Secondary Programme 2014


Secondary Programme 2014
Secondary Programme
2014 – 2015
How to join the alliance
Benefits for RTSA member schools
Art Network
Curriculum Co-ordinators’ Network
Design and Technology Network
English Network
Geography Network
History Network
Literacy Network
Maths Network
MFL Network
PE Network
Psychology Network
Pupil Premium Network
SEND Cluster Network
Sociology Network
Teaching and Learning Network
Teaching Assistant Network
Improving Mathematical Problem Solving
NQT/PGCE/School Direct CPD Programme 2014 - 2015
Becoming an Outstanding Teacher CPD Programme 2014 - 2015
Middle Leadership CPD Programme 2014 - 2015
Preparing for Senior Leadership CPD Programme 2015 - Cohort 4
Science Learning Partnership
Improving Teacher Programme
Outstanding Teacher Programme
Osiris Educational courses 2014 - 2015
Research across the alliance
Directory of Expertise
The Redhill Teaching School Alliance is a cross-phase collaboration led by a number of outstanding
institutions. The Redhill Academy, along with its strategic partners Carlton le Willows Academy, All Saints
Catholic Academy, Oak Field Special School, Arnold Mill Primary School, Richard Bonington Primary School,
Westdale Infant School, Willow Farm Primary School and Nottingham Trent University, is passionate about
continuing to improve teaching and learning across and beyond our alliance, improving the lives of young
Our alliance harnesses the varied and substantial expertise and experience of all its members and as a result is
able to offer an innovative ITT route, committed to increasing the number of quality teachers, particularly in
shortage subjects. In addition, we offer a range of high quality CPD for staff at all levels and tailored school to
school support. Our style of outreach is both constructive and sensitive and we are committed towards
implementing substantial change in the schools we support. In order to strengthen this work, we have a team
of Specialist Leaders in Education who can be deployed to work in other schools. We are keen to nurture and
grow staff across our alliance and offer a range of opportunities for staff to develop as leaders. We are also
developing a research culture within our alliance that will impact positively on teaching and learning and
student achievement. Our overall strategic vision is to systematically raise the achievement of all students
within our alliance schools and beyond.
Andrew Burns
Principal of The Redhill Academy
As an experienced NLE and executive headteacher of The Redhill
Trust, Andrew oversees the strategic leadership of the alliance,
particularly aspects of school to school support.
Susan Sharp
Director of Teaching School
Susan has taken up this role in September 2014. Susan is
responsible for the leadership of the alliance, with a specific
coordinators’ role for teacher training and research, along with
SLEs and school to school support.
Neil Matthews
Deputy Headteacher
Neil leads CPD for the alliance, working with primary and
secondary colleagues to provide a broad professional
development programme.
Katie Crowley-Andrews
Teaching School Manager
Katie organises bookings, venues and resources for CPD events
across the alliance as well as corresponding with members of
the RTSA. Please contact Katie for bookings and any other
enquiries. Please ensure all bookings are agreed with your
school CPD co-ordinator before confirming them with Katie.
Tel: 0115 926 1481 ext. 150
Sarah Pierpoint
Trust Office Admin Assistant
Sarah works in the Redhill Trust Office. She organises the
School Direct application process and assists the RTSA team
to prepare and set up CPD events.
How to join the Redhill Teaching
School Alliance
Contact Susan Sharp, Director of the Teaching School,
who will be happy to visit you to discover
how we can work together.
Take time to read through the benefits of being part of the
alliance and the opportunities for your school. Feel free to
come along and sample a conference or CPD event for free.
If interested, complete and sign the Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) and return to Katie Crowley-Andrews,
Teaching School Manager.
Your school will be invoiced the membership fee and from this
point all events and opportunities, will be free of charge.
Some charges can apply for national programmes, SLE work
etc.—please see MOU for more information.
Benefits for RTSA member schools
CPD – no charge
Becoming an Outstanding Teacher – twilight CPD sessions - new sessions for 2014
Middle Leadership – twilight CPD sessions (primary - new for 2014 and secondary)
Preparing for Senior Leadership Programme – course of six twilight sessions (primary and secondary)
Primary CPD programme - new sessions for 2014
TeachMeet (primary - new for 2014 and secondary)
‘Two Heads are Better than One’ visit for primary school headteachers - new for 2014
CPD – subsidised for members
Outstanding Teacher Programme (£500 instead of £600)
Improving Teacher Programme (£475 instead of £575)
Two free places per course for the alliance on Osiris courses at Redhill
Impact awards for programmes run through the Science Learning Partnership
Inspiring Leaders programmes (NPQH, SL and ML) (5% discount on all programmes)
Networks – no charge
Art - new for 2014
Curriculum Coordinators (secondary)
Design and Technology - new for 2014
Geography - new for 2014
History - new for 2014
Literacy (cross-phase)
Pupil Premium (secondary)
Psychology - new for 2014
RE - new for 2014
SEND Cluster Network (cross-phase, £100 paid to each school sending a delegate)
Sociology - new for 2014
Teaching Assistant (cross-phase)
Teaching and Learning (secondary)
Conferences – no charge
RTSA termly heads’ conference
English and Maths conference
MFL conference
Research projects – no charge
Closing the Gap ‘ Test and Learn’
Early Years Communication
School Direct
Marketing and recruiting for trainees to meet school’s requests
CPD programme for all trainees in addition to NTU programme
Payment to schools of £1400 per main placement trainee, £500 per second placement trainee
School to School Support
One free day of SLE support for all alliance schools - new for 2014
Discounted SLE rate of £250 per day for alliance schools
From its formation the Redhill Teaching School Alliance has always been committed to
collaboration and the sharing of excellent practice amongst colleagues. A number of
networks have been established which give teachers the opportunity to share innovative
ideas, explore responses to curriculum and syllabus change, joint plan developmental
projects and engage in school based research. The networks are co-ordinated by
recognised experts in their field but all colleagues are welcome to present and lead on
particular issues.
Art Network - New for 2014
The Art Network is an opportunity for art teachers to discuss ideas and to learn and
develop skills and techniques. The network has a collaborative approach, with each
person chairing the meeting when it is at their school.
The Dukeries Academy
Date TBC, October 2014
The skill for this meeting will be fused glass.
Other dates to be confirmed
Curriculum Co-ordinators’ Network
Led by Steve Bowhay (Head of School, The Redhill Academy) this group of senior leaders
meet at least once a term to discuss any recent developments around curriculum and
qualifications. They share the strategies being employed in their respective schools and
look at innovative approaches to curriculum design.
Thursday 23 October 2014
Hall Park Academy
Wednesday 4 February 2015
The Carlton Academy
Friday 12 June 2015
Design and Technology Network - New for 2014
The DT Network is run collaboratively by all attendees. The group meets once a term to
discuss ideas, share good practice and to learn and develop skills and techniques.
Tuesday 14 October 2014
Carlton le Willows Academy
This network session will be hosted by Andy Smith and will focus on KS4 D&T.
Other dates to be confirmed
English Network
Led by Sarah Blacker (The Carlton Academy). The English Network meets once per term to
discuss current issues/changes in English and to share good practice. New members are
welcome to attend.
In addition to the English Network meetings there will be an English and Maths
Conference for Heads of Department and Senior Line Managers on 3 October, further
details can be found on page 22.
Wednesday 15 October 2014
The Carlton Academy
Other dates to be confirmed
Geography Network - New for 2014/15
Led by Chris Hutchinson (All Saints’ Catholic Academy) and Tom Heaney (Kirkby College).
The Geography Network meets termly to share best practice and discuss current issues in
Tuesday 21 October 2014
All Saints’ Catholic Academy
The focus of this session will be on promoting thinking skills in geography. Delegates
are encouraged to bring some of their own ideas along regarding strategies to promote
Other dates to be confirmed
History Network - New for 2014/15
Led by Lynn Burgess (The Redhill Academy). The History Network meets termly to
discuss current issues/changes in history and to share good practice. All history teachers
are welcome to attend this network.
Tuesday 21 October 2014
The Redhill Academy
Other dates to be confirmed
Literacy Network
Led by Sarah Copeland (SLE) and Lindsey Jamson (SLE, Willow Farm Primary School), the
Literacy Network meets termly to discuss strategies and share good practice with primary
and secondary colleagues.
Thursday 6 November 2014
The Redhill Academy
Thursday 26 March 2015
The Redhill Academy
Thursday 25 June 2015
The Redhill Academy
Maths Network
Led by Paul Crossley (SLE, The Redhill Academy), the Maths Network meets termly to share
good practice, develop teaching and learning and discuss curriculum issues.
In addition to Maths Network meetings there will be an English and Maths Conference for
Heads of Department and Senior Line Managers on 3 October 2014, further details can be
found on page 22.
Thursday 25 September 2014
Carlton le Willows Academy
Thursday 20 November 2014
Thursday 26 March 2015
Thursday 2 July 2015
MFL Network
Led by Sally Barfoot (SLE, The Redhill Academy) the MFL network meets four times a
In addition to the MFL Network meetings, the annual MFL Development day will be held
on Wednesday 15 July 2015 at Nottingham Trent University, further details can be found
on page 22.
Tuesday 14 October 2014
The Redhill Academy
Tuesday 9 December 2014
The Redhill Academy
Tuesday 3 February 2015
The Redhill Academy
Tuesday 24 March 2015
The Redhill Academy
PE Network
Led by Will Swaithes (SLE, Magnus CofE Academy) and Sophie Pyne (AST, The Carlton
The PE Network meets once per term to discuss current issues/changes in PE and to
share best practice. It is aimed at heads and second in faculty as we look at all areas of
teaching and learning as well as leadership and curriculum aspects for Key Stages 3-5.
New members are welcome to attend this network.
Wednesday 12 November 2014
The Carlton Academy
Tuesday 3 March 2015
The Carlton Academy
Thursday 11 June 2015
The Carlton Academy
Psychology Network
Led by Abigail Emsley (SLE, Carlton le Willows Academy) and Alice Priestly (Psychology
Curriculum Area Leader, The Redhill Academy).
The Psychology Network meets four times a year to discuss challenges faced in
Psychology and to share good practice for promoting effective teaching and learning.
New members are always welcome to attend the network.
Thursday 2 October 2014
The Redhill Academy
Thursday 27 November 2014
Thursday 5 March 2014
Thursday 18 June 2014
Pupil Premium Network
Led by Dave Bensley (Assistant Headteacher, Sir William Robertson Academy).
This group of senior leaders meet termly to discuss current issues and strategies for pupil
Monday 20 October 2014
The Carlton Academy
Other dates to be confirmed
SEND Cluster Network
Led by Sharon Wood (SLE, SENCO Carlton Central Junior School) and Jane Buckley (Oak
Field Special School).
The SEND Network meets termly to discuss changes in SEND and share best practice.
Each alliance school represented will receive £100 per session to help with cover costs.
Tuesday 7 October 2014
Carlton Central Junior School
This meeting will focus on ideas to support dyslexia and strategies for the changes in
Tuesday 3 February 2015
Carlton Central Junior School
Tuesday 9 June 2015
Carlton Central Junior School
Sociology Network - New for 2014/15
Led by Kathy Armitage (Faculty Leader Social Science, The Redhill Academy) and Harvey
Kaur (Faculty Leader Social Science, Hall Park Academy).
The Sociology Network meets once per term to discuss current issues/changes in
Sociology and to share good practice.
Thursday 16 October 2014
The Redhill Academy
Wednesday 25 February 2015
Hall Park Academy
Tuesday 23 June 2015
The Redhill Academy
Teaching and Learning Network
Led by Neil Matthews (Deputy Head, The Redhill Academy).
This group of senior leaders meet half-termly to discuss all aspects of teaching and
Thursday 25 September 2014
The Redhill Academy
Wednesday 12 November 2014
The Carlton Academy
Other dates to be confirmed
Teaching Assistant Network
Led by Sally Ball (The Redhill Academy) and Denise Cumberpatch (Richard Bonington
Primary School).
The TA Network meet termly to share best practice, continue TAs’ professional
development and discuss new policies.
Wednesday 22 October 2014
The Redhill Academy
Wednesday 21 January 2015
The Redhill Academy
Wednesday 1 July 2015
The Redhill Academy
If you are interested in joining a network please contact Katie Crowley-Andrews
on or 0115 926 1481 ext. 150 please check
all bookings with your CPD co-ordinator.
Information about our networks, including dates, venues and times, can also be
found on the RTSA website:
Improving Mathematical Problem Solving
The changes in the new maths curriculum place a bigger emphasis on problem solving and mathematical
communication. The exam boards are stating this as a key change, specifically that there will be:
 Additional requirements to provide clear mathematical arguments.
 A greater focus on problem solving.
We are pleased to offer a subject specific course that is open to maths teachers across the alliance. This
course aims to develop delegates’ in enabling students to form a set of problem solving skills that will lead
them to success in their GCSE exams and in their chosen post-16 route. This course uses research lesson study
to achieve this. Lesson study is a CPD model that uses joint planning, student focused observations and
post-lesson discussion to try out and refine new teaching
Delegates would be required to attend two compulsory
sessions as well as a minimum of three research lessons
to complete the course. It is hoped that delegates will
also take this opportunity to visit other schools, where
possible, for the research lessons.
The course is outlined as follows with exact dates for the
research lessons to be confirmed.
Exact Date
Session Details
The Redhill Academy
Meeting 1 - What is problem solving? What is research lesson
study? What are the details and expectations of the course?
4:15 – 5:15
The Redhill Academy
Research lesson
Hall Park Academy
Research lesson
Carlton le Willows
Research lesson
The Redhill Academy
Research lesson
The Redhill Academy
Meeting 2 - What have you learnt so far? How do we help
students make progress in their problem solving skills? How can
we assess student progress in problem solving?
4:15 – 5:15
Hall Park Academy
Research lesson
Carlton le Willows
Research lesson
The Redhill Academy
Research lesson
Hall Park Academy
Research lesson
If you would like to book a place for yourself or a colleague please contact Katie
Crowley-Andrews, Teaching School Manager, on 0115 9261481 ext. 150 or email for further details.
NQT/ITT/Cover Supervisor CPD Programme
At the Redhill Academy we are fully committed to providing high quality,
personalised CPD for all members of staff in order to raise student achievement.
Provision is in place for members of the Alliance at all stages of their professional
development - from ITT, to early years and middle leadership, through to aspirant
senior leaders.
All secondary NQTs, Cover Supervisors, PGCE and School Direct trainees within the
Alliance are welcome to attend The Redhill Academy NQT/ITT CPD programme. The
majority of sessions are appropriate for colleagues across the Alliance, however some
sessions will refer to Redhill procedures (e.g. effective vertical tutoring), and the *child
protection session on Thursday 9 October will just be for Redhill staff.
Session title
Jo Giles
Room 04
Zoe Broadfoot
Vertical tutoring has completely transformed the way that The Redhill Academy operates. This session gives guidance on how to make the most of
the opportunities this system creates.
Wednesday 17 September 2014
Learning objectives and learning outcomes
Neil Matthews
Room 17
Thursday 11 September 2014
Effective vertical tutoring
A simple approach to the foundation stones of all lessons. This session shows how to focus on intended learning rather than task driven lessons.
Wednesday 24 September 2014
Effective use of data
Neil Langford
Training Suite
It is easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of data available to guide teachers. This session shows how to use data skilfully to ensure
appropriate teaching and learning strategies are used.
Active engagement and challenge
Sally Barfoot
Thursday 2 October 2014
Training Suite
Carla Piliero
Low levels of challenge lead to apathy whilst unrealistically high expectations can lead to resignation and low self-esteem. This session looks at
achieving the right balance to bring about effective engagement.
Thursday 9 October 2014
Child protection*
Jenny Baptist
Training Suite
Essential information delivered in an accessible, practical and thought provoking way. An essential session for those working at The Redhill Academy.
Kev Davis
Room 01
Andy Trowbridge
Most inappropriate behaviour is of a low-level nature but it can have a serious impact on the learning of students. The session takes a common sense
approach to establishing a purposeful and exciting learning environment.
Pat Macdougall
Wednesday 22 October 2014
Meeting additional needs
Training Suite
Sally Ball
Kathryn Croash
A session that will raise awareness of a range of additional learning needs and provide appropriate strategies to ensure all students make progress.
Thursday 16 October 2014
Behaviour management
Half Term
Thursday 6 November 2014
Effective questioning
Lynsey Wilkinson
Training Suite
The most common form of communication between teacher and students is through the form of questioning. This session explores how to make the
most of this skill to enhance learning.
Wednesday 12 November 2014
Approaches to improving literacy
Dave Gilwhite
Training Suite
An introduction to improving the quality of student literacy. All teachers, regardless of subject, are dependent on high levels of student literacy to
maximise progress. This session explores strategies to support the development of speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Jonathan Wright
Thursday 20 November 2014
Differentiation/aspirant learners
Training Suite
Stephanie Lovett
Much of our energy as teachers can be focused on supporting less able students whilst the most able student are left to work ‘independently’. This
session looks at ways of challenging and stretching the most able students.
Thursday 27 November 2014
Assessment for learning
Lynn Burges
Training Suite
Assessment for learning encapsulates all the key ingredients of high quality teaching and learning. It involves using evidence of learning to adapt
lessons in real time to meet students’ learning needs. This session will break this down into accessible and tangible strategies.
Working with a Teaching Assistant
Liz Coxon
Wednesday 3 December 2014
Training Suite
Sally Ball
TA support is a common feature of both primary and secondary schools. The work of a TA can make a huge difference to the progress of a range of
students. The session shows how teachers can make the most of the expertise and capacity for support that TAs have to offer.
Week beginning 8 December 2014
General review meeting with mentor
To be confirmed by
Week beginning 15 December 2014 End of term reports to be completed
Meetings arranged
as necessary
Practical details
Sessions are held at The Redhill Academy and will begin at 4:00pm, lasting approximately one hour. Contact Katie Crowley-Andrews,
Teaching School Manager on 0115 9261481 ext. 150 or email for further details or to book a place.
Becoming an Outstanding Teacher CPD Programme 2014 - 2015
The Becoming an Outstanding Teacher CPD Programme consists of 16 sessions which deconstruct the components that combine to
produce high quality teaching. Practically based sessions will raise awareness of the needs of different learners and show how to
develop an engaging learning environment based upon high expectations and challenge. The key elements of a teacher’s craft will
be explained with constant reference to all learners making progress. The programme will develop teachers who consistently
deliver high quality lessons.
Session title
Thursday 25 September 2014
Stretch and challenge
Neil Matthews
Lynsey Wilkinson
The Redhill Academy
A common grievance of teachers focuses on the willingness of students to passively receive information, coupled with their reluctance to engage more actively and
independently. This session explores ways in which this situation can be challenged and reversed. Practical strategies will be presented to ensure that all students
are appropriately challenged and techniques will be outlined that ensure students take on more responsibility for the direction of their learning, leading ultimately
to potential being realised and often exceeded.
Tuesday 7 October 2014
‘Talking loud and clear’*
Judith Grainger
The Dukeries Academy
The way we use talk with students can have a direct impact on the quality of learning and progress. With recent thinking moving teachers away from long periods of
whole class teacher talk, this session will focus on strategies for both teacher/student talk and student/student talk and will give practical ideas for maximum impact
in your classroom.
Thursday 16 October 2014
Demonstrating progress
Chris West
The Redhill Academy
The key factor in determining the next stages in a student’s learning must be a clear knowledge of how much progress they have made. Yet how can you gauge the
progress of a whole class in an often limited amount of time? This workshop looks at a number of tried and tested strategies that will provide diagnostic information of what students have learned.
Wednesday 12 November 2014
Dean Jackson
Colonel Frank Seely School
Questioning is a critical skill for teachers as it is the most common form of interaction with students and allows the teacher to check on the security of learning. This
session shows how questioning can be used effectively to challenge and engage all students and shape the next steps in their learning.
Tuesday 18 November 2014
Raising the achievement of boys*
Chris Hutchinson
All Saints’ Catholic Academy
The progress of all groups is vital to reach the outstanding judgment and the achievement of boys is an area which has become more and more important. This
session will provide you with teaching strategies to engage and challenge boys and also ways to develop positive communication with boys in the classroom.
Thursday 11 December 2014
Marking, assessment and feedback
Sarah Davies
Sir William Robertson Academy
What does it mean to be outstanding in terms of marking, assessment and feedback? This session shows how the use of specific criteria will help you to evaluate the
quality of your marking and ensure that students make progress over time.
Wednesday 21 January 2015
Observing lessons
Phil Smith
John Port School
Understanding and embracing the elements that contribute to an outstanding lesson is crucial to becoming an outstanding teacher. In addition, giving quality
guidance to other colleagues about these elements is a vital skill for an outstanding teacher. This session explores what these elements are and will draw upon
practical strategies to enhance colleagues’ skills during observations and also in giving quality feedback and advice. The session will also embrace the current Ofsted
rationale and the implications this has for observers.
Tuesday 27 January 2015
Using ICT to enhance teaching and learning*
Matt Shenton
Hall Park Academy
When used effectively in the classroom, ICT can increase levels of engagement, it can be a great assessment tool and it can allow lessons to be delivered in new and
imaginative ways. All of this contributes towards creating outstanding lessons. This session will explore alternatives to PowerPoint, look at some of the best free
software and educational apps that are available and share strategies to make lessons more interactive.
Thursday 12 February 2015
Working effectively with a TA
Pat Macdougall
The Redhill Academy
This session will help teachers to make the most of the expertise and capacity for support that Teaching Assistants have to offer.
Wednesday 4 March 2015
Developing group work to accelerate progress
Eileen Dunn
The Manor Academy
At the heart of quality teaching and learning is the need for students to take control of their own learning agenda and become proactive learners in the classroom.
One essential aspect of this is to ensure that students have the tools to work collaboratively to solve problems, develop plans and organise and quality assure their
own learning and progress. In this session, we will give you just one way of using a shared language of group work and consistent whole academy roles and
responsibilities, to ensure students are successful when asked to work collaboratively.
Thursday 19 March 2015
‘Memories are made of this’ – effective revision strategies*
Sharon Holman
The Carlton Academy
Sally Barfoot
Lynn Burgess
The Redhill Academy
Preparing for the best possible outcomes for students as we move into the world of terminal assessments.
Wednesday 6 May 2015
Effective group work
The power of learning collectively is well documented. This session explores how to develop the skills students need to work effectively in groups.
Wednesday 13 May 2015
Barry Gascoigne
Mark Pannett
‘Stop, collaborate and listen’*
The Dukeries Academy
Collaborative learning is an essential motivational tool, driving achievement at all levels. This session will look at a range of strategies designed to increase
engagement and encourage positive interdependence between students. The techniques discussed are designed to allow teachers to encourage increased
independent learning and develop essential communication skills, most notably ‘listening for learning’ within the classroom.
Wednesday 17 June 2015
Pat Macdougall
The Redhill Academy
An overview of the main difficulties faced by students with dyslexia and strategies that can be used to support them to make progress.
Thursday 2 July 2015
Why set it - teachers? Why do it - pupils? The power of homework*
Hayley Dyer-Ince
The Carlton Academy
Kerrie Moorhouse
The Redhill Academy
Ideas, tips and tricks – moving forward on the homework agenda.
Wednesday 8 July 2015
Working with G&T learners
Teacher planning and delivery time is often spent on supporting less able students, but is this sometimes at the expense of the most able? Is their reward for
successfully completing expected tasks simply to be given more of the same? This session looks at ways of challenging and stretching the most able students.
Practical details
Sessions will begin at 4:15pm and will last between an hour and an hour and a half. Contact Katie Crowley-Andrews, Teaching School Manager on
0115 9261481 ext. 150 or email for further details or to book a place.
*New sessions for 2014-15.
Middle Leadership CPD Programme 2014 – 2015
The Redhill Teaching School Alliance Middle Leadership training workshops are built upon
the principle that the core purpose of a school is to raise student achievement. This goal
requires excellent leadership at all levels from individual teachers through to the senior
team. Our programme is focused on the essential task of developing high quality middle
leaders. The ten workshops investigate key responsibilities of middle leaders and are
grounded in the reality of life in school.
“I will outline how our department currently stands and discuss possible
intervention strategies for certain areas. Thank you, very useful.”
Session title
Thursday 11 September 2014
Strategic Planning
Sarah Byrne & Kathy Armitage
The Redhill Academy
All successful leaders need to have a vision. Do you know what direction you want to take your faculty? Do you have the ability to motivate and enthuse your team to
share your vision? Can you put your ideas into action? The session focuses on developing strategic plans for the short, medium and long term, providing you with the
advice and practical tools in order to develop your own faculty SEF.
Tuesday 14 October 2014
Leading a Pastoral Team
Paul Sherlock & Jo Giles
Hall Park Academy
There are few jobs in schools that are so varied, challenging and rewarding as leading a year group or house. This workshop will help build your confidence and
abilities to lead and deal with issues like managing a tutor team and dealing with difficult parents.
Thursday 23 October 2014
Tracking and Intervention
Craig Hill & Amy Gascoigne
The Redhill Academy
It is a hard fact of life that success as a middle leader often boils down to one thing… results, results, results… This session looks at how you effectively track the
progress of students in your faculty and offers advice on how and when to intervene to maximise success. The impact of effective tracking and intervention on both
departmental and whole school level will also be considered.
Wednesday 14 January 2015
Leading on Quality Assurance
Dave Gilwhite
The Redhill Academy
To be an effective middle leader it is crucial that you have a thorough understanding of the strengths of your department and the priorities for future development.
Ask yourself the following questions:
• Do you know what the standard of Teaching and Learning is across your faculty?
• Do students enjoy learning in your subject and do they behave well?
• How much progress do students make?
• How effective is your leadership and management and also that of other post holders within your faculty?
This session will help you to understand how, through QA processes, you can answer these questions with confidence.
Thursday 26 February 2015
Handling Data
Liz Sharp
The Carlton Academy
Successful middle leaders need to have a secure understanding of how to handle data in order to drive forward student achievement and progress. This session will
raise your awareness of which types of data to refer to; what patterns and trends to focus on; and how to use data effectively to inform planning and intervention.
Thursday 26 March 2015
Leading on Teaching and Learning
Marie Imrie
The Redhill Academy
This is, in some ways the most crucial part of a middle leader's role, yet the area that can often be squeezed as administrative tasks swallow time. The session puts the
direction of teaching and learning at the heart of middle leadership. Part of the session looks at moving good teaching to outstanding and the second gives practical
suggestions on how to demonstrate explicitly that the students are making appropriate progress in a lesson. Some advice will also be given on how to ensure that
faculty and department meetings maintain a teaching and learning focus.
Wednesday 22 April 2015
Leading Assertive Mentoring
Paul Sherlock & Jo Giles
The Redhill Academy
How can assertive mentoring make a difference in raising achievement? This session will focus on the main features of good quality assertive mentoring, as well as
explore the possibilities of peer mentoring and how this too can be used to raise achievement.
Wednesday 6 May 2015
Somebody’s got to do it!
Paul Crossley & Sarah Johnson
The Redhill Academy
Managing and leading a team of people is highly rewarding but also comes with associated challenges. Amongst these are the key roles of supporting team members
with class management issues and implementing strategies for dealing with disengaged students and liaising with their parents. The session explores how to manage
these challenges successfully.
Wednesday 3 June 2015
Managing Personnel in a Faculty/Department
Dave Mangan & Lynsey Wilkinson
The Redhill Academy
There are many challenges associated with managing and developing staff. This session will look at effective ways of communicating with staff and creating individual
CPD plans. We will consider different management styles and their effect on both strategic, and day to day decision making. We will explore how to develop a strong
team ethos by balancing the challenge and support that you provide as a middle leader.
Thursday 9 July 2015
Developing a Positive Ethos
Paul Sherlock & Jo Giles
Hall Park Academy
Creating the right kind of ethos within a house or year group can be quite challenging for a middle leader. This workshop will highlight some successful ways for you to
promote student attendance, standards of behaviour, aspirations and rewards systems which all contribute towards creating a positive ethos.
Practical details
Sessions will begin at 4:15pm and end at 5:45pm, with refreshments available from 4:00pm. Unless stated otherwise, sessions will be held at The
Redhill Academy, Redhill Road, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 8GX. Contact Katie Crowley-Andrews, Teaching School Manager, on 0115 9261481 ext.
150 or email for further details.
Preparing for Senior Leadership CPD Programme
Cohort 4 2015
The Preparing for Senior Leadership CPD Programme will support the
development of aspirant senior leadership by:
providing an insight into the diverse range of opportunities at senior
leadership level
examining theoretical models of leadership
developing leadership skills through the examination of case studies
supporting the pursuit of a practical school based leadership project, with
the support of a school based mentor
enhancing understanding of current and future local and national agendas.
increasing confidence in leadership skills in a whole school context
“There was a really positive atmosphere – it was a course that
got you thinking, but provided us with a different perspective
and challenged us to think differently.”
“Real life examples and real Heads to
share their own expertise”
“I have discussed ideas with my mentor and I
am looking at how I can begin to improve my
own practice and apply the key ideas to the
leadership challenge.”
“It was very refreshing to listen to professionals that are not seduced
by the consistent changing of the goal posts and focussing on the
learning of their students.”
Session title
Thursday 29 January 2015
Session 1 - Leading Teaching and Learning
Andrew Burns
Neil Matthews
Principal, The Redhill Academy Trust
Deputy Headteacher, The Redhill Academy
Andrew Burns
Neil Matthews
Mike Hardy
Paul Sherlock
Principal, The Redhill Academy Trust
Deputy Headteacher, The Redhill Academy
Deputy Headteacher, The Redhill Academy
Deputy Headteacher, Hall Park Academy
Andrew Burns
Neil Matthews
Steve Bowhay
Principal, The Redhill Academy Trust
Deputy Headteacher, The Redhill Academy
Head of School, The Redhill Academy
Andrew Burns
Neil Matthews
Carin Messent
Julie Pounder
Principal, The Redhill Academy Trust
Deputy Headteacher, The Redhill Academy
Deputy Principal, The Carlton Academy
Assistant Headteacher, The Redhill Academy
Andrew Burns
Neil Matthews
Stephanie Dyce
Steve Bowhay
Principal, The Redhill Academy Trust
Deputy Headteacher, The Redhill Academy
Headteacher, Hall Park Academy
Head of School, The Redhill Academy
Andrew Burns
Neil Matthews
Principal, The Redhill Academy Trust
Deputy Headteacher, The Redhill Academy
Andrew Burns
Neil Matthews
Principal, The Redhill Academy Trust
Deputy Headteacher, The Redhill Academy
The session explores how to make sense of this core activity of school life. With a constantly
changing landscape and both external and internal pressures, colleagues will be shown how to
prioritise teaching and learning issues in a way that will have maximum impact for the student
Thursday 26 March 2015
Session 2 - Leading student support services
In many ways this is the most unpredictable area of the senior leadership world. The session
identifies key principles and explores how they inform decision making and action in areas such
as attendance, behaviour and exam success.
Thursday 21 May 2015
Session 3 - Leading curriculum change
One certainty is that the curriculum will always be evolving to reflect a range of demands and
needs. The session presents a model for leading any significant change and then applies this
specifically to curriculum development.
Thursday 16 July 2015
Session 4 - Leading quality assurance and intervention packages
The session examines systems and processes for identifying the strengths and areas for
development across a school. A QA model for whole school use is examined and the way this
impacts on school improvement is explored.
Thursday 8 October 2015
Session 5 - Managing critical incidents
Current heads of schools share their experiences of handling some of the more challenging
aspects of their role. As well as the chance to discuss real issues, colleagues will be offered
guiding principles which help to shape decisions.
Thursday 26 November 2015 Session 6 - Handling difficult conversations and conflict
The session will give practical advice on how to deal consistently and successfully with difficult
conversations and conflicts within school. In addition, colleagues will be shown strategies for
dealing with the media.
Thursday 14 January 2016
Session 7 - School based challenge projects and reflection on
readiness for senior leadership
The final session involves a series of mini leadership challenge presentations led by the course
participants. Also, advice will be given on application letters and how to cope with the interview
Practical details
Sessions will begin at 4:15pm and run for approximately two hours, with refreshments available from 4:00pm. Sessions will be held in the Redhill
Trust Training Centre at The Redhill Academy, Redhill Road, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 8GX. Contact Katie Crowley-Andrews, Teaching School
The RedhillTSA spring TeachMeet will be held at The Carlton Academy on
10 March 2015.
Visit to register
your place to either present or attend.
Science Learning Partnership
The Redhill Teaching School Alliance and Tuxford Academy jointly run the Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire
Science Learning Partnership. Our aim is to provide a network for science teachers and technicians, allowing
them to enhance their skills as professionals. The partnership focuses on contemporary scientific ideas,
experimenting with effective teaching approaches and learning more about modern scientific techniques.
The Science Learning Partnership aims to inspire pupils with exciting, engaging and relevant science lessons; this
will enable them to gain the knowledge and understanding they need to succeed.
If you would like to book a place on any of the Science Learning Partnership courses, for yourself or colleagues,
please register and book your place on the website:
The charge for each course is £210 although 50% of fees paid for any of these courses will be refunded upon
completion of an impact evaluation.
Course title
Course code
Working Scientifically in the new Primary Curriculum
Active Approaches in A level Physics
Implementing the latest Primary Science Curriculum
Developing Science Subject Leaders (primary)
Delivering the latest science Curriculum - KS3
Assessment in the new Primary curriculum - a world without levels
Teaching Science in EYFS and KS1
Tracking and improving progress
Assessment for Learning - 2 day course
Preparing students for linear exams
Tracking and improving progress
Delivering the latest science Curriculum - KS3
20/01/2015 and
Improving Teacher Programme
The Improving Teacher Programme is an intensive programme that empowers teachers to consistently deliver high
quality lessons. Most importantly, this programme is based in two of our alliance schools, delivered by outstanding
providers including ASTs and SLEs. We offer professional development of teachers, by teachers, conducted in a
school with experts in teaching and learning.
On the Improving Teacher Programme over the course of six weeks, the participants, who have been identified to
be capable of improvement, spend time in these schools observing best practice, having dialogues about good
teaching and using their learning to address their own strengths and weaknesses. With the support of a coach and
a facilitator, participants will work in groups of three to allow for intensive discussion and shared learning and,
during inter-sessional activity, will apply new thinking to real-life examples of their current teaching environment
to fully explore how best to build and improve.
The end result is a motivated teacher with the tools and expertise to succeed, leading not only to enhanced
classroom and pupil performance but also higher standards across the school.
Improving Teacher Programme
Who is it for?
This programme is for schools and teachers who want to
advance, develop and improve their teaching practice and
deliver consistently good lessons.
Previous participants on our programmes have said:
What will it achieve?
Having completed the course participants will:
Understand the key concepts underpinning good
practice in the classroom
Be aware of the impacts of these concepts on good
teaching and learning
Know how to deliver these concepts through
consistent practice
Provide pupils with the best possible learning
Improve standards in their school
Increase their job satisfaction
Work more effectively as an active member of the
school team
“The ITP has reignited my passion for teaching.”
“I have already been able to see an improvement
in my lesson planning.”
Course one
Every Wednesday from 5 November to
10 December 2014 at The Redhill Academy.
Course two
Every Wednesday from 7 January 2015 to
11 February 2015 at Carlton le Willows Academy.
Cost of programme: £575.
What does it involve?
Each programme comprises of six sessions over six weeks.
Participants are grouped into threes to enable an intensive
learning and support experience that focuses on individual
needs. Sessions include observation, practical activities,
feedback and mentoring from a senior colleague.
The Redhill Teaching School Alliance will provide a subsidy
of £100 towards the cost for all participants from alliance
For more details or to book a place, please
contact Katie Crowley on 0115 926 1481
ext. 150 or email
Places are limited to 12 per programme.
Programme content includes discussion and tasks linked to:
- Professional skills audit
- Plenary sessions
- Challenging learning
- Differentiation
- Planning lessons
- Assessment
- Questioning techniques
- Engaging in Learning
- Starter activities
Outstanding Teacher Programme
The Outstanding Teacher Programme is an intensive programme that empowers teachers to consistently deliver high quality
lessons. Most importantly, this programme is based in two of our alliance schools, delivered by outstanding practitioners,
including ASTs and SLEs.
On the Outstanding Teacher Programme, over the course of nine
weeks, the participants, who are or have the potential to be
outstanding, spend time in these schools observing best practice,
having dialogues about outstanding teaching and raising levels of
engagement and achievement.
“It has been one of the best
courses I have been on.”
“I have seen really good practice
which has inspired me.”
With the support of a coach and a facilitator, participants will develop a higher
level of understanding, resulting in a practitioner who would not only be
outstanding but also be able to pass on these skills to others and raise
performance back at school.
Outstanding Teacher Programme
Who is it for?
This programme is for teachers who are, or who have the
potential to be, outstanding to develop their practice and help
them carry out a whole school responsibility for teaching and
Course one
What will it achieve?
Having completed the course participants will…
 place a greater emphasis on the purpose and value of their
 raise levels of engagement and achievement in learning
 use different teaching styles to challenge learners
 innovate and take risks
 plan more reflectively
 demonstrate a higher level understanding of teaching
 be able to coach colleagues to raise performance
Every Wednesday from 24 September 2014 to
26 November 2014 at Carlton le Willows Academy.
Course two
Every Wednesday from 25th February to 6th May 2015 at
The Redhill Academy.
Cost of programme: £600.
The Redhill Teaching School Alliance will provide a subsidy
of £100 towards the cost for all participants from alliance
What does it involve?
Each programme comprises nine sessions over nine weeks.
Participants focus on a range of aspects of teaching and learning
such as challenge, engagement, assessment, differentiation,
questioning and planning. There are linked practical tasks back in
your own school including applying what you learn and
observation in host schools.
For more details or to book a place, please contact
Katie Crowley-Andrews on 0115 926 1481 ext. 150 or
Places are limited to 15 per programme.
Programme content includes:
> What does an outstanding teacher look like?
> Taboo, definitions, audit, strengths & weaknesses
> Coaching
> What is effective questioning?
> New learning on differentiation
> Understanding assessment
> In-school practice
> Developing a success criteria
> Action planning and evaluation
Osiris Educational
courses 2014-15
Course date
Course title
Friday 7 November 2014
Perfect Lessons Every Time
Monday 17 November 2014
New to Head of Department
Thursday 20 November 2014
Data for Ofsted
Friday 21 November 2014
Perfect Marking in Science
Monday 24 November 2014
GCSE 2015 Mathematics
Tuesday 25 November 2014
The Perfect EAL Coordinator
Monday 1 December 2014
A* at GCSE English
Tuesday 2 December 2014
Implementing the New MFL Curriculum
Monday 19 January 2015
Top Marks at A-Level MFL
Friday 23 January 2015
How to Challenge and Extend Able Learners
Monday 26 January 2015
The Perfect School Secretary
Dates for March 2015 onwards to be confirmed
All course events listed above are being held at The Redhill Academy and tend
to run from 9:00am—3:40pm, prices vary. For more information on how to
book a place for yourself or a colleague please email Katie Crowley-Andrews at
The alliance receives two free places on all Osiris courses held at
Redhill, we aim to allocate these fairly amongst RTSA members.
You can also contact Osiris directly by calling
0808 1605160 or by visiting the Osiris
English and Maths Conference
The English and Maths Conference is for heads of department and senior line managers
to discuss updates in English and maths and to share best practice.
Friday 3 October 2014
English and Maths Conference
The Redhill Academy
Other dates to be confirmed
RTSA Headteachers’ Conference
The termly conferences are an opportunity for heads to discuss current alliance issues,
receive key alliance updates and help shape the future of the alliance.
Wednesday 8 October 2014
RTSA Headteachers’ Conference
National College
Wednesday 11 February 2015
RTSA Headteachers’ Conference
Other dates to be confirmed
MFL Development Day
An event designed to bring MFL colleagues together alongside lead practitioners to
collaborate on strategies which impact on the quality of teaching and learning in
languages. There will be a substantial amount of time during the day to work as a
team alongside the workshop presenters to plan, develop and share resources which
can be taken back to school ready for use in the next academic year.
Wednesday 15 July 2015
MFL Development Day
Nottingham Trent University
Research across the alliance
The alliance’s involvement in research will see some big developments over the next
year, aiming to:
promote research into what works best in teaching and learning
provide professional development opportunities that allow staff to engage in their
own research
Some of our schools will be taking part in the national Closing The Gap research project
run by the National College and other education organisations. Its aim is to investigate
the effectiveness of a range of different interventions and is the largest such project
carried out in the UK. A number of schools in the Redhill Teaching School Alliance will
be using a strategy called Research Lesson Study which is a CPD model that uses joint
planning, student focused observations and post-lesson discussion to try out and refine
new teaching approaches.
Alongside this, a number of smaller scale research projects will be carried out by
teachers and other professionals across the alliance next year. Building on the successes
of similar projects in the early years sector this year, teachers will be conducting their
own research in a number of different areas across all age ranges, finding out what
works best in their classrooms. Those carrying out these projects will receive training
and support in research methods from the alliance and their findings will be published
on the Redhill Teaching School Alliance website and shared widely with our schools and
If you are interested in getting involved with conducting your own small-scale research
then please contact Chris West, Assistant Headteacher at The Redhill Academy
( Further details and a range of information and
resources relating to education research are available on the Research page of the
Redhill Teaching School Alliance website (
‘Overall, the research has contributed significantly to raising the profile of environments
for young children and my next step is to write an article for Early Education - a journal
that is highly regarded amongst Early Years professionals.’
Juliet Clark (Robert Mellors) – researching changes in the physical environment of Early Years classrooms.
Directory of Expertise
Our Lead Practitioners 2014
Susan Sharp
Director of Teaching School
Lead Practitioners in the Redhill Teaching School Alliance
The Redhill Teaching School Alliance is fully committed to raising the achievement of the
young people in our schools and beyond. We are proud to have a range of expert staff
who are focused on achieving this goal and are keen to share this expertise with others.
This directory will introduce you to our team of lead practitioners, including ASTs and
Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs). These are outstanding middle and senior leaders
with the skills to support individuals and teams in other schools. Our team has a clear
understanding of what constitutes outstanding leadership practice in their area of
expertise. In addition, each lead practitioner is equipped with the skills required to help
other leaders to achieve this outstanding practice within their own context.
Our current team comes from both primary and secondary backgrounds and their
expertise covers a range of subject areas; English, maths, science, psychology, history,
geography, drama, RE, PE, MFL, SEND, phonics and ICT, as well as middle and senior
leadership support, Post-16 support, Initial Teacher Training, school business
management, attendance and the professional development of staff.
We are very flexible in our approach to SLE and other lead practitioner work and are
happy to discuss requirements and needs with schools. For example, an SLE or lead
practitioner may go into a school with the brief of developing the leadership capacity of
others, using coaching and facilitation support that draws on their own knowledge and
expertise. Alternatively, you may wish to use an individual or team to deliver a CPD
session that draws on their specialism. The current charging structure for a lead
practitioner’s time is £350 per day (£175 per half day). Alliance member schools can
access support at a reduced rate of £250 per day (£125 per half day). A new initiative this
year is to offer all members a free day of SLE support.
Please read the profiles of our team presented in this booklet. Should you wish to discuss
any of our lead practitioners and how they could help your school, please contact me,
Susan Sharp, Director of Teaching School
Lead Practitioners
Llyr ApGeraint-Roberts
SLE Specialism: Leadership of Curriculum
The Manor Academy
Llyr has worked in three large comprehensive schools in the Doncaster, Rotherham and
Mansfield areas during his career and brings a wealth of experience to the SLE team. He has
been Curriculum Leader for PE at The Manor Academy for the last nine years, however he has
changed focus this academic year and is now an Exceptional Practitioner. During his time as a
middle leader, Llyr has delivered the MLDP for the YST/National College. He has been seconded
as a High Quality PE consultant for the YST providing support to PE middle leaders within the
area and nationally. He has also chaired and presented at various PE conferences. Llyr has also
been a Team Leader for the OCR examination board and an examiner for the WJEC board. His
main focus is middle leadership and has guided many middle leaders within his own institution
and further afield.
Sally Barfoot
SLE Specialism: MFL
The Redhill Academy
Sally has been teaching French and German for over 20 years, has previously led two MFL
departments in Nottinghamshire and has been working at Redhill for 12 years. As an AST and a
trained coach Sally has successfully supported a large number of faculty leaders, predominantly
through the Strategic Learning Networks for MFL which she has co-delivered for the past five
years. She is currently involved in the Raising the Grade programme at Nottingham Trent
University. Sally frequently delivers CPD on Teaching and Learning strategies within her own
and other schools and is also an accredited facilitator for ITP and OTP courses.
Pascal Broadley
AST Specialisms: Maths, Teaching & Learning and Coaching
Carlton le Willows Academy
Pascal has worked as an AST for several years, mainly focussing on Maths areas. Now a leader
of T&L within the school through TLCs and coaching, he is also a trained facilitator for ITP and
OTP courses, including the coaching aspect of OTP. Pascal has visited several schools as part of
outreach work, supporting departments, pupils and individual staff. He is experienced in
teaching Maths to all ages including all A level modules, Further Maths, GCSE statistics and
early entry, another area of expertise is the intervention needed for GCSE grade C in Maths.
Simon Brooks
SLE Specialism: Maths and ICT
Westdale Infant School
Simon Brooks has just completed his third year teaching a Year 2 class at Westdale Infant
School, Mapperley. He is the numeracy co-ordinator and has been recognised as teaching
consistently outstanding numeracy lessons which have impacted greatly on the progress of all
learners in his class. His approach to numeracy is fresh, interactive and engaging with a real
focus on problem solving. Simon has provided internal support and training to staff in school in
a variety of numeracy initiatives. He has also had experience mentoring School Direct and PGCE
students. Simon has worked closely alongside the senior leadership team to improve both
teaching and learning and behaviour and attendance within school. Simon can offer support in
all areas of numeracy. His ideas can be applied across the key stages and are relevant and up to
date in accordance with the new curriculum.
Belinda Brown
SLE Specialism: Science
Richard Bonington Primary School
Belinda Brown is an experienced science teacher. She has delivered training to colleagues on an
enquiry based approach to science learning and the new curriculum for science. She has
monitored the impact of science teaching across the school and has supported colleagues with
improving the progress of children in science.
Lynn Burges
AST Specialism: History and NQT Development
The Redhill Academy
Lynn is a highly experienced history AST. She has delivered numerous literacy, ITT and T&L CPD
events, as well as running a History Subject Leaders Network. Lynn is an experienced coach,
having worked with many history departments across the Nottinghamshire area to support
their improvements, and is an experienced NQT mentor, being school co-ordinator at The
Redhill Academy.
Juliet Clark
SLE Specialism: Early Years
Robert Mellors Primary School
Juliet had worked in a London school for nine years before moving to a Nottinghamshire
Primary. Her expertise in Early Years is supported by a MA in Early Childhood Studies. Her areas
of expertise include Assessment in EYFS and how to accelerate progress. Juliet is also
experienced in innovative practice in EYFS curriculum in child led learning and outdoor learning
including Forest School learning. Juliet leads Speech and Language in her school and has
supported other settings with Every Child A Talker. She is involved in research in the area of
communication supporting environments. Juliet can also support with developing links with
Sure Start and other agencies to improve outcomes for children.
Chris Coates
SLE Specialism: ICT & Computing
All Saints' Catholic Academy
Chris is a curriculum leader of ICT & Computing and as part of the national pilot for GCSE
computing in his previous school has led departments through changes in the curriculum.
Having worked with junior and secondary schools through inset and coaching sessions, he
provides subject specialism and administrative skills to impact teaching and learning in ICT.
Chris is forward thinking and passionate about equipping staff to teach outstanding lessons and
engaging students in their use of technology.
Justine Connolly
SLE Specialism: Maths
Carlton le Willows Academy
Justine is a member of the senior leadership team at Carlton le Willows Academy. Prior to this,
she led a large and successful mathematics department for seven years, securing sustained
improvements in achievement during her time as Head of Department.
Justine sets and expects the highest standards from her colleagues, which are achieved
through excellent relationships, encouraging and supporting where necessary. Justine has
experience of working with several maths departments in the county to support their
improvement and is an experienced PGCE and NQT mentor, being school co-ordinator at
Carlton le Willows Academy.
Sarah Copeland
SLE Specialisms: Literacy across the curriculum, Leadership of CPD and Leadership of
Sarah is an experienced Assistant Head teacher and AST who has recently retired from her post
at Carlton le Willows Academy after five years. She also led a successful Citizenship department
which achieved an outstanding rating in a recent subject assessment. Sarah led the literacy
across the curriculum programme at Carlton le Willows for three years, providing whole school
training and support for departments and introducing a new intervention program.
In her AST role, she has previously led subject networks, organised conferences, provided
training for NQTs and support to faculties and individuals in many schools across the county.
Paul Crossley
SLE Specialisms: Maths, Leadership of CPD and Leadership of Curriculum
The Redhill Academy
Paul is faculty leader of mathematics at The Redhill Academy and has been since April 2010.
Prior to this he worked as an AST across Nottinghamshire. Through both these roles he has been
involved with successful school to school support with class teachers and middle leaders. He has
also regularly led and delivered CPD to ITT students, teachers and Middle and Senior Leaders on
a variety of subjects.
In addition to this Paul is an experienced ITT mentor and coordinator. He also has experience of
leading networking groups across the region.
Abigail Emsley
SLE Specialisms: Psychology, Science, ITT and NQT Development
Carlton le Willows Academy
Abigail is a Science Leader of Learning and Head of Subject for Psychology. As a trained coach
she has worked with a number of colleagues from a range of curriculum areas to develop their
practice, with non-judgemental support and development at the heart of what she does. As well
as mentoring Science PGCE and NQT colleagues, she also delivers and organises CPD for PGCE
and NQTs at Carlton le Willows, ensuring these colleagues develop into effective practitioners.
Abigail is also an accredited Science Lead Practitioner for the SSAT as well as an accredited
facilitator of the Improving and Outstanding Teacher Programmes. As head of subject for a
successful Psychology department she knows what effective middle management looks like and
how to develop departments to improve performance.
Laura Giles
SLE Specialism: Pupil Premium
Edgewood Primary & Nursery School
Laura is an experienced KS1 teacher who is a member of the Senior Leadership Team and the
Governing Body at Edgewood Primary School. Laura has also been an important part of the
school’s recent improvements leading the KS1 elements of the maths curriculum team’s work
during Special Measures and beyond. During her time as a pupil premium leader she has had
significant impact leading this area, working rigorously to raise standards and close the
educational gap. She has been responsible for implementing and monitoring a range of
interventions that have shown to have an outstanding impact and has also worked with teachers
and teaching assistants to develop their practise. Laura has also improved pupils’ progress, with
a range of areas in the school now being outstanding. She has had this impact by using data
effectively to pinpoint areas for development, organising and prioritising development needs and
tying this in with evidence of impact. In her current and previous roles she has worked
effectively to raise the performance of others by using different leadership styles that allow her
to influence others effectively.
Judith Grainger
AST Specialism: Maths
The Dukeries Academy
Judith is an experienced Maths teacher and faculty leader. She has been an AST at The Dukeries
Academy since 2010. She has experience of working with colleagues from across the county,
having been a consultant in KS3 maths with Nottinghamshire LA.
Anne Hall
SLE Specialisms: School Business and Financial Management
Carlton Central Junior School
Anne is a highly experienced School Business Leader who has worked in schools since 1995. She
has successfully supported several schools through the LLE programme, up-skilling
inexperienced SBMs, providing direction for school leaders and facilitating change. In addition,
in her SLE role she has provided strategic support to new staff and also guided and supported
the recruitment process to ensure the appointment of quality support staff. She has delivered
workshops for middle and senior leaders about the ‘nuts and bolts’ of school budgets and
Anne has undertaken several NCTL business management development programmes and a
CIPFA accredited financial reporting for academies course. Additionally, she is an active
member of several networks, including being on the committee of the local NASBM group who
provide support and extensive CPD opportunities to over 250 county and city schools and
academies, across all phases of education.
John Harris
AST Specialism: Drama
The Dukeries Academy
John is able to give support on all Drama specific matters, especially those relating to the
teaching of Edexcel's GCSE and GCE courses. Currently John is the literacy co-ordinator at The
Dukeries Academy and consequently has started supporting all staff with the inclusion of
literacy in lessons. Previously John has run various teaching and learning insets, amongst which
include 'Behaviour Management' and 'Questioning Techniques in the Classroom'.
Andy Holmes
SLE Specialism: Attendance
The Redhill Academy
Andy is highly experienced in dealing with a wide range of school attendance issues and has been
the Attendance Manager at The Redhill Academy for the past 3 years. Previous to this he also
performed the role of Pastoral and Attendance Support at Ashfield Secondary School. Upon
joining Redhill Andy initially worked closely with both middle and senior managers to drive
sustained improvement in overall attendance, persistent absence and punctuality. Through the
Redhill Trust, Andy has since worked closely with a number of schools both primary and
secondary in identifying areas for improvement and advising on strategic development to bring
about sustainable improvements in attendance. Andy has a wealth of experience in dealing
personally with a variety of stakeholders within the educational setting and has recently worked
with senior managers from both The Redhill Academy and Carlton Academy in preparing
attendance structures for OFSTED.
A recent Ofsted report from one of the schools supported said:
‘External reviews of the systems and procedures to improve attendance, have provided helpful
feedback on the impact of recent changes. Systems to monitor and improve students’ attendance
and reduce persistent absence have developed well since the last visit, supported by an external
‘Andy provided a thorough and professional review of our attendance and then provided a
comprehensive report highlighting excellent suggestions for improvement. His enthusiasm, helpful
demeanour and his ‘want to help’ shone through’.
Dave Taylor, Carlton le Willows Academy
Rebecca Houghton
AST Specialisms: Literacy, phonics, Key Stage 1 teaching and QFT
Hillocks Primary School
Rebecca qualified as an AST in 2007, since then she has provided support and training to
teachers across Nottinghamshire. She has provided internal support and training to staff in
school on a wide range of literacy initiatives. All feedback from external support has been
extremely positive. Rebecca is able to provide training/support in the following areas, KS1
literacy, Talk for Writing, phonics and cross-curricular literacy.
Chris Hutchinson
AST Specialism: Geography
All Saints’ Catholic Academy
Chris Hutchinson is a Geography AST within the Humanities faculty who is a key member of
our Teaching and Learning Group. He achieves outstanding results both at GCSE and A Level
and uptake at both levels is high. Chris has very successfully coached both our staff and
others to achieve good lessons on a consistent basis. He has been developing our virtual
learning environment with curriculum leaders and developing independent learning.
Lindsey Jamson
SLE Specialisms: English (literacy) and Key Stage 1
Willow Farm Primary School
Lindsey is an experienced teacher of fifteen years. She has worked across the primary age
range and has been working in Year 2 for the past three years.
She is currently a member of the senior leadership team at Willow Farm Primary School and is
responsible for co-ordinating key stage one and leading literacy. She has previously been a
member of the senior leadership team in two other schools in the county. As well as being an
experienced PGCE and BA mentor, Lindsey has worked with an early years colleague to lead
training on phonics to teachers and students.
Anthony Johnson
Specialism: Leadership
Anthony was a headteacher for 15 years, until August 2014. Previously he was a deputy, a
teacher and involved in the leadership of many schools in and around Nottingham, including a
Special School. His working life revolved around the many and various skills, tasks,
accountabilities and expectations of a busy headteacher. He oversaw four successful Ofsted
inspections. His strengths lie in working smoothly with others, including governors, staff and
parents; having a sound understanding of safeguarding, health and safety and trying out new
ideas, e.g. in using the Pupil Premium Grant innovatively. Anthony is now using his experience
to help support other school leaders. This will be in many ways and will be led by the needs
of the schools he is working for. He will not be coming into schools with an agenda but will be
listening to leaders, helping to articulate the issues and hopefully contribute to solutions.
Sally Jordan
AST Specialism: Maths
Richard Bonington Primary School
Sally is an experienced teacher, maths coordinator and member of the senior leadership team.
She completed the Mathematics Specialist Teacher (MaST) programme in 2012 at Nottingham
Trent University and has been maths coordinator at Richard Bonington since 2008. In addition
to leading staff training and INSET days to colleagues on various areas of maths teaching,
assessment and the curriculum, she has also delivered a maths session to the Redhill Teaching
School Alliance for local primary schools. Sally is also supporting a school in the county to
improve teaching and learning in maths. Sally’s particular strengths and interests lie in ‘talking
maths’, implementation of resources and the use of different representations to bolster
Dave Mangan
SLE Specialism: Science
The Redhill Academy
Dave is a very accomplished Head of Science. He currently manages a large and successful
faculty rated as outstanding by Ofsted in a subject inspection. He has led the faculty through a
series of curriculum and assessment initiatives which have maximised the achievement of
Dave has a great deal of experience in training and providing INSET. He is an accredited
facilitator for the National College’s Middle Leader development program. He has written and
led the program to four cohorts of middle leaders from the secondary and primary sector in
Nottinghamshire. He has also led INSET events for the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust
on successful middle leadership.
Lisa Rockley
SLE Specialism: English
Alderman White School
Having recently been appointed an Assistant Headteacher, Lisa is responsible for driving
teaching and learning within the school. Prior to this, she was an AST for four years, a Head of
English for seven years and a literacy co-ordinator for two years. Lisa has been heavily involved in
delivering at English Network Meetings in the county and has led the Nottinghamshire English
NQT Training Programme for the last few years. Last year, she also planned and delivered
sessions on the first English Raising the Grade conference in partnership with Nottingham Trent
University. In addition, Lisa has worked in close partnership with a number of different schools in
Nottinghamshire to raise progress and improve outcomes for pupils in English. Lisa thrives on the
opportunity to share good practice in order to achieve better outcomes for young people.
Susan Sharp
SLE specialism: Post-16 leadership
The Redhill Academy
Susan is a member of The Redhill Academy SLT, and Director of the Teaching School. She also has
a wealth of experience in leading Post-16 education. For many years she was the Head of a very
successful Sixth Form in Derbyshire. She helped develop and drive it from its inaugural year in
1998, to an extremely popular and high performing centre.
Susan has worked for the past two years leading Post 16 at both The Redhill Academy and The
Carlton Academy, working closely with the Heads of Sixth Form to develop both schools in terms
of recruitment and achievement. She has a number of ideas and strategies which she is keen to
share with other schools. Most importantly she is passionate about the importance of Post-16
provision being of the highest quality, and is an advocate for the impact this can have on
transforming young people’s lives.
Matt Shenton
SLE Specialisms: Maths, Leadership of CPD and Teaching and Learning
Hall Park Academy
Matt is an Assistant Head Teacher at Hall Park Academy in Eastwood where he holds
responsibility for Teaching and Learning across the school. Matt arrived at Hall Park Academy in
2012 to lead the maths faculty, having previously worked across Nottinghamshire as an AST. He
has experience of working strategically with senior leaders and heads of department to raise
achievement in maths. Matt has a wealth of experience leading whole school INSET in the
following areas: active learning, building learning power, differentiation, questioning, numeracy
across the curriculum, group work, ICT for teachers and thinking skills.
Brad Smith
AST Specialism: Maths
All Saints’ Catholic Academy
Brad Smith is an experienced Maths AST and a superb classroom practitioner. Maths at All
Saints’ is outstanding both in terms of teaching and learning and results and Brad has been a
key player in improving these results from 55% C+ to 80% C+ (2012) with 42% of students
achieving an A* or A. Brad has been very successfully employed in outreach work both in
primary and secondary schools. He currently leads our NQT programme and is our Gifted and
Talented Co-ordinator, where we have had a lot of success.
Will Swaithes
SLE Specialism: PE
Magnus Church of England Academy
Following five happy years at Arnold Hill School where Will was responsible for examination
subject PE teaching and sports leadership and also achieved Advanced Skills Teacher status, Will
then transferred to Magnus C of E Academy in 2008. This move came shortly after the school had
been placed in Special Measures. Working closely with the Assistant Head for Teaching and
Learning, as well as leading a team of four ASTs in raising the quality of teaching across the
school, Will also helped co-ordinate the Nottinghamshire PE Subject Leaders Network.
Will has worked with numerous PE faculties across the county and into Leicestershire and is still
looking for any opportunity to keep a focus and have an impact in PE. Will is a GCSE visiting
moderator for Edexcel and has marked examination scripts for Edexcel at GCSE and OCR at A
Level. He has developed a PLTs based learning to learn curriculum and is keen to find ways for
ICT and technology to add value to teaching and learning. Will has recently been promoted onto
SLT at Magnus with a role in Teaching and Learning to focus on Quality Assurance and CPD.
Sarah Taberner
SLE Specialism: Leadership of CPD
Westdale Infant School
Sarah is the Headteacher at Westdale Infant School and has been on the senior leadership team
there since 2010. Prior to this Sarah worked in Staffordshire as an Advanced Skills Teacher for
Key Stage One Teaching and Learning, with a particular focus on Physical Education. Along with
her senior role at Westdale, Sarah supports the Alliance in designing and delivering the Primary
CPD programme.
Sarah Tyler
SLE Specialism: Phonics
Old Basford School
Sarah is currently teaching Year 1 at Old Basford School, and has previously worked at Willow
Farm Primary School as Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) leader. She has provided phonics
training and support for colleagues and parents, and to schools and nursery settings in the local
area. Sarah has also contributed to phonics training for student teachers, in partnership with
Nottingham Trent University.
‘Sarah delivered three hours of training to Year 7 English teachers in January. She showed us
how phonics is delivered in Primary Schools and gave us strategies to deliver it to our pupils. She
also provided us with links to useful resources. We felt that the training was very helpful and
gave us confidence that we were delivering our phonics lessons correctly.’
Louise Moss, Carlton le Willows Academy
Lynsey Wilkinson
SLE Specialism: RE
The Redhill Academy
Lynsey works alongside the RE Council of England and Wales on the Young Ambassadors for RE
scheme. The aim of this is to champion the subject on a national level. This has included
supporting pupils in presenting to the APPG on RE at Westminster. Lynsey continues to work
closely with Ernehale Junior School in order to rewrite their schemes of work in RE. This project
aimed to place an emphasis on making RE relevant to every pupil’s life. Currently liaising with
Nottinghamshire SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for RE) in providing CPD for RE staff, her
work will include sessions on how to promote and raise the profile of the RE department within
schools. Lynsey has also hosted a full SACRE meeting with a focus on how the profile of RE has
been raised at The Redhill Academy.
Sharon Wood
SLE Specialisms: SEND and Primary Senior Leadership
Carlton Central Junior School
Sharon has been Deputy Head Teacher and SENCO at Carlton Central Junior School for the
past seven years. She was initially seconded to the school to support school improvement
and strengthen the leadership team.
Sharon has worked with a number of schools through the LLE programme, supporting and
developing teachers, teaching assistants, senior and middle managers. Since September 2012,
she has been an ‘Achievement for All’ coach, supporting school development of SEND practise
and inclusive ethos.
Principal of The Redhill Academy: Andrew Burns
Director of Teaching School: Susan Sharp
Teaching School Manager: Katie Crowley-Andrews
Redhill Road, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 8GX
Tel: 0115 926 1481
Fax: 0115 9676922
Twitter: @RedhillTSA