Document 6569244


Document 6569244
Half-Termly Curriculum Overview for Year 1
Ms Stenhouse and Ms Begum
Autumn Term 1
September-October 2014
To count sets of objects.
To read and write numerals.
To order numbers.
To add and subtract two one-digit numbers.
To know the names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
Outcomes: Children will be able to:
Read, write, count and order numbers, and form numerals to 100 correctly.
Count forwards and backwards to and across 100.
Write number sentences to solve simple addition and subtraction problems accurately.
To learn how labels, captions and lists are used.
Read and write stories which have familiar settings.
Read and perform poetry with rhymes and pattern.
Outcomes: Children will be able to:
Write and read labels, captions and lists.
Use the structure of a story with a familiar setting to help them write their own story.
Respond to poems and identify patterns and rhymes.
Use a range of writing styles and punctuation, and read back what they have written.
International Primary Curriculum
IPC focus this half term is ‘Toys’. During this unit we will focus on
Science, History, Technology an ICT, Physical Education and
Science learning points
Be able to pose simple scientific questions
Be able, with help, to conduct simple investigations:
Thinking about what will happen, using simple scientific equipment. Recognising
when a test or comparison with one variable is fair, observing what happens.
History learning points
Be able to use key words and phrases relating to the passing of time.
Be able to order events and objects into a sequence.
Be able to identify differences between their own lives and those of people who
have lived in the past.
Be able to find out about aspects of the past from a range of sources of
Make simple comparisons, identify similarities, differences and simple patterns.
Technology learning points
Religious Education
Me and my feelings
Outcomes: Children will be able to:
Talk about times when they have
experienced different feelings. They
will talk about how to manage these
feelings in various situations.
To learn about the key events of the Christian Calendar
To re-tell the Christian Creation story and explore how
Christians behave towards nature and the environment.
To be able to recall key festivals in the Christian Calendar.
To consider how we can take care of the world.
Physical Education: Ball skills and Dance
Please bring your PE kit on Wednesday and
Explore ways of using the body to travel along, through, over, along and under obstacles.
Develop catching and throwing.
Listen to and respond to rhymes for dance and movement and applying movements in sequence.
Perform simple activities with control and coordination.
Be able to plan and describe their plans in pictures and words.
Be able to comment on their own plans and products and suggest areas of
Be able to use ICT to present information.
Music: African Drumming
To respect one another’s individuality and independence.
Reading Homework: Children need to bring their book bag into school every day. Please support your child to read
their reading book and complete their reading task each night.
Literacy and Numeracy Homework: Year 1 will be given Literacy and Numeracy homework sheets on Fridays later in
your PEa Kit
on a Wednesday
costume on Friday
Children will be
teacher to and
African Drumming.
Outcomes: Children will be able to play to the rhythm of a piece of music and learn to follow the beat.
International learning points
How Can You Help?
Class Trip
Visit to the Museum of Childhood
(IPC & Literacy link)
the term. Please encourage your child to return these sheets on Monday. Why not try these websites: