'OUTSIDE THE BOX’ Newsletter go to website for British


'OUTSIDE THE BOX’ Newsletter go to website for British
We've launched a new 'go to'
website for British
It's not just our branding and newsletter that
have been given a makeover, we've also got a
slick new website! It's designed to provide
designers and engineers with all the information
they need about materials and process options
for making prototype and production parts.
So what's new?
Well pretty much everything! We've made it a lot
easier to find information about the services we
provide to anyone in need of prototype and
production parts.
You can browse examples of our work to see how we've helped clients to solve a range of
prototype and production challenges and there's a new useful Advice section. It contains a raft
of Technical Data Sheets that tell you everything you need to know about the materials options
for metal, plastic, clear and flexible parts.
We've also expanded our Frequently Asked Questions section to include some of the many
queries that we get asked on a regular basis. So, if you've got a question and don't want to pick
up the phone to us, hopefully you can find an answer on our website.
We're really pleased with the site and would love you to take a look and let us know what you
think. You can find it at www.plunkettassociates.co.uk. We keep adding new content that we
hope will be of use to you - so visit again soon. Thank you!
Visit the website
Bridge tooling - what is it and
when should I use it?
Bridge tooling (otherwise known as development
tooling or rapid tooling) has many a useful
application. It's the process whereby moulded
parts are produced at an early stage in the
product development cycle. When would you
use it? Well, here are three scenarios:
The production intent material is a ‘must have’ for testing purposes
The quantity of parts required makes prototyping uneconomic
A trial batch is required ahead of production release
It can also be used as a final production process when quantities are low enough to make it a
cost effective option.
Whether bridge tooling is an option for you will depend on quantities, part complexity and time
available. Selecting the right process is all about understanding the trade-offs, knowing the
strengths of particular manufacturing options and ensuring the design is suitable for the
selected process.
So, if you would like all the benefits of injection moulded parts, then talk to us today. We can
ensure you get the right tooling in a time frame that suits you.
Read more
It's official. Julian is certified!
We’ve had our concerns about him for a while,
but we’ve now seen the certificate that proves it
– Julian, our very own design data expert, is
certified. A Certified SolidWorks Professional.
Read more
Did you miss us?
We might not have sent out a newsletter since
last summer, but that's because we’ve been very
busy working on our new branding and website.
We’ve also been hard at work with our regular
day jobs – producing prototype and production
parts for all of you, which has given us lots of
fantastic projects to showcase in our Examples
section of the new site!
It’s now the end of our financial year and it has
been a very productive one, so I wanted to take
the opportunity to say a big thank you to all our
clients! We look forward to more tooling,
moulding and prototyping in 2014/15!
Tim Plunkett
T: 01452 386608
E: solutions@plunkettassociates.co.uk
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