
5:30 p.m.
Cecilia Miller
9:30 a.m.
Helen Marie Fegan
0:00 o.o.
6:00 p.m.
Tom Cavanaugh
00..........WEDNESDAY 10/22
8:00 a.m.
Dan & Barbara Matthewson
Helen Dages
8:00 a.m.
Ambrose Doyle
5:30 p.m.
Juanita Healy
9:30 a.m.
Joyce Patterson-At All Saints Grounds
October 25th & 26th
St. Peter 5:30p.m.
R: Donna Bradley
H: Diane Reilly
C: John Taylor
C: Lea Ann Taylor
Server: Grant Harrison
Server: Nicholas Kavanaugh
Greeters: Steve & Pat Riney
Ushers: Jim & Linda Strosnider
Gift Bearers: Brad Traylor Family
St. Peter 9:30 a.m.
R: Beth Kirsch
H: Bill Wade
C: Imogene Lechner
C: Marita Wagler
Server: Anthony O’Brian
Server: Joshua O’Brian
Greeters: Patrick Wade Family
Ushers: Tony Duncheon & Tony Edwards
Gift Bearers: Mark & Stephanie O’Brian
Collection Counters for Sunday, October 26th
are David Hedrick & Tim Showalter.
OF Father Jim
Next weekend we will gather for our Parish Family Celebration. We will begin with an
outdoor Mass on the grounds of All Saints at 9:30 a.m. Soon after the conclusion of the Mass
we will gather in the hall or outdoors if the weather permits, to share a meal together. Meat
(pulled pork), table service, and drinks will be provided. Permit us to share and enjoy your
wonderful salads, vegetable dishes and glorious desserts. I’ve been around long enough to
know that we have some great cooks in this parish. It will be a great day to renew old
acquaintances and meet some parishioners who have been with us for only a short time. Introduce yourselves to one
another and make our new members feel at home in our midst. Most of all, come, enjoy the day even if you must
leave after the meal.
PRAY FOR THE SICK AND SHUT-INS OF OUR PARISHES. Remember all our parishioners in nursing homes,
hospitals, assisted living, adult care and those who are home bound.
CAUTION: Some repair work may be going on around the parish buildings at St. Peter and All Saints. Please steer
clear of the area to avoid possible injury. Areas affected are: St. Peter tower, St. Peter Rectory, St. Peter Center and
All Saints Church. We are grateful to have this work done before winter weather arrives.
CEMETERY BOARD – St. Peter parish is in the process of consolidating the three cemetery boards into one.
Several new members are needed to complete the board. If you have an interest in being part of this latest merger,
call Mike Fuhs or Fr. Jim.
QUOTABLE WISDOM “Those who know, do. Those who understand, teach.” Anonymous
FIRST COMMUNION PARENTS There will be a meeting following 9:30 Mass on November 2 in the Parish
Fellowship Center. If your child was baptized a church other than St. Peter or All Saints; PLEASE bring this
baptismal certificate.
PILGRIMAGE FOR LIFE An informational meeting will be held for parents, students, and potential chaperones
following 9:30 Mass on November 9 in the Fellowship Center. Registration forms and fees are due to Donna
Bradley by November 16.
PILGRIMAGE FOR LIFE-Youth and adults from the Diocese of Evansville will be heading to Washington, D.C.
in January 2015, to advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves—the unborn and vulnerable. Our diocesan
pilgrimage will focus on the Church’s undeniable call for the respect of all human life from conception until natural
death. We invite you to join us. All forms need to be turned into the diocese by November 28, 2014, including the
cost of per person ($321.00). Please have ALL information to me by the weekend of November 15/16. This is the
website to view video and to find additional information:
Donna Bradley, 812-698-0185.
HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR CATHOLIC FAITH? Why is the Catholic version of the Bible different
from the Protestant?
FIFTH MARIAN DOGMA Four Marian doctrines have been defined as central truths by the Church and have
been declared as official dogmas of our faith: the Motherhood of God, the Immaculate Conception, the Perpetual
Virginity of Mary, and her Glorious Assumption into heaven. A petition for a fifth and final Marian dogma, Mary:
Coredemptrix, Mediatrix of all grace, and Advocate for the people of God, will be sent to His Holiness Pope
Francis. If you want to be part of this movement to honor our Blessed Mother, please sign the petition at the front
entrance to the Church. If you want more information before signing the petition, you may pick up an information
sheet which is also at the front entrance to Church. They will be available through October, a month dedicated to
our Lady.
BARR REEVE BAND MEMBERS are selling St. Louis Cardinal Calendars to help fund their trip to Disney World in
March. The calendars are $15.00; contact any HIGH SCHOOL band member to purchase one. (Caleb Barley, Keith Hart,
Brooke Kavanaugh, Anthony O’Brian, Emma Steiner, Brianna & Mikayla Taylor)
St. Peter Catholic Church
Montgomery, IN
Founded 1818
Saturday Mass 5:30 p.m.
Sunday Mass
9:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday at St. Peter
5:30 p.m. - 5:50 p.m. Tuesday at All Saints
Rev. James E. Koressel, Pastor
305 North Second Street / P.O. Box 10
Montgomery, Indiana 47558-0010
812-486-5126 (Cell Phone – Fr. Jim)
812-486-2571 (Fax)
Parish Secretary’s hours: Wednesday 8 a.m. – 12:00 noon & Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
PRAYER CHAIN (Lea Ann) 812-644-7698.
ALL SAINTS HALL RENTAL – Call St. Peter Rectory 812-486-3149.
Email address:
Website: (more bulletin information can be found here)
Please contact the Rectory to register in the parish. All weddings must be scheduled at least 6
months in advance. Check weekly bulletin for weekday and Holy Day Mass times.
Baptism: contact the Rectory. Anointing of the Sick: contact the Rectory.
Reconciliation: check bulletin for schedule or call the Rectory for an appointment.
Twenty-nineth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 19, 2014
Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what
belongs to God.~~~~Matthew 22:21
ANSWER: To answer this question we must go back to Martin
Luther in the 16th Century. Luther, a Dominican priest, broke
away from the Catholic Church for many reasons. After his
separation, he eliminated seven books from the Bible currently
in use today. His reason for this was that he could not find versions of these books written in Hebrew. Hundreds of
years later, Hebrew copies of some of these books were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The books he eliminated
are: Wisdom, Sirach, Judith, Baruch, Tobit and 1 & 2 Maccabees, and parts of Daniel and Ezekiel.
Let us throw ourselves into the ocean of God’s goodness, where every failing will be cancelled and anxiety turned
into love.
—St. Paul of the Cross
Registration is now open for PFL 2015. Please visit the official website by cutting and pasting the
following address into your browser: The deadline for
registration is Friday, November 28th, and spots will fill up quickly. We are limiting this year's group to
324 pilgrims, so parish/school group leaders are encouraged to get your group registered early. The cost
for this year's PFL is only $321.
I am excited by these two added excursions that will, I'm confident, make a great pilgrimage experience
even more meaningful for our youth. As always, please contact me with questions. I am excited to
announce the addition of two great excursions to the Pilgrimage for Life this January. On Friday morning,
after celebrating Mass as a diocese at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate
Conception in Washington, D.C., we will load our buses and head north to Emmitsburg, MD where we
will visit two sites of historical significance--The National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and
the Gettysburg National Military Park.
Gettysburg, of course, is the site of a turning point battle in the Civil War. It stands today as a testament
to our country's difficult struggle toward the dignity of all human life. 51,000 casualties (dead, wounded
or missing) remain a national witness of what we value; Gettysburg remains the largest battle ever fought
on North American soil.
As Union soldiers marched from Gettysburg to Washington, D.C., a make-shift military hospital was
established on the grounds of a Catholic religious order founded by America's first native-born saint, St.
Elizabeth Ann Seton. It was here that the wounded and dying were cared for by holy Catholic women
whose charism remains the same today. We are honored to have Daughters of Charity serving in the
Diocese of Evansville, and Sr. Theresa Sullivan, DOC will be joining us on this pilgrimage. In the Year of
Consecrated Life, our stop at the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton will take on additional
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 - Participants will board buses in various locations or at St. Ferdinand
on this evening. All buses from the diocesan pilgrimage will attend the Mass for Life at St. Ferdinand
with Bishop Charles C. Thompson at 7:00 p.m. (Eastern). Following Mass and a blessing, buses will
depart and travel overnight to Washington, D.C.
Thursday, January 22, 2015 - The buses will stop for Mass and breakfast at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Catholic Church in Woodbridge, VA. Pilgrims will travel into D.C. for the March for Life. We will return
to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for Mass, dinner, and a closing program.
Friday, January 23, 2015 - After a continental breakfast at the hotel, pilgrims will attend Mass with
Bishop Thompson at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. After touring the
shrine, pilgrims will have lunch on the buses on the way to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton National Shrine,
followed by a tour of Gettysburg. Pilgrims will then return to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church for
dinner, and after a night tour of Washington, DC's monuments, we will head to our hotel, Holiday Inn
Express in Springfield, VA, for a good night's rest.
Saturday, January 24, 2015 - After a continental breakfast at the hotel, we will travel into D.C. for a
day of sightseeing. Sightseeing will be coordinated by individual Group Leaders (NOTE: Those wishing to
tour the Holocaust Museum must contact the museum in order to reserve tickets and schedule a time).
Individual groups will enjoy the National Mall area (the park that stretches from Capitol Hill to the
Lincoln Memorial) and can tour any additional museums on their own. Pilgrims will load buses at the Air
and Space Museum and head to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for Mass and dinner. We will then board buses
for the return trip to the Diocese of Evansville.
Sunday, January 25, 2015 - Buses will return to their original pick-up locations in the Diocese of
Evansville by approximately 8:00 a.m. (both ET and CT).
*Itinerary is subject to change.
Steve Dabrowski
Diocesan Director,
Youth and Young Adult Ministry
The Catholic Diocese of Evansville
4200 N. Kentucky Avenue
P.O. Box 4169
Evansville, IN 47724-0169
(812) 424-5536
Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto
The St. Boniface grotto is modeled after the grotto at Lady of Lourdes in
France and was built beneath St. Boniface Church in 1914. The flood of 1937
filled the grotto with 3 feet of water damaging several statues and causing it to
close soon after. The grotto reopened in 1972 as a mini-museum, displaying
St. Boniface relics. Tours are led by volunteers on Sundays during October,
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Private tours can be arranged by appointment anytime.
The grotto is located at 418 North Wabash in Evansville. For more
information contact Bob Koressel at 812-625-0035.
Did you know…that Catholic Charities focuses its work on systemic change programs and
services…hoping to change lives for better over the long term? For a list of our programs,
Did you know…that the Catholic Charities Outreach team assists over 15 families each week with
emergency needs, such as utility bills and rent? If someone you know needs help, have them call at 8:30
a.m. on Monday morning -- 812-423-5456.
Did you know…that Catholic Charities offers English as a New Language classes to immigrants from a
variety of countries…twice each week? To enroll in classes, call Cesilie at 812-423-5456.
Diocesan policy: Report and inform
The Diocese of Evansville has in place a policy that requires that any allegation of child abuse must be reported to civil
authorities. If an allegation involves the sexual abuse of a minor by diocesan personnel, the Victims Assistance Coordinator
must also be informed.
Sexual misconduct violates human dignity and the mission of the church. The spiritual well-being of all victims, their
families, and others in the community is of particular concern to the church.
Report child abuse
Every allegation of child abuse must be reported to Child Protection Services, an agency of Indiana state government.
CPS Toll-free: (800) 800-5556
Local law enforcement: 9-1-1
Report and inform
In the event of an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor (a person under 18) by diocesan personnel, report the allegation
to authorities, and inform the Victims Assistance Coordinator for the diocese:
Toll-free: (866) 200-3004
Local: (812) 490-9565