THE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA AND WPT FOUNDATION TM “All In” for Kids Poker Tournament Presenting Sponsor The Tioga Foundation Hosted by Phil Hellmuth Jr., Poker Legend Wednesday October 29, 2014 Mandarin Oriental 80 Columbus Circle at 60th Street New York, New York Overview Event description The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and World Poker Tour Foundation “All In” for Kids Poker Tournament will be held in New York City at the Mandarin Oriental on Wednesday, October 29, 2014. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. with registration, a poker tutorial session, a buffet dinner and cocktails. The tournament begins at 7 p.m. A dessert reception will follow. The tournament is expected to end at midnight. This annual tournament, co-founded by Dan Shak and hosted by poker legend Phil Hellmuth Jr., brings together celebrities, athletes and World Poker Tour professional poker players with Hospital Trustees, donors and grateful families for an exciting and ^VY[O^OPSLL]LUPUN[VILULÄ[*OPSKYLU»Z/VZWP[HS Charity Tournament Details 6:30 p.m. Registration Poker Tutorial Buffet Dinner Cocktails 7 p.m. The “All In” for Kids Poker Tournament is played using rules of a No Limit Hold ’Em charity tournament. Participants make a recommended donation to the Hospital to WSH`+\YPUN[OLÄYZ[[OYLLSL]LSZVMWSH`WSH`LYZ^PSSOH]L[OLVW[PVU[V¸YLI\`¹ chips with an additional donation. The tournament is limited to 180 players. -LH[\YLK)LULÄJPHY`¶-VVK(SSLYN`9LZLHYJO Dessert Reception Allergies are among the most common medical problems in America. Whether it’s ZLHZVUHSZUPMÅLZHUKZULLaLZVYHSPML[OYLH[LUPUNWLHU\[HSSLYN`ZVTLVUL`V\RUV^PZ certainly affected. In fact, 15 million Americans have food allergies, and roughly two kids in every school classroom are at risk for a life-threatening allergic episode. But pioneering researchers at CHOP are rewriting the book on allergy. CHOP is the #1 ranked children’s hospital in the U.S. and a global leader in understanding and treating allergies. Contact Information How Can We Participate in the ¸(SS0U¹ for Kids Poker Tournament? Tournament Begins 9 p.m. Event Contact Jenna Pugh 267-426-6494 pughj1@email.chop.edu The enclosed sponsorship package provides a range of opportunities to showcase leadership and support of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and can be J\Z[VTPaLK[VTLL[`V\YTHYRL[PUNHUKI\KNL[HY`ULLKZ Sponsorship Contact Maureen Mason 215-590-6795 masonm@email.chop.edu What If I Don’t Know How to Play Poker? ALLINFORKIDS.org You can join the poker tutorial which immediately precedes the tournament or just come and watch the fun! THE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA AND WPT FOUNDATION TM “All In” for Kids Poker Tournament Marketing and Sponsorship Facts (UU\HS]PL^Z of the event pages on The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Foundation website, giftofchildhood.org: more than 6,113 Sponsorship Levels :[YHPNO[-S\ZO:WVUZVY¶ Event Children’s View magazine circulation: 64,000 Online Children’s Hospital’s Philanthropy Report circulation: 3,000 Gift of Hope e-newsletter circulation: 82,500 Membership in Hospital’s Founders Society Acknowledgement in the Hospital’s Children’s ViewTHNHaPUL Name listed on Donor Recognition Wall at the Hospital for one year Name recognition in Children’s Hospital’s Philanthropy Report ;OL[H_KLK\J[PISLWVY[PVUPZPM`V\HJJLW[HSSILULÄ[Z CHOP Twitter Followers: 22,335 Contact Information Event Contact Jenna Pugh 267-426-6494 pughj1@email.chop.edu Sponsorship Contact Maureen Mason 215-590-6795 masonm@email.chop.edu ALLINFORKIDS.org Name or logo appears on event website, allinforkids.org Name appears as part of the Gift of Hope e-newsletter One mention on CHOP Facebook page One mention on WPT Facebook page Two tweets from CHOP Twitter page Recognition CHOP Facebook Likes: 65,963 WPT Facebook Likes: 121,742 Twenty poker tournament entries Twenty spectator tickets Two rooms for the night of the tournament at a four-star hotel 5HTLVYSVNVWYPU[LKVUÄUHS[HISLHUKHSSWVRLY[HISLZPNUHNL Name or logo printed on event day collateral Premier placement of logo on electronic and printed sponsor recognition board Forty gift bags THE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA AND WPT FOUNDATION TM “All In” for Kids Poker Tournament Marketing and Sponsorship Facts (UU\HS]PL^Z of the event pages on The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Foundation website, giftofchildhood.org: more than 6,100 Sponsorship Levels -V\YVM(2PUK:WVUZVY¶ Children’s View magazine circulation: 64,000 Online Children’s Hospital’s Philanthropy Report circulation: 3,000 Gift of Hope e-newsletter circulation: 82,500 Ten poker tournament entries Ten spectator tickets One room for the night of the tournament at a four-star hotel Name or logo printed on poker table signage Name or logo printed on event day collateral Premier placement of logo on electronic and printed sponsor recognition board Twenty gift bags Event Recognition Membership in Hospital’s Founders Society Acknowledgement in the Hospital’s Children’s ViewTHNHaPUL Name listed on Donor Recognition Wall at the Hospital for one year Name recognition in Children’s Hospital’s Philanthropy Report ;OL[H_KLK\J[PISLWVY[PVUPZPM`V\HJJLW[HSSILULÄ[Z CHOP Facebook Likes: 65,963 CHOP Twitter Followers: 22,335 WPT Facebook Likes: 121,742 Contact Information Event Contact Jenna Pugh 267-426-6494 pughj1@email.chop.edu Sponsorship Contact Maureen Mason 215-590-6795 masonm@email.chop.edu ALLINFORKIDS.org Name or logo appears on event website, allinforkids.org Name appears as part of the Gift of Hope e-newsletter One mention on CHOP Facebook page One mention on WPT Facebook page One tweet from CHOP Twitter page THE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA AND WPT FOUNDATION TM “All In” for Kids Poker Tournament Marketing and Sponsorship Facts (UU\HS]PL^Z of the event pages on The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Foundation website, giftofchildhood.org: more than 6,100 Sponsorship Levels -\SS/V\ZL:WVUZVY¶ Event Online Children’s View magazine circulation: 64,000 Children’s Hospital’s Philanthropy Report circulation: 3,000 Gift of Hope e-newsletter circulation: 82,500 CHOP Facebook Likes: 65,963 Membership in Hospital’s Founders Society Name listed on Donor Recognition Wall at the Hospital for one year Name recognition in Children’s Hospital’s Philanthropy Report ;OL[H_KLK\J[PISLWVY[PVUPZPM`V\HJJLW[HSSILULÄ[Z ;OYLLVMH2PUK:WVUZVY¶ Event WPT Facebook Likes: 121,742 Event Contact Jenna Pugh 267-426-6494 pughj1@email.chop.edu Sponsorship Contact Maureen Mason 215-590-6795 masonm@email.chop.edu ALLINFORKIDS.org Name or logo appears on event website, allinforkids.org One mention on CHOP Facebook page One mention on WPT Facebook page One tweet from CHOP Twitter page Recognition CHOP Twitter Followers: 22,335 Contact Information Five poker tournament entries Five spectator tickets Name or logo printed on dessert station signage Name included on electronic and printed sponsor recognition board Name or logo printed on event day collateral Ten gift bags Two poker tournament entries Two spectator tickets Name included on electronic and printed sponsor recognition board Four gift bags Recognition Membership in Hospital’s Founders Society Name listed on Donor Recognition Wall at the Hospital for one year Name recognition in Children’s Hospital’s Philanthropy Report ;OL[H_KLK\J[PISLWVY[PVUPZPM`V\HJJLW[HSSILULÄ[Z THE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA AND WPT FOUNDATION TM “All In” for Kids Poker Tournament Presenting Sponsor The Tioga Foundation Hosted by Phil Hellmuth Jr., Poker Legend Wednesday October 29, 2014 Mandarin Oriental 80 Columbus Circle at 60th Street New York, New York Reservation Form Please type or print all information exactly as it should appear on event materials and other Children’s Hospital recognition. Return by Oct. 15, 2014. T Corporate T Personal Contact Name ___________________________________ Title _______________________________ *VTWHU`6YNHUPaH[PVUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Address _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State ________ ZIP _______________________ Telephone (day) ___________________________ Fax _______________________________________ 6:30 p.m. Registration Poker Tutorial Buffet Dinner Cocktails Email address ________________________________________________________________________ Level of Sponsorship (Please check one) T Straight Flush $50,000 T Four-of-a-Kind $25,000 T Three-of-a-Kind $5,000 T Donation ___________________ T Full House $10,000 7 p.m. Tournament Begins 9 p.m. Dessert Reception >LHJJLW[HSSILULÄ[ZHZZVJPH[LK^P[OV\YJOVZLUSL]LSVMZWVUZVYZOPW(Please Initial): _________ 0M`V\^PZO[VKLJSPULHSSILULÄ[ZWSLHZLJHSS1LUUH7\NOH[ Telephone (day): _______________________________________________________________ T Check enclosed (Please make payable to CHOP Foundation) T American Express Contact Information Event Contact Jenna Pugh 267-426-6494 pughj1@email.chop.edu Sponsorship Contact Maureen Mason 215-590-6795 masonm@email.chop.edu T MasterCard T Visa T Discover Card number ________-_________-_________-_________ Expiration date ________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________ Matching Gifts The CHOP Foundation welcomes matching gifts from participating companies. Obtain a TH[JOPUNNPM[MVYTMYVT`V\YWLYZVUULSVMÄJLHUKZLUK[OLJVTWSL[LKMVYT[V\Z^P[O`V\YNPM[ TI have enclosed a matching gift form. Deliver to: The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Foundation ¸(SS0U¹ for Kids Poker Tournament P.O. Box 40930 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Note: All FedEx, UPS and courier deliveries should be sent to: Jenna Pugh The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Foundation 100 Penn Square East, 8th Floor – Suite 8050 phone: 267-426-6494 ALLINFORKIDS.org Philadelphia, PA 19107 fax: 267-426-6530 To remove your name from our fundraising mailing list, please visit www.giftofchildhood.org/optout or call 267-426-5332. WPT, World Poker Tour and Spade Card Design are registered trademarks of WPT Enterprises, Inc., used with permission. All rights reserved. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the CH logo are registered marks of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. ©2014 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, All Rights Reserved.