Mark D. Ramirez Curriculum Vitae Academic Appointments Academic Affiliations


Mark D. Ramirez Curriculum Vitae Academic Appointments Academic Affiliations
Mark D. Ramirez
Curriculum Vitae
Political Psychology, Public Opinion, Race &
Politics, Representation, Research Methodology
Academic Appointments
2010–present Arizona State University,
Assistant Professor, School of Politics and Global Studies.
2009-2010 Washington University in St. Louis,
Post-doctoral Fellow, Center for Empirical Research in the Law.
Academic Affiliations
2014-present National Institute for Civil Discourse at the University of Arizona,
Research network member.
2004–2009 Texas A&M University,
Ph.D., Political Science.
Advisor: David A.M. Peterson.
2000-2004 Arizona State University,
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Economics and Political Science.
2002-2004 Arizona State University,
Certificate, Public Administration and Management.
Peer Reviewed Articles
{ Ramirez, Mark D. Forthcoming. “Are blacks ambivalent toward anti-crime policies?
Examining discrimination, fear of crime, and intra-issue consistency in policy choices."
Political Behavior.
{ Ramirez, Mark D. Forthcoming. “African American’s principled opposition to prison
privatization." Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice.
{ Ramirez, Mark D. and Nathan Erickson. 2014. “Partisan bias and information discounting
in economic judgments." Political Psychology, 35(3): 309-445.
{ Ramirez, Mark D. 2014. “Complex choices: African Americans and the death penalty."
Race and Justice, 4(2): 75-97.
{ Ramirez, Mark D. 2013. “Americans changing views toward crime and punishment."
Public Opinion Quarterly, 77(4): 1006-1031.
{ Ramirez, Mark D. 2013. “Punitive sentiment." Criminology, 52(2): 329-364.
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{ Ramirez, Mark D. 2013. “The policy origins of congressional approval." Journal of
Politics, 75(1): 198-209.
{ Kellstedt, Paul M., David A.M. Peterson, and Mark D. Ramirez. 2010. “The macro
politics of a gender gap." Public Opinion Quarterly 74(3): 477-498.
{ Nicholson-Crotty, Sean, David A.M. Peterson, and Mark D. Ramirez. 2009. “Dynamic
representation: Federal criminal justice policy and an alternative dimension of public mood."
Political Behavior, 31(4): 485-655.
{ Ramirez, Mark D. 2009. “The dynamics of partisan conflict on congressional approval."
American Journal of Political Science, 53(3): 680-693.
{ Ramirez, Mark D. 2008. “Procedural perceptions and support for the U.S. Supreme
Court." Political Psychology, 29(5): 675-698.
Editor Reviewed Chapters and Articles
{ Ramirez, Mark D. and James Monogan, III. 2008. “Posters in LATEX." The Political
Methodologist 15(2): 17-22.
Conference Presentations
2014 “Racial priming, source cues, and environmental racism." Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Seattle,
2013 “How local disasters shape public preferences toward climate changes policies."
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science
Association, Orlando, FL.
2011 “The change-point dynamics of macro public opinion: Explaining the rise in
punitive sentiment, 1951-2006." Paper presentation at the annual meeting of
the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
2009 “Bayesian change-point and time varying parameter models of public preferences for punitive policies." Poster presentation at the annual meeting of The
Society for Political Methodology, Yale University, New Haven, CT.
2008 “Knowledge, values, and public preferences for policies to mitigate the risks
of global climate change." Poster presentation at the annual conference of
Ford Foundation Fellows. National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C.
2008 “Public preferences for policies to mitigate the risks of climate change: Multilevel latent variable modeling with Bayesian item response theory." Poster
presentation at the annual meeting of The Society for Political Methodology,
University of Michigan.
2007 “The macro politics of a gender gap.” Paper presentation at the annual
meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
2007 “Dynamic representation(s): Dynamic multiple indicators, multiple causes.”
Poster presentation at the annual meeting of The Society for Political Methodology, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA.
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2007 “Re-examining the dynamics of congressional approval.” Paper presentation
at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New
Orleans, LA.
2006 “Estimating congressional approval as a long-memory process, 1974-2000.”
Poster presentation at the annual meeting of The Society for Political Methodology, University of California, Davis.
2006 “The gender gap and policy mood.” Paper presentation at the annual meeting
of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
2005 “Public support for the U.S. Supreme Court: Procedural justice and decision
compatibility.” Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Midwest
Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Academic Research Talks
2011 University of Georgia
2010 Southern Methodist University
Princeton University
2009 University of Wisconsin-Madison
American University
University of Illinois, Chicago
Stony Brook University
Teaching (Arizona State University)
First Year Seminar: American Political Parties
Empirical Political Inquiry
Political Psychology
Political Marketing
Racial Politics
American Politics Pro-Seminar
Public Opinion
Polimetrics II: Maximum Likelihood Estimation
American Political Institutions∗
Bayesian Statistics∗
Longitudinal Data Analysis∗
= New directed readings course
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Academic Service
2014-2015 Award Committee, Distinguished Junior Scholars Award, Political Psychology
Section of the American Political Science Association.
2007-2010 Editorial Assistant, The Political Methodologist.
2005-2006 Editorial Assistant, American Journal of Political Science.
Manuscript Reviewer for American Politics Research; American Journal of Political SciReviewer ence; American Political Science Review ; Criminology ; Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society ; International Journal of Press/Politics; Journal
of Communication; Journal of Empirical Legal Studies; Journal of Politics;
Justice Quarterly ; Legislative Studies Quarterly ; Political Behavior ; Political
Psychology ; Public Opinion Quarterly ; The Social Science Journal; State
Politics & Policy Quarterly.
Proposal National Science Foundation, Time Sharing Experiments for the Social SciReviewer ences.
Arizona State University
Mentor, Obama Scholars.
Faculty advisor, Americans for Freedom Club.
Faculty advisor, Youth for Liberty Club.
School of Politics and Global Studies
2014-2015 Director’s Advisory Committee, Member. Responsible for advising the
school’s director on departmental policies, hiring initiatives, and program
Fall 2014 Early Start Program, Faculty participant
Fall 2014 Methodology Program Comprehensive Exam Committee, Member (3 students).
2013-2014 Facilities (Space) Committee, Member. Committee to advise the school director on the reorganization of department facilities including the construction
of an experimental laboratory.
2013-2014 Director’s Advisory Committee, Member. Responsible for advising the
school’s director including revising the Bylaws and all policy documents
of the School of Politics and Global Studies.
2013-2014 Methodology Program Committee, Member. Responsible for designing the
graduate methodology courses and minor examinations.
2013 Borderlands Search Proposal Committee, Member. Lead author on proposal.
Fall 2013 Methodology Program Comprehensive Exam Committee, Member (3 students).
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2012-2013 School of Politics and Global Studies Director Search Committee, Member.
Responsible for the external search for a new Director for the School of
Politics and Global Studies.
2012-2013 Planning and Leadership Committee, Member. Committee to advise the
school director on long-term planning including school hires.
2012-2013 Methodology Program Committee, Member. Responsible for designing the
graduate methodology courses and minor examinations.
2012-2013 Job Market and Professional Development Workshops, Co-organizer of professional socialization workshops for graduate students.
2012 Borderlands Search Proposal Committee, Member. Co-author on proposal.
2012 American Politics Comprehensive Exam, Committee member (2 students).
2011-2012 Methodology Program Committee, Member. Responsible for designing the
graduate methodology courses and minor examinations.
2011-2012 Graduate Program Committee, Member. Responsible for graduate admissions,
reviewing graduate awards, and overseeing graduate policies.
2010-2011 Methodology Program Committee, Member. Committee to revise the graduate methodology training, including the creation of a new course sequence
and a minor methodology field.
Service talks SPAGS Freshman Orientation (August 2012); GAPS Professional Development Workshop (November 2011); GAPS Professional Development Workshop
II (November 2011); Junior Fellowship Program (October 2011); Measurement
and Scaling (October 2012); Constructing a Vita (April 2013); Experimental
Research (September 2013).
Public and Community
Media Arizona Capitol Times, Arizona Republic, Fox News, The Atlantic, The Nainterviews tional Journal, The Washington Post, The State Press.
Students Supervised
B.A. Colton Chase (ASU, School of Politics and Global Studies, 2014), Junior
fellowship advisor.
Mary H. Smith (ASU, School of Sustainability, 2013), Honors thesis reader.
Shelby Fuller (ASU, School of Politics and Global Studies, 2012), Junior
fellowship advisor.
Tiara Wheatley (ASU, School of Politics and Global Studies, 2012), Junior
fellowship advisor.
Nathan Erikson (ASU, Barrett Honors College, 2011), Honors thesis reader
and junior fellowship advisor.
B.S. Christopher A. Romero (ASU, School of Politics and Global Studies, 2013),
Junior fellowship advisor.
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Ph.D. Matthew Dempsey (ASU, School of Politics and Global Studies, In progress),
Dissertation committee member.
Amanda Winterstieck (ASU, School of Politics and Global Studies, In progress),
Dissertation committee member.
Joshua Thompson (ASU, School of Politics and Global Studies, In progress),
Exam committee member.
Awards and Grants
2014 Undergraduate Summer Enrichment Grant
Awarded by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University.
2013 Political Networks Fellowship
Awarded by the Political Networks Section, American Political Science Association.
2013 Artinian Award
Awarded by the Southern Political Science Association.
2012 Advancing Student Success Grant
with Marilyn Dantico, Kim Fridkin, and Gina Woodall
Awarded by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University.
2009 Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship
Awarded by the National Academy of Sciences.
2007 Prestage-Cook travel grant
Awarded by the Southern Political Science Association.
2007 Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models Scholarship
Awarded by the National Science Foundation.
2006 Warren E. Miller Scholarship
Awarded by the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
and the University of Michigan.
2006 Research and Presentation Grant
Awarded by the Association of Former Students and Office of Graduate
Studies, Texas A&M University.
2005 Bryan D. Jones Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award
Awarded by the Department of Political Science, Texas A&M University.
2005 Regents Fellowship
Awarded by the College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University.
Additional Education
2007 Washington University in St. Louis,
Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models.
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2006 University of Michigan,
ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods
— Bayesian Statistics
— Scaling and Dimensional Analysis.
Professional Memberships
American Political Science Association
— Race, Ethnicity and Politics Section
— Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior Section
— Political Methodology Section
International Society of Political Psychology
Midwest Political Science Association
Southern Political Science Association
Contact Information
School of Politics and Global Studies
Arizona State University
P.O. Box 873902
Tempe, AZ 85287-3902
T (480) 965-2835
u (480) 965-3929
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