wenasa Quenhotan Lodge 23 Boy Scout totem pole.
Director of Buildings and Grounds Mr. Ritchie Kowlaczyk
The pole was made from an 800-pound telephone post he got
from a scouting friend. After a lunch break Tuesday, the men drove
the truck with trailer and totem back down to the Ingersoll Scout
Reservation near London Mills.”
Anderson brought her artistic talents to the project by painting the
decorative elements on the totem pole. “It was an honor to work
on a project that would be enjoyed by many boy scouts for years
to come,” she said.
Dean of Students Mr. Jeremiah Farrell
on Twitter
@LPHS_ Activities
Director of Communications
and Fundraising Mr. Matt Baker
District Website
As you know, LaSalle-Peru Township High
School’s Renaissance Program is proud
to offer our students Challenge Day for
the fifth year. We are looking for
adults interested in participating
in this amazing program. Please
join us as an Adult Participant at our
upcoming Challenge Day. If you are
interested in participating, please contact
Sue Marshall in the counseling
office, at or
(815) 220-2737. Challenge Days
are powerful, high energy programs in
which youth and adult participants are
guided through a series of experiential
learning activities. The overall goals of
the program are to increase personal power and self-esteem, shift dangerous peer pressure to positive
peer support and eliminate the acceptability of teasing, violence, and all forms of oppression. The
Challenge Day Program is designed to unite the members of the school or community and empower
them to carry the themes of the program back to the school population. Challenge Day also successfully
addresses issues of violence, teasing, social oppression,
racism, harassment, conflict management, suicide, peer
pressure, alcohol and drug abuse.
We encourage adults to volunteer as positive role
models for the benefit of the youth. The program
welcomes parents/guardians, teachers, administrators,
police officers, elected officials, community members,
and other interested adults. This allows youth to see
another side of these adults in addition to their assigned
community roles. Challenge Days will take
place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday,
October 28 through October 30, 2014. We are
requesting your help on just one of these selected dates.
Please notify our Adult Coordinator, Sue Marshall, if you
are interested in participating in this program. If you
have questions, please call (815) 220-2737.
Adult Participants are crucial for the success of the day. We will meet with all adults by 7:35 am the
day you are scheduled. No prior training is necessary. Our Challenge Day staff closely monitors the
program and our Leaders will give all instructions throughout the day. You must be able to remain on
site and participate fully for the entire program, including 30 minutes after the program at the end of
the day for a post-Challenge Day debriefing.
Challenge Days will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday,
October 28 through October 30, 2014!
ACC/SRAVTE Director Mrs. Mary Stouffer
Director of Technology Mrs. Amy Williams
Challenge Yourself at LP
and on Instagram
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences are returning to LP this year. They will be held
Thursday, October 23 from 5-8:30 pm and Friday, October 24 from 7:45-11:55 am.
Additional details will be shared with parents soon.
From the Superintendent’s Office
LPHS District Goal #4 in Focus
~ Preparing Students for Life After LP ~
It is my belief that high school is the launching pad for our students
as they begin making critical life decisions...the most important
being: What do I want to be when I grow up? Of course, we
recognize that this decision will ultimately change for most
students as it does for many adults. However, it is absolutely
essential that we provide all our students with the academic,
career tech, and vocational experiences that foster a well-rounded
high school education.
too many students who enter college requiring a developmental
course in either English or Math. Research has shown that students
who begin college in developmental courses are significantly less
likely to finish their post-high school education than students
who begin in credit bearing classes. However, the changes we
are making in our curriculum – especially with the focus on career
pathways – and future plans for providing additional extra help
during the school day will no doubt have a positive impact to help
us bring that number to 0%.
Two years ago, the Board of Education adopted six District goals
to guide and direct our improvement efforts. This newsletter
will focus on GOAL 4 ~ ALL LPHS students will finish
high school with postsecondary credit (i.e. Advanced
Placement, Dual Credit, Career Certification) or
having met standards for postsecondary studies to
avoid developmental/non-credit courses. Specifically,
it is our goal to have 100% of all LP students graduate with
earned IVCC college (dual) credit, AP exam credit, or a career
certification – such as a Certified Nursing Assistant or graphic
design. In addition, it is our goal to have 0% of our graduates have
to take developmental (or non-credit bearing) courses when they
enter college.
This school year, LPHS, Putnam County High School, and Seneca
High School are all working together through the LP Area Career
Center to support a part-time internship coordinator which will
help our students acquire internship or work-based learning
experiences with local businesses in the Illinois Valley. We believe
that linking our students with local employers will help provide even
greater purpose and relevance to the classes our students are
taking and help them narrow and focus their post high school plans.
We are proud of the progress we are making with District
Goal 4 and look forward to putting in place additional supports
for our students – your kids! If you have any questions, feedback,
or suggestions, please contact me at (815) 223-2373 or
These are ambitious goals – but ones which we believe are both
realistic and ultimately attainable. Over 70% of the Class of 2014
finished LPHS with either AP credit, IVCC dual credit, or attained
a career certification. In fact, the Class of 2014 set a new LPHS
record with the highest number of AP Scholars in the District’s
history. Twenty-one students earned the AP scholar status based
upon the number of exams taken and scores earned – which was
a 62% increase from 2013. In 2013, thirteen students earned AP
scholar status, five in 2012, and five in 2011.
Steven R. Wrobleski
Excellence is our Standard!
While we are very proud of these accomplishments, we know that
we still have a great deal of work ahead of us. We currently have
October 2014
Wednesday, October 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 pm . . . . . . .
Friday, October 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:15 pm. . . . .
Saturday, October 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 pm . . . . . . .
Friday, October 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, October 28 - 30 . . . . . 8 am . . . . . . .
Friday, October 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Friday, October 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 pm . . . . . . .
PowderPuff Football Game (LP Sports Complex)
Homecoming Football Game
Homecoming Dance (Sellett Gym)
End of First Quarter
Challenge Days
Key Club Blood Drive
Fall Play (Matthiessen Auditorium)
Find more details on upcoming events on the online calendar at
Up-to-date sports schedules can also be found at http://il.8to18/com/lasalleperu.
LP Welcomes New Teachers,
Exploring Parenthood
Once again the RealCare Parenting Program taught by Amy
Whisker is under way. It is a parenting education program that
increases students’ awareness about issues related to the parenting
of an infant. The core of the Program is a parenting simulation using
the newest and most realistic infant simulator available. Whisker said
LP is fortunate to offer such a program that helps students explore the
physical, emotional, social, and financial consequences of parenthood.
Five new teachers and one new counselor joined LaSalle-Peru
Township High School for the 2014-2015 school year.
The new teachers and counselor are:
•Phillip Baughman, a science teacher with a bachelor’s
degree from Illinois State University.
•James Bragg, a physical education, health education,
driver’s education teacher, and head varsity football coach
with a bachelor’s degree from Blackburn College.
•Kyle Pytel, a physical education, health education, and
driver’s education teacher with a bachelor’s degree from
Southern Illinois University.
•Matt Rebholz, a physical education, health education,
and driver’s education teacher with a bachelor’s degree
from Northern Illinois University.
•Doug Narczewski, an automotive technology
instructor with an associate’s degree from Illinois Valley
Community College.
September Students of the Month
Parents Can Get Child
Care Break at Area Career
Center Edu-Care
The LaSalle-Peru Township High School September Students of the
Month were recognized during a breakfast ceremony on Wednesday,
September 24.
•Kristy DeChirico, a professional school counselor
with bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Northern
Illinois University.
Renaissance Rally
Edu-Care, a program that allows Area Care Center students the
experience needed to work with children before becoming teachers,
has set a date to open for this school year.
Students recognized this month were Hope Meyer, William
Anderson, Elizabeth Huss, Stephanie Prostko, Giovanni
Nessinger, Skylar Vinyard, John Fanning, Cailey Taylor,
Holly Weitzel, Anissa Hernandez, Allison Kutz, John Pohar,
and Ellen Anderson. Students are nominated for this honor by
LPHS teachers, coaches, and staff.
Students and faculty danced, played, and laughed their way through
the decades during this year’s Renaissance Rally. The annual rally
recognizes students who have earned Renaissance Cards as a result
of their good grades, attendance, and behavior the previous semester.
This fall 546 sophomores, juniors, and seniors were recognized for
their efforts last spring.
The first day of child care will be Tuesday, October 28. The days
open each week are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Hours each
week on those days are 8:30-11 am and 1-2:30 pm.
The ceremony was sponsored by the Renaissance Program and Doug
Kramarsic of Kramarsic Law Office.
Edu-Care gives students an idea if working with early childhood ages
birth to 9 or if working with children ages 9 to adult is where their
skills lead them. This child care program is open to the public. Area
Career Center is proud to have this addition to the school. Area
Career Center is located at LaSalle-Peru Township High School in
the Dolan Building north of the practice field.
Parents and home caregivers for children ages 2-5 who need time
for grocery shopping, house cleaning, or work may enroll a child
for a $5 per week donation, which covers the cost of snacks. This
program does not pay our workers (except through grades) so the
charge is minimal. For more information, email Barb Rutkowski
Back row, left to right: James Bragg, Kyle Pytel, and
Matt Rebholz. Front row, left to right: Doug Narczewski,
Phillip Baughman, and Kristy DeChirico.