Announcements for October 15, 2014 We all know that the Gospels


Announcements for October 15, 2014 We all know that the Gospels
Announcements for October 15, 2014
We all know that the Gospels
record Jesus as saying, "Those who
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
are well have no need of a physician, but
those who are sick. I have not come to call
the righteous, but sinners to repentance"
(Luke 5:31-32).
Churchwide Workday
Mission News
Session Meeting
Men's Ministry
Special Needs Event
Small Groups
ECPC Mission Trip
Student Ministries
Women's Ministries
Financial Status Report
Quick Links
Costumes & Candy FB
ECPC website
Dinner/Childcare 10/19
Jr HL Costume Dodgeball
Sr HL Costume Dodgeball
Sr HL Fall Retreat
Women's Ministry Blog
Jesus was eating a feast prepared by Levi, a Jew
collecting taxes for the Roman Empire, a traitor to Israel.
Jesus was eating with the tax collector guild and other
sinners, and the Pharisees complained. The thought that
the Kingdom of God would be offered to sinners (tax
collectors, sexual deviants, thieves, drunkards, and
swindlers) was unimaginable. "God only offers his
kingdom to the righteous," they thought. Fast forward a
few years as the Gospel of the Kingdom spread to the
Gentile population and the church was filled with sinners.
Has that changed? Is the Kingdom of God still for
sinners? Come Sunday and let's consider God's vision for
His church as a "Home for Broken People."
~Pastor Tim
Upcoming Events
October 18, 9am-noon
Churchwide Workday
If possible, bring a
shovel and/or rake.
October 19
Small Groups and
5pm - dinner Shepherding Groups
6pm - meeting dinner and meetings
T Robinson's & P Beck's
groups meet. RSVP here.
October 20, 7pm
Session Meeting
October 24, 7:30pm
Women's Ministry:
Appetizer Snack 'n' Swap
For info about this and
other upcoming women's
events, see details below.
October 25, 9am
Men's Breakfast with
Pastor Tim speaking
See details below.
October 26
Small Groups and
5pm - dinner Shepherding Groups
6pm - meeting dinner and meetings
Crisler's & Narayan's
groups meet.
October 26, 6-8:30pm
Jr HL Costume Dodgeball
Details below. RSVP here.
October 27
6:15pm & 7pm
ECCS - HS Open House &
a Critical Conversations
See details below.
October 29, 7-9pm
Sr HL Costume Dodgeball
Details below. RSVP here.
October 30, 6-8pm
Costumes & Candy: An
Event for Special Needs
Children & Their Families
Volunteer opportunities
More more info below.
Churchwide Workday
On Saturday, October 18 from 9am-12pm, there will be a
churchwide workday. On the job list is work in the yard and
playground. Bring a shovel & rake. Contact Dennis at or 970290-1282, if you would like further details.
Mission News
This Sunday, October 19, we are welcoming Dan Gregoire as he worships with us
and shares an update on their ministry. Dan and Rebecca and their 8 children serve
with Mission to the World, the PCA's missionary arm, in Kosice, Slovakia, where
they are part of a church planting team. Dan will be sharing stories of God's work
among the people there and current needs for prayer. He will be available after the
service in the Atrium to greet friends and supporters and meet those new to ECPC
who are unfamiliar with their ministry. Please take time to welcome him!
Session Meeting
The Session's next regular stated meeting is on Monday, October 20 at
7:00pm. During this time, the elders pray for the church and its members. Please
feel free to share prayer requests with any elder. Please note that Stated Session
meetings are open to all members to observe, although isolated topics of a
confidential nature will be closed. If you would like to attend a meeting, please
contact Todd Marek at prior to the meeting.
Men's Ministry
Men's Breakfast - Saturday, October 25, 9am in the gym. Food, fellowship
and a talk by Pastor Tim - How to Handle the Hulk: Don't Make Me Angry;
You Wouldn't Like Me Angry! Contact Paul Owens at 770-375-0426 to make
a reservation.
Monday Night Basketball - 7-9 pm, gym. High school age and up. Contact
Jared Leonard for more information 770-757-7710
Costumes & Candy: An Event for Children with Special Needs
and Their Families
Our special event, Costumes & Candy, will be in just a few weeks on Thursday,
October 30. To make this evening a success for our special needs community, we
need volunteers in a variety of areas:
 Click here if you can help with decorating, baking/buying specific
refreshments, volunteering during the event, or clean up.
We need volunteers to "man" sponsors' rooms from 6:00-8:00 pm. If you
would like more information, please contact Chris Ugi
We would like to set up a pumpkin patch for the children. We need at least
100 pie-sized pumpkins. If you can donate a pumpkin, please bring it to
church on Sunday, October 26. Drop off location will be noted in next week's
email announcements.
Monetary donations are also welcome.
Small Groups
Community & Shepherding Groups - Community Groups and the Beck's and
T. Robinsons's Shepherding Groups dinner/meetings will meet this Sunday,
October 19th at 5pm for dinner ($5/person, $20 family max) and 6-7:30pm
meetings. Reservations are required for the dinner and/or childcare.
Reservation deadline is Thursday evening, October 16. RSVP here.
Home Fellowship Groups (HFCs): Sunday & Wednesday nights - We want
you to have a small group to belong to for the purpose of encouraging and
supporting each other in our grace walk. For HFC meeting details, contact
Pastor Paul (770) 375-0426.
East Cobb Christian School
Mark your calendar for 2 events on October 27:
 ECCS is having a Middle School Open House (for parents) at 6:15pm in the
youth room. A light dinner catered from Zoe's Kitchen will be served. Please
RSVP to Cathy Moses for the MS Open House at 865-274-9447. Open House
will conclude in time for the seminar at 7pm.
Seminar for Church & School Families, ECCS is hosting a seminar on Critical
Conversations: Helping Our Children Navigate a Hyper-Sexualized Culture on
October 27 at 7:00pm, led by Barrett and Jennifer Johnson. Join us and
invite others!
Panama Short Term Mission Trip
ECPC is preparing to send a team to Panama City, Panama, to support the
Summers during the Spring break, April 4-11, 2015.
This trip will be an introduction to missions, open to everyone who feels called to
participate. It is well suited for people that have not been on a state-side or
international mission trip before. The trip is open to adults, high school
students, and middle school students with at least one parent also
participating. This is the perfect opportunity to expose your teenage children to a
cross-cultural experience. It will be in a relatively low risk environment in a major
Please pray about whether God might be calling you to participate. Stop by the
information table in the Atrium, and pick up an application. Trip applications may
be turned in to Wayne Hendrix, and are due no later than Sunday, Oct. 19 along
with a $100 deposit.
If you would like further information please contact Paul McElvy, Jason Rhyne, David Robinson or Wayne Hendrix
Student Ministries
Junior High Life
Jr HL meets each Sunday from 6-8pm. Bring a friend.
Costume Dodgeball Tournament - Oct. 26 from 6-8:30pm. Cost is $5, signup here. Each team must not have more than 7 players and at least 1 girl.
Costumes are required. Sign up your team by contacting Kevin or Walker or
there is a sign-up sheet in the youth room. Prizes will be awarded for the
tournament winner and best costume. This is a great outreach event, so
invite your friends!
Senior High Life
Sr HL meets each Wednesday from 7-9pm. Bring a friend.
Lassiter vs Pope football game - Oct. 24 @ 6pm @ Pope HS. Before the
football game, we will set up a tent and tailgate in the parking lot of Pope
HS. Join us and bring your friends! There will be free food!
Costume Dodgeball Tournament - Oct. 29 from 7-9:30pm. Cost is $5, signup here. Each team must not have more than 7 players and at least 1 girl.
Costumes are required. Sign up your team by contacting Kevin or Walker or
there is a sign-up sheet in the youth room. Prizes will be awarded for the
tournament winner and best costume. This is a great outreach event, so
invite your friends!
Tuesday Mornings Prayer Meeting - meets each Tuesday at 6:45am Kevin's
house (3045 Waterfront Circle).
Ultimate Frisbee Tuesdays from 4:30-6:30pm each week. Join us on the
ECPC field for some Frisbee fun. We will meet in the gym if there is
inclement weather. Bring friends!!
Sr HL Fall Retreat, November 21-23. Join us as we get away from the
craziness of life and kick back with friends and grow closer to God. We will
be going to Camp ToKnowHim ( located in the
mountains of northeast Alabama. Early bird cost is $135 if you sign up by
Wed, Oct. 22. After that the cost will be $175. Deadline to sign up is Nov.
12. Go here to register.
Women's Ministries
Visit to find out more about our women's ministry
events. To receive emails about upcoming events, please
Appetizer Snack 'n' Swap Night - Tired of the same old holiday appetizers every
year? Join us at the home of Cameron Harrington (3517 Mooregate Drive,
Marietta 30062) on Friday, October 24 at 7:30pm. Bring a sample of your
favorite hors d'oeuvres along with 20 copies of the recipe. Try some of your
friends' favorite appetizers and go home with some delicious new ideas for your
own holiday get togethers! Visit for more information.
Playgroup - Preschoolers and young homeschoolers and their moms are invited
to join us for playgroup at the home of Katy Howell (924 Bendleton Dr.,
Woodstock 30188 ) at 9:45 on Friday, October 24. For upcoming dates &
location information visit
Sellers Wanted - Calling all artists, seamstresses, bakers, crafters and Pinterest
enthusiasts! Want to earn a little extra cash before the holidays? Want to raise
money for missions? Tables will be available at our Christmas Jubilee on
November 15 for you to showcase your handmade items. If you are interested
in selling your crafts, art, or food items at the Jubilee, please fill out and submit
the form here:
Get Involved - Many hands make light work, and it takes many hands indeed to
pull off our great ladies' events throughout the year! Planning is already
underway for many of these events, but we need your help to make sure things
run smoothly. Whether you're gifted in planning and organization, skilled with
crafts, great at talking to people, or simply willing to lend a hand with setup and
cleanup, there's something for everyone. Visit to find
out how you can get involved in helping with one of our special events.
Financial Status Report
Current Year
Prior Year
YTD offerings
given through September
YTD budgeted amount
through September
YTD variance through September