The Turtle Times - Westerville City Schools


The Turtle Times - Westerville City Schools
Volume 2, Issue 6
Student Council Needs Your Help
February 2010
Dear Emerson Families,
We are looking for volunteers to help us with this important project. If
you’d be willing to take a large bag of milk jugs (that have been rinsed out)
home or to a recycling box on Wednesdays and/or Fridays, please contact Mrs.
Taylor at
We also need drivers every three or four weeks to drop off the envirofoam trays at a special sytrofoam recycling plant located at 2040 S. Hamilton
Road, Monday- Friday 9am-3pm. Once again, if you’d be willing and able to
help us, contact Mrs. Taylor. Obviously she is not able to get there during the
school day so we need your help to make this project a success!
Let’s to our part to keep our school and world GREEN!
The Turtle Times
The New Year started our new recycle program in the lunch room. If
you haven’t heard, we are now recycling the small milk jugs and any envirofoam trays that are not too grubby. We are happy to announce that this month
alone we have recycled over 700 trays and nearly 1500 milk jugs. And that’s
in only 17 school days!
Everyday is Earth Day,
The 2010 Student Council
Emerson 2009-2010 Yearbooks are Underway!
The first half of our year book has been officially submitted! Families and students can look forward to ordering
their own personal yearbooks the beginning of
March. Order forms will be sent home the end of
February. Yearbooks will be $14.00 this year.
Thanks to everyone who has submitted pictures to
help make our yearbook a very special book of
Invention Convention Meeting for Students During school on February 17th, a representative from Inven‐
tion convention will be at Emerson to meet with interested students. The meeting will be at 12:45 in our Computer Lab. This program is open to all grades. For more information please contact Nikki Morr at Spanish Club
Fourth and fifth graders are invited to join Spanish Club. We will do some fun,
active, cultural activities and games and we will speak in Spanish and learn some
new Spanish vocabulary. We will make sure you have the information you need to
use your Spanish and have a good time! We will meet after school until 4:30pm
on the Friday afternoons listed below. A snack will be provided at our
meetings. Each student is asked to turn in $5.00 with your Spanish Club
membership form. The money will go to pay for snacks and supplies that we will
use during Club. Forms to sign up are available in the office. If you have
questions, please contact Suzanne Clareson at
Meeting Dates:
February 19
March 19
April 16th
April 30th
Reading Roundtable is Growing!
The lords and ladies of the reading roundtable are on the castle wall! Any student who achieves the Reading Hall of Fame joins the Reading Roundtable
and are invited to the Roundtable Luncheon in May. Keep Reading!
Fifth-Grade Field Trip Planned!
The fifth graders have had a rare learning opportunity this year.
In an example of a true civics lesson, the students have been
following the process of parent, Tony Cardoso, as he has taken
the steps to become a U.S. Citizen this year. They have kept
track of Mr. Cardoso’s progress through email updates and photos as he applied this fall, had his fingerprints examined in December, and passed his test earlier this month. At Mr. Cardoso’s
request, the US District Court has graciously invited to host the
entire Emerson Fifth Grade Family so that we may witness the
culmination of this journey as Mr. Cardoso takes the Oath of
Citizenship on February
16. This experience supported the fifth-grade Social Studies Citizenship
standards in a way that the
students will never forget!
Congratulations, Mr. Cardoso!
Page 2
It is not too late to get
your 1st edition Emerson
Calendar featuring the
artwork of former Emerson parent, Mark
Sherman. We have a limited number available for
sale in the office. They
now cost 7 dollars and all
proceeds go into the Emerson General fund which
covers teacher supplies,
paper, etc… Get them
while you can!
GEM Nominations Nominate a great educator/mentor today!
In its seventh year, Roush Honda and Westerville Parent Council have
partnered to present the GEM Award Program (Great Educator Mentor
Award). This distinguished honor is given to a community member, a volunteer, a parent or district/building faculty and staff member who makes a difference in the lives of students at each building and/or the Westerville School
District as a whole. Students are not eligible to receive this award. Winners
will receive a beautiful glass etched trophy and will be honored at a Board of
Education Meeting in May.
Please take a few minutes to let an individual know how special they are to a particular school building or
to the district by completing a GEM Award Nomination Form. These forms will be available at each school
building and can also be accessed at
All nominations for a particular school or for the district must be returned to the appropriate building no
later than Thursday, February 18, 2010. A district nomination can be dropped off or mailed to WPC District
GEM Committee; 336 S. Otterbein; Westerville, OH 43081. Winners and their nominators will be notified by
U.S. mail upon the completion of the selection process. For questions please contact Jeanette Talamo at or 891-1657.
Westerville City Schools District and Building WEB SITES
WSYX- 6/Fox 28
If you get take-out from Bob Evans between now and March 3rd bring your
Emerson Flier with you! We will get
10% back to the school, and the school
at the end with the most
participation will get a
bonus $500 dollars!
Go Bob Evans!
WTVN- 610 AM RADIOU- 88.7 FM WHOK- 95 FM 100.3 FM 107.9 Big Hits
WOSU- 820 AM WOSU- 89.7 FM WLVQ- 96 FM WJZA-103.5 FM
WMNI- 920 AM WCBE- 90.5 FM ONN- 97.1 FM WTDA- 103.9 FM
WCOL-1230 AM WCOL- 92.3 FM WNCI - 97.9 FM WJZK- 104.3 FM
WCLT- 1430 AM WLZT- 93.3 FM WBZX- 99.7 FM WBWR- 105.7 FM
WBNS-1460 AM WSNY- 94.7 FM WCLT – T 100 107.1
Record Dates
• February
• April
• May
We will be collecting box tops from Monday, February 1st through
Friday, February 5th. Please send in those BOX TOPS!!
• June
26- Interim
Page 3
Mr. Carr’s Counseling Communicator
The Westerville Way Character Education Word of the Month for February is HONESTY. Honesty is
defined as truthfulness, sincerity, not lying, cheating, or stealing, and the quality of being upright in principle and action. Honesty is more than just telling the truth. It’s about earning people’s trust by keeping
your promises, and refusing to lie, cheat, or steal. An honest person admits mistakes and doesn’t exaggerate to impress people or take credit for the work of others. His actions match his words, and he listens to
his conscience to know right and wrong.
It is important to model HONESTY to children by being honest with yourself and others. One way to
be honest with children and to help them to be honest with others is to express your feelings appropriately.
One way to express feelings in a positive way is to use “feelings talk” or an “I statement”. Teachers and
counselors use this technique often with children to assist them in resolving their conflicts peacefully and
honestly. For example, a student who is being teased by another student may have tried ignoring the
teaser to no avail. The student may try using “feelings talk” by saying, “I feel upset when you tease me. I
would like for you to stop please.” By using an “I statement” the person can become empowered and feel
some sense of control over the situation. Even if the teaser continues, the person has let them and others
know what they want to happen. Another example, at home your child refuses to do a chore. The parent
may say to the child in a calm voice, “I feel disappointed when you do not do the chore that we agreed
upon. I would like for you to do the chore.” As the parent, you should have a set of consequences for
home rules that are broken just as in school. A consequence may be that you, the parent, do not do something that the child wanted to do until their task is completed. This technique, feelings talk, may not always work in every situation but it is a useful tool to have in your pocket! Give it a try!
I feel______________ when__________________. I would like __________________.
Family Meeting Activities: (Remember the snacks!)
Make a sign displaying the “feelings talk” words. Hang it in a prominent place such as the refrigerator (if
you can find room!) Practice using “feelings talk” by role-playing different situations among family members and other people.
Books to share and discuss…
The Fables of Aesop: 143 moral tales retold by Frank Baber and Ruth Spriggs
Molly’s Lies by Kay Chorao
The Berenstain Bears and the Truth by Stan and Jan Berenstain
Junie B. Jones is Not a Crook by Barbara Park and Denise Brunkus
I Did It, I’m Sorry by Caralyn and Mark Buehner
Most importantly, remember that children are always watching the adults around them.
Your honest actions will speak much louder than your words!
Page 4
Hands Only CPR
Trained or Untrained
Young or Old
~ You Could Save a Life
When an adult has a sudden cardiac arrest, his or her survival depends greatly on immediately getting CPR from someone nearby. But less than 1/3 of those people get that
help. Most bystanders are worried they might do something wrong or make things
worse or are uncomfortable about mouth-to-mouth with a stranger.
That's why AHA has simplified things.
When an adult suddenly collapses, trained or untrained bystanders should:
Call 9-1-1
Push hard and fast in the center of the chest
Studies show these two steps, called Hands-Only CPR, can be as effective as conventional CPR. (Interesting and helpful tip – if you can remember the BeeGee’s song “Stayin’ Alive”
that is the rhythm used for chest compressions)
Certainly being officially trained and certified in CPR will help you respond with appropriate action to someone in distress. To locate your nearest training center call 1877-AHA-4CPR or log on to
When you open this screen in the bottom left is a box labeled “View scheduled classes.”
If you keep that box checked and find only a few classes, try unchecking the box and
getting a listing of all training facilities in your area. Many of them forget to list their
schedule of classes and may be offering something in your area.
Or if you do not need official certification, you can learn CPR in the comfort of your
home with friends and family in about 20 minutes by using the new American Heart Association’s “CPR Anytime” kit. It comes with an inflatable manikin (mini “Annie”),
DVD instructional video and resource booklet for $35. It is an inexpensive tool to use
with family groups or small work groups who want the skill of CPR but do not need official certification.
Go to
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller
Spanish Corner
El Amor
Our next tip for improving comprehension when reading
material in a different language is using Context Clues
and then applying prior knowledge. This is a term our students
who take standardized tests are used to hearing. Students are told to think about the
context of the story or article to help them figure out unfamiliar words.
Here is an example. Let’s say we are reading a book about “Gatos” (cats) in Spanish.
The student knows the book lists interesting things about cats. The student might not
recognize the word “ronronean”. BUT, the student might
recognize other words near “ronronean” such as
“sonido”(sound) and “felices” (happy). The student
thinks about the fact that the book is about cats, and
abilities and qualities that are unique to cats. Putting this
information together, the student can guess that
“ronronean” means that cats purr – a sound cats make
when they are happy!
¿Por qué ronronean los gatos? Ronronear es un sonido que los gatos hacemos con la garganta. ¡Es la
manera de decir que están felices!
English Translation:
Why do cats purr? Purring is a sound that cats make with their throat. It is the way to
say they are happy!
Señora Murray
5th Grade Strings Concert
The 5th Grade Strings Concert was held Monday, January 11, 7:30pm, in
the Genoa Middle School Commons. The Concert featured strings
students from Alcott, Annehurst, Central College,
Emerson, Fouse, Huber Ridge, Mark Twain, McVay, Robert Frost, and
Wilder Elementary Schools. Our students performed to a packed house
and did an outstanding job. Excellent performance Orchestra Students!
Page 6
Emerson Presents…
International Evening
Student Musical Concert ,
Japanese Dance, Art Show &
Silent Auction
Afterwards enjoy a dessert at the 2nd Grade Bake Sale
(benefiting the Red Cross to aid the children of Haiti)
When: Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 6:30 PM
(students to report at 6:00 PM)
Where: Westerville South High School Auditorium & Commons Area
Look for more information in the next couple of weeks!
Business Owners: If you would like to donate an item for the silent auction, please contact Elizabeth Krile at 614-891-0882 or
This is going to be a very special event! Our students have been working hard
and are looking forward to their performance on the stage at South High School as well
as the Art Show. Please set next Thursday aside to come see your children shine!
Guy’s Read & GGR! (Girls’ Gotta Read)
Plans are underway to bring back the spring after school book clubs
for both boys and girls in 4th and 5th grade. More info to come!
44 Vine Street
Westerville, Ohio
Phone: 614-797-7080
Fax: 614-797-7081
We are on the Web!
Snow day?
It is officially COLD out there. We are going to try to get the kids out for recess
as often as possible, so please remember to bundle them up! Thanks!
2nd Graders Write Book to Benefit Haiti Earthquake Victims
Mrs. Monteiro’s 2nd grade class created a book of creative homework excuses (including one homework pass) to raise money for the victims of the
earthquake in Haiti. The books were quite a hit and have had buyers from
as far away as a school in Alaska! Great job 2nd graders!
Pictured: Nana Appiah and Oreo…
Principal’s Message…
Lots of things on our horizon
here at Emerson! Our winter
OAA (Ohio Achievement Assessment) tutoring is underway
both before and after school,
drama clubs and fencing are
moving right along, and next
Thursday our kids will be demonstrating a multitude of talents
at South High School. This
promises to be a very special
Be Safe...Do your best!
who ate her homework!
event. Invite the grandparents
and neighbors– it is not to be
missed. Once again, thanks for
all of the support you provide
to your children in their learning activities. We have to be a
team in order for our kids to
achieve their potential.
See you next Thursday!
Before the holidays, the kids had a
visit from “Chef Good”!