Digital Makers “State of the Nation” – Research Tender


Digital Makers “State of the Nation” – Research Tender
Digital Makers “State of the Nation” – Research Tender
Nesta is looking to review and analyse the provision of ‘digital making’ opportunities for children and young
people in the UK. To undertake this research we are seeking a researcher, or small research or team, who
are familiar with ‘digital making’, education and maker culture.
Digital making is the creative process of making a product or digital artefact - from websites, apps, games,
and 3D animations to physical objects driven by microcontrollers.
Digital making will often mean using coding and programming skills as well as the creative use of digital tools
to make new products. Digital making skills are fundamentally underpinned by an understanding of
computational thinking but may also include things like creative teamwork, problem solving, engineering
and design in order to build new technologies.
Digital technologies touch every aspect of life and business – but relatively few people create them; most
people just use them. Nesta wants to mobilise a generation of young people with the drive, confidence and
know-how to make new technology – whether websites, apps, hardware, games or brand new innovations.
To date our work in this area has comprised three main elements:
Make Things Do Stuff: a campaign and website created by a group of like-minded organisations that
want to inspire young people to be creators, not just consumers of digital technologies.
Digital Makers Fund: Nesta and Nominet Trust in partnership with Mozilla and Autodesk have
backed fourteen organisations with bright ideas for significantly increasing the number of young
people who participate in digital making.
Schools in Scotland: computing teacher Kate Farrell has been seconded to our team in Scotland to
work on a range of digital making CPD support programmes for teachers at both primary and
secondary school level including industry masterclasses and CPD for teachers.
Through this work, we have identified a need for accurate and comprehensive research to understand the
current ‘state of the nation’ of digital making among young people in the UK. In the coming months we will
undertake a project of research – including surveys, desk research, and qualitative analysis – to develop such
a review. Our aims with this research are to:
Map where digital making opportunities are available to young people and the range of activities
that exist. This includes activities outside of school both online and face to face as well as
provision of the Computing curriculum in schools.
Analyse the range of organisations providing these opportunities and their different models of
funding and delivery.
Identify gaps or surpluses that exist in digital making opportunities and advise on where areas of
need are for expansion or development.
Identify how many young people are taking up opportunities, and from what backgrounds and
demographic groups are represented amongst these.
Uncover where possible what young people are learning from these opportunities.
Profile a number of representative case studies of young people engaged in ‘digital making’.
Work required and outputs
As part of this project of research, the researcher will deliver the following:
Desk research to collect comprehensive dataset on digital maker providers. This will include:
o Identifying and cataloguing organisations providing ‘digital making’ activities for young
people in the UK (starting with partners on ‘Make Things Do Stuff’ and Nesta’s ‘Digital
Makers’ fund). This will include those offering face to face experiences and those
providing online resources (which may be international in scope).
o Collecting a number of data points on each of these organisations – for example the
type of digital making activity, geographic reach of activities, and number of young
people engaged with to date.
o Organising and analysing data into a report to inform authors of our publication.
o Analysing how prepared this field is to meet the likely future rise in demand.
Interviews with digital making organisations and key stakeholders, with aim to:
o Contribute to the above data collection
o Identify changes in the sector in the last two years
o Identify and profile young digital makers for case studies through conversations with our
partner organisations (see below).
Desk research to collect information on computing in schools, including:
o Data on GCSE, A level, and degrees in Computing/Computer Science for the last three
o Numbers of teachers engaged with the ‘Computing at School’ initiative and level of
Interviews with young people to generate case studies of those engaged with ‘digital making’,
including their interactions with multiple aspects or progression if possible.
Synthesis and writing up of case studies for inclusion in a Nesta report.
Expected outputs:
Comprehensive dataset of digital making organisations operating with young people in the UK based
on data points agreed with Nesta.
A short document synthesising and analysing the data set and identifying any gaps or surpluses in
Four case studies of young digital makers illustrating their engagement with digital making and the
journey they have taken in developing and applying their skills.
This work will inform and contribute to a Nesta report. We expect the work to be predominantly desk based
research and telephone calls and for it to take place in November and December 2014.
Timeline and key deliverables
10th October
31st October
Wb 3rd November
Wb 10th November
November / December
12th December
Advert Live
Applicants received
Interviews held and decision made
Start work with meeting at Nesta
Data collection
Final information submitted to Nesta
Indicative budget
We have an allocated budged of up to £15,000 (inclusive of VAT where applicable) for this work.
Please reflect all expenses such as travel and expenses for collection of case study data in your outline.
Travel and expenses need to be budgeted for and will not be covered separately.
How to apply
Applicants should submit a CV and an outline of your proposed methods, estimated timelines and costs (2
sides of A4).
Your entire proposal including all supporting documentation should be e-mailed as a single document, to by no later 5pm GMT on Friday 31st October.
Any questions, contact Sylvia Lowe, Director of our Digital Education programme
Annex 1
Evaluation of Proposals
1. Evaluation Process
Nesta will run this competitive procurement process in a manner which is open and transparent and ensures
equal treatment of participants in the process. Decisions will be made on the basis of the stated criteria.
Bidders must respond to all questions set out in this Annex 1 under both the selection and award criteria at
the time of submission in response to this ITT.
Selection Criteria
At the first stage of this process your proposal will be evaluated against the selection criteria listed below.
Selection Criteria
1. Proposed methods for data collection
- Comprehensiveness of sampling
- Identification of illustrative information points on organisations
- Experience in producing synthesis and analysis reports
2. Proposed methods for case studies
- Methods for identifying young people
- Experience in interviewing
- Identification of the themes to consider in young people’s experience of digital
- Skills and experience in preparation of case study write ups
3. Knowledge of the field of ‘digital making’ 25%
- Previous work in this area
- Personal interest and knowledge of researchers
4. Cost effectiveness and capacity to deliver 25%
on time
- Realistic costings for activities
- Value for money
- Evidence of being able to deliver on time within the allocated number of days.
1. Conflicts of Interest:
Not scored.
Where conflicts of interest are identified
Nesta reserves the right to exclude the
supplier from further participation in this
tender process.
Please confirm if you are aware of any potential or actual conflicts of interest which may
prevent you from working with Nesta. IF you consider a conflict may exist; please provide
details in your response.
The following scoring methodology will be applied to responses:
Response provides Nesta with a poor- weak
level of confidence in the supplier’s ability
to meet its requirements
Response provides Nesta with a moderategood level of confidence in the supplier’s
ability to meet its requirements
Response provides Nesta with a very good
level of confidence in the supplier’s ability
to meet its requirements
Response provides Nesta with a high level
of confidence in the supplier's ability to
meet its requirements
Annex 2
Terms and Conditions
This appendix provides the terms and conditions which will govern your submission of a proposal to Nesta.
You are required to read this appendix carefully together with the Invitation to Tender (ITT) brief (including
all its annexes) before submitting a proposal. By submitting a proposal, you accept these terms and
conditions and you agree to abide by them. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions please do not
submit a proposal.
1. Submitting a proposal
By submitting a proposal you confirm that:
you have no actual or potential conflict of interest with Nesta (including Nesta’s Trustees, officers or
employees). If at any time during the ITT process you discover an actual or potential conflict of
interest, please inform Nesta promptly;
you have legal capacity to submit a proposal in response to this ITT and are acting lawfully, ethically
and in good faith in your dealings with Nesta;
you have sufficient time, skill, experience and resources to carry out the services to the highest
professional standards expected of a competent supplier of services identical or similar and are able
to obtain all necessary rights, licences, consents, waivers, approvals, permissions, permits,
certificates and insurances necessary to provide the services to Nesta;
your tender will remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days. A tender valid for a shorter
period may be rejected;
all information contained in your proposal is true, accurate and not misleading; and
Nesta may share your proposal with any third party as Nesta in its absolute discretion deems
necessary for the purpose of evaluation.
Nesta reserves the right to reject or disqualify your tender where:
you fail to comply with the requirements of this ITT (including but not limited to these terms and
conditions), your tender is incomplete, or you are guilty of a serious misrepresentation in supplying
information in response to this ITT;
your tender is received after the deadline set out in this ITT. Nesta will not consider any requests for
an extension of the time or date fixed for the submission of responses;
there is a change in your identity, control, financial standing or any other factor impacting on the
selection and/or evaluation of your tender;
you are or become insolvent or have a petition issued against you;
you do not have the economic and financial standing and/ or the technical and professional ability to
carry out the services;
you are suspected either directly or indirectly of behaving in a collusive, canvassing, or anticompetitive manner or you offer or accept an inducement or reward in order to gain a commercial,
contractual, regulatory or personal advantage; and/or
you (or if you are a commercial entity, a director or person who has the power of control or power
to make representations or decisions on your behalf) have committed any offence relating to
conspiracy, corruption, bribery, fraud, money laundering or any other criminal offence related to
your course of business or profession.
Nesta reserves the right in its absolute discretion to:
refuse any tender submitted;
disqualify any potential tenderer who has been convicted of any of the offences listed at Regulation
23(1) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006;
extend the time or date for fixed submission. In such circumstances Nesta will endeavour to notify
all tenderers of any change;
amend any aspect of this ITT (including but not limited to the evaluation criteria and the timeline) or
cease the process at any time;
increase or decrease the number of suppliers selected in any given field or select none at all;
negotiate the award of additional services which are a repetition of the services advertised in this
Invitation to Tender to the successful bidder;
limit the number of proposals invited to participate in any follow-up activity (for example,
interviews) or to dispense with any follow-up altogether. Meetings will take place in London at our
offices; and/ or
require that you clarify your tender in writing and/ or provide additional information and/or
adequate references to Nesta’s satisfaction. A failure to respond adequately may result in you not
being selected.
Tenderer Responsibilities
You shall be responsible for all of your own costs, expenses and losses which may be incurred in
relation to the preparation of your tender, attendance at interviews, site visits or similar.
You shall at all times treat the contents of Nesta documentation as confidential, as well as any
information regarding Nesta imparted to you by any other means, and only disclose such
information as may be necessary for the preparation of a compliant response. At Nesta’s request
you shall return or destroy all documents, other materials, working papers relating to this ITT and all
copies thereof including all electronic copies. When completed you shall confirm such to Nesta in
You shall not before the date and time specified within the ITT documentation disclose to any
person the amount of your proposal except where the disclosure in confidence is necessary to
obtain insurance premiums or guarantees required as part of any proposal to Nesta.
Any contract entered into as a result of this ITT will be on Nesta’s standard terms and conditions
(copy available on request).
Intellectual Property
All intellectual property rights in this ITT and all materials provided by Nesta or any third party acting
on its behalf shall remain the property of Nesta.
Any intellectual property arising out of the provision of the services shall belong absolutely and
exclusively to Nesta.
Nothing contained in this ITT or any other communication made in respect of it between Nesta or its
representatives and any party will constitute an agreement, contract or representation between
Nesta and any other party. For the avoidance of doubt, receipt by you of this ITT does not imply the
existence of a contract or commitment by or with Nesta for any purpose.
The information contained in this ITT does not purport to contain all the information which you may
require. While Nesta has taken all reasonable steps to ensure, as at the date of this ITT that the facts
contained in it are true and accurate in all material respects, Nesta does not make any
representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness or otherwise of this ITT.
Nesta accepts no liability to you whatsoever and however arising and whether resulting from the use
of this ITT, or any omissions from or deficiencies in it. You acknowledge that this ITT is for a
framework and therefore the level of work awarded to you, even if successful, may be zero.
Failure or neglect by Nesta to enforce at any time any of the provisions of these terms and conditions shall
not be construed nor shall it be deemed to be, a waiver of our respective rights hereunder, nor in any way
affect the validity of the whole or any part of this agreement, nor prejudice our respective rights to take
subsequent action.
This ITT shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and subject
to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.