SCIENCE Please check the Google Calendar at for updates.


SCIENCE Please check the Google Calendar at for updates.
Please check the Google Calendar at http://www.cgc. for updates.
MONDAY, October 20
4:30–5:30 p.m. – Murie Auditorium, 104 Murie Building
One Health / Biomedical seminar series, sponsored by
the Department of Veterinary Medicine
Steller sea lions and their prey as sentinels of
environmental contaminants in the Aleutian Islands
Lorrie Rea, Institute of Northern Engineering
See for information
Contact: (474-1928)
TUESDAY, October 21
10–11 a.m. – Globe Room, 215 Elvey Building (GI)
The Geographic Information Network of Alaska
Tom Heinrichs, GINA director, Geophysical Institute
Learn more about GINA's capabilities, current projects
and their interest in collaborating with UAF researchers
Contact: Tom Heinrichs,
Noon–2 p.m. – Globe Room, 215 Elvey Building (GI)
University of Alaska North by 2020 Forum / Northern
Studies / International Arctic Research Center brown
bag seminar & discussion
Russia's science interests and Arctic policy
Alexander Sergunin, St. Petersburg State University, St.
Petersburg, Russia
After the talk there will be opportunities for further
discussion and brief contributions by IARC researchers
Vladimir Alexeev and Igor Polyakov on US–Russian
collaborative Arctic research and education activities
Information: Hajo Eicken,
4–5 p.m. – 201 Reichardt Building
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Seminar
Networking and mentoring: Keys to success in science
Donna Dean, independent consultant
This talk is sponsored by the Alaska Local Section of
the American Chemistry Society
Information:; Bill Howard,
WEDNESDAY, October 22
[No SFOS Climate Change Seminar this week]
3:30–4:30 p.m. – Vera Alexander Learning Center (201 O'Neill)
Institute of Marine Science Seminar
Title & speaker TBD
October 20, 2014
Volume 20, Number 7
5:30–6:30 p.m. – Schaible Auditorium, Bunnell Building
UAF Research Showcase: Introduction to Research and
Creative Scholarship at UAF
Wood ash to glass: The history, the science and the
Jim Brashear, Art Department
This series is sponsored by the Undergraduate Research
& Scholarly Activity (URSA) office. Presentations are
intended for a general audience and all are welcome.
Contact: Elizabeth Belknap, elizabeth.belknap@alaska.
edu (474-8722)
THURSDAY, October 23
9–10 a.m. – Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building (GI)
Department of Biology & Wildlife MS defense
Effects of permafrost thaw on nitrogen availability and
plant–soil interaction in a boreal Alaska lowland
Rebecca Finger, MS candidate
Information: Rebecca Finger,
10–11 a.m. – webinar
Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy
(ACCAP) Climate Webinar Series
Extreme weather events on the Last Frontier:
Meteorological analyses and societal impacts
Lauren Zuromski, Hollings Scholar; Rick Thoman,
National Weather Service; John Walsh, UAF
Registration is strongly encouraged.
Contact: Tina Buxbaum,
4–5 p.m. – Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building (GI)
International Arctic Research Center Seminar
Evidence of recent warming and thawing of
permafrost in the Arctic and sub-Arctic
Vladimir Romanovsky, Geophysical Institute
Information: or Simon Filhol, svfilhol@
2015 Global Change student grant competition
Guidelines for CGC's 2015 Global Change Student Research Grant competition are available for download at Proposal submission deadline is February 6, 2015. An INFORMATIONAL WORKSHOP
on the competition will be held Monday, November 10
at 5:15 p.m. in the Globe Room of the Elvey Building
(GI). See for a flier with more
UAF Weekly Science Calendar - October 20–24, 2014, page 2 of 2
FRIDAY, October 24
SaturDAY, October 25
Noon–1 p.m. – webinar*
Co-sponsored by the National Weather Service and
the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy
October 2014 National Weather Service Alaska
climate forecast briefing
Rick Thoman, National Weather Service
For online access register at http://accap.adobeconnect.
*or attend in person at the National Weather Service
Conference Room, 351 Akasofu Bldg (IARC)
Contact: Tina Buxbaum,
8 a.m.–1:30 p.m. – Murie Building
Hosted by the College of Natural Science &
Mathematics (full list of sponsors and supporters is
available at the URL below)
3rd annual Alaska Interior Medical Education Summit (AIMES)
Explore a wide variety of health careers. Includes panel
discussions with practitioners & medical students,
small group discussions and hands-on activities.
This event is free and open to all, but preregistration is
Contact: Carolyn Chapin,
3–4 p.m. – Murie Auditorium, 104 Murie Building
Life Sciences Seminar Series, sponsored by the
Institute of Arctic Biology and the Department of
Biology & Wildlife
From cafeterias to communities: A systems approach
to childhood obesity prevention
Andrea Bersamin, Center for Alaska Native Health
Research, Institute of Arctic Biology
Information: or Marie Thoms, (474-7412)
3:30–5:10 p.m. – 201 Reichardt Building
Department of Geosciences Seminar
"Runoff projections for the Upper Susitna Watershed:
Impacts of the changing climate, glaciers, and
Andy Bliss, Geophysical Institute
Contact: Carrie Green, (474-6892)
3:30–5 p.m. – 531 Duckering Building
Water and Environmental Research Center Seminar
Title & speaker TBA
Information: or Bill Schnabel, (474-7789)
[No SFOS Fisheries Division Seminar this week]
Alaska Summer Research Academy 2015
October 31, 2014 is the deadline to submit module
proposals for the summer 2015 Alaska Summer Research
Academy (ASRA). ASRA is a two-week summer academy for students in grades 6–12. Students intensively
explore a single subject (module) for two weeks under
the guidance of two instructors. Modules are hands-on,
and the idea is to make STEM fun and exciting, while
still offering high-quality research experiences. ASRA
instructors are typically experts in STEM fields from the
university, the community, or from K–12 schools.
Details are in the RFP, which can be found at www.cgc. attached to the 10/31/14 deadline
Contact: Laura Conner,
3:45 p.m. – Globe Room, 215 Elvey Building (GI)
Department of Physics Journal Club
Check or
call 474-7339 to see if there's a presentation scheduled
for this week and to confirm the location.
A PDF of this calendar is available for viewing or downloading
at A Google Calendar at
the same URL provides additional information. To be included
in the calendar, submit details by noon on Wednesday the week
before your event to, by fax to 474-6722, or call
474-5818. This calendar will announce any lecture, seminar, workshop, thesis defense or other campus event with a science focus.
Sponsored by the Center for Global Change and Arctic System Research
as a service to the UAF community.
UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.