Document 6565061


Document 6565061
For complete information please consult our website at:
Sports Fixtures “upcoming”:
October 17 Friday
Middle School House Tournament
Horror genre awaits you in the Library in October!
Et si vous preniez rendez-vous avec la littérature d’horreur ?
Click here for titles on loan
Cliquez ici pour les titres à emprunter
métamorphoses numériques
copyright : © Imeyn Bourmetit
A class will be using the Library during Periods 3 and 4.
La Bibliothèque accueille aujourd’hui des classes pendant les périodes 3 et 4.
The Secondary Library/Bibliothèque Secondaire is delighted to add JSTOR to our collection of online
resources. JSTOR is a research platform covering a wide array of subjects ranging from the arts to humanities
to the sciences and is aimed at High School/Second Cycle students to help you in your research projects and
will be particularly useful to those of you doing the TPE, AP, Maturité, French Baccalaureate or IB.
Access is instantaneous on-campus and does not require a login. For off-campus access, go to ‘Login’ in the top-right corner of and click on ‘Login with a MyJSTOR Account’. You will then see the message “Your access to JSTOR provided by
Collège du Léman Sàrl”.
For an overview on how to use JSTOR, go here:
Username: collegeduleman
Password: collegeduleman
Collège du Léman Sàrl | Route de Sauverny 74 | CP 156 | CH-1290 Versoix | Tel +41 22 775 55 55 | Fax +41 22 775 55 59 | |
Collège du Léman is a member of The Meritas Family of Schools
Friday – 17.10.14 – vendredi
La Bibliothèque Secondaire/Secondary Library est ravie d’ajouter JSTOR à la liste croissante de nos ressources électroniques.
JSTOR est une plateforme de recherche offrant des ressources sur de nombreuses disciplines allant des arts aux sciences et est
adapté tout particulièrement aux élèves du Second Cycle/High School pour vous aider dans vos projets de recherche et sera
particulièrement utile à ceux d’entre vous faisant le TPE, AP, Maturité, Bac Français ou Bac Internationale.
L’accès est immédiat sur le campus et ne requiert pas de login. Pour l’accès hors campus, allez à ‘Login’ en haut à droite de and cliquez sur ‘Login with a MyJSTOR Account’. Vous verrez ensuite le message “Your access to JSTOR
provided by Collège du Léman Sàrl”.
Pour une introduction à l’utilisation de JSTOR, allez à :
Login: collegeduleman
Mot de passe: collegeduleman
Lost and Found - small items / Petits objets trouvés
Small items (purses, mobile phones, keys, jewellery, glasses etc) which have been found, are kept in the « Key Kiosk » in the
Mont Blanc building. The “Key Kiosk” is open daily from 1pm to 1.30pm.
Si vous avez égaré de petits objets tels que clé, carte, téléphone, porte-monnaie, etc. – allez au bureau des clés situé au
bâtiment Mont Blanc (ouvert tous les jours de 13h00 à 13h30), peut-être les y retrouverez-vous.
A pair of pink, Superfly soccer boots was lost in the dome on October 9th. If you have any information, please contact the
Middle School Office, or Marco in G8/5.
Lost Property Items in Salève Basement
Any student who has lost any items of clothing, footwear, books etc must check the lost property area at the base of the
Salève Building, just before the door to the football field. Any items that are unclaimed by TODAY, Friday 17th October,
will be donated to the Red Cross.
Chairs Up
Please put the chairs on
the desks at the end of
the last period every day
except Wednesday.
Special Period – Friday 17th October
It is with great pleasure that on October 17 we will launch the House system. Be prepared to wear your house colors on Friday!!!
Meritas Holiday Card Competition
The Executive Committee and the Art Department thoroughly enjoyed looking over the lovely entries for the annual Meritas
Seasonal Card Competition. We would like to thank all who participated. The entries proved, once again, what artistic talent
there is at CDL! The following students' work was chosen to submit to Meritas: Naraana - Grade 7, Nora - Grade 8 and Gyuri Grade 9. Well done to all three girls! The cards can be seen in the “Activities” section of this bulletin.
Lost Property Items in Salève Basement
Any student who has lost any items of clothing, footwear, books etc must check the lost property area at the base of the Salève
Building, just before the door to the football field. Any items that are unclaimed by TODAY, Friday 17th October, will be donated
to the Red Cross.
Friday – 17.10.14 – vendredi
Objets trouvés – Bâtiment Salève
Au cas où des objets/vêtements aient été égarés, regarder AUJOURD’HUI vendredi 17 octobre au sous-sol du bâtiment Salève
(juste devant la porte menant au terrain de sports). Tout objet/vêtement non récupéré ce vendredi sera donné à la Croix Rouge.
Système des Maisons
C'est avec un immense plaisir que le vendredi 17 octobre nous allons lancer le Système des Maisons. Soyez prêts à porter vos
couleurs de Maison ce vendredi !!!
Les conseils de classe auront lieu la semaine du 17 novembre comme suit :
6ème 1
6ème 2
mardi 18 novembre
mardi 18 novembre
dès 16h00 ML 011
dès 16h00 ML 014
5ème 1
5ème 2
4ème 1
4ème 2
4ème 3
jeudi 20 novembre
mercredi 19 novembre
jeudi 20 novembre
jeudi 20 novembre
mercredi 19 novembre
dès 16h00 EI 217
dès 16h00 EI 217
dès 16h00 EI218
dès 17h30 EI218
dès 16h00 EI218
WATU - Tanzania Project
We are dedicated to helping children in Tanzania receive an education by providing materials, repairing and rebuilding schools,
providing lunches and offering scholarships so that talented students can continue their education to university level. Come along
to our weekly meetings on Fridays at 13:05 in CR319 to help with current activities and suggest new fundraisers.
International Junior Maths Competition (ISMTF)
The International Junior Maths Competition (ISMTF) lunchtime maths club meets every Tuesday and Friday from
13:05 to 13:35 in Room CR-117. If you are a grade 9 or 10 student and enjoy doing maths puzzles and problems
and might like to represent the school at an international maths competition then come along.
Important Charity Information
Any group of students wishing to propose a charity for this school year (2014/15), in addition to the permanent 4 school charities
(WATU, MADS, SOA, IKOKU), must complete an application form (available from Mr Gilbert, Middle School Office) and submit
this to the Student Government Coordinator, Mrs Robinson, before the October Break (i.e. by the end of this week). The
Student Government will then consider all such applications and propose 2 of these to the CDL Charity Committee for approval in
Bronze International Award
Not many students have sent their motivation letters. We strongly encourage all students interested to send their letters to before Saturday end of day.
Calling on all artists and aspiring artists! Open to ALL students and Faculty...
Buy a canvas form Mrs van Moorsel in the Picasso room (30x30cms each at 10 chf) take it home, paste, draw,
cut, pin on it, create your own thing, bring it in to school and we will exhibit your masterpiece! All the work
exhibited will be auctioned at a later stage. Proceeds made will then go to all the high school charities.
Need CAS or REACH hours? Go for it! (for Creative CAS or REACH hours, hours taken will be subject to
scrutiny by the art department!)
Friday – 17.10.14 – vendredi
The yearbook team will meet on Mondays at 16:00 in the Cervin computer room. Join us if you want to participate in a creative
L'équipe du yearbook se réunira les lundis à 16:00 dans la salle d'ordinateurs du bâtiment Cervin. Venez participer dans un
projet très créatif!
SOA (‘Serenje Orphans Appeal’)
SOA is a dynamic group of High School students who support an orphanage in Zambia, founded by Mr Gilbert (Principal of
Middle School) in 2004. We have plenty of opportunities for student involvement, opportunities which can help students grow in
understanding and concern, as well as providing significant credits for REACH and CAS.
Meetings will be held weekly in CR117 during Monday lunchtimes at 1.05pm.
Attention Student Voice members:
Starting from Tuesday after the break, the meetings will be run by the Editors and we will break out into teams in an effort to
accomplish more during our short time together. Please come to the meeting with your ideas and also with a schedule of when
you can make your project happen. Most of the work will be done on your own time and the meetings will be a time primarily for
planning and reporting on deadlines.
For those of you interested in doing video work, Ms. Lemale is offering video/photography assistance on Wednesdays at 4pm in
room SL 023. This is a great opportunity to improve your skills and it is being offered for FREE so please take advantage of this
Hey all, newspaper co-editor Celine here!
This is to let you know that an email has been set up for the newspaper,, so if you need
anything/want to send the newspaper editors anything including written articles please submit it through that.
Friendly reminder that the deadline for submitting pieces for the first edition of the newspaper will be the 3rd November! After that,
you can still submit things but they will not be considered until the second edition.
Have a lovely rest of the week and holiday.
MADS – Make A Difference Society
MADS will meet on Tuesdays at 13.05 in CR 215. MADS aims at increasing student awareness of current global issues as well
as raising funds which will make a positive difference to people’s lives. Our main charity is Save our Lives Ghana (SOLG) which
supports an orphanage in Ghana. Our first project will be preparing gift boxes for under privileged children in Eastern Europe.
Come along and join us for your CAS and REACH hours.
Meritas Holiday Card competition
The Executive Committee and the Art Department thoroughly enjoyed looking over the lovely entries for
the annual Meritas Seasonal Card Competition. We would like to thank all who participated. The entries
proved, once again, what artistic talent there is at CDL! The following students' work was chosen to
submit to Meritas: Naraana - Grade 7, Nora - Grade 8 and Gyuri - Grade 9. Well done to all three girls!
Friday – 17.10.14 – vendredi
Chairs Up
Please put the chairs on
the desks at the end of
the last period every day
except Wednesday.
CEMS tests for Grade 9/IG1 & Grade 10/IG2
All students in Grades 9/IG1 and Grades 10/IG2 will be taking the online CEMs (Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring) test in Maths
and English. These tests, called Yellis, will take about an hour, and will be used to monitor students’ progress and set goals for
PLPs. At the prescribed time (see below) students should go directly to the Cervin Computer Labs.
Friday 17th Oct
Tuesday 28th Oct
Wednesday 30th Oct
Friday 31st Oct
Monday 3rd Nov
G9/IG 1Block 6 Period 8-9 13h40-14h40 Phy (Thomas, Alarcon), IG PE (Moores)
G10/IG2 French Period 5-6a 11h35-12h35 A1y1 (Farcy), B1 (Trouvé)
A1 (Berthon), A2 (Ross), B2
G10/IG2 French Period 4-5 10h50-11h50
(Vanleeuwen, Coestier)
Soc (Deters) + absentees (G9 or 10)
G9/IG 1Block 6 Period 8-9 13h40-14h40
from previous sessions
Bio (Grabit), G9 + 10 ESL (Mitchell,
G9/IG 1Block 6 Period 5-6a 11h35-12h35
Durant) (+ Sacha Murphy-Ives)
Could all SSST IB2 students be reminded that there is a weekly class on Mondays at 13:05 in CR214 with Mr Shaw. Please
make sure you attend.
The first marking period ends on November 14th so students should be getting their supervisors forms for REACH signed. These
forms can be found in the REACH course on Moodle (enrolment key = REACH). The REACH forms should be given to your
advisors by Friday 7th November.
Subject Support & ICU
ICU (Intensive Care Unit) is intended to be an area where students can be sent to make up assignments they have missed or to
catch up tests (if they had a valid excuse). It is to be a silent working area under strict supervision. Registration will be taken so
attendance is mandatory if a teacher instructs a student to attend. Failure to attend could result in a student being placed on a
Level of Concern.
Subject Support is intended to be a place where students can go to get help with their work. Students can drop in on a voluntary
basis, but also teachers can assign students to support for one marking period. If a student is assigned to subject support it will
become part their weekly schedule for the minimum of one marking period. Attendance will be taken on Skyward. Failure to
attend could result in a student being placed on a Level of Concern.
A schedule is available on the high school notice board at the bottom of the Cervin stairs.
Friday – 17.10.14 – vendredi
College Visit Schedule
Wednesday, 5 November
13:30-14:15 Rhodes College (Memphis Tennessee)
November 10 or 11(pending)
TBD McGill University and Bishop's University (Canada)
Southern Methodist University. (Texas), Tulane (New
Wednesday, 12 November
13:15-14:15 Orleans), Connecticut College and Colorado College
14:30-15:30 Beloit College (Wisconsin), Millsaps College (Mississippi),
Wednesday, 12November
(P8-9) Lynchburg College (Virginia)
Thursday, 13 November
13:30-14:30 Northeastern University and Baylor University (Texas)
University of Rochester (New York), St. Michael's College
Monday, 17 November
14:00-15:00 (Texas) and Concordia College (Portland, Oregon)
Tuesday, 18 November
(P9) American University (Washington, DC)
Tuesday, 25 November
(P9) Nagoya University (Japan)
Eiger Auditorium
Cervin Auditorium
Eiger Auditorium
Objets trouvés – Bâtiment Salève
Au cas où des objets/vêtements aient été égarés, regarder AUJOURD’HUI vendredi 17 octobre au sous-sol du bâtiment Salève
(juste devant la porte menant au terrain de sports). Tout objet/vêtement non récupéré ce vendredi sera donné à la Croix Rouge.
Supports au 2nd cycle
Merci de consulter le planning qui est affiché dans le hall Eiger
Terminale Maturité – Travail de Maturité
Merci de consulter le planning qui est affiché dans le hall Eiger
Devoirs Surveillés – Classes de 1ère et Terminale Baccalauréat/Maturité
Merci de consulter le planning qui est affiché dans le hall Eiger
Conseils de classes du 2nd cycle
Ils auront lieu la semaine du 24 novembre comme suit :
1ère Bac S / 1ère Matu
1ère Bac ES/L
3ème 1 / 3ème 3
3ème 2
2nde Bac 1 / 2nde Matu
2nde Bac 2
TBac ES / T Matu
TBac S
lundi 24 novembre EI217/EI218
lundi 24 novembre EI217
mardi 25 novembre EI217/EI218
mardi 25 novembre EI217
mercredi 26 novembre EI217/EI218
mercredi 26 novembre EI217
jeudi 27 novembre EI217/EI218
jeudi 27 novembre EI217
Chaises sur les Tables
Merci de bien vouloir mettre les chaises
sur les tables à chaque fin de la journée,
tous les jours sauf le mercredi.