THE NORTHERN FORUM Program of arrangements Regional Coordinators Committee’s Meeting


THE NORTHERN FORUM Program of arrangements Regional Coordinators Committee’s Meeting
Program of arrangements
Regional Coordinators Committee’s Meeting
Reykjavik and Akureyri, Iceland
October 31 – November 6, 2014
The Northern Forum arranges two events within the scheduled meeting of the Regional Coordinators
Committee in October-November 2014:
1. Joint session on regional cooperation with the Arctic Portal within the Arctic Circle Forum in
Reykjavik, on October 31-November 2, 2014. The Northern Forum plans to hold a special 2-hour
session at the Arctic Circle Forum to present the opportunities of regional cooperation in the
Arctic and the North. The Forum’s Organizing Committee has agreed to arrange the Northern
Forum event. Exact dates and time of the session are to be identified.
2. Regional Coordinators Committee Meeting in Akureyri, on November 3-6, 2014. The place is to
be identified.
Key participants: Regional Coordinators of the Northern Forum, representatives of the regions, NF
Secretariat, Project coordinators and participants, Business partners
Invited participants: Regional representatives from the Northern Europe, Russia, Canada, Alaska and
Greenland, representatives from Icelandic organizations involved in the Arctic cooperation, international
organizations, Iceland-located embassies and interested ministries of Iceland.
Those who wish can also attend the Nordic Council’s Conference on Gender Equality in the Arctic in
Akureyri (October 28-30).
Event format:
At the NF session on regional cooperation in Reykjavik it is planned to organize presentations of regional
leaders, representatives of companies – business partners as well as presentations of the most
successful projects and the new NF web portal.
In Akureyri the Regional Coordinators Committee will hold 1-2 closed meetings for adjusting agenda,
setting a quorum and adopting resolutions. Otherwise, open meetings for all participants will be held.
In order to arrange active communication and information exchange, presentation of the broadest circle
of participants, it is proposed to arrange exhibitions and production of posters. All participants are
welcome to bring any give-away materials with them. Please, submit your proposals on organizing the
exhibitions to the Secretariat before October 1, 2014.
It is also proposed to arrange presentation of regions, business partners and other organizations for
establishing the priorities of the organization’s development, regional interests and companies on
cooperation directions.
Timing regulations: presentation of the NF member regions – 15 minutes each, invited regions
presentations, business partners’ presentations, and project coordinators’ presentations –10 minutes
Cultural programme: Every NF member region is proposed to prepare one concerted item to be
presented at the reception on November 4. It is desirable to have a presentation on Iceland’s cultural
life at the reception hosted by the Mayor of Akureyri on November 3. Arrangement of a tour to
Northern Iceland with visits to natural and tourist attractions is possible.
Accommodation: Akureyri administration books hotel rooms in various hotels across the city.
As long as many events are scheduled for October-November 2014 it is an urgent matter for all member
regions and business partners to send approximate number of their delegations to the NF Secretariat
and NF Regional Coordinator for Akureyri Ms. Sigridur Stefansdottir (e-mail:
before October 1, 2014.
Practical information: will be posted on the new NF website
Meeting materials: All materials relevant to the meeting will be posted on the new Northern Forum
website in the Member Area upon their completion. Regional Coordinators, Project Coordinators and
Business Partners will be given a unique personal login and password to enter the Member Area. Should
any questions on accessing the Member Area arise, please contact Ms. Magdalena Tomasik, manager of
the Arctic Portal –
The Secretariat will post all documents on the website before the October 15. All materials will be in
English and Russian.
Languages: working language of the meeting is English. Simultaneous translation into Russian will be
Draft agenda:
Date, time
October 30, Thursday
During the day
Arrival of participants in Reykjavik, accommodation, free time
October 31, Friday – November 2, Sunday
Participation in the Arctic Circle and NF session on regional cooperation
November 2, Sunday
During the day
Arrival of participants in Akureyri , accommodation, free time
November 3, Monday
Closed RCC Meeting:
Registration of the Open Extended
1. Setting the quorum
Meeting participants
2. Approval of agenda and meeting
Opening of the exhibition (to be
3. Report of the NF Executive Director
4. Brief discussion of the report
5. Approval of the resolutions list
Coffee break. Exhibition
Open RCC Meeting
Role of the regions in strengthening cooperation and achieving sustainable
development in the Arctic, in the North and on a global scale.
Presentations of the NF member regions, business partners and international
Presentations continue
Coffee break. Exhibition
Presentations continue
Reception hosted by the Mayor of Akureyri
November 4, Tuesday
Open RCC Meeting
Iceland – a key player in the Arctic cooperation
Presentations of Icelandic organizations, companies and Iceland-located
international organizations
Coffee break. Exhibition
Iceland – a key player in the Arctic cooperation
Presentations of Icelandic organizations, companies and Iceland-located
international organizations
The Northern Forum Project activity: present status, prospective directions
NF Project presentations, new proposals from the regions and business partners
Coffee break. Exhibition
The Northern Forum Project activity: present status, prospective directions
NF Project presentations, new proposals from the regions and business partners
Reception hosted by the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
November 5, Wednesday
Panel discussion: Ways to mainstream business cooperation in the Northern
Coffee break
Panel discussion continues
Closed RCC Meeting:
1. Debriefing
2. Discussion and approval of the 2014-2015 work plan
3. Discussion and approval of the 2014-2015 budget
4. Discussion of the 12th General Assembly agenda
5. Adoption of resolutions
Coffee break
Closed Meeting continues
November 6, Thursday
During the day
Excursions, visits to enterprises and organizations of Akureyri
Departure of participants
November 7, Friday
During the day
Departure of participants