Document 6569566
Document 6569566
CALL FOR PAPERS: 1st IEEE ICC 2015 Workshop on Dependable Vehicular Communications (DVC) Organizing Committee Workshop Description Thomas Zemen (primary contact) (FTW), Jerome Härri (EURECOM), Christoph Mecklenbräuker (TU Wien), Claude Stefan Rührup (FTW), Christoph Sommer Oestges (UCL), (Universität Paderborn), Erik Ström (Chalmers University), Fredrik Tufvesson (Lund Univ.) Wireless vehicular communication systems constitute the backbone of intelligent transportations systems (ITS). Currently, wireless communications informs the human driver. In the future wireless communications will influence the movement of vehicles. Automated driving and driver assistance systems require Selected Areas in Communications the exchange of Symposium kinematic information in distributed control Technical Program Committee Members algorithms with very short latency. Future ITS that network Satellite and Space track Taimoor Abbas (Volvo Cars), Victor Bahl (Microsoft Research), Communications automated vehicles with the goal of zero accidents have the Fredrik Brännström (Chalmers), Claudio Casetti (Polito Italy), potential to save more than 1 Mio. human lives and avoid 8 Mio. Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini (Polito), Levent Ekiz (BMW), Thomas serious injuries worldwide every year. Haustein (HHI), Giovanni Del Galdo (Illmenau University of Symposium Co-Chairs Dependable wireless communications with short-latency, low Technology), Andreas Festag (TU Dresden), Markus Fidler (Uni outage probability, and in non-stationary vehicular Hannover), Marco Fiore (CNR/INRIA), Alex Grant (Univ. of South communication channels is a challenging task. It involves a multi Tomaso de Cola DLR, German Aerospace Center, Germany. Email: Australia), Javier Gozalvez (Univ. M. Hernandez), Marko Jandrisits disciplinary effort including vehicular channel measurements, (ASFINAG), Ed Knightly (RICE), Wim Kotterman (Illmenau characterization and modeling; cooperative communications; and University of Technology), Thomas Kürner (TU Braunschweig), low-latency protocol design. A dependable wireless Gerald Matz (TU International Wien), Pietro Manzoni (Univ. Valencia), Peter The 2015 IEEE Conference on Communications (ICC) will be held from ad-hoc 8-12 Ju communication framework willin be London, essential forUK vehicular Priller (AVL), Olivier Renaudin (USC), Pedro M. Ruiz, (University 2015. Themed “Smart City & Smart World,” with its proximity to Tech City, the fastest growing technology cluster networks, device-to-device communication links in future 5G of Murcia), Moritz Schack (VW), Björn Scheuermann (HU Berlin), Europe, this flagship conference of IEEE Communications Societyand will feature a systems comprehensive systems, cyber physical in general. technical progra Björn Schünemann (TU Berlin), Dieter Smely (Kapsch TC), Katrin including twelveAB), Symposia a number of Tutorials and Workshops. IEEE isICC 2015thewilldevelopment also include a The goal of the workshop to foster of Sjöberg (Volvo Elisabeth and Uhlemann (Mälardalen Univ.), dependable vehicular communication systems. This workshop exceptional Industry Forum & Exhibition program including business panels and keynote speakers. We invite y Alexey Vinel (Tampere/Halmstad), Klaus Witrisal (TU Graz), Alex will bringworkshop, together academic industrial researchers to to identify (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) to Wyglinski submit your original technical papers, and industry forum, and and tutorial proposals this even and discuss technical challenges and recent results to IEE Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE ICC 2015 Conference Proceedings related and in dependable vehicular communications. TopicsFull of interest Xplore®. details include of submission procedures are available at • Vehicular channel measurements This Workshop is organized in part by the European COST • Channel characterization and modeling Action IC1004, and NEWCOM#. Scope and Topics of Interest • Channel estimation algorithms • Cooperative communications for vehicular scenarios The•recent advances of satellite communication technology have witnessed an unprecedented increase of service Signal processing techniques • Protocols for cooperative communications possibly distributed according to anywhere-anytime paradigm. To this regard, the appearance of new standar • Integration of vehicular networks in 5G systems and the simultaneous integration with terrestrial infrastructure has introduced new technical challenges to be face • Dependability aspects of channel access by the scientific community. Fault tolerant protocols and error recovery The•Satellite and Space Communications track solicits original and unpublished work not currently under review b • System level simulation concepts any •other conference or journal. The focus of this track is on exploring and discussing new technical breakthroug Key requirements (latency, reliability) and conformance tests for and applications focusing on all aspects of satellite and space communications. DVC The• Satellite and Space Communications track solicits original contributions in, but not limited to, the followin Performance bounds and optimization topical areas: • Field tests of vehicular communications Satellite and space communications and networking Important Dates Near-Earth satellite communications Antennas for Satellite Communications Full paper submissions: Dec. 8, 2014 Submission of contributions: MIMO satellite communications Notification of acceptance: Jan. 12, 2015 Hybrid satellite/terrestrial Feb. networks Final manuscript: 23, 2015 Workshop website: Coding, modulation and synchronization schemes for satellite communications Contributions Channel models for satellite communications All submissions should beprotocols written in English with a maximum paper length of 6 printed pages (minimum 10-point font) including figures, Reliable multicast for satellite networks without incurring additional page charges. One additional page is allowed with a charge of USD100, if accepted. Papers exceeding 7 pages Transport protocol performance over satelliteat all. Authors should use the relevant IEEE template, ensuring IEEE Explore will not be accepted at EDAS, nor will they be reviewed compatible PDF-format. Papers willin be satellite published networks in IEEEXplore under “IEEE Intern. Conference on Communications Workshops”. Please Game theory applications note that at ICC2015 authors will be required to present their papers in person to qualify for publication of their papers in IEEEXplore. Security, privacy, and trust in satellite networks