Leadership Calendar Announcements Pine Ridge Kids Needs You!
Leadership Calendar Announcements Pine Ridge Kids Needs You!
Leadership Elders: Chair Eldon Unruh Ben Wiebe Grant Churchill Len Dacombe Arnie Neufeld Chris Jansen Pastor Lorne Pearson Leadership Team: Chair/Men’s/Body Life Missions Outreach Building & Property Children’s Ministry Women’s Ministry Worship Ministry Treasurer Youth Pastor Senior Pastor Administration Corey Sawatzky Mark Miller Kurtis Hadaller Sherry Palmer Jennifer Pearson Josh Fraser Wayne Schellenberg Jeff Peters Lorne Pearson Sheri Thomson Building Maintenance concerns, rentals enquiries, etc. should be directed to Sheri Thomson sheri@thechurchatpineridge.org Prayer Chain If you would like to be part of our Prayer Chain Ministry or have a prayer request contact: Pastor Lorne Pearson at (204)222 -3888 or (204) 667-7166 lorne@thechurchatpioneridge.org Nov 14th - Here at Church—7 pm Bring your own box stuffing or if you are not able we would gladly take your cash contributions and do the shopping for you. Remember collection date for our congregation is Nov 16th. Calendar Announcements Upcoming Week Tues Oct 21 The Hub 7-8 Awana 6:30—8 Thur. Oct 23 Youth 7 pm R.A.W. Fri Oct 24 Playgroup 10 am—12pm Introducing THE HUB! That’s what we’re calling Wednesday nights here at the church. The dictionary defines a hub as “a place that is the centre of activity or interest” and that’s exactly what Wednesday nights will be beginning on October 15th. There will be two primary activities going on each evening. For the young people, AWANA will be meeting from 6:30 - 8:00pm. Please go to the registration table in the fellowship area after the service for all the details. For those whose birth certificates say they are too old for AWANA we will be having studies in the sanctuary from 7:00 – 8:00pm. Our first series, being taught by Pastor Lorne, is called ‘Hearing God’. If you’ve wondered if God still speaks and if so how can you hear Him this is the course for you. This course will run October through November. Why the difference in start times you are asking? That’s because AWANA needs extra adult volunteers to hear memory verses from 6:30-7:00pm who will then be free to join the teaching class. For those who are not volunteering there will be sing -along worship videos playing in the sanctuary. Our hope is that there will be something for everyone at THE HUB. Please come and check it out for yourself on October 15th. *Two notable exceptions! The first Wednesday evening of every month will be Shelter night at THE HUB. In place of the regular ‘adult’ study, we will be gathering together to worship and pray during the same time slot. This has proved to be a most uplifting and rewarding time as we both learn how to and actively engage in praising God, giving thanks to Him and bringing our requests as a church and as individuals before Him. The second exception is a ‘one of’. Because of the municipal election on October 22 in which TCAPR is a polling station, THE HUB including AWANA is rescheduled to Tuesday, October 21st. Same time, same location. WE OUR PASTORS October is Pastor Appreciation Month. On Oct 26th, we will be providing an opportunity to give a tangible expression of appreciation to our pastors. For those interested in contributing something “from your home to theirs”, tables will be set up in the foyer. Pine Ridge Kids Needs You! We have several areas where we are looking for volunteers: Seedlings (Toddler Room) Supervisors, both adults and teens for both the 9:00 and 11:00 service. Small Group Assistants for our Saplings (Preschool) class for the 9:00 service. If you can help out in any of these areas or would like more information, please contact Sherry Palmer at 222-2699 or Diving Deeper? If you would be interested in receiving (via email) a mid-week devotional follow-up to each Sunday’s message from Pastor Lorne please indicate so by using the communication card together with your name and email address or by sending an email expressing your interest directly to lorne@thechurchatpineridge.org Do you have or do you know someone with type 1 diabetes between the ages of 15-35? Are you interested in becoming more physically active and participating in a research project? A member of our church, Meaghan Rempel, is looking for people to participate in her research project. If you would like more information please talk with her after church or email her at mrempel@mich.ca. Service Care Groups Cookie List Sunday Group Oct 19 Hanson, Hofer, Holland Lambrecht Oct 26 Lubig, Kibsey Kohut, J & C Kreviazuk Please be sensitive to the fact that we have people with life threatening allergies. Ushers’ Schedule 1st & 2nd Service R & K Smith 2nd Service C. Mensforth A & H Kibsey Meets two Sundays/month at the Funks (near the church) Coordinated by Chris & Karen Jansen. Monday Group Meets two Mondays/month at alternating homes. Coordinated by Josh Fraser & Cory Macauley. Monday Too Group \ 2nd Saturday Night Group Coordinated by Corey & Angie Sawatzky alternating Saturdays. Novello Group Hosted by Ed & Maegan Novello alternating Saturday nights. For more info or to be added to a small group, contact Chris & Karen at 661-1953 or jansenfive@shaw.ca Meets every second Monday at 7:00 p.m. at alternating homes. Coordinated by Jeff & Karen Peters. Outreach Friday Group TCAPR Playgroup One Voice Meets every second Monday Parent-supervised, drop-in at 7:30 p.m. Coordinated play time on alternating by Arnie & Lois Neufeld. Friday Too Group Meets every second Friday 6:30 p.m. Coordinated by Grant & Bev Churchill. Fri/Sat Night Group Meets every second Saturday at 7:00 p.m. Coordinated by Len & Janet Dacombe. Fridays, 10-12 here at the church. Questions can be directed to Leah Fraser (793-7603) or Karen Peters (224-9368 Next play date: Oct 24/14 Pine Ridge Quilters The Church at Pine Ridge October 19, 2014 Speaker: Pastor Lorne Pearson Saturday Night Group Meets on alternating evenings at 6pm Coordinated by Wayne & Josie Schellenberg. Contact for details. Propose meetings for 2014 Oct 20 Nov 10 Dec 01 For more info Call Peggy Kulczycki or Lorna Sinnaeve Garven Road. & Hwy 207 Website: www.thechurchatpineridge.org Senior Pastor: Lorne Pearson, 222-3888, lorne@thechurchatpineridge.org Youth Pastor: Jeff Peters, 222-2699, jeff@thechurchatpineridge.org Children’s Ministry Director: Sherry Palmer sherry@thechurchatpineridge.org Administration: Sheri Thomson sheri@thechurchatpineridge.org Find us on Face book