19 October 2014


19 October 2014
A Fairtrade Faith Community
Fisher Street
West Wollongong
19th October 2014
9:15 am Morning Worship
6:00 pm Evening Worship
“because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also
with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.”
1 Thessalonians 1:5a
A warm welcome to all at Keiraview today.
Morning Worship led by Pastor Sione Hau. You are invited to
join in morning tea in the hall after the service.
Evening Worship at the new time of 6pm.
Mighty Moosh meets at the new time of 5pm today
at Keiraview.
Tues. 21st Coffee & Chat 9:30am – 11am at Keiraview Hall
Antique Clocks with Ross Eshman. (Bring your
antique clock if you have one) All Welcome. Enq:
Norma Coudrey 4229 7392, Pat Waller - 4229 1096.
KYB 1pm-2.30pm in the meeting room
Fri. 24th
Parents' Group out and about at the Botanic
Gardens - 10am.
Kids’ Club 4 - 5:30pm at St Columba - on Psalm 27
Keiraview prayer group will meet Next Sun., 26th Oct., at 8 am,
before the morning service, in the Meeting Room in the Church
Hall. Contact Norma Coudrey 4229 7392 with prayer requests.
BBB: Beach, Bible, Breakfast - a new gathering for all Keiraview
women. The first meeting will be on 1st Nov. at 6am. Meet on
grassy area north of the surf club for a sunrise walk, guided
meditation on joy, and breakfast at Diggies. Finish 8-8:30am.
Enq: Chrissy Howe chowe@uow.edu.au
Hymn Fest today (Sun. 19th Oct.) at 2pm at Dapto UC. Entry by
donation to benefit the ministry of David & Ellie Sharp, Wycliffe
Bible Translators. David will speak. Afternoon tea included.
The 2014 Gymanfa Ganu by Wollongong Welsh Choir Inc. and
Corrimal UC, today (Sun. 19th Oct.) at 2.30pm at Corrimal UC.
Community singing, choir performances, solo items.
Tea/Coffee and light refreshments . Free admission, though a
donation to church funds would be appreciated.
Bible Society Morning Tea – Sat. 25th Oct., 10am at Kiama
Uniting Church. Speaker: Sarah Brittain, Godspeak Advocate
THANK YOU to all who attended & participated in the Harvest
Festival Combined Service last Sunday. It was a true blessing to
witness the generous offering of donations for the work of
Wollongong Wesley Mission. For the wonderful gifts and talents
of members in our church who participated in the worship,
providing and serving afternoon tea, donating to the cake & gifts
stall, joyful fellowship and organising activities for the
children/adult activities outside. What a wonderful way to praise
& give thanks to God for the richness of his blessings. Annette H
for HSC students currently doing their exams
that we join with churches all over the world on this day to pray
for an end to the terrible injustice of human trafficking, the
world’s fastest growing global crime.
Pray that we can become aware of how choices we make
about things we use and consume daily impact on the
mostly invisible, always powerless and always degraded
victims of human trafficking.
Pray for the (est.) 30 million men, women & children
enslaved in our world today.
Pray for the work of new Nobel Peace Prize winner, 60 year
old Indian engineer Kailash Satyarthi, who through peaceful
protest and demonstrations over the past 30 years has
succeeded in freeing tens of thousands of child workers
forced into bonded labour or slavery.
Australia's first SOCIAL IMPACT BOND has made its maiden
return to investors with a yield of 7.5% as more governments
look to capital markets to take pressures off strained budgets.
The $7 million bond, which promises investors a return if the
number of children in foster care is reduced, launched a year
ago with the backing of the NSW government. The capital is
funding UnitingCare Burnside's New Parent and Infant Network
(Newpin) program, which is working to restore children in foster
care with their families and preventing at-risk children from
entering care by educating parents about family environments.
Under the bond, private investors provide working capital to the
program & share in any NSW government savings on foster care.
Read more: www.smh.com.au/business/nsw-social-impactbond-returns-75-per-cent-20140831-10ajsa.html#ixzz3Cha2cYXX
CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS - Pat Waller is taking orders up until
the end of October. (See Pat at church or phone 4229 1096)
Do you ever work with children in our Church? Do you need to
have done the “Working With Children” check before end Dec.?
To apply online: www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au/Working-withchildren/working-with-children-check. Enq: Gavin Whitten
Minister of the Word: Rev. Annette Hawken
ph: 4229 2303 email: minister@keiraview.org
Church Council Secretary: Annette Arthur
ph: 4271 4414 email: secretary@keiraview.org
Pastor: Sione Hau
ph: 0416 305 575
Children’s, Youth & Family Pastor: Emma Williams
ph: 0407 407 696 email: emma@keiraview.org
Postal Address: PO Box 330 Figtree 2525
Web Site:
Please send notices for this news sheet to: notices@keiraview.org
or phone Ross Bryceson on 4228 6336, by noon on Wednesday.
Megaroster for Sunday, 26th October
Annette Arthur
Robyn Bradley
Lurline Butler
PC / Slide Show Robyn Allen
Bible Reader
Alan Bradley
Alayne Guerin
Announcements Annette Arthur
Alan Bradley
Pat Waller
Ian Almond
Audio System
Rod Doyle
Jenny Almond
Lepa Hau
Morning Tea
Sione Hau
Pat Waller
Keith Smyth
Thelma Smyth
Clive Arthur
Offering Counting
Garth Banner