One-Day Tour One Day Tour To Singapore To Batam


One-Day Tour One Day Tour To Singapore To Batam
In collaboration with
One-Day Tour
To Singapore
One Day Tour
To Batam
One day tour to Singapore on 5th December,
One Day Tour around the Batam Island.
One day tour to visit Singapore, the nearest
country from Batam Island. The participants
will be brought by boat from Batam Island for
sightseeing to several tourism attraction spots
in Singapore such as the Orchard, Istana &
Chinatown, Bugis Street, Lunch at Fiesta
Restaurant Buffet, Cocoa Shop, Masjid Sultan,
Merlion Park (Esplanade/Marina Bay
Sand/Singapore Flyer) and the Sentosa Island
on Engineering, Technology
and Applied Business
One day tour to visit Tourist attraction spots
in Batam Island. The participants will be
brought to visit the beach, Barelang Bridge
and some other places, ending at the
Shopping Centres.
Batam State Polytechnic, Batam - Indonesia
4thDecember, 2014
Abstract submission deadline on 17th October, 2014
Registration Fee
Early Bird Fee (First paper)
- Science field*
- Social Science field**
Late registrant fee
Accompanying delegate
Additional Proceeding book request
10% discount for 3 papers or more
USD 170
USD 125
USD 190
USD 60
USD 20
* Science field: Engineering & Technology
** Social science field: Applied Business & Management
Submission of Abstract
Acceptance of Abstract
Submission of full paper
Full Paper Acceptance
Early bird registration
Late Registrant
Conference Date
: Now till 17th October 2014
: 7 days after submission
: Now till 14th November 2014
: 14 days after submission
: By 6th November 2014
: 7 - 13 November 2014
: 4th December 2014
Organized by
Additional Social Event
One-day Batam tour (Optional)
One-day Singapore Tour (Optional)
Hotel for 2 days (Optional)*
Hotel for 3 days (Optional)*
*Tour will be heldon 5th December 2014
**Batam Center Hotel (3 Star)
USD 70
USD 90
USD 100
USD 150
In collaboration with
Indexed by
Why ICETAB 2014 ?
Why ICETAB 2014? The answer is, why not? Now is the
best time to look at all disciplines form an integrated
perspective. Meaning, let’s look at engineering,
technology and business management from an
integrated perspective. The organizers of the conference bring the aforementioned disciplines together
based on their respective strengths and experience.
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia as a premier research
university in Malaysia, will be represented by the
Innovation and Commercialization Centre and the
Publication Unit. These two units will be responsible
in safeguarding the quality of papers submitted and
subsequent publication in our journals will be
realized accordingly. Batam State Polytechnic, as the
host of the conference, plays a major role in sourcing
and review submissions from Indonesia as well as to
provide logistical support for the conference. The final
partner is AFAP Network, which has expertise in
conference management and marketing at the
international stage. The combination of these three
collaborators will ensure that the conference will be
of high quality and standards as per expected by the
Venue of ICETAB
ICETAB 2014 Venue
Politeknik Negeri Batam (Batam State Polytechnic). Parkway Street, Batam Center, Batam,
Kepulauan Riau 29461, Indonesia
About Collaborators
Politeknik Negeri Batam or Polibatam (Batam State
Polytechnic) is the only Vocational State University
(PTN) in the free trade and free port area of Batam,
Bintan and Karimun, Riau Islands Province. It is
located at the Parkway Street, Batam Centre, Batam,
Riau Island, Indonesia. As a vocational oriented
Politeknik Negeri Batam
(Batam State polytechnic)
college, it aims to strengthen the ability of practice
and its students' skills, where the educational process
is also supported by adequate infrastructure building.
To face the industrial competition of free trade zone,
Politeknik Negeri Batam is required to provide
qualified human resources. Therefore, in order to
balance between the industrial and science development, Politeknik Negeri Batam conducts research
collaboration with industries. The research collaborations are expected to give benefit to Batam community in particular and to the country in general.
UTM ICC acts as the main technology transfer unit
and university’s business arm that drives on the
commercialization part of UTM’s inventions. Developing substantially over the years, ICC offers a range of
services from IP management to IP exploitation
assistance to expedite on the commercialization
process. A number of new spin-off companies have
been formed to further exploit UTM's technology
innovations via licensing, consultancies and various
forms of joint venture agreements. The University’s
research activities range from life sciences, physical
sciences, social sciences and humanities. ICC strives to
strengthen the link between the industry, community
and the university by organising a series of activities,
forums and exhibitions to ensure continuous interactions between all parties. To know more on UTM’s
amazing discoveries and potential inventions, please
contact ICC for access and links to the right UTM
expertise and advice on the commercialisation
Asian Federation of Academic Professionals is a loose
coalition of academic, students and practitioners with
a dedicated mission to organize affordable but quality
conferences in Asian countries. We specialise in
organizing conferences using the low-cost and
no-frills approach with our partners, locally and
internationally. AFAP focus on substance (the
academic contents and publication opportunitiesfrom the conference) instead of forms (such as food,
venue and other unimportant activities). In addition,
any excess profits from the conference will be distributed to needy postgraduate students as part of our
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). As an emerging
player that provides training and conference management services for the Asian Federation of Academic
Professionals, we have established ourselves as a
regular training provider for departments such as
Faculty of Management, UTM SPACE, Faculty of
Islamic Civilization
UTM Press assists in the university’s academic publication and related policies. The Book Panel division is
responsible for developing and upgrading the
accumulation of manuscripts, acknowledging
acceptance of topics, and approving payments of
royalties and fees whilst the Jurnal Teknologi Panel is
responsible for deciding the suitability of manuscripts
in respect of their meeting the content and academic
criteria, and to propose to the UTM Academic Publication Committee for approval. Publishing various
university’s research outcomes such as the academic
journals and books, the unit also acts as the secretariat
for the University Academic Publication Committee
Call of Papers
Engineering & Technology
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI (Sciences & Engineering)
E-ISSN: 2180-3722, Print ISSN: 0127-9696),
Indexed by
Focus and Scope
- Manufacturing
- Advanced Materials
- Energy, and Transport
- Construction
- Design and Planning
- Science and Mathematics
- Electronics
- Control
- Communication, and Information Technology
- Environment and Process Technology
Applied Business
Focus and Scope
- Economics
- Business studies
- Management
- Quality management
- Operations management
- Change management
- Entrepreneurship
- Behavioral studies
- Human resource management
- Accountancy, finance and other related fields.
Where to Register?
Register and submit your abstract to and visit for
further information
Payment Details
Participant(s) can make the conference payment by
using/through any of these methods:
(a) Cash payment: could be made by contacting any
of our representatives for appointment, OR
(b) Bank draft/cheque made payable to “AFAP
NETWORK”. Please contact any of our representatives
to hand in the bank draft/cheque, OR
(c) Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) or ATM Transfer or
CIMBClicks (participant need to bear any charges
incurred) by using the following details:
Beneficiary Name : AFAP NETWORK
Bank Name
Bank Address
: 1st Floor, Student Representative
Council Building, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310,
Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
Account Number : 86-01-52-02-49
: Email to
For all modes of payment, please SUBMIT the scanned
copy of the PROOF OF PAYMENT through E-MAIL
( or BY HAND together with
the REGISTRATION FORM. Participant(s) may also use
their hand phone camera to take the photo of the
receipt or deposit slip with their name(s) written
CLEARLY on it and have it send to us as well. All
payments must be made within the specified date
mentioned before the commencement of the AFAP
Conference. If you have any questions regarding the
conference or the mode of payment, please sms /
whatsapp / call our representatives at:
(a) Ms. Nadhirah Norhalim : +6 013 351 2832
(b) Yeni Rokhayati
: +62 856 6877 9300
Who to Contact
other countries
Prof. Dr. Amran Md. Rasli
+6 010 4041440
Siti Aisyah
+628 13 6150 5832