Hello Pitchers, Parents and Coaches!
Hello Pitchers, Parents and Coaches!
Hello Pitchers, Parents and Coaches! I’m very excited to introduce a new way to train with BreakThrew Fastpitch this year! The BTF On-Line Pitching Lesson Program was designed for pitchers in 3rd-12th grades that are unable to participate in regular lessons with BTF due to distance or scheduling conflicts. Here is an overview of what the program includes: 1. This 7-month program will include two, 3 hour in-person classes in either Ames, IA or Smyrna, TN. The first class (held in October) will include orientation/evaluation, program overview, workout drills and a classroom session on goal setting. The second class (held in February) will include a progress evaluation, target work, in-game situations and a classroom session on pitcher/catcher communication, controlling hitters and dealing with adversity. 2. All pitchers in this program will receive 2 Individual Dartfish Voice Over video analysis DVDs. The first analysis will be done in January and the second will be done in April. Pitchers in the program will send a video clip to me during each of these months and I will use that clip to do the analysis. More specific information about how to send the clip will be given at the orientation lesson. Here is an example of what the analysis looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAvNy5ZB-Ck 3. Pitchers will receive 7 monthly lessons. Two of the lessons will be the in-person classes described above. The five remaining lessons will be video clips of the drills included in the monthly workout for that month. The drills will be available to pitchers in this program via a private YouTube site. 4. Pitchers will receive 7 workout plans (1 each month) via email and are expected to do these workouts on average 3 times/week though out the 7 month program. 2014-15 Application Instructions and Guidelines BreakThrew Fastpitch On-Line Pitching Lesson Program In order to make the scheduling process more efficient and effective, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES CAREFULLY BEFORE FILLING OUT YOUR APPLICATION. All payment information on the application must be completely filled out and signed before submitting the application. Applications that are incomplete and/or filled out incorrectly will NOT be considered. All applications must be completed, along with a $100 deposit, and received by October 3, 2014. Every attempt will be made to accommodate all pitchers with applications received by this deadline. Applications received after October 3, 2014 will be accepted ONLY if there are spots still available! Make checks payable to: BreakThrew Fastpitch and return your application and deposit to: 67497 180th Street, Nevada, IA 50201. All pitchers will need to bring their own catchers to the in-person classes. Your team catchers are the best option for this and STRONGLY recommended, however, catchers can be parents or teammates if necessary. Any non-adult catcher MUST bring a mask to wear and must sign a release form. All pitchers must have the following equipment to bring to each class: 1. A 3-ring binder (the 1” or 1.5” presentation binders with a clear pocket on the front and back covers are recommended). This will be used as a practice log. 2. An indoor softball (This will be included in your equipment bag this year. Make sure to select the correct size ball on the application). 3. Spin Right Spinner. Spin Right Spinners can be purchased on-line at www.clubk.com. A few retail stores carry the Spin-Right Spinners but it is not a common item and may be hard to find in some areas. I will have a few with me at the first lesson that you can purchase if you are unable to get one before then. REMEMBER: - RETURN your application no later than October 3, 2014. - INCLUDE: $100.00 deposit (checks or money orders payable to BreakThrew Fastpitch). - SEND TO: BreakThrew Fastpitch, 67497 180th Street, Nevada, IA 50201. If you have questions contact: myndie@breakthrewfastpitch.com or 615-642-4274. Date _______________ Deposit_____________ Method_____________ Office use only!! 2014-2015 On-Line Pitching Lesson Application First Name_______________ Middle ________________ Last___________________ Birthdate ________________ Grade________ Age______ Address_______________________________________________________ City___________________ State____________ Zip__________ Home Phone _________________ Cell__________________ Is it OK to text to your cell phone? _______ T-shirt size: YM YL AS AM AL AXL E-mail ____________________________________(IMPORTANT! This is how you will receive all correspondence including workouts!) School Name __________________ Parent’s names _____________________________What size indoor ball do you need? 11”_____ 12”_____ How did you find out about the BreakThrew Fastpitch On-Line Lesson program? ________________________________________________________ In-Person Class Date and Times: Please select which location/time slot (based on your age) you will be attending: 3T’s All-Star Sports Academy (57044 241st Street) – Ames, IA: In-Person Lesson Dates: Thursday, 10/16/14 AND Tuesday, 2/17/15 12 years and younger: 4:00-7:00pm _____ 13 years and older: 7:00-10:00pm _____ Stewart’s Creek High School (301 Red Hawk Pkwy) – Smyrna, TN: In-Person Lesson Dates: Saturday, 10/18/14 AND Saturday, 2/28/15 12 years and younger: 9:00-12:00pm _____ 13 years and older: 12:00-3:00pm _____ Student’s Name___________________________________________________________ Age___________ Please select which payment method you prefer: Full Amount – Cash, Money Order, Check or Credit/Debit Card Recurring Major Credit/Debit Card Payment (5 months) There will be a $35 charge for any returned check or returned monthly payment. Please make sure to notify me of new credit card expiration dates if necessary during the year. 2014-15 Pitching Lesson Costs Lesson program cost $400 Less Deposit Paid ($100 needs to be sent with the application) Total Balance Due - ______ ______ Add processing fee if doing monthly payments + $ 25 Total Balance Due ______ Total Balance divided by 5 payments ______ TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT ______ Payment Information: Credit Card Clients: MasterCard Visa Credit Card Number:____________________________ 3-digit code:_____ Exp. Date__________ Name on Card:___________________________ I do hereby authorize Myndie Berka/BreakThrew Fastpitch (BTF) to initiate entries of $__________per month against my credit/debit card as shown above. I further understand and do hereby authorize that this payment/account withdrawal will take place for a minimum of 5 consecutive months unless notice is given within 30 days of the 1st training session of my intent to withdraw my child from lessons with Myndie Berka/BTF. If no notice is given within this 30 day window, I realize payments will continue to be drawn against my credit card or bank account for the full 5 months. Payments will be withdrawn on the 15th of each month starting in November and ending in March. I do hereby authorize Myndie Berka/BreakThrew Fastpitch to initiate a one-time entry of $___________ against my bank or credit card as shown above to cover the entire 5 month cost owed for my child’s participation. ___________________________________________________ Cardholder Signature ______________________ Date
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