S 19 October 2014 Trinity 18


S 19 October 2014 Trinity 18
notices. Please send them to admin@deanery.org.uk or telephone 825019 by Thursdays 9am.
Sandra Chin, Administrator 01666 825019, admin@deanery.org.uk
Parish Office, The Old Squash Court, Holloway, Malmesbury.
Revd. Sarah Wyman, Curate, 01666 577159, sarah.w@deanery.org.uk
Dr Brian Senior, licensed Lay Minister 01666 860475
Rachel Swatton licensed Lay Minister 01666 861035
Richenda Milton-Daws licensed Lay Minister 01666 824029
BRAYDON BROOK WEBSITE: www.braydonbrook.co.uk
19 October
Trinity 18
26 October
Last after Trinity
Morning Prayer 9.30am
Holy Communion 9.30am
Evensong 6pm
Holy Communion 9.30am
Holy Communion 9.30am
All Age Worship 11am
Informal Worship 11am
Next service on 2 Nov at 9.30am
Holy Communion 8.30am
Service of the Word + Baptism 11am
Bellringers Service 10am
Harvest Service 11am
Holy Communion 11am
Pewsheet We would be delighted to receive items for the diary or the pew sheet
19 October 2014
Trinity 18
Ego can be a very dangerous thing. This situation could have gone very
differently if Jesus had been in any way driven by his own ego.
The false flattery that begins this passage is made all the more dangerous
because what the Pharisees' lackeys are saying is true. Taken at face value,
these are just astute observations of Jesus' character. Mercifully, Jesus
sees through their treachery.
But do we?
“I know you can be trusted to keep a secret – Have you heard about...”
“You're so good under pressure... you could take my test for me...”
“You know so much about this, so I'm sure you'll agree...”
How often are we at one end or the other of these conversations? Do
we see them for what they are – a pretty disguise for an evil intent – or
do our egos blind us to all but the praise and make us easy targets for
It's gossip for me. Being told I'm a good listener or that I can keep a secret,
or the old line “In confidence, and for prayer” will almost always suck me
into opening myself up to gossip, and it can be very difficult to draw a line
between what is passing on information and genuinely asking for help and
advice and just wanting to discuss something sensational. I have to try and
remember that you can't un–hear something about someone and what I
hear in idle gossip can change my opinion of someone forever, even if it
turns out not to be true.
Jesus is not afraid to call attention to the trap. “ You hypocrites, why
are you trying to trap me?” But the doesn't get into an argument, he
simply states his point and lets them hang themselves with their own rope!
The two groups the Pharisees have sent to Jesus have polar opposite
views when it comes to paying taxes. The Pharisees' disciples believe that
the Jews should oppose any Roman taxes because the land was given to
them by God, the Herodians believed that the Roman empire should be
embraced and that paying a tax to be included in that was worth the
price – both sides were willing to stand up for what they believed, so
the Pharisees though they had Jesus over a barrel and that whatever he
answered, he would alienate one group or the other.
Jesus' reply is one of the best comeback lines ever!
”Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
Not only are we to live by the laws of our land – wherever they are not
in contradiction to God's law – but, and this is the most significant part,
give to God what is God's. Our time, our love, our hearts and minds in other words, all the really important stuff – belongs to God.
Rachel Swatton, licensed lay minister
Sunday Readings (NRSV)
Matt 22.15-22
Questions for Reflection:
Then the Pharisees went and plotted to entrap When it comes to ego, we all sometimes fall
him in what he said.16So they sent their
into the trap. Which end of the conversation are
disciples to him, along with the Herodians,
you most likely to be - the one using empty
saying, ‘Teacher, we know that you are sincere, flattery, or the one being manipulated?
and teach the way of God in accordance with
Is there any area of life where you are
truth, and show deference to no one; for you
particularly vulnerable to this type of manipulation
do not regard people with partiality. 17Tell us,
(such as gossip etc)?
then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to
It's usually easy to know what "belong to
the emperor, or not?’ 18But Jesus, aware of
their malice, said, ‘Why are you putting me to Caesar". Can you identify any areas of your life
that should "belong to God" but don't ? Pray
the test, you hypocrites?19Show me the coin
this week for courage to give over everything to
used for the tax.’ And they brought him a
denarius. Then he said to them, ‘Whose head God that he requires.
is this, and whose title?’ 21They answered, ‘The
emperor’s.’ Then he said to them, ‘Give
therefore to the emperor the things that are
the emperor’s, and to God the things that are
God’s.’ 22When they heard this, they were
amazed; and they left him and went away.
2.30pm - 4.30pm The Village Coffee Shop St Leonards Church, Minety
9.30am -11.30am St Leonard’s Church
Minety Handbells - Minety
10am Homegroup - Minety
12.15pm Burial of Philip Dickens - Charlton
5.30pm - 6.30pm Fisherman’s Friends, a Club
for 5-11 year olds - Charlton Village Hall
7.30pm Exploring Christianity - Lydiard
Millicent School
7.30pm Homegroup - Minety
7.30pm - 9pm Bell ringing - Charlton
10.30am - 12noon Coffee, Books &
Produce - Holy Cross Church Community
Area, Hankerton
Exploring Christianity
Wednesday evenings, 7.30pm-9.30pm,
Lydiard Millicent School, Swindon. Explore
your faith, grow in discipleship, deepen your
commitment and learn with others. 6 modules
exploring Spirituality and Prayer, the Bible,
Christian Ethics and more. This course also
fulfils the first two years of training for those
exploring Licensed Lay Ministry. More info
from bristol.anglican.org/ministry-resources
Or contact Becky Waring:
Notices / Events
Does God still matter to us? Find out!
an informal Service for 10-16yr olds
14 Nov, 6.30pm, All Saints Church Crudwell
Followed by a food, music and games. Until 8pm
Take a fresh look at church.
Braydon brook youth group meets every
Monday, 6.30pm-8pm for 11 – 13yrs
& 7.30pm- 9pm for 14 +yrs. For details: Rachel
01666 861035 themisstress@hotmail.co.uk
On Friday 31 October at Ashley Church
starting at 7.30pm there will be a short service
to remember past friends and family; whether
their passing was recent or a long time ago. If
you think that this would be of help or comfort
to you do come; all are welcome young, old,
family, friends and neighbours. If you know of
other people in similar circumstances do tell
them and invite them to come along.
If you would like more information please
contact Rev Sarah Wyman on 01666 577159
Small, home-based groups aiming to outreach
into our communities and help us to grow in
faith (known as "cell groups") meet weekly in
Minety as follows; Tuesdays at 10am at Ruahine,
Hankerton Rd, Wednesdays at 7.30pm at Field
End, Crossing Lane. Ring Karen and Brian
on (01666) 860475 to find out more or get
Please pray
For our relationship with God and with others.
For peace in countries of political unrest.
For healing and wholeness in body, mind
and spirit for those who are ill or in trouble
of any kind, and that the Lord may meet them
at their point of need.
For those who mourn the loss of loved ones;
especially the family and friends of Michael