THE CHURCHILLIAN Tuesday, October 21 2014
THE CHURCHILLIAN Tuesday, October 21 2014
THE CHURCHILLIAN Tuesday, October 21 2014 Supervision: Clubs and Activities Before School Lunch ** every 2nd week After School Monday Mon: ENG Tuesday Tues: FA/PE Wed: SCI Thurs: SOC Wednesday Thursday Friday Student Leadership – 224 School Store - 100 Jazz Army Math Club Room 231 Poetry Club – 243 School Store-100 **Operation Education-120 YVC** - Theatre Student Leadership – Anime Club-219 Biology Club - 215 Model UN – 111 224 Verbattle Club – 243 French Club – 235 (mostly) German Club – 227 Gardening Club – 235 Cards for a Cure – 224 Christian Life Club** – 229 Yearbook – 207 Earth Club – 220 **Chemistry Club – 223 Chess – 242 Table Tennis –Aux Gym Churchill Chronicle – 113 Table Tennis – Aux Gym Programming Club – 207 Churchill without GSA – 205 **Citizens of Churchill–121 E-Sports - 237 boarders Chess – 242 Creative Writing – 212 Grad Video - 107 YVC Steering – 216 YVC (if Monday is a holiday) Debate Club 220 Yoga 3:30 Staff Robotics - Muslim Youth - Staff-Room Congratulations CONGRATULATIONS Ms. WISHLOFF! Alberta Band Association’s Elkhorn Award Band Director of the Year Diploma Rewrites Any grade 12 students who wish to REWRITE any diploma exam in January please see Mrs. Hergenhein at lunch only in the main office. Final deadline to register Friday, October 24th CSI Wed, Oct 22 Any returning grade 12 students who are repeating a diploma exam course. Careers in Comedy Mr. Stu Hughes Founder, executive & artistic director FUNNYFEST Calgary Comedy Festival. Wednesday, October 22 at lunch in the theatre. Any returning grade 12 students who are repeating a diploma exam course and wish to also rewrite that diploma course exam must register for a January rewrite with Mrs. Hergenhein in the main office any noon hour this week! You must receive the form to pay the rewrite fee. It must be paid online – and the receipt brought back to Mrs. H. by October 24th otherwise no diploma exam will be sent to the school for you to write. 1 In Province ELAA Fair Wed, Oct 22 ELAA (Alberta Post-secondary Fair) – Evening at Churchill – Please join us next Wednesday (October 22nd) evening between 7:00pm and 8:30 pm as over 30 Universities and Colleges from mostly here in Alberta will send representatives to Churchill to discuss their institutions and answer your questions about their programs. A list of the institutions coming is up outside of the Student Services office. Everyone is welcome! Bishop’s University Wed, Oct 22 Bishop’s University will be visiting Churchill at lunch in the Admiralty Room on Wednesday October 22nd. Please join us if you are interested in learning a bit more about the possibility of going to University in Quebec! Cross Country Running Team Thurs, Oct 23 Cross Country Running Team will be having the season wind up pizza lunch and race video Thursday, October. 23rd in room 202 @ lunch Please tell Mr. Petersen or Mr. Spill, by Wed. Oct. 22, whether you will be there so they know how many pizzas to order (Bring your singlet tops) Filmmaking Club Thurs, Oct 23 There is an introductory meeting of the filmmaking club on Thursday, October 23rd in room 103. Anyone interested in movies or the filmmaking process is encouraged to attend. King’s University Thurs, Oct 23 Gabrielle is coming in all the way from Halifax to talk about U King’s College, located right on the campus of Dalhousie U in Halifax. U King’s College has a unique first year program, and has a wellrespected Journalism school. If you would like to learn more about this university, please join us in the Admiralty Room on Thursday, October 23rd at lunch (11:40am) Churchill’s Got Talent Mon, Oct 27 Student leadership would like to thank all those that came out to audition and support the Churchill’s got talent auditions last week. Please be sure to check the monitors for your semifinal performance date. Semi-finals will take place in the Main Gym at lunch starting Monday, Oct 27th. Med Club Mon, Oct 27th Med Club aims to bring together students who are interested in careers in medicine and engineering to explore topics in the sciences. Students will have the opportunity to talk to university students and professionals in the medical and engineering field. Starting On Monday, October 27th the club will meet bi weekly Mondays during lunch in room 235. Out of Province Fair Mon, Oct 27 Out of province fair Monday, October 27 7:00pm to 8:00pm @ William Aberhart. CSI Careers in Audiology Ms. Petrea McCoy M.S., R-Aud. Clinical audiologist Richmond Road Diagnostic and Treatment Centre Alberta Health Services. Wednesday, October 29 @ lunch in the theatre. Wed, Oct 29 th World of Choices Thurs, Oct 30th If you are a young woman in grade 11 or 12, you are invited to join local female career mentors as they share exciting aspects of their work. Friday, November 28th @ MRU (Ross Glenn Hall) 8:30am to 1:30pm. This is a free event. Please see Ms. McDonald in room 218 by October 30th. 2 Yearbook Fri, Oct 31 All Grade 12 students: If you would like to have your baby picture in the yearbook, then you must submit your picture by October 31. Check the school’s website for submission instructions. Huron University UWO Mon, Nov 3 A representative from Huron University will be here in the main lobby @ 3:10 pm on Monday, November 3rd University of British Columbia Tues, Nov 4 University of British Columbia will be here Tuesday, November 4th in the theatre at lunch. Bus Pass Rebate Students may rebate their bus pass on November 3rd, 4th, and 5th in the Business Office before school and at the lunch hour ONLY CSI Wed, Nov 5 th Careers in construction Ms. Aly Pringle & Mr. Mark Alton Calgary Construction Association. Grade 10 IB Candidates Thurs, Nov 6 Grade 10 IB Candidates: You are invited to an information meeting to begin the process to apply to the IB program at SWC. This must be completed to be considered for any IB program. The meeting takes place Thursday, November 6, 3:30 in the Theatre. IB Application packages will be available in the main office beginning November 7, and must be completed and returned by November 13. Transitioning to Post Secondary- Workshop Thurs, Nov 06 November 6th at 7:00pm in the Sir Winston Churchill Theatre, Dr. Betty Reiter will present a workshop on transitioning to post-secondary for all students with Individual Program Plans (IPP’s). This workshop will discuss how students can access supports and accommodations in all post-secondary settings including universities, colleges, and technical institutes. Parents, with their students, are invited to attend this valuable and informative one hour presentation. RSVP by November 3rd to: Shelley Williams, learning center teacher e-mail phone 403 289-9241 ext. 5101 University of Western Ontario Wed, Nov 12 A representative from the University of Western Ontario will be here at lunch on Wednesday, November 12 in room 121 School Store The school store will be open every Tuesday during tutorial and at lunch. Churchill gear including hoodies, sweatpants and water bottles are available, as well as various study guides at all levels. University of Victoria Wed, Nov 26 A representative from the University of Victoria will be here at lunch on Wednesday, November 26th in the admiralty room. 3 Fire Cadet Program Fri, Nov 28 Every year, the Calgary Fire Department offers 20 high school students from the Calgary area a chance to learn valuable life skills while exploring the exciting and challenging opportunities of a firefighting career through an experience that balances both classroom and hands-on learning. For further information and application forms, please visit , or see Mrs. Radder in the Career Centre. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, November 28th, 2014 by 4 p.m. Scholarships Queens University Admission Award Dec, 1 Bank of Montreal Award: For students who demonstrate superior academic ability (90%+), creative and original thinking, involvement in school or community activities, and proven leadership qualities. Financial need is also a consideration for this admission award. You may apply for this award by submitting a Major Admission Award Application to the Student Awards Office. Deadline: December 1, 2014. For further information see Ms. Hancsicsak in the Work Experience Office in the library. The Loran Scholarship Thank you so much to all applicants! We have chosen our 3 sponsored students. Those of you who were not sponsored can now apply to the Direct Pool. If you need help, please see Mrs H in the Library. Good luck to all our applicants! Queen’s Chancellor’s Scholarship The Queen’s Chancellor’s Scholarship recognizes graduating students who demonstrate superior academic ability, creative and original thinking, and proven leadership qualities. Candidates must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada with a minimum 90 % average. To qualify, students must be one of three nominated students at the school level. For more information: arships/major/MAA_1415.pdf TD Scholarship TD Scholarship: 20 scholarships will be awarded to students applying to college or university. Each scholarship is worth up to $70,000 over four years. Additionally, students will receive guaranteed offers of paid summer employment at TD. The key criterion is outstanding community leadership with a minimum average of 75%. Apply at For further information: See Ms. Hancsicsak in the Work Experience Office in the Library. Application Deadline: November 28, 2014 4 Horatio Alger Scholarship Horatio Alger Scholarships: The Horatio Alger Association of Canada awards $5,000 scholarships annually. Scholarships are awarded to fulltime students in their last year of high school with financial need (family income under $55,000) who have demonstrated integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, a commitment to pursue a postsecondary education, a desire to contribute to society, and a good academic record ( minimum 65%). For further information see Ms. Hancsicsak in the Work Experience Office in the library. Application Deadline: Oct. 25th, 2014 BULLDOGS TUESDAY (21ST): Jr Football 6:30 vs Aberhart (Shouldice - Stampeder) Sr Volleyball **Selects Game at Bishop Grandin** Girls @ 5:00 (Devin Corah) Boys @ 7:00 (Georgy Busov) WEDNESDAY (22ND): Jr Boys Volleyball – 5:00 @ Notre Dame Sr Boys Volleyball – 6:30 @ Notre Dame THURSDAY (23RD): Sr Football Jr Girls Volleyball Sr Girls Volleyball - 4:30 vs Thirsk (Shouldice - Hellard) 5:00 vs Manning 6:30 vs Manning FRIDAY (24TH): Jr Boys Volleyball Sr Girls Volleyball Sr Boys Volleyball - Red Deer Tournament (Friday/Saturday) Red Deer Tournament (Friday/Saturday) Grandin Tournament? (Friday/Saturday) 5