XPF steel A stronger, lighter more formable steel for chassis applications Background
XPF steel A stronger, lighter more formable steel for chassis applications Background
XPF steel A stronger, lighter more formable steel for chassis applications Background 140 120 DP600 100 800 BS800 AHSS 60 40 Figure 1: A key measure of the formability of steel is hole-expansion capacity (HEC) – how far the material around a stamped hole will stretch before fracturing. XPF combines the hole-expansion performance associated with bainitic and martensitic grades, with the elongation characteristics of dual-phase (DP) and high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels 1000 E690TM HSLA The XPF family has a single-phase ferrite microstructure with a nanoprecipitate-reinforced matrix. This novel metallurgical concept yields several benefits over other steel grades typically found in chassis applications. XPF steels are at least as strong as equivalent high-strength, low-alloy steels (HSLA), and advanced multi-phase steel grades (AHSS), but improve on both in terms of hole-expansion capacity (HEC) (Fig: 2(A)) and elongation (Fig:2(B)). In addition they are at least as easy to weld as HSLA steels, and easier to weld than AHSS. XPF steels provide increased product homogeneity compared to multi-phase AHSS. XPF800 CP800 80 60 BS800 40 E690TM 20 20 600 700 800 900 1000 12 1100 14 16 18 20 22 Total elongation (%) Tensile strength (MPa) Figure 2: (A) HEC versus tensile strength for XPF from laboratory trials (B) HEC versus total elongation for XPF800 from laboratory trials Laboratory trials also demonstrate that as well as providing superior stretch-flange formability, the ductile single-phase ferrite microstructure of XPF offers excellent fatigue. Figures 3(A) and 3(B) show fatigue curves of XPF650 and XPF800 respectively, in comparison with HSLA and AHSS with similar tensile strength. This comparison clearly shows the superior fatigue performance delivered by single-phase XPF compared to multi-phase AHSS. In fact, Figure 3(B) suggests that XPF even provides a benefit over conventional HR-HSLA with respect to endurance limit. 1200 1200 1000 1000 600 400 10000 XPF650 800 HR-DP600 HR-FB590 100000 1000000 Cycles to failure (Nf) (A) S-N fatigue curve of XPF650 Product concept S500MC XPF800 100 Stress Range (MPa) Key • BS: bainitic steel • MS: martensitic steel • FB: ferritic-bainitic • CP: complex phase • HSLA: high-strength low-alloy • DP: dual phase CPxxx 80 Stress Range (MPa) XPF grades FB590 650 500 The new hot-rolled XPF family of steels promises a major breakthrough in automotive structural materials technology. It addresses the known challenges of current high-strength steels in terms of forming and manufacturing by combining the mechanical strength and fatigue resistance that designers require, with a formability that provides even greater freedom to reduce vehicle weight without compromising manufacturing robustness or safety standards. 120 XPFxxx Hole-expansion capacity (%) Hole-expansion capacity (%) Reducing the weight of new cars in order to deliver better fuel economy is a major focus for automakers worldwide. This focus extends to the chassis system where engineers are striving for lower weight solutions capable of meeting stringent safety and environmental requirements. To meet these goals, engineers need new materials featuring high specific strength and fatigue resistance, together with the manufacturability that enables them to innovate. 10000000 XPF800 HR-S700MC 800 CR-CP800 600 400 10000 CR-DP800 100000 1000000 10000000 Cycles to failure (Nf) (B) S-N fatigue curve of XPF800 Figure 3: S-N fatigue curves (R = -1) of (A) XPF650 in comparison with hot-rolled FB590 and DP600 and (B) XPF800 in comparison with hot-rolled S700MC and cold-rolled CP800 and DP800 Besides formability and fatigue performance, weld fatigue is crucial for chassis and suspension applications and mass-saving opportunities. In order to assess weldability and weld fatigue at an early stage, XPF blanks from laboratory trials were used for a gas metal arc welding study (GMAW) with an overlap fillet type of joint configuration. This study found that both XPF 650 (Fig 4: (A)) and 800 (Fig 4: (B)) grades had better weldability than HSLA, and showed that material could be welded without any defects. 35 XPF650 50 S355MC 40 S460MC 30 20 10 0 1000 10000 100000 XPF800 25 20 There is a small associated assembled cost increase for this performance and manufacturing robustness improvement, but this does not factor in any additional benefits from potential production yield improvement that is expected when applying the XPF grades. 15 10 5 0 1000 1000000 10000000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 Cycles to failure (Nf) Cycles to failure (Nf) (A) S-N weld fatigue curve of XPF650 E690TM 30 Maximum Stress / Rm weld (%) Maximum Stress / Rm weld (%) 60 (B) S-N weld fatigue curve of XPF800 Figure 4: S-N weld fatigue curves (R = 0.1) with lap shear loading configuration based on GMAW arc welding of (A) XPF650 compared with S355MC and S460MC and (B) XPF800 compared with E690TM. Plotted vertically is the maximum stress divided by the tensile strength (3xHV) of the weld. Filler wire used: ER70S for XPF650 and S355MC, ER90S for S460MC, and ER120S for XPF800 and E690TM Material composition Tata Steel is currently evaluating two chemistries for the XPF800 grade: with and without the addition of Molybdenum. The addition of Molybdenum – referred to as XPF800 (Mo+) – marginally raises the strength of the product whilst offering a balance towards increased hole-expansion capacity. The variant without the addition of Molybdenum – referred to as XPF800 (Mo-) – offers a balance towards increased total elongation. TCO benefits for the XPF grades Tata Steel has developed a process to review and quantify how its steel grades perform against objectives of weight, cost and performance – the TCO Scan (total cost of ownership). Using this method, Tata Steel engineers concluded that XPF grades can yield two significant TCO benefits: 1. Safer component with increased performance at the same mass: Replacement of the multiphase grade baselines with XPF grades at equivalent gauge can offer immediate performance benefits, including a 15% increase in collapse strength and improved manufacturing robustness at equivalent mass through utilisation of the extra strength of the XPF grades. 2. Mass reduction at equivalent performance: Design optimisation through minor changes to the component geometry helped achieve mass savings without loss in key performance metrics such as stiffness and collapse strength: a.XPF650 versus MP590MPa: 17% mass saving b.XPF800(Mo-) versus MP780MPa: 4% mass saving c.XPF800(Mo+) versus MP780MPa: 8% mass saving All XPF grades offer mass saving potential without loss of performance, achieved through optimising grade attributes against component shape. The XPF650 and XPF800 (Mo+) offer the best combinations of mass reduction against lowest TCO, with the potential to offer a cost saving benefit of 4% for the XPF650 grade, and 3% for the XPF800 (Mo+). Conclusions The combination of higher strength and enhanced ductility of the new XPF grades compared to existing multiphase grades offers two distinct value propositions to our customers. Firstly, the XPF grades offer improved in-service performance and manufacturing robustness at a small cost premium – which does not factor in any additional benefits from potential production yield improvement. Secondly, the increased elongation and hole-expansion coefficient can enable design optimisation to yield mass reduction at equivalent in-service performance and cost. This new family of products will support our customers in reducing their TCO, through offering a steel optimised for the challenges of producing chassis components. a.XPF650 versus MP590MPa: 15% collapse strength improvement b.XPF800(Mo-) versus MP780MPa: 8% collapse strength improvement c.XPF800(Mo+) versus MP780MPa: 18% collapse strength improvement www.tatasteeleurope.com Tata Steel Automotive PO Box 10000 1970 CA IJmuiden The Netherlands connect.automotive@tatasteel.com www.tatasteelautomotive.com CT0515:AM:750:ENG:0614 While care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this brochure is accurate, neither Tata Steel Europe Limited nor its subsidiaries accept responsibility or liability for errors or information which is found to be misleading. Tata Steel Europe Limited is registered under number 05957565 with registered office at 30 Millbank, London, SW1P 4WY. Copyright 2014 Tata Steel Europe Limited