Document 6568070
Document 6568070
THE Winterstown United Methodist Church 12184 Winterstown Road Felton, PA 17322 WINTERS TOWN CRIER WINTERSTOWN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PASTOR: Rev. Keith Schmuck Phone 244-1984 Vol. 1 No. 31 October 2014 FAITHFUL LIVING Contemporary Worship Sunday School for All Ages Traditional Worship Pastor - Keith Schmuck cell phone Day Care Director - Abby Streett OUR STAFF 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 244-1334 850-6117 246-8017 CHURCH OFFICE Church Office Fax 246-7414 Secretary 244-1984 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:00am-2:00 p.m. Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Newsletter Deadline: The 15th of each month “Giving lip service: is a familiar, derogatory term for professing beliefs but failing to practice them. Two other familiar sayings, “Words are cheap” and “Actions speak louder than words,” express the skepticism most people have for protestations of faith that are not confirmed by action. The writer of the Letter of James would have agreed with these sentiments. James asserts that “faith if it has no works, is dead” (2:17) and that “faith apart from works is barren” (2:20). For James, being a Christian is much more than accepting a set of beliefs and sayings, “I have faith”. Such a claim to faith, he says, is as worthless as telling people who are hungry and cold to go in peace and to be warmed and filled without doing anything to help them. Many of the Gentiles who first accepted Christianity are thought to have been God-fearers - people who were attracted to Judaism’s belief in one God and its ethical teachings. These people attended synagogue services and gave financial support, but they did not become converts. Some of them probably thought of Judaism as a philosophy to admire rather than as a faith that required total commitment. Clearly, James knew persons in the church who believed that their faith made few demands on them. Faith for them was a matter of intellectual assent, not good works. Such people have been present in the church in every age. James argues that their kind of faith is good for nothing. How can it even be discerned? In contrast, James declares that his works will reveal his faith. The writer of the First Letter of John approaches the same issue in a slightly different way. He reminds his readers that love is a basic Christian teaching and that Jesus was a living example of love. The writer then tells how persons must live if their claim to Christian love is genuine: “This is the message you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another ... We know love by this, that he laid down his life for us - and we ought to lay down our lives for one another. How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuse help?” (I John 3:11, 16-17). Also, “Those who say, ‘I love God,” and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars” (I John 4:20). continue faithful faithful – continued A pastor I know says, “Show me how you spend your time and money, and I will tell you what you believe in.” We all discern from people’s actions - from their works - what their faith is, what they value most highly. If parents say, “Nothing is more important to us than our children,” yet spend little time with the children and are usually critical and impatient with them, we doubt their devotion. On the other hand, if someone takes notice of the needs of others and is kind, generous, and helpful, we think of that person as one who views human beings as beloved children of God. Jesus expected those who heard and accepted his message to manifest his teachings in their lives. In the parable of the sower, he says, “These are the ones sown on the good soil; they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty and sixty and a hundredfold” (Mark 4:20). When persons become members of the United Methodist Church, they profess their faith in Jesus Christ. But they also promise that they will express their faith through good works as they support the ministries of the church through their prayers, their presence, their gifts, their service, and their witness. What do your works tell others about your faith? by Pat Floyd Oct. 5 12 19 26 ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL OCTOBER 2014 9:00 a.m. All-purpose Room Lesson Scripture “Rejoice Anyway” Habakkuk 2:1-5 “Even So, My Redeemer Lives” Job 19:1-7, 23-29 “Hope Complains” Job 24:9-12, 19-25 “Hope Satisfies” Job 42:1-10 Teacher Ella Jane Hess Vince Anderson Terry Mee Diane Schmuck REMEMBRANCE TREE In the Narthex we will have a Remembrance Tree with picture frame ornaments. These are a two-inch picture frame. If you would like to have an ornament of a loved one who was a member and has passed away in the last year, please contact me before November 2. I must have a disposable picture and name of the member to prepare them for the Remembrance Tree. There is no fee for this. ~Shirley Saylor Home – Charles Overmiller, Elaine McGinnis, Dan Kipp, Glenn & Donna Grove, Lee Gruver, Eva Miller, Larry Mann, Gerry Seitz, Betty Saylor, Pastor Keith, Becky Jones, Lois Arsenault, Betty Engle, Bruce Grove, Pat Beck, Terry Mee, Mike Herrick, Mike Budesheim, Dot Strayer, Jill Daugherty Church Family Extended – (Names will be removed after four weeks) Emma Nicole, Lori Overmiller, Barbara Snyder, Tiffany Johnson, Keith Gemmill, Barry Bricker, Bill Erdman, Military Family - Lexi Holmes, Rob Frey We extend our sympathy to Bryan Gilbert and family on the passing of his father Richard (Dick) Gilbert from life to life eternal on September 17, 2014. We extend sympathy to Julianna Brown, sister, & Jennifer Williams, daughter, on the passing of Leroy Olphin, from life to life eternal. We extend sympathy to Eunice Criswell and family on the passing of her mother, Mary, from life to life eternal. Please add the following names and addresses to your Church Directory. Teresa Erdman 9249 Camp Road Red Lion, PA 17356 & Mike and Sue Budesheim 220 Cobblestone Court Red Lion, PA 17356 Historical Moment Fall Rally Day was held October 14, 1990 with a combined service at 9:30 a.m. A concert was presented by Rebecca Ward Mitchell and Group. Following the concert there was a fellowship meal, sponsored by the Evangelism Committee, in the All Purpose Room. The group came from North Umberland County, and Pastor Jack suggested we give them a love offering of $150.00. The above was taken from Ad Board minutes when Rev. Jack Landis was pastor 24 years ago. EJ Hess, Historian CHURCH CONFERENCE Our Annual Church Conference is scheduled for Sunday, October 26, 2014 from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. (location to be announced soon). Our Conference will be in a cluster format, meaning we will meet for worship with the other churches of the Red Lion cluster at 5:00 and them split into our own church conferences in the same church. We will take care of the annual business of the church, including election of officers, setting of ministry goals and financial budget, and hearing reports from various organizations of the church. All members of the church are members of the Church Conference, with voice and vote; and are invited and expected to attend our Annual Church Conference. See you there! 3 – Jordan & Amanda McFatridge 10 -- Diana & Bob Bertling 15 – Blaine & Angie Markel 23 – Charles & Susan Peterman 1 1 4 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 21 24 24 25 25 28 30 Sydney Coby Stephen Torregrossa Sr. Larry Owens Aaron Criswell Katy Lowe Judy McWilliams Heather Grove Jenna Enfield Glenda Heffner Amie Gladfelter Keith McFatridge Yvonne Lauer Jared Enfield Janet Overmiller Ray Windon Jr. Leon Geesey, Sr. Ann McGinnis Carla Owens Troy Hildebrand Shane Fregm Terry Mee Cara Jo Brooks Lisa Myers Matthew Schmuck Any corrections or omissions to Birthdays or Anniversaries please call the office (244-1984) and leave a message or write a note and place in the offering plat “WOMEN OF FAITH” Greetings from the women at Grace Church in Shrewsbury. We are excited to share with the women an amazing opportunity. America’s leading Christian event, “Women of Faith”, is back on the road for its 2014 Tour. We are excited because we will be hosting the LIVE simulcast from Hartford, CT here at Grace Church. Normally, women have to travel to Washington or Philadelphia to attend these events, but you will be able to participate right in your area. The event begins Friday night, November 7, from 7:009:00 p.m. It continues Saturday, November 8, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in our worship center located at 473 Plank Road, in New Freedom, PA. The doors open one hour before each event to all women. The cost is $15.00 per person for the event. You may purchase a lunch voucher for $5.00 per person for Saturday. There are also many fast food restaurants in the area. For more information or for tickets for the event, please contact the Grace Church office at: 717235-4029, email, or visit our web site EQUALS AT COMMUNION After saving England from Napoleon’s threats in 1815, the Duke of Wellington achieved hero status. One Sunday, as the duke approached the altar for communion, a poor man from London’s streets, wearing rags, knelt beside him. The indignant minister whispered for the vagrant to move away. “Don’t you realize this is the great Duke of Wellington?” he asked. When the duke overhead, he responded, “Leave him alone. We’re all the same here. The ground is level at the cross.” That’s the spirit in which we celebrate World Communion Sunday on the first Sunday of October. Paul says believers share the Lord’s Supper by partaking of the “one bread” (1 Corinthians 10:17). Everyone at the communion table is equal in God’s sight, needing his forgiveness and grace. - Communication Resources Winterstown United Methodist Women October 2014 October is a busy month for United Methodist Women. October 4 is District Annual at St. Paul UMC in Chambersburg with Rev. Ray Kauffman speaking on his book, Breaking Out of Your Prison. Our regular meeting is very important, for we invite all the women of the church to attend on October 13 at 7 p.m. to hear the featured speaker Barbara Hines. She has been an instructor in movement for several years through Wellspan Mind and Body programs. This program looks at the natural changes of our aging process through movement, it could be standing or from your chair. Come see and hear about the benefits this could have for your health. Sandie Rock will be Hostess. Conference Annual is being held locally this year at Messiah UMC in York. It is an all-day event and by registration only. See Ella Jane or Diane Schmuck if you would like to attend. Come Celebrate "Faithfulness in Mission" on Saturday, October 18. Looking ahead: Annual Fall Rummage and Bake Sale will be November 6 and 7 with set up on the 5th at North-Hopewell Winterstown Fire Hall. The proceeds will go toward the furnace fund. Please go through your wardrobe and find items you no longer have use for, but someone else would be thrilled to wear. Do the same with your housewares and dishes. November 23 will be our annual Thank Offering during the 10:30 worship service. Our special speaker will be Fawn McCallister who holds the position of Membership Nurture and Outreach Coordinator in the York District. She is from Cross Roads. - Ella Jane Hess The United Methodist Women met on Monday, September 8 at 7 p.m. in the conference room. President E J Hess opened the meeting with us all reading the "Purpose of United Methodist Women". Deb shared a 'response moment': "Ministries of Hospitality on the US Border". She told how the UMW on the US border help women and children coming over the border from Mexico by providing them with food, showers and hygiene items, while they are waiting for housing placements. The secretary's report was read and approved. The treasurer's reports from May, June, and July were also read and approved. Val reported for Spiritual Growth: All but two of the "readers" have already completed the program for 2014. She has the new books for 2015, which she ordered from Amazon, at a considerable savings. New Business: A Mini Mission will be held on Sept 13 at Fishing Creek/Salem UMC. E J plans to attend. The York District annual meeting will be held October 4 in Chambersburg. The Susquehanna Conference UMW annual meeting will be on October 18 at Messiah UMC, York. Diane plans to attend. We voted to send along a love offering of $30. The fall rummage sale will be November 5, 6, 7. We will sell apple dumplings IF we can get help in making them. Our October 13 meeting will be led by Barbara Hines from Wellspan. She will present "Joy through Movement", showing us ways to move and exercise, even from a chair. All women are invited to attend this very informative and fun meeting! We agreed to keep the slate of officers from 2014 the same in 2015. Rhada read a letter from Betty Landis, thanking us for the blankets our church sent her church to make continued UMW leadership continued New Business: The Leadership Committee is responsible for nominations of volunteer positions, example, Financial Secretary, Lay Member to Annual Conference, Alternate Lay Member to Annual Conference, Membership Secretary, Sunday School Superintendent, Lay Leader, Treasurer, Acolyte Coordinator, Childcare Coordinators, Communion Stewards, Altar Guild, Greeters Historian, Junior Church Coordinator, and VBS Coordinator. It was discussed and decided to ask all presently serving in these capacities to continue for another year. There is a need for more Communion Stewards and offering counters. Visioning/Dreaming: The Church Planning Retreat will be September 6, 2014, at Camp Donegal; the Church Conference will be October 26, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. Discussion was held concerning Sunday School and worship service times. A discussion was held to possibly survey our daycare parents to see what would interest them in a church, i.e. service times and styles, small group offerings, children’s offerings, etc. Prayer Concerns: Mindy Rutzebeck (friend of Corey and Bill), Pat Beck, Dan Shaw (friend of Beavers & Daugherty), Terry Mee, Richard Lauer (Dot Zeigler’s son-in-law), Dan Kipp, Glenna Grove, Bruce Grove, Mike Herrick and family, Larry Homan (coworker of Dick). UP-COMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS October 2 5 9 12 18 19 22 25 26 30 31 November 2 Leadership Team, 7:00 p.m. - budgeting World Wide Communion, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Outreach Ministry Area - 7:00 p.m. New Sunday School Class, 9:00 a.m. “God’s Not Dead - What Do You Believe?” Ham Loaf Dinner 5:00 p.m., Fire Hall, $10.00 Laity Sunday Nurture Ministry Area, 7:00 p.m. Trunk or Treat, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Church Conference, 5:00 p.m. Child Care Board Meeting - 6:30 p.m. Rediscovering Our Youth, 7:00 p.m. All Saints Sunday, Holy Communion Daylight Saving Time ends (turn clocks back one hour) LEADERSHIP TEAM MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 7, 2014 Present: Jay Beaver, Pastor Keith, Dick Daugherty, Ann Daugherty, Buddy McGinnis, Corey Grove, Ross Anderson, Bill Lowe, and Patty Gingrich Pastor led devotions from Chapter 3 in “Inspiration” of Climb Higher. We discussed how we show gratitude to God, which include verbal “thank you”, prayers, our presence, gifts, offerings, and service. God wants us to give our all to show our gratitude. Jay Beaver was chair of this meeting. UMW - continued bedrolls for the homeless, which are distributed in many cities and towns. Valerie led a very informative and inspiring program "Calling into Practice Hospitality for ALL Women; especially those who are Differently abled". We heard the story of the woman with the flow of blood whom Jesus healed, and then talked about how our church can be more accessible and hospitable to persons with different abilities, such as visually impaired, hearing impaired, mobility challenged, mentally challenged, behaviorally challenging, etc. We then shared a time of fellowship and conversation while enjoying refreshments prepared by Betty. Diane Schmuck, secretary The minutes of the June 5, 2014, meeting were reviewed and approved. Trustees: Dick Daugherty is the new chairperson for the Trustee Committee. The new furnace has been ordered. Work is to begin this week and an estimated completion date is October 1. Campaign letters have been sent to members. The loan from the conference was approved. The washer and dryer for daycare have been hooked up and are working. We were contacted by PennDot concerning the exit from our property onto Swamp Road. We need to have 20 feet open at the road before we close off the exit. Steve Coby was elected by the Leadership Team to fill a vacant spot on the Trustee Committee. SPRC: Corey notified us that Laura has resigned as church secretary effective August 30. We discussed the possibility of splitting those duties into two different part-time positions; daycare (more accounting) and church (more secretarial). Outreach: Jay provided the minutes from the July 10, 2014 meeting of the Outreach Committee. The amount sent to Kari Kinard is now $1,700. The Shining Light Ministry is doing well and has appointed some funds to different missions. A program has been developed to send care packages to college students and military personnel from our church. Our Sierra Leone mission is near the end of our commitment, and we are looking at new options. The Back to School Fun Day is next Saturday, August 16. Trunk or Treat times have been moved to 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. due to a wedding at the church. There was discussion of the drive-thru nativity involving other churches. Nurture: Bill reported the Nurture Committee met last evening, August 6, 2014. They are working on staffing nursery, greeters/welcome committee, and Sunday School Children teachers. They also reviewed last year’s planning retreat goals. Growing Friends: Patty stated Growing Friends Committee will meet later this month, August 28, 2014. They have done interviews for an Assistant Director position. Growing Friends is now contributing $800 per week to the church, which is a $200 per week increase. Finance: Ross stated that the church is holding its own financially. We are behind $10,000 in conference payments and some principal payments have been skipped. All the interest payments have been made. The mortgage balance is approximately $71,000. Old Business: None. continued leadership GOING GREEN BOILER PROJECT Total project amount needed, R. S. Bortner, Inc. $47,795.00 Contributions to Date Conference Loan Donations Flea Market Proceeds Total as of 9/25/14 $15,000.00 $11,380.00 $ 6,872.70 $33,252.70 Amount Still Needed To Pay Project $14,543.30 Amount Still Needed To Pay Strictly From Contributions $29,543.30 Saturday, October 18, 2014 Carry Outs Available at 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Winterstown United Methodist Church Parking Lot 12184 Winterstown Road Felton, PA 17322 Dining In starts at 5 p.m. at the Winterstown Fire Hall Tickets on sale Sunday August 30th $10.00 a ticket Ham loaf-Scalloped potatoes-corn or peas Pineapple filling – Dessert Beverage available for dining in Clothing Men’s White or Black No-Show Socks Women’s Bikini Underwear (all Sizes) Women’s No-Show Socks Men’s Belts (all sizes) School Supplies Backpacks suitable for teens Batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, 9 volt) 2” Binders 3” Binders Pocket Folders Scotch Tape Arts & Crafts Markers Scrapbooking Supplies Poster Board Drawing Pencils 8x11 Sketch Pads Gum Erasers Color Copier Paper Adult Scissors Personal Hygiene Supplies Shampoo Conditioner Elastic Hair Bands Non-Aerosol Hair Spray Hair Brushes Men’s & Women’s Shaving Cream Anti-bacterial Hand Soap Deodorant (no aerosols) Toothpaste Soap Travel Holders Toothbrushes Toothbrush Travel Holders Gift Certificates Cash Gifts may be given to purchase any of the above items. Also, cash contributions will help us provide clothing needs, resident activities, recreational activities, furniture, Christmas decorations, & Christmas dinner. All gifts are greatly appreciated. 100% goes to church furnace Please do not wrap the gifts. We truly appreciate your generosity in providing special gifts for the children. However, due to agency regulations, we prefer to receive all the gifts unwrapped. This helps us ensure that each gift goes to the appropriate child. If you would like to place your items in Christmas gift bags, we would surely appreciate it! Tickets available until 10/12/2014 Deadline for gifts to be delivered to the church - December 10, 2014 Call 717-659-1403 for tickets