4 Annual Region II FSAWWA Model Water Tower Competition


4 Annual Region II FSAWWA Model Water Tower Competition
4 Annual Region II
FSAWWA Model Water
Tower Competition
Sign up for a fun-filled,
science-oriented competition!
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Check-in Time: 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Lunch will be provided for the students
*Student entry forms must be submitted
by September 26th
Auditorium 1202
University of North Florida
School of Engineering
Teams of up to 4 students for Middle
School and High School Divisions
The top three teams of each division,
as well as an AWWA Certificate of
Participation for every contestant
No cost for teams to enter
For more information, please contact the FSAWWA Region II Model Water Tower
Competition Chair, Matt Goolsby (goolsbyma@cdmsmith.com or 904-527-6756).
• Model water towers may be of any design and constructed from any
• Examples of innovative materials include an old broom stick from your
garage as a support structure, a gas can as a tank, or any other atypical items
that you might find lying around the house!
• Judging based on: ingenuity, sustainability, structural design, and hydraulic
efficiency for the tower
Judging Criteria
weight of empty tower
tank height x water volume
The lower this number is, the better
Time it takes to fill the model with 1
gallon of water and drain it
The less time it takes to fill and drain
the tank, the better
Measures ability to save money while
building the tower
The less money you spent, the better
How much imagination and skill were
used in your model
Craftsmanship, imagination, and
artistic merit
Design Standards
• The base of the model must fit in a square
1 foot on each side
• The tank must be between 1.5 and 2.5 feet high
from base to top of tank
• The tank must have a vent or removable lid so the
judges can tell when it is full
• When full, the tank must hold between 1 and
2.5 gallons of water, without leaking
• The model must use the 3/8 inch connector as supplied
• The model must be structurally stable
2013 Winners: High School
• 1st - Bishop Kenny
• 2nd - Creekside
• 3rd - Atlantic Coast
2013 Winners: Middle School
• 1st - San Jose Episcopal
• 2nd - Holy Family Catholic
• 3rd - Landmark
Attention Middle and High School Teachers:
Your local region of American Water Works Association, Region II, is proud to announce the
Fourth Annual Model Water Tower Competition to be held on October 18, 2014. This
competition provided students with a fun-filled, science oriented competition aimed at
introducing middle and high school students to engineering and the water profession. We are
pleased to invite student teams from your school to participate with other Region II Middle
and High School students in this unique competition for the best Model Water Tower in
Region II!
This competition requires students to build a water tower with specific size and height
requirements. The models are judged based on the following four categories: cost efficiency,
hydraulic efficiency, structural efficiency, and design ingenuity. All of the specific requirements
for the water tower model judging and the associated scoring factors are defined in the attached
Every participant will receive a Certificate of Participation from AWWA. Grand prizes will be
awarded to the 3 Top Overall Models (based on lowest accumulated score). Grand prizes for the
middle school and high school divisions will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place,
This competition requires very little of the classroom teacher’s time, but success of the student is
directly dependent on the student having the opportunity and encouragement to enter. We are
asking Region II Math, Science and Technology Middle and High School teachers to present the
Model Water Tower Competition to their classroom, hand out the Competition Students Packets
to their students (to be provided in the near future), and collect and return the student registration
forms to the AWWA Region II – Model Water Tower Competition Chair (see below). Here is
link the FSAWWA website discussing the event and requirements:
Please notify Matt Goolsby at 904-527-6756 (goolsbyma@cdmsmith.com) if you are interested in
promoting the Model Water Tower Competition to your middle and high school students. We
will be happy to provide support within your classroom if needed. We look forward to working
with you and your students.
Thank you for your positive consideration for the Model Water Tower Competition in your
Matt Goolsby
CDM Smith
Model Water Tower Competition Chair
Andy May, P.E.
FSAWWA Region II Chair