PROGRAM DAY ONE PAGE 1 SFT-14 AUSTRALIA MONDAY, 17 NOVEMBER 2014 8.00am Successes and Failures in Telehealth 5th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Telehealth Society 17-18 NOVEMBER 2014 | HILTON ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA This program is subject to change. For the most up-to-date version, please visit www.sftconference.com Registration Conference Opening and Plenary Session 1 8.30am Conference Opening | Dr Victoria Wade, The University of Adelaide, SA, Australia 8.35am Welcome to Country 8.45am Conference Overview and Housekeeping | Dr Victoria Wade, The University of Adelaide, SA, Australia 8.50am International Keynote Presentation: Prof Gordon Peterkin, Former Director, Scottish Telehealth Centre, Scotland, United Kingdom Oral Poster Session 1 9.40am Data Review of an Ongoing Telehealth Program in a Tertiary Paediatric Hospital | Ms Susan Jury, Royal Children’s Hospital, VIC, Australia A Transferable Telepsychiatry Model for Improving Access to Emergency Mental Health Care | Ms Emily Saurman, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia Establishing Emergency Department Telehealth in the Hume Region of Victoria | Ms Jane Kealey, Northeast Health Wangaratta, VIC, Australia Creating a Sustainable Telehealth in the Home Service | Mr Alan Taylor, Flinders University, QLD, Australia 10.00am Industry Engagement Session 10.30am Morning Tea Concurrent Sessions 1, 2 and 3 CONCURRENT SESSION 1 CONCURRENT SESSION 2 11.00am Tele-ophthalmology Prof Yogesan Kanagasingam, Australian e-Health Research Centre, WA, Australia The Costs and Benefits of Technology-Enabled, Home-Based Smartphone Based Real-time Heart Rate and Respiration Cardiac Rehabilitation Measured in a Randomised Controlled Trial Acquisition System for Stress Care Telehealth Dr Frank Whittaker, Nexus eCare, SA, Australia Ms Minhee Kim, Sangmyung University, Seoul, South Korea CONCURRENT SESSION 3 11.15am Patient and Carer Experiences of a Community Palliative Care Telehealth Intervention Dr Deidre Morgan, Flinders University, SA, Australia Telerehabilitation in Patients with Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Review Ms Rita Hwang, Princess Alexandra Hospital and The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia An Automated Diabetes Self-management Conversational Platform: Comparison of Usage and Adoption in Queensland Dr Dominique Bird, Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia 11.30am Rural Outpatient Heart Failure Management Dr Stephen Jennison, Northland DHB, Northland, New Zealand Do Age and Technological Familiarity Predict Utilisation of Tele-rehabilitation by Older Adults in Home Rehabilitation? Ms Claire Morris, Tele-Rehabilitation, Repatriation General Hospital, SA, Australia Falling patterns for Elderly: Data Analysis of Tri-Axial Accelerometer Data from Smart Phone Dr Golenur Huq, University of Western Sydney, NSW, Australia 11.45am Clinical Applications of Videoconferencing: A Scoping Review of the Literature for the Period 2002–2012 Dr Farhad Fatehi, Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia Telerehabilitation for Older People using the Off-the-shelf Applications: Acceptability and Feasibility Dr Maria Crotty, Flinders University, SA, Australia A Mobile Enabled Remote Monitoring Platform to Assist Clinicians in Stabilising People with Diabetes on Insulin Dr Hang Ding, The Australian eHealth Research Centre, QLD, Australia 12.00pm Generating New Telehealth Services Using a Whole of Community Approach: Experience in Regional Queensland A/Prof Anthony Smith, Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia The Adoption of Telemedicine in a Residential Aged Care Facility: A Multi-stakeholder Perspective Ms Joanna Kho, Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia Point of Care Testing: Remote Electronic Management of Results, Risk and Quality Dr Wilton Braund, Endocrine, SA, Australia 12.15pm Q&A with Speakers Q&A with Speakers Q&A with Speakers 12.30pm Lunch Continued over page... PROGRAM DAY ONE PAGE 2 SFT-14 AUSTRALIA Successes and Failures in Telehealth 5th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Telehealth Society 17-18 NOVEMBER 2014 | HILTON ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Concurrent Sessions 4, 5 and 6 CONCURRENT SESSION 4 CONCURRENT SESSION 5 CONCURRENT SESSION 6 1.15pm Principles of a Paediatric Palliative Care Consultation can be Achieved with Home Telemedicine Dr Natalie Bradford, Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia How Current and Potential Funding Models Help and Hinder Telehealth Provision Ms Susan Jury, Royal Children’s Hospital, VIC, Australia & Ms Paulette Kelly, Department of Health, VIC, Australia Experience with Scaling up the Victorian Stroke Telemedicine Programme Ms Michelle Vu, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, VIC, Australia 1.30pm Telemedicine in Paediatric Critical Care Patient Transports - A Hypothesis Generation Study Dr Kirsten Zahnow, Royal Children’s Hospital, QLD, Australia A Comprehensive Evaluation Framework for Telehealth Services and Systems Mr Nathan Poultney, THRIL, University of Western Sydney, NSW, Australia Combining Tele-Ophthalmology and Electronic Decision Support (EDS) to Assist Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Management in Remote Indigenous Communities Dr Sven Bursell, NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia 1.45pm Seven Key Principles of Paediatric Consultation by Telemedicine Ms Joanne Grey, Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia Telehealth Implementation Strategies, Outcomes ,Success and Failures- An ACRRM Perspective Ms Victoria Sheedy, Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, TAS, Australia Telehealth Pain Service: Opening the Chronic Pain Management Conversation in Rural Areas Ms Jacqueline Jensen, St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, NSW, Australia 2.00pm A Review of the Efficacy and Effectiveness of using Telehealth for Paediatric Speech and Language Assessment Ms Olivia Taylor, Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia Maintaining and Enhancing Continuity of Care in a Multidisciplinary Health Service Using M-Health Systems Mr Christopher Lemon, Nepean Telehealth Technology Centre, The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia Tele-Derm National: A Decade of Teledermatology Dr Lisa Byrom, Mater Hospital, QLD, Australia 2.15pm Allied Telehealth in Chronic Disease Management - Delivering a Plot Service from QLD To VIC Ms Belinda Coldebella, James Cook University, QLD, Australia Hand in Hand: Connecting Acute Aged Care Service with Residential Aged Care Facilities Using Telehealth Mrs Tanya Baldacchino, Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District, NSW, Australia & Dr Jinman Kim, Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia Using Telehealth to Facilitate Psychiatric Consultations in Emergency Departments Ms Carmel Barry, Metro North Hospital and Health Service, QLD, Australia 2.30pm Q&A with Speakers Q&A with Speakers Q&A with Speakers 2.45pm Afternoon Tea Plenary Session 2 3.15pm Roundtable: National Telehealth Strategies | Chaired by Ms Jackie Plunkett, Loddon Mallee Rural Health Alliance, VIC, Australia Panelists will include invited representatives from various state and territory health departments 4.00pm Q&A with Speakers 4.15pm Conference Close - Day One 4.30pm 5.15pm Australasian Telehealth Society Annual General Meeting All ATHS members and SFT delegates welcome 5.50pm Meet in the lobby of the Hilton Adelaide for bus transfers 7.00pm Late Conference Dinner Glen Ewin Estate, Lower Hermitage Rd, Lower Hermitage Register online at www.sftconference.com #SFT14 PROGRAM DAY TWO PAGE 3 SFT-14 AUSTRALIA TUESDAY, 18 NOVEMBER 2014 8.00am Successes and Failures in Telehealth 5th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Telehealth Society 17-18 NOVEMBER 2014 | HILTON ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA This program is subject to change. For the most up-to-date version, please visit www.sftconference.com Registration Plenary Session 3 9.00am Welcome - Day 2 | Prof Len Gray, Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia 9.10am International Keynote Presentation: Whither Teledermatology | Prof Peter Soyer, Dermatology Research Centre, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia Oral Poster Session 2 10.00am Implementation of a Telehealth Based Rural Nuclear Medicine Training Program for PDY/interns. An Assessment of a Pilot Study in Western Australia | Mr Peter Tually, TeleMed, WA, Australia The Role of Telehealth in Building Relationships Between Clinicians - A Field Observation | Ms Heather Cameron, Barwon Health, VIC, Australia Using Existing Foundations and Relationships to Develop Telehealth | Mrs Kristin O’Brien, Barwon Health, VIC, Australia Rheumatology Telehealth - the Patient’s and Nurse Perspective | Ms Frances Kasmi, Northland District Health Board, Auckland, New Zealand The Rural Perspective | Miss Jodie Turvey, South West Hospital and Health Service, QLD, Australia Health Information-Seeking Behaviour Among Users of Suwásariya (Health Net) Sri Lanka | Dr Neelamani Rajapaksha Hewageegana, Health Education Bureau, Colombo, Sri Lanka 10.30am NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) in Telehealth: What does this mean for Telehealth Research in Australia? | Prof Len Gray, Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia 10.45am Morning Tea Concurrent Sessions 7, 8 and 9 CONCURRENT SESSION 7 CONCURRENT SESSION 8 CONCURRENT SESSION 9 Applying International Guidelines for Telehealth Services – a Case Study Mr Alan Taylor, Flinders University, QLD, Australia Telehealth - Getting the Business Right Ms Lisa Deeth, Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service, QLD, Australia CRE in Telehealth Workshop 11.30am Data Liquidity and the Gain of It Mr Greg Young, Metro North Hospital and Health Service, QLD, Australia Patient Travel and the Financial Potential of Telehealth Mr William Nicol, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia 11.45am Emotionality in Cyberspace: Analysing the Ability of Therapists to Identify the Emotional Content in Cybertherapy Sessions Mr Ebrahim Oshni Alvandi, Monash University, VIC, Australia The Uptake of Telehealth Services Funded by Medicare in Australia Dr Victoria Wade, The University of Adelaide, SA, Australia 12.00pm Multi-site Videoconferencing for Home-based Education of Older People with Chronic Conditions: The Telehealth Literacy Project Ms Annie Banbury, Central Queensland University, QLD, Australia Benefits of Telemedicine Registrar Dr Ganesh Ramanathan, Alice Springs Hospital, NT, Australia 12.15pm Q and A with Speakers Q and A with Speakers 12.30pm Lunch 11.15am Chaired by Prof Len Gray, Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia Continued over page... Register online at www.sftconference.com #SFT14 PROGRAM DAY TWO PAGE 4 SFT-14 AUSTRALIA Successes and Failures in Telehealth 5th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Telehealth Society 17-18 NOVEMBER 2014 | HILTON ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Concurrent Sessions 10, 11 and 12 CONCURRENT SESSION 10 CONCURRENT SESSION 11 CONCURRENT SESSION 12 1.15pm Feasibility Study of Telehealth Services for a Residential Aged Care Facility Dr Sisira Edirippulige, Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia Home Monitoring Improving Patients Health Outcomes Ms Jo Stevens, Barwon Health, VIC, Australia A Review of Paediatric Telehealth for Pre- and Post-Operative Surgical Patients Ms Lisa Garner, Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia 1.30pm Telemedicine Guidelines for the Developing World: Who, What, When, How and Why? Lessons Learnt in South Africa Prof Maurice Mars, University of KwaZulu-Natal, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Telehealth: Meeting the Needs of People with Chronic Health Conditions Living at Home Mrs Carolyn Towers, RDNS, VIC, Australia The Implementation of Teledentistry for Paediatric Patients Dr Kerrod Hallett, Royal Children’s Hospital, VIC, Australia 1.45pm Establishing a Dedicated Telehealth Facility: Experiences from Management and Technical Components of a Mobile Home the Princess Alexandra Hospital Telehealth Centre in Queensland Telehealth Ecosystem Mrs Karen Lucas, Metro South Hospital and Health Service, QLD, Prof Colin Carati, Flinders University, VIC, Australia Australia Establishing Telehealth Within an Existing Regional Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in Victoria, Australia Ms Lorraine Flynn & Mr Brett Steele , Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, Bendigo Health, VIC, Australia 2.00pm A New Method for Enhancing Trust to the Virtual Physician Mr Arash Roshanpoor, Department of Medical Informatics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Mental Health Online: Integrating Real-time Remote Assistance with Web-based Treatment Programs Dr Jo Abbott, Swinburne University of Technology, VIC, Australia Utilising Telehealth in the Delivery of Low-Complexity Chemotherapy for Children and Adolescents with Cancer in Regional Victoria Ms Stephanie Dale, Paediatric Integrated Cancer Service, VIC, Australia 2.15pm Q and A with Speakers Q and A with Speakers Q and A with Speakers 2.30pm Afternoon Tea Plenary Session 4 3.00pm A Review of the Evidence for Telerehabilitation after Stroke | Dr Kate Laver, Flinders University, SA, Australia 3.15pm Investigating the Quality of Video Consultations Performed Using Fourth Generation (4G) Mobile Telecommunications | Dr Liam Caffery, The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia 3.30pm HearScreen - a Smartphone Hearing Screening App with Integrated Quality Control and Data Management | Adj Prof Robert Eikelboom, Ear Science Institute Australia, WA, Australia 3.45pm Q and A with Speakers 4.00pm Reflections on SFT-14 | Prof Gordon Peterkin and Prof Peter Soyer 4.10pm Awards, Delegate Prizes and Announcements 4.30pm Conference Close - Day Two 4.40pm Wine and Cheese An initiative of CENTRE FOR ONLINE HEALTH Register online at www.sftconference.com #SFT14