WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION - 493 - ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ EB25/Min/20 Rev.l 4 March I960 EXECUTIVE BOARD Twenty-fifth Session ORIGINAL: ENGLISH MINUTES OP THE TWENTIETH MEETING Palais des Natlonst Geneva Monday , 1 February i960 , at 9.30 a . m . CHAIRMAN*. Professor E. J. Y. AUJAIEU CONTENTS 1. International Health and Medical Research Year (continued) . . . . . . 49 6 2. Proposals by the Birector-General for the provisional agenda of the Thirteenth World Health Assembly ............................... 496 3. Review of the proposed programme and budget estimates for I96 I (continued from the seventeenth meeting, section 5) Adoption of Report to the Thirteenth World. Health. A e a e m b l y ......... 4. Closure of the session . • . ........... ............................ 498 503 EB25/Min/20 Rev.l - 494 - Twentieth Meeting Monday, 1 February i960 , at 9-30 а.ш. Present Designating Country Professor E. J. Y. AUJALEU, Chairman France Professor M. N. ETEMADIAN (alternate to Dr A. H. Radji), Vice-Chairman Iran Dr М. M. PENIDO, Vice-Chairman Brazil Dr D. CASTILLO, Rapporteur Venezuela Dr A. J. METCALFE, Rapporteur Australia Dr A. 0. ABU SHAMMA Sudan Dr R. BAIDYA Nepal Dr V. BUTROV (alternate to Professor V.' M. Zhdanov) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Dr Dia E. CHATTY United Arab Republic Dr J. D. HOURIHANE Ireland Dr LE-CUU-TRUONG Viet Nam Dr L. MOLITOR Luxembourg Dr J. MUNOZ-PUGLISEVICH Peru Dr Abdul RAHIM Afghanistan Mr C. W. THOMAS (adviser to Dr H. van Zile Hyde) United States of America Secretary: Dr M. G. CANDAU Director-General * Under Rule 28 of the Rules of Procedure EB25/Шл/2 0 Rev, 1 Л95 - Representatives of Intergovernmental Organizations United Nations International Labour Organisation League of Arab States Mr N- LUKER / Dr R. A. METALL Dr R. MURRAY Dr A. T. SHOUSHA Representatives of Non-governmental Organizations International Committee of Catholic Nurses Miss J, RAZAIARINORO International Union against Tuberculosis Dr J. E. PERKINS League of Red Cross Societies Dr Z. S. HANTCHEF World Medical Association Dr J. MAYSTRE ЕВ25/№п/Э0 Rev.l 1. - 496 - INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH YEAR: Item 2.3 of the Agenda (Documents EB25/53, EB25/53 Add.l and EB23/71) (continued) Dr DOROLLE, Deputy Director-General, read the text of the draft resolution presented by Dr van Zile Hyde and amended by Dr Hourihane, in accordance with the decision taken at the previous meeting. Decision: 2. The draft resolution was adopted (see resolution EB25.R72). PROPOSALS BY THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL FOR THE PROVISIONAL AGENDA OF THE THIRTEENTH WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY: Item 6.2 of the Agenda (Documents EB25/67 and EB25/67 Corr.l) The DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL recalled that, in accordance with Rule 4 of the Rules of Procedure of the Health Assembly, the Board h a Q to prepare the provisional agenda of each regular session of the Health Assembly after consideration of the proposals submitted by the Director-General. The Director-General’ s proposals appeared in documents EB25/67 and EB25/67 Corr.l and took into account the Board's decisions at its twenty-fifth session. References were included to those resolutions adopted by the Board on which the Health Assembly would have to take decisions. In view of the decision just taken by the Board in regard to item 2.8 of the agenda, the title of that item should be amended to read "World Health Year" and a reference should be added to the draft resolution Just adopted, which would be resolution EB25.R72. 497 - EB25/tfln/20 Ве.ъ.1 The title of item 2.12 of the agenda which appeared in document EB25/67 as ’ ’ Study on the nature and extent of the health problems of seafarers and the health services available to them", v?ith reference to resolutions WHA12.23 and EB25.R32, should be amended to read as follows: 2.12 Health problems of seafarers: 2.12.1 Study on the nature and extent of the health problems of seafarers and of the health services available to them Handbook of Resolutions and Decisions, 5th ed., p. 37» resolution WHA12.23 2.12.2 Venereal disease treatment of seafarers (Brussels International Agreement of 1924) Resolution EB25.R32. There was a slight typing error in item 2.15 which concerned only the French te xt . Under item 3-5 (Assembly procedures for examining the programme, budget and ancillary administrative, financial and personnel matters), a reference should be added to resolution EB25 *R67. The CHAIRMAN submitted the following draft resolution for the consideration of the Board: The Executive Board APPROVES the proposals of the Director-General for the provisional agenda for the Thirteenth World Health Assembly as amended. Deolslon: The draft resolution was adopted (see resolution EB25.R73). EB25/Min/20 Rev.l 3. - 498 - REVIEW OF THE PROPOSED PROGRAMME AND BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 196ls Item 3.2 of the Agenda (Official Records No. 97) (continued from the seventeenth meeting, section 5) Adoption of Report to the Thirteenth World Health Assembly (Document ЕВ25/Г7) Dr CASTILLO, Rapporteur, introduced the draft report (document EB25/77) of which the Board had already approved Chapter V. He expressed the thanks of the Rapporteurs to the Secretariat for the help it had given in the preparation of the report, which had greatly facilitated the work of the Board. The report followed the lines of previous reports by the Board to the Health Assembly and incorporated a number of useful suggestions made during the session. The DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL reminded the Board that the appendices and charts referred to in the report, apart from Appendices 10 and 11, were those attached to the first report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (document EB25/65)• The CHAIRMAN invited comments on the draft report. Dr CHATTY, while expressing his agreement with the substance of the draft report, which was based on the resolutions adopted by the Board, was not satisfied with its form. The report gave the impression that the members of the Board had been content merely to endorse whatever had been put before it. As the members of the Board attended in their own personal capacity, they had ■ * a priceless opportunity to express their views without embarrassing anyone in their own countries. Many interesting comments had been made, for example, on technical EB25M n/20 R e r.l - A99 - meetings and conferences , experts, new posts, budgetary matters and so on, and all the comments had been answered by the Secretariat. The report had wiped out all those discussions and replaced them by mere clichés, such as "the Board endorsed the estimates" or "the Board had no further comment to make". On page 125, for example, reference was made to the discussion concerning the Advisory Committee on Medical Research and it was stated that "the Board expressed satisfaction with the development of the research programme". Paragraphs 260 and 26l on the same page dealt with the discussion on the proposed meeting of representatives of research organizations of the chemical manufacturing industry, and concluded that: "The Board had no further comments to make on those estimates and, in the light of the Committee's review and of the Director-General's explanations, considered them to be satisfactory." It was true that the estimates had been approved,;but the way in which the discussion was summarized 4id not accord with the Board's dignity and undermined its responsibility. The CHAIRMAN submitted the draft report for the consideration of the Board, section by section, pointing out for each section the comments and recommendations made by the Board, and, when appropriate, reading out the significant passages. He suggested that Dr Chatty should at that stage propose any amendments he might wish to make to those parts of the report which he considered did not adequately reflect the views of the Board. - 500 - EE25/Min/20 Hev.l Dr MÜNOZ-PUGLISEVTCH proposed that# under Inter-regional and Other Activities (Annex 2), paragraph 186 on page 108 should be deleted. In the discussion of the recent earthquake in Peru, Dr Castillo had submitted a draft resolution supported by Mr Olivero, but through a misunderstanding, due to the interpretation, the resolution had not been discussed or adopted. Paragraph 186 did not, in his opinion, reflect the true feeling of the Board and could be interpreted as meaning that the Board had not shown its sympathy in the matter. Dr ABU SHAMMA proposed that the Board might simply substitute for paragraph 186 a comment such as: "The Board took note of the recent earthquake in Peru and its effect on public health conditions." The CHAIRMAN drew attention to pages 14-16 of the provisional minutes of the thirteenth meeting (EB25/Min/13)^which summarized the discussion of the question. He referred to Dr Castillo's suggestion to adopt a resolution, and pointed out that the Board had not felt it necessary to adopt a formal resolution, but haü agreed that if the Government of Peru made a request to the Director-General, assistance should be given as ha<J been suggested by the Regional Director for the Americas. He suggested that paragraph 186 of the draft report should be redrafted to include a comment along the lines suggested by Dr Castillo, to the effect that the Board took note of the catastrophe, expressed its sympathy to the Government of Peru and requested the Director-General to assist that Government. The paragraph would then continue with a reference to the reply of the Regional Director that a public health project already existed in Peru under which assistance to the Government could be arranged if so requested. Pages 330-332 of these final minutes EB25/ïfln/20 fte v.l - 501 Dr MUN0Z-PU6LISEVICH agreed that such a paragraph would be clearer and would reflect more accurately the feeling of the Board. The CHAIRMAN said that the revised paragraph would be submitted for considera tion by the Board after the suspension of the meeting. He noted that, with the exception of that paragraph, no remarks had been made on any part of the report. He declared that the Board had completed its consideration of the draft report except for paragraph 186 . Dr LE-CÜU-TRUONG, referring to Chapter IV, Part II, section 2 of the report, pointed out that, if the twenty-sixth session of the Executive Board was held in October and the twenty-seventh session in New Delhi after the Health Assembly, the members elected in 1958 would attend only five sessions of the Board while those elected for 196l would attend seven. He wae drawing attention to the matter so that the Board might consider it at its next session. The CHAIRMAN confirmed that the matter would be dealt with at the twenty-«lxtly session of the Board when the date of the twenty-seventh session «as fixed. The meeting was suspended at 10.40 a.m. and resumed at 12.10 p.m. . EB25/Mln/20 Rev.1 - 502 - The DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL introduced the following paragraph which it was proposed should be substituted for paragraph 186 of the report: "During the discussion the Board noted a statement by a member on the recent earthquake in Peru, and agreed to express its sympathy with the Government on this disaster through the Director-General. In reply to a question on the possibilities of assistance by WHO, the Regional Director informed the Board that there was an existing public health project in the country under, which assistance to the Government could be arranged if so requested." Dr MUNOZ-PUGLISEVICH expressed his satisfaction with the revised draft. Dr METCALFE suggested that the paragraph should be amended by ending the first sentence after the words "the recent earthquake in Peru, " and redrafting the remainder of the sentence to read: "The Board requested the Director-General to express its sympathy to the Government on that disaster." Decision: (1) The revised paragraph 186 was adopted with the amendment proposed by Dr Metcalfe. (2) The report, as amended, was adopted as a whole (see Official Records No. 100). Dr CHATTY wished it to be recorded that he had abstained on the adoption of the report. He would also request that the statement he had made earlier in the meeting be recorded in full in the minutes or wherever else would be appropriate. The CHAIRMAN answered that there would be no obstacle to recording Dr Chatty's abstention and his earlier remarks would undoubtedly be reflected in the minutes of the meeting. 503 EB25/Min/20 Rev.l Dr CHATTY asked whether there was any other possibility, apart from the minutes, of recording his statement. The CHAIRMAN replied that, on the advice of the Director-General, he saw no other possibility than that existing under Rule 20 of the Board's Rules of Procedure, which provided that the Secretariat should prepare the minutes of meetings in both working languages and distribute them to the members, who should inform the Secretariat in writing of any corrections they wished to have made. Under that rule, Dr Chatty would receive the provisional minutes of the meeting and would be free to submit appropriate corrections if he found that they did not correctly reflect his remarks. Dr CHATTY explained that the reason for his inquiry was that he intended to raise the question again at a later date. 4. CLOSURE OP THE SESSION The CHAIRMAN thanked the members for the confidence they had shown in him and for making his task so easy and pleasant. The discussions had taken place in an excellent atmosphere of mutual understanding, courtesy and co-operation, and almost all the decisions of the Board had been taken unanimously. The budget for 1961 had been unanimously approved. The preparatory work done by the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance had greatly expedited the examination by the Board of the programme and budget estimates and he thanked D r Metcalfe, as Chairman of the Standing Committee, EB25/toin/20 Rev.l - 504 - and Dr van Zile Hyde, as Rapporteur, for their efforts. He also wished to thank the Vice-Chairman and the Rapporteurs of the Board for their valuable assistance. He congratulated the Director-General and the Secretariat for their part in the success of the Board's session. On behalf of the Board, he wished to convey good wishes to Mr Olivero for complete recovery from his illness. Dr MURRAY (International Labour Organisation) said that he had followed the discussions with the greatest interest as WHO and ILO had many problems in common. Two technical questions had arisen in which the mutual collaboration of the two organizations was of great value. The first was occupational health. Reference was made in document ES25/62 to the Recommendation on the Organization of Occupational Health Services in Places of Employment, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 43 rd session in June 1959* The Board would also be aware that a conference on occupational health, under the joint auspices of ILO and the Western Pacific Region of WHO, would be held in Tokyo in October I960; and that a Joint conference with the European Region had been held in London in November 1959 on "The contribution of the industrial medical officer to the psycho-social climate in industry". The second subject of mutual consultation and co-ordinated co-operation was that of radiation protection, concerning which the Board had adopted a resolution (EB25.R63) drawing attention to the importance of the continued constructive co-operation of WHO with the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, IAEA and other appropriate agencies. As was mentioned in document EB25/62, the ILO was preparing international instruments on the protection of workers - 505 against radiation. EB25/foin/2Û R e v .l The question had been discussed at the 4j5rd session of the International Labour Conference and would be discussed again at the 44th session in June i960 . Such instruments were the result of tripartite discussion between representatives of governments, employers and workers. In the preparation of the texts, the ILO had had the opportunity, and indeed the need, for the closest collaboration with WHO, on which it was sure it could count in the future and which it could promise wholeheartedly to reciprocate. The CHAIRMAN expressed the Board's appreciation of the co-operation between WHO and the ILO and gave an assurance that every effort would be made to make it even more valuable in the future. He pointed out that, in introducing document EB25/62, the Deputy Director-General had specially drawn the attention of the Board to the fact that the International Labour Conference had on its agenda the second reading of an international Convention on the protection of workers against radiation. Dr CHATTY thanked the Chairman for the way in which he had welcomed him as a member of the Board. He congratulated him on the charm, wisdom and fairness he had displayed, and joined with him in expressing gratitude to the Director-General and the Secretariat for their efforts. Dr MUNOZ-PUGLISEVICH supported the views expressed by Dr Chatty. He was convinced that the twenty-fifth session of the Executive Board had completed a further step towards the achievement of better health throughout the world. EB25/Min/20 Rev.l 506 - The CHAIRMAN conveyed his good wishes to those members who were retiring and who would not be attending the next session of the Board - Dr Metcalfe, Dr Haber no 11, Dr Rahim, Dr van Zile Hyde and Dr Chatty. also retiring. He also mentioned Dr Togba, who was They would no doubt meet on many ocoasions in the future at the Health Assembly, or as members of the Board again. \ The CHAIRMAN declared closed the twenty-fifth session of the Board. The meeting rose at 12.40 p.m. Members submitting corrections to provisional minutes which they receive after the close of the session are kindly requested to do so by return of post, in order that the definitive minutes may be sent to Member States as soon as possible. Such corrections should be addressed to Chief Editor, Official Records, World Health Organization, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. MHO/12.60 W ORLD H fA LT H ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ Ex e c u t i v e b o a r d EB25/Min/20i 1 February I96 G T wenty-fifth Session ORIGINAL: ENGLISH PROVISIONAL MINUTES OF THE TWENTIETH MEETING Palais des Nations, Geneva M onday, 1 February i960 , at 9-30 a.m. CHAIRMAN! Professer E. J. У AUJALEU CONTENTS Page 1. International Health and Medical Research Year (continued) . . . . . . 4 2. Proposals by the Director-General for the provisional agenda for the Thirteenth World Health Assembly ............................. 4 Review of the proposed programme and budget estimates for 1961 . . . . 6 3. Adoption of Report to the Thirteenth World Health Assembly ......... 4. Notes Closure of the session .................................................. 6 11 Corrections to these provisional minutes should be submitted in writing to the Chief, Records Service, Room within 48 hours of their distribution. EB25/Mín/20 page 2 Twentieth Meeting Monday, 1 February i960 , at 9-30 a.m. Designating Country Present Professor E. J. Y. AUJALEU, Chairman France Professor M. N. ETEMADIAN (alternate to Dr A. H. Radji), Vice-Chairman Iran Dr M. M. PENIDO, Vice-Chairman Brazil Dr D. CASTILLO, Rapporteur Venezuela Dr A. J. METCALFE, Rapporteur Australia i Dr A. 0. ABU SHAMMA Sudan Dr R. BAIDYA Nepal Dr V. BUTROV (alternate to Professor V. M. Zhdanov) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Dr Dia E. CHATTY United Arab Republic Dr J. D. HCURIHANE Ireland Dr L E -CUU-TRUONG Viet Nam Dr L. MOLITOR Luxembourg Dr J. MUNOZ-PUGLISEVICH Peru Dr Abdul RAHIM Afghanistan Mr C. W. THOMAS (adviser to Dr H. van Zile Hyde)1 United States of America Secretary: Dr M. G. CANDAU Director-General 1 Under Rule 28 of the Rules of Procedure EB25/Min/20 page 3 Representatives of Intergovernmental Organizations United Nations Mr N LUKER International Labour Organisation Dr R. A. METALL Dr R. MURRAY League of Arab States Dr A. T. SHOUSHA Representatives of Non-governmental Organizations International Committee of Catholic Nurses Miss J. RAZAIARINORO International Union against Tuberculosis Dr J. E. PERKINS League of Red Cross Societies Dr Z. S. HANTCHEF World Medical Association Dr J. MAYSTRE EB25/Min/20 page 4 1. INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH YEAR: Item 2.3 of the Agenda (Documents EB25/53, EB25/53 Add.l and EB25/71) (continued) Dr DOROLLE, Deputy Director-General, read the text of the draft resolution presented by Dr van Zile Hyde and amended by Dr Hourihane, in accordance with the decision taken at the previous meeting. Decision: 2. The draft resolution was adopted (see resolution EB25.R72). PROPOSALS BY THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL FOR THE PROVISIONAL AGENDA OF THE THIRTEENTH WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY: Item 6.2 of the Agenda (Documents EB25/67 and EB25/67 Corr.l) The DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL recalled that, in accordance with Rule 4 of the Rules of Procedure of the Health Assembly, the Board haQ to prepare the provisional agenda of each regular session of the Health Assembly after consideration of the proposals submitted by the Director-General. The Director-General's proposals appeared in documents EB25/67 and EB25/67 Corr.l and took into account the Board’ s decisions at its twenty-fifth session. References were included to those resolutions adopted by the Board on which the Health Assembly would have to take decisions. In view of the decision just taken by the Board in regard to item 2.8 of the agenda, the title of that item should be amended to read "World Health Year" and a reference should be added to the draft resolution just adopted, which would be resolution EB25.R72. EB25/Min/20 page 5 The title of item 2.12 of the agenda which appeared in document EB25/67 as "Study on the nature and extent of the health problems of seafarers and the health services available to them", with reference to resolutions WHA12.23 and EB25.R32, should be amended to read as follows: 2.12 Health problems of seafarers: 2.12.1 Study on the nature and extent of the health problems of seafarers and of the health services available to them Handbook of Resolutions and Decisions, 5th ed., p. 3 7 y resolution WHA12.23 2.12.2 Venereal disease treatment of seafarers (Brussels International Agreement of 1924) Resolution EB25.R32. There was a slight typing error in item 2.15 which concerned only the French text. Under item 3.5 (Assembly procedures for examining the programme, budget and ancillary administrative, financial and personnel matters), a reference should be added to resolution EB 25 .R67 . The CHAIRMAN submitted the following draft resolution for the consideration of the Board: The Executive Board APPROVES the proposals of the Director-General for the provisional agenda for the Thirteenth World Health Assembly as amended. Decision: The draft resolution was adopted (see resolution EB25-R73)- EB25/Min/20 page 6 3* REVIEW OP THE PROPOSED PROGRAMME AND BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 1961: the Agenda (Official Reoords No. 97) (continued) Item 3-2 of Adoption of Report to the Thirteenth World Health Assembly (Document EB25/77) Dr CASTILLO, Rapporteur, introduced the draft report (document EB25/77) of which the Board had already approved Chapter V. He expressed the thanks of the Rapporteurs to the Secretariat for the help it had given in the preparation of the report, which had greatly facilitated the work of the Board. The report followed the lines of previous reports by the Board to the Health Assembly and incorporated a number of useful suggestions made during the session. The DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL reminded the Board that the appendices and charts referred to in the report, apart from Appendices 10 and 11, were those attached to the first report of the Standing Committee (document EB25/65). The CHAIRMAN invited comments on the draft report. Dr CHATTY, while expressing his agreement with the substance of the draft report, which was based on the resolutions adopted by the Board, was not satisfied with its form. The report gave the impression that the members of the Board had been content merely to endorse whatever had been put before it. As the members of the Board attended in their own personal capacity, they had a priceless opportunity to express their views without embarrassing anyone in their own countries. Many interesting comments had been made, for example, on technical EB25/Min/20 page 7 meetings and conferences, experts, new posts, budgetary matters and so on, and all the comments had been answered by the Secretariat. The report had wiped out all those discussions and replaced them by mere cliches, such as "the Board endorsed the estimates" or "the Board had no further comment to make". On page 125, for example, reference was made to the discussion concerning the Advisory Committee on Medical Research and it was stated that "the Board expressed satisfaction with the development of the research programme". Paragraphs 260 and 26l on the same page dealt with the discussion on the proposed meeting of representatives of research organizations of the chemical manufacturing industry, and concluded that: "The Board had no further comments to make on those estimates and, in the light of the Committee's review and of the Director-General's explanations, considered them to be satisfactory." It was true that the estimates had been approved, but the way in which the discussion was summarized did not accord with the Board's dignity and undermined its responsibility. The CHAIRMAN submitted the draft report for the consideration of the Board, section by section, pointing out for each section the comments and recommendations made by the Board, and, when appropriate, reading out the significant passages. He suggested that Dr Chatty should at that stage propose any amendments he might wish to make to those parts of the report which he considered did not adequately reflect the views of the Board. EB25/Min/20 page 8 л / Dr MUNOZ-PUGLISEVICH proposed that, under Inter-regional and Other Activities (Annex 2), paragraph 186 on page 108 should be deleted. In the discussion of the recent earthquake in Peru, Dr Castillo had submitted a draft resolution supported by Mr Olivero, but through a misunderstanding, due to the interpretation, the resolution had not been discussed or adopted. Paragraph 186 did not, in his opinion, reflect the true feeling of the Board and could be interpreted as meaning that the Board had not shown its sympathy in the matter. Dr ABU SHAMMA proposed that the Board might simply substitute for paragraph 186 a comment such as: "The Board took note of the recent earthquake in Peru and its effect on public health conditions." The CHAIRMAN drew attention to pages 14-16 of the provisional minutes of the thirteenth meeting (EB25/Min/13) which summarized the discussion of the question. He referred to Dr Castillo's suggestion to adopt a resolution, and pointed out that the Board had not felt it necessary to adopt a formal resolution, but ha<3 agreed that if the Government of Peru made a request to the Director-General, assistance should be given as had been suggested by the Regional Director for the Americas. He suggested that paragraph 186 of the draft report should be redrafted to include a comment along the lines suggested by Dr Castillo, to the effect that the Board took note of the catastrophe, expressed its sympathy to the Government of Peru and requested the Director-General to assist that Government. The paragraph would then continue with a reference to the reply of the Regional Director that a public health project already existed in Peru under which assistance to the Government could be arranged if so requested. EB25/foin/20 page 9 Dr MUNOZ-PUGLISEVICH agreed that such a paragraph would be clearer and would reflect more accurately the feeling of the Board. The CHAIRMAN said that the revised paragraph would be submitted for considera tion by the Board after the suspension of the meeting. He noted that, with the exception of that paragraph, no remarks had been made on any part of the report. He declared that the Board had completed its consideration of the draft report except for paragraph 186 . Dr LE-CUU-TRUCNG, referring to Chapter IV, Part II, section 2 of the report, pointed out that, if the twenty-sixth session of the Executive Board was held in October and the twenty-seventh session in New Delhi after the Health Assembly, the members elected in 1958 would attend only five sessions of the Board while those elected for 1961 would attend seven. He was drawing attention to the matter so that the Board might consider it at its next session. The CHAIRMAN confirmed that the matter would be dealt with at the twenty-sixth session of the Board when the date of the twenty-seventh session was fixed. The meeting was suspended at 10.4-0 a.m. and resumed at 12.10 p.m. EB25/Min/20 page 10 The DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL introduced the following paragraph which it was proposed should be substituted for paragraph 186 of the report: "During the discussion the Board noted a statement by a member on the recent earthquake in Pe**u, and agreed to express its sympathy with the Government on this disaster through the Director-General. In reply to a question on the possibilities of assistance by WHO, the Regional Director informed the Board that there was an existing public health project in the country under which assistance to the Government could be arranged if so requested." r~> Dr MUNOZ-PUGLISEVICH expressed his satisfaction with the revised draft. Dr METCALFE suggested that the paragraph should be amended by ending the first sentence after the words "the recent earthquake in Peru," and redrafting the remainder of the sentence to read: "The Board requested the Director-General to express its sympathy to the Government on that disaster.” It was so agreed. Decision: With that amendment, the revised draft of paragraph l86 was adopted. Decision: The report as a whole was adopted as amended. Dr CHATTY wished it to be recorded that he had abstained on the adoption of the report. He would also request that the statement he had made earlier in the meeting be recorded in full in the minutes or wherever else would be appropriate. The CHAIRMAN answered that there would be no obstacle to recording Dr Chatty's abstention and his earlier remarks would undoubtedly be reflected in the minutes of the meeting. EB25/foin/20 page 11 Dr CHATTY asked whether there was any other possibility, apart from the minutes, of recording his statement. The CHAIRMAN replied that, on the advice of the Director-General, he saw no other possibility than that existing under Rule 20 of the Board's Rules of Procedure, which provided that the Secretariat should prepare the minutes of meetings in both working languages and distribute them to the members, who should inform the Secretariat in writing of any corrections they wished to have made. Under that rule, Dr Chatty would receive the provisional minutes of the meeting and would be free to submit appropriate corrections if he found that they did not correctly reflect his remarks. Dr CHATTY explained that the reason for his inquiry was that he intended to raise the question again at a later d a t e . 4. CLOSURE OP THE SESSION The CHAIRMAN thanked the members for the confidence they had shown in him and for making his task so easy and pleasant. The discussions had taken plaoe in an excellent atmosphere of mutual understanding, courtesy and co-operation, and almost all the decisions of the Board had been taken unanimously. The Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates had been unanimously approved. The preparatory work done by the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance had greatly expedited the examination by the Board of the Programme and Budget Estimates and he thanked Dr Metcalfe, as Chairman of the Standing Committee, EB25/Min/20 page 12 and Dr van Zile Hyde, as Rapporteur, for their efforts. He also wished to thank the Vice-Chairman and the Rapporteurs of the Board for their valuable assistance. He congratulated the Director-General and the Secretariat for their part in the success of the Board's session. On behalf of the Board, he wished to convey good wishes to Mr Olivero for complete recovery from his illness. Dr MURRAY (International Labour Organisation) said that he had followed the discussions with the greatest interest as WHO and ILO had many problems in common. Two technical questions had arisen in which the mutual collaboration of the two organizations was of great value. The first was occupational health. Reference was made in document EB25/62 to the Recommendation on the Organization of Occupational Health Services in Places of Employment, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 4^rd session in June 1959* The Board would also be aware that a conference on occupational health, under the joint auspices of ILO and the Western Pacific Region of WHO, would be held in Tokyo in October i960 ; and that a Joint conference with the European Region had been held in London in November 1959 on "The contribution of the industrial medical officer to the psycho-social climate in industry". The second subject of mutual consultation and co-ordinated co-operation was that of radiation protection, concerning which the Board had adopted a resolution (EB25 .R63 ) drawing attention to the importance of the continued constructive co-operation of WHO with UNSCEAR, IAEA and other appropriate agencies. As was mentioned in document EB25/62, the ILO was preparing international instruments on the protection of workers EB25/Min/20 page 13 against radiation. The question had been discussed at the 43rd session of the International Labour Conference and would be discussed again at the 44th session in June i960 . Such instruments were the result of tripartite discussion between representatives of governments, employers and workers. In the preparation of the texts, the ILO had had the opportunity, and indeed the need, for the closest collaboration with WHO, on which it was sure it could count in the future and which it could promise wholeheartedly to reciprocate. The CHAIRMAN expressed the Board's appreciation of the co-operation between WHO and the ILO and gave an assurance that every effort would be made to make it even more valuable in the future. He pointed out that, in introducing document EB25/62, the Deputy Director-General had specially drawn the attention of the Board to the fact that the International Labour Conference had on its agenda the second reading of an International Convention on the protection of workers against radiation. Dr CHATTY thanked the Chairman for the way in which he had welcomed him as a member of the Board. He congratulated him on the charm, wisdom and fairness he had displayed, and joined with him in expressing gratitude to the Director-General and the Secretariat for their efforts. Dr MUNOZ-PUGLISEVICH supported the views expressed by Dr Chatty. He was convinced that the twenty-fifth session of the Executive Board had completed a further step towards the achievement of better health throughout the wor ld . EB25/Min/20 page 14 The CHAIRMAN conveyed his good wishes to those members who were retiring and who would not be attending the next session of the Board - Dr Metcalfe, Dr Habernoll, Dr Rahim, Dr van Zile Hyde and Dr Chatty. also retiring. He also mentioned Dr Togba, who was They would no doubt meet on many occasions in the future at the Health Assembly, or as members of the Board again. The CHAIRMAN declared closed the twenty-fifth session of the Board. The meeting rose at 12.40 p.m.