
Hanze University of Applied Sciences,
Groningen welcomes you!
This handbook is for all students at the university. In it
you will find information in brief about all of the facilities
here that will make it easier for you to study.
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen has
more than 26,000 students taking more than 70 study
programmes, and there are also over 2,900 members of
staff. Most of the study programme departments are located
on the Zernike Campus; however, some are also based in
Groningen’s city centre. Moreover, there are some other
study programmes which are located in Leeuwarden, Assen
and Amsterdam.
The university provides modern, top quality facilities
as an aid to studying, such as free wireless internet.
However, there is more besides. There are also many
facilities for sport, recreation and meeting up with fellow
students socially. How about visiting the Atrium on the
Zernike Campus, for example? Just one of the relaxed and
stimulating meeting and recreational areas for students and
staff alike.
Be sure to visit the buzzing Hanze Kick Off to the new
academic year on 11 September!
All of the important societies and organisations will be
there to show you what they offer in addition to your
studies. With music and food thrown in, it will be an
event that you simply cannot miss out on. So drop by
between 2pm and 10pm to see what your student life at
the university and in Groningen could involve. For more
information, click on
There is plenty of opportunity within the university for
active participation, debating and decision making, should
you so wish.
You can use all of the facilities within all university
buildings irrespective of the building in which your study
programme is located. For example, if you can’t find a
project area or computer workstation in your own building,
simply go to another building where there is space.
We hope you will enjoy your time at Hanze UAS!
Henk Pijlman, Executive Board
Facilities Rights and obligations Student and academic support Information services Student activities Other facilities Shops on the Zernike Campus Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
Useful websites Useful telephone numbers and email addresses Reception desks and service point buildings
Intranet. The intranet has an important position
at the university. It is where you will be able to
find all of the information you need during your
studies. The intranet can be accessed via
All of the university buildings have the modern, general
facilities needed for learning in a pleasant, comfortable
The classrooms and lecture theatres have been fitted out
with modern equipment. However, there are also areas
available for group work and independent study. Naturally
enough, the study programmes have proper practical and
computer rooms. There are specially designed rooms where
students can work on projects as a group in complete peace
and quiet. Many buildings also have a study and resource
centre where you can get down to work either as a group
or on your own. This is also the place where you can check
your emails, surf the net, talk with fellow students or just
relax a while. There are plenty of printing, copying and
scanning facilities everywhere. You can use all the facilities
in any of the buildings regardless of whether or not it is the
Log in
These are the steps you should take if you want to log in on the
network of Hanze UAS:
• Wireless: go to for instructions. Do you
need help? Go to AV/IT Helpdesk at Zernikeplein 11, in the A
wing on the ground floor.
Or go to the Helpdesk at the Wiebengacomplex.
• Plug in: Please read the instruction on the intranet for this:
• Student PCs: look for up-to-date availability on the information
screens or on
place where your study programme’s department is located.
All of the university buildings are freely accessible to its
The site/app on shows you where you can
find free PCs. The quietest places (100) to work can be
found in the central Hanze Library on the Zernike Campus.
In addition to sufficient work stations, places have also
been created in all the buildings where you can sit down
for a chat. Every building has a service point where you
can go to with any questions you might have about the
Most large locations of Hanze UAS have their own canteens
and sometimes other places to have something to eat, like
Deli Marché and the Espresso bar in the Van OlstToren.
The canteens offer a wide range of healthy, organic and
Fairtrade products, but also light meals. Besides the
canteens, the buildings have vending machines for coffee,
sweets and soft drinks.
Hanze UAS uses WebRoomBooking to reserve rooms for
projects, skills labs and practical rooms. This makes it
possible for you to reserve a classroom from your school,
when at home or en route.
Hanze students can use WebRoomBooking from the
following locations:
• Van OlstToren
• Marie KamphuisBorg
• Academy Minerva, School of Fine Arts and Design
• Prince Claus Conservatoire
• Willem-Alexander Sports Centre
• Van DoorenVeste
• School of Pop Culture
A digital blackboard, PC or beamer is not available as a
standard provision. Resources such as these can be reserved
through the AV/IT Helpdesk.
For more information and direct reservations, visit https://
Digi time table
All schools of Hanze UAS, with the exception of the Prince
Claus Conservatoire and the Dance Academy, use a digital
time table. If you're a student you can consult your time
table on You can access up-to-date
information via your mobile. You can do so by subscribing
via the same website.
Meditation Centre (Van OlstToren - E1.06)
The Meditation Centre is intended as a place of peace and
quiet where students and members of staff can reflect,
meditate or pray. You can simply be yourself at the
Meditation Centre; a place where you can take a few steps
back and be alone. You are welcome at the Meditation
Centre whenever the building is open.
IT facilities
Hanze UAS has all modern conveniences. You can access the
wireless internet free of charge, with your laptop, phone or
tablet, in any building. This way you always have your own
work space.
Having a laptop of your own therefore makes studying at
Hanze UAS a lot easier.
Fixed PCs are also available to students in every building,
of course. You can use any of the student PCs in all the
buildings regardless of where your study programme
department is located. The university operates a policy of 1
fixed PC for every 12 students. Despite the large number of
PCs, it can happen that during peak times, that no PCs are
available. Various buildings have screens which show you
where there are still work spaces available. This up-to-date
information can also be found on
Tips and rules when using computers
• Use computers only for studying, and do not make
your fellow students wait because you are just playing
computer games, for example.
• Do not take up a computer place if you are not using it.
• Log out when you have finished working.
• Some workstations have specific rules: comply with the
• Report any defective PCs, printers or wired access points
to the Support Centre to (050) 595 45 66 or email They will then ensure
that it is repaired quickly.
• Bear ‘peak times’ in mind, and use the computer at quiet
times whenever possible. Look at and the
information screens for up-to-date available pcs
• You are not allowed to use the PCs in a classroom if that
room has been reserved for a lecture.
• Make sure you have the latest anti-virus software and
patches on your own notebook. You can buy these, and
other software, from, a cooperative
between educational institutions. is the notfor-profit IT-web shop for the purchase of legal software,
reference works, course materials and hardware, with
extreme educational discounts. Log in to with
your student account and save!
You can find more information on safe usage of your
computer at
Central AV/IT Helpdesk, Zernike Campus
If you have any questions about IT facilities, please go to
the AV/IT Helpdesk. This is also the place to borrow audio
visual equipment, such as digital cameras, voice recorders and
tripods. You can also use a video editing room. The Zernike
Campus has one central AV/IT Helpdesk at Zernikeplein 11,
A0 wing on the ground floor.
For support, please phone (050) 595 45 66, or email Opening hours: Mondays, Tuesdays
and Thursdays between 8 am and 8 pm, and Wednesdays and
Fridays between 8 am and 5 pm. During the holidays, opening
hours might be different.
AV/IT helpdesk, Wiebenga Complex
There is also an AV/IT Helpdesk in the Wiebenga Complex.
Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays inclusive from 8 am – 5
During the holidays, opening hours might be different.
Log-in account and email address
Every student has his or her own log-in account and email
address of Hanze UAS. You can use your log-in account to log
into the PCs in all buildings of Hanze UAS, and it will give
you access to the electronic learning environment of Hanze
UAS. This is the central location where study information is
provided. Information can also be sent via your Hanze e-mail
address. Lost your log in details? Go to the AV/IT Helpdesk at
Zernikeplein 11 (A0 wing), or at the Wiebenga Complex. Make
sure to bring your student card.
Electronic learning
The Hanze Electronic Learning Environment (HELO) is a
collective term for all the electronic applications offered
by Hanze UAS via the internet. You can find all of these
electronic applications at and, the
intranet and internet site of Hanze UAS.
You will often need for your studies. It
includes information of relevance to your studies, such as
schedules, timetable changes, study guides, newsletters,
etc. also gives you access to the Blackboard,
Outlook WebAccess (OWA) and Osiris.
OSIRIS allows you to access your grades. All your details
relevant to your studies are saved in OSIRIS, from your
application to a course at Hanze UAS up to and including
your diploma. OWA allows you to check your e-mails
anywhere at any time, and ProgRESS allows you to access
your grades. Blackboard provides information relevant
to the classes that you are taking. You will be given
information about using HELO in the introductory practical
class at the beginning of the academic year.
You can also use your laptop to work wirelessly at the university.
Either visit or ask at the AV/IT Helpdesk.
Printing and copying
You can print both from a desktop pc or a laptop. Using
your OV-chipkaart or a print card from Hanze UAS, you
can log in on printers everywhere within the university and
print (and copy or scan), as long as you have enough credit.
With iDeal you can upgrade your personal credit.
You can find more information on the intranet via
Working wirelessly for example, in Amsterdam or Utrecht? As
a student of Hanze UAS, you are able to access the wireless
networks of many other institutions in the Netherlands
simply by using your own log-in data. Go to
Software is often expensive. To make it cheaper for you,
Hanze UAS has negotiated contracts with certain suppliers
such as
Rights and Obligations
Take Care
You are not only studying at Hanze UAS. You are also
a part of it. Just like its members of staff, you share
responsibility for behaving responsibly within its buildings
and for keeping the learning environment clean.
While the university does not operate any house rules, it
does expect all students to adhere to its ‘Take Care’ maxim:
“Jointly ensuring a pleasant environment in
which to work and study”.
In part, this means that we expect you to clear
up your own waste, to smoke only in designated
smoking areas, to park your bicycle in the bicycle racks
provided and to treat the university’s property with respect.
Would you like to know more about where
to find which facilities? Go to
Also take a look at the video, which presents
most of the facilities!
Student Charter
The university must also abide by certain rules. For
example, we are required to give you the results of an
examination as quickly as possible and not exceeding 15
working days after having taken the examination. Rights
and obligations must be precisely worded, of course. The
Student Charter sets out the most important rights and
obligations of students. This covers such subjects as tuition
fees, the quality of education, academic counselling, exam
regulations, student facilities, codes of behaviour, the
registration of personal data and inappropriate conduct. It
details rights and obligations established by all manner of
legislation, as well as regulations set down by Hanze UAS
itself. These rights and obligations start from the moment
of your enrollment as a student at the university.
The Student Charter can be found at
Exceptions to these regulations may apply to your study
programme. These can be found in relation to your study
programme on the intranet.
Confidential Advisor
Hanze UAS wants you to be able to study in a safe and
pleasant environment, and has developed a policy to prevent
unwanted forms of interaction.
If you are confronted with these despite this, you can contact
the (external) confidential advisor for students from Monday
to Friday, via tel. 06 – 46153934, or via
the administrative office of the Student Cousellor’s Office,
Zernikeplein 7, tel. (050) 595 4028.
Many of the decisions taken within an organisation such
as the university can have consequences for anyone coming
Complaints and Disputes Office
Students can lodge complaints with or submit notices of
objection to the Complaints and Disputes Office.
For example, if you disagree with a decision and are of the
opinion that your interests have been harmed as a result,
you can submit an objection to the Student Appeals Board
of Hanze UAS. The Inappropriate Conduct Complaints
Committee deals with complaints that relate to inappropriate
conduct. The Whistle-blower Arrangements Committee
investigates reports of suspected abuses.
You will find the Complaints and Disputes Office on the
intranet under
into contact with the university. It is not only
the executive board that takes such decisions.
Alongside the executive board, there are also the
participation councils, the purpose of which is
to review the most important decisions. These participation
councils are composed of equal numbers of students
and members of staff. Your voice can be heard should
you so desire. For more information, see
Student and academic support
Hanze UAS puts a great deal of effort into providing
facilities to support you with your studies. If you have any
questions about this, do not hesitate about dropping by
one of the various offices.
Student Administration (STAD)
Students can contact STAD for:
• Registration and deregistration and information about
the terms and conditions of the student card
• The completing of forms from institutions such as
DUO [Redundancy Payments and Benefits Agency] or
kinderbijslag [family allowance].
Contact details
Student Administration
Zernikeplein 7 kamer A 0.19
9747 AS Groningen
Opening hours: Mon-Thu 9.00am-4.00pm, Fri 09.00am-1.00pm
Academic counselling
Hanze UAS regards personal counselling as important. This
is why there are academic counsellors at the ready whom
you can approach with any questions you may have. He
or she will be able to offer you guidance about your study
progress, your personal development and how to make
choices within your study programme with your future
in mind. You can obtain information from your academic
counsellor about studying for your study programme at the
university, and he/she can refer you to others who can help
with your questions should it be necessary.
Hanze UAS works with the OSIRIS student information
system. This is where all the information relevant to
students’ studies, from the moment they apply for a course
at Hanze UAS, up to and including them getting their
diploma is stored. The OSIRIS Student module provides
you with an insight into the progress of your course.
Moreover you can also register and deregister for courses,
tests, minors and specialisations, and consult the full
range of courses on offer. OSIRIS Student is also used as a
communication medium between you and your academic
Student counsellors
Sometimes you become stuck in your private life or your
studies. Do not hesitate to speak about this, to a student
counsellor. The student counsellor offers a sounding board,
and upon your request will provide information, advice,
and a second opinion on matters associated with your
study, your choice of study, or your personal circumstances.
Hanze Success Centre
Choosing to take a support course or training programme
can improve not only your study results but also increase
the pleasure you get from studying!
The Hanze Success Centre provides a wide range of support
courses and training programmes. The complete range on
offer can be found at
Financial Support for Students (FOS)
Profileringsfonds – Hanze UAS has a financial support
facility for students, the Profileringsfonds. You can access
this fund in the following cases:
Profileringsfonds I: if your studies are delayed as a result
of circumstances beyond your control (sickness, family
Profileringsfonds II: if you have taken on a board position.
Profileringsfonds III: if you are recognised as a top sports
You can find more information, FAQs and application
forms for these three schemes under
You can also find information in the student charter.
Emergency fund – Are you confronted with acute financial
problems which mean you are unable to continue your
studies, or are not able to support yourself financially?
Contact the Student Counsellor’s Office (see page 18) or go
to Intranet to find out whether you are eligible for financial
Studying with a physical or mental function disorder
If you are dyslexic, have a physical disability or a chronic
illness, this can cause problems for your studies. Hanze
UAS offers facilities and support. It is
advisable to get in touch with a student
counsellor at the earliest opportunity
(preferably before the start of the
academic year): (050) 595 4028.
For more information see www.hanze.
Do you wish to take advantage of the extensive network
of Hanze UAS to orientate yourself internationally, during
your studies? Go to You can obtain
information from the International Student Office (ISO)
about work placements or studying abroad as well as
practical matters, such as grants, visas, residence permits and
accommodation. For foreign students, when applying for
a foreign-language course, ISO offers support for living in
Groningen, and studying at Hanze UAS.
Enrolment, re-enrolment and payment of tuition fees
The website contains all the information you need
concerning (re-) enrolment as a student to Hanze UAS
This is also where you can find information throughout
the academic year that may be of relevance to you, such as
information about interim termination of your enrolment,
the student card, interim enrolment and several useful
addresses. For these things, please visit
Information services
Hanze UAS provides information in a variety of ways. This
information will be of help to you not only for your studies
but also in general. Below, you can read what you can find
Hanze Media Centre
The Hanze Library is the starting point for your literary or
market research. You will find:
• Study books of all courses on loan
• Books, trade journals, newspapers ... but also sheet
music, CDs, posters and games materials
• Millions of full text articles in digital databases
• Online access to all major newspapers, also international
• 100 silent study areas at the Zernike Campus
As a student you have access to the digital library at all
time, and from anywhere. The membership + usage of the
entire collection is free. Your student card = your library
Find it!
@ de HanzeMediatheek
Access to the information you need ... anywhere, anytime
The Hanze Library has branches at the Minerva Academy, the
Conservatoire, the Wiebenga Complex and on the Zernike
Campus. At the Wiebenga Complex location and the Zernike
Campus, there is a walk-in service daily between 12 noon and
1.00pm. They can help you with any questions you might have
about searching for information and literature.
More information:
You can also call or e-mail to telephone number (050) 595
2730, e-mail:
For up-to-date information on opening hours or faults for
you can follow the HanzeMediatheek (Hanze Library) on
Facebook and Twitter.
Hanze Study Choice Support
You can go to Hanze Study Choice Support and advice when
(re)orientating yourself about your choice of study. Do you
want to quit your studies, or are you unsure you are in the
right place, and do you need help? Contact one of the Choice
of Study Advisors for information, an advice meeting, or the
Choice of Study Course.
The Hanze Study Choice Support is located in the Van
OlstToren at Zernikeplein 7, E Wing, first floor. Opening times
are from 9 am to 4 pm. Naturally, you can also contact the
centre by telephone or email:
telephone (050) 595 7890;
The HanzeMag is the editorially independent magazine of
Hanze UAS. The magazine is issued every two weeks. The
HanzeMag can be found at various places where students
regularly gather. For more information, visit
Email address
All students have a Hanze UAS email address of their own.
All study information is communicated via this e-mail
address and via
This means that the university is responsible for
maintaining a properly operational system and sending out
information promptly. Check your Hanze email and the
intranet regularly.
Via, you can access your webmail, Osiris,
Blackboard, work spaces information and the Hanze Library
at all times.
Now and again, you may find an E-Zine in your mailbox.
These E-Zines contain important information for all
students and staff. In other words, always read these E-zines!
Hanze UAS has been working with Blackboard as an
electronic learning environment.
Blackboard is a sort of website for your study programme.
Here you will find the description off the study programme.
All study programmes make intensive use of this learning
Hanze UAS has collective liability insurance that applies
during university activities. There is also a scheme for
insurance during your work placement. You can find
extensive information on insurance at:
Students can buy textbooks at a discount from the student
organisations BVD.
Owing to BVD buying textbooks in bulk, students always get a
10% discount on their books. The study programme departments
have compiled all of the lists on the websites, and these can be
consulted throughout the year.
For more information and to place orders, please visit: www.
All the prescribed text books can also be borrowed from the
Hanze Library.
Student activities
You are not only studying at Hanze UAS, you are also a part
of it. For example, you might become a student representative
or else contribute towards the many activities provided
for and by students. The university makes it possible for
students to develop in many different ways by making funds
or provisions available. It is in part because of these student
activities that Groningen is known for being such a vibrant
and buzzing student town.
Student Representatives
Do you know the kick it gives to organise an event, to get
students moving or to have a voice in policy? In addition to
that kick, you also receive a certificate, it looks good on your
CV, and you learn an enormous amount. Hanze UAS would
like to encourage you to take on a board position for example
in the works council, a society of your school, ACLO, KEI or
Studium Generale. Take a look further in this chapter, enquire
about opportunities and facilities at SSA, and with your
Academic Counsellor.
Student representative grants, honorariums, credits
If you are actively involved in a student representative body,
you can request a student representative grant or free credits.
For more information, go to
Student Activities Foundation (SSA)
The SSA is there for all student organisations and student
societies. The Hanze Kick Off, among other things, is
organised every year for students; the opening of the academic
year for students at the Zernike Campus. Via the Word Actief
[Get Active] campaign, the SSA encourages students to actively
participate in the student boards, in addition to their studies.
Would you like to know more about which societies and
organisations you can join for further personal development?
Would you like to found an organisation, and do you want to
know what the facilities are?
Go to or
ACLO Student Sports Association
The ACLO is the student sports organisation of Groningen.
At the ACLO you can participate in general hours. Examples
of this include bodyfit and spinning. In addition to this,
you can book courts and rooms, follow courses or become a
member of one of the 49 student sports clubs. As a Hanze
student you can participate in unlimited sports, for only
€52 a year! For an additional contribution of €65 you can
also use the fitness facilities. For more information, go to
HanzeCAST = Art4students!
HanzeCAST organises arts&culture activities for and by
students. This may include music (singer-songwriters,
bands, dj’s, classical ensembles), dance demos, exhibitions of
photography, painting, design and much more besides.
Do you want to organise such an event yourself, want to
perform yourself, or exhibit? You can! In the form of a
project, work placement, or for (free) credits.
Zernikeplein 7, Van OlstToren, kamer E 0.30, (050) 595 7878
Studium Generale
Studium Generale Groningen is a joint venture between Hanze
UAS and the University of Groningen. Both institutions work
together to organise lectures and debates about science, culture
and society. Studium Generale’s activities are intended for all
students within the context of their general education. Studium
Generale’s programmes are open to all and are usually for free.
For more information go to:
Student organisations
If you would like to get involved in activities with your fellow
students in your spare time, there are numerous student
organisations you can join. You will find an overview of these
Groningen has a general introductory week for all first-year
students known as KEI week. With 5,000 participants, KEI
week is the largest introductory week for students in the
Netherlands. During this week, new students familiarise
themselves with everything that Groningen has to offer. For
more information, go to:
Other facilities
(Handy things to know…)
Bicycle racks
Each of the university’s buildings provides a number of
bicycle racks. Please park your bicycle in the racks and not
elsewhere. There is a covered bike shed accessible to all at
the School of Sports Studies building and in the Wiebenga
Zernike Medical Care Centre (Huisartsen Zorgpunt Zernike)
Students who do not yet have a doctor in Groningen can
visit the Zernike Medical Care Centre. For up-to-date address
details go to the site of the GPs: For more
information, telephone: (050) 363 3111; and
You can park for free on the Zernike Campus at the
Transferium car park and De Deimten car park. Only parttime students and students who live in Germany have free
access to car parks P3 and P4. Other students may park at P3
but will be charged. For more information about parking,
and to request parking permits for part-time students and
students who live in Germany, please visit
There is a great deal of competition for these parking
spaces, particularly at the start of the academic year.
Consequently, if it is an option for you, it makes sense
to arrive by bicycle/moped/scooter or else to use public
transport. For parking maps, go to
Bus lines
All locations at Hanze UAS can be reached by public
transport. Qbuzz is the city of Groningen’s transport
You can load your public transport smartcard (ov-chipkaart)
on the Zernike Campus in the AH-To-Go located in
Shops on the Zernike Campus
Recently, more and more shops have appeared on the
campus to make students’ lives that little bit easier. For
example, there is a branch of the Study Store in the Van
DoorenVeste and a Canon Copyshop in the Van OlstToren.
There is also a branch of AH-To-Go on the campus, as well
as a bicycle shop: Refidé.
Hanze shop
There are institute shops at most accommodations outside
the Zernike Campus. This is where you will find all the
required readers and other academic materials, as well as a
wide range of stationery and office items. You can also visit
the central university shop, “De Hanzeshop”, on the Zernike
Campus for all manner of practical and original items
bearing the logo of Hanze UAS, ranging from ballpoint
pens to sweaters and from desktop clocks to bottles of
wine. Here you can also buy several kinds of Fair Trade and
‘Wereldwinkel’ products. The Hanzeshop is located on the
ground floor of the Van OlstToren (Zernikeplein 7).
Opening times for the Hanzeshop are:
Mondays: 10.00 am – 6.00 pm
Tuesdays: 10.00 am – 6.00 pm
Wednesdays: 10.00 am – 4.00 pm
Thursdays: 10.00 am – 6.00 pm
Fridays: 10.00 am – 4.00 pm
Repro shop Canon
The on-campus copy shop for students. You can go here for
basic repro services such as perforating, binding and copying.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 9.00am-5.00pm.
If you want to escape from your studies for a moment, or
want to have a meeting: all coffee specialties at your table.
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday: 9.30am-4.30pm, Friday:
Study Store
The Study Store is a bookshop. It has branches both in the city
centre of Groningen and on the Zernike Campus in the Van
DoorenVeste (Zernikeplein 11, ground floor).
You can also order your prescribed study books by email from
the Study Store:
Opening times for the Zernike branch are:
Mondays: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Tuesdays: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Wednesdays: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Thursdays: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Fridays: 9.00 am – 4.00 pm
For more information, please visit:
AH to go
AH to go can be found in the distinctively blue building of
the “Bernoulliborg” (University of Groningen). Here you can
buy microwave meals, rolls, coffee to take away, sweets, salads,
sandwiches, etc. There is a microwave oven for use in the
shop. Opening times for the AH to go are: Mondays to Fridays
inclusive from 7.00 am – 7.00 pm
Refidé (bicycles)
Refidé is a bicycle shop located on the Zernike Campus at
Blauwborgje 12. Réfidé is the place to go for bicycle repairs
(loan bicycles are possible). This is also where you can go for
bicycle hire and accessories (rain gear, bicycle locks, etc.)
Opening times are: Mondays to Fridays from 8.30 am – 5.00 pm
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
Facts & Figures
• more than 27,000 students
• more than 2,900 members of staff
•17 schools
• over 70 study programmes
• 14 master programmes
• 6 centres of applied research and innovation
• 47 professorships
• 18 buildings
• more than 3,000,000 cups of coffee a year
• over 100 specialisations
• students from over 85 different countries
• 70 different sport and fitness options
• 30,000,000 study hours a year
• more than 200 years of history
In the past, the economic alliance of the Hanseatic League
stood for cooperation and international contacts. It was an
alliance found not only in the Netherlands but also well
beyond in Germany and Scandinavia, for example. The
history of Hanze UAS dates back to 1798, when the Academy
for Draughtsmanship, Architecture and Seamanship was
founded. The university took its present form on 1 April 1993
following a merger between the State University of Applied
Sciences, Groningen and Hanze University (Hanzehogeschool).
Executive Board
The Executive Board runs Hanze UAS and comprises three
members: Mr drs. H.J. Pijlman (chairman), Ms drs. M.C.J. van
Os and Mr Dr. J.H. de Ruiter.
From a European perspective regarding higher education,
Hanze UAS, aims to be the most important partner to
businesses and institutions in the North Netherlands in terms
of training professionals and developing applicable, practically
oriented knowledge.
Share your talent. Move the world.
The importance of the maxim ‘Share your talent – Move the
world’ goes beyond the mere development of talent. Our
university has a wealth of history, with a significant part
having been played by the contribution we make to society.
Helping the world in the future is where our talent lies! We
are proud that our staff and students are putting their talents
to work to create a better world.
Fair Trade
Hanze UAS is the first fair trade university in the Netherlands.
Apart from all the coffee and tea, there are many other fair
trade products on sale in our canteens. We are proud of
contributing to the on-going war against poverty this way. For
more information go to
17 schools
The university has 17 different schools. These schools
represent clusters of related study programmes. The dean is
the head of each school. An overview of all the schools and
study programmes can be found at
Centres of Applied Research & professorships
Hanze UAS has a large number of centres of applied research
and professorships. Several schools are often attached to one
such centre or professorship. Together with lecturers from
these schools, professors maintain contact with people from
professional fields. This means that you are guaranteed upto-date knowledge from the industry or profession related to
your study programme. Students are given the opportunity
to participate in the research conducted by professorships.
Do you want to know what centres of applied research and
professorships there are, and which are associated with your
course? Go to
Hanze Honours College
Hanze UAS offers special study paths under the name Hanze
Honours College. These study paths challenge top-ranking
students to hone their talents to the best of their ability,
developing both IQ and EQ: social skills, entrepreneurial
acumen, personal drive, recognising opportunities and acting
on them. However, you also need daring, an ability to
think outside the box and a winner’s mentality in order to
complete an Honour talent programme successfully.
It goes without saying that such talent paths can be accessed
only after a selection procedure. A talent programme
makes you conspicuous in the labour market and increases
your chances of getting a good job. An Honour talent
programme are shown with your bachelor’s diploma on the
Diploma Supplement, either in the form of a certificate or
Facilities Unit
With over 350 members of staff, the Facilities Unit (FB) is
the largest and most multifaceted organisational component
of the university. The FB provides support when needed in
relation to accommodation, information and IT facilities and
many other provisions for students besides.
Every building has its own service point where you can go
with any of your questions about these facilities.
The university is a university of applied sciences open to all,
and one of its core values is that of active tolerance. Detector
gates do not fit in with our philosophy. The building
manager is responsible for the building being and remaining
in tiptop order.
This cannot be done alone; all those who use the building
– staff, students and visitors alike – share a duty to remain
alert and report incidents. Posters in every classroom provide
instructions that should be followed in the event of a
Useful websites
(partly in Dutch)
Cheap software
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
Hanzemediatheek/Hanze Library
Information about Groningen
PC protection
Book Sales & Distribution Foundation
(Stichting Boekenverkoop & Distributie)
Student Activities Foundation
(Stichting Studentenactiviteiten)
Studium Generale
Useful telephone numbers and email addresses
AV/ICT Helpdesk
(050) 595 4566 AV/IT Helpdesk
(050) 595 4566
International Student Office
(050) 595 5600
Hanze Media Centre
(050) 595 2730
Hanze Study Choice Support
(050) 595 7890
Student Activities Foundation
(Stichting Studenten Activiteiten) (050) 595 4094
Student Administration
(050) 595 2750
Student Counsellors’ Office
(050) 595 4028
Confidential Advisor for students
06 4615 3934
Reception desks and service
points for buildings
General telephone number: (050) 595 55 55
See QR code for
an up-to-date
overview of all
receptions and
service points.
Hanze University of Applied Sciences,
Facilities Unit
Zernikeplein 23
9747 AS Groningen
The Netherlands
Telephone: (050) 595 3135
Layout: Canon
This booklet was compiled by the
Facility Unit’s Communication Team
in collaboration with the Staff Office
Marketing & Communication.
The greatest possible care was taken in compiling
this information booklet. However,
no rights can be derived from its contents.