Inner Wheel New Zealand District NZ293


Inner Wheel New Zealand District NZ293
Inner Wheel New Zealand
District NZ293
Margaret Arthur
13 Strowan Ave
Hamilton 3214
07 8559864
Laurie Breadmore
2 Preston Road
Ngongotaha, Rotorua 3010
07 3572272
October 2014
Dear Members
Well September certainly was an interesting month but like most people I am glad the general
election is now behind us and we can look forward to something other than politics on our TV
screens. Spring is just around the corner as well and daylight saving starts this weekend. I love
the longer daylight hours and the warmer weather but do spare a thought or two for the farmers.
I have had a busy month and have had a very pleasant time visiting four of our clubs in District
NZ293, Otumoetai, Matamata, Rotorua and Hamilton East. Thank you to all of you for your warm
welcome. In October, my club, the Inner Wheel Club of Fairfield celebrates its 25th Anniversary
with a special luncheon on Sunday, October 19th. I can still remember the night when a group of
Rotary Anne’s from the Rotary Club of Fairfield discussed the pro’s and con’s of becoming an Inner
Wheel Club and we have never looked back.
I really enjoy reading all you club newsletters and our IWNZ Editor and Webmaster have asked to
be added to your circulation list. Club newsletters from all over NZ can easily be accessed from
the IWNZ website and it is a great way to get new ideas for your projects or meetings. Our IWNZ
Editor would also like to share some of our photographs and stories with IIW but please remember
that if you want to post something on the IIW website it must be done through her.
Important dates for you to diary:
Saturday, 1st November – Our District Meeting being held in Matamata. All clubs should have
received their registration form and we are hoping for a really good turn out of members. We will
be joined by our IWNZ President, Hazel Hunter who will address us all and we have two awesome
speakers whose subjects with fit very well with our theme of “Light the Path” Just before lunch we
will learn about the project “Days for Girls” and Annah Stretton will be our guest speaker in the
afternoon. She will talk about her new charity “RAW” which was launched in Hamilton earlier this
year and is now in Tauranga and Christchurch as well. We thought we would ask you all for a gold
coiin donation for Annah’s project and we have also opened up that part of our meeting to other
people in the community who might be interested in hearing her.
14th and 15th November – IWNZ Strategy Meeting Auckland – I am pleased to advise you that
Past District Chairman Joanne Gaudin and 2nd Vice Chairman Denise White are both going as
District Delegates to this meeting. Thank you all for filling in the club and member profiles
20th November - Nominations for District Executive. You have already received the forms and
this year we are needing nominations for 2nd Vice Chairman and District Treasurer. Please give
Some serious thought to this as we don’t want to find ourselves in the same position as this time
last year..
Monday 8th December (earlier if possible)-Can each club please advise me who will be their vote
holder at the next Triennial Meeting of IIW being held in Copenhagen, Denmark on 7th May 2015
so I can pass this information on to IIW before their 15th December deadline. As a club you should
all be discussing the proposals to amend the constitution and any amendments to them so you can
advise your vote holder of your decisions.
Please can you advise me asap if you are planning to go to convention and would be willing
to act as a proxy vote holder for clubs is our District who do not have anyone able to go.
To finish: “You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in you own way can
illuminate the world” Oprah Winfrey. Have a great month.
In Friendship
Margaret Arthur
District Chairman