Scripture/Topic: Sunday AM Service: Children and Youth: ____________________________________________________________


Scripture/Topic: Sunday AM Service: Children and Youth: ____________________________________________________________
Scripture/Topic: ____________________________________________
Sunday AM Service: 10 a.m.
Children and Youth: Because we feel it is important for families to
worship God together, children and youth, ages three-years through high
school, begin in the main sanctuary with everyone. Please sign-in your
children before service. After we have prayed for them, their teachers will
lead them to their classrooms for teaching and activities. Parents of
children under three may drop them off before service in the Infants &
Crawlers and Toddlers rooms. Pick up your children following
the service.
Tear off and place in an offering box.
Prayer Before Service: Join us every Sunday morning at 9 a.m., to pray
specifically for the morning services, that God will do a life-changing work in
every person, young and old. We meet in the Library, which is located down
the hall on the left side of the lobby.
Prayer After Service: There are people available up front on the right
side of the stage after every service to pray with you.
Communion: Communion service is the first Sunday of every month.
Offerings: There are offering boxes available at the back of the sanctuary
for those who want to worship God in this way and help support this church
financially. It is the responsibility of all of the members to be involved in this
very important part of worship and sharing. At the same time, we do not
want anything to distract a person’s attention from a life-changing
encounter with Jesus Christ. If you do not consider yourself a member of
this church yet, please do not feel obligated to give. You are our guest, and
we are glad you are here!
Recordings of Teachings: There are several ways to get a copy of past
or current teachings at Touchstone. You can watch or listen online at, subscribe to the podcast, or order
either a CD or DVD by checking the appropriate box on the Donation
Prayer requests, comments, questions, suggestions:
Meeting Locations: For the Sunday morning worship service, we use the
Carmichael Seventh Day Adventist Church at 4600 Winding Way
(intersection of Winding Way and Pasadena Avenue). Our offices and all
other meetings and activities are held at 4441 Auburn Boulevard, Suite A
(intersection of Auburn Boulevard and Orange Grove Avenue).
(Please be aware that your prayer request will be shared with the prayer email list.
You can also email prayer requests directly to:
Let us run with endurance the
race that is set before us,
looking to Jesus, the founder
and perfecter of our faith.
— Hebrews 12:1-2
we follow Jesus
4441-A Auburn Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95841 · 916.481.7772 ·
Office hours: Wed - Sat · 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Welcome! We’re glad you’ve come to
worship with us. It’s our hope and prayer
that you will encounter the Living God
through all that takes place here.
in focus
Re-live the Anniversary: There is a special webpage with lots of stuff
from the tenth anniversary pulled together, including stories, photos, and
videos. Here is the direct link:
Love and Logic Parenting Classes: Want to raise respectful,
responsible, happy kids? Then come learn valuable skills from Love and
Logic that will change your life. Our own Sharon Miles will facilitate this 6week course on Sundays after church, beginning today. Sign-ups and flyers
are available in the lobby. Cost is $75 per couple or $65 per person.
Financial Peace University: This 9-week, life-changing personal finance
course is designed to help you manage your money and get out of debt
using Biblical principles. Course begins Monday. If you’re interested in
attending, contact Mort Grove at:
New Women’s Bible studies: New Bible studies begin October 28 using
the book “Children of the Day” by Beth Moore. Information and sign-ups
are available in the lobby.
Operation Christmas Child: Help make Christmas brighter this year for
disadvantaged children around the world by participating in Operation
Christmas Child. Pick up a brochure in the lobby for instructions on how to
pack a shoebox and return it no later than Sunday, November 16.
“Christmas for Kids” Yard Sale: Our youth groups are gearing up for
their annual “Christmas for Kids” yard sale, and they need your help.
Please sift through your stuff and bring sale-able items to church Sunday,
November 2. Students will collect them then and sell them the following
weekend. They will use proceeds from the sale to buy Christmas gifts for
needy children in our community.
Women’s Table Talk: Join us this Saturday morning at 9 a.m. for
fellowship and Bible study at the Touchstone meeting space. Bring your
Bible and a coffee cup.
save the date
Special Worship Night: November 16, 2014
Christmas Celebration: December 21, 2014
Israel Trip: May 2-11, 2015
Office Cleaning: Consider serving your Touchstone family by cleaning the
church office once a month, or as an on-call substitute. To join the team or
receive more information, check “Church Office Cleaning” on the Get Involved tear-off to the right.
We want to help you get connected with others who call Touchstone
Christian Fellowship their home church. To help us learn more about you,
please fill out this tear-off and drop it into any offering box. We will do our
best to help you discover your place in this family.
small groups
Date ___________________________
Are you looking for a way to connect with people in a more intimate
setting? Join a small group. Flyers are available in the lobby.
EVERYONE: Revelation, 7 p.m.
Minyard Home, 6813 Santa Juanita Avenue, Orangevale, 95662
MEN: Gathering of Men, 6:30 a.m.
Panera Bread, 901 Howe Avenue, Sacramento, 95825
MEN: Life Lessons: Philippians, 7 p.m.
Cerrona Home, 11127 Concord River Court, Rancho Cordova, 95670
YOUNG ADULTS: James, 6 p.m.
Panera Bread, 901 Howe Avenue, Sacramento, 95825
WOMEN: Children of the Day, 7 p.m.
Asbury Home, 8523 Erinbrook Way, Sacramento, 95826
WOMEN: Children of the Day, 7 p.m.
Mays Home, 4415 El Camino Ave , Sacramento, 95821
YOUTH: All In: Everyday, 7 p.m.
Bunnell Home, 4201 Sharwood Way, Carmichael, 95608
MEN: Life Lessons: Philippians, 7 p.m.
The Tumi House, 5933 Sutter Avenue, Carmichael, 95608
WOMEN: Children of the Day, 7 p.m.
Grant Home, 1715 Ladino Rd, Sacramento, 95864
WOMEN: Children of the Day, 7 p.m.
Maxwell Home, 56 49th St, Sacramento, 95819
Listen to Touchstone on the radio every Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday at 5 p.m. on KFIA, AM 710.
High School:
Middle School:
 Change of information
City ____________________________ State ________ Zip____________
Tear off and place in an offering box.
Wear the Anniversary: Tenth anniversary T-shirts and hats are available
for purchase in the lobby today. Everything is $10 each. Do some early
Christmas shopping.
Mobile phone_________________________________________________
Home phone__________________________________________________
 First time visitor
 Children’s names/ages:
 Male
 Female
 Married  Single
 I am interested in becoming a Christian
 I am under 18
 Please contact me
I would like more information about:
 Children’s ministry
(Touchstone Kids)
 Men’s ministry
 Youth ministry
 Small Groups
 Women’s ministry
 Cancer Companions
It is vitally important that every member of the Body of Christ offers his or
her self in service to the rest of the Body. We are weak or strong together; we need you!
I would like to get involved in the following area(s):
 Set-up
 Serving Seniors
 Tear-down
 Touchstone Tales Theatre
 Sound
 Worship Team
 Media
 Church Office Cleaning
 Hospitality
 Touchstone Kids (children’s ministry)
 Prayer Email List — add me
 Men’s Email List — add me
 Meals Ministry
 Women’s Email List — add me
 GraceWorks
 Other __________________