Newsletter to Parents – The October Edition


Newsletter to Parents – The October Edition
21 October 2014
Newsletter to Parents – The October Edition
Dear Parent/Guardians
We are almost reaching the end of the academic year. There have been many programmes and
activities carried out this year, and we hope they have helped your child/ward develop life skills,
leadership skills and a caring heart for the community, thereby embracing the school vision
“Leading Hearts, Leading Minds”.
We appreciate the hard work that many students have put in to balance their academic and cocurricular commitments. It is the sum of these experiences that provides a holistic education for
them. We are thus also very appreciative of the trust that many of you have given to the school,
and I sincerely hope that the fruitful partnerships we have forged will continue to benefit your
child/ward in his/her learning.
Here is a recap of the recent events that have happened in school, and an overview of the
upcoming year-end activities for your reference.
1. Student Achievements
A. Commonwealth Essay-Writing Competition
The Commonwealth Essay-writing Competition, one of the longest-running English essaywriting competitions in the world, is open to youths in 44 Commonwealth countries annually.
This year’s theme was “Team Commonwealth”, meant to commemorate the Commonwealth
Games in Glasgow. Our school has done very well, with a total of 17 winners in the junior and
senior sections! My heartiest congratulations to the following students who did a great job in
making the school proud!
Senior Section
Gold: Ayush Chattoraj (401)
Silver: Eunise Ng (302), Jiselle Lim (304), Sally Yeo (203)
Bronze: Amanda Lee (303), Darreen Teo (202), Teng Wei Wen (401)
Junior Section
Gold: Athena Tan (103), Sherryl Ng Lei (202)
Silver: Ang Cai Ting (103), Cassandra Yeo (201)
Bronze: Arielle Tan (203) , Joshua Lee (105), Sharmaine Cheong (103), Sharon- Anne Tan
(204), Yeong Su Wen (203), Lam Ting Kang (203),
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B. International Competitions and Assessment for Schools (ICAS)
In the ICAS competition organised by UNSW Global, our students have also done very well.
Over one million student entries are accepted from more than 20 countries in the world each
year. For the Writing paper, students are required to write an extended response to a given
task, and the results provide great insights into their writing skills The English Comprehension
paper assesses language skills in a range of contexts and the questions require students to
locate, identify, interpret, infer and synthesise information in and about texts.
Here is the list of students who have been awarded Credit, Distinction and Higher Distinction in
the Writing and English Comprehension papers.
Class Name
Loke Yen Ming
Fong Eu Jin
Ang Yu Ning, Flora
Loh Jia Ning Amanda
Mardiana Bte Mohamed Fariq
Tan Hui En, Arielle
Fiona Lim Yue Ting
Yeong Su Wen
Seow Hui Qin
Athena Tan Jiaxin
Poe Nadi Hline
Distinction (top 10%)
High Distinction (top 5%)
High Distinction (top 5%)
ENGLISH PAPER (Comprehension)
Class Name
Soon Kai En Victoria
Keith Ang Wee Hian
Lee Lemuel John Censon
Fiona Lim Yue Ting
Ong Li Jin
Chester Koh Wei Mun
Tan Hui En, Arielle
Seow Hui Qin
Athena Tan Jiaxin
Pandora Tan
Lim Xin Ying
Kwek Hsiang Ching Lois
Poe Nadi Hline
Credit (top 25%)
Distinction (top 10%)
1. Release of GCE ‘N’-Level Results and Application for PFP and DPP
The ‘N’-Level results will be released tentatively in mid-Dec 2014.
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Applying for the Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP)
The Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) is a one-year programme that offers a practiceoriented curriculum taught by polytechnic lecturers to better prepare polytechnic-bound N(A)
students for entry into relevant Polytechnic Diploma courses. This is an alternative academic
pathway to the Sec 5 year. Students interested in applying for the PFP should first progress to Sec
5 on 2 Jan 2015. Upon the release of the 2014 GCE ‘O’-level results in Jan 2015, eligible N(A)
students will be invited to apply for the Polytechnic Diploma courses of their choice under the PFP,
at the same time as the annual Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE). Application results will be
released by end-Jan 2015. Students should only withdraw from Sec 5 after they have accepted a
PFP offer.
Applying for the Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP)
The Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP) is a through-train pathway for N(A)
students who do well in their GCE ‘N’-levels, and who will benefit from hands-on and experiential
learning at the ITE by enrolling in a Higher Nitec programme immediately after Sec 4. Upon the
release of the 2014 GCE ‘N’-level results in Dec 2014, eligible Sec 4N(A) students will be invited to
apply for the DPP. Application results will be released by end-December 2014, and successful
applicants will commence their Higher Nitec DPP programmes in Jan 2015. There will be a second
round of DPP applications after the release of the GCE O-level results in Jan 2015.
2. Upcoming Year-end Trips
Science Learning Journey to Curtin University
To provide a more broad-based Science education, a group of 28 Sec 1 and 2 students will be
embarking on a learning journey to Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia, from 27 Oct to 2
Nov 2014. Planned and led by three of our Science teachers (Mrs Kwek Yin Sy, Mr Lin Shunyi and
Mrs Grace Ng), this programme aims to develop in our students global perspectives for them to be
future leaders in diverse fields of scientific research. At the same time, this trip seeks to provide
students with opportunities to gain insights into emerging industry technologies in fields such as
renewable energy, computer programming and astronomy.
Bicultural Immersion Programme
A group of 21 students, led by 3 teachers, will be heading to Shanghai, Hangzhou and Suzhou,
People’s Republic of China, from 1 to 9 Nov, for a Bicultural Immersion programme. This
programme aims to develop in students a deeper understanding and appreciation of Chinese
culture and values, as well as some of the country’s historical and geographical features. The
interaction between our students and those from the local schools will also allow for cultural
exchange and learning.
Service Learning Trip to Chiangmai
As part of the school’s programme to instil school values and cultivate life skills in students, 20
students and 5 teachers will participate in a service learning trip to Chiangmai, Thailand, from 13 to
22 Nov. They will take part in activities such as waste management, infrastructural improvements
and agriculture, and engage with the village children through sports, games and the teaching of
English. These will definitely broaden their world view and enable them to experience the true spirit
of service learning.
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CCA Trips
The Rock-climbing Club would be embarking on a trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 10 to 13
Nov 2014, while the Symphonic Band would be heading to Hong Kong for a musical exchange with
international bands from 25 to 29 Nov 2014.
3. XMS Open House 2014
The school’s Open House 2014 will be held on 22 Nov (Sat) from 9:00am to 3:00pm. It will
comprise talks, exhibitions and hands-on activities for visitors. Your child/ward may be involved in
the planning and execution of some of the programme items due to his/her CCA or other duties.
4. Administrative Matters
Last Day of School for 2014
For Sec 1s and 2s, the last day of school is 24 Oct (Friday). For Sec 3s, the compulsory Bridging
Programme will take place from 27 Oct (Mon) – 7 Nov (Fri). Their last day of school is hence 7 Nov.
During this period, CCAs will commence after 1:40 pm. Please note that selected CCAs, overseas
trips and enrichment programmes may continue for some students even after the last day of school.
Please check with your child on his or her year-end after-school programme schedule.
First Day of School for 2015
School will reopen on 2 Jan 2015 (Fri) for the new academic year. If your child will be travelling to
areas possibly infected by various influenza strains or other viruses, please be vigilant and ensure
that your child observes proper personal hygiene at all times. Upon returning from such areas,
should your child develop flu-like symptoms, please inform the school immediately, consult a
doctor, and refrain from coming back to school until your child is fully recovered.
Year-end Travel Declaration
For parents of Sec 1 to 3 students, a travel declaration form was given to your child/ward last week
and the deadline for submission is 21 Oct (Tue). If you have not submitted, please complete, sign
and return it to your child/ward’s Form Teacher as soon as possible. You may also retrieve a copy
of the form from our website. A NIL reply is required.
5. Healthy Eating in Xinmin
As part of the school’s approach to encourage healthy eating and living among staff and students,
the school’s canteen will promote healthier eating choices by incorporating more greens and
including more whole-grains gradually in the meals. In addition, all preserved food such as
luncheon meat will not be sold in the canteen. These measures will be implemented in 2015 on top
of the school’s current polices on limited deep fried food choices, as well as the use of low-fat
alternatives, among others.
In advocating healthier food choices, the school is mindful of the need to contain the increase in
food prices. While staple food prices have increased over the past few years, our canteen prices
have stayed stagnant. To adjust for the inflation and the use of healthier alternatives, we have
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allowed for price increases of between 10 and 20 cents for some items next year. We hope to have
your understanding and support in the school’s initiative. You may wish to contact the school’s
Vice-Principal (Admin), Mr Fong Kim Wah, to find out more about the school’s policies on healthy
6. Upgrading and renovations works
Due to the ongoing construction of the school’s Creative Arts Complex, there will be some
disruption to the access routes into the school during the year-end school holidays. The car park in
the school’s premises will be closed from 01 Nov to 31 Dec 2014. The only parking space available
will be in the parade square. In addition, there will be heavy vehicles moving in and out of the
school compound due to renovation works in the Hall, Band Room and the car park. We apologise
for any inconvenience caused.
As this is the last newsletter for the year, on behalf of all staff at Xinmin Secondary School, I would
like to wish all parents and students a fruitful year-end holiday. We thank all parents for your
continued support of the school and our programmes. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you
need further clarifications. We can be reached via email at or you can call
us at 6288 9382.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Ong Hong Peng
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