Document 6569151


Document 6569151
Rockingham Church of Christ Inc.
“A Place to Believe, Belong, Become”
19th October 2014
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5:1-8, 5:21-6:8, R 6:23
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E C — The next Chris0anity Explored Course starts this a9ernoon @ 3pm for
anyone who would like to explore what Chris0anity is about, or just brush
up on the basics. It’s not too late to let Pastor Tim know you are coming!
M' B- — @ 8am S
, 25th O67
Men – don’t miss our Mens’ Breakfast this Saturday morning 25th October
at St Nicholas' Anglican Church (Council Ave). The speaker is The Hon. Nick
Goiran, who will be sharing about how his faith in Jesus impacts his role in
the WA Parliament. Time: 8am. Cost: $5. RSVP and money to Roger
Kingdon today!
As for man, his days are like grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
(Psalm 103:15)
The Bible reminds us that our days are as grass. For a brief 0me we
flourish, but soon we wither and die. Yet the minutes of our lives can be
flecked with the gold of eternity. Instead of was0ng them—as we so easily
do—God exhorts us to redeem the 0me.
But our lives are also immortal. God made us different from the other
creatures. He made us in His own image, a living soul. Don’t let anyone tell
you that we are simply a higher species of animal. If you believe that, you
will begin to act like one. No! You are far greater.
One thousand years from this day you will be more alive than you are
at this moment. The Bible teaches that life does not end at the cemetery.
There is a future life with God for those who put their trust in His Son,
Jesus Christ. There is also a future hell of separa0on from God where all
are going who have refused, rejected, or neglected to receive His Son,
Jesus Christ.
Make sure of your rela0onship to Christ, and then ask God to help you
live each day for His glory.
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T: Please submit your
reports for the next Board mee0ng to Elsie by Wednesday, 29th October.
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The Missions CommiOee would like to invite church members to
prayerfully consider joining the Missions team to promote and assist in
organising mission ac0vi0es for our church fellowship. Please speak to Les
McDonnell, Barbara Mitchell or Ps Cohen if you are interested.
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If you would like to make a dona0on towards
improving the acous0cs in the hall and reducing
the echo, please speak to Alan Mitchell or place your
gi9 in the offering and mark it “Hall Improvement”.
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Want to dig deeper into God’s Word? Trinity Theological College is running
two night courses in Term 4 for average Chris0an people who want to grow
in their faith and life.
1) "T+, !" %, B -& %. O%,01" - Tuesday nights @ 7:30—9:30pm
from 21st October to 25th November, at WPC Bull Creek.
2) "I! %, B" !! !", G.… G!1 1" - Thursday nights @ 7:30—9:30pm
from 23rd October to 27th November, at Trinity House, Leederville.
For more informa0on, pick up a brochure in the foyer, or visit click on "Cer0ficate Courses", or speak to Ps Cohen.
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Do you want to see our church lawns green this
summer? The re0cula0on needs to be checked
weekly. Please see Roger Kingdon if you are
available to go on a roster to monitor the re0c.
Training is available and you can work in pairs.
For those suffering due to health or age, including: Alana Ford (so9
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It is with sadness that we have been advised that the Hedland Aboriginal
Fellowship has been closed - its last service was on 22nd September. The
decision to close the Fellowship was due in part to declining aOendances
and the inability to maintain the building which is in need of significant
repair work. Luke and Natarsha Bell have concluded their ministry in
Hedland and are moving to Cairns to take some 0me out from ministry.
Please pray about an ongoing Church of Christ presence in the North West
and for the C of C leadership as they seek to repair the property.
0ssue damage from a car accident), Rae Mustard (had a fall), Jim Kester
Lorraine McDonnell, Clem Johnston, Norma Mearns, Ross Nunn, Janice
Smith, Jenny MacLeod and others.
For May Williams and her son Brad who has been diagnosed with Motor
Neurone Disease.
For those grieving, including Grace Coulter a9er the passing of her older
sister, and Brenda Brereton..
For God to raise up a suitable Chris0an worker to con0nue Bridget
Humble’s witness in Safety Bay Primary School in 2015 following her
For wisdom as we begin planning for a second Sunday service to
accommodate our growing capacity needs.
Praise God for the hope and gi9 of eternal life graciously offered
through Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom 6:23).
S M T< – B We are exploring hos0ng a small team of Perth Chris0an Uni students from
26—30th Nov to experience gospel ministry in Rockingham and share in
the life of our church and we would like to billet them in pairs with church
folk. They will be involved in ministry around the church during the day, so
all they need as a minimum is a place to sleep and a meal. If you are able to
host a pair of students for these few days, please let Ps Cohen know ASAP.
We need to find accommoda0on for 5 to 6 pairs of students.
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Violet Kipsiana is a young mum and qualified hair dresser in our church
family who has kindly offered to cut the hair of anyone in the church family
who cannot afford to go to the hairdresser or is unable to go out due to
mobility reasons. Violet will travel to your place and does not expect
payment, but offers this as part of her service of worship to God.
You can contact Violet on 0403 217 839. (However, if you are able to afford
a haircut but would like Violet to cut your hair, she is also willing to do so
for a suitable dona0on.)
As you will be aware, we have been praying for more Elders for our church
leadership. This is an ongoing process of seeking suitable and willing Elders.
The current Eldership are now pleased to recommend the considera0on of
Chris Hill and Jim Gibbon to the role of Elder. If you have any reserva0ons
about the suitability of either person for this role, please speak to one of
the Pastors or Elders no later than Sunday 2nd November.
The Eldership will then formally nominate the suitable candidates to the
church on the 9th November, and a secret ballot will be held on Sunday
morning 16th November for all church members to ra0fy the nomina0on(s),
with a special mee0ng convened over morning tea to announce the result.
A short summary of the biblical requirements for Eldership is available in
the foyer to assist you in prayerfully considering these nomina0ons.
Ps Cohen Watson, Ps Tim Nsair, Jim Kester & Victor Young
(the exis>ng Eldership)
Meeting with other Christians in small
groups to read God’s Word, pray and enjoy
fellowship is an important part of growing as a
Christian and belonging to the local church family.
If you are not part of a small group, you’re missing out!
Below is a list of Growth Groups available throughout the week.
There are several mixed groups , a group for young ladies/mums,
The card cupboard,
located in the passage
opposite the kitchen
door, contains greeting
cards for all occasions.
Please note that cards are
now $1.20 each and all
proceeds go toward
helping support a Pastor
and his family in Bali.
P C6
Carnaby, Russell: new mobile number
0439 942 997
Fricker, Mavis: email address
(Paul’s email address remains the same)
Piggo;, Phil: new address and phone number
18 Solander Close, Waikiki, 6169 / 9592 4073
a young dads/men’s group, Ladies KYB groups (Know Your Bible).
For further information, please speak to Pastors Cohen or Tim who
R: N S
, 26th O6
can direct you to a group that might be the most suitable for you.
Message: Ps Tim
Leading: J. Gibbon
Communion: C. Hill
Comm Prep: TBC
Helpers: R. Penfold, L & Lo McDonnell,
T. Winter, F. Simpson, R. Carnaby
Reading: C. Smith
Music: E. Earley, G & N Fist, Ps Cohen,
Ps Tim
Sound: B. SouthcoO
Overhead: S. Holmes
Hospitality: D & R Penfold
Teas: C & B Smith, S. Millard
Kids Church: D. Johnson, R. Watson,
M. Belton & S. May
Crèche: N. Catchlove, N. LiOle
Church Lock-Up: J. Hall
Friday (fortnightly)
KYB (ladies)
Rockingham Beach
KYB (ladies)
Port Kennedy
Young dads/men
Safety Bay
Young mums/ladies
Safety Bay
Please join us for the monthly prayer meeting here at
our church, where we thank God for His love and goodness
and seek together His wisdom and guidance for our church family,
our community, our country and God’s Kingdom more generally.
Birthdays this week:
2 2 nd
G l en y s M o y l e
K ei t h S t e wa r t
C o n ni e B o o t h
P et er M o y l e
D D Saturday, 25th October
Men’s Breakfast
Thursday, 13th November
Board Mee0ng
Thursday, 20th November
Prayer Together @ 4—5pm
Cnr Rae Rd & Frederick St, (PO Box 7128), SAFETY BAY, WA 6169 Tel: (08) 9592 2495
Pastor Cohen: Assoc. Pastor Tim: