Xiongzhi (Chee) Chen


Xiongzhi (Chee) Chen
Xiongzhi (Chee) Chen
Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
Carl Icahn Laboratory
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544
Phone: 1-765-413-7825
Fax: 1-609-258-8020
E-mail: xiongzhi@princeton.edu
Personal Information
Citizenship: People’s Republic of China
Visa status: H-1B
Marital status: Married with two children
Languages: Chinese (native), English (fluent)
Ph.D. in Statistics, Aug 2009 - Dec 2012
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Advisor: Rebecca W. Doerge
Dissertation: General Methods for Adaptive Control and Estimation of False Discovery Rate
M.A. in Mathematics, Aug 2007 - May 2009
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Advisor: L. Thomas Ramsey
Thesis: The Shanghai Stock Exchange: Statistical Properties and Simulation by Hyperbolic Diffusion
M.S. in Mathematics, Sept 2003 - June 2006
Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Advisor: Changlin Cai
Thesis: Infinite Dimensional Statistical Neural Manifold
Research Interests
Large-scale statistical inference for dependent data and discrete data
Variable and model selection via regularization
Scalability of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for high-dimensional statistics
Stochastic differential equations and their applications to mathematical finance
Spectral theory of random matrices and its applications to multivariate statistics
Publications and Submitted Manuscripts
Xiongzhi Chen and R.W. Doerge (2012): Generalized estimators for multiple testing: proportion of true
nulls and false discovery rate. Submitted to “Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B”; available
at http: // arxiv. org/ abs/ 1410. 4274 .
Xiongzhi Chen and R.W. Doerge (2012): Estimating the proportion of nonzero normal means under certain
strong covariance dependence. Submitted to “Journal of the American Statistical Association”; available
at http: // arxiv. org/ abs/ 1410. 4275 .
Xiongzhi Chen and R.W. Doerge (2012): On a strong law of larger numbers related to multiple testing
normal means. Submitted to “The Annals of Statistics”; available at http: // arxiv. org/ abs/ 1410.
4276 .
Xiongzhi Chen and R.W. Doerge (2012): Towards better FDR procedures for discrete test statistics.
Proceedings of Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, 294-303.
Xiongzhi Chen and Changlin Cai (2006): A new architecture for multilayer perceptrons as function approximators. Natural Science Edition, Journal of Sichuan University, Vol. 2.
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Changlin Cai, Zhongzhi Shi, Xiongzhi Chen (2006). The Fisher information matrix on neural manifolds of
multilayer perceptrons. Natural Science Edition, Journal of Sichuan University, Accepted.
Manuscripts and Work In Progress
Xiongzhi Chen and John D. Storey (2014): Nonparametric estimation of row space of dependence kernel
and nonparametric CDI algorithm. Manuscript.
Xiongzhi Chen and John D. Storey (2014): Estimating the proportion of true nulls via goodness of fit.
John D. Storey and Xiongzhi Chen (2014): Recovering linear latent structure in high-dimensional data.
David G. Robinson, Xiongzhi Chen and John D. Storey (2014): Functional false discovery rate control for
multiple hypothesis testing in genomics. Manuscript.
Keyur H. Desai, John D. Storey and Xiongzhi Chen (2013): Empirical Bayes inference of dependent highdimensional data. Manuscript.
Xiongzhi Chen and R.W. Doerge (2013): False discovery rate control under discrete and heterogeneous
null p-value distributions. Manuscript.
Xiongzhi Chen and John D. Storey (2014): One parameter natural exponential families with reducible
variance functions. In preparation.
Xiongzhi Chen and John D. Storey (2014): Approximate high dimensional Markov Chains. In preparation.
Xiongzhi Chen and John D. Storey (2014): On the singularity probability of random Bernoulli matrices.
In preparation.
Presentations and Posters
Xiongzhi Chen (Nov 2012): Classification of objects and false discovery rate. Poster: The 3rd Purdue
University Annual Next Generation Scholars Research Fair.
Xiongzhi Chen (Oct 2012): General methods for adaptive control and estimation of false discovery rate.
Presentation: Purdue Statistics Graduate Student Seminar.
Xiongzhi Chen (May 2012): A generalized estimator of the proportion of true nulls for multiple testing. Presentation: Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, Kansas State
University, Manhattan, KS.
Xiongzhi Chen and R.W. Doerge (May 2011): Dependent test statistics and control of false discovery rate.
Poster: Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS.
Research and Consulting Experience
Postdoctoral Research Associate for John D. Storey: Princeton University, Lewis-Sigler Institute
Dates: May 2013 - Present
Responsibilities: Developing theory and methodologies for high-dimensional statistical
inference under dependence.
Postdoctoral Research Assistant for Rebecca W. Doerge: Purdue University, Department of Statistics
Dates: Jan 2013 - Apr 2013
Responsibilities: Developing statistical theory and methodologies for multiple testing with
discrete genomic data.
Research Assistant for Rebecca W. Doerge: Purdue University, Department of Statistics
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Dates: June 2012 - Dec 2012
Responsibilities: Developing non-permutation based multiple testing methods for highdimensional dependent data and discrete data.
Research Assistant for Rebecca W. Doerge: Purdue University, Department of Statistics
Dates: Jan 2012 - May 2012
Responsibilities: Processing and integrated statistical analysis of SNP, mRNA and miRNA
data generated from various platforms.
Consultant: Statistical Consulting Service (SCS), Purdue University, Department of Statistics
Dates: Aug 2010 - Dec 2011
Responsibilities: Assisting members of Purdue’s academic community with statistical design,
data analysis, and software issues for their research.
Research Assistant for Dabao Zhang: Purdue University, Department of Statistics
Dates: Jan 2010 - Aug 2010
Responsibilities: Contributing to methodologies in estimating distribution of extreme values;
assisting the development of generalized cross validation for penalized
orthogonal-components regression.
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant: Purdue University, Department of Statistics
Dates: Aug 2009 - Dec 2009
Courses: Elementary Statistical Methods (STAT 301), Statistics and Society (STAT 113).
Responsibilities: Co-leading lab sessions where students used SPSS to practice statistical
methods covered in lecture; teaching recitation sessions; writing and grading
quizzes, home-work, and exams.
Adjunct Teacher: Transpacific Hawaii Collage
Dates: July 2008 - Sept 2008
Course: Elementary Statistics (MATH 200).
Responsibilities: Teaching the course; writing and grading homework, quizzes and exams.
Teaching Assistant: University of Hawaii, Department of Mathematics
Dates: Aug 2007 - May 2009
Courses: Applied Calculus (MATH 215, MATH 216).
Responsibilities: Leading lab sessions where students used Derive to practice techniques of
calculus covered in lecture; teaching recitation sessions; grading homework,
quizzes and exams.
Graduate Assistantship, Department of Statistics, Purdue University
Dates: Aug 2009 - Dec 2012
Graduate Assistantship, Department of Mathematics, University of Hawaii
Dates: Aug 2007 - May 2009
Computing and Computer Skills
Softwares: R, SAS, SPSS, Matlab, Mathematica, Perl, LATEX
Operating Systems: Windows and Linux
Professional Organizations
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
American Statistical Association (ASA)
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