2nd International FR-Conference FIRE-SAFE TEXTILES AND PLASTICS 1,5 days Conference with lectures and sponsor stands 16 & 17 October 2014 | Augustine Monastery | Gent | Belgium PROGRAMME FIRE-RETARDANT materials play a very important role in society. The main drivers are the growing international demand for flame-retardant products as a consequence of more stringent fire-safety and environmental requirements, and new approaches to sustainability. Funding by IWT 110796 SPONSORS THE CONFERENCE aims to identify the main changes and trends in the flame retardants markets and to develop adequate strategies for today and tomorrow. It will provide a comprehensive update of all aspects of fire-retardancy and FR-additives for textiles and plastics. THURSDAY, 16 OCTOBER 2014 CHAIR: Myriam VANNESTE, Centexbel 09:30 Welcoming speech and official opening of the congress Jan Laperre, Centexbel, BE 09:40 Flame retardants in textiles & plastics Isabel De Schrijver, Centexbel, BE 10:10 Nanocomposites as a new material science concept for flame retardant non-halogen polymer composites Günter Beyer, Kabelwerk Eupen, BE 10:40 Enterprise Europe Network Annemie Hautekiet, AO, BE 10:50 COFFEE BREAK & PARTNERING MEETINGS 11:20 Flame-retardant hotmelts for mattress ticking Wim Duyvejonck, EOC, BE 11:50 LCA assessment of FR products Enrico Fatarella, Next Technology Tecnotessile, IT 12:20 LUNCH & PARTNERING MEETINGS CHAIR: Marc L’ABBÉ, Flanders’ Plastic Vision 14:00 Ternary composite of chitosan/phosphonated silica/polypropylene on mechanical and flame retardant properties Natthaphop Suwannamek, Chulalongkorn University, TH 14:30 Novel polymeric, non-halogenated flame retardants for multiple fiber applications Kevin Trudel, FRX Polymers, BE 15:00 FR materials for railway market, challenges and recent developments in a context of changing regulatory framework Ludovic Gaquere, Crepim, FR 15:30 COFFEE BREAK & PARTNERING MEETINGS 16:00 REACH substance evaluation, lessons learned, opportunities and challenges Caroline Ciuciu, Albemarle Europe, BE 16:30 Using design of experiments and high-throughput technologies towards new fire-retardant coatings Kalpana Volety, Flamac, a division of SIM, BE 17:00 A surface treatment and FR synergist agent for halogen-free flame retardant Vincent Rerat, Dow Corning, BE 17:30 CLOSING OF THE FIRST CONFERENCE DAY 19:00 CONFERENCE DINNER FRIDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2014 CHAIR: Mark VERVAEKE, Fedustria 09:00 Sustainable flame retardant solutions for the building and construction market Sabine Vanhee, A. Schulman Plastics, BE 9:30 Trends and legislation in flame retardancy for textiles – new sustainable solutions Lein Tange, ICL-IP, NL 10:00 Improvement of a durable flame retardant finish for cotton/polyester blended fabrics Göksenin Kartal, Istanbul Technical University, TR 10:30 COFFEE BREAK & PARTNERING MEETINGS 11:00 Analytical determination of flame retardants in textiles David Van de Vyver, Centexbel, BE 11:30 Study of the potential action of metallic phytate as bio-based flame retardant additives for polylactide Fouad Laoutid, Materia Nova, BE 12:00 New phosphorus based FRs for thin-walled applications Jérôme De Boysère, Thor GmbH, DE 12:30 Closing remarks Mark Vervaeke, Fedustria, BE 12:45 LUNCH & PARTNERING MEETINGS Historic venue in Gent Augustijnenklooster (Augustine Monastery) Academiestraat 1 | 9000 Gent BELGIUM PRACTICAL INFORMATION CONFERENCE LANGUAGE The official language of the conference is English. All submissions (including oral presentations) shall be written and presented in English. CONFERENCE FEES Members of Centexbel | Fedustria | Flanders’ PlasticVision | Society of Plastic Engineers (SPE): Conference: € 350 Conference + dinner: € 400 Other participants: Conference: € 380 Conference + dinner: € 430 ONLINE REGISTRATION http://www.centexbel.be/agenda/fr-conference-fire-safe-textiles-and-plastics B2B MEETINGS On the occasion of the FR-conference, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) will organise international business-to-business contact days. Please indicate your participation by ticking the appropriate case on the registration form. In preparation of the meetings, you will be asked to complete a business profile by specifying the kind of cooperation you are looking for. An online catalogue of the profiles will be made up allowing the participants to select the companies they would like to meet or to be invited in turn. On the basis of these selections, EEN will schedule individual appointments: https://www.b2match.eu/frconference2014 SPONSORING OPPORTUNITIES We offer two modules to sponsor the event and to highlight as such your activities, products and services to an international public of professionals. More details: http://www.centexbel.be/agenda/fr-conference-fire-safe-textiles-and-plastics CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT Ann De Grijse | adg@centexbel.be INFORMATION AND UPDATES http://www.centexbel.be/agenda/fr-conference-fire-safe-textiles-and-plastics