S R C enior


S R C enior
Senior Resource Center, Inc., 912 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23457
757 385-2175
enior Resource Center, Inc.
Newsletter - October 2014
Cooking with Cal
Tuesday, October 7
We have a special presentation planned on
October 7 featuring Cal Schiemann, retired
VPI extension agent, who is also a great
cook. Cal is in charge of
the 4-H ham curing project
each year and he wants to
let you know just how
successful this activity has
been with youngsters and
adults alike. Cal will teach us how to cook a
ham to perfection. As a special treat for the
Pot Luck Lunch to follow Cal’s presentation,
we are asking that you make your favorite
recipe from our SRC Cookbook to share
for lunch. If you haven’t gotten a cookbook,
there are still plenty of them for sale, so
whip up your favorite recipe and let’s show
Cal how we can cook!
In our Seventh Year
Freedman’s Bank records. Marcia will show
you how to navigate the VBPL website and
get there with ease. During the first hour we
will explore this genealogy resource. In the
second hour we will talk about individual
questions or experiences regarding your
personal genealogy research.
Alzheimer’s Benefit Concert
Meyera E. Oberndorf Central Library
Sunday, October 19 2-4 p.m.
One of our favorite musical entertainment
groups, Fond Memories, will be giving a
concert at the central library to benefit the
Alzheimer’s Association. All entry donations
will be contributed to the work of the
Alzheimer’s Association locally. Let’s come
out to support our local musical group and
have a wonderful Sunday afternoon of
entertainment. You know it will be better
than football!
Genealogy -Part 2
With Marcia Hart
Wednesday, October 15
1-3 pm
JOY Group
Continue the search for those rascally and
elusive ancestors with Heritage Quest
Online, available through the library website
24/7. Search Census records, books, PERSI
Archives, Revolutionary War records and
This month’s JOY Group will enjoy a
special presentation by Jane Brumley of her
African Safari trip. As always, come early
for blood pressure check and don’t forget to
bring a dish to share for lunch.
Newsletter – October 2014
Pot Luck Luncheon
Tuesday, October 21 9:30 a.m.
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Senior Resource Center, Inc., 912 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23457
SRC Health Fair
Thursday, October 23rd 9am-12 noon
Again we will be hosting our annual Health
Fair with free flu shots and information on
aging in place—home health, respite care,
hospice and more. There will also be a
Brown Bag Review which involves
reviewing your medications. Please come
out and support this annual event.
AirSoft Guns
Pot Luck to Follow
Tuesday, October 28 11a.m.
AirSoft guns are a new rage offering sport
for shooting enthusiasts but presenting a
dilemma for police. On October 28th, MPO
Bradley Detrich will share with us his
concerns about the problem police officers
have in their ability to tell quickly if the gun
is a real one or a toy. You may inadvertently
buy what appears to be a toy for your
grandchild but which really has dangers
which you have not imagined. Bring a
favorite dish for the pot luck following
Officer Detrich’s potentially lifesaving
Halloween Social
Friday, October 31
1-3 p.m.
Join us for a Bewitching Halloween Social.
We’ll conjure up a Delectable Dessert Buffet
and Frightful Fun! Costumes are welcome
Newsletter – October 2014
757 385-2175
but optional. A food pantry item for
upcoming holidays will be greatly
Ongoing Needs of the Center
We know you are weary of being asked to
donate to all kinds of organizations and
charities but we would like to remind all of
our “members” that we depend on donations
to keep the Center alive and well.
While we are very fortunate
that the City of Virginia
Beach provides the
building, maintenance and
monthly utility costs as well
as providing us with a City
representative, Shari Wilson, we are
responsible for all the day-to-day expenses.
One of our major expenses is for postage--we are mailing over 500 monthly newsletters
and we do not charge anyone for a
subscription. We supply paper goods,
beverages and snacks at many of our
activities. We have purchased more
comfortable folding chairs and additional
tables so we can accommodate attendees.
You may make a cash donation, using either
the large piggy bank in our entry room or the
donation jar in the kitchen. You can also pay
by check made out to the SRC and mail it to
the Center at 912 Princess Anne Rd., VB
23457 or hand it to the volunteer on duty at
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Senior Resource Center, Inc., 912 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23457
the Center. Donations are tax-deductible
since we are a 501c3 charity.
We also encourage you to make a donation
to the various musical groups who entertain
us and who share their time and talent with
us. The hat is passed at each performance
and we hope you will show your
appreciation by giving generously.
757 385-2175
season has already been given, you can still
purchase season’s tickets. They offer a
senior discount and have Saturday and
Sunday matinees. You can go online to see
their lineup at www.regent.edu/tickets or call
them at 352-4245. You can see a show for as
little as $14 for a single, senior ticket.
Whitehurst-Buffington House
On an ongoing-basis we support the Food
Pantry at Charity United Methodist Church,
which serves our whole area. We encourage
you to get in the habit of bringing one nonperishable item each time you attend an
activity, or you can put a cash donation in
the Food Pantry box.
Sunday, October 5
We welcome your attendance and hope you
will continue to support our efforts to
provide a pleasant gathering place for you
Don’t forget the Art of Healthy Aging
Forum and Expo at the Virginia Beach
Convention Center on Saturday, Nov. 1 from
8a – 1:30 pm. It will provide workshops,
health screenings and exhibitor offerings.
You need to register by calling Lorraine
Kohart at Senior Services of Southeastern
Virginia –461-9481-- or go online at
www.ssseva.org. The $15 fee includes
breakfast and lunch.
June Klag in memory of Mr. Otis Kight, Mr.
Bill Davis, and Mr. Jack Fentress
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Newbill
1:30 p.m.
Sandbridge author, Lee Carey, will be the
featured speaker. Tickets are $5.00. Call
757-427-1833 to get your tickets.
The Art of Healthy Aging
Mr. and Mrs. John Burns
Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Henley in memory of
Otis Kight and Bill Davis
Culture, anyone?
Regent University Theater is another local
venue for a variety of plays and musicals.
While the first offering of the 2014-2015
Newsletter – October 2014
Senior Reading Buddies
Come be a part of a winning team! The
Creeds Senior Reading Buddies Program
was honored by the Virginia Beach Reading
Council and the Virginia Beach Schools
Partners in Education Program as an
outstanding community outreach project for
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Senior Resource Center, Inc., 912 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23457
2011-2012. We will be continuing our
Reading Buddies program for this school
year and we are looking for volunteers.
“Reading Buddies” visit Creeds Elementary
weekly and/or bi-weekly to work with one
child at a time for 15-20 minutes. Typically,
volunteers serve 3-4 students each week and
stay at our school for an hour block. We
focus on listening and encouraging these
early readers to help them gain confidence
and basic skills. Training is provided and
days of the week are flexible.
Last year we had 14 volunteers and we are
looking to expand. Both the students and
volunteers reported that they learned a lot
from each other. If you would like more
information or you are ready to make a
difference, contact Jennifer Haws, the
Creeds Reading Specialist by e-mail at
Jennifer.Haws@vbschools.com or by calling
the school at 648-2400. We will have a
mandatory training session on Wednesday,
September 24 at 10:00 a.m. at Creeds
Elementary for any interested volunteers.
What May Increase Fall Risks in
Older Adults?
Of the 20 medications that are most
frequently prescribed to older adults, over
half may increase fall injury risk say
researchers from the Karolinska Institute in
Stockholm, Sweden. One-third of Americans
over 65 take a tumble each year, and falling
Newsletter – October 2014
757 385-2175
represents the largest source of fatal and
nonfatal injuries among older adults.
Preventing falls in this population remains a
top priority for health care providers and
caregivers alike.
Polypharmacy—taking too many
medications-is a common problem for older
adults. Over 76 percent of Americans age 60
and older take two or more prescription
drugs on a regular basis, according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), and 37 percent take five or more.
Drugs that affect the central nervous
system—antidepressants, hypnotics, and
opioids—have long topped the list of
pharmaceuticals that may increase fall risk,
along with diuretics, constipation medication
medications, and NSAIDS. The Karolinska
study, which tracked the medical records of
more than 64,000 Swedes who had been
hospitalized because of a fall, uncovered
surprising new links between fall injuries
and vitamin B12, calcium, antithrombotics,
and GERD and peptic ulcer drugs.
The list of commonly prescribed drugs that
may enhance fall injury risk is as follows:
Antithrombotic agents
Drugs for peptic ulcer and GERD
High ceiling diuretics
NSAIDS (women only)
Vitamin B12 and folic acid
Constipation drugs
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Senior Resource Center, Inc., 912 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23457
Hypnotics and sedatives
Analgesics and antipyretics
Thyroid hormones (men only)
Of course, any medication that causes
drowsiness, dizziness, vision problems, gait
disturbance (ataxia), hypotension, or one that
increases bleeding risk or exacerbates
osteoporosis could potentially up the chances
of experiencing a harmful fall.
What causes the fall, disease or drug?
Eliminating these drugs from the
prescription repertoire of an aging adult may
not be a realistic option. For instance,
warfarin, a popular antithrombic, is highly
effective in inhibiting the formation of
dangerous blood clots in people with heart
conditions and those who’ve had a stroke.
For people taking multiple medications, the
importance of discussing prescriptions with
your doctor(s) and doing a periodic “brown
bag checkup” with your pharmacist cannot
be overstated.
Ask your doctor the following questions:
757 385-2175
Could any of these medications be
interacting with each other in a negative
Could any of my symptoms or conditions
potentially be caused by the medications I’m
Making an appointment with your local
pharmacist to bring all of your medications
(over- the-counter and prescription) for a
“brown bag checkup” is another way to
identify possible medication problems.
Proper medication management could be a
simple way to improve an older adults’
chances of staying safely on their feet.
SRC Mission
The Senior Resource Center, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) volunteer organization
designed to help older, rural residents remain safely in their homes by
providing in-home and community services; to furnish a gathering place for
local seniors for socialization and education. It is a collaborative effort with
the City of Virginia Beach.
Responsibility and Oversight
Johnnie Williams 470-7186
Barbara Henley 426-7501
City Liaison
Shari Wilson
Daily 9a-4p
385-2175, Tue & Thu
385-4135, Mon, Wed & Fri
Anne Bright 426-7832
Newsletter Layout
Tom Shearer 426-7831
What medications am I taking and why?
How necessary is each medication? Can any
be removed?
Newsletter – October 2014
To remove your name from the newsletter mailing list, call 757-385-2175.
View the full newsletter on line at www.vbsrc.com and help save printing
and postage.
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Senior Resource Center, Inc., 912 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23457
757 385-2175
October 2014
10:00 Photography 8:30 Board Meeting
(PR Sharon Prescott) 10: 00 Exercise (PR Rita
No Line Dancing (PR
Rita T)
9:30 Desk Duty
Training (Pr Barbara
1:00 Dominoes
Columbus Day
1:00 Bingo
10:00 Tech Time (PR Cards
Kara Molin)
1:00 Dominoes
2:00 -4:00
1:00 Dominoes
Alzheimer Benefit at the Meyera E.
Oberndorf Library
1:00 Dominoes
11:00 Cooking with 1:00 Local history
Cal Sheiman
Pot Luck Lunch-Using
Recipes from SRC
Cook (PR Barbara H. )
1:00 Bingo
9:30 Joy Group
(PR J. Klag)
1:00 Bingo
11:00 Soft Guns,
Followed by a Pot
Luck lunch (PR
Barbara H.)
1:00 Bingo
2:00- 4:00 Heritage
Quest (PR Marcia
1:00 Local history
10:00 - 2:00 Senior
Show Case at the
Princess Anne Rec.
Center, 1400 Nimmo
Parkway VA Beach VA.
1:00 Line Dancing
(PR Rita T.)
10: 00 Exercise (PR
Rita J.)
No line dancing (per
Rita T.)
9:00-12:00 Health
Fair (PR Shari W.)
1:00 Line Dancing
(PR Rita T.)
9:30 Yoga (PR Linda T.)
10:45 Converasations
with Bob, Topic"Starting Over" (PR
Houston S.)
9:30 Yoga (PR Linda
10:45 Writing with
Bob (PR Houston S.)
9:30 Yoga (PR Linda
10:45 Conversations
with Bob Topic"Depression" (PR
Houston S.)
10:00 -12:00
Crafters (PR Pat
5:30 - 9:00 pm
Game Night (PR
Ingrid S.)
9:30 Yoga (PR Linda 7:00pm Steppin'
Out (PR Violet
10:45 Writing with
J./Patty H.)
Bob (PR Houston S.)
10: 00 Exercise (PR 1:00 - 3:00
Rita J.)
Halloween Party
No Line Dancing (Per (PR June Klag )
Rita T.)
Senior Resource Center. Inc. 912 Princess Anne Road Virginia Beach VA 23457
Newsletter – October 2014
October 2014
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