
It’s Early - Again!!!
Well after last weeks bumper edition this one looks as though it could be a healthy
rival. I make no apology for the emails being quite big these days, it’s a strong sign
of how busy the Club is. We passed 350 members this week and I’m already aware
of at least half a dozen forms being submitted to Michael Crozier.
Well done to all those who braved the typically autumnal weather last night for the
first edition of this years Winter Handicap. We sent out 98 runners and although only
97 returned (Gareth Wills discovered exactly how slippy the quayside is in the rain)
most seemed to enjoy the run. For those who stayed in and watched Great British
Bake Off – hang your heads in shame!!
There aren’t any results yet as we’ve hit a minor snag with the chip timing system.
All being well I’ll have the information by next week, otherwise you may have
consider it a valuable training run. Since the illuminations will be finished by the next
episode (12 Nov) we’ll be moving back to the original (better lit) route starting and
finishing by the Marine Activities Centre.
More excitement this weekend as the 2014/15 North East Harrier League Cross
Country kicks off at Cramlington. Registrations have now closed for this event so if
your name is not on this list then you can’t run; however, don’t despair as
registrations will open again before the next event (22 Nov @ Durham).
Directions are attached, for anyone using the A1 the Seaton Burn exit is closed all
weekend. For those able to offer seats please meet at the Club at 11:15. There will
be a parking charge of £1. Ladies race is due off at 1:10pm, the Men at 2:15pm.
Look out for the NEW Stroller tent (assuming we can work out how to put it up) and
Stroller flag.
There will be hot food in the Ashbrooke at 5pm provided by Strollers, you have to
buy your own beer.
Sunderland parkrun
It is the 5th Birthday of Sunderland parkrun this Saturday, there will be CAKE to
celebrate!! In the evening there is a party at Kilmartins starting at 7pm.
Long Sleeved Tops
Jill has managed to source some yellow long sleeved tops:
Limited availability so first come-first served by
contacting – just £15.
Sherman Cup Marshals
The following from Paul West at South Shields Harriers:
On Saturday 25th October we are hosting the Sherman Cup & Davison Shield Cross Country race at
Temple Park South Shields ( The F.A.Cup of Cross Country in our region J) and we are expecting
around 800 competitors.
Last year Sunderland Strollers, with help from John Woodward were kind enough to help Marshal the
course along with ourselves and Jarrow & Hebburn and the event was a success.
This year for the event to get off to a safe & smooth start we need to recruit at least 34 Marshals
again between the 3 clubs, so we would like some more volunteers and ask people who are not
running this race to give us a hand please.
All Marshals will receive reflective jackets to wear and a FREE packed lunch.
There are details of this event for people on Facebook
here where people can inform us that they
wish to volunteer directly or they can see John Woodward (Woody) once again and let him know or
contact me direct.
Neon Run – 25 Oct
The following from Ed Jones at the Neon Run:
I'm working for group called Neon Run who is bringing an event to Sunderland on
the 25th of October. We are currently seeking enthusiastic volunteers to assist with
the running of the event. If you think this is something you could circulate in your
group I'd love to chat more about it. My email is: and
my contact number is: 07514140884
I've also attached a flyer with some more information about the event.
I look forward to hearing from you guys soon.
Ultra Stroller Report
Strollers leading ultra guru tackled the 3x3000 event at the weekend:
'The 3x3000 Lakeland Trail Ultra is a 49 mile route starting in Keswick, heading
south to summit Scafell Pike before turning east to Helvellyn, then north along the
'Dodd ridge' and on to Skiddaw before returning to Keswick within a 19 hour time
Torrential overnight rain battered the Lake District and within minutes of
the 5am start everyone's feet were soaked as footpaths were ankle-deep in flood
water. Things got worse as riverside footpaths now underwater saw racers wading
knee-deep through the flood by torchlight.
Dawn was breaking as we left the valley bottom and climbed the exposed fell side
where the race was diverted away from the Scafell Pike summit section due to the
poor weather conditions.
From here the course markers took us away from recognised footpaths into
marshes; dirty, 'orrible, black marshes!
From Wythburn checkpoint what felt like an almost vertical climb brought us to
Helvellyn summit and a good runnable section along the tops to Clough Head and a
steep descent to the Old Coach Road.
On arriving at Latrigg checkpoint it's decision time; jack it in here and take a 3 mile
stroll back to warmth and comfort in Keswick or complete the final 12 mile loop that
involves the huge climb up the big brute that is Skiddaw.
We chose to push on and endure the laborious climb up Lakeland's third highest
peak and the equally torturous descent off in darkness and low cloud.
After dibbing once again at Latrigg it was a pleasant stroll back to the finish in
Any Strollers who've done the Lakeland 50 and are looking to challenge themselves
further should seriously consider this testing race.
Lakes in a Day
One of our other ultra stars, the young Ken Maynard, will be undertaking the Lakes
in a Day this Saturday (some people will do anything to get out of XC). In between
spectating/running at Cramlington you can track his progress here.
Adnan’s Lakeland Tours
I am taking few Strollers up Scafell Pike, Scafell and Gables on the 18th
October Saturday from Seathwaite and back. The route is about 12 miles at a
sociable pace (walk/jog/run). I have created a route and its on Strollers Garmin
Page. Everyone's welcome. All you need is a pair of Off Road Shoes, Hat/Gloves,
Waterproof Top, food/water and a sense of Adventure is a must .
Next year I would like to organise a BG Relay (possibly 2nd weekend in June) and
would need at least 10 willing people so I can start showing you the route. I go to
Lakes few times a month so we can organise few reccies.
Also, will be keen to do National Three Peaks Challenge next year.
Contact Adnan through Facebook if you’re interested.
Stroller of The Month
Nominations are, of course, now open for October, perhaps a bloke this month?
Stroller Survey
Please find attached a summary of the responses received from the Stroller Survey.
Apologies for it taking a while. The next stage is to form a small group of interested Strollers
to give the current training arrangements a review. To that end I have arranged for the UK
Athletics Club Support Officer (Nick Ridgeon) to come to Ashbrooke on Tuesday 21st
Oct(7pm) to help take this work forwards. Nick has worked recently with a number of North
East Clubs who have encountered the same (nice) problem as us, rising numbers. If you want
to get involved in this group, please let me know.
Pack Leaders
I’ve had some response for Pack Leaders to step forwards in advance, the table at the foot of
the email has been updated. There are still plenty of gaps which need filling please.
Regular Steady Runs
It has become a frequent feature that some Strollers chose to do a steady run on
a Wednesday rather than take part in the programmed session. There are plenty of good
reasons for this; returning from injury, recovery from or preparation for races, sheer bloody
Included in the Pack Leaders roster I have included 2 steady runs, one approximately 8 miles
at 8:15/8:30 pace, another of around 6 miles at 9:15/30 pace. I’m now looking for volunteers
to step forward and lead these elements, turning up to the Club with a route planned, ready to
take out those Strollers from 7:15pm. It is not envisaged that there will be much re-grouping
so runners should only go if they are comfortable with the planned pace, run leaders should
try and ensure that the group sticks to the pace.
Half Marathon Training Group
In January 2015 I will be starting a Half Marathon Training Group, I’m looking for up to 16
Strollers who currently have a HM PB between 1:50 and 2:00. The Group will follow a 3
month programme targetting an April HM. If you’re interested then let me know, first come
first served basis, I have 6 willing (victims) volunteers already.
Fund Raising for Strollers
A while back I told you all about Easy Fundraising where a simple click will cost you
nothing but raise money for the Club. More details are here Easy Fun Raising, basically
rather than go straight to an online retailer (including Amazon, Tesco, M&S etc) if you
register and go through this page, the retailers will make a donation to the Club. UK
Athletics report that some Clubs are generating £100s of pounds for supporting their
activities. It does seem almost too good to be true but it really is that simple – why not give it
a go.
UK Athletics Training
See the UK Athletics website here for more details. The Course Fee for the
Leadership in Running Fitness is now £135 and should be paid in the first instance
by the individual. Once you have completed the course and received confirmation of
your qualification (you receive a new UKA Membership Card) the Club will refund
your fees in total. We have been able to do this thanks to the generous support of
the Community Development Foundation who have provided the Club with £1300 to
support the encouragement of adult sport participation in Sunderland.
NEHL XC 2014/15
Future fixtures are as follows:
**25th Oct - Sherman Cup, Temple Park, South Shields Harriers
22nd Nov - Akley Heads, Durham, Elvet, Derwentside
29th Nov - Wallington, Morpeth Harriers
** 13th Dec - North Easterns, Newcastle Town Moor, Tyne Bridge Harriers
** 11th Jan - Durham Cathedral relays
17th Jan - Bedewell Park - Jarrow & Hebburn AC
** 24th Jan - Northern Championships, Pontefract
** 21st Feb - English Nationals, Parliament Hill, London
28th Feb - Alnwick Castle, Alnwick Harriers
14th Mar - Wrekenton, Saltwell Harriers
(** – Not NEHL fixtures).
Entry to all XC is paid for by the Club and there will be food available back at
Ashbrooke after each event.
Doorstep Marathon
This years Doorstep Marathon will take place on Sunday 7 December. For those
new to the Club (or those who haven’t paid attention in the past) this is a Stroller
Charity Event. The course is a 2 lap route from the Seaburn Marriot around South
Shields and back home (or via the Tyne Tunnel if your name is Tony Allen or Ali
Pattinson). Runners can opt to do either the half or full marathon distance and all
income from the entry fee goes to the Stroller designated charity of the
Chemotherapy Unit at Sunderland Royal Hospital. Put the date in your diaries now
and further details will follow, last year we raised over £500 and it would be great to
beat that target.
Urban Trail 35
Jon’s plans for the Urban Trail 35 on 2 Nov are well advanced and I believe DD
Events have 30+ entries (but space for more). Those that have parted with their £15
are now proud owners of a Route Book. There are plans for some recce runs along
parts of the route over the coming weeks, once I have details I’ll let you know.
Contact Jon through his Double D Events Admin Guru here.
Bonfire Night – NO TRAINING
Since Bonfire Night falls on a Wednesday this year, the Ashbrooke will be shut to us
because of the fireworks display, hence there will be NO TRAINING that evening.
Christmas Party – 27 Dec 2014
The Christmas Party is booked, at the Barnes, £6.50 per ticket (available soon)
which will include a hot buffet rather than Bring’n’Share. There are plans to get a
ceilidh band although Jenna and Karen are looking for suggestions of a decent band.
London Marathon 2015
Facebook has been full of London Marathon acceptance and rejection letters; well
done to all those who will be running (whether through the ballot or GFA). For those
who applied and got knocked back, pass your rejection letters (suitably
reconstructed if you shredded it in anger or mistake) to Malcolm Cox.
We will be applying for Club places when the allocation opens at the end of this
month and the draw for these places will be made in early December (not at the
Christmas Party this year).
For those who were successful in the initial ballot or have claimed their Good For
Age place, you may be interested in the attached brochure, the company is offering
a £10 discount for all registered club runners.
Potential Paris-Versaille Trip in 2015
Michael Crozier is willing to organise a return Strollers trip to France in September
2015 for the Paris-Versaille 10M race. If you’re interested contact Michael here.
Future Races
Gibside Fruit Bowl – 19 Oct 2014
The 18th Gibside Trail Race is taking place on Sunday 19 October 2014. A slight change to
this year’s race is that for the first time they will have chip time. Entries are available here or
via the Run Britain website
Poppy Run 2014
Claire Douglas is organising this event on 2 Nov at Silksworth, it’s a 5K in support of the
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Further details are attached, Clare is also looking for
help to marshal the event. If you’re able to help, let me know and I’ll pass on your details.
Strollers Championship 2014
As a reminder, the confirmed races for the 2014 Championship are below, any
queries to Malcolm:
Any marathon
Any half marathon
Nov Sun 16 Nov Brampton to Carlisle
Strollers Championship 2015
Planning (if you can call it that) has commenced for the 2015 Stroller Championship,
if you have a particular race that you think should be included then let Malcom
Cox know, remember, if you don’t ask you certainly won’t get and shy bairns get
This Week's Training:
Time Meet
Wednesday 1900 Ashbrooke
Strawberry Bank
1800 Barnes Pub
6-7 miles, lots of re-grouping, all abilities
0900 Barnes Pub
90 mins to 2 hours
0930 Morrison's
6-8 miles social run
1000 Morrison's
Join the 0930 group as they pass back past
1800 Penshaw Hill
6-7 miles on trails, head torches no longer
required, lots of re-grouping, all paces catered
1800 Silksworth Lake (by
General efforts in and around Silksworth Park
1815 Premier
Lane Underpass
Future Training
3.75 - 4.5 miles tempo run (little or no regrouping)
15 October
22 October
29 October
19 November
Fast Med
Med Med
Damian Kirby
Damian Kirby
Damian Kirby
Damian Kirby
Alastair C-C
Alastair C-C
Alastair C-C
Alastair C-C
Slow Med
8M (8:15/30)
6M (9:15/9:30)
Sunderland Strollers
Quote of the Week
A certain Strollette upon finding she had an entry to London 2015
Contact Details
All contact details are here: Stroller Contacts