We Fellowship Better Together Philippians 2:1-11 GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH Sean Lee, Connection Pastor


We Fellowship Better Together Philippians 2:1-11 GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH Sean Lee, Connection Pastor
We Fellowship Better Together
Philippians 2:1-11
Part 4 in the series, “40 Days of Community”
Sean Lee, Connection Pastor
October 19, 2014
Let us personally welcome you at the New
Beginnings Table in the lobby.
Drop by for your free gift!
October 26
November 1
November 2
November 9 & 16
November 16
Operation Christmas Child Box Distribution
Class 301: Discovering Ministry @ 5:00pm
Men’s Breakfast @ 8:00am
Class 101: Discovering Membership @ 5:00pm
Operation Christmas Child Box Collection
Missions Sunday
Class 401: Discovering Missions @ 5:00pm
Men’s Retreat at Lone Tree Ranch
Christmas FX: Illusionists, David & Teesha Laflin
Class 501: Discovering Magnification @ 5:00pm
Operation Christmas Child Mission Trip to Denver
Christmas Program 6:00pm|9:00am|10:45am
November 21-23
December 5
December 7
December 7-11
December 13-14
Operation Christmas Child: Today is box distribution day in the
lobby! Stop by the OCC table to get more info. The deco boxes
are all gone, but you can always buy small plastic totes that are
great for storage and carrying water for the children who will
receive the boxes this year. Collection days will be November 9 & 16.
If you are interested in going on the Denver Mission Trip to the OCC Processing
Center, applications and a $50 deposit are due in the office by Monday,
November 3. Applications are available at the 401 table in the lobby.
Refresh is a group for moms with kids of all stages and ages. They will
be meeting THIS Tuesday, October 21, from 9-11am in the Children’s
Building. Please RSVP for childcare to gracerefresh@gmail.com or call
the church office at 623.5438.
Class 301: Discovering Ministry Next Sunday @ 5pm: Learn how
God can use your Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and
your Experiences to find your fit in ministry. Childcare and dinner
are provided. See you next week!
Men’s Breakfast: Join us Saturday, November 1, from 8-10am
for the monthly men’s breakfast in the Children’s Building. A
full breakfast will be served and there will be a guest speaker.
Men’s Retreat, November 21-23: Men, save the date for
our annual Men’s Retreat at Lone Tree Ranch. It will be a
great time of good food, worship, teaching, and time in
the mountains. The total cost is $90. You can register in the lobby today! If you
need a scholarship, or would like to donate a scholarship for the retreat, please
contact Steve Johnson at 420-5490 or John Donahue at 317-8210.
Offering Totals
General $
Building $
Read Ahead
Do you know any Christians who have never grown to their full potential? Are
you one of them? Join us next Sunday for 40 Days of Community when we
discover a great Biblical truth: We Grow Better Together. Read Philippians 3:1217 to prepare.
“Just as you did it for the least of these…you did it for me.”
(Matthew 25:40). Give a gift to a child of an incarcerated
parent this Christmas, and give the gift of the Gospel! Angel
Tree is coming soon to Grace Community Church.
MERGE (5th & 6th grade):
9:00 & 10:45am, Student Building
Memory Verse for October:
“ So encourage each other and build
each other up, just as you are doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT
Infants-1 year: Rooms 202, 204
Age 2-K: Rooms 201, 203, 205
Lesson: This week your child will learn that
Evening Children’s Ministry (ECM)
TONIGHT, 6:00-7:45 pm
God helps David do a really big thing and
defeat the really big Goliath
MCM Grades 1-4: Room 215
Octobers Virtue - Community:
The church is like a body and the body is like
the church, it’s supposed to work together.
ECM is for children, infants-6th grade.
Children can be dropped off at 5:45pm, but must be picked
up by 7:45pm. Dinner is served each evening.
Blocktoberfest will be here in just over two weeks and we
need LOTS of CANDY! Drop off in the lobby or Children’s
Building anytime during the month of October. Thank you!
Sundays @ 6:00pm
Student building
Grace Student Ministry
6:00 pm : Pizza
6:30-8:00 pm : Student Gathering
High School Ministry
Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
Student Building
6:30pm : Doors Open
7:00-8:30pm : Student Gathering
8:30pm : After Hours
Thursdays @ 7:00pm
Student Building
All college-aged individuals are welcome!
Parents and Students, would you like to get weekly text message updates?
Email Ben at banderson@roswellgrace.com with your name, cell phone number, and
cell provider to get added today!
Communion Instructions
You do not have to be a member of Grace to participate in communion. All
Christians are invited to come forward, row by row, to participate. Simply take a
wafer, dip it into the cup and partake. If you prefer being served in your chair,
raise your hand at the conclusion of communion and the servers will come to
you. If you are not taking communion today, just remain in your chair.
Prayer Teams are available at the exits during communion if you would like
someone to pray with you.
Congrats to those who were baptized last Sunday: Mariah Aragon, Damian
Baker, Hope Baker, Patrick Brown, Makenzie Cooper, Seth Diaz, Viola
Gamboa, Shealynn McCarrick, Angela Slaten.
We celebrate the life of Tuck Williams given by God to Paul & Dmiri Samuels,
proud grandparents, Daryne & Sheri Jones, and aunt Savannah.
Our sympathy is extended to Millie Brown, E.J. & Tobie Fouratt and family, in the
passing of their beloved family member, Margaret Waldo.
We would also like to extend our sympathy to Johnnie & Sharon Barajas, Kelly
Barajas, Jeff Barajas, and family, in the passing of their beloved family member,
Marie Barajas.
Wedding Reception: Rick and Mary Hale would like to invite you to
a come-and-go reception in honor of their daughter, Katie, and her
new husband, Devin, Sunday, October 26, from 1:30-3:30, in the
Main Building lobby.
October 12, 2014
Grace Staff:
Rick Hale, Senior Pastor
Lendell Nolan, Executive Pastor
Sean Lee, Connection Pastor
John Drusedum, Growth Pastor
Josh Gallagher, Equipping Pastor
Matt Parsley, Missions Pastor
John Cantu, Worship Pastor
Alan Gedde, Children’s Pastor
Ben Anderson, Student Pastor
YTD Members
YTD Baptisms
Contact Info
935 W. Mescalero Rd.
Roswell, NM 88201
575.623.5438 (phone)
575.623.9174 (fax)