Factsheet L2/4 - Employment Vulnerability


Factsheet L2/4 - Employment Vulnerability
Subproject Factsheet
L2/4 - Assessing Risk with spatial Indexes of Economic Prosperity and
Employment Vulnerability
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Assessing Risk with spatial Indexes of Economic Prosperity and Employment Vulnerability
This Project builds on the development of the Employment Vulnerability Index (EVI) by the Centre of Full Employment and Equity
(CofFEE) at the University of Newcastle in liaison with the Urban Research Program (URP), Griffith University. This project will allow
for the original EVI to be updated and also an Economic Prosperity Index to be developed.
This Project builds on the development of the Employment Vulnerability Index (EVI) by the Centre of Full Employment and Equity
(CofFEE) at the University of Newcastle in liaison with the Urban Research Program (URP), Griffith University. The development was
motivated by the need for regionally-specific risk indicators in the face of the impending consequences of the Global Financial Crisis
and similar cyclical events.
The Project will update the EVI data with the latest 2011 Census data. A New index, the Economic Prosperity Index (EPI) will be
developed using both the 2006 and 2011 Census data. This will also involve the updating of the Regional Concentration Ratios for
each of the indexes. Compatible code will then be developed with the AURIN portal which will allow end users to manipulate the
weights used to compile the indexes, according to their own priorities and values, and to recompute the indexes and associated
descriptive and visual material (maps etc).
Background IP
The Project will make available intellectual property to AURIN to facilitate the completion of the project.
EVI for 2006
The EVI for 2006 – including numerical data, relevant shapefiles, detailed database containing Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2)
profiles, documentation (Factsheet, Technical scoping-vision document, and User Manual), and Metadata to be made
available for the completion of the project.
EVI for 2011
The EVI for 2011 - including numerical data, relevant shapefiles, detailed database containing Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2)
profiles, documentation (Factsheet, Technical scoping-vision document, and User Manual), and Metadata to be updated
from the 2006 Census data to the Census 2011 data and made available for the project.
EPI for 2006
The EPI for 2006 – including numerical data, relevant shapefiles, detailed database containing Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2)
profiles, documentation (Factsheet, Technical scoping-vision document, and User Manual), and Metadata to be developed
using Census 2006 data.
EPI for 2011
The EPI for 2011 – including numerical data, relevant shapefiles, detailed database containing Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2)
profiles, documentation (Factsheet, Technical scoping-vision document, and User Manual), and Metadata to be developed
using Census 2011 data.
Regional Concentration Ratios
Regional Concentration Ratios (RCR) for each index (EVI and EPI) for 2006 and 2011 Census and Metadata to be updated /
Code for self generated risk indexes
Fully-tested AURIN-compatible code and functionality to allow end-user manipulation of Index weights and production of
self-generated risk indexes (for EVI and EPI).
Complete downloadable database
Complete (flat table, one record per region coded to boundaries) database containing a large number of variables for enduser download for each of the indexes (a table for each).
Peer reviewed papers, conference papers, and reports of publications relating to your project.
Baum (2004) 'A general index of deprivation: An analysis of 2001 census data', Australasian Journal of Regional Studies,
10(1): 105-131
W.F. Mitchell and Carlson, E. (2005) ‘Exploring employment growth disparities across metropolitan and regional
Australia’, Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 11(1), 25-40.
W.F. Mitchell and A. Bill (2006) ‘Who benefits from Growth? Disadvantaged workers in growing regions’, Australian
Journal of Labour Economics, 9(2), June, 239-255.
Bill, A., W.F. Mitchell and R. Welters (2007) ‘Job mobility and segmentation in Australian city labour markets’,
International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment, 3, 3/4, 212-229.
A. Bill, Mitchell, W.F. and M.J. Watts (2008) ‘The Occupational Dimensions of Local Labour Markets in Australian
Cities’, Built Environment, 34(1), 291-306.
Baum, S., A. Bill and W.F. Mitchell (2008) ‘Employment Outcomes in Non Metropolitan Labour Markets: Individual
and Regional Labour Market Factors’ Australasian Journal of Regional Science, 14(1), March, 5-26.
S. Baum, A. Bill and W.F. Mitchell (2008) ‘Unemployment in non-metropolitan Australia: Integrating geography,
social and individual contexts’, Australian Geographer, June, 39, 2, 193-210.
S. Baum and W.F. Mitchell (2009) 'Red Alert Suburbs: An Employment vulnerability Index for Australia’s Major
Urban Regions', Research Report, Centre of Full employment and Equity, University of Newcastle and the Urban Research
Program, Griffith University, March
S. Baum and B. Gleeson (2010) 'Space and place: social exclusion in Australia’s suburban heartlands', Urban Policy and
Research, 28, 2, 135-159
W.F. Mitchell (2011) ‘Exploring Regional Disparities in Employment Growth’, in: Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P. and
Stough, R. (eds), Drivers of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Regional Dynamics, Springer-Verlag, 337-359.
S. Baum (2012) Socio-economic Disadvantage and Suburban Scars, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany.
W.F. Mitchell (2013) 'The changing pattern of labour underutilisation in Europe in the face of policy austerity',
forthcoming Urban Studies.
PROJECT TEAM OVERVIEW and CONTACT (s) FOR PROJECT Describe key datasets, licensing
arrangements that are required.
The Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE) has been a research centre at the University of Newcastle since December 1998.
CofFEE seeks to undertake and promote research into the goals of full employment, price stability and achieving an economy that
delivers equitable outcomes for all. The Centre has links to many economic research centres worldwide and regularly collaborates
with researchers in these centres to produce world class economic research activity.
This project builds upon earlier extensive collaborative work done by the project leaders in relation to Risk and Vulnerability in
Australia which has resulted in various published journal articles, grants and conference papers.
The main contact for this project is Professor Bill Mitchell, CofFEE Centre Director, Phone 0419 422 410,