: SPIRITUALITY 3rd International Conference


: SPIRITUALITY 3rd International Conference
3rd International Conference
22 -24 November, 2014
Venue: SMS, Varanasi
Organized by:
School of Management Sciences was established in 1995 in Varanasi which is one of the oldest ci es of the world and is
considered as the cultural and spiritual capital of India. Since its incep on, Ins tute is making sincere efforts towards its
mission of crea ng excellent learning ambience through innova ve approaches for producing professionals capable of
answering global challenges and demonstra ng high ethical and moral standards. SMS is approved by AICTE Ministry of
HRD, New Delhi and is affiliated to U ar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow. It is recognised under sec on 2(f) and
12(B) of UGC Act. and has collabora on with various interna onal universi es and ins tutes across the globe. The
Ins tute is con nuously growing in recogni on and respect in the industry and in the academic world alike. On account
of its significant contribu on in the field of management educa on and research, the ins tute has been appreciated and
awarded na onally and interna onally at various academic and corporate forums.
SMS offers Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), Master of Business Administra on (MBA), Master of
Computer Applica ons (MCA), Bachelor of Business Administra on (BBA), and Bachelor of Computer Applica ons
(BCA) Programs and has been consistently ranked amongst the top 30 B-Schools of the country by various magazines
and ra ng agencies. SMS has one of the best infrastructure facili es and lush green campus.
Centre for Spiritualism and Human Enrichment was established by School of Management Sciences in the year 2003 with the noble objec ve to create a
strong pla orm for all those who are interested in contribu ng towards enriching human lives and the modern management science through spirituality.
This Centre has been established to explore the possibility of blending spirituality and human values with the modern management principles and prac ces
so that a new sustainable and holis c model of management could be created. Since its incep on in the year 2003 this Centre is making sincere efforts to
fulfill the objec ve for which it has been established. Centre has already organized numerous conferences, seminars and workshops of na onal and
interna onal level to gather and disseminate ways and methods for inculca ng spirituality and human values in management theory and prac ce.
Publica ons of journal and books have also been a regular feature of the Centre for spreading the relevant knowledge. Its Journal Purushartha’ has worldwide presence through open journal access system of Inflibnet established by University Grants Commission, Govt. of India and the journal is also indexed
by Elsevier through Scopus. Centre is also making sincere efforts to develop free e-content knowledge material based on the objec ves of the Centre for
reaching to the people across the world.
Sub Themes
Leaders are expected to behave ethically. Today there is a growing demand from the
society and other stakeholders that leaders should come out of their narrow thinking
processes and focus on integrated and inclusive decision making where the interest of
mul ple stakeholders including society and environment are also taken care of. With
expanding boundaries of business and technology coupled with a more vibrant
economic, poli cal, and social structure of the world complexity in leadership and
management prac ces has increased manifold o en leading to unethical prac ces. It
won’t be inappropriate to say that current leadership and management prac ces are
aiming for doing larger things instead of be er things. Probably this is the reason that
today we have more experts and so is the case with world problems. Somehow, wisdom in
leadership and management prac ces is lost in the narrow and divisive decision making It
is strongly realized now by the world that for developing ethical leadership and
management prac ces, a congruence of secular (material) and sacred (spiritual)
dimensions is must for bringing change in the world based on connectedness, love, trust,
and harmony so that peace and prosperity across the world can be achieved.
The theme of the conference is that how could spirituality which is the founda on of
universal love and source of our existence be a solu on for ethical leadership and
management prac ces. This interna onal conference is being organized to provide a
common pla orm for everybody to discuss, exchange, and present the ideas, thoughts,
and research work so as to develop a be er understanding on the theme of the
Role of Spirituality in Leadership
Spirituality for Ethical Management Prac ces
Corporate Ethics and Spirituality
Ancient Indian Spiritual Founda ons for Leadership and Management
Prac ces
Tradi onal Wisdom of East and West for Leadership and Management
Prac ces
Spirituality for Authen c Corporate Social Responsibility
Spirituality for Ethical Corporate Governance
Workplace Spirituality
Sustainability through Spirituality
Spirituality for Social Innova ons
Technologies for Human Welfare
Harmonious Co-existence of Materialism, Ethics and Spiritual Values in
Leadership and Management Prac ces
Spirituality for Self Management
Role of Value based Educa on
The objec ves of the Conference are:
• Emphasizing the importance of spirituality in ethical leadership and management
prac ces.
• Sensi zing leaders and management prac oners towards spirituality.
• Exploring the mechanisms for ensuring ethical leadership and management prac ces
through spirituality.
• Proposing prac cal models of ethical leadership and management based on spiritual
• Highligh ng role of spiritual values in environmental sustainability.
• Exploring the role of spirituality in Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate
Registration Fee
Upto 30th October, 2014
A er 30th October, 2014
INR 5000/-
INR 6000/-
INR 3500/-
INR 4000/-
Students/Research Scholars
INR 1500/-
INR 2000/-
Foreign Na onals
200 US Dollars
250 US Dollars
The Registra on fee will include the par cipa on fee, conference kit, conference meals and conference proceedings.
Spiritual Tour of
Varanasi (Kashi):
Varanasi is one of the most ancient ci es of the world and is considered as the
spiritual and cultural capital of India. For centuries, Varanasi is famous for
spiritualism, mys cism, Indian philosophy and Hinduism. The microcosm of
Varanasi has fascinated the world for ages and people from across the world come
to Varanasi to understand the spiritual tradi on of Varanasi. Spiritual Tour of
Varanasi has been organized for the par cipants of this conference where they will
be exposed to the spiritual and cultural heritage of Varanasi. The tour will include
the visit to places like Sarnath where Lord Budhha gave his first sermon, Famous
Hindu Temples, Ghats of River Ganges, and many other places of spiritual learning.
Par cipants who would be interested in the spiritual tour would have to pay the
extra fee as men oned below:
Indian Na onals : INR 1500/Foreign Na onals : 50 US Dollars
Mode of Payment
Payment of Registra on fee shall be paid either through DD in favour of “Convenor, School of Management Sciences " payable at Varanasi (India) or
through electronic transfer in the account whose details are given below:
Name of the Account
Account Number
Bank Name
Branch Code
Chetganj Branch, Hathua Market, VARANASI, U ar Pradesh
Guidelines for Papers
• The abstract of not more than 350 words excluding tle and references should be send by 15th October, 2014. The sub theme under which the abstract should be considered
must be men oned.
• A er the acceptance of the abstract contributors are required to send the Research Paper not exceeding 5000 words including tables and figures by 30th October, 2014. The
text should be double space in 12 point Times New Roman font with 1.5 inches margin all round.
• The cover page should contain the tle of the paper, author's name and brief profile along with the e-mail and the contact numbers.
• Author's name should not appear anywhere in the paper except the cover page. It facilitates the blind review process.
• Author should send one separate sheet with abstract, summary of the paper and key words, along with the paper.
• References should be cited at the end of the paper. This list should men on only those sources cited in the text of the paper.
• All the tables and figures must be serially numbered.
• Author would have to cer fy that the material is unpublished, as well as original. It is the responsibility of author to obtain permission to reprint previously published ma er
with copyright restric ons.
• Correspondence and proofs for correc on will be sent to first named author.
• Selected papers will be published in Journal ‘Purushartha’ (ISSN:0975-024X) indexed in Scopus, Elsevier and hosted on OJAS Pla orm of Inflibnet, University Grants
• Paper should be sent through e-mail only at smsicon2014@smsvaranasi.com or smsicon2014@gmail.com.
Par culars
Margins from all sides
Spacing between lines
Title Page
350 words excluding tle & references
1.5 inch
Times New Roman, 12 points
Title, Author(s), affilia on(s), sub theme under which
abstract should be considered, contact details
Maximum Five
Conference Sessions :
• Plenary Sessions
• Paper Presentation Sessions
• Poster Presentations
• Panel Discussions
Full Paper
Not Over 5000 words including tle, references , tables and figures
1.5 inch
Times New Roman, 12 points
Title, Author(s), affilia on(s), sub theme under which paper has been sent,
contact details
Maximum Five
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission: 15 October, 2014
Communication of Acceptance: 20 October, 2014
Full Length Paper Submission: 30 October, 2014
All Correspondence regarding Abstract and Paper submission has to be done through
e-mail: smsicon2014@smsvaranasi.com or smsicon2014@gmail.com
Advisory Committee
Dr. S.K. Dave
Chairman, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
& Former Chairman SEBI and UTI
Ganesh Natarajan
Prof. Roberto Biloslavo
University of Primorska
Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji
CEO & Vice Chairman
Zensar Technologies &
Ex-Chairman, NASSCOM
Parmarth Niketan Ashram
Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari
Prof. K. D. Tripathi
Course in Mindfulness Inc, USA
Prof. A D N Bajpai
Vice Chancellor
Himachal Pradesh University
Shimla, India
Srinivas Bikinna
Director-Human Resource, AT&T
Bangalore, India
Dr. G. Jawahar
Professor Emeritus
Banaras Hindu University &
Regional Coordinatoor-IGNCA, Govt. of India
B.P. Singh
Ex-Deputy Managing Director
Jyotsana Shrivastava
Business Director
BASF India
Prof. Pradeep Singh
Power Grid Corporation India Ltd.
South East Missouri University
St.Louis, USA
Prof. Sanjoy Mukherjee
Prof. S.K. Singh
Rajiv Gandhi IIM,
Shillong, India
Prof. D.P. Singh
Vice Chancellor, DAVV
& Ex-Vice Chancellor, BHU, Varanasi, India
Prof. P.K. Mukopadhyaya
Ex-Head, Deptt. of Philosophy
Jadavpur University, Kolkata
PadmaShree Prof. Geshe N. Samten
Vice Chancellor
Central University for Tibetan Studies, Sarnath
Varanasi, India
Organizing Team
Bhishma Narain Singh
Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
Conference Director
Prof. P.N.Jha
School of Management Sciences, Varanasi
Conference Convenor
Sandeep Singh
Centre for Spiritualism and Human Enrichment
School of Management Sciences, Varanasi
Conference Coordinators
Rishi Raman Singh
Assistant Professor, SMS, Varanasi
Mr. Anindo Bhattacharjee
Assistant Professor, SMS, Varanasi
Joint Secretary
Faculty of Management Studies
Banaras Hindu University
Kamalsheel Mishra
Associate Professor
SMS, Varanasi
Prof. Prithvish Nag
Dr. Raj Kumar Singh
Vice Chancellor
Mahatama Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth
Dr. C.M. Dwivedi
Associate Professor
SMS, Varanasi
Manish Asthana
President & Global Head - Corporate HR
Datamatics Global Services Ltd, Mumbai
Associate Professor
SMS, Varanasi
Prof. Kamalakar Mishra
Ram Gopal Gupta
Ex-Head, Department of Philosophy & Religion, B.H.U. Varanasi &
Special Emeritus Prof., Wonkwang Digital University South Korea
Assistant Professor
SMS, Varanasi
Amit Kishore Sinha
Assistant Professor
SMS, Varanasi
Sunit Kumar Mishra
Assistant Professor
SMS, Varanasi
Dr. Hemant Yadav
Estd. 1995
School of Management Sciences
Khushipur, Mohan Sarai-Mughal Sarai By-pass, P.O.Bachchaon
Varanasi-221011, U ar Pradesh, India
Phone: +91-542-2271771, 2271772, 3259266
Fax: +91-542-2271773
E-mail: info@smsvaranasi.com
Website: www.smsvaranasi.com
For details, Please contact:
Conference Secretariat
Mobile:+91-8052700001, 8004083083
E-mail: smsicon2014@smsvaranasi.com, smsicon2014@gmail.com
Website: www.icon.smsvaranasi.com
Assistant Professor
SMS, Varanasi