Document 6565975
Document 6565975
VIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “FIRE SAFETY OF BUILDINGS” Warsaw 4-6 t h NOVEMBER 2014 THE MAIN SCHOOL OF FIRE SERVICE The Faculty of Fire Safety Engineering Construction Safety Department The Fire Safety of Buildings conference is addressed to people interested in general fire protection engineering including building design, protection systems and construction technologies. The organizers wish for the conference to be a place for exchanging knowledge, opinions and experience as well as integration of the fire safety experts. The conference gives a possibility of introducing the latest developments and trends in the area of the fire safety requirements for building materials, structure, technology and technical fire protection systems. The main goals of the conference are: exchange of scientific and technical knowledge in the area of building fire safety including design, construction technologies and organizational solutions; presentation of new trends in methods of the building technologies in terms of technical solutions applications of systems and equipment, management and organization; discussion on the legal issues with elements of standardization and quality assessment; discussion on the experimental studies and their results influencing design process of fire safety systems. Companies will have a chance to present their newest technical solutions and their trading offers (in the latter the organizers suggest a direct contact with the Organizing Committee). VIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “FIRE SAFETY OF BUILDINGS” th Warsaw 4 - 6 No ve m b e r 2 0 1 4 ST A T E M E NT 1 PATRONAGE: Chief Commandant of the State Fire Service The Honorary Committee: Wiesław LEŚNIAKIEWICZ Ryszard DĄBROWA Jan BOBROWICZ KGPSP SGSP ITB Scientific Committee: Chairperson: prof. Marian ABRAMOWICZ Vice-Chairperson: prof. Lech CZARNECKI Members: Karol BALOG Zoja BEDNAREK Andrzej BOROWY Andrzej R. DOBRUCKI Jadwiga FANGRAT Dariusz GAWIN Paweł JANIK Roman KAŹMIERCZAK Marek KONECKI Mirosław KOSIOREK Rober KOWALSKI Mariusz MAŚLAK Zygmunt MIERCZYK Andrzej MIZERSKI Bogdan MIZIELIŃSKI Krzysztof MOTZKO Pavel POLEDNIAK Marzena PÓŁKA Dariusz RATAJCZAK Bronisław SKAŹNIK Janusz SKULICH Jacek SZER Jacek ŚLIWIŃSKI Waldemar WNĘK Edmundas ZAVADSKAS SGSP ITB VSB, TU Ostrawa SGSP ITB PIIB ITB Politechnika Łódzka KGPSP SITP SGSP Politechnika Warszawska Politechnika Warszawska Politechnika Krakowska WAT SGSP Politechnika Warszawska DU, Darmstadt VSB, TU Ostrawa SGSP SGSP SITP KGPSP PIIB Politechnika Krakowska SGSP VGTU, Litwa Application form Organizers’ address: Organizers: Main School of Fire Service (SGSP) in association with: National Headquarters of the State Fire Service (KGPSP) Building Research Institute (ITB) Polish Association of Fire Engineers and Technicians (SITP) Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) – Polish Chapter I would like to register for the VIII International Conference on Fire Safety of Buildings, which is held th th from 4 to 6 November 2014 in Warsaw. Name and Surname: The Main School of Fire Service Faculty of Fire Safety Engineering Słowackiego 52/54 01-629 WARSAW Scientific or professional degree: Name and address of the institution: Secretariat of the Conference (0-22) 5617644 (0-22) 5617689 Correspondence address: e-mail: Fax: +48 228330724 MEDIA PATRONAGE: E-mail: Telephone no.: Scope of the conference: SGSP SGSP SGSP SGSP SGSP SGSP SGSP SGSP 1. Formal and legal issues of fire protection. 2. Construction products in fire conditions. 3. Building structures in fire conditions. 4. Fire safety engineering. 5. Fire protection systems. 6. Ventilation and evacuation in case of fire. Conference timetable: till 30 June 2014 – application forms registration and submission of papers/lectures proposals with a short summary attached (half of A4 page), th till 15 July 2014 – notifying the authors of accepted papers and sending out the editorial requirements as well as information about participation fee, th till 15 August 2014– sending the full text of a paper; payment of participation fee, th till 15 September 2014 – final qualifications of papers/posters, finalizing the detailed programme of the conference. th I apply paper/poster: I apply for taking part in conference without a paper/poster: Please select X/V The Organizational Committee: Waldemar WNĘK- chairperson Marek WOLIŃSKI – vice-chairperson Agata DOMŻAŁ – secretary Przemysław KUBICA Sylwia BOROŃ Joanna BINIO Paweł SULIK Iwona RZEŹNICKA Fax : Probable title of a paper/poster : Authors: Participation in the conference (part in the deliberations, conference materials, participation in recreational and integration events, catering): 370 Euro Publication in the conference proceedings without participation: 140 Euro I would like the organizers to book a hotel for me th th th th from 4 to 5 5 to 6 November 2014 single room (estimated cost 55 Euro for day) twin room (estimated cost 65 Euro for day) I agree for using my personal data for the conference purposes Signature: _________________________